Tda 2011 - Trade Description Act

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Trade Descriptions 1

laws OF MalaYsIa

act 730

trade descrIptIOns act 2011

2 Laws of Malaysia Act 730

Date of Royal Assent ... ... 5 August 2011

Date of publication in the

Gazette ... ... ... 18 August 2011

publisher’s copyright c
percetakan nasIOnal MalaYsIa berhad
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means
electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording and/or otherwise without the prior permission of percetakan nasional Malaysia berhad
(appointed printer to the Government of Malaysia).
Trade Descriptions 3

laws OF MalaYsIa

act 730

trade descrIptIOns act 2011


Part I


1. short title and commencement
2. interpretation
3. Appointment of controller, Deputy controller, Assistant controllers,
4. Appointment of Registrar of Trade Description Order

Part II

5. Prohibition of false trade description

6. Trade description
7. False trade description
8. Prohibition on false trade description in relation to trademark
9. Trade description order
10. Applying a trade description to goods
11. Trade description used in advertisements for class of goods
12. Possession for supply

Part III

13. interpretation
14. False or misleading indication as to price of goods
15. Price deemed to include tax
4 Laws of Malaysia Act 730
16. False representation as to supply or approval of goods or services
17. False or misleading statements as to services, etc.
18. False or misleading statement in advertisement
19. Presumption of liability on advertisers, etc.
20. False or misleading statement in relation to contest, games, etc.
21. contravention of Parts iii to be an offence

Part IV


22. Offences due to fault of another person

23. Defence of personal or domestic use
24. Defence of mistake, accident, etc.
25. innocent publication of advertisement

Part V


26. Prohibition of importation of goods bearing false indication of origin

27. Abetting of offences committed abroad

Part VI



28. Definition orders

29. informative marking and certification orders

Part VII


chapter 1

Investigation and complaints

30. investigation by the Assistant controller

31. complaints to the Assistant controller
Trade Descriptions 5
chapter 2

Information gathering powers

32. Power of the Assistant controller to require provision of information
33. Assistant controller may retain documents
34. Access to records
35. confidentiality
36. Privileged communication
37. Giving false or misleading information, evidence or document
38. Destruction, concealment, mutilation and alteration of records

chapter 3

Powers of arrest, search and seizure

39. Power of arrest

40. Power to enter premises and inspect and seize goods and documents
41. Power to enter premises with search warrant
42. Power of entry and search and seizure without a warrant
43. Access to recorded information or computerized data, etc.
44. Tipping-off
45. Warrant admissible notwithstanding defects
46. list of things seized
47. Forfeiture of goods
48. Release of things seized
49. seizure of perishable goods
50. No cost or damages arising from seizure to be recoverable
51. Obstruction
52. Power to make test purchases
53. Evidence of agent provocateur is admissible
54. Taking of samples
55. Power of investigation
6 Laws of Malaysia Act 730

56. Exemption
57. contract unaffected by contravention
58. Market research experiments
59. General penalty
60. Jurisdiction to try offences
61. Delegation of powers
62. institution of prosecution
63. compounding of offences
64. Principal liable for acts of servant or agent
65. Offences by body corporate
66. Reward for information
67. Public Authorities Protection Act 1948
68. Protection of officers and other persons
69. Power of Minister to make regulations
70. Repeal
71. savings and transitional

Trade Descriptions 7

laws OF MalaYsIa

act 730

trade descrIptIOns act 2011

An Act for the purpose of promoting good trade practices by

prohibiting false trade descriptions and false or misleading
statements, conduct and practices in relation to the supply of
goods and services and to provide for matters connected therewith
or incidental thereto.

[ ]

enacted by the Parliament of Malaysia as follows:

Part I


short title and commencement

1. (1) This Act may be cited as the Trade Descriptions Act 2011.

(2) This Act comes into operation on a date to be appointed

by the Minister, by notification in the Gazette.


2. in this Act, unless the context otherwise requires—

“goods” includes ships, aircrafts, vehicles, animals, plants and

crops and all kinds of movable property;

“electronic” means the technology of utilizing electrical, optical,

magnetic, electromagnetic, biometric, photonic or other similar
8 Laws of Malaysia Act 730

“advertisement” means every form of advertising (whether or not

accompanied by or in association with spoken or written words or
other writing or sounds and whether or not contained or issued in
a publication) by the display of notices or by means of catalogues,
price lists, circulars, labels, cards or other documents or materials
or by the exhibition of films or of pictures or photographs, or
by means of radio or television, or in any other way including
through electronic means;

“ship” includes any boat and any other description of vessel

used in navigation;

“precious metal” means gold, silver or platinum in its fine

form or gold, silver or platinum alloy;

“supply” means—
(a) in relation to goods, the supply, including resupply, by
way of sale, exchange, lease, hire or hire-purchase of
the goods; and
(b) in relation to services, the provision by way of sale, grant
or conferment of the services,

by any means including through electronic means.

“Minister” means the Minister charged with the responsibility

for domestic trade and consumerism;

“Registrar” means the Registrar of Trade Description Order

appointed under section 4;

“controller” means the controller of Trade Descriptions appointed

under section 3;

“Assistant controller” means the Assistant controller of Trade

Descriptions appointed under section 3;

“service” means a service of any description, whether industrial,

trade, professional or otherwise but does not include anything
done under contract of service;

“premises” means any place, stationary or otherwise established

or set up by any person, whether such place is with or without
enclosure, and includes vehicles, aircrafts, ships and any other
Trade Descriptions 9

“standard of fineness”, in relation to articles made of precious

metals, means the number of parts by weight of fine gold, silver
or platinum in one thousand parts by weight of precious metal;

“publish”, in relation to an advertisement, means to place the

advertisement before the public or any member of the public by
any means, including through electronic means;

“Deputy controller” means the Deputy controller of Trade

Descriptions appointed under section 3.

appointment of controller, deputy controller, assistant

controllers, etc.

3. (1) The Minister may appoint, from among public officers, a

controller, such number of Deputy controllers, Assistant controllers
and other officers as may be necessary for the purposes of this

(2) The controller shall perform the duties imposed and exercise
the powers conferred on him subject to the general direction and
control of the Minister.

(3) The Deputy controllers, Assistant controllers and other

officers appointed under subsection (1) shall be under the direction
and control of the controller.

(4) The Deputy controllers may perform all the duties imposed
and exercise all the powers conferred on the controller.

(5) The controller and Deputy controllers may perform all

the duties imposed and exercise all the powers conferred on the
Assistant controllers.

(6) An officer appointed under this section when acting against

any person under this Act shall, on demand, declare his office and
produce to the person against whom he is acting such authority
card as the controller may direct to be carried by such officer.

(7) An officer appointed under this section shall be deemed

to be a public servant within the meaning of the Penal code
[Act 574].
10 Laws of Malaysia Act 730

appointment of registrar of trade description Order

4. (1) For the purposes of this Act, there shall be a Registrar of

Trade Description Order.

