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Chapter 10 | Engineering Epicor ERP Application User Guide - Part One

Chapter 10: Engineering

Use the Engineering module to accurately define the components, subassemblies, and operations your company uses
to manufacture parts. The components and subassemblies define the bill of material for a part; the operations define
the routing for a part. Together, the bill of material and the routing are the method of manufacturing. As your
manufacturing practices evolve, the application will continuously update the method of manufacturing to reflect these
changes. By effectively leveraging these engineering features, your company can precisely follow the manufacturing
steps required for your product line.
The part revision drives the engineering functionality. Before you can enter any bill of materials or routing information
on the part, you must create at least one revision for it. After the revision is created on the part record, you check out
this initial revision to an Engineering Change Order (ECO) Group; this record tracks the description, reason, and approvals
for the revision. You can then create the bill of materials and routing information for this revision.
You can also engineer alternate methods for each part revision. Use this feature when the revision must be manufactured
differently – for example, when it is assembled through a slightly different method at another Site. These alternate
methods then reflect the specific process used at each Site within your company.
Before you begin engineering your parts, you need to set up some key records using the Resource Group Maintenance,
Operation Maintenance, and Part Maintenance programs. After you finish defining these records, you engineer your
parts through the Engineering Workbench. Run this program to design and update the processes used for each part
manufactured by your company.


This section describes the primary records you need to create for the Engineering module. These programs are
contained within the Setup folder for this module. Only the primary records are described here. Some areas within
the next Operations section may also document setup records if they are required for a specific workflow.
You also need to set up some parameters within Company Configuration. The Engineering module has global
settings you need to define through this administration program. For more information, review the application
help for the Engineering module; the Configuration topic details the options you define in Company Configuration.
You can also review the Company Configuration chapter in the Epicor ERP Implementation Guide.

Resource Groups

You manufacture a part through the combined effort of equipment, tools, and people. You can define each of
these items within your manufacturing process using Resource Group Maintenance
A resource is a specific manufacturing asset. A resource can be a piece of equipment like a punch press or a laser
wire marking machine, a tool required to produce components, or an employee like a setter, or operator. A
resource group pulls similar equipment and employee skills together, defining a specific aspect of your
manufacturing center. Resource groups can also define equipment and skills that are placed together within a
physical location.
Menu Path: Production Management > Engineering > Setup > Resource Group
Epicor ERP Application User Guide - Part One Engineering | Chapter 10

1. Click New on the Standard toolbar.

2. In the Resource Group field, enter an identifier for the new group.

3. Enter a Description for the resource group.

4. Click the Department drop-down list to select the department that will collect information on multiple
resource groups for various reports.

5. Click the Calendar button to find and select the calendar for this group. You can also enter the calendar
ID directly. This value is the default calendar used for resources created within the group. For more information
about Production Calendars, review the Sites chapter in the Epicor ERP Implementation Guide.

6. If this resource group is a physical place within the manufacturing center, select the Location check box.
Selecting this check box causes the resource group to be defined as the destination on the shop floor where
both raw materials and partially completed product quantities are delivered. It also indicates where completed
product quantities are picked up from this resource group to be sent to the next operation, shipped to the
customer, or received to inventory.
Location resource groups also define the primary amount of manufacturing burden (overhead) placed against
a labor transaction. Because of this functionality, a resource group defined as a location controls the amount
of actual burden placed against an operation. The burden rate defined on a location resource group overrides
any burden rates used on the primary resource group selected for the job operation. When a shop employee
enters labor against a location resource group, the burden rate from this resource group is used on the labor
transaction, instead of the burden rate from the planned resource group on the job operation. You use this
feature to allocate burden costs for tooling, product fixtures, and so on in order to include them in actual
burden amounts.

7. Define the burden rates for both Production and Setup. Burden is the overhead cost, like machine operation
costs, that occur while this resource group runs.
Chapter 10 | Engineering Epicor ERP Application User Guide - Part One

8. Indicate how this rate calculates by using either the Flat or Percent method. The Flat method uses the
Costing Burden Rate as a flat hourly rate; this value is multiplied by the hours posted against a job to
determine the total burden cost. When you select the Percent method, the Costing Burden Rate is a
percentage of the shop employee’s Labor Rate and is multiplied by the hours posted against a job to determine
the total burden cost.

The Setup value defines the cost that occurs while the
resource group is readied for production. The Production
value defines the cost that occurs while the resource group
is manufacturing materials.

9. Define the labor rates for both Production and Setup. Labor is the cost of the time employees spend
working within the resource group.

10. In the Crew Sizes fields, enter how many shop employees work within this group. You can have different
crew sizes for setup and production.

11. In the Scheduling Blocks field, enter how many resources one operation needs in order to be complete.
The scheduling program divides the production time by the number of scheduling blocks you enter here.

12. The Queue Hours field defines how long materials wait before work begins on them. During scheduling,
this time is added to the estimated production hours.

13. The Move Hours field indicates how long materials wait after the last operation is complete before they
move on to the next resource group. During scheduling, this time is added to the estimated operation hours.

14. Click Save on the Standard toolbar.

Now that you have entered the main information for the resource group, you are ready to enter the group’s


You also use the Resource Group Maintenance program to create the resources that make up the resource group.
A resource is a specific manufacturing asset. A resource is a piece of equipment like a punch press or a laser wire
marking machine, a tool required to produce components, or an employee like a setter, or operator.
To define resources on the Resources > Detail sheet:
Epicor ERP Application User Guide - Part One Engineering | Chapter 10

1. Click the Down Arrow next to the New button; select New Resource.

2. The Resources > Detail sheet displays. In the Resource field, enter the unique identifier for the resource.

3. Enter a Description to identify the resource. This text displays on various reports and windows throughout
the application.

4. Optionally, select the Finite Capacity check box to indicate the resource works only during a specific number
of hours each day. Any operation linked to this resource is not scheduled over this capacity limit.

5. The default Production Calendar selected for the resource group displays in this field. Either enter or search
for and select the production calendar you need.

If you clear this check box, the global scheduling

functionality calculates this resource for infinite capacity.
This means that multiple operations can be scheduled on
this resource at the same time. For more information,
review the chapter on Scheduling.

6. If this resource is a physical place within the manufacturing center, select the Location check box. Selecting
this check box causes the resource to be defined as the physical location on the shop floor where both raw
materials and partially completed product quantities are delivered. It also indicates that complete product
quantities are picked up from this resource to be sent to the next operation, shipped to the customer, or
received to inventory.
Location resources also define the primary amount of manufacturing burden (overhead) placed against a
labor transaction. Because of this functionality, a resource defined as a location controls the amount of
actual burden placed against an operation. The burden rate defined on a location resource overrides any
burden rates used on the primary resource selected for the job operation. When a shop employee enters
Chapter 10 | Engineering Epicor ERP Application User Guide - Part One

labor against a location resource, the burden rate from this resource is used on the labor transaction, instead
of the burden rate from the planned resource on the job operation. You use this feature to allocate burden
costs for tooling, product fixtures, and so on in order to include them in actual burden amounts.

7. Click the Input Warehouse and In Bin drop-down lists to define the warehouse and bin from which this
resource pulls its material.

8. Click the Output Warehouse and Out Bin drop-down lists to define the warehouse and bin that receives
material from this resource.

9. Click the Backflush Warehouse and Backflush Bin drop-down lists to define which warehouse and bin
backflushes materials to this resource. If the In Bin does not have enough on-hand quantity, materials are
issued from this location instead.

10. The Costing Burden Rates area defines the setup and production burden rates this resource uses. To pull
in the rates from the resource group as a default, select the Use Resource Group Values check box.

11. The Costing Labor Rates area defines the setup and production labor rates this resource uses. To pull in
the rates from the resource group as a default, select the Use Resource Group Values check box.

