ONDC Integration Guide
ONDC Integration Guide
ONDC Integration Guide
Purpose of this Guide
How to use this Guide
Keep an eye out for the following icons or formatting:
Milestone/ Action
Network Participant Journey
Staging - Staging refers to the Sandbox environment available for potential Network Participants to
carry out their tech development and testing
Pre-Production - It is the environment where Network Participants carry out end-to-end testing
before going live on the network
Production - It is the live environment where ONDC transactions are carried out
Network Participant Journey
The following steps comprise a Network Participants Journey on ONDC:
1 2 3 4 5
Introduction Role Network Implementation Implementation
to ONDC Selection Participant Planning A. Technology Development
Profile Form B. Policy Implementation
C. Operational Readiness
D. Community Engagement
10 9 8 7 6
Step1: Introduction to ONDC | What is ONDC and how does it work?
Your ONDC journey begins with the following briefings and resources:
Business Briefing Call Technology Briefing Call Introductory Resources
In this call the team will: Provide you with an overview of: 1. ONDC Strategy Paper
1. Walk you through the 1. APIs for Integration 2. Website
basics of ONDC 2. Resources available for 3. ONDC Business Briefing
2. Provide a value proposition Integration on Github and Presentation
for entities Swaggerhub 4. ONDC Technical Briefing
3. Call Details: 3. Call Details: Presentation
Tuesday 3:00 - 4:00 PM Friday 11:00 – 12:00 PM
Meeting link Meeting link
Once you have attended the briefing calls please fill the NP Profile Form
An accurate understanding of ONDC is essential in helping you pick your role in the network
Step 2: Role Selection | What role will your organisation play on ONDC?
An entity can play various roles on ONDC, the primary roles* are:
Seller Node Buyer Node Technology Service Provider
1. Marketplace Seller Node - Buyer Node - Any entity that Any entity that enables either a
Any entity that enables third enables any buyer to search for seller node or a buyer node on
party merchants / service and buy products or services on ONDC by providing a software
providers to sell their products the ONDC network application (either stand alone or
on the ONDC Network through cloud)
2. Inventory Seller Node – Any
entity that will act as a “seller on
record” on ONDC selling from
their own inventory
Network Participants includes Seller side and Buyer side nodes, TSPs are not Network Participants.
You can use the following documents to help you determine your role on the network:
Network Participant Regulatory Requirements Taxation Obligations
Agreement for NPs for NPs
*Note – We recommend that you review the Network Agreement for legal definitions of these roles. 8
Domains | What are Domains and how do they differ from categories?
To understand ONDC and how it expands, it is important to distinguish between Domains and Categories on
the Network
Domains Categories
NP Profile Form
The NP Profile Form is crucial in helping ONDC Team understand your business profile and support
you on the next steps accordingly
Once you’ve filled the NP Profile form we will add your SPOCs to ONDC Slack Community
Step 4: Implementation Planning | We’ve filled the NP Form, what next?
Once your organization has completed the NP Profile Form, you can initiate Implementation. Here are the
relevant resources:
The ONDC Implementation Plan provides the steps for integrating with ONDC. It will act as
your primary guide document through the integration journey
Participants should:
1. Make a copy of this document and create a customized plan for your organization
2. Share the plan with team@ondc.org so that our teams can follow real time updates
Step 5: Implementation | An Overview
Once your team has completed the onboarding steps including Introductory calls and implementation
briefing, they can initiate implementation. This includes:
Phase 1: Development
The following environments have been provisioned for testing and operationalization:
1. Staging (Sandbox Environment)
2. Pre-Production
3. Production
Step 5A: Technology Development | What are the APIs for integration and
where do I find them?
Here is an overview of the APIs that need to be build to be compliant to the ONDC protocol:
Discovery Order Fulfillment
Search Select Init Confirm Update Cancel Status Track Support Rating
On_Search On_Select On_Init On_Confirm On_Update On_Cancel On_Status On_Track On_Support On_Rating
You can find all tech resources related to integration and development in the following documents:
Recordings of Community
Tech Quick-start Guide Protocol Specification
Calls with Tech Discussions
You can test your application with other participants on ONDC Staging environment, refer to Staging
Section for more information
Credits for API Figure: Beckn
Step 5A: Technology Development | What is the minimum viable product for a
successful ONDC Integration?
