Before the pandemic, Enrique used to spend weekends playing basketball, going to parties, and visiting his grandparents who lived close by. He also enjoyed playing games like hide and seek as a child. Danitza used to visit relatives, tourist sites, and go shopping with her family on weekends. As a child, she liked playing games with cousins like enchanted and married. Neither Enrique nor Danitza report spending a lot of money on weekends or games as children.
Before the pandemic, Enrique used to spend weekends playing basketball, going to parties, and visiting his grandparents who lived close by. He also enjoyed playing games like hide and seek as a child. Danitza used to visit relatives, tourist sites, and go shopping with her family on weekends. As a child, she liked playing games with cousins like enchanted and married. Neither Enrique nor Danitza report spending a lot of money on weekends or games as children.
Before the pandemic, Enrique used to spend weekends playing basketball, going to parties, and visiting his grandparents who lived close by. He also enjoyed playing games like hide and seek as a child. Danitza used to visit relatives, tourist sites, and go shopping with her family on weekends. As a child, she liked playing games with cousins like enchanted and married. Neither Enrique nor Danitza report spending a lot of money on weekends or games as children.
Before the pandemic, Enrique used to spend weekends playing basketball, going to parties, and visiting his grandparents who lived close by. He also enjoyed playing games like hide and seek as a child. Danitza used to visit relatives, tourist sites, and go shopping with her family on weekends. As a child, she liked playing games with cousins like enchanted and married. Neither Enrique nor Danitza report spending a lot of money on weekends or games as children.
Before the pandemic, my On weekends I used to go out
weekends were fun, because with my family for a walk, to in the mornings I played in buy groceries for the week, my play, then I waited to go or I also used to go to a to my basketball games and recreation center, to the they always finished late, and beach or to the cemetery to in some cases I went to a place flowers for my party. relatives.
What places did you use to
ENRIQUE visit before the pandemic? DANITZA I used to visit my grandparents Before the pandemic, I used to go every day because they lived very to different places, such as my close to my house, now because of relatives' house or tourist places, I the covid I only see them once a traveled with my family every so month but we make video calls, I also went to train basketball every often on weekends by car, I went day but because of the covid I don't shopping at the mall or I also went play basketball a year ago. out to walk my dogs.
ENRIQUE What games did you use to play? DANITZA
When I was a child I played hide and seek with my friends and we When I was a child, I liked to also played with our tops, they play a lot with my cousins, were fun games and we also among the games we played played soccer, before the the most were; enchanted, pandemic I only used to play married, 7 wishes, hidden, basketball or soccer, those were kiwi, among others. the only games I did until the pandemic arrived. Did you use to spend a lot of ENRIQUE money? DANITZA I don't think I used to spend so Many times I did not use to much money, because when I spend a lot of money, because the question was to have fun went to my basketball games I without wasting so much went with my friend and we money, since as for example we divided the money, and the sometimes went to the beach, same was when I went to a but it was for a walk or maybe party, the day I left I will have and to have dinner but without spent approximately 10 soles wasting money.