12th Biology-Botany em Combined 14-3-2020
12th Biology-Botany em Combined 14-3-2020
12th Biology-Botany em Combined 14-3-2020
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Specializations available for botany are: Plant biochemist: Biochemists study the
chemical and physical principles of living
Cytology Genetics
things and of biological processes, such as cell
Lichenology Economic botany
development, growth, heredity, and disease.
Palynology Palaeobotany
Bryology Ethnobotany Molecular biologist: Molecular biologists
conduct research and academic activities.
Phycology Phytochemistry
The research component involves the study
Forestry Plant morphology
of biological structures in well-equipped
Phytopathology Plant anatomy
laboratories with advanced technology to help
Plant physiology Plant genetics them explore complex molecular structures
Agronomy Horticulture and their particular functions. The equipment
Plant ecology Plant systematic may include microscopes, lab centrifuges,
computers with specific software that allows
Veterinary Science
them to analyze obtained data, and many more.
Bachelor of Veterinary Science or B.V.Sc. is an
undergraduate program in veterinary
young plant buds
growing from roots (f) Reproduction
by leaf
(g) Runner
Centella asiatica
(b) Rhizome – Zingiber officinale
Terminal bud
(Daughter plant)
(c) Corm – Colocasia (h) Stolon
Naked scale
Stock Stock
Stock Scion
(ii) Approach (iii) Tongue
(i) Bud grafting (iv) Crown grafting (v) Wedge grafting
grafting grafting
a) Types of Grafting
Figure 1.2(a): Artificial methods of vegetative reproduction in plants
the rooted part is cut and planted to grow as branches after 2-4 months. Such branches are
a new plant. Examples: Ixora and Jasminum. removed from the parent plant and grown in a
Mound layering and Air layering are few types separate pot or ground.
of layering (Figure 1.2 b). Advantages of conventional methods
i. Mound layering: This method is applied for • The plants produced are genetically uniform.
the plants having flexible branches. The lower
• Many plants can be produced quickly by
branch with leaves is bent to the ground and
this method.
part of the stem is buried in the soil and tip of
the branch is exposed above the soil. After the • Some plants produce little or no seeds;
roots emerge from the part of the stem buried in others, the seeds produced do not
in the soil, a cut is made in parent plant so that germinate. In such cases, plants can be
the buried part grow into a new plant. produced in a short period by this method.
• Some plants can be propagated more
economically by vegetative propagation.
Example: Solanum tuberosum.
• Two different plants with desirable
(i) Mound layering characters such as disease resistance and
high yield can be grafted and grown as a new
plant with the same desirable characters.
Disadvantages of conventional methods
• Use of virus infected plants as parents
Bark tissue Polythene
Moist soil tied to retain produces viral infected new plants.
(ii) Air layering
• Vegetative structures used for propagation
are bulky and so they are difficult to handle
b) Types of Layering
and store.
Figure 1.2(b): Artificial methods of
vegetative reproduction in plants 1.3 Sexual Reproduction
In previous classes reproduction in lower plants
ii. Air layering: In this method the stem is
like algae and bryophytes was discussed in detail.
girdled at nodal region and hormones are
Sexual reproduction involves the production
applied to this region which promotes rooting.
and fusion of male and female gametes. The
This portion is covered with damp or moist soil
former is called gametogenesis and the latter
using a polythene sheet. Roots emerge in these
(a) Anther primordium (b) Differentiation of (c) Formation of parietal and (d) Formation of wall layers
archesporial cell sporogenous cell
Epidermis Endothecium
Middle layers Middle layer
Tapetum Tapetum
Sporogenous cell Microspores
Pollen tetrad
(e) Sporogenous stage (f) Pollen tetrad stage (g) Microspore stage
Endothecium Activity
Middle layer
Pollen grain Collect buds and opened flowers of Datura
Stomium metel. Dissect the stamens, separate the
anthers and take thin transverse sections and
observe the structure under the microscope.
Record the various stages of anther
development from your observations.
(h) Pollen grain stage
and it also caused
protects by
pollen during its journey Male gametes
Figure 1.6Stages
Figure 2.3 Development of male
in the development gametophyte
of male gametophyte
Pollenkitt is contributed by the tapetum
and coloured yellow or orange and is chiefly The intine grows as pollen tube through the germ
made of carotenoids or flavonoids. It is an oily pore. In case the pollen is liberated at 2 celled stage the
layer forming a thick viscous coating over pollen generative cell divides in the pollen into 2 male cells
surface. It attracts insects and protects damage (sperms) after reaching the stigma or in the pollen
from UV radiation. tube before reaching the embryo sac. The stages
Development of Male gametophyte: in the development of male gametophyte is given
The microspore is the first cell of the male in Figure 1.6.
gametophyte and is haploid. The development
(a) Orthotropous (b) Anatropous (c) Hemianatropous (d) Campylotropous (e) Amphitropous (f) Circinotropous
Figure 1.8 Types of ovule
Archesporial cell
polar nucleus
Megaspore Functional 2-nucleate stage
megaspore 4-nucleate stage 8-nucleate stage
mother cell
Style Stamens Long style Short style
a) Distyly - Primula
i) Pin-eyed flower ii) Thrum-eyed flower
Self-Pollination Cross-Pollination
(Autogamy) (Xenogamy or Allogamy)
Abiotic Agencies
1. Anemophily (Wind) Biotic Agencies
2. Hydrophily (Water)
Types of style
There are three types of style a) Hollow or
open style b)solid style or closed style c) semi-
solid or half closed style.
Pollen tube Pollen tube
Hollow style (Open style): It is common
a) Porogamy b) Chalazogamy c) Mesogamy
among monocots. A hollow canal running from
the stigma to the base of the style is present. Figure 1.18 Path of pollen tube entry into the ovule
The canal is lined by a single layer of glandular Chalazogamy: when the pollen tube enters
canal cells (Transmitting tissue).They secrete through the chalaza.
mucilaginous substances. The pollen tube grows
Mesogamy: when the pollen tube enters
on the surface of the cells lining the stylar canal.
through the integument.
The canal is filled with secretions which serve
Entry of pollen tube into embryo sac:
as nutrition for growing pollen tubes and also
Irrespective of the place of entry of pollen
controlling incompatibility reaction between
tube into ovule, it enters the embryo sac at the
the style and pollen tube. The secretions contain
micropylar end. The pollen enters into embryo
carbohydrates, lipids and some enzymes
sac directly into one of the synergids.
like esterases, acid phosphatases as well as
compatibility controlling proteins. The growth of pollen tube towards the ovary,
ovule and embryo sac is due to the presence of
petal & sepal
seed(facilitates O2 and
water uptake) Ruminate
Nucellus Perisperm endosperm
Outer integument of Testa (outer seed coat) d) Ruminate endosperm (Areca catechu)
Terminal cell
Basal cell
Embryonal mass
Hypophysis Cotyledons
Suspensor Radicle
Root cap
Suspensor Root cap
(f) Heart shaped embryo (g) Mature embryo (h) Mature embryo in a seed
Figure 1.22 Development of Dicot embryo (Capsella bursa-pastoris)
Oryza seed (example for Monocot seed)
The seed of paddy is one seeded and is called
Testa Caryopsis. Each seed remains enclosed by
a brownish husk which consists of glumes
Seed entire
arranged in two rows. The seed coat is a
brownish, membranous layer closely adhered to
the grain. Endosperm forms the bulk of the grain
and is the storage tissue. It is separated from
embryo by a definite layer called epithelium.
Seed cut opened The embryo is small and consists of one shield-
Figure 1.23(a) Dicot
a) Dicot seed seed - Cicer arientinum
(Cicer arientinum) shaped cotyledon known as scutellum present
endosperm contains reserve food and the towards lateral side of embryonal axis.
cotyledons are thin. The portion of embryonal A short axis with plumule and radicle protected
Fruit (Caryopsis) entire
axis projecting beyond the cotyledons is by the root cap is present. The plumule is
called radicle or embryonic root. The other surrounded by a protective sheath called
end of the axis called embryonic shoot is coleoptile. The radicle including root cap
the plumule. Embryonal axis above the is also covered by a protective sheath called
level of cotyledon is called epicotyl whereas coleorhiza. The scutellum supplies the growing
the cylindrical region between Scutellum the level of
embryo with food material absorbed from the
cotyledon is called hypocotyl(Figure
1.23 a). endosperm with the help of the epithelium
Shoot apex
(Figure 1.23 b).
Root cap
Coleorhiza Asexual and Sexual Reproduction in Plants 23
L.s. of fruit
Seed cut opened
a) Dicot seed (Cicer arientinum)
Fruit (Caryopsis) entire
Adventive embryony
Scutellum Apospory
Shoot apex Vegetative reproduction: Plants propagate by
any part other than seeds
Root cap Bulbils – Fritillaria imperialis; Bulbs –
Coleorhiza Allium; Runner – Mentha arvensis; Sucker -
L.s. of fruit
b) 1.23(b)
Monocot Monocot seed
seed (Oryza - Oryza sativa
sativa) Agamospermy: It refers to processes by which
Figure 2.25 Structure of seed
Activity Embryos are formed by eliminating meiosis and
Soak seeds of green gram for three hours.
Drain the water and place few seeds in a Adventive embryony
clean tray containing moist cotton or filter An Embryo arises directly from the diploid
paper. Allow the seeds to sprout. Collect sporophytic cells either from nucellus or
the sprouted seeds, cut open and observe integument. It is also called sporophytic
the parts. Record your observation. budding because gametophytic phase is
completely absent. Adventive embryos are found
in Citrus and Mangifera
1.7 Apomixis
Diplospory (Generative apospory): A diploid
Reproduction involving fertilization in
embryo sac is formed from megaspore mother
flowering plants is called amphimixis and
cell without a regular meiotic division Examples.
wherever reproduction does not involve union
Eupatorium and Aerva.
of male and female gametes is called apomixis.
Apospory: Megaspore mother cell (MMC)
The term Apomixis was introduced by
undergoes the normal meiosis and four
Winkler in the year 1908. It is defined as
megaspores formed gradually disappear. A
the substitution of the usual sexual system
nucellar cell becomes activated and develops into
(Amphimixis) by a form of reproduction which
a diploid embryo sac. This type of apospory is also
does not involve meiosis and syngamy.
