Sample Report
Sample Report
Sample Report
foreman was a terror for the workers and not a builder of team work. The lot of the
workers was a pitiable one.
There was no touch of human relations existing between the employer and his workers, as
the personalized reactions as had been developed between the employer and the
employees prior to the industrial revolution began loading away gradually. Which led to
the development of a ugly between the employer an workers.
2) Organization are not mere bricks, mortars or inventories. They are people, it is the
people who are the staff and who manage organizations.
During the industrial revolution period machines were brought in technology made rapid
progress jobs were more fragmented where the worker did only a small portion of the
total job and specialization increased speed and efficiency but left workers with dull,
boring and monotonous jobs. Workers were treated like glorified machine tools
Employees were keen to meet production targets rather than satisfy workers demand
Govt. Did very little to protect the interests of workers.
The early part of the century saw a concern for improved efficiency through careful
design of work. During the middle part of the century emphasis shifted to the
availability of managerial personnel and employee productivity Recent decades have
focus on the demand for technical personnel responses to new legislation and
government all regulations, increased concern for the quality of working life total
quality management and renewed emphasis on productivity let us look into these trends
more closely by examining the transformation of personnel function from one stage to
another in a chronological sequence.
Early Phase: Thought it is said that HRM a discipline is of recent growth, it has had its
origin dating back to 1800 B.C. for example the minimum wage rate and incentive wage
plans were included in the Babylonian code of Hammurabi around 1800 B.C. The
Chinese, as early as 1650 B.C. The span of management and related concepts of
organization were will understood by Moses around 1250 B.C. and Chaldeans had
incentive wage plans around 400 BC Kautilya, in India made reference to various
concepts like job analysis, selection procedures, executive development, Incentive system
and performance appraisal.
Legal Phase : The early roots of HRM in India could be traced back to the period
after 1920 the Royal commission on labour in 1931 suggested the appointment of
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A Study On Health And Safety Scheme For Employees With Special Reference To
H & R Johnson, Kunigal
labour officer to protect workers interests and act as spokes person of labour After
independence, the Factories Act1948, made it obligatory for factories employing 500 or
more workers , IN view of legal compulsions and the enumeration of duties the entire
approach of organizations toward their personnel was to comply with the laws and
keep the welfare officers busy with routine functions”. Meanwhile two professional
bodies, Viz, the Indian Institute of Personnel Management (IIPM) Kolkata and National
Institute of Labour Management (NILM), Mumbai have come into existence in 1950s.
Welfare Phase: During the 1960s the scope of personnel function has expanded a bit,
covering labour welfare, participate management, industrial harmony, etc. “In this period,
the human relations movements of the web had also its impact on Indian organizations:
The legalistic preoccupations slowly gave way to humorous industrial relations and good
HR Practices.
Development Phase:
IN 1960s and 70s the HR professionals focused more on developmental aspects of human
resources. The emphasis was on striking a harmonious balance between was on striking a
harmonious balance between employee demands and organizational requirements. HRD
has come to occupy a center stage and a focal point of discussion in seminars, conferences
and academic meets. The two professional bodies. IIMP and NILM, were merged to form
the National Institute of Personnel Management at Kolkata.
toward clarifying goals and paths and creating a supportive and growth-oriented
environment where people are willing to take up assigned roles willingly and
enthusiastically. The effective, therefore, human resource managers need to understand
the needs, aspirations, concerns, of employees proactively, fare the challenges head on
and resolve issues amicably. They are expected to successfully involve an appropriate
corporate culture, take a strategic approach to the acquisition, motivation and
development of human resources and introduce programmers that reflect and support are
care values of the organization and its people. This is easier said than done in view of
constant charges environment characterized by the following things.
2. Composition of work force: The workforce composition is also changing over the
years. The rising percentage of women and minorities in the work force is going to alter
workplace equations dramatically. Demands for equal pay for equal work, putting an end
to gender inequality and bias in certain occupations, the breaking down of grass ceiling
have already been met. Constitutional protection ensured to minorities has also been meet
to a large extent by HR mangers in public sector units. The new equations may compel
HR managers to pay more attention to protecting the rights of the society the shifting
character of workforce in terms of age, sex, religion, caste etc. Is going to put pressures
on HR managers trying to integrate the efforts of people from various places. Managing
heterogeneous and culturally diverse groups is going to stretch the talents of HR managers
differences in people" Now days workers are better educated, more demanding and are
ready to voice strong, violent and joint protests in case their expectations are not met. the
set of financial and non- financial demands is ever – growing and expanding . In fast
changing industries such as software, telecom, entertainment and pharmaceutical the
turnover ratios are rising fast and it HR manger do not respond positively to employee
expectations. The acquisition and development costs of recruits is going to mount
unsteadily. An efficient organization is therefore required to anticipate and manage
turnover though human resource planning , training schemes followed by appropriate
compensation packages
5. Life style changes: The life style patterns of employees have undergone a rapid
change indecent times. unlike their predecessors people are now ready to change jobs,
shift to new locations , take up jobs in startup companies instead of manufacturing units
and even experiment with untested ideas. A recent survey of young executives in four
major metrics in India revealed several interesting things
Unlike the western world where dual careers are quite common, HR managers in India
have not faced any additional challenges in the form of relocation efforts job sharing
and job hunting exercise Etc. The situation, however, may change in the next couple of
years especially software, media, telecom sectors where the number of women employees
is rising steadily. The survey of young executives underlined the importance of designing
jobs around the individual, taking his career expectation into account flexible working
hours, attractive compensation packers, job content and growth opportunities etc. May
occupy the centre – stage in HR strategies of Indian managers in the days ahead.
group compensation plans coot and stick policies may not find a place in the new
corporate lexicon in the days ahead.
● Safety and welfare: Increasing investments may have to be made by companies
to improve the work atmosphere, climate and job satisfaction levels of employees.
Lean and mean organizations: organizations will be forced to element low –end job,
say good. Bye to old employees with limited skill sets, outsource work to specialized
institutions in an attempt to save coats and remain highly competitive. As a result, lay off
would occur and unemployment rates will go up. Large outlays of cash may be required
while buying out older employees and obtaining employee loyalty and commitment
would be quite challenging in such a scenario.
Labour relations: Deregulation, privatization, global competition and the like would in a
way mean the end of the road for trade unions. They will lose their count slowly but
steadily. The political support enjoyed by them high to would also come down drastically
Economic compulsions would make both the employers and employee realize the fully
of pulling down shutters or going on strike, however genuine the cause might be
Government influence in labour – management relations would have only historical
significance as employment related issues begin to be dictated by market forces.
Health care benefits: To attract talented work force healthier work environments would
be an obsolete necessity, Employees would be obliged to give their employee safe.
