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A Thesis (Proposal)
Submitted to
Pagadian City
In Partial Fulfillment
December 2022
Table of Contents
Title Page………………………………………………………………………………………… i
Dedication...................................................................................................................... iii
Table of Contents........................................................................................................... iv
Chapter 1........................................................................................................................ 1
Theoretical Perspective...........................................................................................2
Definition of Terms...................................................................................................6
Chapter 2........................................................................................................................ 8
Research Methods....................................................................................................... 8
Research Design.....................................................................................................8
Research Environment............................................................................................8
Research Participants..............................................................................................8
Research Instruments..............................................................................................9
Data Analysis........................................................................................................... 9
References................................................................................................................... 11
Appendix A................................................................................................................... 12
Appendix B................................................................................................................... 13
Chapter 1
or 15% of the world's population, live with some form of disability. In the Philippines
alone, Inquirer (2022) reports that 15 million out of 100 million Filipino children, youth,
and adults have disabilities. The Department of Education (2021) says that 3.3 million of
this population are in schools. This an overwhelming figure to think of. These learners
with disabilities experience barriers and challenges that hinder their full access to and
of circumstances, should have access to quality education. It is a must that every child
enshrined in our Constitution that every Filipino child should have an equal opportunity
to receive education. A right that every child should enjoy and should have access to
The Article XIV of the 1987 Philippine Constitution articulates that the state shall
promote the right of every individual to relevant, quality education regardless of sex, age,
breed, socioeconomic status, physical and mental condition, and social or ethnic group
and the BP no. 232 also known as the "Education Act of 1982 guarantees this right to
quality of access to education as well as the enjoyment of the benefits of education by all
its citizens Garcia, H., & Vargas, D. (2021). The Convention on the Rights of Persons
with Disabilities (UN 2006), which was adopted by the Philippine Congress in 2008,
placed even more emphasis on the need for impaired students to learn alongside their
disabilities have the right to a community-wide inclusive educational system and are not
President Duterte (Magsambol, 2022) and with the issuance of the Department of
Education of the Deped Order 72, s. 2009 (Department of Education 2009) or the
Inclusive Education as Strategy for Increasing Participation Rate of Children, paved the
The government made a huge overhaul of the country’s educational system under a
policy called the “K to 12” Program. It acknowledged the international framework for
educational development set forth under the concept of Education for All and the
Millennium Development Goals (Okabe,2013). One major component added was the
inclusive education. This ensures that every child, regardless of their skills or
impairments, has an equal opportunity to attend formal education (Nunez, R., & Rosales,
S. 2021) and learners with special educational needs (SEN) are welcomed into the
learning environment as full members. (De Silva, 2013). According to (Vega, 2018) the
integration of pupils with disabilities in classrooms with their regular learners has been
an integral part of the American education. This is becoming a reality as well here in the
Philippines. It is a welcome change and a very much needed response to the long battle
cry of quality access to education. But it is not without mishaps, and the question of an
embraced concept for teachers’ readiness for inclusive education has been constantly
classrooms (Bourke, R., & Mentis, M. 2014). In research conducted by Saloviita (2018),
the findings highlight teachers’ attitudes toward inclusion and the possibility of policy
essential conduit in the improvement of teachers' learning and motivation for practice.
Paju et al. (2015) says it may not adequately be enough to prepare them to properly
implement inclusion-based practices but there is hope to it. Locally, efforts are exerted to
fully prepare and equip teachers for inclusion. In a Philippine Disability Sector Research
issued CHED Memorandum Orders No. 74 to 82, series of 2017 that require all teacher
The Department of Education issued the Deped Order 23, series of 2022 and
DepEd Order No.44 series 2021 (Department of Education. 2021) in which it clearly
stipulates that Assessment is critical in clearly establishing the goals for the learning and
development areas for learners with disabilities. According to McConnell & Rahn (2016)
Assessment has always been an essential feature in providing early childhood special
mentions that Early identification and intervention are crucial to the well-being of children
with disabilities. There is a clear mandate and need to identify children who have
al. (2017), Assessment plays a crucial role in Special Education. Assessment and
identification of children with special needs prove critical in delivering primary quality
articulates the government's commitment to ensure safety and promote the rights of all
As shown in the results of the study by Sagun et al. (2020) suggests that there is
a need to take immediate action to adequately address system bottlenecks in the early
detection and identification of children with special needs for the successful
becomes the prime step in providing equal access to Education. According to Sagun K.
et al. (2020), Early Detection and Intervention (EDI) is a set of services that help
facilitate development in the crucial years of childhood, and how invaluable this serves to
eligible for special education rights and unique additional resources and services within
the general student body. According to Bryant et. al (2019) teachers must be careful of
identifying pupils with disabilities when they do not. The aim of identification process
shall be to ensure that students with academic, functional, or behavioral issues are
identified in school and receive vital support services. However, this is easier said than
done. Research from Narathakoon et al. (2020) in Thailand reported some factors that
affect the ineffectiveness of the conducted Assessment, one of which is the lack of
confidence and knowledge of teachers on Assessment, which can harm their practices.
