Brochure Raption50 Datasheet
Brochure Raption50 Datasheet
Brochure Raption50 Datasheet
Product highlights
Maximum AC input current 138 A 108 A 76 A 108 A
Required power supply capacity 96 kVA 75 kVA 53 kVA 75 kVA
For Charge Point Operator / Owner For Charge Point User Maximum output power 50 kW (@400 VDC)
DC:50 kW (@400 VDC) DC:50 kW (@400 VDC) DC:50 kW (@400 VDC)
AC:43 kW AC:22 kW AC:22 kW
• Its modular power technology ensures a • Its 8’’ touch-screen daylight readable not Output voltage range DC: 50 - 500 VDC DC: 50 - 500 VDC DC:50 - 500 VDC DC: 50 - 500 VDC
very high uptime (reducing the non-operation only provides clear charging instructions AC: 400 V AC AC: 400 V AC AC: 400 V AC
expenditure) since in case of power module (e.g. wrong EV shift position to start the Maximum output current DC:125 A DC DC:125 A DC DC:125 A DC DC:125A DC
failure the rest of modules continue charging. charge) and plug status (e.g. reserved AC:63 A AC AC:32 A AC AC:32 A AC
charge point) but also allows the user to Number of plugs 3 3 2 2
• Lower energy consumption (and therefore select amongst several languages. Connector Type CCS 2 - JEVS G105 CCS 2 - JEVS G105 CCS 2 - JEVS G105 CCS 2 - Type 2 socket
OpEx) is achieved due to a sustained high Type 2 tethered cable Type 2 socket
efficiency level resulting from disconnecting • User satisfaction is also increased due to its
power modules when lower charging power build-in courtesy light which both facilitates
is requested by the EV. locating the charge point in dark areas and
reading the messages contained in operator
• The modular architecture allows power
scalability (e.g. from 25kW to 50kW) that
instruction labels.
Models Specifications
offers a flexible solution to meet present • Accessibility for the disabled has also been
Models CHA T2S32 CCS CHA
and future EV growing battery demands. considered, complying with international
standards regarding the height of connectors/ Maximum AC input current 108 A 76 A 76 A
• It offers a unique connector care concept display that facilitates its operation. Required power supply capacity 75 kVA 53 kVA 53 kVA
by means of gun locking feature (optional)
DC:50 kW (@400 VDC) 50 kW (@400 VDC)
and cable floating design, which results on Maximum output power AC:22 kW 50 kW (@400 VDC)
a reduction of cable breaking risk (i.e. lower
Output voltage range DC: 50 - 500 VDC DC:50 - 500 VDC DC:50 - 500 VDC
OpEx and higher uptime). AC: 400 V AC
Maximum output current DC:125 A DC DC:125 A DC DC:125A DC
• Its double frontal key-locked door provides AC:32 A AC
an easy access to the inside of the charger
Number of plugs 2 1 1
which results in a lower OpEx due to a quicker
installation and service (preventive/corrective). Connector Type JEVS G105 - Type 2 socket CCS 2 JEVS G105
Moreover, it allows the charger to be installed
next to a wall, optimising the available space.
Emaar Gold & Diamond Park
Building No.5
Sheikh Zayed Road call 800-PARKING
P.O.Box: 33392
Dubai, U.A.E