Healthy and secure work environments. Wellness programs also need. To be designed to
help employees identify potential health risks and deal with them before they become
problems. more importantly, organizations need to pay more attention to issues such as
office decor, furniture design space utilization with a view to improve the comfort levels
of employees.
Organizations are obliged to provide employees with a safe healthful environment. health
is a general state of physical of health and safety policies in the safe integration of people
and the environment. Poor working conditions employees may find it difficult to
concentrate on work. It would be too taxing for them to work for logger hours, their
health may suffer , accidents and navies may multiply causing financial loss to the
company economize financial loss to the company absence and rein skilled labor force
the overall quality of work may suffer many deaths, envious and illnesses occur
because of safety violations, poor equipment design or gross negligence, the union
carbide accident in Bhopal for example which killed over 4000 people in 1984 is
considered by most express to be the reset of equipment design flows which could
have been avoided . Industrial workers are exposed to several types of hazards and
accident due to rapid industrialization; mechanical chemical electrical and radiation
hazard have increased. Every year lakes of employees are unviewed in factories, mines,
ports, railways. etc., leading to partial or total disablement. An industrial accident is a
sudden and unexpected assurance in an industrial undertaking causing body in viewer to
one or more persons and interpretation in the orderly progress of work. It is an
unexpected and sudden event arising out of and in the course of employment. However
self – inflicted in views, injuries inflected with the consent of persons cannot be regarded
as accidents.
“Every organization twenty seconds of every working minute of every house throughout
the world, someone dies as a result of an industrial accident’ this was how the seriousness
of Industrial accidents was described by the Director general of the British Council in his
message of good wishes to the seventh national conference of industrial safety and health
organized by the National Safety Council of India.
The procedure to be adopted naturally depends upon the size of a company the
number of plants it operates, the nature of the industry in which it is engaged, the
production technology it uses, and the attitude of the management. After has spelt out its
safety policy, a company should establish a safety programmer the primary goals of
which should be to reduce the number of hazardous factors which are likely to cause
The health of employees results in reduced productivity, higher unsafe acts, and
increased absenteeism. Healthy workers, on the other hand produces results opposite to
these in other words, healthy employees are more productive more safety conscious and
are more productivity, more safety conscious and are more regular to work, the worker
who is healthy is always careful, confident looking and is an invaluable asset to the
A radiation of the advantages which flow from a healthy workforce. Has impelled
many managements to provide health services to their employed which vary from the
simple provision of first aid equipment to complete medical care the protection of the
health of the workers is a legal requirement too. In recent years, mental health of
employees, particularly that of executives, has engaged the alternation of employees.
That is the reason why when industrial health programs are introduced, both
employees and workers benefit, a reduction in the rate of labor turnover, absenteeism
accidents and occupational diseases has been the natural consequence of industrial health
programs, the other benefits, which cannot be easily measured, include reduced spoilage,
improved morale increased productivity per employee and a longer working period of an
In addition, accidents on sits cost UK construction companies literally thousands
of in down time and injury claims so it is very important that companies take health and
safety seriously.
Every industry is legally obliged under specific Acts to demonstrate that it acts to
demonstrate that it takes its responsibilities seriously and it has done as much as is
reasonableness subcontractors and the general public.
● Increased productivity:
Safety plants are efficient plants. To a large extent safety promotes productivity.
● Moral:
Safety is important on human ground too managers must undertake accident prevention
measures to minimize the pain & suffering the inquired worker and his/ her family is
often exposed to as a result of the accident.
● Legal:
There are legal reasons too for undertaking safety mesons there are laws covering
occupational health & safety and penalties for non-compliance have become quite severe
the safety and health of the surrounding community.
Every factory shall be kept clean and free from effluvia dirt must be removed daily
benches staircases, passages and the floor of the workroom must be washed at least once a
week with some disinfecting fluid
7. Lighting (Section 17): The factory must have sufficient and suitable lighting
arrangements, both natural and artificial glazed windows and skylights used to light the
workroom should be kept clean.
8.Drinking water (section 18): The factory must provide wholesome drinking water at
suitable, convenient points all such points are marked drinking water clearly in a language
understood by majority of workers. every such point should be away from urinals latrine,
spittoons, open drains, etc. Where the factory employees more than 250 employees
suitable arrangements must be made to provide cool drinking water drinking the hot
summer months.
All machinery, driven by power and installed, after 1-4 1949 must be encases or
otherwise effectively gardened to eliminate danger to these working in the factory.
5) Employment of women children near cotton openers
(Section 27):
No woman or child be employed in any part of a factory to press cotton when a cotton
opener is working. Women and children may be employed in that part of the room where
the feed end is kept
6) Hoists and lifts (section 28): in every factory hoist and lifts shall be of a good
mechanical construction , sound material and adequate strength and shall be
properly protected by enclosures fitted with gates, once in every six months it
shall be thoroughly examined by a competent person .
7) Lifting machines , chains and ropes( section 29) : the lifting machines, tackles
chains and ropes used in every factory should be of good construction sound
material and strong enough to carry the necessary leads.
8) Revolving machinery (selection 30) :
In every room where grinding jobs are performed , a notice showing the
maximum working speed of the machine shall be fixed near it.
9) pressure plant (section 31) :
If in any factory operations are carried out at a pressure above the atmospheric
pressure, proper measures shall be taken to see that the safe working pressure in
not exceeded.
10) Floors , stairs and means of access (Section 32) : All door s steps, stairs,
passages and gangways shall be of sound construction and maintained in a state
of good repair.
(Improvements in employee’s health result in better work attitudes higher moral. Job
satisfaction, reduced absenteeism and turnover
A safety and accident prevention safety at work can be prevented if the
management tries to eliminate such personal factors as negligence, over confidence,
carelessness, variety etc. And such material factors as underrated machinery and
explosives defective equipment and hand tools job satisfaction and cordial relations
between the workers and employers would help eliminate most of the personal factors).
1.13 Safety equipment:
Hand gloves
Safety shoes
Safety Belts
Nose Mask
Face shield
Other safety equipment
1) Preventive measures
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H & R Johnson, Kunigal
2) Curative measures
❖ Allowing adequate period of convalewing and recuperating
❖ Adequate compensation
❖ Provision of best medical treatment from outside hospitals.
1.15 Accidents:
An Industrial accident may be defined as “As occurrence which interrupts or interferes
with the orderly progress of work in an industrial establishment “According to the
factories act of 1948 it is an occurrence in an industrial establishment causing bodily
injury to a person which makes him unfit to resume his duties in the next 48 hours.
An industrial injury has been defined as “ a personal injury to an employee
which has been caused by an accident or an occupational disease, and which arises out
of or in the course of employment and which would entitle Such an employee for
compensation under the workmen’s compensation Act 1923.
