Vehicle Tracking System Using GSM and Gps Technologies: Prof. (DR.) Bharatiwukkadada, Allan Fernandes
Vehicle Tracking System Using GSM and Gps Technologies: Prof. (DR.) Bharatiwukkadada, Allan Fernandes
Vehicle Tracking System Using GSM and Gps Technologies: Prof. (DR.) Bharatiwukkadada, Allan Fernandes
Abstract: A vehicle tracking system is an automated device that makes it easier to locate and at the same time
monitor the position, timing, and mobility of a carriage. This paper proposes a tracking system that makes use
of “GPS” and “GSM” technologies. It works as the most inexpensive form of the system that can help identify
vehicle theft. It is an enclosed system that uses a GPS receiver along with a GSM modem monitoring the
movement of vehicle and briefs the status. GSM modem shows the location with respect to longitude and
Keywords: GPS, GSM, Maps, Microcontroller, Vehicle Tracking.
I. Introduction
Survival in today’s urban world cannot be imagined with proper means of transportation.
Transportation is not only crucial but has also become a necessity in one’s life. One such means of
transportation is the use of vehicles such as buses, cars etc. Owning a vehicle today is not merely a symbol of
luxury but has become a necessity. However, considering vehicles, any catastrophic situation can take place.
Therefore there is always an urgent need to arrange appropriate measures to increase the safety, security as well
as monitor the vehicles to avoid any mishap. It would help us in the situations such as:
Locating a stolen vehicle.
Allowing an agency to detect the location of its vehicles.
Useful for finding the shortest path to a particular destination.
One such measure is the use of vehicle tracking system using the GPS (Global Position System).Such a
tracking system includes a mechanized device that is equipped in a vehicle. Using software present at an
operational base, it helps track the location of the vehicle. This base station is used for monitoring purpose. It is
accompanied by maps such as Google maps, Here maps, Bing maps etc for the representation of the location.
The system is linked to Global Positioning Satellites which helps to acquire the time as well as the position. The
electronic device placed on the vehicles consists of GPS receivers and a GSM modem.
Developed by the American Military, GPS is a global system which uses satellites to show the
locations as well as the timings, anywhere over the earth. It usually requires at least 4 satellites to be on the
visible horizon. It is easily accessible with a GPS receiver.
GSM which was developed by the ETSI with the aim to back the mobile communication,has now
become worldwide accepted standard. Dispatching and gathering of the data in a GSM supported modem are
perfected using the radio signals.
III. Models
3.1 GPS Technology
This is a navigation technology providing accurate location and information. Preserved by the U.S,
GPS is a space-based satellite system, granting contact to anyone owning a GPS supported receiver. Started in
1973 was designed for military purpose but later was allowed for commercial use. The system consists of 24
satellites of United States. A GPS receiver calculates the radio signals that are rhythmically sent fromthe
satellites. It measures the signal from at minimum 3 satellites to find the longitude and latitude using various
3.3 Maps
There is much free software such as Google map, Here maps, Bing map that provides maps using
satellite imaging which make use of plug-ins to show objects such as 3D objects, pin objects indicating the point
of interest or a line object to show tracks.
3.4 Microcontroller
It is responsible for acting as an interface between GSM module and GSM receiver. Microcontrollers
are small chips which simplify the functioning. Low-cost design and adding intelligence to the system makes
microcontroller chips highly reliable. It is programmed to energize the modem when requested in terms of
message forwarding.
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K J Somaiya Institute of Management Studies and Research (SIMSR)
Vehicle Tracking System using GSM and GPS Technologies
V. Results
The coding is achieved using C programming language. NMEA (National Marine Electronics
Association) protocol forms the basis of the data gathered from the satellites. Decoding the NMEA protocol is
an important function of this software. The NMEA code consists of a combination of information. These
messages follow an ASCII character set. The data sent to the GPS receiver is in ASCII comma form i.e.
delimited message strings. It uses $ sign at beginning of every broadcast and the locations are in the pattern of
ddmm.mmmm (degree minutes and decimal minutes).The system flow chart can be shown in the fig given
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K J Somaiya Institute of Management Studies and Research (SIMSR)
Vehicle Tracking System using GSM and GPS Technologies
VI. Conclusion
This paper offers an anti-theft system that makes a vehicle more immune by the help of GPS. It allows
a vehicle to be tracked using the proposed system in it. This system can also serve for animal tracking, resource
tracking as well as robbed automobile. These systems are usually used by fleet operators which help them in
simulations, defining their routes and also dispatching. Another application of this system can be monitoring
driving behaviour. It can also be beneficial in delivery services and also cops and fire department.
[1]. Prof. Baburaokodavati (Asst. Prof In Ece Dept); ‘Gsm And Gps Based Vehicle Location And Tracking System’.
[2]. Mr. Nileshmanganakar (Be-It); ‘Real Time Tracking Of Complete Transport System Using Gps’.
[3]. Mr. Pankajverma;‘Design And Development Of Gps-Gsm Based Tracking System With Google Map Based
[4]. Mr. Kunalmaurya;‘Real Time Vehicle Tracking System Using Gsm And Gps Technology- An Anti-Theft Tracking
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K J Somaiya Institute of Management Studies and Research (SIMSR)