SmartCity Report
SmartCity Report
SmartCity Report
A city is a system of systems with a unique history and set in a specific social and environmental
context. For a city to prosper, all of the key city systems need to work together by utilizing all of their
resources to overcome the challenges the city faces.
The “smartness” of a city describes its ability to bring together all its resources and to effectively operate
with maximum possible efficiency to fulfil the purposes it has set for itself.
The smart city is a concept, and it has limitless applications. A smart city can have one or more smart
components, including smart transportation, smart health care, and smart governance. The IoT and BD
are key technologies for the implementation of smart cities. Smart cities with minimal implementation
and operations cost are vital for long-term sustainability. There are
several smart cities with some form of smart components operating at present in various parts of the
globe. The need for smart cities is increasing day by day with the growth in population and as earthly
resources become limited.
Applications that help prevent, treat, and monitor
conditions could make the biggest difference in the
developed world. Remote patient monitoring systems,
which take a proactive and preventive approach to
treatment, have the potential to reduce the health
burden in high-income cities by more than 4 percent.
These systems use digital devices to take vital
readings, then transmit them securely to doctors in
Predictive policing, real-time crime mapping, and
another location for assessment. This data can alert
gunshot detection have the greatest impact on
both patient and doctor when early intervention is
preventing deaths. Incidents of assault, robbery, and
needed, heading off complications and
burglary could be lowered by 30–40 percent, with
predictive policing, real-time crime mapping, and
home security systems making the biggest difference. Cities can use data and analytics to identify
Optimized dispatching and synchronized traffic lights demographic groups with elevated risk profiles and
could cut emergency response times by 20–35 percent. target interventions more precisely. So-called mHealth
interventions can send out lifesaving messages about
Real-time crime mapping, for instance, utilizes
vaccinations, sanitation, safe sex, and adherence to
statistical analysis to highlight patterns, while
antiretroviral therapy regimens. In low-income cities
predictive policing goes a step further, anticipating
with high infant mortality rates, data-based
crime to head off incidents before they occur. When
interventions can be focused on maternal and child
incidents do occur, applications such as gunshot
health. Developing cities can use infectious disease
detection, smart surveillance, and home security
surveillance systems to stay a step ahead of fast-
systems can accelerate law enforcement response.
moving epidemics.
Seconds count when lives are at stake, making it
Technology can empower people to take charge of
critical to speed first responders to the scene of
their own health, preventing disease rather than
emergencies. Smart systems can optimize call centres
treating it after the fact. Louisville, Kentucky, for
and field operations, while traffic signal pre-emption
example, collected data from sensors attached to the
gives emergency vehicles a clear driving path.
inhalers used by asthma patients. This information is
Time and Convenience synthesized on a digital platform with personalized
In general, cities with extensive, well-used transit guidance about the precautions individuals can take.
systems benefit from applications that streamline the Telemedicine, which provides clinical consultations by
experience for riders. Using digital signage or mobile videoconference, decreases the barriers to seeking
apps to deliver real-time information about delays treatment. It can be lifesaving in low-income cities
enables riders to adjust their routes on the fly. with doctor shortages.
Environmental Quality budgets are tight and a great deal of informal recycling
As urbanization, industrialization, and consumption already takes place.
grow, environmental pressures multiply. While
Social Connectedness and Civic Participation
technology is only one option for addressing these
The use of digital apps and platforms could nearly
issues, it can be a powerful one. Overall, our analysis
double the share of residents who feel connected to the
finds that deploying a range of applications to the best
local community, and nearly triple the share who feel
reasonable extent could cut emissions by 10–
connected to local government.
