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6. Digital Ethics
digital citizen is guided by principles of leadership, global
responsibility, environmental awareness, global citizens
and personal accountability
Higher Thinking Skill
The new world of information and communication technology
opens the way for complex and higher cognitive skills. To
further develop the thinking skill of the learners the Bloom’s
Taxonomy is still considered as great reference and serve as
its general framework. The new era of digital creativity led to
the introduction of a kind of framework that requires
information processing, idea creation, and real-world problem
solving skills.
The following taxonomy may be proposed:
TTL- writing process will now include concept development,
planning, layout and graphics design, editing,
proofreading, and publishing. Learners can benefit
from the usage of desktop publishing software since it
makes writing easier and more fun. Websites, blogs,
wikis, podcasts, and videos are all options for
disseminating creative outputs on the internet. Both in
the learning process and in the evaluation schemes of
new digital manifestations in learning, relevance and
engagement must be considered.
Mass Amateurization
Today, the shift in evaluation methodology is referred
to as mass amateurization, a term which implies a mass
reach of student outputs. Personal and group creative
activities in school should strive to bridge the gap
between amateur output creators and professional
creators of real-world outcomes and products. This will
require instilling proficiency in students in areas such
as publishing, graphic creation, audio-video recording,
website posts, and multimedia projects.
The method does not mean the end of traditional
report and essay writing, but it does mean that the
Ethical subjectivism and Emotivism should not be
interpreted as completely removing people’s feelings, tastes,
emotion, liking, and the like in the sphere of morality.
Ethics without feeling goes against Christian philosophy’s
emphasis on LOVE (strong liking or desire).
Our moral compasses are also strongly influenced by the
fleeting forces of disgust, fondness or fear.
So sometimes, subjective feelings matter when deciding
right and wrong.
Feeling is…
“To feel is to be involved in something” in a person, concept,
myself, process, problem, another feeling. Reason and Impartiality (The minimum requirement for
Feelings can be in the foreground or background. morality)
Feelings are instinctive response to moral dilemmas. Introduction
Feeling is a blind faculty of the will that should be guided by • Humans don’t only have feelings but also reason.
right reason • Reason plays a vital role in Ethics.
• We ask WHY when someone tells us that a certain action is
Feelings as Obstacles immoral, and if there is NO reasonable answer, we declare
There are TWO Feeling-Based Theories in Ethics: the proposition as absurd.
• Clearly, reason is a necessary requirement for Morality.
2. EMOTIVISM -Reason is the basis or motive for an action, decision or
Ethical Subjectivism
-It refers to the capacity for logical, rational and analytic thought.
Ethical Subjectivism runs CONTRARY to the principle that
-Reason spells the difference of moral judgments from mere
there is objectivity in morality. expressions of personal preference. In the absence of sensible
It grasps that moral judgments holds that the truth or falsity rationale, they are merely unreliable and ignorable.
of ethical propositions is DEPENDENT on the feelings,
Moral Deliberation
attitudes or standards of a person or group of persons.
-It is a matter of weighing reasons and being guided by them.
It interprets ethical sentences as statement of fact,
-Truth in Ethics entails being justified by good reasons.
particularly reports the speaker’s attitude. -Moral truths, if defined by good reasons, are objective in a sense
When someone states his/her view, he/she is not just stating that they are true no matter what we might want or think.
a fact about the matter but merely saying something about
his/her feelings toward it.
• This involves the idea that each individual’s interests and
Subjectivists hold that there is no such thing as objective
point of view are equally important.
right or real wrong. • Also called evenhandedness or fair-mindedness.
When something is morally good (and vice-versa), this just • Impartiality is a principle of justice holding that decisions
means that WE APPROVE OF THAT THING. ought to be based on objective criteria, rather than on the
basis of bias, prejudice, or preferring the benefit to one
Emotivism person over another for improper reasons.
Emotivism is an improved version of subjectivism
Developed by the American philosopher Charles L. Anger is one of the natural human emotions. But excessive anger
Stevenson. could be harmful to our well-being and to those around us. This
The theory states that moral judgments express positive and article will teach you 10 helpful ways to get away from anger in
the heat of the moment, and reduce the overall amount of anger
negative feelings.
you feel in a day-to-day basis:
Moral judgments are not statement of fact but are mere
10 Helpful Ways to Get Away from Anger
expressions of the emotions of the speaker, especially since
1. Go way from the situation -If you got angry in a room or
they are feeling-based.
office, go out and get some fresh air or try to have a walk.
Emotivism claims that utterances in Ethics (such as “Boo on
2. Drink several cool (not icy) water to get rid your anger-
the price of gasoline!”, “Hooray for SOGIE!”) are NOT fact- Especially in situations like this, cool water is still better than
stating sentences, but have TWO PURPOSES: other drinks. Also avoid taking sweet or fatty foods which
1. they are used as means of influencing other’s behavior increase blood pressure.
(e.g. “Stealing is immoral”) – it is an attempt to stop you 3. When fasting, engage in activities that give calmness.- Since
from doing the act. the feeling of hunger may increase irritability, any food
2. Moral sentences are used to EXPRESS (not report) the fasting should be combined with exercises that provide
speaker’s attitude. calmness.
Example: “Fair play is good” is NOT saying that I approve of 4. Think of something funny- Try to imagine the best scene in
fair play. your favourite comedy movie (like the Kug Fu Hustle)
5. Take ten deep breaths- When you already feel that you are
Evaluating Ethical Subjectivism and Emotivism angry, take a pause. Take ten, slow deep breaths.
To do: Reflect on what are the strengths and weaknesses of 6. Surround yourself with optimistic people- Hang out with
Ethical Subjectivism and Emotivism friends who are positive thinker and have good sense of
Conclusion: Feelings can Help in Making the Right Decisions 7. Don’t add to the hate in this world.- Always see beauty in
the world. Count your blessings. Look at the positive side of
every phenomenon.
8. Don’t contain your anger- If somebody does or says Step Four: List the Alternatives
something that makes you angry, then tell them in a nice Do you have all the known facts, documents, etc.
way. Holding back negative emotions will only cause them to Do you understand the applicable laws or legalities?
come back and haunt you later in life. (wikihow. Com) Do you have all relevant policies available to review?
9. Remember that anger is natural - While anger can feel Are you clear about the individual’s views and personal
overwhelming in the heat of the moment, remember that values?
every human being on earth experiences it from time to * Don’t hesitate to seek out consultation.
time. Accept that things can’t always go your way. (
10. Properly deal with the people who have offended you- If Step Five: Compare the Alternatives with the Principles (Codes
you are holding against anger toward a particular person, of Ethics)
then consider talking to him or her about it. You might be Look for the following:
surprised to learn that this person has no idea that they have -- vision statement-mission statement/Goals/Objectives
offended you. ( -- values base of the organization/institution
Anger management is necessary as it helps us not to be stressed -- code of ethics to guide practice
out very much and still have a good outlook in life despite -- ethical standards/Core values
unpleasant occurrences. • Some of the alternatives may be rejected in this process.
A new technology is being launched which is good for the
company as well as the customers. But, if this is brought
into use, a lesser man-power is required for the
The entrepreneur is now in an ethical dilemma whether he
wants to better his clients with good services or be loyal to
his employees who have helped the company grow.
The unpleasantness of the situation arises when neither
the clients nor the employees deserve to suffer and it is the
entrepreneur’s call to take.