Causes of Accidents
Causes of accidents can be broadly decided under the following four board classification.
a) Intrinsic causes (Job Centers):
These are the causes of accidents arising out of job content for e.g., Fire accident and
over exposure to heat fall from tall towers accidents due to incompetence and lack of
adequate training.
b) Extrinsic causes: these are causes arising out of the work context for e.g., lack of
adequate lights and ventilation resulting in accidents work and stress due to anxiety.
Monitory and fatigue; poor layout and faculty location of equipment, tools and work
station etc.,
c) Personal Causes: These are the causes contributed by individual workers which
are influenced by their own Individual personality contributed by physical, mental,
psychological and psychological factors Eg. Lack of knowledge and skills : lack of
physical characteristics like stamina or any physiological infirmity poor mental
health magnified in the form of alcoholism and drug addition.
d) Exogenous cause: Causes which are not covered under a, b & c above are classified
as exogenous causes for e.g. act of God, floods, Earthquakes, enemy actions etc.
Bhopal Gas Tragedy: On midnight of December 3, 1948, MIC (Methyl ISO) gas leaked
from storage tanks, at union caron corporation Ltd., Bhopal this is an MNC & was
producing chemical fertilizers. An operator had forgotten to close the valves and hence
gas leaked out. This is a poisonous gas and about 10,000 people died and about 20,000
people suffered due to various types of health-related sufferings. The adverse effect was
bad that the health problems continued to thousands of people even up to 10-15 years
& children born after this lapses also are suffering
Union carbide had to pay heavy composition of Rs. 470 million dollars. But can it
bring back the of the people who died lives and cure the suffers of the people in and
arrived that area 2) Common problems : In many companies following types to
accidents are frequently happening
a) Suffocation & death of workers while cleaning and re- lining of cast Iron melting
b) Damage to units by belts, wires moving parts in factories where safety quads are not
c) Due to non-provision or nonuse of shoes goggles and helmet many injuries.
d) Deaths due to electric short circuit problems
e) Accidental hits at mine blasts can injure & cause deaths to many people
f) Water logging in deep mines and drawing the workers trapped inside.
g) Natural calamities : there are incidents where accidents and deaths occur for reasons
beyond control of humans. Some of the incidents are collapse of buildings. Bridges,
Landslides River and sea flood, fire and earth quakes. In such situations efforts can
be made to minimize the damages & it is not possible to totally control the damages.
Accident prevention steps
National safety council, USA has laid down approach to accident prevention
Basically, preventive methods come under the following broad classifications.
1) Reducing unsafe conditions
2) Reducing unsafe Acts
Unsafe conditions can be reduced by proper “Engineering” or work centers machines,
equipment, tools and layout, majority of accidents are caused by human failure
“Education and “
Enforcement” are the other methods to prevent human errors. Education involves
training and development , conducting safety weeks publishing publicity materials
on safety and many other steps are helpful to inculcate a safety consciousness in the
minds of employees
Following methods reduce and prevents accidents
a) safety engineering : Proper design of layout and work station
● Proper selection of machines
● Provides safeguards for running plants moving machines
● Proper illumination and ventilation
● Provide safety clothes and safety equipment
● Effective maintenance & operations
Bahnudas [2007] conducted research on a study of “labour welfare Activities and its
impact on quality of life of workers with special reference to Maharashtra Scooters Ltd”,
Satara. The main objective of the research is to study and examining labour welfare
activities available to workers in Maharashtra scooters. Sample size 48 was taken for the
research. She also found the impacts of welfare facilities on life of workers. Data was
collected through observation, interviews with personnel manager and questionnaire for
workers. She concluded that safety training programme and provisions of safety
equipments keep the
workers free from injuries. So workers life becomes more safe, happier and full of
enjoyment. Excellent leave facilities to workers are provided to meet their requirements.
Provision of provident fund, gratuity, and Pension schemes allows the workers to spend
their retirement in much better way. Welfare services are helpful in maintaining workers
moral and health good. Company is not provided medical facilities for families. Most of
workers are unable to fulfill their habit of reading because of inadequate time. Accident
insurance scheme is beneficial to workers .Payment for days in which workers remained
absent due to accident are being paid by the company. Through credit society financial
problems with the regards of purchasing essential commodities are to be solved .Company
is providing interest free loan to workers.
Banu and Ashifa (2011) conducted research study on “labour welfare measures in Public
Sector Transport Corporation” that throws light on welfare measures followed in Public
Sector Transport Corporation. This study analyses the various dimensions of labour
welfare measures that are perceived to the labours. The researcher tried to find out how
the existing
welfare measures cater the needs of employees of Public Sector Transport
Corporation .Stratified random sampling method was used and 20 employees have been
taken from 5 departments ,Operation Department, Personnel Department, Material
Department, Industrial Relations Department and in Technical Section. The research
findings showed that the State Transport Undertakings provide the following welfare
measures for the welfare of the workers and their families.
protected job .In this paper researcher concluded that the welfare effects of employment
protection in an environment where workers invest in firm specific knowledge. He
observes that in this environment employment protection can increase the worker's
training effort by raising the expected duration of the job. Thus, employment protection
legislation can raise welfare, employment and average productivity. Model provides a
rationale for theobservation that more educated workers tend to have better protected
jobs.From an empirical analysis of a cross-country time series data it appears that
employment protection legislation has a non-linear effect on economic growth. At low
levels of employment protection an increase in protection stimulates growth, at high
levels of employment protection an increase in protection is harmful to growth. This is in
line with the prediction of our theoretical model .When labour markets in different
countries are compared, the popular press tends to emphasize employment protection.
Copeland [2009] in research paper on “The Welfare Effects of Incentive Schemes” found
that the change in welfare associated with the introduction of incentives. He measured by
how much the welfare gains of increased output due to incentives outweigh workers
disutility from increased effort. He studied the use of incentives by a firm in the check
clearing industry. Using this firm's production records, model and estimate the worker's
dynamic effort decision problem. Finally he concluded that the firm's incentive scheme
has a large effect on productivity, raising it by 12% over the sample period for the average
worker. The cost of increased effort due to incentives is equal to the dollar value of a 5%
rise in productivity. Welfare is measured as the output produced minus the cost of effort.
Hence, the net increase in the average worker's welfare due to the introduction.
Dhere [1995] conducted research on “The study of Labour Welfare Activities in Shetakari
Sahakari Soot Girni Ltd”.Sangola.He has taken sample size of 100 employees in
Shetakari Sahakari Soot Girni Ltd to study Labour Welfare Activities and laws
implemented in an organization and attitude of employees towards management. He
concluded that maximum employees working in the mill are young i.e. 26-40 years old
but they have paid good wages in the soot Girni .Most of educated employees are not
satisfied about dispensary facilities .Regarding cleanliness of lavatories and Urinals
facilities, management is taking proper care about its maintenance. In summer season,
cool and clean drinking water is not provided to employees. Majority of the workers have
complained about canteen facility. The food served in the canteen is of poor quality and
due to that many workers are facing health problems in the mill. The mill gives financial
aid to the workers through co-operative
society. The mill has not provided adequate conveyance facility to the workers. Majority
of workers are coming from near by villages so they don’t require housing facility.
