13+ English Entrance Exam Test Paper
13+ English Entrance Exam Test Paper
13+ English Entrance Exam Test Paper
The tunnellers were dressed in woollen undervests and long pants, patched
like harlequins, bright yellow from the puddled clay. On their heads they
wore woollen caps or handkerchiefs knotted at the corners and, dancer-
like, they wore no shoes.
Tyson, already in his tunnelling clothes, was waiting for them. ‘Hurry 5
up, chaps,’ he said.
Peter and John quickly took off their outer clothing and joined the new
shift, who were waiting to go below. It was cold and they shivered as
Tyson slid under the boiler and, after much grunting and straining,
disappeared from view. Peter, following, found a hole in the floor about 10
two feet square. There was a rough ladder fixed to the side of the shaft, at
the bottom of which the flickering rays of a lamp showed Tyson’s legs as he
crawled out of sight. Presently his face appeared where his legs had been.
‘Go easy down the ladder,’ he said.
At the bottom of the shaft was a square chamber about six feet by four in 15
which a man crouched, working a crude concertina-like air pump made
from a canvas kit-bag. By his side the goon lamp cast its lurid glow across
his sweating face as he as he swung to the rhythm of the creaking pump.
The walls and ceiling of the chamber and the mouth of the tunnel which
opened from it were of solid wood, bed-boards jammed together side by 20
side; but the floor was liquid clay.
Tyson was crouching half in and half out of the tunnel. In his hands he
had two smoking lamps, one of which he passed to Peter. ‘Follow me!’ He
spoke in a whisper, as though he could be heard through twelve feet of
solid earth. 25
The tunnel, once they had left the chamber, was no longer lined with
wood. The walls and ceiling dripped with water which gathered in long
puddles on the floor and, as he wriggled after Tyson into the blackness,
Peter felt this water soak through his woollen vest and cold grip him with
its icy fingers. 30
From ‘Birdsong’ by Sebastian Faulks
Answer all of the following questions.
1. How does the author describe the men in “The Tunnel” and their
relationship with each other?
[5 marks]
2. How does the author convey a sense of mystery and tension in the
passage “The Tunnel”? You should look at the language and imagery in
the passage.
[5 marks]
3. How does the author describe the potential dangers and difficulties Jack
faces in “Birdsong” and how does he deal with them?
[5 marks]
[25 marks]