AUGUST 2022.
Q2-Use computer system to design questionnaire and format for data collection?
To generate, a computer system requires four main aspects of data handling: input,
processing, output, and storage. The hardware responsible for these four areas
operates as follows:
Input devices accept data in a form that the computer can use; they then send the
data to the processing unit.You can input data to a computer in many other
interesting ways, including writing, speaking, pointing, or even by just looking at
the data.
The processor, more formally known as the central processing unit (CPU), has the
electronic circuitry that manipulates input data into the information people want.
The central processing unit executes computer instructions that are specified in the
Output devices show people the processed data-information in a form that they
can use. The most common output devices are computer screens and printers .
Screens can vary in their forms of display, producing text, numbers, symbols, art,
photographs, and even video-in full color.
Word processing software allows you to input data such as an essay, save it, revise
and re-save it, and print it whenever you wish. The input device, in this case, is a
keyboard, which you use to type in the original essay and any changes you want to
make to it. All computers, large and small, must have a central processing unit
within the personal computer housing. The central processing unit under the
direction of the word processing software accepts the data you input through the
keyboard. Processed data from your personal computer is usually output in two
forms: on a screen and eventually by a printer. As you key in the essay on the
keyboard, it appears on the screen in front of you. After you examine the essay on
the screen, make changes, and determine that it is acceptable, you can print the
essay on the printer. Your secondary storage device in this case is a diskette, a
magnetic medium that stores the essay until it is needed again.
1(b).Questionnaire construction
valueless, as they may not accurately reflect the views and opinions of the
Different methods can be useful for checking a questionnaire and making sure it is
accurately capturing the intended information. Initial advice may include:
Empirical tests also provide insight into the quality of the questionnaire. This can
be done by:
carrying out a small pretest of the questionnaire, using a small subset of target
respondents. Results can inform a researcher of errors such as missing questions,
or logical and procedural errors.
estimating the measurement quality of the questions. This can be done for instance
using test-retest,[2] quasi-simplex,[3] or mutlitrait-multimethod models.[4]
predicting the measurement quality of the question. This can be done using the
software Survey Quality Predictor (SQP).[5]
Types of questions
Yes/no questions – The respondent answers with a "yes" or a "no".
Multiple choice – The respondent has several option from which to choose.
Scaled questions – Responses are graded on a continuum (e.g.: rate the appearance
of the product on a scale from 1 to 10, with 10 being the most preferred
appearance). Examples of types of scales include the Likert scale, semantic
differential scale, and rank-order scale. (See scale for further information)
Word association – Words are presented and the respondent mentions the first
word that comes to mind.
Thematic apperception test – Respondents explain a picture or create a story about
what they think is happening in the picture.
2. Questionnaire Design |
Closed-ended questions
Nominal variables include categories that can’t be ranked, such as race or
ethnicity. This includes binary or dichotomous categories.
It’s best to include categories that cover all possible answers and are mutually
exclusive. There should be no overlap between response items.
Ordinal variables include categories that can be ranked. Consider how wide or
narrow a range you’ll include in your response items, and their relevance to your
What is your age?
15 or younger
76 or older
Likert-type questions collect ordinal data using rating scales with 5 or 7 points.
How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your online shopping experience today?
Very dissatisfied
Somewhat dissatisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Very satisfied.
Well-designed closed-ended questions are easy to understand and can be answered
quickly. However, you might still miss important answers that are relevant to
respondents. An incomplete set of response items may force some respondents to
pick the closest alternative to their true answer. These types of questions may also
miss out on valuable detail.To solve these problems, you can make questions
partially closed-ended, and include an open-ended option where respondents can
fill in their own answer.
Open-ended questions
In your opinion,
what is the biggest
obstacle for
productivity in
remote work?
Open-ended questions have a few downsides.
They require more time and effort from respondents, which may deter them from
completing the questionnaire.
Most closed-ended questions can be turned into open-ended questions with a few
minor changes. Here’s an example: on the left- hand side, you have closed-ended
questions; on the right-hand side, each question has been tweaked into an open-
ended version that allows respondents to elaborate further.
All the closed questions in the left column can be answered with a one-word
answer, specifically Yes or No.