Workers are not guided properly in case of family planning programme. Recreation and
education facilities provided by mill to the workers are unsatisfactory.
Dieter and David [1991] conducted research on “Privatized Transport Infrastructure and
Incentives to Invest”.This paper examines incentives to invest in Transport infrastructure
under Public and privatized ownership. It argues that the methods used to request the
United Kingdom’s nationalized industries plans but that changes in regulation introduced
after 1978 have given more incentives. The author examined arguments which suggest
that privatized utilities subject to price cap regulation will have inadequate incentives to
invest .Investment behavior provided support for these propositions. The authors
concluded by suggesting further investigation of solution to the dilemma posed by the
possibility of under investments and the associated social costs which include competitive
supply of infrastructure, greater reliance on short run pricing and more explicit regulatory
contracts in relation to investments.
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H & R Johnson, Kunigal
certified ISO 9002:1994 In march 1997 and ISO 9002:1994 In 1997 and ISO
14001:1996 IN MAY 2000.
1.) Slip house and spray dyer –making dust.
2.) Pries shop –pressing of tiles to required size and shape
3.) Dipping department – applying of glaze and paste
4.) Frit house – preparation of fit. Glaze and paste.
5.) Kiln department – for fixing of product
6.) Decorating department – printing and firing of dried
7.) In addition to these departments, which facilities the production departments to
carry out the jobs such as maintenance, DG, utility, which is supplying water
air and fuel
8.) Its has process control department to control the process with in the
specifications continuously and give feed back to retie problems.
The purpose of manufacturing of tile involves, of clay and other hard material like
feldspar, soap stone, sand wall stone, dolamitecalcite and mixing then made in to
slurry which is spray dried in to powder.
This powered is pressed into different shapes and size, which is ultimately, gets
fired after glaze application and decoration. In the processor manufacturing, the
process water loss and process waste are largely re-circulated back in to the
system or sold off to outside venders for further reprocessing and use at their end.
It is an international standard for environmental management system (EMS)
related to organization to minimize its impact on environment. though
conservation its natural recourses by its efficient use, utilization of waste and of
population – all the clauses related this standard are implemented in the
organization by practicing pollution control techniques, waste which come out in
process. Are reprocessed again minimize that dust contents the in the air by
adopting new technology. Reutilization of waste water by purification and air will
be exhausted to atmosphere is minimized harmful contents. It is applicable from
environmental protection act. All these are achieved thorough providing necessary
facilities with training and co-operation of employees.
Occupational; health and safety management system control occupational health
and safety risks and improve the performance of employees in the company. There
are twenty –one clause which are to be implemented and maintained in the
organization. As per the specification all activities are suitably recorded and
product at the time of audits. All the departments are responsible for maintaining
and implementing this standard this standard enhances both health &safety of
employees and provide better working atmosphere.
The H&R Johnson (India) (A division of Prism Cement Limited,) are known
not only for their design sense but also for their focus on total quality since the
introduction of a new professional management by Raja Reheja Group in 1993.A
special thrust was given to continuous quality improvement modernization and
expansion of production facilities and has invested Rs 240 cores.
The best clays and glazes available are used to produce high quality tiles. The
materials are expensive and are also important for making Johnson tile e.g., rare
and tile. A white body tiles, as a white body tile indicate durability and quality the
hall mark of a Johnson tile, each tile meets international quality standards such as
EN and BIS specification and is produced using the latest Indian technology under
strength quality controls. In our quest for total quality, all our plants have received
the prestigious ISO 9002 certificate-the new plant at pen is technological the most
modern in the world producing world – class quality tiles. Quality controls like
computerized sorting and checks for queerness and sizing are used to ensure that
the customer gets only the best.
The H&R Johnson (India) (A division of Prism Cement Limited,.) has the largest
and most modern manufacturing facilities country with a total production capacity
over 15 million square meters expending the production facilities, The H&R
Johnson (India) (A division of Prism Cement Limited,.) has 8 plants strategically
located to since the entire geographical expanse of the INDIAN market . A major
expansion is being planned at its new plant at pen by adding another 3.3 million
sq. m. this will increase the total capacity of the H&R Johnson (India)(A division
of prism cement limited,.) over 20 million sq. m.p.a. making there one of the
single largest tile company .
The H&R Johnson (India) (A division of prism cement limited,.)Has the widest
rained of products like wall tiles floor and fully vitrified tiles under one roof.
3.5 Wall Tiles
The H&R Johnson (India) (A division of prism cement limited,. has wall tiles
with special effects tiles with 3D effects. Which add perspective to the room with
a feeling of increased space and depth? Also available are wall tiles with luster
service with gold, silver, metallic finish that add richness and grander to your
rooms, you can choose from a vast range of size viz. 108 mm * 150 mm , 200mm*
100mm, 200mm*200mm, 300mm*200mm and also 300mm 250mm.
The H&R Johnson (India)(A division of prism cement limited,.) has floor tiles
that conform to PET (porcelain enamel institute, USA ) standard Johnson floor
tiles proved a firm grip as it has anti –skid property and add aesthetic appeal. The
wide size range available 20mm * 300mm and also 400mm* 400mm and
The H&R Johnson (India)(A division of prism cement limited,.) also recently
introduced fully vitrified tiles- Johnson granite the internationally preferred alternative
to in Italian marble , Johnson granite can really add grandeur and royal to the room
without scarifying the toughness and utility of the product Johnson granite ideally
suitable for high traffic areas like shopping malls , show rooms and hotel lobbies etc,
which needs to display splendor and eminence as well with stand the high pedestrian
traffic. The design effects available are skiable sat cigars, fame effected, salt and
pepper effected and also plain colors, flame effected, salt and pepper effected and also
plain colors in the various sizes such as 1’*1’(300mm*300mm), 2’*1’
(600mm*300mm) and 2’*2’ 600mm*600mm. The H&R Johnson (India) (A division
of prism cement limited,.) thus offers the one- stop- shop for all your tiling
requirements and have the widest range of sizes and designs.
Tiling can be one of the most existing and vibrant improvement you can make to
your home. The H&R Johnson (India)(A division of prism cement limited,.) offers
you various options which are limitless as you imagination like special effect tile with
3d and luster surfaces finish wall tiles and special grade floor tiles that conform to the
porcelain enamel institute (PEI) USA standards , which also as anti –skid properly .
