ESIC by CA Pranav Chandak
ESIC by CA Pranav Chandak
ESIC by CA Pranav Chandak
1. Factory or establishment to which this Act applies shall continue to be governed by this Act
even if manufacturing process ceases to be carried on with the aid of power.
2. Wage limit for an employee u/s 2(9) = Rs. 21,000 per month.
Provided that, employee whose wages (excluding remuneration for overtime work) exceeds
Rs. 21,000 per month at any time after & not before the beginning of contribution period,
shall continue to be an employee until the end of the said period.
3. ESI scheme will be applicable to establishment preparing sweets with the aid of LPG.
4. Once the Act become applicable to a factory or establishment, it will always be applicable.
- Entry in books of particulars of contributions paid & benefits distributed to insured person;
- Issue, sale, custody, production, inspection & delivery of books or card & replacement of
Principal employer to pay contribution in the first instance [Section 40]
▪ Principal employer shall pay both employer’s & employee’s contribution. [Section 40(1)]
(i.r.o. all employer, whether directly employed by him or by or through immediate employer)
▪ Any sum deducted by principal employer from wages shall be deemed to have been entrusted
to him by the employee for paying the contribution i.r.o. which it was deducted [Sec. 40(4)]
▪ Principal employer shall bear the expenses of remitting the contributions to the corporation.
Insured persons, their dependents shall be entitled to the following benefits:
(1) Medical Benefits:
▪ Insured person or member of his family shall be entitled to receive medical benefits.
▪ Such medical benefit may be given either in form of out-patient treatment & attendance in
a hospital or dispensary, clinic or other institution or by visits to the home of insured person
or treatment as in-patient in a hospital or other institution. [No Cash Payment is given]
PC Note: Medical Treatment & care of IP & his family members in ESIC Hospitals.
(2) Sickness Benefits:
▪ Periodical payments to any insured person in case of his sickness;
PC Note: 70% wages shall be paid during sickness [for maximum 91 days in a year]
(3) Maternity Benefits:
▪ Periodical payments to an insured woman in case of confinement or miscarriage or sickness
arising out of the pregnancy, confinement, premature birth of child or miscarriage;
PC Note: 100% wages for 3 Months shall be paid [Additional 1 Month with doctor certificate].
(4) Disablement Benefits:
▪ Periodical payments to an insured person suffering from a disablement as a result of an
employment injury sustained as an employee;
PC Note: 90% wages till the time of disablement.
(5) Dependent Benefits:
▪ Periodical payments to such dependants of insured person who dies as a result of an
employment injury sustained as an employee.
PC Note: 90% wages to family members of the employee.
(6) Funeral Expenses:
▪ Payment to eldest surviving member of the family of insured person, who has died, towards
the expenditure on the funeral of deceased insured person.
▪ If deceased person at the time of his death does not have a family, funeral payment will be
paid to the person who actually incurs the expenditure.
PC Note: Amount of Rs. 10,000 will be given.
PC Note: Claim for such payments shall be made within 3 months of the death of insured person
or within such extended period as allowed by the Corporation.
❖ Bar against receiving compensation under any other law [Section 53]
Insured person or his dependants shall not be entitled to receive or recover any compensation
or damages under any other Act from the employer or from any other person.
❖ Employer not to dismiss or punish the employee during sickness etc., [Section 73]
▪ No employer shall dismiss, discharge or reduce or otherwise punish an employee during the
period in which employee is in receipt of sickness benefit or maternity benefit, in receipt
of disablement benefit for temporary disablement or is absent from work as a result of
illness duly certified in accordance with the regulars to arise out of pregnancy or
confinement rendering the employee unfit for work.
Employee [Section 2(9)]
Any person employed for wages in or in connection with the work of a factory or establishment
to which the Act applies &:
(i) who is directly employed by principal employer, on any work of, or incidental or preliminary
to or connected with the work of the factory or establishment, whether such work is done by
the employee in the factory or establishment or elsewhere; or
(ii) who is employed by or through an immediate employer, on the premises of the factory or
establishment or under the supervision of principal employer or his agent on work which is
ordinarily part of the work of the factory or establishment or which is preliminary to the work
carried on in or incidental to the purpose of the factory or establishment; or
(iii) whose services are temporarily lent or let on hire to the principal employer by the person
with whom the person whose services are so lent has entered into a contract of service;
Employee also includes any person employed on any work connected with -
- administration of the Factory/establishment/department/branch or
- for the purchase of raw materials or
- for the distribution or sale of the productions or
- any person engaged as apprentice (not being apprentice engaged under the Apprentices Act)
- includes such person engaged as apprentice whose training period is extended by any time.
