3.7.C - Third Wave War
3.7.C - Third Wave War
3.7.C - Third Wave War
Something occurred in the night skies and desert sands of the Middle East in 1991 that the world had not seen for three hundred years the arrival of a new form of warfare that closely mirrors a new form of wealth creation. Once again, we find that the way we make wealth and the way we make war are inextricably connected. The worlds most technologically advanced societies today have split-level economies partly based on declining Second Wave mass production, partly on emergent Third Wave technologies and services. None of the high-tech nations, not even Japan, has completed its transition to the new system of economics. Even the most advanced economies those in Europe, Japan, and United States are still divided between declining muscle work and increasing mind work. This duality was sharply reflected in the way the Gulf War of 1990-91 was fought. However hostory may ultimately evaluate that conflict in terms of morality, ecomonics, or geopolitics, the actual way in which the war was fought held and still holds profounds imlications for armies and for countries all over the world. What is not clearly understood even now is that the United States and its allies simultaneously fought two very differnts wars against Iraqs Saddam Hussein. More accurately, it applied two differents war-forms, one Second Wave, the other Third Wave. The Gulf bloodshed began an Augost 2, 1990, with saddam Husseins attack on neighboring Kuwait not, as is so often said, on January 17, 1991, when the U.S.-led coalition struck back at Baghdad. Saddam drew first blood. In the months that followed, as the United states and United nations coalition debated how respond, Saddam boasted that the allies would find themselves ground to shreds in the Mother of All Battles. His theme was picked up by Western media pundits and politicians who predicted huge allied losses, smoe as high as 30,000 killed. Even some military analyst concurred.* TECHNOPHOBIA Simultaneously, some opponents of the war launched what seemed like a campaign in the Western media against advanced technology itself. The world press soon echoed with technophobic rhetorics. U.S. helicopters would by downed by sandstorms. The stealth bomber would fail. Night-vission goggles wouldt work. Dragon and TOW anti-tank
weapons would be useless against Soviet-supplied Iraqi armor. The M-1 tank would prove ineffective and break down frequently. Is Our High-Tech military and Mirage? the New York Time wanted to know. One leading military columnist dismissed the whole idea that technology could tip the odds in warfare. This, he informed his readers, was a myth and Americans were profoundly mistaken when they emphasized materiel over manpower. Some military reformers on Capitol Hill, voicing a familiar refrain, attacked advanced weaponry as too complex to work. They argued, as they had for years, that what the United States needed was masses of simpler planes, tanks, and missiles, rather than smaller numbers of more sophisticated weapons. All this added to the growing public dread of huge allied losses. After all, Saddam had a million man, Soviet-indoctrinated, Soviet-supplied army. Unlike the allied forces, it was battled-tested and recently blooded in an eight-year war against Iran. Moreover, it had six month to dig in, build berms, bunkers, and trenches and lay murderous minefields. The Iraqis, it was predicted, would set fire to oil-filled ditches and create un crossable line of flames. Supporting their first-line troops, the Iraqis had deployed echelon after backup echelon of massed men and armor (like the Syrians at the Golan Height or the Soviet in Central Europe). If allied ground troops dared to attack, they would be decimated. Saddam Hussein had only to wait for American to become politically demoralized by television images of vast numbers of body bags arriveng at U.S. military cemeteries. Political resolve would collapse. And he could keep kuwait, or at least its oil-rich regions. This, however, presupposed that the war in the Gulf would be a typical industrialera war... Saddam never understood that an entirely new war-form was about to change the entire nature of war fare. The dual war began with the earliest allied attacks. The Dual War From the outset there were two air campaigns, although they were integrated and few thought of them as separate. One employed the familiar attrition-style methods of modern that is, Second Wave war. Fleets of thirty-year-old aircraft relentlessly carpetbombed the Iraqis in their bunkers. Just as in previous war, stupid bomb were dropped, causing widespread destruction casualties, creating havoc, and demoralizing both the Iraqi front-line troops and the backup Republican Guards. The coalition commander, General Schwarzkopf, was preparing the battle-field, as his press briefers put it, while half a million allied ground troops stood poised to move against the Iraqi line. In Paris after the war, the authors spoke with retired Gen. Pierre Gallois. Formerly in the French Air Force and later assistance to the commander of NATO, responsible for strategic studies, Gallois visited Iraq immediately after the fighting. I drove for twenty-
