MS Powerpoint
MS Powerpoint
MS Powerpoint
OP 1
10 Features of MS
1.) PowerPoint Design Ideas
It can be found in the “Design” tab in the PowerPoint Ribbon.
You can choose the desired design for your PPT.
2.) Animations
MS PowerPoint animations helps you to emphasize certain points of your present
There are primarily 3 categories of animations in PPT.
Entrance Animation
Emphasis Animation
Exit Animations
Each animation category gives you a list of additional options to choose from.
3.)Slide Transitions
While animation allows you to animate elements within your slide, transitions allows you to change
how slides change from one to another.
This can have a remarkable impact on a slide’s first impressions.
Some of the most important transitions are:
4.) Images
There are two main ways of adding images.
You could either add an image from your Personal Computer or you can embed an image from the
6.) Videos
Videos can be easily added from the storage on your Personal Computer.
Videos can also be selected from the internet.
7.) Icons
With the feature to add icons into your presentations, it just gives you
some freedom to add a personal touch to the presentation.
10.) Charts
Charts are used in presentations to illustrate data in an easy-to-understand
way for your audience.
Charts can be linked to external data sources or even excel sheets.
The charts also easily getup dated automatically in PPT when the data is edited
in excel.
What are benifits
of powerpoint?
Visual Impact Collaboration
Making your presentation more PowerPoint allows you to work with other
interesting through the use of multimedia people in a collaborative manner. This is
can help to improve the audience's focus. especially useful in office settings where
PowerPoint allows you to use images, audio teamwork is key. Multiple people can
and video to have a greater visual impact. collaborate on and contribute to a
These visual and audio cues may also help a presentation. By going to the "Review" tab at
presenter be more improvisational and the top of the program and clicking the "New
interactive with the audience. However, Comment" button, you can leave notes and
try not to overly rely on these sources as reposition them on the screen for other
your message might get lost in the team members to view. Comments can be an
clutter. especially beneficial tool for clarification.
What are benifits
of powerpoint?
Content Sharing Flexibility
Share your PowerPoint presentation with the PowerPoint can be used in a number of different
world. Did someone miss your presentation? effective ways to communicate with your
Have them view it online at a time that is audience. Slides are completely customizable to fit
convenient for them. You can upload your your needs. Depending on your approach, you may
want to have a presentation that is text-heavy,
presentation to websites such as YouTube
image-heavy or some combination of both. Text-
with everything featured in your work
heavy presentations are generally good if you are
including all of the slides, commentary and
giving a lecture to a group within your company and
transitions. All you have to do is go to "File," want them to take notes. Image-heavy
"Save and Send" and "Create a Video." The file presentations can help to make your presentation
will be saved in WMV format, which is capable more conversational in style since there only visual
of playback on Windows Media Player and can cues. Combining the two approaches gives listeners
be uploaded to most video sites. the benefits of both visual aids and notes.
What are three categories
using powerpoint?
You can format the text as plain Graphs and charts are the best
sentences or pointers. concept.
examples of mixed slides.
You can use them at the start of the Mixed slides have an advantage over
You may even arrange them all in a presentation to better visualize and
single slide or one line per slide. the other slides; they keep your
grasp the meaning of the audience engaged, listening and
presentation. participating more actively!
What are the advantages and dis
advantages of powerpoint?
To create slides, PowerPoint has a comprehensive template library available, while Google Slides has
the option to search for web templates. Both applications can embed and play images, videos,
audio, and links. Work-in-progress is automatically saved in Google Slides and can be checked in
the version history.
Google Slide and Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation, both are available online and offline
What are the main
requirements by using
google slides?
You must submit only in . PPTX file format. Google Slides templates must use only
Google Slides compatible features, fonts, animations, etc. Google Slides
templates must be created with presentation design best-practice in mind,
including use of master slides/layouts, and fully scalable vector based graphics.
Google Slides presentation files should be no larger than 100 MB according to
Google’s size limits.
What are the features using
the google slides?
1. Create the Master Slide
2. Add a theme to the Master slide
3. Create a template for sharing
4. Edit your slides
5. Link your slides
6. Import your Microsoft Powerpoint presentations
7. Import your Keynote presentations
8. Insert YouTube videos
9. Edit your videos
10. Autoplay videos
11. Autoplay slides
12. Host a Q&A
Thank you