Shoulder Exam Checklist
Shoulder Exam Checklist
Shoulder Exam Checklist
Bony abnormality
Muscle abnormality
Palpation: ABC’S
Acromioclavicular joint
Biceps tendon
Subacromial space
ROM/Strength: SITS
Supraspinatus/Deltoid: Abduction scapular plane
ROM: assess ROM from 0-180 and +/- painful arc
Provocative Tests:
Yergason's (resisted supination)
Speed's (resisted flexion)
Cross arm
Range of Motion
Forward flexion: Have the patient raise their arms as far as possible to the front. 0-160 degrees overhead is normal.
Abduction: 0-180 degrees overhead is normal done in the scapular plane.
External Rotation: Hold the elbow at the hip with the arm flexed to 90 degrees and rotate out. The patient should be
able to rotate at least 30 degrees.
Internal Rotation: Have the patient place one hand behind his back and reach as far superiorly as possible. Note the
spinal level and compare both sides.
Supraspinatus: empty beer can: The patient's arm should be elevated to 90 degrees in the scapular plane, with the
elbow extended, full internal rotation, and pronation of the forearm. Press firmly down on the forearms and ask the
patient to resist.
External rotators: Infraspinatus and Teres minor: Have the patient flex the elbow to 90 degrees and attempt external
rotation against resistance.
Gerber liftoff test: Subscapularis: Have the patient place one arm behind their lower back and try to push away from the
body. Inability to perform the "lift off" represents subscapularis weakness from a tear or other injury.
Drop arm test: Passively raise the patient's arm to 90 degrees of abduction and have the patient lower it slowly. If the
patient is unable to maintain this position against gravity (the arm "drops"), this indicates supraspinatus pathology.
Provocative Tests
Yergason’s test: With the patient's elbow flexed at 90 degrees, have him supinate and flex the forearm against
resistance. If this causes pain, the test is positive for biceps tendonitis or subluxation of the long head tendon.
Speed’s test: Have the patient hold his arm in 60 degrees of forward flexion with the arm supinated. Ask the patient to
attempt forward flexion of the arm against resistance while palpating the long head tendon of the biceps. If this test
elicits pain at the biceps, it is considered positive, indicating biceps tendonitis.
Hawkins test: Elevate the patient’s arm to 90 degrees in the scapular plane with the elbow flexed to 90 degrees,
passively internally rotate the arm. Pain indicates impingement syndrome or rotator cuff tendonitis.
Neer’s test: Raise the patient’s arm in forward flexion with the arm in internal rotation (thumb pointed to floor) to an
overhead position. Positive for subacromial impingement if this movement causes pain.
Cross arm test: Have the patient place his arm in 90 degrees of forward flexion, then cross the arm in horizontal
adduction in front of the body and push against the examiner. Pain at the AC with this movement is a positive test for
acromioclavicular joint pathology.
Scarf test: Have the patient place his arm in 90 degrees of forward flexion, then cross the arm in horizontal adduction
and wrap around the neck. Pain at the AC with this movement is a positive test for acromioclavicular joint pathology.