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इंटरनेट मानक

Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information

Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities,
in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

“जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न' 5 तरफ”

Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru
“The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New”

IS 8069 (1989): High density polyethylene (HDPE) woven

sacks for packing pesticides [TXD 23: Textile Materials
made from Polyolefins]

“!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण”

Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
“Invent a New India Using Knowledge”

“!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह”


“Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”
IS 8069 : 1989
[ Amelgematin IS 8088
(Parts182 P: 18811

( Reaffirmed 2002 )
Indian Standard
( Second Revision )

Reprint DECEMBER 1992

UDC 621.798.151[678.742.2]:632.95

@ BIS 1990
NEW DELHI 110002

February 1990 Price Groap 2

Textile Materials Made from Polyolefins ( Excluding Cordage ) Sectional Committee, TDC 47

This Indian Standard ( Second Revision ) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards on
12 September 1989. after the draft finalized by the Textile Materials Made from PolyoleEns ( Excluding
Cordage ) Sectional Committee had been approved by the Textile Divsion Council.
The sacks covered in the standard are based on present manufacturing practices. For any other
construction, extensive field trials are necessary for arriving at a suitable fabric construction.
Similarly, in case of thickness of loose liner, if required, extensive field trials are necessary in arriving
at specific values.
This standard was fir$t published in 1971. Thereafter, based on extensive trials and the requirements
of packing of pesticides as required by the Central Insecticides Board, Directorate of Plant Protection
and Quarantine, Faridabad, the standard was revised in 1981 specifying requirements of sacks and
bags separately in two parts.
The present revision has been made in the light of the experinence gained in the implementation of the
standards since 1981, and it incorporates the following major changes:
a) Opportunity has been taken to amalgamate both the parts with a view to evolve one com-
prehensive standard covering both the woven bags for packing 5 kg and 10 kg pesticides and
woven sacks for packing 25 kg and 50 kg pesticides;
b) HDPE woven sacks made out of circular looms have been covered;
c) Type 1 sacks have been specified for packing 25 kg and 50 kg pesticides and Type 2 sacks for
packing 5 kg and 10 kg pesticides;
d) The requirements for liner have been modified; and
e) Fabric construction has been added for tubular woven sacks.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the
final value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off
in accordance with IS 2 : 1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values ( revised ).’ The number of
significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified valu:
in this standard.
Indian Standard
( Second Revision )
1 SCOPE 3.2 Sacks
1.1 This standard prescribes the requirements of The sacks may be produced from material woven
two types of HDPE woven sacks for packing as a tube on a circular loom and cut to the
pesticides. Type 1 is suitable for packing 25 kg required length or converted from woven fabric
and 50 kg pesticides and Type 2 is suitable for produced on a flat bed loom.
packing 5 kg and 10 kg pesticides.
3.2.1 The constructional particulars of fabric
2 REFERENCES suitable for conversion into sacks shall be as
given below:
2.1 The following Indian Standards are necessary
adjuncts to this standard: a) For L-stitched woven sacks ( on flat bed
loom )
IS No. Title Ends/cm, Min = 5’5 ( with warp along
width of sacks )
IS 1969 : 1985 Method for determination Picks/cm, &fin = 5’5
of breaking load and Mass, g/ma, Min = 98
elongation of woven textile
fabrics ( second revision ) W For tubular m sa& (on circular
loom )
Is 2508 : 1984 Specification for low density
polyethylene films ( second Ends/cm, Min = 4
revision ) Picks/cm Min = 4
IS 6192 : 1984 Specification for monoaxi- Mass, g/ma, Min = 88
ally oriented high density
3.3 Liner
polyethylene tapes (first
revision ) The sacks shall be provided with a loose liner of
LDPE with a suitable copolymer or any other
IS 9030: 1979 Method for determination
material. The thickness of the loose liner, when
of seam strength of jute
tested in accordance to Ap2 of 1s 2508 : 1984,
fabrics including their
shall be ‘to microns f 10 percent. The width
of the loose liner shall be 10 percent more than
IS 10789 : 1983 Classification and termi- the ,dimensions of the sacks.
nology of stitch types used
3.3.1 The. liner shall be free from pin holes,
in seams
patches, tears, blisters and any other visible
defects. The plastic material used for the liner
3 MANUFACTURE shall be made from virgin material.
3.1 Fabric 3.3.2 The bottom seal of the loose liner should be
The fabric used in the manufacture of HDPE at least 25 mm from the bottom edge.
woven sacks shall be woven from HDPE tapes 3.4 Lamination
( see IS 6192 : 1984 ). The minimum widrh of
tapes used for making fabric shall be not less If required by the buyer, the fabric woven on
than 2’5 mm and the linear density of the tape flat bed loom/circular loom before manufacture
shall be minimum 88’8 tex ( 800 denier ) for into sacks may be laminated with LDPE film of
fabric woven on flat bed loom and 111 tex ( lOC0 uniform thickness with a minimum mass of
denier ) for fabric woven on circular loom. 23 g/m’ + 10 percent.