12. Use the Scheduling section to define how operations at this resource are scheduled. If the resource uses
the same options as the resource group, select the Use Resource Group Values check box.

For details about the scheduling functionality, review the

chapter on Scheduling.

13. When you finish, click Save on the Standard toolbar.

You next must indicate the days on which work will not be performed within this resource group.

Calendar Exceptions

Use the Calendar Exceptions sheet to define specific days and hours when work does not occur within the current
group. This prevents the scheduling functionality from assigning production hours during these inactive times.
To define calendar exceptions:
Epicor ERP Application User Guide - Part One Engineering | Chapter 10

1. Click the Calendar Exceptions tab.

2. Select the date on which the hours normally worked on that date will be different. In this example, you
select April 9th.

3. Click the Calendar Exceptions button.

4. The Calendar Exception window displays. Note both the resource group and the date display on the title

5. Select or clear the check boxes to indicate the hours during which work will or will not occur on this date.

6. Click OK.
Chapter 10 | Engineering Epicor ERP Application User Guide - Part One

7. A Calendar Exception icon displays on the date you modified.


Operations define actions your shop employees perform during the manufacturing process. Operations interact
with resource groups and resources so you can precisely calculate the costs in time, burden, and labor each
operation takes to complete.
Menu Path: Production Management > Engineering > Setup > Operation
To create operations in Operations Maintenance:
Epicor ERP Application User Guide - Part One Engineering | Chapter 10

1. Click New on the Standard toolbar.

2. In the Operation field, enter an identifier for the operation.

3. Enter a Description of the operation.

4. You can select two types of operations. A Manufacturing operation is an action used during production.
A Service Call operation is an action used during field service repairs. Select the type that applies to this

5. The Text field displays standard comments that print on various reports. These comments are used when
the operation is used on a quote, job, or part method.

6. To select the resource groups or the resources used to run this operation, click the Down Arrow next to
the New button; select either New Resource Group Requirement or New Resource Requirement.
Chapter 10 | Engineering Epicor ERP Application User Guide - Part One

7. For this example, you are linking this operation to a resource group. To do this, navigate to the Scheduling
Requirements > Resource Groups sheet.

8. In the Resource Group ID field, find and select the resource group you want to add to the operation. To
do this, right-click this field. From the context menu, select Open With and then Resource Group Search.

9. Use the Resource Group Search program to find the resource group that you need to run this operation.

10. The resource group you selected displays within the Resource Group List grid. Repeat these steps to add
the resources and resource groups that run this operation.

11. Optionally, you can add a restriction on the use of certain hazardous substances that may be added by this
operation during the production process. To do this, click the Down Arrow next to the New button; select
New Restriction.
Epicor ERP Application User Guide - Part One Engineering | Chapter 10

12. The RoHS > Restrictions > Detail sheet displays.

13. Click the Restriction Type drop-down list to select the appropriate restriction type. The default description
from the selected restriction type displays.

14. Click Save.

15. Click the RoHS > Substances > Detail tab.

16. Review the substances included in the selected Restriction Type. For each substance, enter a Substance
Weight, which defines the default weight of the substance per primary part of the Unit of Measure.

17. When you finish, click Save.

When your operations are defined, you are ready to enter your part record.

Base Part Records

The base record used during the engineering process is the part. Each part record can contain multiple revisions,
so the part record can evolve as changes and innovations occur within your company. Part records define all
aspects of the part – including its unit of measures, sites, and lots.
Menu Path: Production Management > Engineering > Setup > Part
To create a new part:
Chapter 10 | Engineering Epicor ERP Application User Guide - Part One

1. Click New on the Standard toolbar.

2. In the Part field, enter a number for the part. This value is the identifier for the part throughout the

3. Enter a Description for the part. This description prints on sales orders and AR invoices.

4. Click the Type drop-down list and select Manufactured. This indicates the part is assembled by your

5. Define the UOM Class for the part. The UOM Class represents a combination of unit of measures valid for
the part and the factors used to perform conversions to the base UOM.

6. Select the Primary UOMs for Inventory, Sales, and Purchasing. These represent the units of measure in
which this item is normally sold, quoted, stocked, or purchased.

7. Now define the Sales Unit Price of the part. This price is the default price used for this part when entering
a sales order. This value is just the base price; it can be modified later by any price breaks you enter.

8. Use the drop-down list next to the Sales Unit Price field to indicate the Price Per quantity associated with
this price. You can sell at this price for every one part, every hundred parts, or every thousand parts.

9. In the Internal Price field, enter how much this part costs when this part is transferred from stock in one
plant to a job in another plant. Once again, define the Price Per value from the accompanying drop-down

10. The next fields are all optional items you can define for various project reporting and analysis functions. For
example, if your company classifies parts by product group, select a Group from this drop-down list. Do
the same for the Class, Warranty, Head/Asm Analysis, and Material Analysis drop-down lists. These
Epicor ERP Application User Guide - Part One Engineering | Chapter 10

values group together materials operations, assemblies, and headers. You then can run a project analysis
using a specific value you define here, comparing costs contained within each analysis group.

For example, you have a project with multiple jobs that

use material from multiple part classes. If you want to see
how much of the total amount came from these different
part classes, run a project analysis against these class
values to view the segregated costs.

11. If you use Reference categories to group materials for assignment of reference designators, click the
Reference Category drop-down list and select the category, for example, Resistor, LED.

12. If you use tax categories to classify your items for sales tax reporting, click the Tax Category drop-down
list and select an option.

13. When you finish, click Save on the Standard toolbar.

The part record is added to the database. You are now ready to add more details to the part record.

Define the Site

Each part is manufactured at one or more sites within your company. After you define the part’s main information,
indicate which site handles the manufacturing for this part.

Each company automatically has at least one default site. If

your Epicor application has a Multi-Site license, you can define
multiple sites for each company and then select these sites on
your part records.

1. Within Part Maintenance, click the Down Arrow next to the New button; select New Site.
Epicor ERP Application User Guide - Part One Engineering | Chapter 10

1. Click New on the Standard toolbar.

2. In the Operation field, enter an identifier for the operation.

3. Enter a Description of the operation.

4. You can select two types of operations. A Manufacturing operation is an action used during production.
A Service Call operation is an action used during field service repairs. Select the type that applies to this

5. The Text field displays standard comments that print on various reports. These comments are used when
the operation is used on a quote, job, or part method.

6. To select the resource groups or the resources used to run this operation, click the Down Arrow next to
the New button; select either New Resource Group Requirement or New Resource Requirement.
Epicor ERP Application User Guide - Part One Engineering | Chapter 10

8. Enter a Cumulative Time value. This value is the sum of the manufacturing lead time plus the material lead
time. It incorporates the lead time of the longest constrained material requirement found on any of the

9. Enter a This Level Time value. This value is the time required to build the job cost quantity of the part; it
assumes the required materials are available.

10. When you finish, click Save on the Standard toolbar.

Many other fields and sheets within the Part Maintenance

program are available for use by other functions within
the application. These fields are beyond the scope of this
chapter. To learn about all the available functions, review
the Part Maintenance topics within application help.

The part’s main site information is now defined.

Part Revision

When you finish entering the basic information on the part, you need to create at least one revision for it. You
can then open the part within the Engineering Workbench – where you define the revision’s method of
To create a part revision:

1. Click the Down Arrow next to the New button; select New Part Revision.

2. The Part > Revisions > Detail sheet displays. In the Rev field, enter the revision identifier. This value
identifies the part revision throughout the application, and it is typically labeled by a letter. For example, A
is the first revision and B is the second revision.

