Case On Privelged Communications
Case On Privelged Communications
Case On Privelged Communications
gain undue advantage from any company and so the trial court has the jurisdiction to
summon petitioner and in any case, petitioner has efficacious remedy to raise the
pleas taken herein before the trial court at the charge stage. It is next submitted that
at the summoning stage, indepth examination of the case is not required to be
undertaken. Learned Standing counsel for respondent submits that sanction for
prosecution of petitioner has been granted after satisfying that a prima facie case for
prosecution of petitioner is made out.
6. Upon hearing and on perusal of impugned order, material on record and the
relevant provisions of the Companies Act, I find that the definition of fraud provided in
the explanation to Section 447 of the Companies Act, 2013 makes it clear that the
prosecution is to relate to the companies in the first instance and also to other persons
who have in any manner connived in commission of the offence to gain undue
7. A bare perusal of Section 212 of the Companies Act, 2013 reveals that there is
no bar of limitation to proceed under Sections 212 or 447 of the Companies Act, 2013.
What is the larger conspiracy cannot be prejudged at this initial stage and is required
to be examined at trial. At the summoning stage, limited scrutiny is required to be
undertaken. Upon doing so, I find no illegality or infirmity in the impugned order. This
Court finds that the trial court has jurisdiction to proceed against petitioner, as
sanction for the prosecution has already been taken. In the considered opinion of this
Court, trial court does not lack the jurisdiction to proceed against petitioner.
8. Finding no illegality and infirmity in the impugned order, the petition and
application are accordingly dismissed, while not commenting on the merits of the
case, lest it may prejudice petitioner at trial.
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