IS MI69 :‘1989

3.4.1The plastic material used for the lamination breaking strength of Type 1 and Type 2 sacks
of the sacks shall be a virgin material. shall be as given in Table 1.
35 Seam Table .l Requirements of HDPE Woven Sacks
for Packing Pesticides
In case of sacks fabricated out of the fabric woven
on flat bed loom, the side and bottom seams of ( Clause 4.1 )
the sack shall _be sewn, and in case of tubular
woven sacks seam will be only at the bottom. Sl Characteristic Re$etet;nt Method of
The stitching shall be done with two rows of No. Test
either lock stitch or chain stitch. The two rows of Type 1 Type 2
stitches should be separated from each other by
(I) (2) (3) (4) (5)
about 5 mm and the outer row of stitching should
be approximately 8 mm from the outer edge of i) Breaking strength
the sack. In case of L-stitched sacks ( woven of fabric on 5.0~
20 cm strips
on fiat bed loom ), the stitching shall be done
a) Widthwise 850 600 IS 1969 : 1985
with single fold-over seam to a depth of 25 mm, ( Ravelled strip
so that the stitches pass. through a minimum of b) Lengthwise 680 540 test method
four layers of .t.he fabric. In case of tubular only )
woven sacks (woven on circular loom ) , the ii) Seam breaking strengrh
stitching’shall be done with double’ fold over a) Side seam 390 540 IS 9030 : 1979
seam to a depth of. 25 mm, so that the stitches b) Bottom seam 310 200
pass through a minimum of six layers of the fabric.
The number of stitchesldm shall be 14 f 2. *I N = 0.102 kgf approximately.
The lock or chain stitches may be as recommend- NOTE -Side seam breaking strength is not appli-
id in IS 10789 : 1983. cable for tubular woven sacks.

3.5.1 The material used for stitching shall be 4.2 Dimensions

HDPE tape or any other thread suitable for the
purpose, compatible to the product being packed The outside dimensions shall be as agreed to+
in the sack. The HDPE tape used for stitching between the buyer and the seller subject to a
shall have at least 20 percent higher denier than tolerance of + 20 mm for both width and length.
that ‘.used -for making of the sack. The stitching - 10mm
shall be umform without any loose thread or NOTES
knot. 1. Size af the sacks depends on bulk density
of the material to be packed. However, for infor-
3.6 Month of the Sack mation suitable sizes for Type I and Type2 are
given below for guidance:
The mouth of the sack should be selvedged, Si:e ( Width x Lengfh )
Capacity Material
hemmed or heat-cut, so that the tapes do not. fray.
The mouth of the sack should be completely open. 5 kg - 280 x 380 mm
10 kg - 380 x 460 mm
3.7 Handles 25 ko low hulk density 510 x 8lOmm
high bulk density 560 x 736 mm
If required by the buyer, Type 2 sacks shall be 610 x 910 mm
50 kg low bulk density
provided wiih handles, one on .either side, so that high bulk density 560 x 910 mm
the sacks can be conveniently carried like hand
bags when filled. Each handle shall be made out 2 These dimensions ensure optimum free space of
minimum 20 percent of length when measured alone
of the same HDPE fabric as used for sacks. the surface of the fabric from mouth stitch line of
Fabric pieces measuring 100 x 300 mm shall be the sack up to the surface level of the contents.
folded to make straps of 25 x 300 mm, which
shall be stitched to the mouth of the bag. 4.3 Mass