3. In the Effective field, enter or click the drop-down list to select the date on which this part revision becomes
the main revision for this part. The application uses this date to determine the default revision whenever a
part with revisions is selected on a job record.

4. Enter a Description for the revision.

Chapter 10 | Engineering Epicor ERP Application User Guide - Part One

5. If you have an engineering drawing for this revision, enter this file’s identifier within the Draw field.

6. If you use reference designators, select the Validate Ref Designators check box to perform validations for
this part revision. Validations include determining the number of reference designators for each material
record, and verifying that each identifier is unique.

7. The Configurable check box indicates the revision has either a configuration linked to it or the revision's
bill of materials (BOM), created through the Engineering Workbench, contains a material or subassembly
revision linked to a configuration.
For example, if a Revision is approved, the application launches a Configuration Sequence process (visible
through the System Monitor) that goes through all subassemblies/materials in the current part's BOM and
searches for configurations linked to the part's BOM. If a configuration is found, the part revision is marked
Configurable. The process continues to branch through any part BOM used as a subassembly. If the logic
finds a configuration linked to a subassembly BOM, this subassembly part is also marked as Configurable.

8. The ECO and ECO Group fields are blank. These fields populate after the part revision is checked out within
the Engineering Workbench. This program is explored later in this chapter.

9. Click the Site field drop-down list to select the site that manufactures this part revision. If you only have
one site within your company, this default site displays.

10. If the Co-Parts check box is selected, the selected part has at least one co-part associated with it.

11. Click the Concurrency field drop-down list to select either Concurrent or Sequential. The selected value
determines quantity reporting and costing.
• If sequential, the quantity requirements of the co-parts are factored in the total cost of the revision and
then split according to the labor/material cost split set up in the co-part.
• If concurrent, only the quantity requirement of the main part is considered and then divided by yield
to determine the total cost of the revision. Labor and material cost factors are used to split the costs.

12. The Rough Cut Parameter section includes the Rough Cut Code field. This functionality is described in the
chapter concerning Scheduling.

13. When you finish, click Save on the Standard toolbar.

Epicor ERP Application User Guide - Part One Engineering | Chapter 10

Alternate Methods

You may have slightly different methods you use to manufacture each part, depending upon various conditions.
If your company manufactures this part in different sites, the method of manufacturing may also vary between
these facilities. To account for these different methods, you can define alternate methods for each part revision.

In the Tree View, select the revision level. Click the Down Arrow next to the New button; select New
Alt Method.

The Alternate Methods > Detail sheet displays. Notice the Base Revision Number (in this example, B)
displays within a read-only field.

In the Alternate Method ID field, enter a value that identifies the alternate method. Typically, you enter
a number in this field. For this example, a 2 displays, which indicates this method is the second alternate
method for part revision B. The method identifier for this alternate method is now B2.

The default plant from the Revisions > Detail sheet displays in the Plant field. If this alternate method is
used in a different plant, select this option from the drop-down list.

In the Effective Date field, enter or click the drop-down list to select the date on which this alternate
method becomes the alternate method for this part within the current plant. The application uses this date
to determine the default alternate method whenever a part with revisions is entered.

If an engineering drawing was entered for the part revision, this default drawing number is displayed within
the Drawing field. If you need, you can enter a different number.

If you use reference designators, select the Validate Ref Designators check box to perform validations for
this alternate method.

When you finish, click Save on the Standard toolbar.

The part record, its revisions, and its alternate methods are now defined. You are ready to engineer and ultimately
approve this part using the Engineering Workbench.
Chapter 10 | Engineering Epicor ERP Application User Guide - Part One

Alternate Parts

Use the Alternates sheet to set up substitute and complement parts for the current part record. A list of part
substitutions is then available when you enter sales orders and purchase orders for this part.
When you select a complement part, the Epicor application adds a new detail line to the sales order or purchase
order. This detail line contains the complement part. When you use a substitute part, however, the Epicor
application substitutes the original part on the detail line with the substitute part.
To define a substitute or complement part:

1. Click the Down Arrow next to the New button; select New Part Alternative.

2. Click the Alternate Part button to find and select the part you want to use to either substitute or

3. The Description of the alternate part defaults from the selected part record.

4. Select the Alternate Type you want from this drop-down list. Available types:
• Substitute – This alternate part replaces the original part selected on the sales order or purchase order
detail line.
• Complement – This alternate part is a cross-sell part you can sell to a customer considering a purchase.
For example, if a customer purchases a keyboard, a mouse is considered a complement item. A new
detail line is added to the sales order or purchase order for this complement part.

5. If you select the Substitute option, you must select a type from the Substitute Type drop-down list. Available
• Comparable – This part is similar in fit, form, and function to the original part. Use comparable parts
when not enough inventory
• Downgrade – This part is a lower price (down-sell) you can offer to a customer. Use this part for a
bargain-minded buyer looking for a cheaper alternative to the original item.
• Upgrade – This part is a higher price (up-sell) you can offer to a customer. Use this part to provide a
better version of the same product or service the customer is considering to purchase.

6. In the Suggested Qty field, enter the quantity of the alternate required to match each base unit of measure
for the original part. Enter a numeric value in this field and then select the unit of measure from the
Chapter 10 | Engineering Epicor ERP Application User Guide - Part One

1. Click New on the Standard toolbar.

2. In the Part field, enter a number for the part. This value is the identifier for the part throughout the

3. Enter a Description for the part. This description prints on sales orders and AR invoices.

4. Click the Type drop-down list and select Manufactured. This indicates the part is assembled by your

5. Define the UOM Class for the part. The UOM Class represents a combination of unit of measures valid for
the part and the factors used to perform conversions to the base UOM.

6. Select the Primary UOMs for Inventory, Sales, and Purchasing. These represent the units of measure in
which this item is normally sold, quoted, stocked, or purchased.

7. Now define the Sales Unit Price of the part. This price is the default price used for this part when entering
a sales order. This value is just the base price; it can be modified later by any price breaks you enter.

8. Use the drop-down list next to the Sales Unit Price field to indicate the Price Per quantity associated with
this price. You can sell at this price for every one part, every hundred parts, or every thousand parts.

9. In the Internal Price field, enter how much this part costs when this part is transferred from stock in one
plant to a job in another plant. Once again, define the Price Per value from the accompanying drop-down

10. The next fields are all optional items you can define for various project reporting and analysis functions. For
example, if your company classifies parts by product group, select a Group from this drop-down list. Do
the same for the Class, Warranty, Head/Asm Analysis, and Material Analysis drop-down lists. These
Chapter 10 | Engineering Epicor ERP Application User Guide - Part One

3. Select the Restriction Type from the drop-down list. The current restriction types display as options on this
list; select the one you need.

To learn how to create restriction types for use throughout

your Epicor application, review the Part Parameters chapter
within the Epicor ERP Implementation Guide.

4. The Description for the restriction type displays.

5. Select the Override check box to indicate a weight roll-up will not be calculated for this restriction. You
then enter the restriction amount manually within the Substances sheet. Selecting this check box also causes
the Compliance Date to automatically display the current date.

6. The Compliance Date displays the date on which the roll-up process was last run. This field populates when
the Override check box is selected or when the RoHS Compliance process successfully runs.

7. The Last Roll-Up field displays the date on which the last roll-up process was run against this restriction.

8. If the current restriction can no longer be used against this part, select the Inactive check box. The roll-up
process then ignores this restriction.

