Universal Manifest-2022
Universal Manifest-2022
Universal Manifest-2022
The mistranslation and subsequent incorporation of the neo platonic Aristotle view of heavens
which itself was an possible eclectic mix of Vedic and Hellenistic/Greek
cosmological/astrological/astronomy ideas and worldviews with Sufism that influenced Islamic
writers in the 9th century such as Abu Yusuf Ya quib ibn Ishaq as-sabbah al-kindi [801-870 CE] &
Abu jafar muhammad ibn jarir al-tabari [839-923 CE] had a deep impact on how George Gurdjieff
(1866-1949) viewed the world in itself and how he described it in his books and fourthway
The agent of cause is God however he cannot directly interact with the final object (objective
cause) thus he is placed remotely and so needs a intermediary (approximate agent cause) that is
subservient to the final cause and can interact with it thus allowing the remote cause access. Thus
we get a singular God (who has no generation and corrupting) and then the cosmos/celestial
bodies whose motion causes a change in the vibrations of the atmosphere eg. Heat, gravitational
pull etc (which has generation and corruption to a lesser degree) affecting the four elements so
that they in turn change and alter their form into a multiplicity of creation (more physical presence
and corruption) and thereby in turn life on earth (the most generation and overall corruption), and
so God interacts with us in this way.
Using this as a basis of understanding we can then reasonably conclude that we are under the
direct influence of the approximate agent of the cosmos giving off rays as well as a more elemental
level (heat, coldness, moisture and dryness) because this directly influence us alongside
generation, corruption and the form each of the elements will manifest in. Satan or the Adversity
can be seen as one of the agents of degeneration and corruption.
The Rays that vibrate and influence us on a physical level can be seen as Hermetic principals,
universal truths or incorruptible laws that bind us to this particular universe..
The discussion is centered on one of these particular laws known as Universal Manifest that affect
us when we are trying to advance spiritually as well as the obstacles it creates.
In the Fourthway work the definition of universal manifest can also be referred to as
“It forms itself in the communal life of people as a natural process as an outcome of a
conjunction of evil actions of so called “common-people” and leads to the destruction of both
him that tries to achieve something for the general human welfare and of all that he has
already accomplished to this end.” G Gurdjieff
Although there is carrying degrees of manifestation often is a very intrusive, violent and often
disruptive physical manifestation into the physical plane and definite a huge missing semitone
that could potentially leave your life in a state of upheaval.
Once you overcome this particular form of universal manifest though your efforts of your one’s
spiritual interest and effort to awaken (force 01) and examination of your mechanicality and
habitual life (force 02) you find yourself basically at the top of a peak and at the bottom step of
a long upward climb again to evolve further on a spiritual level.
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Tzvarnoharno - Examples
The first is there is a legend of a demon named Mara (bdud which means the same as Kama dod-
pa’i lha) is disrupting Shiva while he is in a meditation because the gods decided it was time for
him to go make a baby (very literally). To rouse Shiva, Kama shot five arrows from his bow. These
arrows were
Shiva gets annoyed and basically burns him to death using his third eyes magic power. However
he gets persuaded that no harm was intended and reincarnation of Kama takes place.
Now onto Buddistic texts. He encountered this after he came to the realization that a life of
complete body deprivation is not the way to enlightenment. He then met the demon Mara (Lord of
the Senses aka Mṛtyu-māra as death). Mara is the demon that is the personification of forces that
opposes enlightenment directly. Note the 3 temptations he presented to Buddha and how each was
more severe than the last.
Maras first act “He challenged Gautama’s right to sit beneath the tree, provoking the future Buddha
to call upon the earth to give witness to his previous charities” – This is more a reenactment of
similar temptations given to people who have spent a long time in the desert seeking spiritual truths
Kleśa-māra as the embodiment of all unskillful emotions, such as greed, hate and
Skandha-māra as the metaphor for the entirety of conditioned existence
Devaputra-māra, the Devas of the sensuous realm (The 3 daughters are identified as Taṇhā
(Craving), Arati (Aversion/Discontentment), and Raga (Attachment/Desire/Greed/Passion), who
tries to prevent Buddha from attaining liberation from the cycle of rebirth on the night of the
Buddha´s enlightenment.
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Buddha countered the daughters by saying that once you have subdued the body these becomes
small memories (empty) and so they held no power over him.