five hundred kilometers in my four-wheel-drive, he tolds us, and in the villages, everything was destroyed. We found bomb fragments dated from 1968, left over from the Vietnam War. This was the same kind of bombing I did half a century ago in World War Two. This most murderous form of warfare was well understood by both side. It was industrialized slaughter, and we well never know how many Iraqi troops and civilians died as a result. But a radically different kind of war was also waged from Day One. The world was stunned at the very start by unforgetable television images of Tomahawl missiles and laserguided bombs searching out and hitting their in Baghdad with astonishing accuracy: the Iraqi Air Force headquarters, the buildings housing the Iraqi Intelligence Service, the Ministry of the Interior (headquarters of Saddams police), the Congress Building, the headquarters of his Baath Party. Because of their ability to penetrate high-threat areas and to deliver precisionguided bombs, Nigthhawk stealth fighters- otherwise known as F-117 As- were the only planes to attack targets in down town Baghdad. They focused on well-protected airdefence centersand military command and controls facilities. Flying only 2 percent of total sorties, they accounted for 40 percent of strtegic targets attacked. And, despite all the gloomly forecasts, everyone returned safely. Throughout the remaining days of conflict, television accentuated this new warform. Missiles virtually went around corners and entered pretargeted windows in bunkers hiding Iraqi tanks and troops. War was seen on our TV screens as it appeared on the electronic monitors of the pilots and soldiers doing the fighting. The result was a highly sanitized image of war, a seemingly bloodless form of combat in stark contrast to the TV coverage of the Vietnam War, Which hurled dismembered limbs, shattered skulls, and napalmed babies into the American living room. One war in Iraq was fought with Second Wave weapons designed to create mass destruction. Very little of that war was shown on the worlds video screens; the other war was fought with Third Wave weapons designed for pin[point accuracy, customized destruction, and minimal collateral damage. That war was shown... THE VANISHINN FRONT During World War I, millions of soldiers had faced each other from fortifications dug into the soil of France. Filled with mud and rats, stinking of garbage and gangrene, these linear trenches stretched for miles across the countryside, behind tangles of barbed wire. For months at a time whole armies crouched, affraid to raise a head above ground level. When an attacked was ordered, the troops would go over the top and face a hurricane of
artillery and small-arms fire. But for the most part they sat, immobilized as desease and ennui spread through the ranks. There was little question in anyones mind were the front line was. And the same was true for the Iraqi soldiers in their desrt bunkers, nearly eighty years later. Except that the front was no longer where the main battle occcured. Precisely as called for in AirLand Battle doctrine, the allies were deepening the battle in all dimensions distance, altitude, time. The front was now in the rear, at the sides, and up above. Actions were twelve, twenty four, seventy-two hour ahead, choreographed in time, as it were. Long-range air and ground strikes were employed to block or interdict the movement of the enemys follow-on forces, exactly as the Allies had prepared to do in Germany in the events of Soviets ever attacked. The embryonic Third Wave war-form... was no longer a theoretical matter... Destroy the enemys command facilities. Take out its communications to prevent informations from flowing up or down the chain of command. Take the initiative. Strike deep. Prevent the enemys backup echelons from ever going into action. Integrate air, land, and sea operations. Synchronize combined operations. Avoid frontal attack against the adversarys strong points. Above all, know what the enemy is doing and prevent him from knowing what you are doing. It all sounded very much like AirLand Battle and its updates. Of course, the Gulf War went beyond AirLand Battle in many respects. Air power played the lead role, rather than its traditional supporting role... Nevertheles, Iraq was the first full-scale application of updated AirLand Battle doctrine. General Schwarzkopf, the allied commander, reportedly dislikes the term AirLand Battle. If so, it is perhaps understandable. For Schwarzkopf was a brilliant virtuoso performer... Military doctrine is continuing to changes in armies around the world. But if we listen closely, whether the words are in Chinese or Italian, French of Russian, the central themes are those of AirLand battle and AirLand operations. ...Knowledge, as weve seen, was becoming the key to the production of economic value... Thus Third Wave warfare, as we saw it in the Gulf, shared many of the characteristics of the advanced economy. When we compare the new features of warfare withthose of the new economy, the parallels are unmistakable. 1. FACTORS OF DESTRUCTION