9. The compliance status icon indicates the results of the RoHS Compliance process. Available options:
• Not Applicable (yellow) – No substances are selected.
• Non-Compliant (red) – One or more substances are selected, but the roll-up has either not run or has
• Compliant (green) – One or more substances are selected and the roll-up was successful.
• Exempt (yellow) – All substances are not subject to RoHS compliance

10. When you finish, click Save on the Standard toolbar.


After you define the restriction for the part, you can then specify the substances, by weight percentage, included
for the current restriction.
You must enter an exempt date for substances exempt for a specific part. After this date, the substance can be
declared as exempt or restricted again. You can also enter an exempt certificate for the substance.
To add a restricted substance to the part record:
Epicor ERP Application User Guide - Part One Engineering | Chapter 10

1. Click the Down Arrow next to the New button; select New Restriction Substance.

2. The Reporting > RoHS > Substances > Detail sheet displays.

3. Select a Substance from the drop-down list. All the substances available within your application display;
select the option you need.

To learn how to create restricted substance records for

use throughout your Epicor application, review the Part
Parameters chapter in the Epicor ERP Implementation

4. The Description for the selected substance automatically displays.

5. Enter the Substance Weight restriction and select the Unit of Measure value you need for the current
substance. This value defines the limit for which the restricted substance can be used within the current

6. Select the Exempt check box to indicate the current substance is not subject to RoHS restrictions.

7. Enter the Exempt End Date on which the current substance will no longer be subject to RoHS restrictions.
If this date is equal to or before the current system date, the substance can be exempt.

8. If you need, select the Exempt Certificate to help verify this exemption. This value is the identifier of the
document that validates the exemption.

9. To cause this substance to be ignored during the weight roll-up process, select the Override check box.

10. Continue to update or add the substances you need to this restriction type. When you finish, click Save on
the Standard toolbar.


This section describes the operations available in the Engineering module. Each operation is described as a
workflow to help guide you through the process from start to finish. These programs are primarily found within
Chapter 10 | Engineering Epicor ERP Application User Guide - Part One

the General Operations folder for this module. If a unique setup record is required to run the operation, this
record is also described in this section.

RoHS Part Compliance

If you have defined restrictions on the use of certain hazardous substances, you can use the RoHS Part Compliance
Process to run the job compliance roll-up process for the engineered parts. The process generates a log file with
the compliance status of each assembly, material, operation, and substance.
Menu Path: Production Management > Engineering > General Operations > RoHS Part Compliance Process
The RoHS Part Compliance Process window displays. You can now run the compliance for a specific restriction
type or part.
To run the job compliance:

1. Select the Processing Options method you need. The Net Change process is the default method.
You can run a Net Change, which only updates records either updated or added since the last time you
ran this process. You can also select Regenerative, which completely verifies all the current restricted
substances within your application.

2. You can also click the Filters tab to limit the information that displays.

3. Enter filters for the Restriction Type and Parts you want to use for the compliance process.

4. Click Submit on the Standard toolbar to run the compliance process.

Engineering Workbench

The Engineering Workbench is the main program you use to build and maintain a method of manufacturing for
a part. A method consists of two key components – a bill of materials (BOM) and its routing. The BOM is a list
of all the component and subassembly parts needed to produce the final part. The routing defines all the operations
and shop resources needed to produce the final part quantity.
The Engineering Workbench contains all the functionality required to engineer your parts. The next sections of
this chapter give you an overview of this program’s many functions.
Menu Path: Production Management > Engineering > General Operations > Engineering Workbench
Epicor ERP Application User Guide - Part One Engineering | Chapter 10

Create a New ECO Group

The Engineering Workbench organizes its data through Engineering Change Order (ECO) Groups. Before you
can create or edit a part revision, you must create an ECO group that maintains and tracks the part revision
To create an ECO group:

1. Click New on the Standard toolbar.

2. In the Group field, enter the new group's identifier.

3. Now, in the Description field, enter a reason for the ECO group. Use this field to indicate which part or
parts are engineered through this ECO group.

4. In the Due Date field, enter or click the drop-down to select the date by which this group’s part revisions
need to be complete.

5. Now indicate when these part revisions are available for manufacturing within the Effective Date field.
The application uses this date to determine the default revision whenever a part with revisions is entered
on a job or quote.

6. By default, the Single User check box is selected. This indicates that only one user can have this ECO group
active at a time. If this check box is clear, multiple users can access this group simultaneously.

Although multiple users can be in the same ECO group,

only one user can access a part revision at a time.

7. When you finish, click Save on the Standard toolbar.

Chapter 10 | Engineering Epicor ERP Application User Guide - Part One

The ECO group is added to your database. You are now ready to check out part revisions to this group and
develop part methods for each revision.

Check Out Parts

Before you can engineer a part revision, it must be checked out to the ECO group. To do this, you launch a
command from the Actions menu.

1. From the Actions menu, click Check Out Part.

2. The Part Revision Checkout program displays. Either directly enter the part number you want to engineer,
or click the Part button to find and select it.

3. All the part record’s revisions and alternate methods display within this program’s grid. Select the revisions
and alternate methods you want to check out to this group. For this example, part revision C and its alternate
method, C2, are selected.

4. Click OK.
A warning message displays indicating this revision and its alternate methods are checked out to this ECO
group. Click OK again.
Epicor ERP Application User Guide - Part One Engineering | Chapter 10

5. The part revision you previously created in the Part Maintenance program displays within the Engineering
Workbench. You may begin modifying this part’s method of manufacturing.

Copy Existing Methods

When you first check out a new revision, it does not have any operations and materials. A quick way to begin a
new part revision is to pull in an existing method of manufacturing from a previous revision. You can then use
this method as a base for your changes to this new revision.
To pull in an existing method of manufacturing from a previous revision:

1. From the Actions menu, select Revision > Get Details > Get from Methods/Jobs/Quotes.
Chapter 10 | Engineering Epicor ERP Application User Guide - Part One

2. The Get Details window displays. Notice the revisions for the current part display in the grid.

3. Select the revision that has the method you want to use. For this example, select revision A.

4. Click OK.

5. The method from revision A is now pulled into revision B. Its operations and materials display within the
Tree View. You are ready to make the changes you need to the existing method.
Epicor ERP Application User Guide - Part One Engineering | Chapter 10

Modify a Routing

When the operations from the previous revision are loaded into the Engineering Workbench, you can modify
them as you need.

1. In the Tree View, select the operation you need to change. The Method of Manufacturing > Operations
> Detail sheet displays, and the selected operation automatically populates the fields on this sheet.

2. The key field is the Operation drop-down list. Use this list to select the operation that runs at this point in
the routing.

3. The Opr field displays the sequence number that uniquely identifies each operation on an assembly. This
number is assigned in increments of 10. You can insert new operations (for example, 15) between other

4. The Description field displays the default description for the selected operation. You can edit this field.

5. The Labor Reporting Resource area contains the scheduling resources used for this operation’s setup and
production. The default values are the Production and Setup selected on the operation record. If you need,
you can change these values.

All the operations you define through the Operation

Maintenance program display on the Operation list. Before
you use the Engineering Workbench, you must first create
the operations you want to use through this maintenance
Chapter 10 | Engineering Epicor ERP Application User Guide - Part One

6. The Setup Per Scheduling Block area contains fields that define this operation’s setup. Enter the amount
of Hours to prepare this operation. If an additional part quantity and setup time is needed, enter these values
in the other fields.

7. In the Scheduling Factors area, you indicate what relationship this operation has with the preceding
operation. The three options are Start-To-Start, Finish-To-Start,and Finish-To-Finish. They indicate
whether this operation starts at the same time as the preceding operation, begins when the previous
operation ends, or finishes at the same time as the previous operation.

8. If you can advance a complete part quantity on the current operation to the next operation before the
operation is complete, select a Send Ahead Type from the drop-down list. You can use this functionality
when the current and previous operations have a Start-To-Start relationship. Available options:
• Hours – Any quantity manufactured after an elapsed time can be moved to the next operation.
• Pieces – A specific complete quantity can be moved ahead to the next operation.
• Percentage – When a percentage of the total quantity is complete, this quantity percentage can be
moved ahead to the next operation.