The H&R Johnson (India) (A division of Prism Cement Limited,) has fully
computerized design studio and professional who understand the various aspect of
design like colors light and space and can you to reflect life styles.
H&R Johnson (India)(A division of prism cement limited,.) is the only tile
company In India with over 300 running designs . this range is being increased at the
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A Study On Health And Safety Scheme For Employees With Special Reference To
H & R Johnson, Kunigal
rate of over 5 new designs every month , all the these designs with matching wall and
floor tile combinations that inspire a vast carry of styles and ideas, in addition Johnson
international UK has design bank of over 50,000 designs, which we can choose the
right designs. We have introduced an interactive multimedia design system Johnson
instep- touch which makes it possible to have a preview you bathroom, or living room
as you would want it to look before physically fixing the tiles.
H&R Johnson (India)(A division of prism cement limited,.) has been the undisputed
has been the undisputed market leader since its inception in India in 1958 and has
42%market share. One of H&R Johnson (India)(A division of prism cement
limited,.) biggest is its main wide distribution net work over 4000 sub-dealers who are
on integral part of the Johnson family. Thus relationship has grown and strength of
H&R Johnson (India)(A division of prism cement limited,.), is its exclusive well-
trained and young sales force with an average age of 25 years with a “lets make it
happen “attitude.
H&R Johnson (India)(A division of prism cement limited,.) has always been a brand
synonymous with quality and according to a recent study among consumers, evokes
feelings of trust reliability and confidence.
corporate office in Santa Cruz, Mumbai that you can contact for any help, queries of
The customer is ‘king’ and is treated like one at H&R Johnson (India) (A division of
Prism Cement Limited,.),with its nationwide network H&R Johnson (India)(A
division of Prism Cement limited,.), can reach every customer in India regardless of
where he is situated to give him what he wants.
Established in 1958, H & R Johnson (India) is the pioneer of ceramic tiles in India. Over
the past five decades, HRJ has added various product categories to offer complete
solutions to its customers. Today, HRJ enjoys the reputation of being the only entity in
India to offer end-to-end solutions of Tiles, Sanitaryware, Bath Fittings and Kitchens.
HRJ along with its Joint Ventures and subsidiaries has a capacity of over 51 million m2
per annum spread at its manufacturing plants across the country. Under its flagship brand
"Johnson" HRJ offers glazed wall and floor tiles, bath products, kitchens, laminate /
engineered wooden flooring, and engineered marble and quartz. Johnson’s Marbonite
brand offers a complete range of vitrified tiles (polished and glazed), and Johnson’s
Endura offers industrial tiles and tiles for special applications like bathrooms / high traffic
areas / swimming pools etc.
During the fiscal year-ended 31st March 2013, H&R Johnson’s gross revenues crossed
Rs. 1887 crores. Our capacity is 51 million SqMtrs. Its pan-India distribution network is
one of the largest in the industry and comprises of over 54 modern retail stores called
House of Johnson & Johnson Corners besides 1,200 dealers, 15,000 sub-dealers and a
large network of retail franchisees.
We are committed ensure the health and safety of all our employees
4 by conforming to all applicable legislation frog: atom this shall be attained with
continues training, communication and involvement of all our employees in the area
of health and safety.
Management focus:
At H&R Johnson (India)(A division of prism cement limited,.) they believe that
sustainable growth comes only with a powerful product and to create that product it is
necessary to have synergetic environment where empowerment arises through the
principles of trust, transparency and team spirit.
Commitment to supply:
Their key focus has been to make our products available across the length and breadth
of India. They try to cater to all types of customer needs and requirement. This has
been achieved by expanding the capacities of their plants that supply does not fall
short of customs demands and this has helped us to further consolidate our leadership
position in the market.
Our unique growth profile, high brand pull and proven track record are symbolic of our -
strong performance. We are on a constant quest to make superior products through
extensive research. The result is evident in our annual performance. We were the first
Indian tile company to achieve a turnover of Rs 1000 crores. During the fiscal year-ended
31st March 2013, H&R Johnson’s gross revenues crossed Rs. 1887 crores. Our capacity is
54 million SqMtrs. A robust production, infrastructure, distribution, sales network and the
ability to predict, prepares us for future growth. The future is definitely ours.
Its pan-India distribution network is one of the largest in the industry and comprises of
over 54 modern retail stores called House of Johnson and Johnson Corners besides 1,200
dealers, 15,000 sub-dealers and a large network of retail franchisees.
They are members of reputed industry organizations like Indian council of ceramic
tiles and sanitary ware (ICCVTAS). Indian ceramic society, Indian merchants
chambers (IMC), Bombay chamber of commerce and industry (BCCI), confederation
of commerce and industry (FICCI) , employers federation of India (EFI) And
constriction industry development council (CIDC )and chemical and allied products
export promotion council (CAPEXIL)
Dept. of Social Work, SSIBM, Tumakuru Page 42
A Study On Health And Safety Scheme For Employees With Special Reference To
H & R Johnson, Kunigal
Their integral involvement in the issues concerning the overall Indian economy is
reflected through the intense support they provide to these organizations.
The trust respond in their brands by their loyal consumers permanent and their focus
on product quality is one way of respecting this trust their products , besides in focus
appraisals by our qualified of R&D department undergo regular by recognized
authorities. Their R&D department continuously carries out stringent quality tests of
raw materials like clays, minerals, and chemicals and pigments that their procure a
board. Their geologists do on site testing a5t the mines from where their procure
various raw materials.
MR. Vijay Agrawal, managing director of H&R JOHNSON, attributes the success
of his organization to one driving principle – its focus on people. Including customers.
Associates and staff.
However, with its country wide operations the firm’s legacy system could no longer
keep up with taking all its customers and employees activities as well as the
transactions generated. They needed a scalable solution that can grow with companies
Supply chain management, which is essential for ensuring availability and materials
movements, and customer relationship management which H&R JOHNSON has a key
“The biggest advantage of SAP R/3 Is that it will integrate all our business
processing jobs and enable our company to save time and money.
Our, mission is “to be one of the leaders in ceramic tile production with a strong
reputation for high quality product and excellent customer service and to provide an
enjoyable & challenging environment for all employees.
we shall combinational strive to provide quality products and service to meet the
customer expectations”
It does the design of a departmental frame work, what includes several principals in
this area to understand clearly the position (i.e. Work position). The result should be
expected, activities to be under take, delegation of authorities and information
relationship with other position shall be accurately conversed. It shows the truth
process organizing and need for structural balance or techniques must be balance to
ensure the overall effectiveness.
Under the source, agreement does not exist mean while nature of
managerial tasks has been studies from several views describe their behavior s and
habits, interests about the employees. All these focus which mainly concerned with
profits maximization, innovation risk taking, yet another view we focus on decision
to achieve their goals with the organization, society and they are made the feel
proud partners in the progressive of the company.
