Sales Midterm Review
Sales Midterm Review
Sales Midterm Review
When at the time of the execution of the instrument, the subject matter was in the possession
and control of a person other than the seller.
In a sale by installment, when the subject matter is appropriated by the buyer but title is
reserved with the seller.
When a certain date is not fixed for the buyer to take possession of the subject matter.
Rescission if the property is of inferior quality and the buyer cannot use it for the purpose it was
Demand for the delivery of the area as agreed upon.
Placing in the control of the vendee all that is expected of the vendor to deliver regardless of the
stipulations in the contract;
Placing in the control of the vendee all that he demands of the vendor regardless of the
stipulations in the contract.
None of the above.
There shall be no increase or decrease of the price, although there be a greater or
lesser area or number than that stated in the contract in case of:
Sale of real estate made for a lump sum;
Sale of chattel;
Sale of animals;
9.These are the principles when goods are delivered to a carrier, EXCEPT:
Delivery to carrier is deemed delivery to the buyer.
Goods are deemed delivered to the buyer if they are delivered to the carrier for the purpose of
Once the goods are delivered to the carrier, it is no longer the obligation of the seller to ensure
the proper packing and storing of the goods with the carrier.
It is the seller's obligation to determine if the goods that are shipped through a carrier should be
insurable or not.
All of the above.
10.These are the principles involving proof of delivery of goods, EXCEPT:
A bill of lading can be considered as an acknowledgment receipt.
An invoice is a detailed statement of the nature, quantity and cost of the thing sold.
Absent an express stipulation to the contrary, the place of delivery is the seller's place of
business or residence.
All of the above.
11.When a movable object is sold to different buyers, the ownership thereof shall
be awarded to:
The person who first dealt with the seller in good faith.
The person who registered his receipt with the Registry of Property concerned in good faith.
The person who knew of the prior sale but was able to register the sale with the Registry of
Property and was consequently issued a certificate of title.
The person who first paid the property in good faith.
The person who first registered it in good faith despite the existence of an older possessor.
The buyer in good faith in an execution sale despite the existence of a prior sale.
The buyers of the same property from one seller represent conflicting interests.
There must only be one seller of the same property but with two or more buyers of conflicting
One of the two sales of the same property to two or more buyers is void.
Actual lack of knowledge of the flaw in the title by the seller is enough to constitute a buyer in
good faith in double sales.
The rule on indefeasibility of a certificate of title, where the buyer is not required by law to look
beyond the face of the title, applies even to real estate brokers.
All of the above are false.
16.It is defined as an entry made in the books of registry, which records solemnly
and permanently the right of ownership and other real rights.
Affidavit of Adverse Claim
Certificate of Title
The bailee or previous endorsers of the document shall fulfill their respective obligations;
That the goods are merchantable or fit for the purpose that they were intended;
That the person negotiating it had mistakenly taken it from the owner and negotiated it to a
person who is not holder in due course.
That the person negotiating it, prior to negotiation, had not paid the value of the document to
the owner as promised.
All of the above.
20.The following are true in a non-negotiable document, EXCEPT:
A non-negotiable document cannot be transferred by the holder by delivery to a purchaser or
A non-negotiable document cannot be negotiated and its endorsement gives the transferee no
additional right.
The mere transfer of a non-negotiable document does not oblige the bailee to hold possession
of the goods for him according to the terms of the document.
Generally, there is no legal relationship between the assignee and the bailee until the bailee is
informed of the assignment.
All of the above are true.
21.When the seller is not the owner of the goods sold, nor does he have the
authority to do so, what is its POSSIBLE effect to the contract?
The contract is void.
A co-owner can share a specific portion of an undivided property as long as the other co-owners
give their consent.
A co-owned property but is registered in the name of only one person can sell the entire
property on the strength of the certificate of title issued in his name.
All of the above are true.
24.A seller who is not an owner of the goods, nor is authorized to sell the goods,
can still transfer title to the goods provided the following is present:
When the goods are covered by a warehouse receipt in the name of the seller.
When the real owner is estopped or lost the right to contest the sale due to his own fault.
a) Was there a constructive delivery made by Mr. A to Mr. B? Explain. (10 pts.)
Yes there is a constructive delivery made by Mr. A to Mr. B. When Mr. A issued a
gate pass/deed of sale to Mr.B to get the supplies to Mr. C, contructive delivery
was made by their agreement.
b) Assuming that the construction equipment got lost or deteriorated while in the
custody of Mr. C, who among all the parties is liable? Explain. (10 pts.) Mr. B is
liable for the lost. When the sale is at perfection
a thing is lost or destroyed, it is lost/deteriorated to the person who was the owner of it at the time ,the seller bears the
27.In January 2019, Mr. A owned an unregistered land which was the subject of a
pending application for registration. Meanwhile, he executed a deed of sale in
favor of Mr. B who took possession thereof and introduced improvements on the
land. One month later, the pending application for registration of Mr. A was
approved and the original certificate of title was issued to him. In January 2020, a
judgment was rendered against Mr. A where the same property earlier sold to Mr.
B was levied, attached and sold at an auction sale to Mr. C who was issued by the
Sheriff a certificate of sale, duly registered with the Register of Deeds.
Who has the better right as between Mr. B who first bought and took possession
of the land, or Mr. C who registered the sale with the Register of Deeds? Why?
(10 pts.)Mr. B has the better right who first bought and took possession of the
land. The Deed of Sale is a symbolic delivery of the land. In the absence of the required registration, the
law gives preferential right to the buyer who in good faith is first in possession.
The deed of sale states that A sold to B an agricultural land consisting of 4,000
square meters at P350.00 per square meter. When a relocation survey was
conducted to determine the metes and bounds of the land, it turned out that the
total land area covered by A’s title consists of 4,400 square meters.
b. What if the area turns out to be 3,600 square meters only, what may A do? (5
What if the 4,000 square meter agricultural land as agreed upon was bought
by B at a fixed amount of one million pesos without stating the price per
square meter, and the area within the boundaries of the land covered by the
title turns out to be 4,400 square meters, what should the parties do? (5 pts.)
The boundaries of the land stated in the contract determine the effects and scope of the sale, not
the area thereof. The land included within the boundaries, regardless of whether the real area
should be greater or smaller than that recited in the deed.
29.A stole a warehouse receipt over several tons of machineries from B and
negotiated it to C, who, without knowledge of A’s act, paid value therefor. When
B discovered the negotiation to C, he went to court for nullification of the
transaction between A and C. Will his prayer be granted? Why? (10 pts.)yes. B has
the right to rescind the transaction between A and C.
in a contract of sale it is essential that the seller is the owner of the property he is selling,
A void contact cannot give rise to a valid one. Art. 1422 provides that a contract which is the direct
result of a previous illegal contract is also void and inexistent.
30.Who bears the loss and deterioration or enjoys the fruits and income of the
subject matter of the sale:
a) before perfection- Owner is seller so seller bears risk of loss
d) after delivery? Explain the reasons why. It is the buyer. o Delivery extinguishes ownership visa-
vis the seller and creates a new one in favor of the buyer
(20 points)