9. You then indicate the quantity that can be moved to the next operation through the Send Ahead
Offset field. Enter a number that reflects the Send Ahead Type – hours, pieces (a quantity value), or a

You define within Site Maintenance whether the Send

Ahead modifier is based on either the Setup Start Time
or the Production Start Time. Depending on what you
select, the Send Ahead calculation estimates what
production quantity can be advanced by including or
ignoring the setup time.

10. Click the Labor Entry drop-down list to define how labor is entered for this operation. The valid options
areBackflush, Quantity Only, and Time and Quantity.

11. The Qty/Parent field indicates how many times this operation must be run on one part. This value is
multiplied against the operation quantity to figure out how many times this operation runs at this point in
the routing.

12. The Prod Std (Production Standard) field defines the rate of production for this operation. The default value
from the operation record displays in this field, but you can change it if you need.

13. The Production Standard value you enter depends upon the Standard Format. You can define the Production
Standard by number of pieces, hours, minutes, or operations. These two values calculate the total estimated
production hours for this operation.

14. When you finish, click Save on the Standard toolbar.

Continue to make any changes you need to each operation within this method. This part revision’s routing is
then correctly engineered.
Epicor ERP Application User Guide - Part One Engineering | Chapter 10

New Operations

You can also use the Engineering Workbench to add new operations to the part revision’s method.

1. From the Actions menu, select Operation. Valid selections for the Operations submenu display.

2. You can add an operation step run internally by your manufacturing center, a subcontract operation step
completed by a supplier, and a scheduling resource.

You can only add multiple scheduling resources to an

operation if the Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS)
module is installed.
Chapter 10 | Engineering Epicor ERP Application User Guide - Part One

Modify Bill of Materials (BOM)

You can change the materials required to manufacture the part revision in the same way you modify a routing

1. Select the material you need to change on the Tree View. The Method of Manufacturing > Materials >
Detail sheet displays, and the selected material automatically populates the fields on this sheet.

2. The main field on this sheet is the Part field. This value is the identifier for the material required in this part
of the BOM. If you need to change this part, you can enter it directly or click the Part button to find and
select it.

3. The Description field displays the default explanation for the selected part. If you need, click the
Description button to review the Extended Description for this part.

4. The Mtl Seq (Material Sequence) field indicates at which point in the method this material is needed. You
can change this value.

5. If this material is required at a specific point within the routing, enter the specific Operation in this field.
You can enter this operation directly or click the Operation button to find and select it.

The operation you select here is used to calculate a

Material Required Date when you use this method on a
job. For more information, review the chapter on

6. Specify the Assembly Options for this part material. Available options:
• Pull as Assembly – Select this check box to indicate this material requirement should be manufactured
as it is needed. Clear the check box to indicate this material requirement should be pulled from stock.
If the check box is clear, the material is pulled into the job or quote as a material with no related
Epicor ERP Application User Guide - Part One Engineering | Chapter 10

manufacturing details. If the check box is selected, the material creates an assembly record on the job
or quote, and all material and operation manufacturing details are pulled over.
• Plan as Assembly – Select this check box to indicate this material requirement is fulfilled from stock,
but if not enough stock is available during the manufacturing lead time, it will be planned as a subassembly
by the MRP process.
• View as Assembly – This setting indicates whether all the material required to make a subcomponent
part should display in the bill of materials. If you select this check box, the material required to make this
component displays in the parent part’s bill of materials. If you clear this check box, the item’s material
will not display in this bill of materials.
• Reassign Serial Number to Assembly - Select this check box to designate if serial numbers from the
associated job material/subassembly can be reassigned as the serial number of the parent assembly (top
assembly) itself when reworked using a job. You can report time against this type of operation, if required,
and receive the same serial part back to stock, to another job, or ship directly from a job.

7. The Qty/Parent field defines the quantity of material needed to produce one part. This value is used to
calculate the quantity of material that is needed to manufacture the final part quantity on the job.

8. If you use reference designators, for example to match a schematic to a board layout, click the Reference
Designators tab.

9. To create and link reference designators to the specific material, first you enter the number of identifiers
needed in the Required Ref Designators field.

10. You can create the reference designators individually, or you can create a range of reference designators
for the number of identifiers required. To create a range, enter a Prefix and Suffix, if desired, and click
Add Range.

11. A series of individual reference designators are automatically created for that range. For each line, enter the
XYZ coordinate and Rotation information, and the Description.

In order to use reference designators, you need to create

reference designator categories. For more information,
review the Part Parameters chapter in the Epicor ERP
Implementation Guide
Chapter 10 | Engineering Epicor ERP Application User Guide - Part One

12. If you use restrictions on certain hazardous substances, you can assign or change the specific compliance
weight of each material. To assign or change a weight, click the RoHS tab.

13. Enter the Material Weight. This value defaults from the Part master for the specific material. Any material
within the weight limit is considered in compliance with your RoHS restriction policy.

14. You can also change the restriction type and substance information associated with this material. To do
this, use the fields on the Restrictions and Substances sheets.

15. When you finish, click Save on the Standard toolbar.

Continue to make any changes you need to each material within this bill of materials.

New Materials

You can also use the Engineering Workbench to add materials to the part revision’s method.

1. From the Actions menu, select Material > Add Material.


Use the co-parts functionality to define a method of manufacturing that can produce multiple parts (co-parts)
on a single job.
During some part manufacturing processes, you can produce additional parts as by-products from a primary part.
You can also produce two nearly identical parts at the same time using similar routing. An example of this is a
Epicor ERP Application User Guide - Part One Engineering | Chapter 10

left and right bracket (with different part numbers) where the only functional difference in the two parts is the
bend operation or the placement of the drilled holes. Four examples are shown below.

To use the Co-Parts functionality, you must have an Advanced

Production license.

Example 1
Part A has co-parts B and C. B and C are only built when part A is built.

Part A B C
Co-Part B, C None None
Method Yes - ABC No No
Result ABC Nothing Nothing

Example 2
Part A has co-parts B and C, but B and C could have independent demand.

Part A B C
Co-Part B, C None None
Method Yes - ABC Yes- B Yes - C
Result ABC B C

Example 3
Parts A, B and C are always produced together and could have independent demand.

Part A B C
Co-Part B, C A, C A, B
Method Yes - ABC Yes - ABC Yes - C
Result ABC B C

Example 4
Part A has B and C as co-parts but B and C have co-parts D and E, respectively.

Part A B C D E
Co-Part B, C D E B C
Method Yes - ABC Yes - BD Yes - EC Yes - DB Yes - EC
Chapter 10 | Engineering Epicor ERP Application User Guide - Part One

Co-Part Methods

In Engineering Workbench, you can establish the yield per quantity of the co-parts, their costing ratios, and
whether this revision will be used to cost the co-part. Once this data is entered in the Engineering Workbench
(on the Revision > Co-Parts sheet), it is automatically pulled into the job or quote when you select Get Details.

1. To select a new co-part for the identified primary part, click the Down Arrow next to the New button;
select New > New Co Part.

2. Click the Part/Rev button to find and select the part number and revision for the co-part.

3. Use the Yield Per field, enter how many of the specified co-part will be made when one quantity of the
primary part is manufactured.

4. If you need, you can further define the costs by entering values in the Material Cost Factor and Labor
Cost Factor fields. For example, increase a part’s Material Cost Factor if the part uses more material than
the primary part.

5. You can select the Prevent Suggestions check box to prevent Material Requirements Planning (MRP) from
creating job suggestions for the co-part. Refer to the Material Requirements Planning (MRP) Technical
Reference Guide for more information on the Primary Suggestions modifier.