Personnel department with the help of various departments supervising
operation has is permissible for the execution of policies regarding the recruitment
basis, change of classification of employees and wages, which has been laid down
by board of directors, the main functions of the personnel department are to recruit
the works trainee there and place them to jobs, they are best felted.
The personnel department keeps a full record to every worker employed in
the organization. The records contain the following details
1.) Name and address
2.) No, of departmental heads
3.) Name of former employer and reason for leaving him.
4.) Date of employment
5.) Category
6.) Rate of pay
7.) Promotions and reason for leaving
While talking responsible for carrying out necessary statutory requirement to co-
ordinate that all safety measures are necessary preventive measures on non conform
reports maintaining of skill in venture records of the department personnel preparing
training plans and getting approval by senior vice precedent operation. Who
authorized to control under the view of general manager department.
Authority disposition on quality records and approval of work instructions under the
personnel and administration department the company at present situation that has to
the total strength of 500 employees and qualified and technical staff. There is deputy
Dept. of Social Work, SSIBM, Tumakuru Page 48
A Study On Health And Safety Scheme For Employees With Special Reference To
H & R Johnson, Kunigal
general manager, one assistance G.M 2 senior and managers and 40 senior and junior,
department heads and other engineering work section.
Under the main function of personnel department are to be recite the workers train
them and place them to the job they are best fitted. Personal needed are first sighed for
with in the organization. It will be depends on outside source like advertisement
interested with mainly in journals and trade professionals and periodicals by way
rearing personnel; on be half of its company my invites applications through the
Training is treated as b vital role of activities to prepare personnel for the cultural of
quality and for continuous improvement in performing present jobs as well as for
training there for future requirements.
Every employee will be issued with a badge in other organization but yet H&R
JOHNSON may for all times in inside the factory.
where such facilities are not necessary to supply by the company because these
facilities not provide by the company because these facilities not provide by some
risky jobs apply to set of uniform dress hand gloves and shoes etc, for limited factor.
this is used mechanical method of recording the time workers the fine records clock is
a mechanicals device. Which automatically records the time order usually of on week
duration? The times records are serially numbered and arranged in a tray near the
factory security department, the worker s enters he gate he picks up has card from the
tray but it is time receiving clock with prints. The exact time of arrival in proper space
against the particular day. This process is separated.
LABOUR TURN OVER: As usual in the factory itself cause with effect from
environment, infrastructural facilities, education bonus act”
Receiving of attendance through punching card
Research means as intensive & powerful search for knowledge & understanding of social
& physical phenomena. It is a method for the discovery of true values in science way.
Research is essentially a systematic enquiry seeking facts through objective verifiable
methods in order to discover the relationship among them& to deduce from them brad
principles or laws. It is really method of critical thinking.
Research in common parlance refers to a search for knowledge. One can also define
research as a scientific & systematic search for pertinent information on a specific topic in
fact research is an art of scientific investigation. Cloves& blessedly” The process of
systematically obtaining accurate answer to significant& patent questions by the use of
the scientific method gathering & interpreting information Challenger Systematic,
controlled, Empirical & critical investigation of hypothetical among material natural
phenomena. Webster dictionary A diligent investigation careful inquiry or examination in
seeking facts or principles, diligent investigations in order to ascertain something.
1) To study about health and safety measures among the workers in H & R Johnson
(India), Kunigal.
2) To understand the workers satisfaction with the health and safety measures of the
3) To analyze the effectiveness of employee’s health and safety schemes in H&R
4) To understand the recent problems regarding health and safety.
5) TO give suggestion to improve the employee health and safety measures.
A. Introduction:
This is way to solve the research problems. It involves various steps that are
generally adopted by researcher for studying the research problem. Along with logic
behind real problem involves area concerned researchers, condition they want to improve
difficulties they want to eliminate the questions for which the seek answers.
B. Data sources:
The study requires the collection of both types of data
The study requires the collection of both types of data.
a) Primary data
b) Secondary data
Primary data
It is first hand data collected by the researcher for immediate purpose of the study.
This was collected with the help of interview schedule having structured questionnaires,
personal interviews and direct observation. These methods are helpful to understand the
significance of existing HR policies.
Secondary data
It was collected from the company records, personnel departments, business
journals, magazines, periodical books etc.
Sampling Technique:
Statistical Tool used in this study to analyze the data is Simple Averages.
The scope of the present study to know the opinion of the employees and their awareness
regarding health and safety provided to them in the company increasing facilities in the
industry pertaining to limitation of 50 employees of H & R JOHNSON (INDIA),
Table – 5.1
Table showing the age of respondents.
The above table shows that 12 % of the respondents are in 18-25 years of age and
16% of the respondents are in the age group of 31-35 years. The remaining 72% of the
respondents are above 36 years of age.
The above graph shows that, there are a few number of respondents who are in 18-
25 and 31-35 years of age group. None of them belongs to the age group 26-30. The
majority of the respondents are above 36 years of age.
Table – 5.2
The table showing the marital status of respondents.
The above table shows that, 84% of the respondents are married, 16% of the respondents
are unmarried. None of the respondents are either widows or divorced.
The above graph shows that the majority of the respondents are married, few of the
respondents are unmarried, the table shows that none of the respondents are either widows
or divorced.
Table – 5.3
Table showing Education qualification of the respondents
The above table shows that, the education qualification of 4% of the respondents is
S.S.L.C, 56% of the respondents have passed P.U.C/ DIPLOMA/ ITI and 40% of the
respondents are Graduates.
Graph - 5.3
Interpretation: The above graph shows that, there are a very few numbers of employees
who have S.S.L.C as their education qualification. Majority of the employees have
P.U.C/ DIPLOMA/ ITI as their qualification and 40% of the respondents are Graduates.
Table – 5.4
The able showing monthly salary of respondents
Sl. No. Gross Salary (in Rupees per month) Respondents Percentage
1 3000 2 4%
2 6000 4 8%
3 9000 18 36%
4 12000 and above 26 52%
Total 50 100%
The above table shows that, gross salary of 4% of the respondents is Rs.3000/-, 8% of
respondents draw Rs. 6000/-, 36% of the respondents’ salary is Rs. 9000/- and 52% of the
respondents’ salary is above Rs.12000/-.
The above graph shows that, the gross salary of almost half of the respondents is less than
Rs. 9,000/- per month. And it is also observed that a bit ore than half of the respondents’
gross salary is above Rs. 12,000/- per month.
Table showing the awareness of respondents about health and safety provisions
under the Factory Act 1948
The above the table shows that, 96% of the respondents are aware of safety and health
provision under the Factory Act 1948, the remaining 4% are not aware of Health and
Safety provision under the Factory Act 1948.