Just as no one would ever entirely discount the importance of, say, raw materials or labor in production, so it would be absurd to ignore material elements in the capacity destruction. Nor was there ever a time when knowledge was unimportant in war. Nevertheless, a revolution is occuring that places knowledge, in various form, at the core of military power. In both production and destructionknowledge reduces the requirements for other inputs. The Gulf War, writes Alan D. Campen, was a war were an ounce of silicon in a computer may have had more effect than a ton of uranium. Campen ought to know. He is a retired air force colonel and formerly the Director of Command and Control Policy in the U.S. Defense Department. He now works for the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association and is author/editor of The First Information War, a highly valuable collection of technical papers on the Gulf War from which some of the data that follows is drawn. In it, he states, knowledge came to rival weapons and tactics in importance, giving credence to the notion that an enemy might be brought to its knees principally through destruction and disruption of the means for command and control. One indicator of the increased knowledge component in warfare is computerization. According to campen, Virtually every aspect of warfare is now automated, requiring the ability to transmit large quantities of data in many different forms. And by the end of desert storm, there were more than 3,000 computers in the war zone actually linked to computers in the United States. On TV, the public saw planes, guns, and tanks, but not the invisible, intangible flow of information , data, and knowledge now required for even the most ordinary military functions. Campen points out, Most base-level funtions are automated on fixed Air Force bases. Supply and maintenance functions are routinely conducted from computers on the flight line. At the higher level of command, writes Maj. T.J. Gibson, an army informations specialist, enemy formations strengths are tracked and analyzed with computers, courses of action are war-gamed with programs using artificial intelligence, logistical and personnel information is compiled and tracked on computer spread sheets. Over the Gulf flew two of the most powerful information weapons of all AWACS and J-STARS. Boeing 707 aircraft crammed with computers, communications gear, radar, and sensors, the AWACS (Airborne Warning and Control System) scanned the skies 360 degrees in all directions to detect enemy aircraft or missiles and sent targeting data to interceptors and ground units. Its counterpart, scanning the ground, was J-STARS the Joint Surveillance and Target Attack Radar System. It was designed to help detect, disrupt, and destroy the
follow-on echelons of an enemy ground force... Maj. Gen. Thomas S. Swalm of the U.S. Air Force says J-STARS provided ground commanders with a picture of enemy movements as they occured, as far distant 155 miles, under all weather conditions. Two J-STARS planes flew a total of 49 sorties, identified more than 1,000 targets, including convoys, tanks, trucks, armored personnel carriers, and artillery pieces, and controlled 750 fighters planes. Says Swalm, Aircraft directed by J-STARS had a 90 percent success rate infinding targets on the first past. At the same time that the coalition forces were busy collecting, analyzing, and dirtributing informations, they were also busy destroying the enemys information and communication capability. The Pentagons final formal report to Congress on the Conduct of the Persian Gulf War the so-called COW Report points out that the earliest attacks targeted microwave relay towers, telephone exchanges, switching rooms, fober optic nodes, and bridges that carried coaxial communications cables. This had the effect of either silencing them, or forcing the Iraqi leadership to use backup systems vulnerable to eavesdropping that produced valuable intelligence. These attacks were coupled with directs strikes at saddams military and political command centers themselves, designed to destroy or isolate the Iraqi leadership and cut it off from its troops in the field. The task, put differntly, was to disrupt the brain and nervous system of the Iraqi military. If any part of the wars was surgical, it was, so to speak, brain surgery. As understanding of this grows, a recognition is springing up in all parts of the world that a brain-force economy, like that in the United States, Japan, and Europe, emplies a brain-based military. Indeed, as we will soon see, even low-tech countries are racing to increase the knowledge-entensive parts of their military. The flavor of the new thinking is best expressed, perhaps, by Fatima Mernissi, a highly intelligent Morocan sociologist and feminist, and a passionate Muslim critic of the U.S. role in the Gulf War. The supremacy of the West, Mernissi has pointed out, is not so much due to its military hardware as to the fact that its military bases are laboratories and its troop are brains, armies of researchers and engineers. the day may well come when more soldiers carry computers than carry guns. The U.S. Department of Defense made a start in that direction in 1993 when the U.S. Air Force let a contract for the purchase of up to 300,000 Pcs. Knowledge, in short, is now the central resource of destructivity, just as it is the central resource of productivity. 2. INTANGIBLE VALUES If... seizing the initiative, better intelligence and communications, and better trained soldiers, more strongly motivated, all count for more than sheer numbers, then the military