6. Select the Primary Costing check box to indicate this revision is used to cost the co-part. The roll-up
calculation then uses the co-part method and applies the costing factors to the total cost of the method
and divides by the Yield Per value. If this check box is clear, the part method is used to determine the job

Display Other Revisions/Alternate Methods

To modify other part revisions and alternate methods within this ECO group, you must navigate to them using
the Revision > List sheet. As described previously in the Base Part Records section, alternate parts are substitute
and complement parts for the current part record.
To display this sheet:
Epicor ERP Application User Guide - Part One Engineering | Chapter 10

1. Select the Revision > List sheet.

2. Double-click the revision or the alternate method you want to edit.

The Engineering Workbench now displays this revision or alternate method within all of its sheets. Edit the method
of manufacturing as you need.

Create New Revisions/Alternate Methods

Just like Part Maintenance, you can also create new revisions and/or alternate methods through the Engineering

1. From the Actions menu, select Revision. Select either New Revision or New Alternate Method.


When you have completed creating or editing a part revision’s method of manufacturing, you need to approve
it. Only revisions approved for use are available on jobs and quotes.

A revision cannot be approved if any of its operations are not

assigned to a scheduling resource.

To approve a part revision:

Chapter 10 | Engineering Epicor ERP Application User Guide - Part One

1. Click the Revision > Detail sheet.

2. Select the Not Approved check box.

3. The Approved icon displays.

The part revision is now approved. After the system clock passes this revision’s Effective Date, this revision becomes
the default version used to manufacture this part.
Epicor ERP Application User Guide - Part One Engineering | Chapter 10

Part Revision Check In

To complete the engineering process, you must check in the revision. After the revision is checked in, it is available
for use on jobs and quotes. You can only check in approved part revisions. Before continuing, verify the approved
part displays on the Revision > Detail sheet.

1. From the Actions menu, select Revision > Check In.

2. The Description of Change window displays. Make sure this description explains the reason for the change.

3. Click OK.

Check In Part Revisions and Alternative Methods

You can also check in all the part revisions and their alternate methods at the same time. To do this:

1. From the Actions menu, select Group > Check In All. Click Yes at the verification prompt.
Chapter 10 | Engineering Epicor ERP Application User Guide - Part One

2. The Description of Change window displays; make sure this description explains the reason for the change
and click OK. Another window displays with a list of part revisions checked in through this group; click OK.

The ECO group is cleared from the Engineering Workbench. All approved part revisions within this group activate
throughout the application.

Express Check Out

You can streamline the engineering process by using the Express Part Checkout program. When you run this
program, you can simultaneously check out a part revision, create a new ECO Group, and launch the Engineering
Menu Path: Production Management > Engineering > General Operations > Express Part Checkout
To check out a specific part revision:

1. Click the Part/Revision button to find and select the part revision you want to check out. You can also
enter the Part/Revision directly.

2. Click the Revision drop-down list to select the revision you want to work on.

3. If you want, you can also check out a specific alternate method. To do this, click the Alternate
Method drop-down list. All the alternate methods created for this part revision display. Select the method
you want.

4. Notice several display only fields – Part Description, Effective Date, ECO Group, and Drawing – populate
with information about this part revision. Review this information to make sure you have selected the correct
revision or alternate method.

5. To immediately display the Engineering Workbench after checkout, select the Launch Engineering
Workbench check box.
Epicor ERP Application User Guide - Part One Engineering | Chapter 10

6. Click the Checkout button.

7. If you selected the Launch Engineering Workbench check box, this program displays.

8. Notice a new ECO Group is created. By default, the Group ID displays your User ID as the identifier.

9. The Description field displays Express Checkout as a prefix, followed by your User ID.

10. The Tree View displays the part revision or alternate method you checked out.

You are now ready to engineer the selected part revision or alternate method.

ECO Workflow

A workflow is a series of tasks automatically assigned and routed to ensure processes, like engineering changes
and designing new products, are acted on and completed on time. Tasks are tightly embedded into the application,
so that transactions are updated only if the task is at the right status. For example, when you assign a workflow
to an ECO group, you can track if tasks are complete before an updated part revision is available for production.
This section starts with the setup needed to create the workflow. Then you assign the workflow to an ECO group
and act on the tasks.

Workflow Stage

Workflow stages define the status of an ECO at any time within its workflow; the current stage displays on the
Detail sheet in the Engineering Workbench. You establish these stages in Workflow Stage Maintenance for a
particular workflow type. When you create the ECO task set for your workflow, you assign each milestone task
a workflow stage.
Menu Path: Production Management > Engineering > Setup > Workflow Stage
To create a workflow stage:
Chapter 10 | Engineering Epicor ERP Application User Guide - Part One

1. Click the Workflow Type drop-down list and select ECO.

2. Click New on the Standard toolbar.

3. In the Stage field, enter a unique code that identifies the workflow stage.

4. Enter a Description that further describes this stage.

5. Click Save.

Now you can define tasks and tasks sets for your ECO workflow. The next section discusses this feature.


Tasks are the action items, or milestones, created and assigned to each step in the ECO process, from documenting
a proposed change to approving the ECO design. Tasks are also used to track other activities, such as credit or
time and expense approvals.
Menu Path: Production Management > Engineering > Setup > Task
To create tasks:

1. Click New on the Standard toolbar.

2. In the Task ID field, enter the task identifier.

Epicor ERP Application User Guide - Part One Engineering | Chapter 10

3. The Description displays in the Engineering Workbench as well as in Task Set Maintenance. This program
is described in the next section.

4. The Priority code is not required but can be used to weight the importance of a task. The default is 50;
you can enter a range of 1-99. Priority number 99 is considered least important and will be done later;
priority number 1 is considered most important and will be done earlier.

5. Select the Task Type that corresponds to this specific task.

6. Select the Role Code associated with this task. Only members assigned this role have access to this task.

7. If users are required to complete this task, select the Mandatory check box.

8. You can assign multiple persons within a role to a task. If you want the application to indicate this task (or
milestone) is complete when any person assigned to the task marks it complete, select the Any Approver
check box.

9. The application can automatically send a message, or alert, to specific users when this task is created or
finished. To active this feature, select the Send Alert Complete and the Send Alert Create check boxes.

10. When you finish, click Save.

Continue to add all tasks you need.

Task Sets

Defining the ECO process workflow you want your team to follow is a key part in making sure new or updated
part revisions are not available to your manufacturing center until complete. You can set up multiple workflow
task sets to either guide or control the process within your engineering environment. They can be as simple as
a “to do” list of guidelines or as complex as a rigid series of mandatory tasks that require electronic signatures
at key milestones. You decide how to best leverage this powerful workflow tool.
Once individual tasks are identified, they are organized into a task set. Within the task set, you organize the
milestones (tasks) into the sequence you want as viewed in the Engineering Workbench, assign responsibility,
define the number of days to complete the milestone, and add any related tasks. You can create complex,
branching workflows that can handle the requirements you need.
Menu Path: Production Management > Engineering > Setup > Task Set
To create a task set:

1. Click New on the Standard toolbar.

2. Enter a Set ID.

Chapter 10 | Engineering Epicor ERP Application User Guide - Part One

3. Enter a Description of the Set ID.

4. Click the Workflow Type drop-down list and select ECO. Other types include CRM (Customer Relationship
Management), Case Management, and Time & Expense.

Add Milestones

Now you are ready to add milestones to this task set. A Milestone is a task completed in a specific order (determined
by the task set) and is typically assigned to a specific person. A Related Task is used to describe details about
tasks within tasks. These can be used if one task has several distinct steps within it, each of which merits its own
To add milestones:

1. Click the Down Arrow next to the New button; select New Milestone.

2. The Milestones > Detail sheet displays. Accept the default of 10 in the Seq field. Sequence numbers
establish the order in which tasks are done.