PC Note: Apprentice who is mere trainee for a distinct purpose is not an employee.
Case Law Following categories are coming under the purview of the term ‘employee’:
Canteen workers [ESIC V. Shri Ram Chemical Industries’]
Employees who are working in showroom or sales office [Bhopal Motors Private Ltd V. ESIC]
Workers rendering services outside the shop [‘Hindu Jea Band V. ESIC’]
Part-time employees employed on daily rate basis [‘Hindu Jea Band’ (supra)]
Casual workers [‘ESIC V. South India Flour Mill (Pvt) Limited]
Temporary disablement [Section 2(21)]
Condition resulting from employment which requires medical treatment & renders an employee,
temporarily incapable of doing the work which he was doing prior to or at the time of the injury.
Case Law ‘Bonus or ex-gratia amount is not ‘wages’ [‘Regional Director, ESIC – 1994 LLR 1 (SC)]
Following are treated as wages:
▪ LIC Premium subsidy; Bonus;
▪ HRA, heat, gas & dust allowance & incentive allowance;
▪ Overtime allowance;
Dependant [Section 2(6A)] [Not for Exams]
Dependant is defined as any of the following of a deceased insured person:
Widow; Legitimate/adopted son (≥ 25 years); unmarried legitimate/adopted daughter;
Widowed mother;
Legitimate/adopted son or daughter (≥ 25 yrs) & is infirm (if wholly dependent on his earning)
Parent other a widowed mother (if wholly dependent on his earning)
Minor illegitimate son; unmarried illegitimate daughter; daughter legitimate or adopted
or illegitimate if married & a minor or if widowed & a minor; (if wholly dependent on him)
a minor brother or an unmarried sister or a widowed sister if a minor;
a widowed daughter-in-law;
a minor child of a pre-deceased son;
a minor child of a pre-deceased daughter where no parent of the child is alive; or
a paternal grand-parent if no parent of the insured person is alive.
Resignation [Section 11]
▪ Member of the Corporation, Standing Committee or Medical Benefit Council may resign his
office by notice in writing to CG & his seat fall vacant on acceptance of resignation.
(2) Employer fails to pay any contribution within the prescribed time-limit [Section 85(a)]
- If employees’ share of contribution is deducted by employer from their wages but not paid:
Imprisonment: Min. 1 Year & Max. upto 3 years; Fine: upto Rs. 10,000.
- In other case: Imprisonment: not less than 6 months; Fine: Rs. 5,000.
(3) Penalties for non-compliance with any other provisions of the Act [Section 85(b) to 85(g)]
- Imprisonment: Upto 1 Year; Fine: upto Rs. 4,000 or Both.
(4) Penalties for Repetition of Same Offence [Section 85A] [IMP. FOR EXAMS]
- Imprisonment upto 2 years; Fine: Rs. 5,000.
- Imprisonment: Min. 2 yrs & upto 5 yrs; Fine: Rs. 25,000 (In case of failure to pay contribution)
(5) Recovery of Damages from the employer by the corporation [Section 85B] [V. IMP]
- If any employer fails to pay contribution within the specified time or or pays belatedly.
- Before recovering such damages, employer shall be given a reasonable OOBH.
- Amount of damages may not exceed the amount of contribution paid/payable.
Reduction or waiving off of damages:
(a) Sick Industrial Unit & esrablishment for which Rehabilitation scheme has been sanctioned.
(b) Change of Management including transfer of undertaking to worker’s Co-operative or in
case of merger or amalgamation of Sick Industrial Unit with a healthy company.
(c) In other cases, depending on merits, damages levied/leviable can be waived upto 50%.
(d) In exceptional hard cases, damages levied/leviable can be waived either partially/totally.