Murdannia Striatipetala
Murdannia Striatipetala
Murdannia Striatipetala
P. Bharath Simha Yadav, Ramesh Kandagatla, L. Paramesh, G. Ravi, Y.V.B. Charan, V. Sunitha And V.
Vasudeva Rao
© The Indian Botanical Society
Abstract Murdannia striatipetala Faden (Commelinaceae), a Monocot species with its native range from northern Sri Lanka to
southeastern India, is recorded for the first time from Telangana state. It is an extension of its ecological range from the sea coast to the
interior lands. The species is briefly described with plant images and relevant notes.
Key Words: Addition, Extended Distribution, Flora, Telangana, India
Murdannia Royle is one of the largest in closer observations. The voucher specimens
genera of the family Commelinaceae, comprising were preserved in the Herbarium of All-India
about 60 species (Govaerts and Faden 2016, Network Project on Vertebrate Pest Management
Pellegrini et al. 2016). The genus is represented by (AINPVPM), Professor Jayashankar Telangana
29 species in India, which constitutes 52% of its State Agricultural University, Rajendranagar,
global diversity (Naik and Rao 2017). Four species, Hyderabad, India.
one subspecies and one variety of Murdannia are
endemic to Peninsular India, or largely restricted to Habitat
southern peninsular India (Ahmedulla and Nayar
1987). The genus is represented by six species in The Chittapur Urban Conservation Block
Telangana state (Pullaiah 2015). is located in Amangal Division, Ibrahimpatnam
Forest Range, Rangareddy district, Telangana state.
While documenting the biodiversity of It has an area of 374 ha, covered by Dry deciduous
proposed urban parks in Telangana state ‒ a project forest and Scrub. It has small streams and wetland
funded by Telangana State Forest Department, the patches. The dominant tree species present are
authors collected interesting specimens of Strychnos nux-vomica L., Gyrocarpus americanus
Commelinaceae in flower and fruit at Chittapur Jacq., Albizia amara (Roxb.) Boivin, Diospyros
(17.176268°N, 78.764908°E), Rangareddy district, chloroxylon Roxb. and Holoptelea integrifolia
in December 2020. After a critical study and based (Roxb.) Planch. and the climbers include
on available literature (Faden 2001), the specimens Asparagus racemosus Willd. and Cocculus
were identified as Murdannia striatipetala Faden. hirsutus (L.) W.Theob. The shrubs are Grewia
The plant habitat, geographical coordinates, flavescens Juss., Helicteres isora L. and Ixora
elevation, soil type and associated species were pavetta. The dominant herbs Vicoa indica (L.) DC.,
noted. Nikon camera was used to snap pictures of and Blepharis maderaspatensis (L.) B.Heyne ex
the plant (Figure 1) and Labomed microscope aided Roth are intermixed with grasses such as
C h r y s o p o g o n f u l v u s ( S p r e n g . ) C h i o v. ,
P. Bharath Simha Yadav Eragrostiella bifaria (Vahl) Bor, Eragrostis viscosa (Retz.) Trin. and Perotis indica (L.) Kuntze. The
species associates of Murdannia striatiopetala are:
All India Network Project on Vertebrate Pest Management, Cyanotis axillaris (L.) D.Don ex Sweet, Cyperus
PJTSAU, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad ‒ 500 030,
Telangana, India scariosus R.Br., Eragrostis unioloides (Retz.) Nees
Received : 28 December 2021 Accepted : 06 January 2022 Published online : 09 July 2022
J. Indian bot. Soc. Vol. 102 (3) 2022: 267
Figure 1. Murdannia striatipetala: A- Habitat; B-Stem with leaf, b- Roots at nodes; C- Inflorescence; D- Flower dorsal
view; E- Lateral view; F-Ventral view; G- Fruits; H-Seeds
ex Steud., Lobelia alsinoides Lam., Ludwigia and current publications, Murdannia striatipetala
perennis L. and, Spermacoce ocymoides Burm.f., Faden was found not been reported from Telangana
mingled with the invasive Alternanthera ficoidea state, India, a species is known to be native to Sri
(L.) P.Beauv. and Tridax procumbens L. Lanka and Southern India (hitherto to Nellore in
Andhra Pradesh and coastal Tamil Nadu including
Results Pondicherry ) (Nandikar et al. 2011, Dhaarani et al.
2017). Therefore, it is reported for the first time
A perusal of literature on the flora of from Rangareddy district of Telangana state, an
Telangana (Pullaiah 2015, Reddy and Reddy 2016) extended distribution from the east coast to the
J. Indian bot. Soc. Vol. 102 (3) 2022: 268
Naik M C and Rao B R P 2017. A new species of Reddy K N and Reddy C S 2016 Flora of Telangana
dewflower Murdannia sanjappae (Commeliaceae) from State, India. Bishen Singh MahendraPal Singh, Dehra
Andaman Islands, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa Dun. 824 pp.
9(11) 10909 ‒10913.