Maheswari (1950) classified Apomixis into called somatic apospory. Examples Hieracium
two types - Recurrent and Non recurrent and Parthenium.
Recurrent apomixis: It includes vegetative 1.8 Polyembryony
reproduction and agamospermy Occurrence of more than one embryo in a
Non recurrent apomixis: Haploid embryo seed is called polyembryony (Figure 1.24).
sac developed after meiosis, develops into a The first case of polyembryony was reported
embryo without fertilization. in certain oranges by Anton von Leeuwenhoek
The outline classification of Recurrent in the year 1719. Polyembryony is divided into
apomixis is given below. four categories based on its origin.
Figure 1.24 : Polyembryony – Embryo sac
Reproduction is one of the attributes of
of Ulmus glabra showing zygotic and
living things. Lower plants, microbes and
antipodal embryo
animals reproduce by different methods
(fragmentation, gemma, binary fission,
a. Cleavage polyembryony (Example: Orchids)
budding, regeneration). Organisms reproduce
b. Formation of embryo by cells of the Embryo through asexual and sexual methods. Asexual
sac other than egg (Synergids – Aristolochia; methods in angiosperms occur through natural
antipodals – Ulmus and endosperm – or artificial methods. The natural methods
Balanophora) take place through vegetative propagules or
c. D
evelopment of more than one Embryo sac diaspores. Artificial method of reproduction
within the same ovule. (Derivatives of same involves cutting, layering and grafting.
MMC, derivatives of two or more MMC – Micropropagation is a modern method used
Casuarina) to raise new plants.
d. A
ctivation of some sporophytic cells of the Sexual reproduction includes
ovule (Nucellus/ integuments-Citrus and gametogenesis and fertilization. External
Syzygium). fertilization occurs in lower plants like algae
but in higher plants internal fertilization
Practical applications
takes place. A flower is a modified shoot
The seedlings formed from the nucellar tissue
meant for reproduction. Stamen is the male
in Citrus are found better clones for Orchards.
reproductive part and produces pollen grains.
Embryos derived through polyembryony are
The development of microspore is called
found virus free.
microsporogenesis. The microspore mother
1.9 Parthenocarpy cell undergoes meiotic division to produce
As mentioned earlier, the ovary becomes the four haploid microspores. In majority of
fruit and the ovule becomes the seed after Angiosperms the anther is dithecous and
fertilization. However in a number of cases, are tetrasporangiate. It possesses epidermis,
fruit like structures may develop from the endothecium, middle layers and tapetum.
ovary without the act of fertilization. Such The hygroscopic nature of endothecial cell
fruits are called parthenocarpic fruits. along with thin walled stomium helps in the
Invariably they will not have true seeds. dehiscence of anther. Tapetum nourishes the
Many commercial fruits are made seedless. microspores and also contributes to the wall
Examples: Banana, Grapes and Papaya. materials of the pollen grain. Pollen grain is
45. ‘Pollination in Gymnosperms is different Nucellus: The diploid tissue found on the inner
from Angiosperms’ – Give reasons. part of ovule next to the integuments.
46. Write short note on Heterostyly. Pollenkitt: A sticky covering found on the
surface of the pollen that helps to attract insects.
47. Enumerate the characteristic features of
Regeneration: Ability of organisms to replace
Entomophilous flowers
or restore the lost parts.
48. Discuss the steps involved in
Sporopollenin: Pollen wall material derived
from carotenoids and is resistant to physical
49. With a suitable diagram explain the and biological decomposition.
structure of an ovule.
Tapetum: Nutritive tissue for the developing
50. Give a concise account on steps involved sporogenous tissue
in fertilization of an angiosperm plant.
Transmitting tissue: A single layer of glandular
51. What is endosperm. Explain the types. canal cells lining the inner part of style.
52. Differentiate the structure of Dicot and
mother cell
Megaspore Megaspore
mother cell Pollen (n)
Sporophyte (2n)
Embyo sac
Embryo (2n)
Endosperm Endosperm
(3n) nucleus (3n) Syngamy
Double fertilization
• The calyx may persist and • The funiculus develops Ricinus - Caruncle
enlarge (Solanum melongena) into a fleshy structure
or may cover the fruit which is often very colourful and called aril.
(Physalis minima) (Myristica and Pithecellobium)
Physalis - Persistent calyx
• The flower stalk or axis
below the gynoecium
enlarges into a juicy pear Aril
shaped body which is edible
Myristica Pithecellobium
(Anacardium occidentale).
The Perianth becomes • The nucellar tissue is either absorbed completely
Anacardium -
fleshy as in Jack fruit. pedicel (edible) by the developing embryo sac and embryo or
small portion may remain as storage tissue. Thus
• The cells present at the tip of the outer
the remnant of nucellar tissue in the seed is called
integument around the micropyle develop
perisperm. Example: Black pepper and beet root
2 Classical Genetics
Understand Genetics – The Science of heredity (Inheritance)
the concepts - “Genetics” is the branch of biological science
of principles of which deals with the mechanism of transmission
of characters from parents to offsprings. The term
Genetics was introduced by W. Bateson in 1906.
Describe the extensions of Mendelism.
The four major subdisciplines of genetics are
Explain polygenic inheritance and
1. Transmission Genetics / Classical Genetics
Pleiotropy. – Deals with the transmission of genes
Analyze extra chromosomal from parents to offsprings. The foundation
inheritance in cytoplasmic organelles. of classical genetics came from the study
of hereditary behaviour of seven genes by
Gregor Mendel.
Chapter outline
2. Molecular Genetics – Deals with the
structure and function of a gene at molecular
2.1 Heredity and Variation level.
2.2 Mendelism 3. Population Genetics – Deals with heredity
2.3 L aws of Mendelian Inheritance in groups of individuals for traits which is
2.4 Monohybrid, Dihybrid, cross, determined by a few genes.
Backcross and Testcross 4. Quantitative Genetics – Deals with heredity
of traits in groups of individuals where
2.5 Interaction of Genes -Intragenic
the traits are governed by many genes
and Intergenic Incomplete
dominance, Lethal genes, Epistasis
2.6 Polygenic inheritance in Wheat What is the reason for similarities, differences
of appearance and skipping of generations?
kernel colour, Pleiotropy –
Pisum sativum Genes – Functional Units of inheritance:
The basic unit of heredity (biological
2.7 Extra chromosomal inheritance-
information) which transmits biochemical,
Cytoplasmic inheritance in anatomical and behavioural traits from
Chloroplast. parents to offsprings.
Classical Genetics 31
32 Classical Genetics
His experiments were carefully planned 3ROOHQPDOHVH[
and he used large samples. UHPRYHG
The pairs of contrasting characters which 3ROOHQ
Classical Genetics 33
34 Classical Genetics
Classical Genetics 35
36 Classical Genetics
Classical Genetics 37
Homozygous Homozygous
Round seeds Wrinkled seeds Diploid
Yellow x Green parental
cotyledon cotyledon genotype
RR YY rr yy
F1 generation R Y
F1 generation RrYy y
F1 phenotype : All round-yellow cotyledon
F1 genotypes : All Rr Yy
Round seeds
Yellow cotyledon
F1 Generation Parent 1 Parent 2
RrYy x RrYy
Round yellow cotyledon X Round yellow cotyledon
Gametes RY Ry rY ry RY Ry rY ry
Rr Yy Rr yy rr Yy rr yy
but the Law of Independent Assortment deals with ry
Phenotypic Ratio 9:3:3:1
the relationship between genes.
Figure 2.10: Dihybrid Cross in Garden peas
The crossing of two plants differing in two
breeding round yellow parent is represented by
pairs of contrasting traits is called dihybrid
the genotype RRYY and the pure breeding green
cross. In dihybrid cross, two characters (colour
wrinkled parent is represented by the genotype
and shape) are considered at a time. Mendel
rryy. During gamete formation the paired genes
considered the seed shape (round and wrinkled)
of a character assort out independently of the
and cotyledon colour (yellow & green) as the two
other pair. During the F1 x F1 fertilization each
characters. In seed shape round (R) is dominant
zygote with an equal probability receives one of
over wrinkled (r) ; in cotyledon colour yellow
the four combinations from each parent. The
(Y) is dominant over green (y). Hence the pure
38 Classical Genetics
Yellow x Green
cotyledon cotyledon
Classical Genetics 39
40 Classical Genetics
Classical Genetics 41
3. White plants without any chlorophyll. (cc) 2.5 Intergenic gene interactions
The genotype of the homozygous green Interlocus interactions take
plants is CC. The genotype of the homozygous place between the alleles at
white plant is cc. different loci i.e between
The aurea plants have the genotype Cc alleles of different genes.It
because they are heterozygous of green and includes the following:
white plants. When two such aurea plants Dominant Epistasis – It
are crossed the F1 progeny has identical is a gene interaction in which
phenotypic and genotypic ratio of 1 : 2 : 1 (viz. two alleles of a gene at one locus interfere and
1 Green (CC) : 2 Aurea (Cc) : 1 White (cc)) suppress or mask the phenotypic expression
Since the white plants lack chlorophyll of a different pair of alleles of another gene at
pigment, they will not survive. So the F2 another locus. The gene that suppresses or masks
ratio is modified into 1 : 2. In this case the the phenotypic expression of a gene at another
homozygous recessive genotype (cc) is lethal. locus is known as epistatic. The gene whose
expression is interfered by non-allelic genes and
Antirrhinum Antirrhinum
F1 Heterozygote
prevents from exhibiting its character is known
Cc x Cc as hypostatic. When both the genes are present
together, the phenotype is determined by the
1CC : 2 Cc : 1 cc
Green Aurea White (lethal) epistatic gene and not by the hypostatic gene.
Figure: 2.15: Lethal genes In the summer squash the fruit colour locus
has a dominant allele ‘W’ for white colour and a
The term “lethal” is applied to those recessive allele ‘w’ for coloured fruit. ‘W’ allele is
changes in the genome of an organism which
dominant that masks the expression of any colour.
produces effects severe enough to cause death.