15 percent, lower water consumption by 20–
30 percent, and reduce the volume of solid waste per New channels for the public to communicate with local
capita by 10–20 percent. officials could make city governments more
responsive. Many city agencies maintain an active
In a city where building structures are the major source
presence on social networks, and others have
of emissions, building automation systems can lower
developed their own interactive citizen apps. In
emissions by just under 3 percent if adopted in most
addition to disseminating information, these channels
commercial buildings and by an additional 3 percent if
create vehicles for residents to report concerns, collect
adopted in most homes. Another application with
data, or weigh in on planning issues. Paris has
significant potential is dynamic electricity pricing,
implemented a participatory budget, inviting anyone to
which allows utilities to charge more when demand
post project ideas and then holding online votes to
peaks. By reducing consumption and shifting the load
decide which one’s merit funding.
to off-peak periods, it reduces the power sector’s use
of backup “peaker plants” that produce more Cities can be anonymous and impersonal places, and
emissions. technology is often blamed for making daily life even
more isolating. But some digital platforms facilitate
Some of the energy-saving and mobility applications
interaction in the real world. Digital platforms such as
described above could improve air quality as a
Nextdoor invite neighbourhoods to form online
secondary benefit. To tackle this issue more directly,
communities. They can strengthen ties between
cities can install air quality sensors. They do not
neighbours, mobilize action on specific issues, and
automatically address the causes of pollution, but they
provide support during emergencies.
can identify the sources and provide the basis for
further action. Beijing reduced deadly airborne Jobs
pollutants by roughly 20 percent in less than a year by Many want to know if a city becoming a smart city
closely tracking the sources of pollution and regulating will lead to an infusion of high-paying tech jobs or
traffic and construction accordingly. Sharing real-time accelerate a wave of automation. Smart technologies
air quality information with the public via smartphone can play a role in making local job markets more
apps enables individuals to take protective measures, efficient, supporting local business growth, and
potentially reducing negative health effects by 3– building skills that make people more employable.
15 percent, depending on current pollution levels.
A range of smart city technologies could have a
Water consumption tracking, which pairs advanced slightly positive net impact on employment, boosting it
metering with digital feedback messages, can nudge by 1–3 percent by 2025. This number combines the
people toward conservation. It could reduce direct, indirect, and induced job effects stemming from
consumption by 15 percent in a higher-income city several developments.
where residential water usage is high, although its
effectiveness depends on whether it is paired with a First, smart city technologies will directly eliminate
pricing strategy. In many parts of the developing some jobs, such as administrative and field jobs in city
world, the biggest source of water waste is leakage government, while creating others such as maintenance
from pipes. Deploying sensors and analytics can cut roles, driving jobs, and temporary installation jobs.
those losses by up to 25 percent. Second, e-career centres and digital hiring platforms
can have a modest positive impact by creating more
As low-tech recycling programs reach the limits of efficient mechanisms for hiring and drawing more
what they can do, technology could further reduce the unemployed and inactive people into the workforce.
volume of unrecycled solid waste. Digital tracking and Third, data-driven formal education and online
payment for waste disposal, for instance, charges users retraining programs can enhance a city’s pool of skills.
for exactly for the amount and type of trash they throw Finally, digitizing government functions such as
away. But this type of application should be business licensing, permitting, and tax filing can free
considered alongside other policy initiatives, local enterprises from red tape, contributing to a more
particularly in developing economies where household efficient and entrepreneurial business climate.
Backbone of Smart Cities which dim or brighten by touching the base, and in
The smart city is primarily a concept, and there is still innumerable applications of which most people are
not a clear and consistent definition among never aware. A sensor's sensitivity indicates how much
practitioners and academia. As a simplistic its output changes when the input quantity it measures
explanation, a smart city is a place where traditional changes.
networks and services are made more flexible,
efficient, and sustainable with the use of information,
digital, and telecommunication technologies to
improve the city’s operations for the benefit of its
Information and communication technologies (ICT)
are the enabling keys for transforming traditional cities
into smart cities. Two closely related emerging
technology frameworks, the Internet of Things (IoT)
and big data (BD), make smart cities efficient and
Wireless Sensor Networks
The infrastructure of the smart city includes physical Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is an infrastructure-
aspects, ICT, and services. less wireless network that is deployed in a large
number of wireless sensors in an ad-hoc manner that is
The physical infrastructure is the real physical or used to monitor the system, physical or environmental
structural entity of the smart city, including buildings, conditions. There are 4 main components in a WSN
roads, railway tracks, power supply lines, and water namely, sensors, radio nodes, WLAN access points
supply system. The physical infrastructure is typically and evaluation software.
the non-smart component of smart cities.
