SCM-Accountant's Role (Pedrera, Marc)
SCM-Accountant's Role (Pedrera, Marc)
SCM-Accountant's Role (Pedrera, Marc)
1. Why do most companies adhere to GAAP for their basic internal financial statements?
7. Four themes are common to many managers. The critical theme for all of these is
9. ________ management exists to provide advice and assistance to those responsible for attaining the
objectives of the organization.
a. Line
b. Functional
c. Staff
d. Risk
10. Which of the following is not one of the ethical responsibilities of a management accountant?
a. Compliance
b. Confidentiality
c. Integrity
d. Objectivity
1. Describe how cost accounting supports management accounting and financial accounting.
Manager make use of the management accounting information to make economic decision to gain profit or
revunue for the firm. For instance, managers may want to know whether a company is going to increase in
liabilities and lower in revunue so the company through that information the firm can use that information
to make operating decisions and briefly adjust for the future benefit.