(2) The Minister shall appoint, from among public officers,

a Registrar of Trade Description Order who shall cause a
public register of trade description orders to be established and

Part ii


prohibition of false trade description

5. (1) Any person who—

(a) applies a false trade description to any goods;
(b) supplies or offers to supply any goods to which a false
trade description is applied; or
(c) exposes for supply or has in his possession, custody or
control for supply any goods to which a false trade
description is applied,

commits an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable—

(A) if such person is a body corporate, to a fine not exceeding
two hundred and fifty thousand ringgit, and for a second
or subsequent offence, to a fine not exceeding five
hundred thousand ringgit; or
(B) if such person is not a body corporate, to a fine not
exceeding one hundred thousand ringgit or to imprisonment
for a term not exceeding three years or to both, and for
a second or subsequent offence, to a fine not exceeding
two hundred and fifty thousand ringgit or to imprisonment
for a term not exceeding five years or to both.

(2) The terms used in this section and wherever else occurring
in this Act shall be interpreted in accordance with sections 6 to 11.
Trade Descriptions 11

trade description

6. (1) Without prejudice to section 8, a trade description is an

indication, whether direct or indirect and by any means given, of
any of the following matters with respect to any goods or parts
of goods:
(a) nature or designation;
(b) quantity, length, width, height, area, volume, capacity,
weight, size or gauge;
(c) method of manufacture, production, processing or
(d) composition;
(e) fitness for purpose, strength, performance, behaviour or
(f) the standard of fineness of articles made of precious
(g) any physical or technological characteristics not included
in the preceding paragraphs;
(h) date of expiration of the goods;
(i) testing by any person and results thereof;
(j) quality otherwise than as specified in the preceding
(k) approval by any person or conformity with a type approved
by any person;
(l) place or date of manufacture, production, processing or
(m) person who manufactured, produced, processed or
reconditioned the goods;
(n) other history, including previous ownership or use.

(2) The matters specified in subsection (1) shall be taken—

(a) in relation to any animal, to include sex, breed or cross,
fertility and soundness;
12 Laws of Malaysia Act 730

(b) in relation to any semen, to include the identity and

characteristics of the animal from which it was taken
and measure of dilution.

(3) Where the application of any description is prohibited under

the provisions of the law specified in the schedule except where
applied to goods which comply with the requirements of that law,
no such description applied in accordance with the requirements
of that law shall be a false trade description.

(4) The Minister may amend the schedule referred to in

subsection (3) by order published in the Gazette.

(5) For the purposes of this Act, a trade description or

statement published in any newspaper, book or periodical or in
any film or sound or television broadcast or any other medium,
including through electronic means, shall not be deemed to be a
trade description or a statement unless it is or forms part of an

False trade description

7. (1) A false trade description is a trade description which is

false to a material degree.

(2) A trade description which, though not false, is misleading,

that is to say, likely to be taken for an indication of any of the
matters specified in section 6 as would be false to a material
degree, is deemed to be a false trade description.

(3) Anything which, though not a trade description, that is to

say, likely to be taken for an indication of any of the matters
specified in section 6 as would be false to a material degree, is
deemed to be a false trade description.

(4) A false indication, or anything likely to be taken as an

indication which would be false, that any goods comply with a
standard specified or recognized by any person or implied by the
approval of any person is deemed to be a false trade description,
if there is no such person or no standard so specified, recognized
or implied.
Trade Descriptions 13

prohibition of false trade description in relation to


8. (1) Notwithstanding sections 5 and 6, a trade description shall

include an indication, whether direct or indirect, and by any means
given, in respect of any goods or parts of goods relating to any
rights in respect of trade mark registered under the Trade Marks
Act 1976 [Act 175].

(2) Any person who—

(a) applies a false trade description to any goods as if the
goods were subject to any rights relating to registered
trade mark;
(b) supplies or offers to supply any goods to which a false
trade description is applied as if the goods were subject
to any rights relating to registered trade mark; or
(c) exposes for supply or has in his possession, custody or
control for supply any goods to which a false trade
description is applied,

commits an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable—

(A) if that person is a body corporate, to a fine not exceeding

fifteen thousand ringgit for each goods bearing the false
trade description, and for a second or subsequent offence,
to a fine not exceeding thirty thousand ringgit for each
goods bearing the false trade description; or

(B) if that person is not a body corporate, to a fine not

exceeding ten thousand ringgit for each goods bearing
the false trade description or to imprisonment for a term
not exceeding three years or to both, and for a second
or subsequent offence, to a fine not exceeding twenty
thousand ringgit for each goods bearing the false trade
description, or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding
five years or to both.

(3) Any person who applies, supplies or offers to supply,

exposes for supply or has in his possession, custody or control
for supply any goods bearing an identical mark with the registered
14 Laws of Malaysia Act 730

trade mark without the consent of the registered owner of the

trade mark is deemed to apply, supply or offer to supply goods
bearing false trade description unless the contrary is proved.

trade description order

9. (1) Where any person being a registered owner of a registered

trade mark under the Trade Marks Act 1976 claim that his rights
in respect of such trade mark are being infringed in the course
of trade, by any other mark or get-up used by any other person,
which is not identical with his registered trade mark but can
be passed off as his registered trade mark, he may apply to the
High court to declare that the infringing mark is a false trade
description for the purpose of section 8.

(2) For the purpose of subsection (1), the person referred to in

subsection (1) in making the application shall identify specifically
the infringing trade or other mark or get-up and the High court
may, on the application of such person, make an order declaring
that the infringing trade or other mark or get-up is for the purposes
of this Act, a false trade description in its application to such
goods as may be specified in the order.

(3) An order of the High court made under this section may
be referred to as a trade description order.

(4) A subsisting trade description order made by any High court

in Malaysia shall be admissible in evidence in any proceedings
under section 8 in which it is relevant as conclusive proof of a
false trade description.

(5) A trade description order shall expire at the end of one year
from the date on which it is made unless it is renewed by the
High court upon such terms and for such further period as the
High court may decide on the application of the person referred
to in subsection (1) or his successor-in-title.

(6) Any person who obtains a trade description order under

this section shall register the trade description order with the
Trade Descriptions 15

applying a trade description to goods

10. (1) A person applies a trade description to goods if he or

any person authorized by him—
(a) affixes or annexes it to or in any manner marks it on or
incorporates it with—
(i) the goods themselves; or
(ii) anything in, on or with which the goods are
(b) places the goods in, on or with anything which the trade
description has been affixed or annexed to, marked on
or incorporated with, or places any such thing with the
goods; or
(c) uses the trade description in any manner likely to be
taken as referring to the goods.

(2) For the purpose of this Act, an oral statement may amount
to the use of a trade description.

(3) Where goods are supplied in pursuance of a request in

which a trade description is used and the circumstances are such
as to make it reasonable to infer that the goods are supplied as
goods corresponding to that description, the person supplying
the goods is deemed to have applied that trade description to the

trade description used in advertisements for class of goods

11. (1) This section shall have effect where in an advertisement

a trade description is used in relation to any class of goods.

