1. Ball!
Throw a ball to a student and ask him or her a question.
The student answers and throws the ball to another student
asking the same question. For example, ask Can you…?, Yes,
I can. / No, I can’t. Do you like…?, Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
4. Bomb!
Have students sit in a circle. Pass a ball around the circle. Play
some music. Stop the music. Encourage the student holding
the ball to answer a question, make a sentence or say a word.
5. Charades
Divide and line up the class into two teams. Choose a
member from each team to come to the front. Whisper a word
to the two students and have them act it out. The first team to
call out the word their partner is acting out gets a point.
6. Color Game
Place pieces of origami paper (or colored paper) of different
colors in a circle. Play some music and have students walk
around the circle. Stop the music and have all the students
sit down next to a color. Pick a color and ask Who is beside
the color (red)? If you are next to the color (red), please stand
up. Encourage the student next to the color to stand up.
Continue until all students have participated.
12. I Spy
Place some real objects or pictures on the floor. These
should be big and small objects in colors students are
familiar with. Say I spy with my little eye (point to your eye)
something big. Students guess what object you are talking
about. Encourage them to hold up or touch the object and
name it. You can also play this game using the posters.
15. Shapes
Get a beanbag and make big paper shapes of colored paper
(blue, yellow and red). Place the paper shapes on the floor.
Have students sit around the shapes. Point to each one,
and have them identify each shape and its color. Then have
students take turns tossing the beanbag onto one of the
shapes. Have students describe the shapes. Ask, for example,
What shape is it? Is it a triangle? Is it a square? What color is
it? Elicit answers from students.