3. Click the Task drop-down list to select the first task in this task set.

4. The role assigned to this task displays as read-only in the Required Role field.

5. Click the Current Stage drop-down list to select the stage in which this task is found within the ECI process.
Stages are defined in the Workflow Stage program. Review the previous Workflow Stage section in this
chapter for more information.

6. Optionally, enter the number of days to complete this task in the Days to Complete field.

7. Select the First Milestone check box to indicate this milestone is the first one in this task set.

8. Select the Check Out Allowed and the Check In Allowed check boxes to define if revisions to this ECO
group, at this milestone, can be checked out or in.

9. Select the Workflow Complete Allowed check box if you want the workflow to be marked complete
when this milestone is finished.

10. Continue adding milestones, and related tasks, to the task set until all the tasks are identified. Click Save
on the Standard toolbar.
Epicor ERP Application User Guide - Part One Engineering | Chapter 10

Define Next Milestones

Once all milestones are identified, you are ready to establish the order in which these milestones are completed.

1. In the Tree View, select a milestone.

2. Click the Down Arrow next to the New button; select New Next Milestone.

3. The Milestones > Next Milestones > Detail sheet displays.

4. Select the next milestone that makes up this task set from the Next Milestone list. When a user completes
the current task, this next task starts. You can select another milestone available in this task set.

5. Click Save on the Standard toolbar. Continue connecting the remaining milestones to each next milestone.

Workflow Group

You use workflow groups and assign them in the Engineering Workbench to establish a series of tasks to perform
on a specific ECO group, and if you want, by specific team members. You set up workflow groups, and assign
team members to them, in Workflow Group Maintenance.
Menu Path: Production Management > Engineering > Setup > Workflow Group
To create a new workflow group:
Chapter 10 | Engineering Epicor ERP Application User Guide - Part One

1. Click the Workflow Type drop-down list and select ECO.

2. Click New on the Standard toolbar.

3. In the Workflow Group field, enter a code identifier for the workflow group.

4. Enter a Description that further describes this workflow group.

5. Select the Default Task Set from the drop-down menu.

6. Click Save on the Standard toolbar.

Add Members

Use the Group Member sheet to add the team members you need to the workflow group.

1. Click the Down Arrow next to the New button; select New Group Member.

2. Click the Member drop-down list to select the work force member to add to the group. For information
on how to add a work force member, review the Work Force (Sales Team) section in the chapter on Customer
Relationship Management.

3. The Role assigned to the work force member defaults; if you need, change the role.

4. If this work force member is the primary person in this group, select the Primary check box.

5. To reassign a workflow from one workflow group member to another, click the Reassign button. You are
asked to select the member to reassign.
Epicor ERP Application User Guide - Part One Engineering | Chapter 10

6. When you finish, click Save on the Standard toolbar. Continue to add members to this group.

Assign and Update ECO Workflow

You assign ECO workflows to ECO groups in the Engineering Workbench. Once defined, the task set milestones
and related tasks are automatically pulled into the ECO group.
Menu Path: Production Management > Engineering > General Operations > Engineering Workbench
To assign ECO workflows to ECO groups:

1. Click the Group ID button to find and select the ECO group you want to assign a workflow.

2. Click the Workflow Group drop-down list to select the workflow group assigned to this ECO group.

3. The Task Set assigned to this workflow group displays; if you need, change the task set.

4. Click Save on the Standard toolbar.

Update and Complete Tasks

The workflow group and task set are now assigned to the current ECO group. The task set, including the milestones
and related tasks, display on the Tasks > Tree sheet. The members of the workflow group can now update and
complete tasks.
To update and complete tasks:

1. Navigate to the Tasks > Tree sheet.

Chapter 10 | Engineering Epicor ERP Application User Guide - Part One

Tasks that have a light gray icon are available for update. Tasks with a dark gray icon are not available
because these tasks require another task to be either in process or complete before available. This depends
on how the task is defined.

2. In the Tree View, select a task that is available for update.

3. On the Tasks > Maintenance sheet, select the Complete check box.

4. Optionally, update additional details regarding this task. For example, the reason the task is now marked
as complete, the person to whom the task was assigned, the status of the task, and the percent complete.

Only ECO reason type codes are available in the Reason

list. You set up reason codes in Reason Code
Maintenance. Review application help for more
information on reason codes and reason types.
Epicor ERP Application User Guide - Part One Engineering | Chapter 10

5. Click the Update button.

6. Notice the task icon on the Tasks > Tree sheet now displays a green check mark; this indicates the task is

Continue to update tasks until all tasks in this task set are complete.

Costing Workbench

Use the Costing Workbench to pull in current costs from parts, operations, and resource groups into a unique
cost group you can review and modify. These values become the standard cost values for the parts included in
the cost group. If you modify labor and burden rates through this workbench, these modified rates are also saved
to the resource groups defined on the part methods. Leverage this functionality when you want to generate the
costs of a part at a specific point in time. You can then use these values as a reference point for future transactions
for the part.
You run this program by first creating a cost group. You then define the manufactured and purchased parts you
want included in the group. You also define other global options for the cost group. When you finish defining
the parts you want to include and the overall cost group options, you can then total, or roll up, the costs to
generate the standard values for the parts. However if you do not use the standard costing method, you can still
run the cost rollup process to generate a mass update of burden and labor rates.
Menu Path: Production Management > Engineering > General Operations > Costing Workbench
Chapter 10 | Engineering Epicor ERP Application User Guide - Part One

New Cost Group

To create a new cost group:

1. Click New on the Standard toolbar.

2. In the Group field, enter the name of the new costing group.

3. Click the Plant drop-down list to select the plant from which the initial costs are loaded into the new cost

4. Either enter or click the drop-down list to select the Proposed Posting Date for the cost group. This value
defines the date on which you expect to post the updated standard costs and labor/burden rates. Use this
field to plan when you will update these costs.

5. The Proposed Posting Date value is only an estimated date. After you post this cost group, the actual date
will display in the Posted Date field.

6. Select the Load Alternate Methods check box to indicate that alternate methods defined for manufactured
parts must be included in the cost group.

7. Select the Load Costing Lot Sizes check box to indicate all costing lot sizes defined on each part plant
combination are included in the costing group. You define the plant modifications for each part within Part

8. Plant cost IDs, or cost sets, define unit cost calculations across multiple sites. For example, if three sites share
the same cost set, they then use the same costing method for the parts they manufacture. If you wish to
use a cost set, select an option from the Copy from Plant Cost ID drop-down list. You create cost sets in
Plant Cost ID Maintenance.

9. If you want to copy cost values from an existing cost group, select an option from the Copy from Cost
Group drop-down list. These values become the starting point for values in your new cost group.
Epicor ERP Application User Guide - Part One Engineering | Chapter 10

10. Use the Costing Method radio button options to define the method used to calculate costs for all the parts
within the group. Available options:
• Average – Calculates a weighted average of all receipt costs for all parts in the cost group.
• FIFO – The First In First Out method assumes the next quantity to be issued or shipped from stock is the
oldest quantity stored in the warehouse. The application uses this cost value until the entire quantity
from the original receipt is used up.
• Last – Calculates the most recent receipt cost for parts within this group.
• Standard – Calculates a cost baseline for the parts within this cost group.
• Costing Method – The default method, selecting this radio button option indicates the costing method
defined on each part record will be used to calculate cost values. Besides the methods available within
the Costing Workbench, this option can also pull in values calculated using the Lot Average and Lot FIFO
costing methods.

11. Use the Burden Rates radio button options to determine which burden rates are used to calculate burden
costs for resource groups included in this cost group. You can select either the Costing or Quoting burden

12. Use the Labor Rates radio button options to determine which labor rates are used to calculate labor costs
for selected resource groups. You can select either the Costing or Quoting labor rates.