(2) The trade description shall be taken as referring to all

goods of the class, whether or not in existence at the time the
advertisement is published—
(a) for the purpose of determining whether an offence has
been committed under paragraph 5(1)(a); and
(b) where goods of the class are supplied or offered to
be supplied by a person publishing or displaying the
advertisement, for the purpose of determining whether an
offence has been committed under paragraph 5(1(b).
16 Laws of Malaysia Act 730

(3) in determining whether any goods are of a class to which

a trade description used in an advertisement relates, regard shall
be had—
(a) to the form and content of the advertisement;
(b) to the time, place, manner and frequency of its publication;
(c) to all other matters,
making it likely or unlikely that a person to whom the goods
are supplied would think of the goods as belonging to the
class in relation to which the trade description is used in the

(4) For the purpose of this section, “class of goods” means

the class of goods prescribed under the Trade Marks Act 1976.

possession for supply

12. A person having in his possession three or more of the

same goods of similar description and bearing the same trade
description mentioned under sections 6 and 8 is deemed to have
in possession the goods for supply.

Part III



13. For the purpose of this Part, “false” or “misleading” means

any conduct, representation, statement or practice which is capable
of leading any person into error.

False or misleading indication as to price of goods

14. (1) A person who offers to supply any goods shall not make
any false or misleading indication, by any means, whether direct
or indirect—
(a) that the price at which the goods are offered is equal to
or less than the recommended price;
Trade Descriptions 17

(b) that the goods are being offered at a price less than that
at which they are in fact being offered; or
(c) that the goods are being offered at a price less than being
offered by any other person.

(2) Where any person is charged with an offence under this

section, the onus of proving that—
(a) the price of the goods offered by him is less than the
price offered by any other person; or
(b) the existence and terms of any recommended price relied
upon or that the requirements of subsection (3) have
been complied with,

shall be upon the person charged.

(3) For the purposes of this section—

(a) an indication as to a recommended price—
(i) shall be treated, unless the contrary is expressed,
as an indication that it is a price recommended
by the manufacturer or producer; and
(ii) shall be treated, unless the contrary is expressed,
as an indication that it is a price recommended
generally for supply by retail in the area where
the goods are offered;
(b) anything likely to be taken as an indication as to a
recommended price shall be treated as such an indication;
(c) any person advertising goods as available for supply shall
be taken as offering to supply them.

price deemed to include tax

15. Where in any advertisement the price of any goods or

services is quoted, such price shall, unless the contrary appears,
be deemed to include all eligible government taxes and duties
and any other charges.
18 Laws of Malaysia Act 730

False representation as to supply or approval of goods or


16. (1) No person shall make any false representation by any

means, whether direct or indirect, that any goods or services
supplied by him or any methods adopted by him are of a kind
supplied to or approved by any person including any government
or government department or agency or any international body
or agency whether in Malaysia or abroad.

(2) subsection (1) shall have effect without prejudice to the

provisions of any written law prohibiting or restricting the use
of any name, emblem, insignia, seal, flag, pennant, title, coat-
of-arms, sign, words or letters or any other form of description
in the course of trade, business, calling or profession.

False or misleading statements as to services, etc.

17. (1) No person shall—

(a) make a statement which he knows to be false;
(b) recklessly make a statement which is false; or
(c) make any statement which is likely to deceive or mislead
any person,

as to any of the following matters:

(A) the provision of any services, accommodation or
(B) the nature of any services, accommodation or facilities;
(c) the time at which, manner in which or persons by whom any
services, accommodation or facilities are so provided;
(D) the examination, approval or evaluation by any person
of any services, accommodation or facilities are so
(E) the location or amenities of any accommodation are so
provided; or
(F) the rates or charges for any services, accommodation or
facilities are so provided.
Trade Descriptions 19

(2) For the purpose of this section—

(a) a statement, whether or not referring to any matter
specified in subsection (1), which is likely to be taken as
a statement to any of those matters as might be false, is
deemed to be a false statement as to that matter; and
(b) a statement made regardless of whether it is true or false
is deemed to be made recklessly, whether or not the
person making it had reason for believing that it might
be false.

(3) in relation to any services consisting of or including the

application of any treatment or process or the carrying out of
any repair, the matters specified in subsection (1) shall be taken
to include the effect of the treatment, process or repair.

False or misleading statement in advertisement

18. (1) No person shall make any false or misleading statement

in any advertisement in relation to any goods or services.

(2) Where any person is charged with an offence under this

section, the onus of proving that the statement made by him is
true or not misleading shall be upon the person charged.

presumption of liability on advertisers, etc.

19. The following persons shall, unless the contrary is proved,

be deemed to have given a false or misleading statement in any
(a) the person who directly or indirectly offers to supply the
goods or services;
(b) the person on whose behalf the advertisement is made.

False or misleading statement in relation to contest, games,


20. No person shall make any false or misleading statement—

(a) that the goods or services offered by him are able to
facilitate winning in any contest or game of chance; or
20 Laws of Malaysia Act 730

(b) that any person has already won, will win, or will, on
doing a particular act, win a prize or other equivalent
benefit, where in fact—
(i) there is no prize or other equivalent benefit;
(ii) the prize or other equivalent benefit is not provided
as offered; or
(iii) taking any action in relation to claiming the prize
or other equivalent benefit is subject to that person
paying money, incurring cost or any unreasonable

contravention of part III to be an offence

21. Any person who contravenes any of the provisions of this

Part commits an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable—
(a) if such person is a body corporate, to a fine not exceeding
five hundred thousand ringgit and for a second or
subsequent offence, to a fine not exceeding one million
ringgit; or
(b) if such person is not a body corporate, to a fine not
exceeding two hundred and fifty thousand ringgit or to
imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years or
to both and for a second or subsequent offence, to a
fine not exceeding five hundred thousand ringgit or to
imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years or to

Part IV


Offences due to fault of another person

22. (1) Where the commission of an offence by any person

(referred to in this section as the “first-mentioned person”) is due
to the act or default of another person, that other person who
commits the act or default shall, on conviction, be guilty of the
Trade Descriptions 21

(2) For the purpose of subsection (1), any person may be charged
with and convicted of the offence, whether or not proceedings
are taken against the first-mentioned person.

defence of personal or domestic use

23. (1) in any proceedings for an offence, it shall be a defence

for the person charged to prove that the commission of the offence
was for the purpose of personal or domestic use.

(2) Where a body corporate is charged with an offence under

this Act, such body corporate shall not be entitled to rely on the
defence referred to in this section.

defence of mistake, accident, etc.

24. (1) subject to subsection (2), in any proceedings for an

offence, it shall be a defence for the person charged to prove
that the commission of the offence was due to—
(a) a mistake on his part;
(b) reliance on information supplied to him;
(c) the act or default of another person; or
(d) an accident or some other cause beyond his control,

and that he took all reasonable precautions and exercised all due
diligence to avoid the commission of such offence by himself or
any person under his control.

