8sexual View
8sexual View
8sexual View
Discusses the risk factors for sexual behaviours such as early pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases
Early pregnancy and STIs among youth are major problems in the Philippines (Go -Monilla, 2018).
- The physical desire, erotic tendencies, sexual desires, and the motive of sexual life.
- Energy for preserving life and others. These drives also include such things as thirst, hunger, and pain
Human instinct continuously seeks the pleasure of the flesh which can be satisfied through sex.
Erogenous zones:
- Sensitive areas of the body from which instinctual satisfactions can be obtained
- Male:
1. Mouth 5. Nipples
2. Lips 6. Scrotum
3. Neck 7. Uranium
4. Ears 8. Penis
- Female:
1. Mouth 5. Breast
2. Lips 6. Cervix
3. Neck 7. Vagina
4. Ears 8. Clitoris
- According to Monica:
1. Ears 5. Butt
3. Neck 7. Vagina
4. Breast
- Sometimes, when one is dominated by passion, one tends to do stupid and foolish acts
Attachment is the desire to connect with another person intimately. Also called affectionate and
companionate love
Passion: Drives that lead to romance, physical attraction, and sexual consummation
Person’s sexual identity anchored on what gender that they are attracted to.
Transgender: gender identity that differs from their sex assigned at birth.
- Some transgender people who desire medical assistance to transition from one sex to another
identify as transsexual.
- Female to male
- Male to female
- Crossdressing
Cisgender: Someone whose gender identity matches the sex they were assigned at birth.
- Guarantees universal access to methods of contraception, fertility control, sexual education, and
maternal care.
- Aims to keep couples and women to be well-informed about available family planning methods that
they can freely use depending on their needs and beliefs.
- Aims to promote awareness among adolescents and youth on sexuality and reproductive health
through proper sex education
- Transmitted through unprotected sex, contaminated, needle exchange, blood transfusion, and
during pregnancy
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a chronic, potentially life - threatening condition caused by
- This helps protect CD4 cells, keeping the immune system strong enough to take measures against
Bacterial infection that causes sores or ulcers in the genitals. Highly contagious yet curable.
Symptoms usually occur within four days to ten days from exposure
Chancroid sores usually appear in the head of penis and on labia majora
Treatment: antibiotics
May even be transmitted with contaminated clothes, beddings and other items
People with pubic lice often experience itching in their genital region or anus about five days after the initial
- low-grade fever
- Irritability
- lack of energy
Caused by bacteria
Causes: unprotected sex, unprotected oral sex, touching genitals, or during anal sex
- During the treatment time, it’s important not to have sex. It’s still possible to transmit and contract
chlamydia if exposed again, even if you’ve treated a previous infection.
Caused by bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae (N. gonorrhoeae)
- Male: secretion of yellowish-white fluid from the penis and painful urination
You may get it from intercourse, anal sex, oral sex, or sharing sex toys with an infected person.
Intrauterine device (IUD): small device of polyethylene plastic or thin copper wire inserted into the uterus
Vasectomy: vas deferens (tube through which sperms are transported) of males is tied off or cauterized.
Withdrawal method: withdraws the penis out of the vagina before orgasm