The above the graph shows that, the majority of the respondents are aware of safety and
health provision under the Factory Act 1948, and a very negligible portion of the
respondents are not aware of Health and Safety provision under the Factory Act 1948.
Table – 5.6
Table showing respondents’ awareness about the appointment of Safety Officer in
The above table shows that, 96% of the respondents are aware of the appointment of
Safety Officer, the remaining 4% of the respondents is not aware of appointment of safety
The above table shows that, the majority of the respondents are aware of the appointment
of Safety Officer, whereas the remaining very few numbers of respondents are not aware
of appointment of safety officer.
Table – 5.7
Table showing the medical facilities given by ESI & Private hospital for the
employees of the company.
The above table shows that, 32% of the respondents expressed that they have medical
facilities from Private Hospital, the remaining 68% of the respondents expressed that they
have medical facilities from ESI.
The above graph shows that, the majority of the respondents have medical facilities from
ESI Hospitals, the rest of the respondents are having medical facilities from private
Table – 5.8
The table showing the need of ear buds while working in the factory
The above table shows that, 84% of the respondents expressed that they need ear buds
while working with machineries which makes more noise. But, the remaining 16% of the
respondents are not used the ear bids while working in the factory.
The above graph shows that, majority of the respondents need ear buds while working
with machineries which makes more noise but remaining little number of the respondents
are not used the ear buds while working in the factory.
Table – 5.9
The table showing respondents’ opinion regarding facility of Goggles for the
protection of eyes during work hours.
The above table shows that 84% of the respondents says company provides goggles for
eye protection, remaining 16% of the respondents said they do not use goggles for eye
The above graph shows that majority of the respondents says company provides goggles
for eye protection, remaining little number of the respondents said they do not use goggles
for eye protection.
Table – 5.10
The table showing the respondents opinion about cleanliness in their industry
Sl. No. Cleanness of industry Respondents Percentage
1 Excellent 2 4%
2 Very good 5 10%
3 good 28 56%
4 satisfied 15 30%
TOTAL 50 100%
The above table shows that to that 4% of the respondents are agreed that cleanness
in the industry is excellent, 10% of the respondents agreed that in the industry cleanness is
very good, 56% of the respondents is agreed it is good in the industry remaining shows
that 30% of the respondents agreed that it is satisfied in industry.
The above graph shows that to that 4% of the respondents are agreed that cleanness in the
industry is excellent, 10%of the respondents agreed that in the industry cleanness is very
good, 56% of the respondents are agreed it is good in the industry remaining shows that
30% of the respondents agreed that it is satisfied in industry.
Table – 5.11
The table showing availability of First Aid facility in the company
The above table shows that 94% of the respondents said first-aid facility provided by the
company, remaining table shows that 6% of the respondents said that company is not
providing first aid facilities.
The above graph shows that majority of the respondents said first aid facility provided by
the company, remaining table shows that few numbers of respondents said that company
is not providing first aid facilities.
Table – 5.12
The above table shows that, 88% of the respondent’s opinion company providing healthy
environment at the working place, remaining 12% of the respondents said that the
company is not providing healthy environment at the working place.
The above graph shows that, 88% of the respondent’s opinion company providing healthy
environment at the working place, whereas very few respondents not agreed that the
company is providing healthy environment.
Table - 5.13
The table showing health problems facing by the respondents during working hours
The above table shows that, 22% of the respondents facing the health problems during the
working hours, remaining 78% of the respondent are not facing the health problems.
The above graph shows that majority of the respondents are not facing the health
problems during the working hours, remaining respondents opined that they are facing the
health problems.
Table – 5.14
The table showing the respondents opinion about pure drinking water facility
provided by the company.
The above table shows that, 96% of the respondents agreed company provide pure
drinking water, remaining 4% of the respondents agreed that the company is not
providing pure drinking water.
The above graph shows that majority of the respondents agreed that the company is
providing pure drinking water, the remaining few respondents do not agree that the
company is providing pure drinking water.
Table – 5.15
The table showing the respondents opinion on quality of food provided by the
The above table shows that, 88% of the respondents said that quality food is being
provided by the company, remaining 12% of the respondents said quality of food is not
provided by the company.
The above graph shows that, majority of the respondents said that quality food is being
provided by the company, whereas the remaining few respondents said that quality food is
not provided by the company.
Table –5.16
The table showing respondents opinion about sanitary facility provided by the
Sl. No. sanitary facility Respondents Percentage
1 Very Hygienic 39 78%
2 Hygienic 11 22%
Total 50 100%
The above table shows that 78% of the respondents’ opinion about sanitary facility which
is provided by the company is very hygienic, remaining 22% of the respondents’ opinion
about company’s sanitary facility as hygienic.
The above graph shows that, the majority of the respondents opined that the sanitary
facility which is provided by the company is very hygienic, remaining few of the
respondents opined that the company is providing hygienic sanitizing facility.
Table –5.17
The table showing that Respondent’s response about the frequency of safety training
given by the company
Sl. No. period of safety training Respondents Percentage
1 Every 3 months 33 66%
2 Every 6 months 10 20%
3 Every 10 months 0 0%
4 Once in a year 7 14%
Total 50 100%
The above table shows that, 66% of the respondents said safety training given once in
every month by the company, 20% of the respondents said safety training given once in
every 6 months, remaining 14% of the respondents said safety training is given once in a
The above graph shows that, majority of the respondents said the safety training given
every month by the company, rest few of the respondents said safety training is given
once in every 6 months, remaining respondents said safety training is given once in a
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A Study On Health And Safety Scheme For Employees With Special Reference To
H & R Johnson, Kunigal
1 Yes 34 68%
2 No 16 32%
The above the table showing that 68% of the respondents agreed that they are able to
work in hazardous process, remaining 32% of the respondents unable to work in
hazardous conditions.
The above the graph showing that majority of the respondents agreed that they are able to
work in hazardous conditions, remaining of the respondents are not willing to work in
hazardous conditions.
Table - 5.19
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A Study On Health And Safety Scheme For Employees With Special Reference To
H & R Johnson, Kunigal
1 Yes 30 60%
2 No 20 40%
Total 50 100%
The above table shows that 60% of the respondents said dangers machines have been
installed in the company, remaining 40% of the respondents said that, the machines
installed in the company are not dangerous.
The above graphs shows that the majority of the respondents said that the machines
installed in the company are dangerous. Whereas, the remaining respondents disagreed
that the machines are not dangerous.
Table - 5.20
1 Yes 13 26%
2 No 37 74%
Total 50 100%
The above table shows that 26% of the respondents said that accidents happened recently
in the company, remaining 74% of the respondents said that there are no accidents
reported recently in the company.