In another locus hypostatic allele ‘G’ is for yellow
Lethality is a condition in which the death of
fruit and its recessive allele ‘g’ for green fruit. In the
certain genotype occurs prematurely. The fully
dominant or fully recessive lethal allele kills first locus the white is dominant to colour where
the carrier individual only in its homozygous as in the second locus yellow is dominant to green.
condition. So the F2 genotypic ratio will be 2 : 1 When the white fruit with genotype WWgg is
or 1 : 2 respectively. crossed with yellow fruit with genotype wwGG,
the F1 plants have white fruit and are heterozygous
2.4.4. Pleiotropy – A single gene affects (WwGg). When F1 heterozygous plants are crossed
multiple traits they give rise to F2 with the phenotypic ratio of 12
In Pleiotropy, the single gene affects multiple white : 3 yellow : 1 green.
traits and alter the phenotype of the organism.
The Pleiotropic gene influences a number of
42 Classical Genetics
Since W is epistatic to the alleles ‘G’ and 2.6 Polygenic Inheritance in Wheat
‘g’, the white which is dominant, masks the (Kernel colour)
effect of yellow or green. Homozygous Polygenic inheritance - Several genes combine
recessive ww genotypes only can give the to affect a single trait.
coloured fruits (4/16). Double recessive
A group of genes that together determine
‘wwgg’ will give green fruit (1/16). The Plants
(contribute) a characteristic of an organism
having only ‘G’ in its genotype (wwGg or
wwGG) will give the yellow fruit(3/16). is called polygenic inheritance. It gives
explanations to the inheritance of continuous
Intra –genic or allelic interaction traits which are compatible with Mendel’s Law.
The first experiment on polygenic
S. Gene
Example Phenotypic inheritance was demonstrated by Swedish
No. interaction
ratio Geneticist H. Nilsson - Ehle (1909) in wheat
1 Incomplete Flower colour 1:2:1 kernels. Kernel colour is controlled by two
Dominance in Mirabilis genes each with two alleles, one with red kernel
jalapa. 1:2:1
colour was dominant to white. He crossed the
Flower colour
in snapdragon
two pure breeding wheat varieties dark red
(Antirrhinum and a white. Dark red genotypes R1R1R2R2 and
spp.) white genotypes are r1r1r2r2. In the F1 generation
2 Codominance ABO Blood 1:2:1 medium red were obtained with the genotype
group system in R1r1R2r2. F1 wheat plant produces four types of
humans gametes R1R2, R1r2, r1R2, r1r2. The intensity of
Table 2.2: Intra- genic interaction
Classical Genetics 43
R1r1R2r2 R1r1r2r2 r1r1R2r2 r1r1r2r2 F1 Intermediate red
r1 r2
1 4 6 4 1
Figure 2.18: Polygenic inheritance in
Wheat kernel
From the above results Nilsson – Ehle
Dark White
showed that the blending inheritance was
Red Wheat kernel colour
not taking place in the kernel of wheat. In F2
Figure 2.17 (a): Polygenic inheritance in wheat generation plants have kernels with wide range
kernel colour
44 Classical Genetics
namely dark green leaved plants and pale green 1XFOHXV :KLWH
leaved plants. When the pollen of dark green &KORURSODVWV
Classical Genetics 45
46 Classical Genetics
Classical Genetics 47
48 Classical Genetics
Classical Genetics 49
3 Chromosomal Basis of
Allele-A Allele-a
from the zygote by repeated cell division
(mitosis). These consist of two identical Figure 3.2: C
omparison of chromosome
sets of chromosomes. One set is received and gene behaviour
from female parent (maternal) and
Mendelian factors Chromosomes behaviour
the other from male parent (paternal). 1. Alleles of a factor Chromosomes occur
These two chromosomes constitute the occur in pair in pairs
homologous pair. 2. Similar or dissimilar The homologous
� Chromosomes retain their structural alleles of a factor chromosomes separate
uniqueness and individuality throughout separate during the during meiosis
the life cycle of an organism. gamete formation
3. Mendelian The paired
E ach chromosome carries specific
factors can assort chromosomes can
determiners or Mendelian factors which independently separate independently
are now termed as genes. during meiosis but the
� The behaviour of chromosomes during linked genes in the
the gamete formation (meiosis) provides same chromosome
evidence to the fact that genes or factors normally do not assort
are located on chromosomes. independently.
Table 3.1: Parallelism between Mendelian factors
3.1.4 Comparison between gene and and chromosomal behaviour.
chromosome behaviour
Around twentieth century cytologists Thomas Hunt Morgan (1933)
established that, generally the total number of received Nobel Prize in
chromosomes is constant in all cells of a species.
Physiology or Medicine for his
A diploid eukaryotic cell has two haploid sets
discoveries concerning the role
of chromosomes, one set from each parent.
played by chromosomes in heredity.
All somatic cells of an organism carry the
3O3O ; S/S/
% E E %
3 S
Figure 3.4: Cis-Trans arrangement of genes
O /
3/3/ ; SOSO
3 O / ;
3 S
/ O
3 3 3 S S S S S
JHQHV Figure 3.6: Alleles in repulsion or trans
)HUWLOL]DWLRQ configuration
S 3
3.2.2 Kinds of Linkage
3XUSOH 3XUSOH UHG UHG T.H. Morgan found two types of linkage. They
are complete linkage and incomplete linkage
SURJHQ\ SURJHQLHV SURJHQ\ depending upon the absence or presence of
new combination of linked genes.
2EVHUYHGUDWLR Complete Linkage
If the chances of separation of two linked
Figure 3.5:
Alleles in coupling or cis genes are not possible those genes always remain
configuration together as a result, only parental combinations
Aneuploidy Euploidy
Hyperploidy Hypoploidy
Autotriploid Autotetraploid
trisomy (2n+1+1).
Figure 3.21 Types of aneuploidy
(b) Tetrasomy
(ii) Euploidy
Addition of a pair or two individual pairs of
chromosomes to diploid set is called tetrasomy Euploidy is a condition where the organisms
(2n+2) and Double tetrasomy (2n+2+2) possess one or more basic sets of chromosomes.
respectively. All possible tetrasomics are Euploidy is classified as monoploidy, diploidy
available in Wheat. and polyploidy. The condition where an
organism or somatic cell has two sets of
(c) Pentasomy chromosomes are called diploid (2n). Half the
Addition of three individual chromosome from number of somatic chromosomes is referred
different chromosomal pairs to normal diploid as gametic chromosome number called
set are called pentasomy (2n+3). haploid(n). It should be noted that haploidy (n)
is different from a monoploidy (x). For example,
2. Hypoploidy
the common wheat plant is a polyploidy
Loss of one or more chromosome from the (hexaploidy) 2n=6x=72 chromosomes. Its
diploid set in the cell is called hypoploidy. It haploid number (n) is 36, but its monoploidy
can be divided into two types. They are (x) is 12. Therefore, the haploid and diploid
(a) Monosomy condition came regularly one after another and
the same number of chromosomes is maintained
Loss of a single chromosome from the diploid
from generation to generation, but monoploidy
set are called monosomy(2n-1). However
condition occurs when an organism is under
loss of two individual or three individual
polyploidy condition. In a true diploid both the
chromosomes are called double monosomy
monoploid and haploid chromosome number
(2n-1-1) and triple monosomy (2n-1-1-1)
are same. Thus a monoploid can be a haploid
respectively. Double monosomics are observed
but all haploids cannot be a monoploid.
in maize.
(b) Nullisomy
Polyploidy is the condition where an
Loss of a pair of homologous chromosomes or
organism possesses more than two basic sets of
From the above figure identify the type of Synapsis: The pairing of two homologous
mutation and explain it. chromosomes that occurs during meiosis.
18. Write the salient features of Sutton and
Boveri concept. Tassel seed: Feminization of the tassel
19. Explain the mechanism of crossing over.
Trans configuration: An arrangement in which
20. Write the steps involved in molecular the dominant allele of one pair of genes and the
mechanism of DNA recombination with recessive allele of another pair are on the same
diagram. chromosome
21. How is Nicotiana exhibit self-
incompatibility. Explain its mechanism. Transesterification: A reaction that breaks and
makes chemical bonds in a coordinated transfer,
22. How sex is determined in monoecious
so that no energy is required.
plants. write their genes involved in it.
23. What is gene mapping? Write its uses. Vestigial: Rudimentary organ of body become
24. Draw the diagram of different types of functionless in the course of evolution
25. Mention the name of man-made cereal.
How it is formed?
Biotechnology is the
Learning Objectives science of applied
biological processes. In
The learner will be able to other words it is science
Apply the knowledge of traditional of development and
and modern biotechnology in day to utilization of biological
day life. processes, forms and
Karl Ereky
ppreciate the uses of fermentation systems for the benefit
process. of mankind and other life forms. The term
cquire the knowledge on the process biotechnology was coined by Karl Ereky, a
of genetic engineering Hungarian Engineer in 1919 and has been
extended to include any process in which
Analyse the uses
organisms, tissues, cells, organelles or isolated
and limitations of
molecules such as enzymes are used to convert
genetically modified
biological or other raw materials to products of
greater value.
Cognize the terms
of bio prospecting 4.1 Development of Biotechnology
and bio piracy. Biotechnology has developed by leaps
and bounds during the past century and its
development can be well understood under two
Chapter outline
main heads namely conventional or traditional
biotechnology and modern biotechnology
Development of Biotechnology
1. Conventional or traditional
4.2 Methods of Biotechnology biotechnology: This is the kitchen technology
Advancements in Modern developed by our ancestors, and it is as old as
Biotechnology human civilization. It uses bacteria and other
Tools for Genetic Engineering microbes in the daily usage for preparation of
Methods of Gene transfer dairy products like curd, ghee, cheese and in
preparation of foods like idli, dosa, nan, bread
Screening for Recombiants
and pizza. This conventional biotechnology
Transgenic Plants / Genetically also extends to preparation of alcoholic
Modified Crops beverages like beer, wine, etc.