balance may be determined more by intangible, hard-to-quantity factors than by the usual, easy-to-count factors to which Second Wave generals were accustomed. Just as in the case of obsolete accounting methods in business, military literature is filled with complex, quantitative formulas that attempt to compare forces in terms of their numbers and hardware. The International Institute for Strategic Studies is one of the worlds best and most authoritative sources of military data. Its annual, The Military Balance, is pored over painstakingly by military planners and media all over the world. It gives detailed information about how many men, tanks helicopters, vehicles, aircraft, rockets, or submarines are available to each of the worlds armies. We, ourselves, have relied heavily on it. But it offers few clues to the increasingly important intangbles. In the future it may tell us how much computing power or communication capability each military enjoys. In war, just as in business, the ways in which value is measured have fallen behind the new realities. 3. DE-MASSIFICATION When the first met Don Morelli in 1982, he noted that our book The Third Wave had introduced the concept of de-massification. But, he told us, theres one key thing you missed. All this de-massification in the economy and society was going to take place in the military, too. We are moving, Morelli said, in a memorable phrase, toward the de-massification of DE-struction in parallel with the de-massification of PRO-duction. If de-massification in the apparel industry means using a computer-driven laser to cut individual garments, on the battle field it means using a laser to designate an individual target. The pharmaceutical industry a monoclonal antibody that can identify a deseasecausing antigen, enter it through a specific receptor site, and destroy it. The defense industry designs a cruise missile that can identify an Iraqi bunker,enter through its doorway, and destroy it. Smart tools in the economy produce smart weapons for war. In the civilian economy, advanced technologies sometimes fail. The same is true, of course, for advanced weapons on the battlefield, including the remarkable but controversial Patriot missile. Even the Tomahawk was less than perfect during the war and later, in the 1993 air strike launched by president Clinton against Iraqi intelligence headquarters. Weapons manufacturers routinely overstate the capability of their products. The overall directions of change is clear and indisputable. The goal is finer precision, more selectivity. Built on the same microelectronic base as the civilian economy, smart weapons can detect sound, heat, radar emissions, and other electronic signals, stream this incoming data
through powerful analytical software, pick out the identifying signature of a specific target, and destroy it. One target,one kill. To appreciate just how astonishing these new capabilities are it helps to glance briefly backward. In 1881, for example, a British fleet fired 3,000 shells at Egyptians forts near Alexandria. Only ten ever hit their targets. As recently as the Vietnam War American pilots flew 800 sorties and lost ten planes in an unsuccessful attempt to knock out the Thanh Hoa bridge. Later four F-4s armed with some of the earliest smart bomb did the job in a single pass. In Vietnam an American M-60 tank crew had to find cover, stop the tank, and aim before it could fire. At 2,000 yards, at night, the chances of hitting the target were, according to tank expert Ralph Hallenbeck, pretty nil. Today the crew of an M-1 can fire without stopping. night-vision aids, lasers, and computers that automatically correct for heat, wind, and other conditions assure that they will score a hit nine out of ten times. Today one F-117, flying a single sortie and dropping one bomb, can accomplish what it took B-17 bombers flying 4,500 sorties and dropping 9,000 bombs to do during World War II, or 95sorties 190 bombs during vietnam. Whats making all this work, says James F. Digby, a Rand Corporation expert on precision weaponry,are weapons based on information instead of the volume of firepower. It reduces greatly the tonnage of explosives you have to ship over. His words echo those of business managers who use computers to cut raw material waste and miniaturized products, while slashing inventory and transportation costs. Mass destruction will not doubt be with us for as long as we can foresee. Weapons will malfunction and deadly errors will continue to be made so long as there is war. But de-massified destruction, customtailored to minimize collateral damage, will increasingly dominate the zones of battle, exactly paralleling changes in the civilian economy. 4. WORK It is by now generally understood that the new smart ecconomy requires smart workers, too. As musle work declines, large numbers of unskilled laborers are increasingly replaced by smaller numbers of highly trained workers and intelligent machines. This process, too, is perfectly paralleled in the military , where smart weapons require smart soldiers. Poorly educated troops can fight bravely in the hand-to-hand combat that typifies First Wave warfare; they can fight and win Second Wave wars; but they are just as mush a drag on Third Wave armies as ignotant workers are on Third Wave industries.