3.8 Capacity The mass of the sack shall be as agreed to bet-

ween the buyer and the seller or as declared by
Type 1 sacks. shall have noplinal holding the manufacturer subject to the following
capacities of 25 kg and 50 kg and Type 2 sacks tolerances:
shall have nominal holding capacities of 5 kg and Tolerance
10 kg. 4 On a bale of 500 sacks f 3 percent
( excluding packing
4 REQUIREMENTS material )
4.1 The breaking strehgth -of fabric and seam b) On an individual sack EL 6 percent

43.1 The method of calculating the mass bf the co1 8’of Table 2 for breaking load rquiretmens.
sacks is given in Annex A for guidance.
6.4 Number of Tests and Criteria for Conformity
6.4. L Visual, Dimensional and Mass Requirement
5.1 Marking
Test for .the visual, dimensional and mass require-
The sacks shall. be marked with the information ments ( 3.1 to 3.7 and 4.1 ). excluding breaking
as reciuired by the buyer using suitable inks. load requirements for ascertaining the conformity!
of the lot shall be made on the sample sacks
NOTE- The common practice of marking involves selected in one or fwo stages as the case may- be
use of silk screen or stencils for printing the matter
when the number of sacks ordered is small. When ( see Table 2 ).
large number of sacks are required, the normal
accepted method is Aexo-printing. The’inks, found The samples sacks selected in the first stage
most suitable for printing ate these based on shall be exammed Sor various requirements
polyamide resins. The shade of the inks should not specified. Any sack ‘failing to’ satisfy one 0~
vary from sack to sack. more requirements shall be termed as defective.
5.2 Packing If the number of defectives in the first stage is
less than or equal to the acceptance number ( A )
500 sacks or multiples thereof shall be packed to given in .col 6 of Table 2 the lot shall be
f&m a bale; the bJe formed using a layer of accepted. If the number of defectives’is equal to
llluP’d woven fabric or hessian and suitably or greater than the rejection number ( r ) given in
%. co1 7 of Table 2 the lot shall be rejecrdd. If
it lies between ( A ) and ( r ) for the first stage, a
6 SAMPLlNG AND CRITERLA FOR second sample of size given in col 3 of Table
CONFORMlTY 2 shall be added, if this cumulative number is.less
than or equal to the acceptance number for the
second stage, the Jot shatl be accepted. If the
6.1 In any consignment all the sack of the same
construction shall be grouped together to ckjnsti- cumulative number of defectives is equal to or
greater than the corresponding rejection number,
tute a lot.
the lot shall be rejected without further testing.
6.2 The conformity of the lot to the require-
6.4.2 Breaking Load Requirements
ments of the standard shall be determined on the
basis of the test carried out on the samples Test for the breaking load requirement ( 4.1 ) for
selected from it. ascertaining the conformity of the lot shall be
made on the sample sacks selected in one or two
6.3 Unless otherwise agreed to between the buyer stages as the case may be ( see Table 2 ).
and the seller the number of bales to be selected
depends on the size of the lot and shall be in The samples selected and tested shall be
accordance with co1 I and 2 of Table 2. Also as per the procedure followed in
the number of sacks to be selected from the bale However, the acceptanes number ( A ) shall be
samples shall be in accordance with co1 4 as given in col 10 of Table 2 and the rejection
of Table 2 for visual, dimensional and mass number ( r ) shall be as given in co1 11 of
requirements and shall be in accordance with Table 2. Ir
Table 2 Sample Size and Criteria for Conformity
( C’auses 6.3, 6.4 and 6.4. I .1 )
No. of Bales No. of Bales Visual, Dimensional and Mass Strength Requirements
in the Lot tu be Sampled Requirements
--7 r-----_7 r----h-------7
Sample Cumulative A r Sample Cumulative A r
Size Sample Size Sample
( sacks ) ( sacks ) ( sacks) ( scaks )
(1) (2) 0) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)
up to 25 3 I stage 13 13 0 3 8 8 0 I
II stage 13 26 3 4 -_ - - -