A published paper by the Center for Integrative and Development Studies of the
University of the Philippines (UP) (2022) entitled Assessment as a tool for Inclusion,
mentions that schools and teachers where children with disabilities live the closest
lacked the training in assessing and addressing diverse needs and differentiated
instruction of these types of learners. It takes a skill on the part of teachers to administer
Assessment Tool. Woods & Griffin (2013) mentions that it takes judgment-based
transformations in foundational literacy skills for students with additional needs. A study
by Smeets & Roeleveld (2016) showed significant predictors in being identified with
Special Educations Needs. It may come from results of tests, teachers' view on pupils'
performance below expectation, less attitude to work, and being more dependent on the
teacher. According to Akua Mensah F.et al. (2016) Early Childhood Education is a
crucial element for growth and development and further disclose in the study how there
Assessment Tool (MFAT), which is the DepEd Order No. 29, s. 2018. The Policy on
one learners in regular schools who may show manifestations of possible developmental
delays or learning disability and may need education services and other services. This
Policy is geared towards identifying Learners with Special Educational Needs (LSENs)
who may need Special Education and medical/allied services and assist teachers in
The MFAT is a tool used to gather information on learners' strengths, needs, learning
styles, and other educational concerns. It is an assessment based on activity that takes
up the five domains of learning. (a) Communication, (b) Cognitive, (c) Psycho-Motor (d)
Research from Luisen and Deloy (2022) reports that one of the factors in
and its nature to the implementers. In their study, one of the findings shows that many
teacher respondents lacked information and knowledge about Assessment and how to
handle learners with special needs. It reports the need for more training to conduct
MFAT. Furthermore, the study showed that there is a need for teachers that would be
A few research studies about the study of MFAT Bernadeth and Batarao (2019)
and Luis et al. (2022) but none have dwelled on the preparation of teachers in
conducting the Assessment Tool. And so the researcher would like to explore teachers'
the mandate to utilize the MFAT, it is therefore essential to determine the teachers'
preparations for using the assessment tool, as these contribute significantly to the
Theoretical Perspective
Albert Bandura's Self-Efficacy Theory (1997) is this study's concept and idea.
Self-Efficacy refers to the confidence in a person's ability to carry out behaviors required
ability to control one's motivation, actions, and social environment (Forsyth & Carey,
2009). Self-Efficacy influences the behaviors and their environments and, in turn, is also
affected by them. In this study, the Self-Efficacy Theory supported it as the Department
has mandated the schools to conduct the Assessment in grade one pupils by all grade
one teachers. From this perspective, the researcher is interested to see the grade one
teachers' confidence level in carrying out the Assessment Tool to learners and how their
Self-Efficacy contributes to their ability to perform and utilize the MFAT. With this
theoretical framework, the study aimed to explore the efficacy of grade one teachers in
utilizing MFAT. The study would investigate if teachers were confident in carrying out
This research study is anchored upon the theory of David Kolb Experiential
Learning. Kolb's Experiential Learning Theory (Kolb, 1984) defines experiential learning
as the process wherein the knowledge is created through with the transformation of
stated that it is a continues cycle of learning process that are based on the reflection that
occurs in the experience either on before, during, and after (Kolb, 1984).
Add here your write up on relating your chosen theory with your study. How
The study will probe Grade I teachers' preparations for utilizing the MFAT. It
focuses on grade one teachers of one of the districts in Labangan as the research
participants. The study will be conducted during the school year 2022-2023.
Specifically, the study aims to answer the central question, “How do grade one
teacher describe their preparations for utilizing the Multi-factored Assessment Tool?” It
1. What preparations have the grade one teachers made to utilize the MFAT?
2. What challenges have they encountered in their preparation and utilizing the
4. Based on the findings, what action plan can be developed from the study?
This study will benefit everyone interested in assessing and identifying children
with special needs. The results of this study will be, specifically, beneficial to the
Children with Special Educational Needs (CSENs). The CSENs will benefit much
from this study. As teachers in regular Education, teachers are equipped with the skills to
identify possible early signs of developmental delays and therefore be given early
interventions and proper placement. The target beneficiaries of this effort of professional
Future researchers. This study shall provide the baseline data for future
children with special needs, particularly utilizing the Multi-Factored Assessment Tool.