So in essence it is important to train your own mind in the proper conditions because when you take
it out on a road test of life it might not stand up to the onslaught that it has to face whether it be from
a external source or from a internal source.
In the text above Satan is the instigator of universal manifest as he is the one enticing Cain the
individual by telling him the truth but lying to him at the same time. After “opening his ears” Cain
became a conduit for Universal Manifest as he was unable to regret or show any remorse for
his actions. By premeditating the murder of his brother and then without leave from his father
married his sister and moved to the bottom of the mountain near where Able was killed he was
influenced by a malicious agent that led him to justify his actions to himself.
This is a conclusion to a transgression already made leading to a spiritual decline (he identified
with the exterior man and not the interior man which had the spirit of God in its very core
essence) and the sealing of his fate even further away from what God had intended for him.
Showing arrogant superiority to God and disdain of those he loved, in his views he found God
unworthy and thus sinned more. Just on a side note one has to take care as Satan is a popular
antagonist in many stories and is commonly used to demonstrate moral values, ethics or
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The Second term under discussion is the one of Helertoon which can be described as being close
to or a form of mass hysteria. As described by Gurdjieff in the pamphlet Herald of the coming good:
“Specifically mass psychosis of people, which was already analysed in all its aspects in ancient
times and was called '' Helertoon " and which may also be explained, according to contemporary
understanding, as the " unusual-excitation-of-minds G Gurdjieff
Helertoon may be a psychological development that happens once a certain number of people
forms a quick opinion that matches the group consensus instead of critically and logically
evaluating the data. Decision making is most frequently related to business, politics, and
policymaking, however it conjointly relates to the psychological science of collective phobias and
delirium. Witchhunts are often seen as AN extreme example of Helertoon. It also manifest
through various groups of people “on a whim” compromising the aspirants integrity when the
aspirant makes an effort to help humanity.
Helertoon also appears to occur most frequently when a revered or persuasive leader is gifted and
very persuasive, brainwashing members to trust their opinion. Helertoon is usually seen in a
negative light.
Another Factor is the experiencing extreme stress or trauma may play a job in inflicting mass
hysteria. When people are coping with nerve-racking or overwhelming situations, people might
erroneously attribute feelings associated with stress as having a physical or environmental cause.
Therefore when people area unit subjected to collective trauma, they will begin to exhibit
psychogenic symptoms.
The final factor is that of Social pressure. This may additionally play a district in an individual feeling
symptoms associated with mass hysteria. Once many people are exhibiting similar symptoms,
individuals might either feel consciously or unconsciously pressured to also exhibit those same
symptoms. Fearing that others are sick can cause people to pay an excessive amount of attention
to physical sensations, which may then be attributed to mass malady.
Some reports suggest that social media-induced sicknesses, that are a type of mass hysteria, have
become a lot of common. The person who is trying to spiritually advance might meet people like this
when they are living in a small community where panic and fear can be easily instigated. One
should always try and blend into your community as being regarded or labeled as an outsider might
actually be very detrimental to your overall health and belongings.
It was a acknowledged undeniable fact that she was no friend of the church militant on earth (which
perceived itself as in religious combat with the forces of evil, and she or he threatened its hierarchy
through her claim that she communicated directly with God by means that of visions or voices.
Further, her trial had immense political implications and would have been a catalyst to discredit
Charles VII by demonstrating that he owed his enthronement to a witch, or at least a heretic. Her 2
judges were to be Cauchon, bishop of Beauvais, and Jean Lemaître, the vice-inquisitor of France.
Thus she was asked what she feared throughout these trails and her answer was treason. Thus
altogether of there was diabolical influences at work. These have been later described by an
exorcist as turning into Joans nemesis’ because she was devoted to God and did not betray him
and his word. The name of the nemesis (an aspect of Satan) is "the incitor of treason through
ambition" the rationale why this happens is as a result of the bishop needed to gain politically and
then had her murdered thus committing treason to his country.
There are several levels of Universal Manifest present in this recount and the culmination of it is not
only to be observed, but the Bishop was the one that was ultimately demonically possessed and
directly opposed Joan and Gods authority.
