Name:__________________________ Date:______________
Grade level: ____________ Score: __________
_____1. Anything you say in an open chat room becomes public knowledge.
_____2. whenever you visit a blog, web pages, and other sites you cannot be detected as long as you are just
_____3. The best passwords include your name, age, or birthday.
_____4. Online conversations that you have can be used as evidence to put you in jail, if you do something
_____5. No matter the circumstances: piracy is a crime.
_____6. It is okay to create a fake account of someone else, and pretend to be them.
_____7. Anything you say or type online becomes public knowledge and stays online forever… even if you
THINK you deleted it.
_____8. The best passwords include your name, age, or birthday.
_____9. I shouldn’t tell my parents or teacher if I find something online inappropriate.
_____10. Kids who are being cyber bullied are often being bullied in person too.
_____11. Cyber bullying is not as bad as bullying in real life because you usually forget about it easily.
_____12. Technology like social media sites can only be used to hurt people.
_____13. You will go to jail if you download illegal stuff from the internet.
_____14. It is okay to copy and paste information from the internet into your report then organize it.
_____15. It is okay to share what state you live in online.
_____16. Since there are over 400 students at our school, it is safe to share the name of the school online.
_____17. Is it okay to steal your neighbors Wi-Fi.
II. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Fill in the blank.
_____18. Being Ethical means:
A. Being a good person and doing the right thing C. Being very hungry
B. Being a bad person and doing the bad thing D. Acting like a potato
____19. How can you avoid getting unwanted online friends?
A. Have privacy setting high C. Avoid using public states
B. Limit who you accept as a “Friend” D. All of these are correct
____20. Is it right to have a site remember your password?
A. Yes C. Yes, if it is your private computer
B. No D. No, it can always be a a risk
____21. The informal code of positive conduct used whenever someone is connected to the internet is the
definition of:
A. Cyber security C. Cyber safety
B. Cyber ethics D. Cyber space
____22. The protection of information and computer systems and networks while connected to the internet. Is
the definition of:
A. Cyber security C. Cyber safety
B. Cyber ethics D. Cyber space
____23. Sending personal information like your mom’s credit card number or full name by emails is okay if….
A. It is to a well-known company C. It is to my family
B. It is to my school D. None of these
____24. Sending personal information like a what state you live in or your birth date by text message is okay
A. It is to a good company C. It is to your bag
B. It is to your parents D. None of these
____25. Which username tells too much about the person?
A. Joebrown2008 C. Paperbag2222
B. Goldfish23 D. Happyzebra8
____26. Jules has walked away from a computer without logging off. Trish sits down and, still logged in as
Jules, sends bad e-mail messages out to her contacts. Which rule is she violating?
A. Thou shall not use a computer to harm other people
B. Thou shall not use other people’s computer resources without authorization
C. Thou shall use a computer in ways that show consideration and respect.
D. Thou shall not use a computer to steal
____27. What should you do if you feel uncomfortable online?
A. Tell a teacher or parent
B. Use online strategies to handle the situation
C. Tell the other person to leave you alone
D. Use social media to make them stop
____28. When it is okay to share your full name online?
A. Never C. Never
B. If someone asks you
____29. What would you do it if someone you don’t know sent you an email or an instant message asking for
your address or phone number?
A. Give them a fake address C. Delete the email
B. Respond and tell them no. D. Tell an adult
____30. If someone is getting cyber bullied what should you do?
A. Tell an adult C. Walk away
B. Laugh D. Join in
____31. You can share your password with the following people:
A. Your best friend C. Your teacher or parents
B. Your neighbor D. Your mailman
____32. What should you do to create a positive digital foot print?
A. Create a username that does not reveal your identity
B. Share your full name and private information like your birth date
C. Post photos and comments about every funny thing you do
D. Lie in your profile to make yourself sound more impressive
____33. When you meet people online, what should you watch out for?
A. They are rude C. They talk about inappropriate things
B. They ask personal questions D. All of the above
____34. Why should you be careful about what you open and download on the internet?
A. It could be something inappropriate
B. It could have a virus that harms your computer
C. It could steal information from your computer
D. All of the above
____35. What do you do if you see of hear about someone getting cyberbullied?
A. Be a bystander C. Just watch
B. Go to a adult or teacher and seek help D. Be a person that’s doing it
____36. Which of these is NOT correct way to end cyberbullying?
A. Block people C. Reach out for help
B. Don’t do anything about it. D. Protect your accounts
____37. What are some good things you can do if you are being cyber bullied?
A. Become a cyber bully yourself C. Go outside and start yelling
B. Keep the information to yourself D. Tell a trusted adult (could be a teacher a parent or an adult friend)
____38. What sites can be used for cyber bullying?
A. Snapchat C. Facebook
B. Instagram D. All of answers
____39. Is cyber bullying a big problem all around the world?
____40. What percentage of teens around the world have been cyber bullied?
A. 43% C. 16 %
B. 22% D. 84%
____41. Kids who are cyber bullied are more likely too:
A. Skip school C. Have health problems
B. Get bad grades D. All of the above
____42. Which of the following is NOT a good way to handle cyber bullying ?
A. Ignore or block the person C. Get in a fight with the person at school
B. Tell your parents or a teacher D. Save the messages as evidence
____43. Which of the following text messages would most likely be an example of cyber bullying?
A. Party at tim’s house tonight! 8pm C. Don’t tell Rita about Tim’s Party!
B. I disagree.I like math! D. Wear the red sweater. A looks best!
____44. Which of the following is a factual statement about cyber bullying?
A. Cyber bullying is the biggest problem that young people face.
B. Cyber bullying should be outlawed.
C. Cyber bullies are mean people.
D. Cyber bullying can make people feel bad.
____45. Why should you never send emails, texts, or IMs when you’re angry or upset?
A. You may not have the best judgement when your emotions are running high.
B. The person you’re communicating with won’t respect you if you’re not calm.
C. It isn’t easy for people to tell your emotional state online.
D. Nobody really cares about how you feel.
____46. Mark figured out his teacher’s password to find a way to change his grades to 100’s. What is the
ethically correct thing for him to do?
A. Tell the teacher so she may change it.
B. Give the password to all the other students.
C. Use the password to all the other students
D. Keep it to himself, if someone else figures out the password it is not his problem.
____47. John figure out his teacher’s password to her email account. What is the ethically correct thing for him
to do?
A. Tell the teacher so she may change it.
B. Give the password to all the other students.
C. Use the password to change his grades.
D. Keep it to himself, if someone else figures out the password it is not his problem.
____48. Is it alright to have a site remember your password?
A. No C. Yes, if its your private computer
B. Yes D. No, it can always be a risk
____49. It is okay to do which of these:
A. Use someone else computer far harm C. Download illegal music and movies
B. Use a computer to steal D. All are bad
____50. Julie just figured out her best friend downloads illegal movies. As a friend, what should you do?
A. Tell her its a bad idea and she could get into trouble, and do not get involved.
B. Help her download illegal movies, the odds are shall that you will get caught.