The idea that the Gulf War as a high-tech war in which the human element in combat was eliminated is a fantasy. The fact is that the forces sent by the allies to the Gulf were the best educated and technically expert army ever sent into battle... It took almost ten years to prepare the American military for the new kind of warfare based on AirLand Battle. Even advanced armies still have moral Neanderthals in their ranks, as demonstrated by the maltreatment of women during the U. S. Navys infamous Tailhook convention or by the outbreaks of gaybashing that still occur. But the changed nature of war places increasing value on education and expertise and less on old-fashioned military machismo and brute force. The new military needs soldiers who use their brains, can deal with a diversity of people and culture, who can tolerate ambiquity, take initiative, and ask questions, even to the point of questioning authority. The 60s slogan Question Authority has taken root in the unlikeliest of places, writes Steven D. Stark in the Los Angeles Times, describing the changed ethos in the U.S. military. The willingness to ask and think may well be more prevalent in the U.S. armed forces than in many business. Certainly, advanced education today is more common in the military than in the highest levels of business. A recent survey by North Carolinas Center for Creative Leadership showed that while only 19 percent of top American managers has earned a postgraduate degree, a remarkable 88 percent of brigadier generals had advanced education. Among pilots the levels of training are now far higher than in any earlier period. In World War II, young pilots might be thrown into action after a few hours in the cockfit. Today million of dollars worth of training lie behind every F-15 pilot. And it takes years, not days or months, of preparation. In the words of one U.S. Air Force officer, The weapons are only a smart as the people using them. Todays pilot is never a solo performer in the cockpit. He is part of a vast, complex interactive system backed up by radar operators in AWACS airplanes to provide early warning of enemy approach, by electronic warfare and counter warfare experts on the ground and in the air, by planning and intelligence officers, by data analysts and telecommunications personnel. The pilot in his or her cockpit must process vast amounts of data and understand exactly how to fit into this larger system as it changes from instant to instant. According to two air force colonels, Rosanne Bailey and Thomas Kearney, The critical factor that leads to success in technology exploitations remains the human element, as typified by the Desert Storm performance of fighter pilots using [the] AIM-7 air-to-air missile. There was more than a five-fold improvements over Vietnam performance... the direct result of greatly improved training that emphasized specialized training such as Red
Flag and Top Gun [exercises], the use of ultra-realistic simulators that exploit our computer technology, and most importantly, matching the right person with the right job. The rising educational level is manifest in the lower ranks as well. Over 98 percent of the armys all-volunteer force at the time of the Gulf War were high school graduates, the highest percentage in history. Many were better educated than that... In the words of Marine Col. W.C. Gregson, Military fellow at the council on Foreign Relations, the combat arms soldier is not a mere ammunation mule and bullet hose holder. He understands both mechanized and foot soldiers tactics. He is skilled in the operation capabilities of helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft,for he is most often the controlling agent. Directing aircraft means he understand antiaircraft weapons. He is skilled in geometry and navigation, to direct mortars and artillery.... Armor and anti-armor, mine and countermine weapons and tactics, use of demolitions, computers, motor vehicle, laser designators, thermal sights, satellite communication gear and organization of supply and logistic are part of his kit. Third Wave combatinvolves far more than pulling a trigger. Work force and war-force change in tandem. Mindless warriors are to Third Wave war what unskilled manual laborers are to the Third Wave economy an endangered species. Weve seen that as economies advance a change occurs in the ratio of direct labor to indirect labor. In the military we see a similar progression. The military terminology is slightly different. Soldiers speak not of direct or indirect, but of tooth or tail. And the Third Wave tail is now vastly longer than ever before. Notes Gen. Pierre Gallois, The United States sent 500,000 troops to the Gulf, and there were 200,000 to 300,000 backup troops for logitical purposes. But , in fact, the war was won by only 2,000 soldiers. The tail has grown to immense proportions. That tail even concluded computers programmers men and women alike back home in the United States, some of them working on Pcs in their own homes. Once again what is happening in the economy is reflected in the military. 5. INNOVATION Another feature of the Gulf War was the high-level initiative shown by troops and civilians alike. The computer-driven networkthat fed all-source intelligence to U.S. troops about to plunge across the Saudi Arabian border on February 24, 1991, did not even exist on that day, barely six months earlier, when Iraq invaded Kuwait, says Col. Alan Campen. It was, he explain, improvised... by a group of innovators who discovered how to bend the rules, end-run the bureaucracy and exploit off-the-shelf hardware and software to get the job done, promptly.