Applications of Biotechnology. With the advancement of the science and
technology during the 18th century, these kitchen
technologies gained scientific validation.
DNA molecule, certain basic tools Table 4.1: Type II restriction enzyme with source,
recognition and cleavage site.
Note: That the sequence of the base pairs in DNA strand 3’ O P O 5’ DNA strand
for producing specific protein inside the host.
DNA ligase
Properties of Vectors GAA
CTT T Nicks in the
Vectors are able to replicate autonomously to AA
• It should be small in size and of low molecular TC
DNA, the vector needs to have very few, in several dicot Replication (ORI)
preferably single, recognition sites for the plants. The plasmid Figure 4.11: Ti Plasmid
commonly used restriction enzymes. carries transfer (tra)
gene which help to transfer T- DNA from one
Types of vector bacterium to other bacterial or plant cell. It has
Few types of Onc gene for oncogenecity, ori gene for origin
vectors are for replication and inc gene for incompatibility.
discussed in detail T-DNA of Ti-Plasmid is stably integrated with
below: plant DNA. Agrobacterium plasmids have been
Nucleoid Plasmids
Plasmid Bacterial
chromosome (circular)
used for introduction of genes of desirable traits
Plasmids are extra into plants.
Figure 4.9: Bacterial
c h r o m o s o m a l , chromosome and plasmids 4.5.5 Competent Host (For
self replicating ds Transformation with Recombinant DNA)
circular DNA molecules, found in the bacterial The propagation of the recombinant DNA
cells in addition to the bacterial chromosome. molecules must occur inside a living system or
Plasmids contain Genetic information for their host. Many types of host cells are available for
own replication. gene cloning which includes E.coli, yeast, animal
BR 322 Plasmid
p or plant cells. The type of host cell depends
pBR 322 plasmid is a reconstructed plasmid upon the cloning experiment. E.coli is the most
and most widely used as cloning vector; it widely used organism as its genetic make-up
contains 4361 base pairs. In pBR, p denotes has been extensively studied, it is easy to handle
bacteria to take up the plasmid, Liposome
made competent to take up DNA. Figure 4.15: Liposome mediated method of Gene Transfer
This is done by treating them with
4.6.1 Direct or Vectorless Gene Transfer
a specific concentration of a divalent cation
In the direct gene transfer methods, the foreign
such as calcium. Recombinant DNA can then
gene of interest is delivered into the host plant
be forced into such cells by incubating the cells
without the help of a vector. The following are
with recombinant DNA on ice, followed by
some of the common methods of direct gene
placing them briefly at 420C (heatshock) and
transfer in plants.
then putting them back on ice. This enables
a. Chemical mediated gene transfer:
bacteria to take up the Recombinant DNA.
Certain chemicals like polyethylene glycol
For the expression of eukaryotic proteins, (PEG) and dextran sulphate induce DNA
eukaryotic cells are preferred because to produce uptake into plant protoplasts.
a functionally active protein it should fold b. Microinjection: The DNA is directly injected
properly and post translational modifications into the nucleus using fine tipped glass needle
should also occur, which is not possible by or micro pipette to transform plant cells.
prokaryotic cell (E.coli). The protoplasts are immobilised on a solid
4.6 Methods of Gene Transfer support (agarose on a microscopic slide) or
held with a holding pipette under suction.
The next step after a recombinant DNA molecule
c. Electroporation Methods of Gene
has been generated is to introduce it into a
Transfer: A pulse of high voltage is applied
suitable host cell. There are many methods to
to protoplasts, cells or tissues which makes
introduce recombinant vectors and these are
transient pores in the plasma membrane
dependent on several factors such as the vector
through which uptake of foreign DNA
type and host cell.
For achieving genetic transformation in
Before Pulse During E-field After Pulse
plants, the basic pre-requisite is the construction Cell membrane Introduce Cell heals with
of a vector which carries the gene of interest -
genes/drugs gene/drug inside
flanked by the necessary controlling sequences, + + -
- - + -
- +
- + - -
- -+ + --- + +
-- + - + +
i.e., the promoter and terminator, and deliver the - +
- + -
- -
+ --- +++ - +
- + - -
genes into the host plant. There are two kinds of +
- +
- +
Electric field induces a
gene transfer methods in plants. It includes: voltage across cell membrane
Plant cell
Ti 1 2 3 3
plasmid Recombinant
Insertion of Ti plasmid Introduction The plant cells
gene into plasmid into plant Regeneration
T DNA are grown in Plant with
using restriction cells of plant
culture new trait
Restriction enzyme and DNA ligase
cleavage site
2 The replacement vector has the homology between different plant taxa is assessed using
region and it is co-linear with target. This DNA content as well as the similarities and
vector is linearized prior to transfection differences in the DNA sequence (sequence
outside the homology region and then homology). Based on such analysis the taxa and
consequently a crossing over occurs to their relationship are indicated in cladogram.
replace the endogenous DNA with the Which will show the genetic distance between
incoming DNA. two taxa. It also shows antiquity or modernity
of any taxon with respect to one another (See
Transfection: Introduction of foreign also Unit-2, Chapter-5 of XI Std.)
nucleic acids into cells by non-viral methods.
Barcode: You might have
4.7.7. Genome Sequencing and Plant
seen in all books barcoding
Genome Projects
and also in items you buy
The whole complement of genes that determine in supermarket. This will
all characteristics of an organism is called reveal the identity of the book or item as well
genome. Which may be nuclear genome, the details like prize. Similarily, Barcode in
mitochondrial genome or plastid genome. genetic term refer to the identify of the taxon
Genome of many plants contain both functional based on its genetic makeup. In practice, it
and non-expressive DNA proteins. Genome is an optical, machine-
project refers to a project in which the whole readable representation
genome of plant is analysed using sequence of data which describes
analysis and sequence homology with other about the characters
plants. Such genome projects have so far of any plants or any
been undertaken in Chlamydomonas(algae), objects.
Arabidopsis thaliana, rice and maize plants.
Genome content of an organism is expressed in 4.7.9 Genome editing and CRISPR -
terms of number of base pairs or in terms of the Cas9
content of DNA which is expressed as c-value.
Genome editing or gene editing is a group of
4.7.8 Evolutionary pattern assessed technologies that has the ability to change an
using DNA. organism’s DNA. These technologies allow
In recent years the evolutionary relationship genetic material to be added, removed, or
as indicator species for bioremediation performed before carrying out the procedure
at the contaminated site.
The use of genetic engineering technology to
Bioremediation with the addition of adapted
create genetically modified microorganism
or designed microbial inoculants.
or a consortium of microbes for
• of plants for bioremediation - green bioremediation process has great potential.
4.8.12 Biofuel: Algal Biofuel
Some examples of bioremediation
Algal fuel, also known as algal biofuel, or
technologies are:
algal oil is an alternative to liquid fossil fuels,
• - use of plants to bring the petroleum products. This is also used as a
about remediation of environmental source of energy-rich oils. Also, algal fuels are
pollutants. an alternative to commonly known biofuel
• - use of fungi to bring sources obtained from corn and sugarcane.
about remediation of environmental The energy crisis and the world food crisis have
pollutants. initiated interest in algal culture (farming algae)
for making biodiesel and other biofuels on lands
• a process that increases
unsuitable for agriculture. Botryococcus braunii
the oxygen or air flow to accelerate the is normally used to produce algal biofuel.
degradation of environmental pollutants. Oil Extaction
• use of microorganisms in
solution to recover metal pollutants from Residue
contaminated sites.
Sun Energy
• a addition of selected
microbes to speed up degradation process. Biodiesel
• process by which the solid
waste is composted by the use of microbes (Renewable resource)
• stimulation of plant Figure 4.31: Algal Biofuel
growth by the rhizosphere by providing Biological hydrogen production by algae
better growth condition or reduction in The biological hydrogen production with
toxic materials. algae is a method of photo biological water
splitting. In normal photosynthesis the alga,
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii releases oxygen.
• Only biodegradable contaminants can When it is deprived of sulfur, it switches to the
be transformed using bioremediation production of hydrogen during photosynthesis
processes. and the electrons are transported to ferredoxins.
Cosmids are plasmids containing the ‘cos’ - Cohesive
Terminus, the sequence having cohesive ends. They are
hybrid vectors derived from plasmids having a fragment of
RUL lambda phage DNA with its Cos site and a bacterial plasmid.
Phagemids are reconstructed plasmid vectors, which contain
their own origin - ‘ori’ gene and also contain origin of
replication from a phage. pBluescript SK (+/–) is an example
of phagemid vector.
1RW, +LQG,,,
Bacterial Artificial Chromosome (BAC) Vector %DP+,
7 1RW,
BAC is a shuttle plasmid vector, created for cloning large-sized SDU%
foreign DNA. BAC vector is one of the most useful cloning &0
vector in r-DNA technology they can clone DNA inserts of
upto 300 Kb and they are stable and more user-friendly. RQ6
&ORQLQJVLWH Yeast Artificial chromosome (YAC vector)
S<$& XUD YAC plasmid vector behaves like a yeast chromosome, which occurs
in two forms, i.e. circular and linear. The circular YAC multiplies in
%DP+, %DP+, Bacteria and linear YAC multiplies in Yeast Cells.
