Improper Waste Segregation
Improper Waste Segregation
Improper Waste Segregation
The research initiative aimed to understand the knowledge and practice of waste management of
secondary school students. The findings indicate that most respondents understand waste management
as a major environmental problem in their schools. The findings also indicate that there are poor waste
management practices by both students and school management. Findings also indicated that the
propensity for waste management practices to differ by sex, class and age of students. Significant
relationships were observed between students‘ sex, age and class and their level of awareness,
knowledge and practices of waste management. The findings from this study have great implications for
waste management practices in secondary schools in the State and the need to increase students‘
awareness of waste management issues and practices. The study has revealed the need for behavioural
and attitudinal change which is essential effective participation in waste reduction, reuse and recycling.
Therefore it is recommended that efforts should be made by government and school management to
organize seminars and workshops for students, teachers and administrators to sensitise and
consciencitise them to waste problems and their consequences on the students. When stakeholders are
made aware of their environment unfriendly practices/ behaviour and provided with strategies to
address them, they are better able to promote environment friendly practices.The introduction or
integration of waste management concepts and themes through environmental education and school
curriculum at all levels will not only improve students‘ understanding of waste management but more
likely to change their seemingly unfriendly waste management behavior and practices. Environmental
education is an important element in raising awareness and understanding of sustainability and
environmental issues within schools and in changing behaviours for a more sustainable future.
Environmental education in the school sector should provide opportunities for students and teachers to
engage in actions and behaviour that impact positively towards achieving a more sustainable school
environment. Private waste collection organisation should be employed to cart away waste from the
school company. Institutional and policy framework should be put in place.The limitation of this
research is that the results cannot be generalized for private secondary schools in State. However, it
provides insights on what a current group of secondary school students know and feel about waste
management and practices, which is valuable for curriculum development for primary, secondary and
teacher education programme. In the future, an extended study could be conducted to cover more
schools and include privately owned secondary schools in State. This study sought to establish a baseline
of descriptive information on students‘ knowledge, attitudes and practices concerning waste
management. The findings of the present study have made it abundantly clear that waste management
is a serious environmental problem.The general objective of our study is simple: for the student to know
how to properly dispose of their garbage, to find alternative ways of eliminating their garbage, and to
ensure that the student will maintain the cleanliness of the school. This study mainly focuses on how the
practices of the students at the school can deeply affect not just our nature but also their health. With
our proposed project, which is the compost pit with shredder, this will help reduce the carbon footprint
and smoke pollution present in the school. This is to guarantee that the student will put an end to
incinerating their garbage. The specific objectives of the project are to obtain the cleanliness and
orderliness of the school, to promote ecological awareness to the students and teachers in the school,
to provide the compost pit in order to solve the problem of uncollected waste, to enhance proper waste
disposal and segregation as a key to preventing the problem of where to put their waste, to promote
cooperation among students for development and improvement, and to teach the students to observe
proper waste segregation.
Improper waste disposal is one of the existing problems that the school is facing right now with difficulty
as students are the root of this problem. There have been several studies conducted throughout the
past years that deduced the importance of proper waste disposal in the school and the effects of
improper disposal of the waste on the environment and the health of the students.The most profound
Waste that pollutes the land include plastics, paper and other materials. Food and paper are
biodegradable which means they can be made to rot by bacteria. However, waste is not pleasant to look
at despite the fact that it can bio-degrade over time, as it usually smells foul and unpleasant and can
cause respiratory diseases and illness. Improper waste disposal is one of the problem has been going on
for years and many things have been done to solve this but wasn't able to fully achieve it.They say what
you do reflects what you are. Having a dirty school environment tells others don't care for our school.
The waste throw not only affects us but our planet too. Pollution is one of the effects of this
problem.Waste disposal is the removing and destroying or storing damaged, used or other unwanted
domestic, agricultural or industrial products and substances. Disposal includes burning, burial at landfill
sites or at sea, and recycling.This when a person throw some garbage in a proper or improper way. It is
also called waste management.In order to reduce waste at School Campus, recycling efforts must be
improved and organic recycling services must be provided. Additionally, students, faculty, and staff must
be properly educated on proper waste management practices. The constant production of new products
and packaging means knowledge of recyclable and compos-table materials has become a complex and
confusing topic for many people. In a society that values convenience, the current “throwaway” lifestyle
encourages a linear approach to the production and disposal of products, rather than a circular
approach that regards waste as simply another resource . students can solve these problems. Simple
acts like cleaning, recycling and planting trees are always a good start. Also, strict implementation of
RepublicAct 9003 or the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 and any other laws regarding
to waste management should be made. There is also a need to educate discipline to people. Let us help
rebuild our nation and our world. Let us save our Mother Earth, Let us use a proper waste disposal
before it is too late.
The main concern of the study is to find a solution to the problems in schools, specifically the improper
waste disposal that is most evident. This includes the study of different ways of waste disposal observed
in the school, the analysis of why the students do this, which causes the problem, and what the effects
of their lack of proper waste disposal could be to the environment and their health.
This study examined the level of awareness, knowledge and practices of secondary schools
students with regard to waste management. Few studies have captured waste management