Another Example
“Yet another false permission devised by the trite and trendy attitudes of the New Age was
that of mixing the Words of Power from the grimoire being used with "more powerful" Words
of Power or "Barbarous Words of Evocation" from another grimoire, or importing and mixing
magical languages together. Another example using the Goetia will make this clear. In the
last years of the 1990s, books appeared advocating that the pronunciation of the
conjurations given in the Goetia were not uttered in their given tongue, but in the Enochian,
or the language of the angels as it is also called. The result? An established set of words, set
side by side in order to produce a desired physical effect, were distorted beyond recognition.
It is no different than trying to tune the FM dial of a stereo to your favorite radio station after
adding more elements to the tuner. What you will get is a distorted signal, mixed with more
overlapping frequencies and harmonics, with more distortions above and below the desired
frequency than you could count. There is no difference in magic in general, or in evocation in
particular. And as to the so-called results produced by such an effort, and the backlash or
slingshot effect we will discuss later? Your guess is as good as mine.”
When I asked about the occult author Donald Michael Kraig (1951 - 2014) book Modern
Magick because I was interested in buying it, I did realize there was numerous errors and
distortions in the book itself and this lead me to conclude that universal manifest can also be
transmitted via the word of print to others.
Another Example
In a bid to overcome his lower nature and follow in the footsteps of GOD a 12th century
merchant, Goderic became a hermit-saint and through a series of events managed to
overcome a series of universal manifestation and continued to pay through consciousness
suffering. In summary the following happened to him:
The manifestation of it: And now he had lived sixteen years as a merchant, and began to
think of spending on charity, to God's honour and service, the goods which he had so
laboriously acquired. He therefore took the cross as a pilgrim to Jerusalem, and, having visited
the Holy Sepulchre, came back to England by way of St James [of Compostella]. Not long
afterwards he became steward to a certain rich man of his own country, with the care of his
whole house and household. But certain of the younger household were men of iniquity, who
stole their neighbor’s cattle and thus held luxurious feasts, whereat Godric, in his ignorance,
was sometimes present.
The consequences of it: Afterwards, discovering the truth, he rebuked and admonished them
to cease; but they made no account of his warnings; wherefore he concealed not their iniquity,
but disclosed it to the lord of the household, who, however, slighted his advice. Wherefore he
begged to be dismissed and went on a pilgrimage, first to St Gilles and thence to Rome the
abode of the Apostles, that thus he might knowingly pay the penalty for those misdeeds wherein
he had ignorantly partaken. I have often seen him, even in his old age, weeping for this
unknowing transgression....
It is clear to observe that Universal manifest definitely follows a set pattern where the one that
is the possessed does not remember the reason why the need to urgently get in or speak to the
aspirant only knowing that it is extremely important.
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The Third way that Universal manifest occurs in the Fourthway texts is through the manifestation of
the phenomena called Podispodny
The condition which was first noted in man's psyche by the Babylonian sages and
physiochemists, and called by them "poisnekuer'', and which, according to the explanation of
these sages, has the property of becoming transformed under certain well known conditions of
environment into a source of contagion. Gurdjieff took the term and applied it to the following
It is a factor functioning and manifesting as a series of psychic factors that had been
completely degenerated and the individual who has already gone so far either accidentally or
deliberately excitation of this factor , the manifestations of the actions becomes about in man
by the accomplishment of a diametrically opposed act.
I did not consider it before but people with severe personality disorders such as being Bipolar
or psychopaths display traits by being capable of being two persons at once.
Also this can be used to give a person a sudden bout of credibility as demonstrated with
Paul/Saul or messianic prophets stating they were religious Orthodox Jews then suddenly
Messiah messengers. Other similar things are imposter messianic claimants.
There are dozens of examples of false Messiah across the board of all religions. In times of
hardship and fervor, the Jews have repeatedly believed that a Messiah was identifiable and
at hand, offering false hope only to be disappointed by their failure. The vast majority of these
claimants causing death and destruction, loss of property, or conversion to another religion for
most if not all of their followers.
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As a whole the aspirant binds himself to a certain egregor when a magical oath is taken. Be it a
individualistic oath or one that is related to a specific lodge or sect. The egregor is the magical
lodge that he aligns himself too as well as the brothers and sisters that are also doing work within
such lodge. Group effort is important because alone man is weak and is susceptible to the laws
of the universe including universal manifest. The main thing that changes within the aspirant is
not the psychology if the base personality but the way the 3 centers are perceiving themselves,
realigning themselves so that each takes it allocated place the way it was meant to be and not a
distortion of them, allowing the aspirant to see above the level of total sleep to one where higher
spheres can be glimpsed, however maintain this state is difficult as the universe will try
everything in its power to put the aspirant to sleep and even where possible a hypnotic coma.