(2) if in any case the defence involves the allegation that the
commission of the offence was due to a mistake on his part
or to reliance on information supplied to him or to the act or
default of another person, the person charged shall not, without
leave of the court, be entitled to rely on that defence unless,
within a period of fourteen days of his being charged in court,
he has served on the prosecutor a notice in writing giving such
information as was then in his possession identifying or assisting
in the identification of that other person.
22 Laws of Malaysia Act 730

(3) in any proceedings for an offence of supplying or offering

to supply goods to which a false trade description is applied, it
shall be a defence for the person charged to prove that he did not
know, and could not with reasonable diligence have ascertained,
that the goods did not conform to the description or that the
description had been applied to the goods.

(4) Where a body corporate is charged with an offence under

this Act, such body corporate shall not be entitled to rely on the
defence referred to in this section.

Innocent publication of advertisement

25. in any proceedings for an offence committed by reason of

publication of an advertisement, it shall be a defence for the
person charged to prove—
(a) that he is a person whose business is to publish or arrange
for the publication of advertisement;
(b) that he received the advertisement for publication in the
ordinary course of business; and
(c) that he did not know or had no reason to suspect that
its publication would amount to an offence under this

Part V


prohibition of importation of goods bearing false indication

of origin

26. The Minister may make an order prohibiting the importation

of goods into Malaysia where a false trade description is applied
to any goods outside Malaysia and the false indication, or one
of the false indications, given, or likely to be taken as given, is
an indication of the place of manufacture, production, processing
or reconditioning of the goods or any part of the goods.
Trade Descriptions 23

abetting of offences committed abroad

27. (1) subject to subsection (2), any person who, in Malaysia,

assists in or induces the commission of an act in any other country
in respect of goods which if the act were committed in Malaysia
would be an offence under section 5, commits an offence, if—
(a) the false trade description concerned is an indication (or
anything likely to be taken as an indication) that the
goods or any part thereof were manufactured, produced,
processed or reconditioned in Malaysia; or
(b) the false trade description concerned—
(i) consists of or comprises an expression (or anything
likely to be taken as an expression) to which a
meaning is assigned by an order made under
paragraph 28(1)(b); and
(ii) where that meaning is so assigned only in
circumstances specified in the order, the trade
description is used in those circumstances.

(2) A person does not commit an offence under subsection (1)

if, by order made under section 56, the Minister has specified
the non-application of section 5 to those goods being intended
for dispatch to a destination outside Malaysia.

(3) Any person who, in Malaysia, assists in or induces the

commission of an act in any other country, in respect of goods
which if the act were committed in Malaysia would be an offence
under section 26, commits an offence.

Part VI



definition orders

28. (1) Where it appears to the Minister—

(a) that it would be in the interest of persons to whom any
goods are supplied or any services are provided; or
24 Laws of Malaysia Act 730

(b) that it would be in the interest of persons by whom any

goods are exported and would not be contrary to the
interest of persons to whom such goods are supplied in

that any expression used in relation to the goods or services

should be understood as having definite meanings, the Minister
may by order, assign such meanings either—

(A) to those expressions when used in the course of trade or

business as, or as part of, a trade description applied to
the goods or services; or

(B) to those expressions when so used in such circumstances

as may be specified in the order,

and where such a meaning is so assigned to an expression it shall

be deemed for the purposes of this Act to have that meaning
when used as mentioned in paragraph (A) or, as the case may
be, paragraph (B).

(2) it is an offence for any person who uses the expression

which has been defined in the order specified in subsection (1)
as a trade description of goods or services, in order to mislead
or confuse the person who wants to buy or obtain the goods or
services, as if the goods or services were supplied according to
the definition given to that expression.

(3) Any person who commits an offence under this section

shall, on conviction, be liable—
(a) if such person is a body corporate, to a fine not exceeding
five million ringgit, and for a second or subsequent
offence, to a fine not exceeding ten million ringgit; or
(b) if such person is not a body corporate, to a fine not
exceeding one million ringgit or to imprisonment for
a term not exceeding three years or to both, and for a
second or subsequent offence, to a fine not exceeding
five million ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not
exceeding five years or to both.
Trade Descriptions 25

Informative marking and certification orders

29. (1) Where it appears to the Minister necessary or expedient

in the interest of persons to whom any goods or any services in
relation to that goods are supplied that the goods should be—
(a) certified by a competent authority;
(b) marked with a mark determined by the Minister; or
(c) accompanied by any information (whether or not amounting
to or including a trade description) or instruction relating
to the goods,

the Minister may, by order, impose requirements for securing that

the goods are so certified, marked or accompanied and regulate or
prohibit the supply of the goods and the requirements may extend
to the form and manner in which the information or instruction
is to be given.

(2) Where an order under this section is in force with respect

to goods of any description, any person who, in the course of
any trade or business—
(a) certifies;
(b) marks;
(c) supplies; or
(d) offers to supply,

goods of that description in contravention of the order commits

an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable—

(A) if such person is a body corporate, to a fine not exceeding

two hundred thousand ringgit, and for a second or
subsequent offence, to a fine not exceeding five hundred
thousand ringgit; or

(B) if such person is not a body corporate, to a fine not

exceeding one hundred thousand ringgit or to imprisonment
for a term not exceeding three years or to both, and for
a second or subsequent offence, to a fine not exceeding
two hundred and fifty thousand ringgit or to imprisonment
for a term not exceeding five years or to both.
26 Laws of Malaysia Act 730

(3) For the purpose of this section, “competent authority” means

a competent authority named by the Minister after obtaining the
agreement of the competent authority.

Part VII
chapter 1
Investigation and complaints

Investigation by the assistant controller

30. Where the Assistant controller has reasonable grounds to

suspect that any offence is or will be committed under this Act,
the Assistant controller may conduct such investigation as the
Assistant controller thinks expedient for the due administration
of this Act.

complaints to the assistant controller

31. (1) The Assistant controller may, upon a complaint by a

person, conduct an investigation on any person who has committed
or is committing any offence under this Act.

(2) The complaint shall specify the person against whom the
complaint is made or the premises where the alleged offence is
committed and details of the alleged offence under this Act.

chapter 2
Information gathering powers

power of the assistant controller to require provision of


32. (1) This section applies if the Assistant controller in carrying

out an investigation under this Part has reason to believe that
any person—
(a) has any information or any document that is relevant to
the performance of the Assistant controller’s powers
and functions under this Act; or
Trade Descriptions 27

(b) is capable of giving any evidence which the Assistant

controller has reason to believe is relevant to the
performance of the Assistant controller’s powers and
functions under this Act.