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* Pictures are indicative only
5.3.1 Laboratory Facilities for PTC
For PTC, the laboratory must have the following
Explant in
Nutrient medium
Figure 5.3: Basic steps in Plant tissue culture technology SODQWOHW
root is inoculated
(transferring the FHOOV
explants to sterile Figure 5.4: &HOOVFXOWXUHGLQ
glass tube containing Induction of callus
nutrient medium)
with auxins and incubated at 25°C ± 2°C in an HQYLURQPHQW
alternate light and dark period of 12 hours to Figure 5.6: Organ Culture
induce cell division and soon the upper surface
The culture of embryos, anthers, ovaries, roots,
of explant develops into callus. Callus is a mass
shoots or other organs of plants on culture media.
of unorganized growth of plant cells or tissues
in in vitro culture medium. 2. Meristem Culture:
5. Embryogenesis The culture of any plant meristematic tissue on
The callus cells undergoes culture media.
differentiation and produces
somatic embryos, known as
Embryoids. The embryoids
are sub-cultured to produce Figure 5.5:
plantlets. Embryogenesis
Plant source Uses 5RRW
Digitalis ([SODQWV
Digoxin Cardiac tonic
purpurea 6KRRW
Papaver 5RRWLQJ
Codeine Analgesic
Capsicum Rheumatic HPEU\RJHQHVLV 6RPDWLF
annuum pain treatment
Figure 5.10: Plant Regeneration Pathway
Catharanthus Anti-
roseus carcinogenic
Quinine Antimalarial
Table 5.1: Secondary metabolites
and its plant resources
Roots (Rhizogenesis)
such as seaweeds.
cultured plant cells in artificial condition produced calli and free cells in tissue
called in vitro (inside glass) in culture culture of Tradescantia reflexa.
medium (Knop’s salt solution) containing
glucose and peptone and developed callus Guha and Maheshwari (1964)
(unorganized growth of cells and tissue) and
proposed the concept Totipotency, it means developed in vitro production of haploid
the development of whole plant from isolated embryos from anthers of Datura.
cells or tissue in in vitro condition.
Vasil and Hildbrandt (1965)
P.R.White (1934) achieved differentiation of tobacco
developed root cultures, used Knop’s solution plants from single, isolated cells in micro
along with three vitamins like pyridoxine, propagation.
thiamine and nicotinic acid
Takebe et al. (1971)
F.C. Steward (1948) regenerated tobacco plants from isolated
used coconut water in plant tissue culture mesophyll protoplasts.
work and obtained cell proliferation from
carrot explants (Cellular totipotency ). Carlson
and co-workers obtained protoplast fusion
Morel and Martin (1952, 1955)
between Nicotiana glauca and Nicotiana
developed virus-free Dahlia and potato longsdorffii and developed first interspecific
plants using shoot meristem culture. somatic hybrid in 1971.
Knop’s solution: Nutrient solution used in growth experiments of plants which contains:
Calcium nitrate 3.0 g Potassium nitrate 1.0 g Sucrose 50.0 g (optimal)
Magnesium sulfate 1.0 g Dibasic Potassium phosphate 1.0 g Deionized water 1000.0 ml
6 Principles of Ecology
nin m
to n
e s
f se
Figure 6.8: Latitudinal and Altitudinal Vegetation
Height above the sea level forms the
altitude. At high altitudes, the velocity of wind
remains high, temperature and air pressure
decrease while humidity and intensity of light Rain winds
increases. Due to these factors, vegetation at
b. Direction of Mountain
North and south faces of mountain or hill possess
different types of flora and fauna because they
differ in their humidity, rainfall, light intensity,
light duration and temperature regions. Figure 6.9: Steepness of mountain
Lotus seeds show highest longevity in plant iv) Rooted - submerged hydrophyte
kingdom. g) Vallisneria h) Hydrilla
i) Flower j)
iii. Submerged floating hydrophytes: These Emergent
• The floating leaves are large and flat as in a. Physical dryness: In these habitats, soil has a
Nymphaea and Nelumbo. In Eichhornia and little amount of water due to the inability of the
Trapa petioles become swollen and spongy. soil to hold water because of low rainfall.
a) b)
Marginal Stem
Succulent c d)
c) Petiole
leaves 3
leaves 1
Rhizome Stipular
Roots spines
Stem 4 Phyllode
Figure 6.21: a)Succulent xerophyte – Aloe 1,2,3 and 4 the gradual development
b) Non succulent perennial - Ziziphus of phyllodes in Acacia
Palisade parenchyma
Spongy parenchyma Epiphytes are plants which grow perched on
Lower epidermis other plants (Supporting plants). They use
Figure 6.24: A Succulent leaf of Peperomia (T.S.) the supporting plants only as shelter and not
(lateral wing portion only) for water or food supply. These epiphytes
ICT Corner
Principles of Ecology
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7 Ecosystem
Learning Objectives Have you seen lakes, ponds and pools in your
surroundings? They are all called water bodies
with many components in them. Can you list
Learning objectives
out the things which are found in water bodies?
The learner will be able to, Mud, nutrients, clay, dissolved gases, planktons,
Describe the Structure, functions and microorganisms, plants like algae, Hydrilla,
types of ecosystems Nelumbo, Nymphaea and animals like snake,
small fish, large fish, frog, tortoise and crane
Draw ecological pyramids by means are the components of the water bodies which
of number, biomass and energy constitutes ecosystem. Further, we all know
Interpret carbon and phosphorus that plants and animals are prominent living
cycle components in the environment. They interact
with space components such as air, water, soil,
Recognise pond ecosystem as a self- sunlight, etc. For example, you have studied in
sufficient and self-regulating system class XI, one of the life processes, photosynthesis
Analyse ecosystem services and its which utilizes sunlight , water, carbondioxide,
management nutrients from the soil and release oxygen to
the atmosphere. From this, we understand that
Discuss about the importance and
the exchange of materials takes place between
conservation of ecosystem
living and space components. Likewise, you
Explain the types of plant succession can study the structure, function and types of
ecosystem in this chapter. The term ‘ecosystem’
was proposed by A.G. Tansley (1935), who
defined it as ‘the system resulting from the
Chapter outline integration of all the living and nonliving
factors of the environment’. Whereas, Odum
(1962) defined ecosystem ‘as the structural and
7.1 Structure of functional unit of ecology’.
7.2 Functions of Parallel terms for ecosystem coined by
ecosystem various ecologists
• Biocoenosis – Karl Mobius
7.3 Plant succession • Microcosm – S.A. Forbes
• Geobiocoenosis – V. V. Dokuchaev, G.F. Morozov
• Holocoen - Friederichs
• Biosystem – Thienemann
• Bioenert body – Vernadsky
134 Ecosystem
Ecosystem 135
136 Ecosystem
Ecosystem 137
10 Joules
matter, is transferred through a series of organisms
90 Joules
Energy lost called detritus consumers (detritivores)- small
Sunlight Primary consumers carnivores - large (top) carnivores with repeated
1000 Joules 900 Joules eating and being eaten respectively. This is called
100 Joules Energy lost
Producers the detritus food chain.
Figure 7.4: Ten percent law
7.2.5 Food chain
The movement of energy from producers upto Fallen leaves Earthworm Black bird Hawk
top carnivores is known as food chain, i.e., in Small Top
Detritus Detritivores
any food chain, energy flows from producers carnivores carnivores
138 Ecosystem
T4 T4
T3 T3
T3 T3 T2
T2 T2
T1 T1
T1 - Producers | T2 - Herbivores | T3 - Secondary consumers | T4 - Tertiary consumers
Figure 7.8: Pyramids of numbers ( individuals per unit area) in different types of ecosystems.
Upright-A) Grassland ecosystem B) Pond ecosystem , Spindle shaped -C) Forest ecosystem,
Inverted-D) Parasite ecosystem
Ecosystem 139
T2 T2
140 Ecosystem
by plants
Mineralisation Humification
Figure 7.11: Diagrammatic representation – Process of decomposition and cycling of nutrients.
Ecosystem 141
(DOM) Photosynthesis
Dead organic
matter (DOM)
Decomposition Decomposition
Fossil fuel
Coal Dead organic matter
Oil and Gas Deposition / Sediments
P Weathering P
rocks Guano Dead Uptake
due to burning of fossile fuels, organic
Death matter Soil
deforestration, forest fire, volcanic Excretion PI
eruption and decomposition of Decomposition
Sediments Mineralization
dead organic matters. The details of P = Organic phosphates
142 Ecosystem
Ecosystem Consumers
Ecosystem 143
144 Ecosystem
The varieties of benefits obtained from the ecosystem are generally categorized into the following
four types
Ecosystem services
Ecosystem 145
146 Ecosystem
Ecosystem 147
invaded plants in a barren area are 0 Year 1 - 2 Years 3 - 4 Years 5 - 150 Years 150 + Years
called pioneers. On the other hand,
Figure 7.18: Diagrammatic representation of
a series of transitional developments
secondary succession
of plant communities one after
another in a given area are called seral in a barren area is called pioneer species or
communities. At the end a final stage and a primary community or primary colonies.
final plant community gets established which Generally, Primary succession takes a very
are called as climax and climax community long time for the occurrence in any region.
Example: Microbes, Lichen, Mosses.
7.3.1 Characteristics of ecological 2. Secondary succession - The development of
succession a plant community in an area where an already
• It is a systematic process which causes changes developed community has been destroyed by
in specific structure of plant community. some natural disturbance (Fire, flood, human
activity) is known as secondary succession.
• It is resultant of changes of abiotic and
Generally, This succession takes less time than
biotic factors.
the time taken for primary succession.
• It transforms unstable community into a
Primary succession Secondary succession
stable community.
1 Developing in an Developing in
• Gradual progression in species diversity, barren area disturbed area
total biomass, niche specialisation, and 2 Initiated due to a Starts due to external
humus content of soil takes place. biological or any factors only
other external factors
• It progresses from simple food chain to 3 No soil, while It starts where soil
complex food web. primary succession covers is already
starts present
• It modifies the lower and simple life form
4 Pioneer species Pioneer species
to the higher life forms. come from outside develop from existing
• It creates inter-dependence of plants and environment environment
animals. 5 It takes more time to It takes comparatively
complete less time to complete
7.3.2 Types of succession Table 1: Differences between primary and
The various types of succession have been secondary succession
classified in different ways on the basis of Example: The forest destroyed by fire and
different aspects. These are as follows: excessive lumbering may be re-occupied by
1. Primary succession - The development herbs over a period of times.
of plant community in a barren area where no 3. Allogenic succession
community existed before is called primary
Allogeneic succession occurs as a result of
succession. The plants which colonize first
148 Ecosystem
abiotic factors. The replacement of existing stage. It includes the following stages Fig 7.21.
community is caused by other external factors
(soil erosion, leaching, etc.,) and not by existing 1. Phytoplankton stage - It is the first stage
organisms. of succession consisting of the pioneer
community like blue green algae, green algae,
Example: In a forest ecosystem soil erosion diatoms, bacteria, etc., The colonization
and leaching alter the nutrient value of the soil of these organisms enrich the amount of
leading to the change of vegetation in that area. organic matter and nutrients of pond due to
7.3.3 Classification of plant succession their life activities and death. This favors the
development of the next seral stages.