Sensors in WSN are used to capture the environmental
The ICT infrastructure is the core smart component of variables and which is used for data acquisition.
the smart city that glues together all the other Sensor signals are converted into electrical signals.
components, essentially acting as the nerve center of Radio nodes are used to receive the data produced by
the smart city. It includes communication the Sensors and send it to the WLAN access point. The
infrastructure, such as fibre optics, Wi-Fi networks, WLAN Access Points receive the data which is sent by
and wireless hotspots as well as service-oriented the Radio nodes wirelessly, generally through the
information systems. internet. The data received by the WLAN Access
The service infrastructure is based on physical Points is processed by a software called as Evaluation
infrastructure and may have some ICT components. Software for presenting the report to the users for
Examples of service components include a mass rapid further processing of the data which can be used for
transit system and smart grids. processing, analysis, storage, and mining of the data.
The back end of the smart infrastructure is the ICT Internet Of Things (IOT)
infrastructure, which makes the physical infrastructure The Internet of Things (IoT), also sometimes referred
“smart”. Smart infrastructure is more efficient, safe, to as the Internet of Everything (IoE), consists of all
secure, and fault tolerant as compared to a classic the web-enabled devices that collect, send and act on
infrastructure. The smart infrastructure may have data they acquire from their surrounding environments
physical infrastructure, sensors, firmware, software, using embedded sensors, processors and
and middleware as its overall components. communication hardware. These devices, often called
"connected" or "smart" devices, can sometimes talk to
Sensors other related devices, a process called machine-to-
A sensor is a device, module, machine, or subsystem machine (M2M) communication, and act on the
that detects events or changes in its environment and information they get from one another.
sends the information to other electronics, frequently a
computer processor. The term “input device” in the The IoT architecture refers to the tangle of components
definition of a Sensor means that it is part of a bigger such as sensors, actuators, cloud services, Protocols,
system which provides input to a main control system and layers that make up IoT networking systems. The
(like a Processor or a Microcontroller). architecture of IoT is a four-step process through
which data flows from devices connected to sensors,
Sensors are used in everyday objects such as touch- through a network, and then through the cloud for
sensitive elevator buttons (tactile sensor) and lamps processing, analysis, and storage.
technologies in the development of services for support and generate messages using an open data
networks containing smart objects. format compatible with XML.
A reference protocol architecture for the urban IoT 2) Application and Transport Layers: Most of the
system that entails both an unconstrained and a traffic that crosses the Internet nowadays is carried at
constrained protocol stack is depicted below. the application layer by HTTP over TCP. However, the
verbosity and complexity of native HTTP make it
unsuitable for a straight deployment on constrained
IoT devices. For such an environment, in fact, the
human-readable format of HTTP, which has been one
of the reasons of its success in traditional networks,
turns out to be a limiting factor due to the large amount
of heavily correlated (and, hence, redundant) data.
Moreover, HTTP typically relies upon the TCP
transport protocol that, however, does not scale well on
constrained devices, yielding poor performance for
small data flows in lossy environments.
The CoAP protocol overcomes these difficulties by
The first stack (unconstrained) consists of the proposing a binary format transported over UDP,
protocols that are currently the de-facto standards for handling only the retransmissions strictly required to
Internet communications, and are commonly used by provide a reliable service. Moreover, CoAP can easily
regular Internet hosts, such as XML, HTTP, and IPv4. interoperate with HTTP because: (i) it supports the
ReST methods of HTTP (GET, PUT, POST, and
These protocols are mirrored in the constrained DELETE), (ii) there is a one-to-one correspondence
protocol stack by their low-complexity counterparts, between the response codes of the two protocols, and
i.e., the Efficient XML Interchange (EXI), the (iii) the CoAP options can support a wide range of
Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP), and HTTP usage scenarios.