(2) Notwithstanding any provision of any other written law,

the Assistant controller, by written notice, may direct any
(a) to provide the Assistant controller, within the period and
in the manner and form specified in the notice, any
information or document referred to in subsection (1);
(b) to produce to the Assistant controller, within the period
and in the manner specified in the notice, any information
or document referred to in subsection (1), whether in
physical form or in electronic media;
(c) to make copies of, or extracts from, any document referred
to in subsection (1) and to produce copies or extracts
of such documents, as the case may be, to the Assistant
controller within the period and in the manner specified
in the notice;
(d) if the person is an individual, to appear before the Assistant
controller at a time and place specified in the notice
to give any information, either orally or in writing, and
produce any document referred to in subsection (1),
whether in physical form or in electronic media;
(e) if the person is a body corporate or a public body, to
cause a relevant and competent officer of the body to
appear before the Assistant controller at a time and
place specified in the notice to give any information,
either orally or in writing, and produce any document
referred to in subsection (1), whether in physical form
or in electronic media;
(f) if the person is a partnership, to cause an individual who
is a partner in the partnership or an employee of the
partnership to appear before the Assistant controller
at a time and place specified in the notice to give any
information, either orally or in writing, and produce
any document referred to in subsection (1), whether in
physical form or in electronic media; or
28 Laws of Malaysia Act 730

(g) to make a statement to the Assistant controller providing

an explanation of any information or document referred
to in subsection (1) within the period and in the manner
and form specified in the notice.

(3) Where the Assistant controller directs any person to

produce any document under subsection (2) and the person is
not in custody of the document, that person shall—
(a) state, to the best of his knowledge and belief, where the
document may be found; and
(b) identify, to the best of his knowledge and belief, the last
person who had custody of the document and to state,
to the best of his knowledge and belief, where that last-
mentioned person may be found.

(4) Any person directed to provide information under subsection (2)

or (3) shall ensure that the information provided is true, accurate and
complete and such person shall provide an express representation
to that effect, including a declaration that he is not aware of any
other information which would make the information provided
untrue or misleading.

(5) Any person who refuses or fails to comply with the direction
made by the Assistant controller under this section commits an

assistant controller may retain documents

33. (1) The Assistant controller may take and retain for such
duration as he deems necessary, possession of any document
obtained under this Part.

(2) The person who provided the document is entitled to be

supplied, as soon as practicable, with a copy certified by the
Assistant controller to be a true copy of the document.

(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of any other written law, the

certified copy of the document shall be admissible as evidence
as if it was the original document.
Trade Descriptions 29

(4) if the Assistant controller is satisfied that the retaining of

the document is no longer necessary, the Assistant controller may
return the document to the person who provided the document,
as soon as practicable.

access to records

34. (1) Any person shall, if at any time directed by the Assistant
controller, allow the Assistant controller access to his books,
records, accounts, documents, computerized data, goods or thing
for the purpose of carrying out any of the Assistant controller’s
functions or powers under this Act.

(2) Any person who fails to comply with the direction under
subsection (1) commits an offence.


35. (1) Any person who discloses or makes use of any confidential
information or document with respect to a particular enterprise or
the affairs of an individual obtained by virtue of any provision
of this Act commits an offence.

(2) Nothing in subsection (1) shall operate to prevent the

disclosure of information where—
(a) the disclosure is made with the consent of the person from
whom the information or document was obtained;
(b) the disclosure is made in circumstances where the
information provided is framed in such a manner that the
source of the information could not be ascertained;
(c) the information is already in the public domain;
(d) the disclosure is made to facilitate the performance of the
functions or powers of the controller, Deputy controller
or Assistant controller;
(e) the disclosure is reasonably made during any proceedings
under this Act provided that such disclosure is not made
against any direction by the controller, Deputy controller
or Assistant controller before whom those proceedings
are taking place; or
30 Laws of Malaysia Act 730

(f) the disclosure is made in connection with the investigation

of an offence under this Act.

(3) For the purposes of this section, “confidential information”

means trade, business or industrial information that belongs to any
person, that has economic value and is not generally available to
or known by others.

privileged communication

36. (1) No person shall be required, under any provision of

this Part, to produce or disclose any communication between a
professional legal adviser and his client which would be protected
from disclosure in accordance with section 126 of the Evidence
Act 1950 [Act 56].

(2) Where—
(a) the controller makes a requirement under section 33 of
an advocate and solicitor in respect of any information
or document; and
(b) the information or document contains a privileged
communication made by or on behalf of or to the
advocate and solicitor in his capacity as an advocate
and solicitor,

the advocate and solicitor is entitled to refuse to comply with

the requirement unless the person to whom or by or on behalf of
whom the communication was made or, if the person is a body
corporate that is under receivership or is in the course of being
wound up, the receiver or the liquidator, as the case may be, agrees
to the advocate and solicitor complying with the requirement but,
where the advocate and solicitor so refuses to comply with the
requirement, the advocate and solicitor shall forthwith furnish
in writing to the controller the name and address of the person
to whom or by or on behalf of whom the communication was

Giving false or misleading information, evidence or


37. A person who fails to disclose or omits to give any relevant

information, evidence or document, or provides any information,
Trade Descriptions 31

evidence or document that he knows or has reason to believe is

false or misleading, in the course of investigation by the Assistant
controller, commits an offence.

destruction, concealment, mutilation and alteration of


38. A person who—

(a) destroys, conceals, mutilates or alters; or
(b) sends or attempts to send or conspires with any other
person to remove from his premises or send out of

any book, record, accounts, document, computerized data, goods

or thing kept or maintained with intent to defraud the Assistant
controller or to prevent, delay or obstruct the carrying out of
an investigation or the exercise of any power by the Assistant
controller under this Act commits an offence.

chapter 3

Powers of arrest, search and seizure

power of arrest

39. (1) Any Assistant controller may arrest without warrant

any person whom he reasonably believes has committed or is
attempting to commit an offence under section 8.

(2) Any Assistant controller making an arrest under subsection (1)

shall without unnecessary delay make over the person so arrested
to the nearest police officer or, in the absence of a police officer,
take such person to the nearest police station, and thereafter the
person shall be dealt with as is provided for by the law relating
to criminal procedure for the time being in force as if he had
been arrested by a police officer.
32 Laws of Malaysia Act 730

power to enter premises and inspect and seize goods and


40. (1) Any Assistant controller may, at all reasonable hours

exercise the following powers:
(a) he may, for the purpose of ascertaining whether any
offence under this Act has been committed, inspect any
goods and enter any premises other than premises used
only for dwelling;
(b) if he has reasonable cause to believe that an offence under
this Act has been committed, he may seize and detain
any goods for the purpose of ascertaining, by testing or
otherwise, whether the offence has been committed;
(c) he may seize and detain any goods or documents which
he has reason to believe may be required as evidence
in proceedings for an offence under this Act;
(d) he may, for the purpose of exercising his powers under
this subsection to seize goods, but only if and to the
extent that it is reasonably necessary in order to secure
that the provisions of this Act and of any order made
under this Act are duly observed, require any person
having authority to do so to break open any container or
open any vending machine and, if that person does not
comply with the requirement, he may do so himself.

(2) An Assistant controller seizing any goods or documents

in the exercise of his powers under this section shall inform the
person from whom they are seized and, in the case of goods
seized from a vending machine, the person whose name and
address are stated on the machine as being the proprietor or, if
no name and address are so stated, the occupier of the premises
on which the machine stands or to which it is affixed.