Detailed study of Hydrosere and Lithosere are
discussed below: 2. Submerged plant stage - As the result of death
Plant succession and decomposition of planktons, silt brought
from land by rain water, lead to a loose mud
Hydrosere Mesosere Xerosere formation at the bottom of the pond. Hence,
(Succession (Succession (Succession
starts in the rooted submerged hydrophytes begin
starts in starts in
regions where to appear on the new substratum. Example:
regions regions where
water is Chara, Utricularia, Vallisneria and Hydrilla etc.
where moisture
plenty) The death and decay of these plants will build
Example: moisture is present
condition in minimal up the substratum of pond to become shallow.
Ponds, lakes,
stream , is amount with Therefore, this habitat now replaces another
swamps adequate) water group of plants which are of floating type.
Ecosystem 149
Forest stage
floating plants are replaced by plants which
can live successfully in aquatic as well as aerial
environment. Example: Typha, Phragmites,
Sagittaria and Scirpus etc. At the end of this
stage, water level is very much reduced, making
it unsuitable for the continuous growth of
amphibious plants.
150 Ecosystem
Ecosystem 151
152 Ecosystem
Ecosystem 153
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154 Ecosystem
8 Environmental Issues
Environmental Issues
Natural from organic matter, volcanoes, Just above the atmosphere there are two
warm oceans and sediments. layers namely troposphere (the lower layer)
and stratosphere (the upper layer). The ozone
layer of the troposphere is called bad ozone
Methane is 20 times as effective as CO2 at and the ozone layer of stratosphere is known as
trapping heat in the atomosphere. Its sources good ozone because this layer acts as a shield
are attributed paddy cultivation, cattle rearing, for absorbing the UV radiations coming from
bacteria in water bodies, fossil fuel production, the sun which is harmful for living organisms
ocean, non-wetland soils and forest / wild fires.
N2O (Nitrous oxide)
Ozone is a colourless gas, reacts readily with
It is naturally produced in Oceans from biological air pollutants and cause rubber to crack, hurt
sources of soil and water due to microbial actions plant life, damages lung tissues. But ozone
and rainforests. Man-made sources include nylon absorbs harmful ultra violet β (uv-β) and UV –
and nitric acid production, use of fertilizers in α radiation from sunlight.
agriculture, manures cars with catalytic converter
What is Dobson Unit? DU is the unit of
and burning of organic matter.
measurement for total ozone. One DU (0.001
Global Warming Effects on Plants atm. cm) is the number of molecules of ozone
• Low agricultural productivity in tropics that would be required to create a layer of pure
• Frequent heat waves (Weeds, pests, fungi ozone 0.01 millimetre thick at a temperature of
need warmer temperature) 0° C and a pressure of 1 atmosphere (atm = the
• Increase of vectors and epidemics air pressure at the surface of earth). Total ozone
• Strong storms and intense flood damage layer over the earth surface is 0.3 centrimetres
• Water crisis and decreased irrigation (3 mm) thick and is written as 300 DU.
• Change in flowering seasons and pollinators The false colour
• Change in Species distributional ranges view of total ozone
• Species extinction - The purple and
blue colours are
8.1.3 Strategies to deal with Global
Warming where there is the
• Increasing the vegetation cover, grow more least ozone, and the
trees yellows and reds are
• Reducing the use of fossil fuels and green where there is more
Figure 8.3: The false
house gases ozone.
colour view of total ozone
Environmental Issues
Environmental Issues
Environmental Issues
Bio-diversity Conservation
In-situ Ex-situ
Sacred groves
Biosphere Wildlife
Sacred lakes National parks
Reserves Sanctuaries
Terrestial Marine
Figure 8.6: Flow chart on biodiversity conservation
Environmental Issues
Environmental Issues
Environmental Issues
Environmental Issues
ICT Corner
Environmental Issues
• Type the URL or scan the QR code to open the activity page.
• Click on the satellite it displays the shape and activities of the satellite.
• Click on the Vital Signs to see the global Climate data including surface air
temperature, Carbondioxide, Ozone, etc.,
9 Plant Breeding
Perceive the importance of organic 9.1 Relationship between humans
agriculture. and plants
From the very early times, human beings have
Understand the different conventional
co-existed with plants which played a vital
methods of plant breeding.
role in their survival. Through a long process
of trial and error, our ancestors have selected
hundreds of wild plants from the various
Chapter outline parts of the world for their specific use. The
knowledge of the plants and its applications
have led to the development of the humans and
9.1 Relationship their civilization in many ways.
between human
and plants 9.2 Domestication of plants
Domestication is the process of bringing a
9.2 Domestication of plant species under the control of humans and
plants gradually changing it through careful selection,
genetic alteration and handling so that it is more
9.3 Origin of agriculture
useful to people. The domesticated species are
9.4 History of agriculture renewable sources that have provided food and
other benefits to human.
9.5 Organic agriculture The possible changes in the plant species due
to domestication are listed below;
9.6 Plant breeding • Adaptation to a greater diversity of
environments and a wider
9.7 Conventional plant breeding
geographical range.
• Simultaneous /uniform flowering
9.8 Modern plant breeding Techniques and fruiting.
• Lack of shattering or scattering of seeds.
Nutrient transfer
via AMF
Bio-pesticides are biological agents used for the
control of plant pests. They are in high use due
to their non-toxic, cheaper and eco-friendly
characteristics as compared to chemical or
Figure 9.9 : (a) Beauveria Fungi
synthetic pesticides. Bio-pesticides have become (b) Beauveria sps infected insect on green plant
an integral component of pest management in (c)Entomopathogenic fungi on insets
terms of the environmental and health issues
main objectives of the green manuring is to
attributed to the use of chemicals in agriculture.
increase the content of nitrogen in the soil. Also
Trichoderma species are free-living fungi it helps in improving the structure and physical
that are common in soil and root ecosystem. properties of the soil. The most important green
They have been recognized as bio-control agent manure crops are Crotalaria juncea, Tephrosia
for (1) the control of plant disease (2) ability purpurea, Indigofera tinctoria
to enhance root growth development (3) crop The green manuring can be practised
productivity (4) resistance to abiotic stress and as Green in-situ manuring or Green leaf
(5) uptake and use of nutrients. manuring. Green in-situ manuring refers to
the growing of green manuring crops in the
A Potential bio-control agent for border rows or as intercrops along with the
soil borne diseases
main crops. Example: Sun hemp, Cowpea,
Green gram etc. whereas green leaf manuring
is the application of green leaves and twigs of
trees, shrubs, plants growing in wastelands
and field bunds. The important plant species
useful for green leaf manure are Cassia fistula,
Figure 9.8: Figure 9.8: Sesbania grandiflora, Azadirachta indica,
(a) Trichoderma fungi (b) Biopesticide Delonix regia, Pongamia pinnata etc.,
Beauveria species is an entomo-pathogenic
fungus that grows naturally in soils throughout 9.6 Plant Breeding
the world. It acts as a parasite on various Plant breeding is the science of improvement
arthropod species causing white muscardine of crop varieties with higher yield, better
disease without affecting the plant health and quality, resistance to diseases and shorter
growth. It also controls damping off of tomato durations which are suitable to particular
caused by Rhizoctonia solani. environment. In other words, it is a purposeful
manipulation of plant species in order to
Green Manuring create desired genotype and phenotype for
Green manuring is defined as the growing the benefit of humans. In early days, plant
of green manure crops and use of these crops breeding activities were based mainly on
directly in the field by ploughing. One of the skills and ability of person involved. But as
For 10,000 years, farmers and For 150 years, plant scientists and Today, farmers feed at least 10 times By 2050, we will need 50% more
breeders have been developing breeders have improved plant more people using almost same food to feed the rapid growing
and improving crops breeding on a scientific basis amount of lands as 100 years ago population
Biofortification – breeding crops with higher levels of vitamins and minerals or higher protein
and healthier fats – is the most practical means to improve public health.
Breeding for improved nutritional quality is undertaken with the objectives of improving
• Protein content and quality
• Oil content and quality
• Vitamin content and
• Micronutrient and mineral content
In 2000, maize hybrids that had twice the amount of amino acids, lysine and tryptophan, compared
to existing maize hybrids were developed. Wheat variety, Atlas 66 having a high protein content,
has been used a donor for improving cultivated wheat. It has been possible to develop an iron
fortified rice variety containing over five times as much iron as in commonly consumed varieties.
The Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi has also released several vegetable crops
that are rich in vitamins and minerals, example: vitamin A enriched carrots, spinach, pumpkin;
vitamin C enriched bitter gourd, bathua, mustard, tomato; iron and calcium enriched spinach and
protein enriched beans – broad, lablab, French garden peas.
Sugar cane: Saccharum bareri was originally grown in North India, but had poor sugar content and
yield. Tropical canes grown in South India Saccharum officinarum had thicker stems and higher sugar
content but did not grow well in North India. These two species were successfully crossed to get sugar
cane varieties combining the desirable qualities of high yield, thick stems, high sugar and ability to grow
in the sugarcane areas of North India.
Plant cell
1. Plasmid: 3. Vector: Restriction
enzyme cleaves plasmid.
DNA molecule is 2. DNA containing gene for
Second enzyme –
removed desired trait is removed
from cell. This from chromosome. Restriction DNA ligase – pastes gene
acts as vector to enzyme cuts gene into DNA molecule, making 4. Vector inserts gene into
carry gene from DNA recombinant vector chromosomes of plant cells
ICT Corner
Plant Breeding
Let us know about the details of
Medicinal Plants in detail.
• Type the URL or scan the QR code to open the activity page then Introduction page will open.
• Click on ‘Plants’ it will display list of Medicinal Plants.
• Click on each plants individually on the next screen it displays the description, harvesting and
properties of the plants.