6LoWPAN, which are suitable even for very
constrained devices. The transcoding operations Even though regular Internet hosts can natively
between the protocols in the left and right stacks in can support CoAP to directly talk to IoT devices, the most
be performed in a standard and low complexity general and easily interoperable solution requires the
manner, thus guaranteeing easy access and deployment of an HTTP-CoAP intermediary, also
interoperability of the IoT nodes with the Internet. known as cross proxy that can straightforwardly
translate requests/responses between the two protocols,
In the protocol architecture shown above, we can thus enabling transparent interoperation with native
distinguish three distinct functional layers, namely (i) HTTP devices and applications.
Data, (ii) Application/ Transport, and (iii) Network,
that may require dedicated entities to operate the 3) Network Layer: IPv4 is the leading addressing
transcoding between constrained and unconstrained technology supported by Internet hosts. However,
formats and protocols. IANA, the international organization that assigns IP
addresses at a global level, announced the exhaustion
1) Data Format: As mentioned, the urban IoT of IPv4 address blocks. IoT networks, in turn, are
paradigm sets specific requirements in terms of data expected to include billions of nodes, each of which
accessibility. In architectures based on web services, shall be (in principle) uniquely addressable.
data exchange is typically accompanied by a
description of the transferred content by means of A solution to this problem is offered by the IPv6
semantic representation languages, of which the standard, which provides a 128-bit address field, thus
eXtensible Markup Language (XML) is probably the making it possible to assign a unique IPv6 address to
most common. Nevertheless, the size of XML any possible node in the IoT network. While, on the
messages is often too large for the limited capacity of one hand, the huge address space of IPv6 makes it
typical devices for the IoT. Furthermore, the text possible to solve the addressing issues in IoT; on the
nature of XML representation makes the parsing of other hand, it introduces overheads that are not
messages by CPU-limited devices more complex compatible with the scarce capabilities of constrained
compared to the binary formats. For these reasons, the nodes.
working group of the World Wide Web Consortium
This problem can be overcome by adopting
(W3C)7 has proposed the EXI format, which makes it
6LoWPAN which is an established compression
possible even for very constrained devices to natively
format for IPv6 and UDP headers over low-power directly, yet it is the bulk of the organizational
constrained networks. A border router, which is a universe.
device directly attached to the 6LoWPAN network, • Velocity: Velocity deals with the rate at which data
transparently performs the conversion between IPv6 flows in from various sources. Big Data flow is
and 6LoWPAN, translating any IPv6 packet intended massive and continuous.
for a node in the 6LoWPAN network into a packet • Veracity: Veracity refers to uncertainty of data. It
with 6LoWPAN header compression format, and deals to quality, trustworthiness, accuracy of data.
operating the inverse translation in the opposite
Link Layer Technologies
An urban IoT system, due to its inherently large
deployment area, requires a set of link layer
technologies that can easily cover a wide geographical
area and, at the same time, support a possibly large
amount of traffic resulting from the aggregation of an
extremely high number of smaller data flows. For
these reasons, link layer technologies enabling the
realization of an urban IoT system are classified into
unconstrained and constrained technologies.
City environments. E.g., some technologies like IEEE Software Defined Networking
802.11 (Wi-Fi), in contrast to its high popularity, are Software-defined networking (SDN) allows, in
not suitable for the IoT and for the Smart Cities as summary, the creation and deployment of
well. The reason is that Wi-Fi is originally designed to programmable networks and systems. In technical
offer end users high speed Internet or LAN access terms, SDN uses a logically centralized controller to
from limited number of stations in short distances and program network equipment using a well know
indoor environments. The purpose of Wi-Fi interface and protocol like OpenFlow.
technology is to enable high speed access to
multimedia data and services.
In order to expand the usage of IEEE 802.11 networks
to IoT, IEEE 802.11ah Task Group (TGah) is formed
with a goal to design energy efficient protocols.