26 to 50 5 11I stage
stage 20.
20 20
40 : 45 _.! s _!!-!

,Sl to 100 8 II1 stage :22 2 2b 75 :: :“6 01 ;

JO1 and above 12 I stage 3 0 3
II stage :o” 12 8 ; ;: 18 3 4

L _ _ - .I_.^..__.. .


( Clause 43.1 )

A4 CALCULATION OF MASS OF SACKS c) Mass of lamination, g = ( I + 25 mm )

( if required by the x2(w+25*mm)
A-l.1 Total mass of sacks comprises of (a) mass buyer ) x M,x lo+
of fabric; (b) stitching tape or threads, and (c) where
mass of lamination, if required by the buyer.
1 = length of sack in mm;
A-1.1.1Calculate the mass of sacks with the help
of the following formulae as the case may be: 11 = approximate length of stitching tape
or thread in mm;
a) Mass of fabric, g w = width of sack in mm;
M = mass of fabric in g/m”;
i) Mass of flat woven
fabric, g =(Z+25mm) x 2 (IV+ t = linear density of stitching tape in tex;
25 mm ) x M x 10m6 and
ii) Mass of tubular M l = mass of lamination in g/m*.
fabric, g =(l+5omm) x2wxM NOTE -For Type 2 sacks, the mass of the fabric
x 1u-a used for sack handle ( 3.7 ) requires to be added
while calculating the mass of the sack.
b) Mass of stitching tape
or thread, g = z1 x t x 10-a * Afiplicable only for flat bedloom fabric.

Standard Mark
The use of the Standard Mark is governed by the provisions of the EWuau of II&&II
Standards Act, 1986 and the Rules and Regulations made the&under. The Standard Mark on
products covered by an Indian Standard conveys the assurance that they have been produced
to comply with the requirements of that standard under a well defined system of inspection,
testing and quality control which is devised and supervised by BIS and operated by the
producer. Standard marked products are also continuously checked by Bls for conformity
to that standard as a further safeguard. Details of conditions under which a licence for the
use of the Standard Mark may be granted to manufacturers or producers may be obtained
from the Bureau of lndian Standards.
BIS is a statutory institution established under the EWrou 01 lndlcm Srandar~ Acr, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods
and attending to connected matters in the country.

81s has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in
any form without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the
course of implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade
designations. Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director ( Publications ). BIS.

Revrkion of Indian Standards

lndian Standards are reviewed periodlcdhy and revised, when necessary and amendments, u any, arc
issued from time to time. Users of Indian Standards should ascertain that they are in possession of
the latest amendments or edition. Comments on this Indian Standard may be sent to BIS giving the
following reference:
Dot : No. TDC 47 ( 2406 )

Amemhueuts laauul Slnee Publlatlom

Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected


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Reprography Unit, BIS, New Delhi, India

AN,mama No. 1 NovIIQmER 1990
IS 8069:1989 HIGE DKXSITY POL- (mPE)

(Second Revision)

[Page 2, Table 1, _co1 4, nRainet

Sl No. (ii) (a)] - Substitute '250' for '540'.

(TXD 23)

Reprography Unit, BIS, New Delhi, India

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