And again: critical systems were put together on the spot by technologicians who, upon discovering that communications and computer equipment would be late in arriving... contrived networks by unorthodox and unauthorized use of agglomerations of military and civilian informationware. Similar stories from the Gulf abound. to a degree unusual in armies, initiative was welcomed- as increasingly is in smart,competitive firms as well.
Scale, too,is changing in parallel. Budget cuts in many (though by no means all) countries are forcing commanders to scale down their forces. But other pressures are pushing in the same direction. Military thinkers are discovering that smaller units- like lean and mean companies in competitive warfare- can actually deliver more bang for the buck. The push is toward weapons system with more firepower but smaller crews. A experiment being carried out under U. S. admiral Paul Miller, Commander in chief of the Atlantic Command, seeks to assemble troops in smaller, more flexible formations. until recently the 10,000-18,000-man division was thought to be the smallest combat unit capable of operating on its own for a sustained period. It would typically include, in the American case, three or four brigades, each from two to five battalions, along with various support elements and a headquarters staff. But the day is approaching when a capital-intensive Third Wave brigade of 4,000-5,000 troops may be able to do what it took a full-size division to do in the past, at tiny appropriately armed ground units may do the work of a brigade. As in the civilian economy, fewer people with intelligent technology can accomplish more than a lot of people with the brute-force tools of the past.
Changes in organization structured in the armed service also parallel developments in the business world. In announcing a recent reorganization, U. S. Air Force Secretary Donald Rice explained that a reduced emphasis on nukes and on increasing need for flexible response point to a new structure that enhances the autonomy of the local Commander. The commander of an air base will have unchallenged authority over everything of his faility- from fighters and weather forecasters to radar- jamming planes. Like Third Wave business, the military is loosening its rigid, top-down control. Perry Smith, A former air force general in charge of long-range planning, became familiar to viewers of CNN when he provided interpretive commentary during the war with Iraq. Acccording to Smith, Now that the Pentagon has graet command, control, and communication facilities, ensuring instanteneous access to our forces around the world, many felt that all wars would be controlled by the Pentagon itself.... Yet in the Gulf War just the opposite happened. Fields commanders were given a great deal of
autonomy. The central headquarters supported the field commander but did not micromanage him. this was not only the reverse of how the United States fought in Vietnam. It also contrasted strakly with Soviet practice, which used the new C3I* systems to strengthen top-down authority in a system describes as Forward command from the rear. The downward shift of authority contrarted even more with the way Saddam Hussein ran his army- with commanders in the field afraid to make a move without topside approval. In the Third Wave military, exactly as in the Third Wave corporation, decisional authority is being pushed to the lowest level possible.
The growing complexity of the military lends heavier-than-ever significance to the term integration. In the air war in the Gulf, airspace managers, as they are called, had to deconflict the skies- that is, make sure that allied aircraft did not get in one anothers way. To accomplish this they had to route thousands of sorties in response to the Daily Air Tasking Order. According to Campen, These flights had to move at high speeds through 122 different air refueling tracks, 660 restricted operation zones, 312 missile engagement zones,78 strike corridors, 92 combat air patrol points and 36 training areas alone, spread over 93,600 miles. All this, morever, had to be thoroughly coordinated with the continually shifting civil airways of six independent nations. The logistic of the war were mind-boggling, too. Even the process of withdrawing U.S. forces after the fighting was a monumental task. Gen William G. Pagonis was responsible for shipping half a million troops back to the United States. But the task also involved washing, preparing, and transporting over 100,000 trucks, jeeps, and other wheeled vehicles;10,000 tanks and artillery pieces; and 1,900 helicopters. Over 40,000 containers were moved. Recently, for the first time, large transport firms have been able, by relying on computers and satellites, to track the packages they carry at every step of the way. Says Pagonis- who do not incidentally holds two masters degrees in business administration, This is the first war in modern times where every screwdrivers, every nail is accounted for. What made this possible for the military were not only computers, data bases, and satellites but their systematic integration.