The classification of Smart City communication
technologies can also be made according to three
groups: (i) Cellular Mobile Networks, (ii) IoT-
Dedicated Cellular Networks, (iii) Multi-Tier
• Cellular Mobile Networks are planned for new
communication paradigm with little or no
human interaction, e.g., for Machine-To-
Machine (M2M) or Machine-Type
communications (MTCs). Those networks
should be implemented in Smart City
applications designed for high coverage and As a result, we can control network state transitions by
flexibility of supported data rate. monitoring network operational parameters and
• IoT-dedicated cellular networks are intended programming any modification of its operational
to answer the need for design of low-cost, low- behaviour in terms of packet handling and
energy M2M applications with limited traffic manipulation.
requirements. Those technologies have
advantage comparing to cellular operators, SDN can fit and support smart city project
lower costs of network equipment and network developments in all three deployment levels:
devices and include technologies such as: • at physical components level;
Sigfox, LoRaWAN, Weightless, Ingenu, etc. • at communications level;
• Multi-tier Architectures cover variety of • at big data/ application level.
solutions like following: IEEE 802.15.4.
ZigBee, WI-SUN (802.15.4g), ULP At communication level, smart city projects require the
(802.15.4q), Wireless M-Bus, Z-Wave, transfer of huge volume of data captured by
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), WIFI Low heterogeneous sensors over large distributed areas. In
Power (802.11ah), etc. These technologies are this scenario, the communication infrastructure has to
targeted to applications with limited number of cope with heterogeneous communications
nodes and low communication range, allowing requirements that are difficult to realize with a single
flexible setups and easy customization. and not dynamically configurable network
Another important issue at the communication level is
routing and traffic patterns variability. Routes have to
be defined between data source and destinations and
the network infrastructure has to adjust itself to the
variability of communication resources demanded.
Due to the variety of objectives and requirements
involved in these communications such as QoS
(Quality of Service), QoE (Quality of Experience) and
SLA (Service Level Agreement) compliance, a flexible
and programmable network infrastructure is the best
possible approach.
SDN with OpenFlow, P4 or other deployment Cost is the most important factor of smart city design.
approach responds very positively to these difficult to The cost includes design and operations costs. The
achieve objectives and requirements. In effect, SDN design cost is a one-time cost. The operations cost is
adoption by smart city projects brings the following that required to maintain the smart city. Design cost
benefits: needs to be small to make a smart city realization
possible. At the same time, a small operations cost will
• Allows a logically centralized view and control of
make it easier for cities to operate in the long run with
network equipment and resources;
minimal burden on the city budget. Cost optimization
• Allows a dynamically configurable network over the complete system life cycle can be a
infrastructure in terms of routing, where routing here challenging problem.
means the definition and setup of a path between data
Operations efficiency of smart cities is an important
source and destinations
challenge: higher efficiency can reduce the operational
For the communication level, SDN supports distinct cost and improve sustainability of the smart city.
solutions for the two basic networking approaches Cutting down carbon emissions and city waste is
adopted in cities: needed to enhance sustainability and efficiency and
• wired networking; reduce operations cost.
• wireless networking.
Smart cities need to cope with population growth while
Until very recently, most solutions based on SDN
ensuring long-term sustainability with optimized
paradigm and its protocols (OpenFlow, P4, other) have
operations cost, and they need to be resilient to
been designed for wired infrastructures.
disasters and failures. Disasters can come from nature,
Nowadays, SDN-based solutions for wireless do and failures can originate for many reasons in a
prevail and have been extensively researched. This system, such as a failure in ICT or a power failure.
comes from the fact that wireless in cities do support Natural disasters also can lead to the failure of various
mobility and SDN allows a more accurate and components of smart cities. Any smart city design
centralized view and control of network states with needs to take these potential disasters and failures into
mobile users. consideration so the city can quickly recover from such
Network infrastructures have to evolve to a more
dynamic and flexible operation and management Smart cities are made possible due to the effective use
approach and, for that, SDN is a suitable solution that of many smart components including ICT, sensors, and
brings various benefits for the deployed network. the IoT and will need to process and store large
Beyond all this, SDN with virtualization has the volumes of data. The security of the information and
capability and merit to keep legacy operation or, infrastructure is an important design challenge. In
optionally, to virtualize its operation keeping both addition, communication and collection of a very large
legacy an innovative network operating simultaneously number of messages in a timely fashion according to
over the same equipment substrate. their priority, delay-tolerance, and size is vital to the
efficient operation of smart city systems. In order to
Challenges in Smart City Design reduce the amount of exchanged traffic, local
The challenges for building smart cities are quite processing, compression, and aggregation of the
diverse and complex; they include cost, efficiency, generated messages need to be done at the lower and
sustainability, communication, safety, security, intermediate levels of the node hierarchy and
interoperability. geographic areas.