(3) Where the goods or documents seized by the Assistant

controller in the exercise of his powers under this section are
by reason of their nature, size or amount not practical to be
removed from where they are found, he may be any means seal
such goods or documents in the premises or container in which
they are found and it shall be an offence for any person without
lawful authority to break, tamper with or damage such seal or
to remove such goods or documents or to attempt to do so.
Trade Descriptions 33

power to enter premises with search warrant

41. (1) if it appears to a Magistrate, upon written information on

oath and after such inquiry as he considers necessary, that there
are reasonable grounds to believe that any person has committed
or is committing an offence under this Act, so that any evidence
or thing which is necessary to the conduct of an investigation
into any offence may be found in any premises, the Magistrate
may issue a warrant authorizing any Assistant controller named
in the warrant to enter the premises at any time, with or without
assistance, and if need be by force to search for and seize any
such evidence or thing.

(2) An Assistant controller entering any premises by virtue

of this section may take with him such other persons and such
equipment as may appear to him necessary; and on leaving any
premises which he has entered by virtue of a warrant under the
preceding subsection he shall, if the premises are unoccupied
or the occupier is temporarily absent, leave them as effectively
secured against trespassers as he found them.

(3) Without affecting the generality of subsection (1), the

warrant issued by the Magistrate may authorize the search and
seizure of any book, record, accounts, document, computerized
data, goods or thing which contains or is reasonably suspected
to contain information as to any offence suspected to have been
committed or is otherwise necessary to conduct an investigation
into any offence.

(4) The Assistant controller conducting a search under subsection (1)

may, for the purpose of investigating into the offence, search any
person who is in or on the premises.

(5) The Assistant controller making a search of a person under

subsection (4) may seize, or take possession of, and place in safe
custody all things other than the necessary clothing found upon
the person, and any other things, in respect of which there is
reason to believe are the instruments or evidence of the offence,
and such things may be detained until the order by the court for
its disposal.

(6) if, by reason of its nature, size or amount, it is not practicable

to remove any book, record, accounts, document, computerized
data, goods or thing seized under this section, the Assistant
34 Laws of Malaysia Act 730

controller who effected the seizure shall by any means seal the
premises or container in which such book, record, accounts,
document, computerized data, goods or thing is found.

(7) A person who, without lawful authority, breaks, tampers

with or damages the seal referred to in subsection (6) or removes
any book, record, accounts, document, computerized data, goods
or thing under seal or attempts to do so commits an offence.

power of entry and search and seizure without a warrant

42. if the Assistant controller is satisfied upon information received

that he has reasonable cause to believe that by reason of delay
in obtaining a search warrant under section 41 the investigation
would be adversely affected or evidence of the commission of an
infringement or offence is likely to be tampered with, removed,
damaged or destroyed, the Assistant controller may enter the
premises and exercise in, upon and in respect of the premises
all the powers referred to in section 41 in as full and ample a
manner as if he were authorized to do so by a warrant issued
under that section.

access to recorded information or computerized data, etc.

43. (1) Any Assistant controller exercising his powers under

section 41 or 42 shall be given access to any recorded information
or computerized or digitalized data, whether stored in a computer
or otherwise.

(2) in exercising his powers, the Assistant controller—

(a) may inspect and check the operation of any computer
and any associated apparatus or material which he
has reasonable cause to suspect is or has been used in
connection with that information or data; and
(b) may require—
(i) the person, by whom or on whose behalf, the officer
has reasonable cause to suspect, the computer is
or has been so used; or
Trade Descriptions 35

(ii) the person having charge of, or is otherwise

concerned with, the operation of the computer,
apparatus or material,

to provide him with such reasonable assistance as he may require

for the purposes of this section.

(3) The Assistant controller may make copies or take extracts

of the recorded information or computerized data or digitalized
data if he deems necessary.

(4) For the purposes of this section, “access” includes being

provided with the necessary password, encryption code, decryption
code, software or hardware and any other means required to
enable comprehension of recorded information and computerized
data or digitalized data.


44. (1) Any person who—

(a) knows or has reason to suspect that an Assistant controller
is acting, or is proposing to act, in connection with an
investigation which is being, or is about to be, conducted
under or for the purposes of this Act and discloses to
any other person information or any other matter which
is likely to prejudice that investigation or proposed
investigation; or
(b) knows or has reason to suspect that a disclosure has
been made to an Assistant controller under this Act and
discloses to any other person information or any other
matter which is likely to prejudice any investigation
which might be conducted following the disclosure,

commits an offence.

(2) Nothing in subsection (1) makes it an offence for an advocate

and solicitor or his employee to disclose any information or other
(a) to his client or the client’s representative in connection
with the giving of advice to the client in the course and
for the purpose of the professional employment of the
advocate and solicitor; or
36 Laws of Malaysia Act 730

(b) to any person in contemplation of, or in connection with

and for the purpose of, any legal proceedings.

(3) subsection (2) does not apply in relation to any information

or other matter which is disclosed with a view to furthering any
illegal purpose.

(4) in proceedings against a person for an offence under this

section, it is a defence to prove that—
(a) he did not know or suspect that the disclosure made under
paragraph (1)(b) was likely to prejudice the investigation;
(b) he had lawful authority or reasonable excuse for making
the disclosure.

(5) An Assistant controller or any other person does not commit

an offence under this section in respect of anything done by him
in the course of acting in connection with the enforcement, or
intended enforcement, of this Act.

warrant admissible notwithstanding defects

45. A search warrant issued under this Act shall be valid and
enforceable notwithstanding any defect, mistake or omission in
the warrant or in the application for such warrant and any book,
record, accounts, document, computerized data, goods or thing
seized under such warrant shall be admissible in evidence in any
proceedings under this Act.

list of things seized

46. (1) Except as provided in subsection (2), where any book,

record, accounts, document, computerized data, goods or thing is
seized under this Part, the Assistant controller who effected the
seizure shall as soon as practicable prepare a list of the things
seized and immediately deliver a copy of the list signed by him
to the occupier of the premises which has been searched, or to
his agent or servant, at the premises.
Trade Descriptions 37

(2) Where the premises are unoccupied, the Assistant controller

who effected the seizure shall wherever possible post a list of
the things seized conspicuously on the premises.

Forfeiture of goods

47. (1) All goods seized in exercise of any power conferred

under this Act shall be liable to forfeiture.

(2) An order for the forfeiture or for the release of any goods
seized in exercise of any power conferred under this Act shall
be made by the court before which the prosecution with regard
thereto has been held and an order for the forfeiture of the goods
shall be made if it is proved to the satisfaction of the court that
an offence under this Act has been committed and that the goods
were the subject matter of or were used in the commission of the
offence notwithstanding that no person may have been convicted
of such offence.

