This document outlines a procedure for estimating available P2O5 in a given sample. The method is applicable to GSSP samples. It involves grinding the sample, extracting it using an ammonium citrate solution, developing color using an ammonium molybdenum vanadate reagent, and measuring absorbance on a UV spectrophotometer. The P2O5 content is then calculated using a standard calibration curve.
This document outlines a procedure for estimating available P2O5 in a given sample. The method is applicable to GSSP samples. It involves grinding the sample, extracting it using an ammonium citrate solution, developing color using an ammonium molybdenum vanadate reagent, and measuring absorbance on a UV spectrophotometer. The P2O5 content is then calculated using a standard calibration curve.
This document outlines a procedure for estimating available P2O5 in a given sample. The method is applicable to GSSP samples. It involves grinding the sample, extracting it using an ammonium citrate solution, developing color using an ammonium molybdenum vanadate reagent, and measuring absorbance on a UV spectrophotometer. The P2O5 content is then calculated using a standard calibration curve.
This document outlines a procedure for estimating available P2O5 in a given sample. The method is applicable to GSSP samples. It involves grinding the sample, extracting it using an ammonium citrate solution, developing color using an ammonium molybdenum vanadate reagent, and measuring absorbance on a UV spectrophotometer. The P2O5 content is then calculated using a standard calibration curve.
Chemist Lab In charge 6.2. Transfer the weigh sample in 500 ml volumetric flask with Ammonium citrate Solution (50 mL). Keep the flask in Water Bath Shaker for 60 Minutes at 650C with 100rpm shaking speed? Make up the Volume after 30 minutes. 6.3. Filter a sizeable quantity (at least 50 %) in beaker. 6.4. Pipette out 5 ml from solution and put it in 100 ml volumetric flask, also add 20 ml mollybdovanadate and make up the volume by demin water. Stay for 10 minutes for color developing. 6.5. Take another 100 ml volumetric flask add 20 ml mollybdovanadate and make up the volume by demin water. This is blank solution. 6.6. Power on the UV Spectrophotometer set at wave length 422 nm. 6.7. First wash the quevet with demin water and zero with blank solution. 6.8. After that take the reading of sample. 7. Calculation:
P2O5 content will be calculated using standard calibration curve.