* In the jungle of military acronyms, as in any real jungle, evolutions occurs. The ability to command and control troops has been prerequisite of war since its inception. This led to the abbrevation C2, for Command and Control. As armies came to rely on communications systems to carry orders, C2 became C3. As these systems were integrated with intelligence, the term C3I activity depends on computers, the term Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence is giving rise to C4I. No ends is in sight.
Like Third Wave business, A Third Wave military requires a vast, ramified electronic infrartructure. Without it, systematic integration would have been impossible. Thus the Gulf War saw what has been called the Largest single communications mobilization in military history. Starting with minimal capabilities in the region, a complex set of interconnected networks were built at high speed. These Networks , according to Larry K. Wentz of the Mitre Corporations, relied on 118 mobile ground stations for satellite communications, suplemented by 12 commercial satellite terminals, using some 81 switches that made available 329 voice and 30 message circuits. Extremely complex linkages were established to tie many different U. S.- based data bases and networks to those in the war zone. In all, they handled up to 700,000 telophone calls and 152,000 messages per day, and used 30,000 radio frequencies. The air war alone involved nearly 30 million telophone calls. Without this nervous system systematic integration of effort would have been impossible and coalition casualties would have been sharply higher.
General Schwarzkopfs famous sweep around the western end of Saddam husseins main defences was a classic application of turning manuever. This envelopment was quite predictable to anyone who bothered to look at a map, although efforts were made to deceive Saddam Hussein into thinking a frontal attack was imminent. What was not classic, and what astonished the Iraqi Commanders, was the speed with which the end-run was accomplished. Apparently no one on their side believe that the allied group troops could advanced at such historically high speeds. This increase in the velocity of software(like the increasing velocity of economic transactions) was spurred by computers, telecommunications, and significantly, satellites. Unprecedented speed was evident in m,any other aspects of the Third Wave War(such as logistic and the constructions of the communications facilities). But in contrast, complaints and criticisms surfaced after the combat the tactical intelligence was too slow in arriving where it was needed. At the start of the Desert Shield, Alan Campen
says,demands for up-to-date intelligence on the situation in Kuwait and Iraq were threatening to overwhelm the U.S. Army Intelligence Agencys capacity. A great deal of information was streaming in from satellites and other sources, but analysis was slow and, lacking adequate communications capacity, photo overlays showing Iraqi ground positions and barrier constructions did not reach the units needing them for twelve to fourteen days. Information produced by the Armys intelligence and Threat Analysis Center still had to be hand-carried to the various corps and divisions in the fields via helicopter, truck , and even on foot. These units were spread over a region the size of the eastern United States. By the time the air campaign began, the delay had been shortened to thirteen hours- a great improvements but still not fast enough. Many of the system used to collect and process intelligence were still in their development stage when the fighting began, and some were still in prototype when sent to the Middle East. But the issue in the battle is not necessarily absolute speed, but speed relative to the enemys space. And here there was no doubt about the speed superiority of the victors. (Ironnically, the intelligence times lags would have been less troublesome if U.S. forces were not themselves moving so quickly). Despite these shortfalls, Forbesm, the business magazine, was right when it wrote, America won the military war...the same way the Japanese are winning the hightechnology trade and manufacturing war againts us: by using fast-cycle, time based competitive strategy. Of course, a business and an army are decidedly different creatures. No corporate CEO is asked to lay his or her life on the line or to send employees into harms way. But the way we make wealth is, needed, the way we make war. In the Gulf War two militaryu modes, Second Wave and Third Wave, were employed. The iraqi forces, especially after most of their radar and surveillance were exicised, were a conventional military machine. Machines are the brute technology of the Second Wave era, powerful but stupid. By contrast, The allied force was not a machine, but a system with far greater internal feedback, communications, and selfregulatory adjustment capability. It was, in fact, in part at least, a Third Wave thinking systtem. Only when this priciple is fully understood can we glimpse the future of armed violence-- and, therefore, of the kind of anti-wars that the future will require.