• Click the option on the top left side of the front page to see the preparation of oils, Powder etc.,
10 Economically
Useful Plants and
Entrepreneurial Botany
Mix 120g of hot Blend the Add the vegetable Pour the solution into a glass
chillies with 110 vegetables together paste to 500 ml of container and leave it undisturbed
g of garlic or manually or using warm water. Give the for 24 hours. If possible, keep the
onion. Chop them an electric grinder ingredients a stir to container in a sunny location. If
thoroughly. until it forms a thoroughly mix them not, at least keep the mixture in a
thick paste. together. warm place.
1 2 3 4
Strain the mixture. Pour the Pour the pesticide into a squirt Spray your plants with the
solution through a strainer, bottle. Make sure that the spray pesticide. Treat the infected
remove the vegetables and collect bottle has first been cleaned plants every 4 to 5 days with the
the vegetable-infused water and with warm water and soap solution. After 3 or 4 treatments,
pour into another container. This to get rid it of any potential the pest will be eliminated. If the
filtrate is the pesticide. Either contaminants. Use a funnel area is thoroughly covered with
to transfer the liquid into the
discard the vegetables or use it as the solution, this pesticide should
squirt bottle and replace the
a compost. keep bugs away for the rest of the
5 6 season. 7
Avoid spraying the plants during the sunny times of the day since it could burn plants. Many
other plants possess insect repellent or insecticidal properties. Combinations of these plants can
be fermented and used as biopesticide.
Figure 10.20: Preparation of organic pesticide
the plants, add 100 ml of the economically useful plants are classified
cooking oil and the same into food plants, fibre plants, timber plants,
amount of soap water. medicinal plants, and plants used in paper
(The role of the soap water industries, dyes and cosmetics.
is to break down the oil, However, food base of majority of the
and the role of the oil is to population depends on very few Cereals,
make it stick to the leaves). Millets, Pulses, Vegetables, Fruits, Nuts, Sugars,
• The stewed leaves from the mixture can be Oil seeds, Beverages, Spices and Condiments.
used in the compost heap or around the base Oils can be classified into two types
of the plants. namely, essential oils and vegetable oils. Fatty
Summary acids in oil may be saturated or unsaturated.
Early civilization in different parts of the world The oil yielding plants are groundnut and
has domesticated different species of plants sesame. The oils are used in cooking, making
for various purposes. Based on their utility, soaps and other purposes. Beverages contain
alkaloids that stimulate central nervous
ICT Corner
Economically Useful Plants
• Type the URL or scan the QR code to open the
us know activity page then Introduction page will open.
about the • Select Package of Practices to know the various
agriculture in methods of agricultural crops breeding system.
detail through • Click on Chat with expert helps the farmers
this activity to clarify their doubts.
• Click on Videos to know about the agricultural methods visually
through videos.
Let • Type the URL or scan the QR code to open the
us know activity page then Introduction page will open.
about the • Click on Agriculture it will display the approaches to
Agri book cultivate the planted paddy, cotton and sugarcane.
in detail •
Click on Horticulture it will display the
through approaches to cultivate the agricultural crops
this like tea, coffee.
activity. • Click on Organic Farming it will explain the Traditional method of farming
and Traditional Fertilizers.
• Click on Forestry it will explain the gardening methods about plants.
4. Which of the following is not a feature of 10. Biolistics (gene-gun) is suitable for
the plasmids? (NEET-I 2016) (AIPMT Mains 2012)
a) Transferable b) Single-stranded a) disarming pathogen vectors
c) Independent replication b) transformation of plant cells
d) Circular structure c) constructing recombinant DNA by
joining with vectors
5. Which of the following is not required for
d) DNA fingerprinting.
nay of the techniques of DNA fingerprinting
available at present? (NEET-I 2016) 11. Genetic engineering is possible because
a) Restriction enzymes (CBSE 1998)
b) DNA-DNA hybridization a) phenomenon of transduction in bacteria
c) Polymerase chain reaction understood
d) Zinc finger analysis b) we can see DNA by electron microscope
c) we can cut DNA at specific sites by
Which vector can clone only a small
endonuclease like DNAase I
fragment of DNA? (AIPMT 2014)
d) restriction endonuclease purified from
a) Bacterial artificial chromosome
bacteria can be used invitro
b) Yeast artificial chromosome
c) Plasmid d) Cosmid 12. Genetic Engineering is (BHU 2003)
a) Making artificial genes
The colonies of recombinant bacteria
b) Hybridisation of DNA of one organism
appear white in contrast to blue colonies
to that of the others
of non-recombinant bacteria because of
c) Production of alcohol by using
(NEET 2013)
a) Insertional inactivation of alpha
d) Making artificial limbs, diagnostic
galactosidase in recombinant bacteria.
instruments such as ECG, EFG, etc.
b) Inactivation of glycosidase enzyme in
recombinant bacteria. 13. Ligase is used for (AMU 2006)
c) Non-recombinant bacteria containing a) Joining of two DNA fragments
beta galactosidase. b) Separating DNA
d) Insertional inactivation of alpha c) DNA polymerase reaction
galactosidase in non-recombinant bacteria. d) All of these
28. The mass of living material at a trophic level 31. If 20 J of energy is trapped at producer level,
at a particular time is called (AIPMT 2015) then how much energy will be available to
a) Standing crop peacock as food in the following chain?
b) Gross primary productivity (AIPMT 2014)
c) Standing state Plant → Mice → Snake → Peacock
d) Net primary productivity a) 0.02 J b) 0.002 J
c) 0.2 J d) 0.0002 J
Laboratory is a place where ideas and concepts can be tested through experiments. Laboratory
investigations in biology increase the reasoning abilities, brings scientific attitude in a learner and also
helps in acquisition of skills of scientific processes. Hence, a biology student too, is obliged to attend
practical in laboratory with utmost sincerity, honesty and inquisitiveness. The practical work includes
In order to perform experiments successfully, a learner needs to go to the Biology Laboratory well
prepared. This includes the following.
1. Laboratory record book
2. Dissection box
3. Laboratory manual
4. A laboratory coat or apron
5. A hand towel
6. Drawing pencil (HB) and pencil eraser to record various experiments and to draw diagrams
7. Any item more as per the instructions of the teacher
While in the laboratory, a student should be very careful and methodical. One should listen carefully
to the instructions given by the teacher / instructor before performing an experiment. Maintain a
complete silence and working atmosphere in the laboratory. Record keeping is most important in
practical. Diagrams should be correctly drawn and well labelled. Always get the signature of the
teacher in the practical note book on each day after the practical class.
However, it is important that every student of Botany / Biology may pay proper attention to the
practical work and should try to acquire basic laboratory skills and develop a keen sense of observation
and acquire a sound training in the reporting of the work done.
If the material suggested for a particular experiment is not available, a suitable alternate material
may be used.
Total 7 ½ marks
Record 1 ½ marks
Skill 1 marks
Note: Teacher has to prepare a temporary slide using fresh specimen for demonstration. (During
examination permanent slides can be used if temporary slide preparation is not possible).
QUESTION No- II (B) - Fresh or preserved specimens and Models / Photographs / Charts
Economically important plant products and their uses:Sesame / Gingelly oil, Rubber, Aval
Exercise 18
(Flaked rice), Rose water, Henna powder,Aloe gel
Collect buds and opened flowers of Datura metel. Dissect the stamens, separate the
anthers and take thin sections and observe the structure under the microscope.
Record the various stages of anther from your observation.
Diagnostic Features
• A mature anther is bilobed (dithecous) and the two
lobes are joined by a connective.
• Each anther lobe has two pollen chambers in which Middle layer
pollen grains are produced. Pollen grain
Principle: In female reproductive part of a flower, the basal swollen part is ovary. The ovules are
present inside the ovary, later they develops to seed.
Aim: To study the adaptations in flowers for pollination by different agents (wind and insects)
Principle: The process of transfer of pollen grains from the anther to stigma of a flower is called
Requirements: Fresh flowers of maize or any other cereal / gram, any insect pollination flowers
like Salvia, Calotropis, Ocimum and Asteraceae flowers.
Place the given flower on a slide and observe it with the help of hand lens. Note down the
adaptations of the flowers meant for pollination by the external agents.
Diagnostic Features
• The flowers are showy,
brightly coloured and scented.
• The flowers produce nectar or edible Retinaculum
• Anthers and stigmas are commonly
• Stigmas are usually unbranched and flat or lobed. Figure 4b: Calotropis
Soak the seeds of chick pea or gram in water for 2 – 3 hours. Drain the water and place the
seeds in a moist cotton cloth for 2 – 3 days. Observe for germination. Select some sprouted
seeds, observe under a dissection microscope and record the parts.
Aim: To study and identify the features of cloning vector – pBR 322
Principle: Vectors are used as carriers to deliver the desired foreign DNA into a host cell.
Requirements: Models/ Photographs / Pictures of E.coli Cloning vector pBR 322.
Diagnostic Features (FR5, +LQG,,,
Shoot apex
• pBR 322 plasmid is a reconstructed plasmid containing 4361 base Radicle %DP+,
pairs and most widely used as cloning vector. DPSRoot
5 cap
L.s. of fruit
• In pBR, p denotes plasmid and B and R respectively the notes S%5
of scientists Boliver and Rodriguez who developed the plasmid.b) Monocot seed (Oryza sativa)
The number 322 is the number of plasmids developed from theirFigure 2.25 Structure of seed
laboratory. 3YX,,
• It contains two different antibiotic resistance genes and recognition Figure 6: E-coli cloning
site for several restriction enzymes (Hind III, Eco R I, Bam H I, Sal vector (pBR 322)
I, Pvu II, Pst I, Cla I), Ori and antibiotic resistance genes (ampR and
tetR). Rop codes for the proteins involved in the replication of the plasmid.
Diagnostic Features
• Roots and shoots are differentiated from the callus. Figure 7: Callus with plantlets
8 A. Pyramid of numbers
Diagnostic Features T4
Diagnostic Features T2
8 C. Pyramid of energy
Diagnostic Features Tertiary
0.1 Joule
10 Joules
• The bottom of the pyramid of energy is occupied by the
producers. There is a gradual decrease in energy transfer Sunlight Primary consumers
1000 Joules
at successive trophic levels from producers to the upper 100 Joules
Figure 8 c: Pyramid of Energy
• Therefore pyramid of energy is always upright.