(3) if there is no prosecution with regard to any goods seized

in exercise of any power conferred under this Act, such goods
shall be taken and deemed to be forfeited at the expiration of
one calendar month from the date of seizure unless a claim to
such goods is made before the date in the manner hereinafter set

(4) Any person asserting that he is the owner of such goods

and that they are not liable to forfeiture may personally or by
his agent authorised in writing give written notice to an Assistant
controller that he claims the same.

(5) On receipt of such notice the Assistant controller shall

refer the claim to the controller who may direct that such goods
be released or forfeited or may direct the Assistant controller to
refer the matter to a court for decision.

(6) The court to which the matter is referred shall issue a

summons requiring the person asserting that he is the owner of
the goods and the person from whom they were seized to appear
before it and upon his appearance or default to appear, due
service of the summons being proved, the court shall proceed
to the examination of the matter and on proof that an offence
under this Act has been committed and that such goods were the
38 Laws of Malaysia Act 730

subject matter or were used in the commission of such offence

shall order the same to be forfeited or may in the absence of
such proof order their release.

(7) All things forfeited or deemed to be forfeited shall be

delivered to the Assistant controller and shall be disposed of in
accordance with the directions of the controller.

(8) Where any goods seized in exercise of the powers conferred

by this Act are of a perishable nature or where the custody of
such goods involves unreasonable expense and inconvenience,
such goods may be sold at anytime and the proceeds of the sale
held to abide by the result of any prosecution or claim under this

release of things seized

48. (1) if any book, record, accounts, document, computerized

data, goods or thing has been seized under this Act, the Assistant
controller who effected the seizure may release the book, record,
accounts, document, computerized data, goods or thing to the
person as he determines to be lawfully entitled to it, if he is
satisfied that the book, record, accounts, document, computerized
data, goods or thing is not otherwise required for the purpose
of any proceedings under this Act, or for the purpose of any
prosecution under any other written law, and in such event neither
the Assistant controller effecting the seizure, nor the Federal
Government, the controller or any person acting on behalf of
the Federal Government or the controller shall be liable to any
proceedings by any person if the seizure and the release of the
book, record, accounts, document, computerized data, goods or
thing had been effected in good faith.

(2) A record in writing shall be made by the Assistant controller

effecting the release of anything under subsection (1) specifying
in detail the circumstances of and the reason for the release.

seizure of perishable goods

49. Where any goods seized in exercise of the powers conferred

by this Act are of a perishable nature or where the custody of
such goods involves unreasonable expense and inconvenience,
Trade Descriptions 39

such goods may be sold by the Assistant controller at any time

and the proceeds of the sale held to abide by the result of any
prosecution or claim under this section.

no cost or damages arising from seizure to be recoverable

50. No person shall, in any proceedings before any court in

respect of any book, record, accounts, document, computerized
data, goods or thing seized in the exercise or the purported
exercise of any power conferred under this Act, be entitled to
the costs of such proceedings or to any damages or other relief
unless such seizure was made without reasonable cause.


51. Any person who—

(a) refuses to give any Assistant controller access to any
premises which the Assistant controller is entitled to
have under this Act or in the execution of any duty
imposed or power conferred by this Act;
(b) assaults, obstructs, hinders or delays any Assistant controller
in effecting any entry which the Assistant controller is
entitled to effect under this Act or in the execution of
any duty imposed or power conferred by this Act; or
(c) refuses to give any Assistant controller any information
relating to an offence or suspected offence under this
Act or any other information which may reasonably be
required of him and which he has in his knowledge or
power to give,

commits an offence.

power to make test purchases

52. Any Assistant controller shall have the power to make such
purchases of goods as may appear expedient for the purpose of
determining whether or not the provisions of this Act and order
made under this Act are being complied with.
40 Laws of Malaysia Act 730

evidence of agent provocateur is admissible

53. (1) Notwithstanding any rule of law or the provisions of this

Act or any other written law to the contrary, no agent provocateur
shall be presumed to be unworthy of credit by reason only of
his having attempted to abet or abetted the commission of an
offence by any person under this Act if the attempt to abet or
abetment was for the sole purpose of securing evidence against
such person.

(2) Notwithstanding any rule of law or the provisions of this

Act or any other written law to the contrary, and that the agent
provocateur is an Assistant controller, any statement, whether
oral or in writing made to the agent provocateur by any person
who subsequently is charged with an offence under this Act shall
be admissible as evidence at his trial.

taking of samples

54. (1) Where any goods which are the subject matter of an
offence under this Act are found in two or more packages or
receptacles of the same description, it shall be presumed until
the contrary is proved that all the packages or receptacles contain
goods of the same nature, quantity and quality.

(2) Where packages or receptacles containing goods which

contravene the provisions of this Act or are otherwise liable to
seizure have been seized, it shall be sufficient only to open and
examine one per centum or not less than five samples, whichever
is the lesser, of the contents of each package or receptacle

(3) The court shall presume that the remaining samples

contained in the package or receptacle is of the same nature as
those samples examined.

power of investigation

55. Any Assistant controller investigating any commission of

an offence under this Act may exercise all or any of the powers
in relation to police investigation in seizable cases given by the
criminal Procedure code [Act 593].
Trade Descriptions 41




56. The Minister may, by order published in the Gazette, specify

that any of the provisions of this Act shall not apply with respect
to any description of goods which are intended for—
(a) dispatch to a destination outside Malaysia; or
(b) any specific use or purpose as mentioned in the order.

contract unaffected by contravention

57. A contract for the supply of any goods shall not be void or
unenforceable by reason only of a contravention of any provision
of this Act.

Market research experiments

58. (1) in this section, “market research experiment” means any

activities conducted for the purpose of ascertaining the opinion
of persons (referred to in this section as “participants”) on—
(a) any goods;
(b) anything in, on or with which the goods are supplied;
(c) the appearance or any other characteristic of the goods
or of any such thing; or
(d) the name or description under which the goods are

(2) This section applies to any market research experiment

with respect to which the following conditions are satisfied:
(a) that any participant to whom any goods are supplied in
the course of the experiment is informed, at or before
the time at which they are supplied to him, that they
are supplied for such a purpose as is mentioned in
subsection (1); and
42 Laws of Malaysia Act 730

(b) that no consideration in money or money’s worth is given

by a participant for the goods or any goods supplied to
him for comparison.

(3) sections 5 and 28 shall not apply in relation to goods

supplied or offered to be supplied, whether to a participant or
any other person, in the course of a market research experiment
to which this section applies.

General penalty

59. Any person who commits an offence under this Act for
which no penalty is expressly provided shall, on conviction, be
(a) if such person is a body corporate, to a fine not exceeding
twenty-five thousand ringgit, and for a second or subsequent
offence, to a fine not exceeding fifty thousand ringgit;
(b) if such person is not a body corporate, to a fine not
exceeding ten thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for
a term not exceeding one year or to both, and for a
second or subsequent offence, to a fine not exceeding
twenty thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term
not exceeding three years or to both.

Jurisdiction to try offences

60. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any written

law, a sessions court shall have jurisdiction to try any offence
under this Act and to impose the full punishment for any such

delegation of powers

61. (1) The controller or the Deputy controller may in writing

delegate all or any of his powers, duties or functions under this
Act to any Assistant controller, and may at any time revoke any
such delegation.

