Agreement of Sale Cum General Power of Attorney: (With Possession)
Agreement of Sale Cum General Power of Attorney: (With Possession)
Agreement of Sale Cum General Power of Attorney: (With Possession)
WHEREAS the above named FIRST PARTY herein is the sole and
absolute owner and peaceful possessor of the Flat No.401, on Fourth
Floor, in the building known as “STARZUP PREMIER” admeasuring
1260 Square Feet and car parking space admeasuring 120 Square Feet
on Stilt Floor, together with undivided share of land 62.89 Square
Yards, Out of 411.79 Square Yards or 344.30 Square Meters, in the
Premises bearing Municipal Nos.5-9-1013 and 5-9-1025, Situated at
Hyderguda, Hyderabad, Telangana State. Hereinafter referred to as the
WHEREAS the FIRST PARTY herein has purchased the above said
property i.e., Flat No.401, on Fourth Floor, in the building known as
“STARZUP PREMIER” admeasuring 1260 Square Feet and car parking
space admeasuring 120 Square Feet on Stilt Floor, together with
undivided share of land 62.89 Square Yards, Out of 411.79 Square
Yards or 344.30 Square Meters, in the Premises bearing Municipal
Nos.5-9-1013 and 5-9-1025, Situated at Hyderguda, Hyderabad,
Telangana State., from 1). Mr. Shakeel Bin Abid Ahmed S/o. Late Abid
Bin Ahmed 2). Mrs. Sohail Jehan W/o. Late Abid Bin Ahmed, through a
Registered SALE DEED, vide Document No.1917 of 2018, Book-I,
Dated: 13-06-2018, Registered in the office of the Joint Sub-Registrar-I,
R.O., Hyderabad.
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AND WHEREAS the FIRST PARTY herein has agreed and offered to
sell the Flat No.401, on Fourth Floor, in the building known as
“STARZUP PREMIER” admeasuring 1260 Square Feet and car parking
space admeasuring 120 Square Feet on Stilt Floor, together with
undivided share of land 62.89 Square Yards, Out of 411.79 Square
Yards or 344.30 Square Meters, in the Premises bearing Municipal
Nos.5-9-1013 and 5-9-1025, Situated at Hyderguda, Hyderabad,
Telangana State., more fully described in the schedule and plan annexed
hereto and marked in RED COLOUR. And hereinafter referred to as
‘Schedule Property/Said Property’ to the Second party, for a total sale
consideration of Rs.50,00,000/- (Rupees Fifty Lakhs Only) and the
Second Party has agreed to purchase the same for the said sale
consideration and in pursuance of the above offer and acceptance this
Agreement of Sale is executed which witnesseth as follows:-
1. The First Party agree, admit and confirm he is the sole and absolute
owner of the schedule property hereby agreed to be sold and that no
other person/s have any right, title, share, claim, interest etc; of any
nature whatsoever in and over the same.
2. The First Party agreed to sell and the Second Party agreed to
purchase the schedule property for a sale consideration of
Rs.50,00,000/- (Rupees Fifty Lakhs Only).
3. The Second Party has already paid the entire sale consideration of
Rs.50,00,000/- (Rupees Fifty Lakhs Only) to the First Party.
4. Thus the First Party has already received the entire sale consideration
and the First Party do hereby acknowledge the receipt of the said sum
and herein delivered the vacant and peaceful possession of the
schedule mentioned property to the Second Party.
4. The First Party agree and undertake to obtain all necessary and
required permissions, clearances, certificates, etc; clearance for
concluding the sale transaction and hand over the copies of the same
to the Second Party before the execution and registration of the sale
deed to enable the Second Party to verify the same.
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5. The parties agree to conclude the sale transaction as and when the
First Party informs the Second Party about the obtaining of all the
required permissions etc; as agreed in above clause.
6. The First Party agree, declare and assure the Second Party that the
schedule property agreed to be sold is free from all encumbrances,
such as Mortgage, charge, lien, attachments, security, surety etc; or
any other charge of whatsoever nature.
7. a) The First Party agree, declare and assure that he has not entered
into any agreement with any person for sale of the schedule property
and that no agreement of sale is subsisting as on this date, in respect
of the schedule property agreed to be sold.
b) The First Party agree, declare, confirms and assures the Second
Party that he has a good title, right, interest and full power to sell the
schedule property to the Second Party and that he has not done any
act whereby they are debarred or prohibited from selling the schedule
8. The First Party agrees to execute and register the sale deed/s in
favour of the Second Party or his nominee/s as and when called upon
to do so, in respect of the schedule property.
9. The parties agrees that the stamp duty and registration charges for
the due execution and registration of the sale deed/s shall be borne
by the Second Party or his nominee/s.
10.The First Party hereby agree that he has delivered the documents of
title in respect of the schedule property along with other relevant
documents to the Second Party in part performance of this agreement
of sale.
12.The First Party hereby agree that he has clear all taxes, cess, charges,
etc; leviable/payable in respect of the schedule property upto the date
of execution and registration of the sale deed and shall hand over the
receipts to the Second Party evidencing such payment/s.
13.a) The First Party hereby agree, declare and confirm that in case any
defects found or established in his title to the schedule property, the
First Party shall rectify such defects at his own cost and give valid,
perfect and marketable title to the Second Party.
b). The First Party further agree, declare and confirm that in case the
Second Party is deprived of whole or part of the schedule property, the
First Party shall indemnify, reimburse and compensate the Second
Party to the extent of the loss caused and as assessed by the Second
The First Party hereby appoint, nominate and constitute the Second
as my true and lawful General Power of Attorney for sale or otherwise to
procure and negotiate the sale of the Schedule Property and to receive
the sale consideration from the prospective purchaser/s and pass
necessary receipts.
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The First Party ratify and confirm and agree and undertake to
ratify and confirm all the acts, deeds and things done or caused to be
done by the said Attorney by virtue of these presents.
And morefully described in the Schedule and Plan annexed hereto and
marked in Red Colour.
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IN WITNESS WHEROF both the parties have put their hand and
registered this Agreement of Sale Cum GPA on the above given day,
month and year in the presence of the following witness.