10 Health Benefits of Physical Fitness: Reduces The Risk of Diseases
10 Health Benefits of Physical Fitness: Reduces The Risk of Diseases
10 Health Benefits of Physical Fitness: Reduces The Risk of Diseases
There are various benefits related to being physically fit and active.
A physically fit person is active and inactivity is a major factor linked with
weight gain and obesity.(2)
Physical activity increases muscle mass, reduces fat, and controls weight.
Studies show that combining aerobic exercise with resistance training
maximizes fat loss.(3, 4)
Combining physical activity with a balanced diet help reduce fat and give a
more fit body.
Delays Aging
A physically fit body experiences aging much late than those who are unfit.
The delayed aging process leads to more positive thinking and improved self-
When the body’s antioxidant defences cannot control the free radical damage,
it leads to oxidative stress. This can damage and deteriorate the skin.
A physically fit individual is also active and has good and healthy skin.
Exercise improves the brain functions and protects memory and improves
thinking skills. It improves the flow of blood to the brain and also stimulates
the production of hormones and enhances the growth of brain.
Exercises have shown to reduce the changes in the brain that lead
to Alzheimer’s disease and schizophrenia.(9)
Physical activity strengthens the bones and the joints and reduces the risk
of arthritis and other bone diseases. The weight-bearing exercises increase
bone density and prevent bone loss as the person grow older.
Different strength training exercises put a strain on the joints which strengthen
the connective tissue, which become stronger and less prone to injury.
Exercise improves the blood supply which means better nutrition to tissues
and better removal of waste products, improving health and durability.
Improves Sleep
One of the benefits of a physically fit body is that it helps in getting a sound
sleep. It also helps improve sleep habits.
A study showed that 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity per week
improves sleep quality by 65%.(10) It also improves sleep in elderly who are
affected by sleep disorders.(11, 12)
The cooling off after exercise leads to a drop in the body temperature leading
to deeper sleep.
Exercise also produces changes in the part of the brain which regulates stress
and anxiety. It increases the brain sensitivity for the hormones which relieve
the feelings of depression.(14)
A physically fit body has prominent benefits. Living an active and healthy life
makes the overall lifestyle much better.