(2) The delegation under subsection (1) shall not preclude the
controller or the Deputy controller from exercising at any time
the delegated powers, duties or functions.
Trade Descriptions 43

Institution of prosecution

62. No prosecution for or in relation to any offence under this Act

shall be instituted without the consent of the Public Prosecutor.

compounding of offences

63. (1) The controller may, with the consent in writing of the
Public Prosecutor, compound any offence committed by any
person under this Act by accepting from the person committing
such offence, a sum of money not exceeding the maximum fine
for that offence within such time as may be specified in the offer
to compound.

(2) An offer under subsection (1) may be made at any time

after the offence has been committed but before any prosecution
for it has been instituted, and where the amount specified in the
offer is not paid within the time specified in the offer, or such
extended time as the controller may grant, prosecution for the
offence may be instituted at the expiry of the time stipulated in
the offer against the person to whom the offer was made.

(3) Upon receipt of the payment under subsection (1), no

prosecution shall be taken against such person in respect of such

(4) The controller may forfeit or return the goods seized during
the case upon receipt of the payment under subsection (1).

(5) All sums of money accepted under subsection (1) shall be

paid into the Federal consolidated Fund.

principal liable for acts of servant or agent

64. Where the servant or agent of a person commits an offence or

does anything or omits to do anything (which if done or omitted
to be done by that person would constitute an offence under this
Act), that person shall, notwithstanding that he has no knowledge
of the offence, be deemed to be guilty of the offence and shall
be liable to punishment for the offence unless he proves that—
(a) the act or omission complained of was not within the
ordinary scope of the employment of the servant or of
the agency of the agent; or
44 Laws of Malaysia Act 730

(b) the act or omission complained of was done or omitted to

be done without his consent or connivance and that he
exercised all such diligence to prevent the commission
or omission as he ought to have exercised having regard
to all the circumstances of the case.

Offences by body corporate

65. (1) if a body corporate commits an offence under this Act,

any person who at the time of the commission of the offence was
a director, chief executive officer, chief operating officer, manager,
secretary or other similar officer of the body corporate or was
purporting to act in any such capacity or was in any manner or to
any extent responsible for the management of any of the affairs
of the body corporate or was assisting in such management—
(a) may be charged severally or jointly in the same proceedings
with the body corporate; and
(b) if the body corporate is found guilty of the offence, shall
be deemed to be guilty of that offence unless, having
regard to the nature of his functions in that capacity
and to all circumstances, he proves—
(i) that the offence was committed without his
knowledge, consent or connivance; and
(ii) that he had taken all reasonable precautions and
exercised due diligence to prevent the commission
of the offence.

(2) if any person would be liable under this Act to any

punishment or penalty for his act, omission, neglect or default,
he shall be liable to the same punishment or penalty for every
such act, omission, neglect or default of any employee or agent
of his, or of the employee of the agent, if the act, omission,
neglect or default was committed—
(a) by that person’s employee in the course of his
(b) by the agent when acting on behalf of that person; or
(c) by the employee of the agent in the course of his
employment by the agent or otherwise on behalf of the
agent acting on behalf of that person.
Trade Descriptions 45

reward for information

66. in the case of a conviction involving a fine, the court imposing

the fine may, on the application of the prosecuting officer, direct
the payment of any part of the fine in such proportion as the court
thinks fit but in any case not exceeding one half of such fine to
the person who gave the information leading to the conviction.

public authorities protection act 1948

67. The Public Authorities Protection Act 1948 [Act 198] shall
apply to any action, suit, prosecution or proceedings against the
controller, Deputy controller, Assistant controller or any officer
appointed under section 3 in respect of any act, neglect or default
done or committed by him in good faith or any omission omitted
by him in good faith, in such capacity.

protection of officers and other persons

68. No action or prosecution shall be brought, instituted or

maintained in any court against—
(a) the controller, Deputy controller, Assistant controller or
any other person in respect of any act ordered or done
for the purpose of carrying into effect this Act; and
(b) any other person in respect of any act done or purported to
be done by him under the order, direction or instruction
of the controller if the act was done in good faith and in
a reasonable belief that it was necessary for the purpose
intended to be served by it.

power of Minister to make regulations

69. (1) The Minister may make any regulations as may be

expedient or necessary for the better carrying into effect of the
provisions of this Act.

(2) Without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1), regulations

may be made for all or any of the following purposes:
(a) assigning the meaning of any expression or indication
used in the course of trade or business;
46 Laws of Malaysia Act 730

(b) prohibiting, restricting or otherwise regulating or controlling

the use of any expression or indication used in the course
of trade or business;
(c) prescribing the fee to be imposed in respect of the use
of any expression or indication used in the course of
trade or business;
(d) providing for the maintenance of a register or records used
in the course of trade or business and prescribing the
particulars to be recorded in such register or records;
(e) prescribing the forms to be used for the purpose to regulate
any matter prescribed under this Act;
(f) prescribing the standard of fineness of articles made of
precious metals and regulating or controlling the use of
any expression or indication used in the course of trade
or business in relation to such standard of fineness;
(g) prescribing a penalty of a fine not exceeding two hundred
and fifty thousand ringgit or imprisonment for a term not
exceeding five years for the contravention of or failure
to comply with any of the provisions of any regulations
made under this Act.


70. The Trade Description Act 1972 [Act 87] is repealed.

savings and transitional

71. Notwithstanding the repeal of the Trade Description Act 1972

under section 70—
(a) all persons, things and circumstances appointed or created
by or under the Trade Description Act 1972 (“the repealed
Act”) or existing or continuing under the repealed Act
immediately before the commencement of this Act shall,
under and subject to this Act, continue to have the
same status, operation and effect as they respectively
would have had as if the repealed Act had not been so
Trade Descriptions 47

(b) in particular and without affecting the generality of

paragraph (a), such repeal shall not affect appointments,
orders, rules and regulations issued or made under or by
virtue of the repealed Act and in force immediately before
the commencement of this Act and such appointments,
orders, rules and regulations shall remain in force
and shall continue to remain in force as if every such
appointment, order, rule and regulation were issued or
made under and by virtue of this Act until replaced or
revoked by any appointment, order, rule or regulation
issued or made under or by virtue of this Act;
(c) nothing shall affect any person’s liability to be prosecuted
or punished for offences committed under the repealed
Act immediately before the coming into operation of
this Act and the prosecution of such offences shall be
taken in accordance with the repealed Act;
(d) any pending legal proceedings, criminal prosecution,
investigation or disciplinary proceedings under the
repealed Act shall be continued under the repealed Act;
(e) any reference to the repealed Act in any written law
shall be construed as a reference to this Act and any
reference to any specific provision of the repealed Act
in any written law shall be construed as a reference to
a provision of this Act which corresponds as nearly as
may be to such specific provision.

[subsection 6(3)]
sale of Drugs Act 1952 [Act 368]


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