Definition of Terms
strengths and weaknesses of the child by using formal and informal tools to determine
"those who require special education services and modification of school practices to
races, shapes, sizes, abilities, or disabilities, with support from school students, staff,
weaknesses of the child through the use of formal and informal tools for proper program
grade placement.
Learner with Special Educational Needs (LSENs). Children that are described as
“those who require special education services and modification of school practices to
Assessment. This is the continuous process of identifying the strengths and weaknesses
of the child with formal and informal tools for proper program grade placement.
Chapter 2
Research Methods
Research Design
and in-depth information through real life, a current limited situation, or multiple sources
2018, p. 97). A qualitative case study is a bounded system that could be a person, a
program, or an event. Next case is determined, and research questions are formulated
as a basis for setting the boundaries of the case and the data analysis. An appropriate
case. Data collection can be through observation/s recorded in field notes, interviews, or
and their collection. Data analysis for a case study is a complex process of moving back
and forth between the collected data and the intention of the study to construct meaning
(Merriam & Tisdell, 2016). Coding is a process of making notations on segments from
the data that are responsive to research questions. Open coding is the process of
highlighting keywords lifted from relevant transcripts. Contrary, axial coding is the
process of grouping open codes that seem to go together and come from interpretation
and reflection on meaning (Richards, 2015, cited in Merriam & Tisdell, 2016). Category
construction is derived from the classification system reflecting the recurring regularities
or patterns that become the categories or themes. The categories are conceptual
elements that cover units of data from the coding. These are abstractions derived from
the data, not the data themselves (Merriam & Tisdell, 2016).
The research uses the Meriam Case Study Qualitative approach design to
explore and understand the experiences of Grade one teachers in their preparation
Research Environment
The research study will be conducted in Zamboanga del Sur Division. It is one of
the Districts in Labangan consisting of nine elementary schools with GradeGrade one
teachers that will be the prime implementers of the MFAT policy to their children, making
Research Participants
The researcher will utilize nine Grade one Teacher of the nine elementary
purposive sampling in selecting the target participants. Since MFAT is a screening tool
that will be used to determine possible development lag in learners, the researcher
opted to exclude grade 1 teachers who are teaching in the Special Science Curriculum
and only those who come from the regular classes.Table 1 Research Participants
Add here your sampling technique/s employed. Present your inclusion/exclusion criteria
for your sample. If you already have the profile of your participants the better that it is
(Meriam & Tisdell, 2016). In this study, research data were collected with a semi-
structured interview technique. The researcher will be the main instrument of this study,
guided by an interview guide. An interview guide will be developed to explore the grade
one teachers’ preparation for using MFAT. The researcher will utilize an audio recording
device during the interview proper to focus on the participants’ responses and generate
a transcript after the interview. The researcher will write the observations made during
the conduct of the interview. In the field notes, the researcher will capture the non-verbal
data and nuances about the environmental context in which the study was conducted.
The behavior and activities observed provide a holistic representation of the research
problem. Finally, the researcher will prepare a checklist of the needed documents and
relevant documents and materials to substantiate the data collection even more.How
The first thing will be interview guide validation. The researcher shall seek
permission from the Department of Education office in Zamboanga del Sur Schools
Division Office through the office of the Schools Division Superintendent, the District
Supervisor of Labangan (Elementary level), and the School Principal of the undisclosed
schools in Labangan. Once Permission is granted, the researcher will send a letter of
invitation and request consent from the target research participants. Once the teachers'
consent to be included in the study, the researcher shall ask for an appointment date for
a formal interview. Before the data-gathering process, the researcher will prepare an
audio recording device, preferably a cellular phone, to record the in-depth interview.
Before the interview proper, the researcher will first discuss the rights of the target
participants. Permission to record the interview using an audio-recording device for later
transcriptions will be asked from each participant. On the day of the interview
appointment, the researcher will reiterate to the interviewees their rights as participants,
especially their right to withdraw during the interview. The researcher will start the audio
recording prior to the actual interview. Each interviewee will be allowed to express their
Data Analysis
The data from the responses of the research participants will be analyzed using
Category Construction to make sense of the data. Merriam and Tisdell (2016) mention
that the process begins with the first transcript from an interview, the first look at the field
notes, and the first take on the documents. It is followed by making notations next to the
collected data through coding (from open coding to analytical coding). Furthermore,
finally, the analysis moves from the complex coding process to category construction,
conceptually congruent. Through this case study design, the researcher can provide a
gathering their data, analysing it, and disseminating the findings. The following ethical
shared experiences. The researchers also did not reveal the identity of the research
BPED students was voluntary. They laid out the conditions for participating in their
research in the informed consent. Once the research participants gave their support, the