Participants will be required to build for a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) during their integration journey.
The MVP documents for Retail and Logistics domains are provided below:
Retail MVP
Logistics MVP
MVP Use Cases Checklist - provides use cases for testing for the MVP
Step 5A: Technology Development | Key Technology Resources available for
Policy Implementation
Step 5B: Policy Implementation | What is the ONDC Policy Framework?
ONDC Network Policy defines the framework for governance of ONDC and Network Participants>
Prior to reading the Network Policy Documents, we recommend you go over the following:
Step 5B: Policy Implementation | How do I sign the Network Agreement?
To integrate with ONDC an NP must sign the Network Agreement. The Agreement is provided below:
Refer to the following documents for instructions on how to sign the Network Agreement:
Assenting to Network Agreement will indicate agreement to all Network Policy Documents under
ONDC Network Policy.
Step 5C: Go-Live Planning | Who and what do you want to enable on ONDC?
As you begin your implementation, you need to decide what part of your e-commerce universe you want to
enable on ONDC?
Checking seller preparedness. Refer to this questionnaire we prepared for checking seller
Refer to the Operational Readiness Checklist for a detailed view on operational preparedness
Implementation Resources | Community Engagement
ONDC Team uses the following channels to communicate with early stage participants:
• You can download slack using this link • Community Calls are organised to provide
• Network Participants can use Slack to Network Participants an opportunity to
interact with one another and collaborate interact with the ONDC Team
on integration or testing • The recordings and presentations from
• Slack acts like a repository of all queries and previous calls can be found on this
questions that have been raised by various document
NPs in the past • Community Calls provide a great forum to
• The SPOCs mentioned in the NP Profile get your queries answered
form will be added to the Slack channel by Call Details – Tuesday 4.30 - 5.30 PM,
the ONDC Team Meeting Link
Step 6: Testing on Staging | What are the steps for entry to Staging Environment?
Now that you have the resources for Implementation, your team is ready to start building and testing.
What is Staging?
ONDC Team has created a sandbox environment where all early stage NPs can test
end-to-end transactions.
The process for entry to staging can be found in the following document:
An NP has to complete their technology development while on staging. This can be summarized as:
1. Test end-to-end transaction flow based on the following checklists
2. You can use the following Buyer Reference Application for testing
3. Identify fellow early stage NPs on Slack for end to end testing by making a post
Step 8: Testing on Pre-Production | How do we enter the Pre-Prod
After completion of technological development and tech compliance, you can move to Pre-Production
Environment. (Currently, an approval based on the demo is needed for entry to Pre-Prod)
What is Pre-Production?
Pre-Production is the environment where NPs test their development to receive certification to
move to ONDC Production Environment.
The process for entry to pre-production can be found in the following document:
Entry to Pre-Production
You can use the following for support on testing in Pre-Production (Please provide details for SPOCs in the
sheet provided):
Link for Buyer reference application
Step 8: Testing on Pre-Production | How does ONDC Team support NPs on
Once NPs are on Pre-Production, ONDC Team supports them in the following ways:
ONDC Tech team will share further details on issue resolution upon your entry to Pre-Production
Step 9: Final Checklist Verification | What steps does a NP have to execute on
Pre-Prod to Go-Live on Production Environment?
The following checklist provides the steps under technical, operational and regulatory compliance that must
be completed to qualify to move into Production environment. These are:
• An NP must meet all the requirements provided in the document and obtain a go-ahead from
ONDC Tech and Ops team for move to Production
• In addition to the compliances captured in the checklist an NP may also be required to go
through functional testing with the ONDC team
• The checklist provided above is evolving and ONDC may update the same as per any contingent
requirement in the future
Step 10: Go-Live on Production | How do we enter the Production Environment?
Successfully surpassing the threshold for functional testing and complying with the final checklist on
Pre-Prod will enable an NP to move to Production environment
The process for entry to Production can be found in the following document:
Entry to Production
Annexure 1
List of Documents (1)
No. Name of Document
1 ONDC Website
List of Documents (2)
No. Name of Document
11 Protocol Specification
12 Retail MVP
13 Logistics MVP
List of Documents (3)
No. Name of Document
22 Compliance
List of Documents (4)
No. Name of Document
26 NP Agreement FAQs
32 Entry to Pre-Production