NOTE: Student have to work in pairs to perform this experiment and record the data in the
observation and record note book with the help of the teacher.
Need not consider this Monohybrid cross experiment for Board Practical Examination.
To verify Mendel’s Monohybrid cross.
When two purelines with contrasting traits of a particular character (phenotype) are crossed to produce
the next generation (F1 generation), all the members of the progeny are of only one phenotype, i.e.
of one of the two parents. The phenotype that appears is called dominant and the one that does not
appear is called recessive. When the F1 plants are selfed, the progeny i.e. the F2 generation, is in the
ratio of 3 dominant : 1 recessive (¾ : ¼ of 75% : 25%). This reappearance of the recessive phenotype in
F2 generation, verifies Mendel’s Monohybrid cross.
64 yellow and 64 green plastic beads, all of exactly same shape and size (when beads are not available,
pea seeds may be painted and used). Plastic beakers, petri dish and a napkin / hand towel.
YY yy
experiment. Follow the steps in given sequence.
1. Put 64 yellow beads in one beaker and 64 green Gametes Y Y y y
beads in the other to represent male and female
gametes respectively. Let the yellow bead be F1 generation Yy Hybrid Yellow seeds
Record the result in the following table:
Total Number of Genotypes
Generation Phenotype(s)
individuals YY Yy yy
Phenotypic ratio : in F1
in F2
Genotypic ratio : in F1
in F2
The results are so because when the F1 individuals are crossed together to raise the F2 generation, each
F1 individual produces two types of gametes: 50% having dominant allele and the remaining 50%
having recessive allele. These gametes undergo random fusion during fertilization to produce the F2
generation. According to simple probability of mixing of opposite sex gametes, offsprings of three
genotypes are likely to appear as follows:
Among these, proportion of dominant phenotype would be YY + Yy = yellow and recessive phenotype
yy = green, which occur in 3 : 1 or 75% : 25% ratio.
1. Take a sufficiently large number of seeds for analysis to minimise the error.
2. Observe the contrasting form of trait carefully.
To analyse seed sample of pea for Mendelian dihybrid Round yellow cotyledon X Wrinkled green cotyledon
ratio of 9 : 3 : 3 : 1.
RR YY rr yy
F1 generation R r Yy
In a dihyrbid cross, the segregation of one gene pair
All round-yellow cotyledons
is independent of the segregation of the other pair.
It means that when the factors (genes) for different F1 Generation Round yellow cotyledon X Round yellow cotyledon
(selfed) R r Yy R r Yy
characters inherited from parents do not remain
linked in the offsprings, but their distribution in the RY Ry rY ry
gametes and in the progeny of subsequent generations R Y RR YY RR Yy Rr YY Rr Yy
rY Rr YY Rr Yy rr YY rr Yy
Requirement: r y Rr Yy Rr yy rr Yy rr yy
Plastic beakers, Pea seed samples or plastic beads, tray, Phenotypic Ratio 9:3:3:1
Teachers should select the Pea seed or plastic beads which represents the four types of traits such
as yellow round, yellow wrinkled, green round and green wrinkled in the ratio of 9:3:3:1
1. Take a lot of about 160 Pea seeds or plastic beads in a tray.
2. Separate out yellow round, yellow wrinkled, green round and green wrinkled and put them in
separate petridishes.
3. Note down the number of seeds in each plate and find out their approximate ratio.
Present your finding in the form of a table.
Total Number of No. of yellow No. of yellow No. of green No. of green Approximate
seeds observed round seeds wrinkled seeds round seeds wrinkled seeds ratio
160 90 30 30 10 9 : 3:3:1
The ratio of yellow round : yellow wrinkled : Green round : green wrinkled is approximately 9 : 3 : 3 : 1
which is exactly the same as obtained by Mendel for a dihybrid cross. This indicates that the contrasting
genes for seed colour and seed shape show an independent assortment in the population of pea seeds.
To understand the unidirectional flow of energy 270 Joules
in an ecosystem and transfer of energy follows the consumers
Energy lost
30 Joules
10% law. 300 Joules
2700 Joules
Energy lost
Principle: Secondary consumers
The student studies about flow of energy and that 3000 Joules
27000 Joules
Energy lost
only about 10% of energy is made available to the
Sunlight Primary consumers
next trophic level. Large amount of energy about 270000 Joules
Energy lost
90% is lost at each trophic level in a food chain. 300000
30000 Joules
Problems to be given to students based on different Figure 11: Ten percent law
examples with alternating food chain and amount of energy.
The teacher must train the student by giving them various kinds of food chain with different
Analyse the food chain given below and find out the amount of energy received by the organism in
third trophic level.
NOTE: Teachers can take the students to open space and teach them how to construct plot/
quadrats and to record the number of individuals of each plant species occurring in the quadrat.
The percentage frequency should be calculated and entered in the practical observation and
record note book. Examiner need not consider this experiment for Board Practical Examinations.
To study population density and percentage frequency of different plant species of a given area by
quadrat method.
The number of individuals in a population never remains constant. It may increase or decrease due
to many factors like birth rate, death rate, migration, etc. The number of individuals of a species
presents per unit area or space of a given time is called population density. The population density
and percentage frequency of different plant species can be determined by laying quadrats / segments
of suitable size and recording of the number of individuals of each species occurring in the quadrat.
Metre scale, string or cord, hammer, nails, paper, pencil, etc.
1. In the selected site of study, hammer the nails firmly in the soil without damaging the vegetation.
2. Fix four nails to make a square plot.
3. Tie each end of the nails using a thread, to make 1 m X 1 m plot.
4. If the number of plants in the plot is large, the plot can be divided into quadrats.
5. Count the number of individuals of a species “A” present in the first quadrat and record the data
in the table.
6. Similarly count the individuals of the species “A” in other quadrats respectively and record the data
in the table.
7. Count the number of individuals of a species “B” present in the all quadrats and record the data
in the table.
8. Repeat the same procedure for other species and record the data in the table.
Species No. 1 Species No. 3
per quadrat
individuals in quadrats in which Number of
S. No.
Density percentage
all the quadrats each species quadrats
I II III IV (N/B) (A/B) x 100
studied (N) occurred (A) studied (B)
1. The measurement of quadrat should be accurate.
2. The string or cord used should not be very thick.
13 B. Chromosomal Aberration - Duplication A A A A
Reasons: C C C C
to aberration, the genes B and C are duplicated and the sequence of genes
becomes A, B, C, B, C, D, E, F, G, H and I. (Refer figure 13b)
Given below is the representation of a kind of chromosomal C C C
aberration. Identify it giving reasons for your identification. E E
Also mentions its significance. F F F
Identification: H H H H
The given genetic problem is identified as inversion type of a) Paracentric inversion b) Pericentric inversion
(does not include centromere) (includes centromere)
chromosomal aberration.
Figure: 13 c: Inversion
1. When the order of genes in a chromosomal segment is reversed due to rotation by an angle of 180°,
it is called inversion.
2. The order of genes in a chromosome is A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H and I. Due to aberration, the sequence
of genes become A, D, C, B, E, F, G, H and I (Refer figure 13c)
NOTE: Likewise the teacher can give different types of chromosomal aberrations with various
gene sequence to students for practise. The external examiner can also use the same technique
by giving different gene sequence.
20% 8%
Figure 14: Linkage Map
1. The frequency of crossing over is directly proportional to the relative distance of the genes on the
2. More crossing over = More distance between two genes and
Less crossing over = Less distance between the two genes.
In the above problem, the sequence of the genes on the linkage map is B, A, C
NOTE: Teachers can give different crossing over percentage between its linked genes in a
chromosome and make the students construct the linkage maps. The external examiner can
also do the same for the Board Practical Examinations.
NOTE: Pollen germination can be studied by dusting some pollens from common flowers like
Crotalaria, Hibiscus, Pisum, etc. on a glass slide containing a drop of 10% sugar solution or
tender coconut water or any nutrient medium.
Observe the slide after about 10 – 15 minutes under the low power of compound microscope.
You will be able to observe the pollen tubes coming out of the pollen grains.
Requirements: Fresh seasonal flowers, cavity slide, cover slip, compound Generative cell
1. Prepare a nutrient solution by dissolving 1 gm. of sucrose / 1 gm. of boric Pollen tube
Tube nucleus
4. View the slide in the microscope after 5 minutes and then observe it
Tube nucleus
regularly for about half an hour.
Figure 15: Pollen
Observation: In nutrient medium, the pollen grains germinate. The tube cell germination
enlarges and comes out of the pollen grain through one of the germ pores to
form a pollen tube. The tube nucleus descends to the tip of the pollen tube. The
generative cell also passes into it. It soon divides into two male gametes.
Inference: Different stages of germinating pollens are observed. Some pollens are in their initial
stage of germination while others have quite long pollen tube containing tube nucleus and two
male gametes.
Precautions: 1. Flowers should be freshly plucked. 2. Use clean cavity slide to observe the pollen
grains. 3. The slides should not be disturbed, otherwise position of pollen grains will get changed.
DNA is one of the nucleic acids found in living systems. DNA acts as the genetic material in
most of the organisms.
Principle: Recombinant DNA technology has allowed breeders to introduce foreign DNA
in other organisms including bacteria, yeast, plants and animals. Such organisms are called
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs). Thus rDNA technology involves isolation of DNA
from a variety of sources and formation of new combination of DNA.
Aim: To isolate DNA from available plant materials such as spinach leaves, fresh green pea seeds,
green papaya, etc.
Requirements: Plant materials, mortar and pestle, beakers, test tubes, ethanol, etc.
Procedure: Take a small amount of plant material and grind it in a mortar with a little amount of
water and sodium chloride. Make it into a solution and filter it. To this filterate, add liquid soap
solution or any detergent solution and mix it with a glass rod. Then tilt the test tube and add
Ramesh Munisamy
S. Chitra, SCERT, Chennai
This book has been printed on 80 G.S.M.
Elegant Maplitho paper.