13. When you finish defining the primary values for the new cost group, click Save on the Standard toolbar.

Load Cost Details

When you finish setting up the default values for a cost group, you next select the manufactured and purchased
parts you want to include within the group. You do this by running the Load Cost Details process.
To select parts for the cost group:

1. From the Actions menu, select Load Cost Details.

Chapter 10 | Engineering Epicor ERP Application User Guide - Part One

2. The Load Cost Details window displays.

3. Select the Effectivity Date for the cost details. This date determines what active part revisions will be used
when costs are loaded into the Costing Workbench.

4. Select what part types you want to include in the cost group by selecting or clearing the Manufactured
Parts, Purchased Parts, and Kit Parts check boxes.

5. You can also indicate the Costing Method you will use with the part you are pulling into the cost group.
Notice these options are the same ones available on the Detail sheet.

6. Select the Burden Rates check box to select you want to pull burden costs from resource groups into the
cost group. You can pull in either Costing or Quoting burden rates.

7. Select the Labor Rates check box to indicate you want to pull labor costs from resource groups into the
cost group. You can pull in either Costing or Quoting labor rates.

8. Optionally, select the Retrieve unlinked Purchase Parts check box to indicate any purchase parts defined
for the current Site but not linked to any of the selected manufactured parts will be included in the cost

9. Likewise, select the Retrieve unlinked Labor/Burden Rates check box to include any labor or burden
rates defined for the current Site not linked to any of the selected manufactured part methods.

10. Use the Log Filename field to indicate the directory path and file name for the log generated through this
process. If an issue occurs, you can use this log to troubleshoot the cause of the problem.

11. Use the Filter sheets to limit the cost details to specific parts, product groups, and/or part classes.

12. The filter options you select display within the Manufactured Part Selection Filter Summary fields.

13. When you are ready to pull in the cost details, click the Process button.
Epicor ERP Application User Guide - Part One Engineering | Chapter 10

Modify Costs and Rates

Once the cost details are pulled into the cost group, you can then display these details and modify them as you
need. These details display in a grid so you can move through them and make the modifications.
To modify part costs and labor rates:

1. Navigate to the sheet that contains the costs you want to modify. In this example, you want to modify costs
for manufactured parts, so you navigate to the Cost > Manufactured Parts sheet.

2. Click the Search button to find and select the manufactured parts you want.

3. The selected parts display within the Manufactured Parts grid.

4. Modify the cost values you need. For example, you could modify the Costing Lot Size values for all of the
selected manufactured parts.

5. You can repeat this process on the Purchased Parts, Burden Rates, and Labor Rates sheets.

6. When you finish modifying the costs and rates, click Save on the Standard toolbar.

Rollup Cost and Rate Values

When you are ready to calculate these revised values as the standard cost for the selected parts, you next generate,
or roll up, these values. The new values display on the Costing Workbench report for your review.

The Cost Rollup calculation is a complex routine that uses each

level of assembly in the part method to generate the final cost
of each part. For more information about how the Cost Rollup
calculation generates its values, review the Job Costing
Technical Reference Guide. This guide is available within the
application help.
Chapter 10 | Engineering Epicor ERP Application User Guide - Part One

To run the cost rollup:

1. From the Actions menu, select Rollup.

2. The Cost Rollup window displays.

Figure 2: Modify Costs and Rates > Steps 2-9

3. Select the Effectivity Date from which this rollup process will be active. The part costs you generate are
then used to determine cost estimates forward from this selected date.

4. Select the Consider Pull As Assembly Settings check box if you want the subassembly costs to be included
as material costs on the higher assemblies on the part methods.

5. Select the Consider Transfer Part as Material check box if Transfer type parts should be considered as
purchased material parts when their costs are rolled up in associated bill of material records. In essence, it
treats it like a purchased material part, not a manufactured part.

6. Select the Consider Only Approved Revisions check box if the Rollup process should only consider
approved revisions when rolling up a part into a higher level assembly

7. Use the Filter sheets to limit the cost rollup to specific parts, product groups, and part classes.

8. Use the Log Filename field to indicate the directory path and file name for the log generated through this
process. If an issue occurs, you can use this log to troubleshoot the cause of the problem.

9. When you are ready, click the Process button to generate the new part costs.
Epicor ERP Application User Guide - Part One Engineering | Chapter 10

Costing Workbench Report

You can view the results from the cost rollup process on the Costing Workbench report. Run this report to review
the proposed cost changes you want to make before you save, or post, these changes to the part and resource
group records included in the current cost group.
To run the Costing Workbench report:

1. From the Actions menu, select Print Cost Set Group.

2. The Costing WorkBench Report window displays.

3. Use the Report Type radio button options to indicate whether this report will display costs for parts, resource
groups, or operations.

4. Select a Part Type radio button option to define whether the report displays manufactured parts, purchased
parts, or both manufactured and purchased parts.

5. To limit the report to only display records modified since the last time the part costs were generated, select
the Changed Items Only check box.

6. Use the Filter sheets to limit the report to display selected parts, product groups, and part classes.

7. Click the Print Preview button to display the generated report in a separate window.
Chapter 10 | Engineering Epicor ERP Application User Guide - Part One

8. Click the Print button to print out a hard copy of the report.

Post New Costs to Records

When you are satisfied with the changes you have made to the part cost values, burden rates, and labor rates,
you then record, or post, these changes to part and resource group records. The revised costs become the standard
cost values for the selected manufactured and purchased parts, while the labor and burden rates update on the
selected resource groups.
To post the new costs to the selected records:

1. From the Actions menu, select Post.

2. The Cost Post Set window displays.

3. Click the Post to Plant Cost ID drop-down list to define the plant cost ID, or cost set, to which you want
to post the results of the cost group. The posting process then updates all sites that share the selected plant
cost ID with your new cost values.

4. Use the Filter sheet to only update records for specific sites, product groups, and/or part classes.

5. If you want to update the labor rates for resource groups included in the part methods, select the Labor
Rates check box.

6. If you want to update the burden rates for resource groups included in the part methods, select the Burden
Rates check box.
Epicor ERP Application User Guide - Part One Engineering | Chapter 10

7. Click the Reason drop-down list to select the reason why you are updating the cost values. A required field,
this value displays on various reports and dashboards.

8. Use the Log Filename field to indicate the directory path and file name for the log generated through this
process. If an issue occurs, you can use this log to troubleshoot the cause of the problem.

9. When you are ready to post the cost values to the selected parts and resource groups, click the Process

Manufacturing Lead Time Calculation

You can use the Manufacturing Lead Time Calculation process to calculate the manufacturing lead time for a
single part, all parts, product group, or plant. Manufacturing lead time is the elapsed time from when production
begins on a quantity to when the quantity is considered complete on the costing lot. This time includes
Menu Path: Production Management > Engineering > General Operations > Mfg Lead Time Calculation
To set up this process:

1. Review the processing options. The As of Date defaults to today’s date. It defines the effective date of the

2. Click the Product Code drop-down list to select a product group.

3. Click the Filter tab to specify parts and sites for processing. Individual parts can be selected. The plant
defaults to the current plant but can also be changed to include multiple sites.

4. To run the calculation, click Process on the Standard toolbar.

When the process starts, rough cut scheduling is used to calculate the lead time (in days) for the Costing
Lot Size specified by the part planning parameters. Rough cut scheduling uses the Need By Dates and Lead
Time Values on each material and operation to calculate how much time is required for each job to finish
its operations and gather its materials. You can view the calculation values within Part Maintenance on the
Parts > Sites > Planning sheet. For more information on rough cut scheduling, review the chapter on

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