These design challenges are governed by various Above all, public safety is a critical design challenge
factors including the natural environment, government for smart cities, as the safety of the inhabitants is of
policy, social communities, and economy. paramount importance, and this may also increase
design and operations budgets.
Smart city systems rely on various heterogeneous
networking protocols at the physical and data link
layers, which use different medium access control
(MAC) strategies. Interoperability between these
protocols is important in order to provide seamless
integration of the underlying technologies.
Advantages of Smart Cities Decrease of crime: Since the authorities can monitor
The following are the advantages of Smart Cities based the dealings of people closely with the help of
on their various applications: technologies, there will be a reduced amount of crime.
Besides, crime increases when there are fewer jobs and
Better transportation services: A smart city has the more unemployed people. However, if job
potential to drastically improve the current level of opportunities increase, it will simultaneously lead to a
transportation throughout a city. It will have better decrease in crime.
traffic management, the ability to track public
transportations and serve its citizens better with
constant information and low prices.
Safer Communication: A smart city will have the most
technological advances and partnerships with the
private sector will benefit society since there will be
lesser criminal activity. The example of such
technology is license plate recognition, connected
crime centres, shooting detectors, better emergency
services, and body cameras.
Efficient public services: Since there is a limited
number of natural resources left to meet the demand of
the people, smart cities will have technologies and the
necessary tools to cut down on our usage of natural
resources and decrease waste of water, electricity, etc.
without having to cut down on any factors.
Reduced environmental footprint: A smart city has
Disadvantages of Smart Cities
thousands of energy-efficient buildings that can Though a Smart City has many advantages, there are
improve the air quality, use renewable energy sources, some disadvantages. Knowing these can help one to
and decrease the dependence on non-renewable energy understand the flip side of the coin. The disadvantages
sources. These will help to decrease the ecological are as follows.
impact we have on the environment. Limited privacy: Since the authorities or the
More digital equity: People must have access to high- government will have access to security cameras and
speed internet services at affordable prices and intelligent systems connected through many different
devices. If they have access to public Wi-fi in local spaces, the citizens will have difficulty in maintaining
areas in the city, all residents will have equal their anonymity. Facial recognition and such things
opportunities. will drastically change the concept of privacy or
personal space.
Economic development opportunities: Investing in
smart cities will lead to improving their regional and Social control: The people who can track and
global competitiveness and attract new residents and centralise the data they gather with security cameras
improve business. Since the entire city will have will have greater power. It can be a government, a
access to an open data platform, information, etc. private agency, or other authorities. They will have the
companies will flourish. They can make informed power to control a citizen’s data and can easily
decisions with the available technologies and lead to manipulate public opinions.
economic development. Excess network trust: Since the citizen of these smart
Improvement of infrastructure: Older roads, buildings, cities will rely almost entirely on electronics and
highways, bridges require massive investments to networks, they will lose autonomy in their decision-
maintain their state and increase their useful life. But, making and could become incompetent. They would
with the help of smart technologies, cities will have the not be able to react appropriately in a scenario where
ability to analytically predict and identify the areas that these tools are not usable.
can cause infrastructure failures before it occurs. Difficulty in the pre-commerce stage: Though money
Job opportunities: A smart city will have many will be available, the smart technologies will be still in
businesses and job opportunities since the people will their pre-commercial stages. These cities will lack the
get equal access to basic resources such as technology-related skills and capacity.
transportation, internet connection, and job offers.