The above Graph shows that, majority of the respondents said that accidents have
happened recently in the company, whereas the remaining respondents said there were no
such accidents happened recently in the company.
Table - 5.21
The table showing whether the Occupational Health Center situated in the company
or not.
1 Yes 48 96%
2 No 2 4%
Total 50 100%
The above table, it is observed that, 96% of the respondents said that an Occupational
Health Center is situated in the company. The remaining 4% of the respondents said that
they are not aware of such health center situated in the company premises.
The above Graph shows that, the majority of the respondents said that an Occupational
Health Center is situated in the premises of the company whereas only few respondents
are not aware of Occupational Health Center situated in the company’s premises.
Table - 5.22
The table showing whether safety regulations are followed by the company or not
From the above table it is analyzed that, 96% of the respondents agreed that the
company is following the safety regulations, And the remaining 4% of the respondents
said that the company is not following any safety regulations.
The above chart showing the majority of the respondents agreed that the company
following the safety regulations. Whereas, the remaining respondents said that the
company is not following any safety regulations.
Table - 5.23
The table showing respondents expectation about the changes in Health and Safety
Policies of the company
The above table shows that 54% of the respondents are expecting changes to be made in
the safety policies, remaining 46% of the respondents are not expecting changes in safety
The above graph shows that, most of the respondents expect the changes to be made in the
safety policies, almost equal part of the respondents is not expecting changes in safety
Table - 5.24
The table showing company facilitating Life Insurance exclusively for Covid-19
The above table shows that 48 respondents i.e., 96% have agreed that the company
provides Life Insurance facility exclusively for Covid-19 for its employees and 4% of the
respondents have no knowledge about this facility.
The above Graph shows that, majority of the respondents agreed the company provides
Life Insurance facility exclusively for Covid-19 for its employees, a very few numbers of
the respondents are unaware of the facility.
Table - 5.25
The table showing company facilitating free Vaccination, regular RT-PCR tests, face
shields, hand gloves and pocket sanitizers
The above table shows that 48 respondents i.e., 96% have agreed that the company
provides free vaccination, RT-PCR tests, face shields, hand gloves and pocket sanitizers
in the company and 4% of the respondents have no knowledge about this facility.
The above Graph shows that, majority of the respondents agreed the company provides
free vaccination, RT-PCR tests, face shields, hand gloves and pocket sanitizers in the
company in the company, a very few numbers of the respondents are unaware of the
1) Majority of the respondents i.e., 96% are aware of Health and Safety provisions under
2) Majority of the respondents i.e., 96% are aware that industry appointed a safety
3) 72% of the respondents opined that, safety trainings provided by the company helps
4) Majority of the respondents i.e., 96% used the mask facility while work at the dust
6) 84% of the respondents used ear buds while working with machineries which make
more noise.
8) 88% of the respondents opined that, the company is providing healthy environment.
9) 78% of the respondents are not facing the health problems during the working hours.
10) 88% of the respondents opinioned about the sanitary facility as hygienic.
12) 60% of the respondents said dangerous machines have been installed by the company.
13) 26% of the respondents said that, the accidents happened recently in the industry.
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A Study On Health And Safety Scheme For Employees With Special Reference To
H & R Johnson, Kunigal
14) Majority of the respondents i.e., 96% have agreed that, the company is following the
safety regulation.
15) 54% of the respondents are expecting the changes in Health and Safety Policies of the
16) 96% of the employees have agreed that the company provides Life Insurance facility
17) Majority of the respondents i.e., 96% agreed that the company provides free
vaccination, RT-PCR test, face shield, sanitizers and hand gloves facility for its
Health & Safety is an important aspect in Industry industrial accidents. Hazards are
existing at all places and all time to be safe one must follow safety as a culture. which
factory give importance to safety that factory production also increases. One more
important thing is employee’s health directly influence on production.
As per project work majority of employees are following safety rules and they
have good health. The company giving hospital facilities to employees to concentrate on
But the company should try to give safety training programmed and try to
maintain good environment.
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A Study On Health And Safety Scheme For Employees With Special Reference To
H & R Johnson, Kunigal
⮚ Provide more safety training facilities for the employees in the industry.
⮚ Provide safety equipments to the workers who are working at hazardous places.
⮚ The trainer must use audio and visual presentation at the time of giving safety
⮚ Provide excellent occupational health center which has include all medical
⮚ The Company should appoint the workers those who are able to work at the
hazardous process.
⮚ The Company should be equip with all the necessary measures to create awareness
⮚ The company should also plan for the spacious work space in order to maintain
human resource.
⮚ The Company should instruct clearly about the dangerous machines to the workers
and moreover it should appoint the export operators where such machines are
Sl. No. Author Name Book Name Date of publishing Publisher Name
Dear Respondents,
I request your kind co-operation in this regard. I promise you that, the
information provided by you would be kept confidential and used only for
academic purpose.
Thank you,
Yours faithfully
(Ashwini G)
2. Marital status:
(a) Married [ ] (b) Unmarried [ ]
(c) Widow [ ] (d) Divorce [ ]
3. Educational qualification:
(a) 7nth standard [ ] (b) S.S.L.C [ ]
(c) PUC /Diploma /ITI [ ] (d) Graduation [ ]
4. Gross salary:
(a) 3000 [ ] (b) 6000 [ ]
(c) 9000 [ ] (d) 12000 and Above [ ]
5. Are you aware of the safety and health provisions under the 1948 Act?
(a) Yes [ ] (b) No [ ]
6. Does your company appoint a safety officer under the existing labour
(a) Yes [ ] (b) No [ ]
8. Do you need ear bids while working with machines which makes more noise?
(a) Yes [ ] (b) No [ ]
13. If the company provide healthy environment is provided, rate its quality.
(a) Excellent [ ] (b) Very Good [ ]
(c) Good [ ] (d) Satisfied [ ]
14. Are you facing any health problems during the working hours?
(a) Yes [ ] (b) No [ ]
17. What is your opinion about the sanitary facility provided by your company?
(a) very hygienic [ ] (b) Hygienic [ ]
19. In your company safety training is given for the period of………………
(a) Every 3 months [ ] (b) Every 6 months [ ]
(c) Every 10 months [ ] (d) Once in a year [ ]
(e) All the above [ ]
27. Do you expect any changes in health and safety policies of your company?
(a) Yes [ ] (b) No [ ]
28. Does your company follow the Government's Guidelines to avoid Covid-19?
(a) Yes [ ] (b) No [ ]
29. Does your company provide you the life security insurance exclusively for
(a) Yes [ ] (b) No [ ]
30. Does your company provide you the facility of free Vaccination, regular RT-
PCR tests, face shields, hand gloves and pocket sanitizers?
(a) Yes [ ] (b) No [ ]