English First Paper 2018 - 0001
English First Paper 2018 - 0001
English First Paper 2018 - 0001
( CBCS )
( 1st Semester )
( English-I I
Frtll Marks : 75
Time : 3 hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions
1. Name the Part of Speech of the underlined word in the following
sentences : 1x5:5
(a) He runs swiftly.
(i) Verb
(ii) Noun
(iii) Adverb
(b) Ours is a big family.
(t) Adjective
(it) Pronoun
(iiil Adverb
lt 3 I Contd.
(d) Delhi is an ancient cit5r.
(i) Adjective
(iil Adverb
(iiil Verb
(e) We worked whils others slept.
(i) Conjunction
(it) Interjection
(iii) Adjective
2. Change the following sentence as directed : 1x5=5
She sang a sweet song.
(a) Present indefinite tense
(b) Future indefinite tense
(c) Present continuous tense
(d) Past continuous tense
(e) Past perfect continuous tense
3. Change the voice of the following : 1x5=5
(a) Anna is drinking a cup of tea.
(b) The dogs were not being fed by him.
(c) Millions of people will visit the museum.
(d) The key had been lost by us.
(e) Who did this?
4, Change the form of speech : 1x5=5
(a) He said, "My master is writing letters.,,
(b) The policeman said to us, "Where are you going?,,
lt 4 I Contd.
(c) He requested Mona to wait there till he returned.
(d) The Major said that it gave him great pleasure to be there that evening,
(e) The farmer said, "I have lost my money."
5. Fill in the blanks using the correct form of the verb given in the brackets :
(a) She and her friend _- (have/has) arrived
(b) The Council _ (have/has) chosen its President.
(c) The ne',r,s _ (is/are) true.
(d) A variet5r of pleasing objects (charms/charm) the eye.
(e) Neither of the men (were/was) very tall.
(fl Justice as well as mercy (a11ow/allows) it.
(g) There (is/are) a large number of boys in his class.
(h) Either he or I _ (is/am) mistaken.
0 He and I _ (is/are) well.
(j) Lawma as well as Sanga (like/likes) hot curry.
6. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow :
Having a dog helps a child learn how to act responsibly. As a dog owner, the
child must take care of the animal's daily needs. The dog must be fed and
exercised every day. A dog is completely dependent on its owner for all its
needs, including the needs for good health and safe environment. Therefore,
the owner is responsible for the welfare of its dog. Being responsible for a
dog also means taking care of the dog so the dog stays healthy and well
trained. Furthermore, the owner must take the responsibility for the safety
of the dog and the safety of the people it comes into contact with. If the child
forgets any of these duties and responsih,ilities, or ignores any of the dog's
needs, the dog will suffer" This teaches the child that his responsibility to
lr I Contd.
the dog is more important than his desire to play with his friends, toys,
watch televisions, play computer games, or talk on the phone. This is true
not only for the care of the dog, but also for the care of oneself, care for
another person, or one's job. Learning how to take responsibility for the
health and welfare of a dog leads to learning how to take responsibility for
0 Irresponsible
(iil Independent
(iiil Dangerous
(iu) Remembe. *
7. Read the passage given below and make a precis of it. Give a suitable title :
lL 6 I Contd.
8. Write an essay on 'Influence of Social Media on the Mizo Youth'in not more
than 300 words. 15
Write a report on the blood donation camp held in your college. 15
Write a letter of application to the CEO, Mega Mart Departmental Store,
Arzaw,l for the post of Sales Manager. Include your full particulars
mentioning the minimum salary expected by you in case you are selected.
Provide resume. 15
9. Oral communication (to be conducted in the college). 15
lr 7 I Contd.