To get out of it daily work is critical as well as vigilance. Groups keeps each other accountable and
in check, it is harder to do so on a individual basis. Sometimes universal manifest will appear as a
form of resistance while you are on the crest of a work wave. Ask yourself this:”Will you be the
person dreaming of setting alarm clocks not knowing you are actually asleep and dreaming?”
In addition universal manifest specifically to distract, dissuade and always places the person it
is manifesting against in a compromising situation (either work, socially or personally related)
leading them away from a spiritual path back to their lower natures.
A way to counter Universal manifest is to definitely allow certain channels for it. Example make sure
your windows have burglar bars on but go meet that friend you have that definitely is a channel for
Universal manifest at the local coffee shop, however do not invite them too close into your personal
space. I have one word for it: LEETCHES (and stuff stolen). Also talk about them and not you and if
push comes to shove and they ask about your latest occult work well only have one project you
always talk about. That one thing will as it and work in their mind and direct the universal manifest
and in that way you safeguard your real work
1. Observations of Universal manifest in my own life seem that it follows a series of predictable
conditions that is met when the person appears.
2. One is that the person acting as the Universal manifest production pipe has no sense of
3. Their overall integrity seems low, as a matter of fact I honestly believe that they are trying to
drag you down to their level of hellish conditions incapable of themselves escaping but
wanting more to join them.
4. Wanting to take material things away from you (yes theft)
5. Provoke you to the point of a series of negative emotional response
6. Universal manifest should not be confused with traditional ancestor worship where it is
believed that he dead is interested in the moral conduct of his own family as well as set to
watch over communities, watches over and communes with the descendants, in order to
warn, counsel, rebuke, and even to correct them so they may lead a morally upright life.
7. Universal manifest influences anyone regardless of their educational or knowledge level.
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"If acts of goodness be not accumulated, they are not sufficient to give its finish to one's name; if
acts of evil be not accumulated, they are not sufficient to destroy one's life. The inferior man thinks
that small acts of goodness are of no benefit and does not do them, and that small deeds of evil do
no harm and does not abstain from them. Hence his wickedness becomes great till it cannot be
covered and his guilt becomes great till it cannot be pardoned." From Yi King, appendix iii., sect. ii.,
c. v., 38.
The aspirant has set out to restore the former conditions that existed in the Garden of Eden in
his inner world by means of having integrity, acting in a upright and virtuous manner and
conscious suffering.
As he attempts to recreate continuity he is opposed by the force of universal manifest that in
fact tries to prevent him from doing so, but with every successful conquest (not giving in or
compromising, ignoring distraction, stilling the mind, prayer, fasting, vibration of certain GOD
names) and the use of logical thinking, the magical oath and also actually just doing the spiritual
work to its conclusion he gains a stronger foothold in this material world.
Then it is just easier for the universe just to do his will instead of manifesting people, demons,
animals etc to oppose the aspirant and once the restoration of Eden is reached man can take a
commanding position and confidently restore his spiritual self up to the higher planes instead of
trying to live a mechanical life on this earthly plane.
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♣ Introduction
The Seven Hermetic Principles, upon which the entire Hermetic Philosophy is based is expounded
upon further here.
The Kybalion, by Three Initiates, [1912], CHAPTER II, THE SEVEN HERMETIC PRINCIPLES
"I AM," that it is at once both the manifested and the unmanifested, the universal and the
individual., https://www.sacred-texts.com/eso/thp/thp05.htm
Prof. Dolbear “The Ether has besides the function of energy and motion, other inherent qualities, out
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of which could emerge under proper circumstances, other phenomena, such as life, mind, or
whatever may be in that substratum." Prof. Cope has intimated that "the basis of Life lies back of
the atoms and may be found in the Universal Ether.",
♣ Tzvarnoharno
Examples of Tzvarnoharno
The Life and Miracles of St William of Norwich By Thomas of Monmouth:
Personal Observations
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♣ Helertoon