Now let us briefly set what we have so far seen into the context of past and future. The idea that each civilization gives rise to its own way of waging war is not new. The Prussian military theorist Clausewitz himself noted thateach age has had its own peculiar forms of war... Each therefore would also keep its own theory of war. Clausewitz went further. Rather than the undertake anxious study of minute details, he declared, those who want to understand war need to make a shrewd glance at the time features...in each particular age. But at the time Clausewitz wrote, relatively early in the industrial age, there were, as weve seen, only two basic types of civilization. Todays as weve seen, the worl is moving from a two-level to a three-level power system, with agricultural economies at the bottom,Smokestack economies in the middle, knowledge-based, or Third wave,economies likely,at least for a time, to occupy the top of the global power pyramid . In this new global structure, war, too, is trisected. One predictable result of this will be a radical diversification of the kinds of wars we are likely to confront in the future. It is a military truism that every war is different. But few understand just how varied tomorrows war are going to be-- and how that increased diversity could complicate future efforts to maintain peace. To succeed, we will need a better vocubu;lary to describe the form of warfare that spring from a particular way of making wealth. A century and a half ago, Karl Marx spoke of different modes of production. Here we can speak of different modes of destruction, each one characteristic of given civilization. We can call them, more simply, war-forms. Once we start thinking in terms of the interplay of the different warforms, we have a useful new tool for analyzing both the history and future war.
In some wars both sides essentially figth the same way- they both rely on the same warform. Wars between two or more agrarian kingdoms pockmarked ancient China and medieval Europe. In 1870, to choose another example, France and Germany fought. both were rapidly industrializing states at ruoghly similar stages og development. In another class of wars, war-forms are dramatically mismatched, as in, for example, tyhe colonial wars of the nineteenth century. In India and Africa, Europeans waged industrialized warfare against agrarian and tribal societies. Europes armies had begun industrilizing at least at early as the Napoleonic wars. By the late 1800s they were already beginning to use machine guns (only against nonwhites). The victors however, did not conquer vast colonial territories simply because they had machine guns. Backed by societies making the transition from framing to industrial production, their Second Wave armies could communicate faster and better over longer
distances. They trained, more systematically organized, and had many advantages as well. They brought a whole new, Second Wavw war-form to the killing fields. In Asia, starting in March 1919, Korean nationalist revolted against Japanese colonial rule. In reminiscing about the 1920s, the man who later became the dictator of North Korea, Kim II Sung, recalls wondering whether we..... could defeat the troops of an imperialist country which produced tanks, artilleries, warships, planes and other modern weapons, as well as heavy equipment, on assembly line. Adversaries in such conflicts did not simply represent different countries or cutures. They represented different civilizations and different ways of making wealth, one based on the plow, the other on the assembly line. Their respective militaries reflected the clash of civilizations. A more complicated class of wars pits a single war-form against a dual form. That, as weve seen, is what happened in the Gulf conflict. But it was not the first time an army employed two war-forms at once.
The europeans had already grabbed huge chuncks of Asia when Japan started on its own path to industrialization after the Meiji Revolution in 1868. Determined that it would not be the next victim of European aggrandizement, Japans modernizers decide to industrialized not merely its economy but its military as well. Not long after, in 1877, the Satsuma Rebellion broke out. In it, sword-weilding samurai made a last stand against the army of the Emperor. The war according to Meirion and Susie Harries, authors of Soldier of the Sun, saw the last instance of hand-to-hand combat between individual samurai. But it also saw an early use of the industrial warfrom. While the emperors forces include some First Wave samurai as well, it was largely composed of Second Wave conscripts armed with Gatling guns, mortars, and rifles. Here, as in the Gulf War, therefore, one side relied on a single war-form while the other fought a dual war. In still another class of war, which includes within in World War I, we find grand alliances in which First and Second Wave natrions are partners on one or both sides. Within