Transformer-Less Voltage Stabilizer Controlled by Proportional-Plus-Integral (PI) Controller
Transformer-Less Voltage Stabilizer Controlled by Proportional-Plus-Integral (PI) Controller
Transformer-Less Voltage Stabilizer Controlled by Proportional-Plus-Integral (PI) Controller
Volume 5 Issue 3
Transformer-based voltage stabilizers are characterized by large size, heavy weight, noise
pollution, expensive production, unreliable operation and have limited ability to stabilize
output voltage. To overcome this problem, a pulse-width modulated transformerless voltage
stabilizer is considered in this paper. The output voltage variation is stabilized by Plus
Integral (PI) controller. The main properties of this proposed system are: (i) It is light in
weight and occupies small space; (ii) It has low total harmonic distortions; (iii) the output
possesses pure sine wave signals; (iv) It is very cheap for mass production. In this paper, we
applied the modulation index of 0.86 in the proposed system (PS). The total harmonic
distortion, THD of 3.968% was realized and we ensured constant voltage output of proposed
system within the input voltage band of (120-230) VAC. The proposed topic can be applied at
homes, offices and also in industries.
the backend power supply fluctuates [2]. It they have better characteristics
conditions the oscillation of AC power performance over the transformer based
supply. It could be static voltage stabilizer converters. The harmonic distortions in
or servo controlled voltage stabilizer [2]. transformer-less converters are highly
Static voltage and servo stabilizers [3, 5] mitigated by filtering and Pulse width
are mostly transformer-based stabilizer modulation, PWM, measures in the power
with different tapping and a sensor control electronic switches such as MOSFETS,
current that senses the input supply and thyristors, insulated gate bipolar transistor
accordingly, the output is taken from one (IGBT), etc. [10−15].
of the tapping of the transformer. The
transformer – based stabilizers, even In this paper, a transformer-less voltage
though have the advantages of operational stabilizer controlled by PI controller is
ruggedness and capability in riding out proposed. The stabilizer’s operational
momentary breaks in mains, yet they have principle is based on the output voltage
the following demerits: large in size , adjustment by the process of pulse–width
unbearable audible humming sound , very modulation scheme. At its input and output
bulky and difficult to carry about, more of this device, there are analog filters
expensive in production and low level meant for active smoothening of the
operating frequency. impulsive noises in the circuit. The core
merits of this proposed stabilizer are: it is
For higher power quality, and to solve the portable, noiseless in operation, takes the
most of the problems created by the operational range of 120−230VAC at
transformer-based stabilizer [2, 5−7], the 50Hz, less expensive in mass production,
transformer-less converters, despite some and occupies little space and small power
little harmonic distorting seen in them, loss.
rectified voltage, Vrec, appears across the will be taken based on the signals got by
inductor at the interval of 0 t D , either sending the signal to turn ON or
D5 is reversed biased by the rectified OFF the boost Power switch is carried out
voltage and sets off. The change in by proportional term. The transfer function
inductor current of the boost converter of PI controller is given from PI section of
∆iLON is expressed as in (2): Fig. 3:
i L ON = Vrec * DT R
T s 4
1 R4 1
(2) (5)
Rin sC3 Rin Rin sC3 Rin
L - Inductance of the inductor in H; T–
switching period, V rec -rectified voltage,
or as[16-18]
D- Duty cycle which represents the
T s K p
fraction of operating period. When the (6)
IGBT boosting switch is opened or OFF, s
the inductor current flows from source to
load. Considering zero voltage drops T(s)- gain of PI, Rin-input resistance to PI,
across the diode and the capacitors large C3 and R4 are feedback components of PI.
enough for its voltage to remain constant,
Rin 1
R R2 * R3 (7)
at interval of DT t T , then the change R1 R2 R3
in inductor current during OFF-period is
written as: Comparing equations 5 and 6, there exists:
Vrec Vob 1 D T
iLOFF = (3) R
K p 4 and Ki
L Rin sC3 Rin
Under steady-state conditions, the inductor In order to compute, Kp and Ki, the
current remains the same. This means that following
the overall change in current (the sum of R1 10k , R2 20k , C3 and R3 10k,
the changes) is zero. Therefore, summing were the parameters used. Then,
equation 2 and 3; and equating them zero, substituting them in equations 7 and 8,
then, that the output voltage of the boost
give Kp and Ki equal 10.00 and 0.097.
converter; Vob (boosted voltage) is written
1 D The firing signals are generated by
comparing the two identical modulating
ANALYSIS OF PROPORTIONAL- sine waves of 50Hz but out of phase by
PLUS-INTEGRAL CONTROLLER 180o to each other at frequency of 1.07kHz
It is a controller that calculates an error to produce pulse- width modulated signals.
voltage or current between a measured The 1.07kHz was used in order to mitigate
processed variable and a desired reference the third harmonics in the inverter system.
value (set point) [16−18]. The PI The topology is shown in Fig. 2. In the
Controller algorithm is made of same figure, pulse- width modulated
proportional and integral terms. The signals generated are negated using logical
integral term accelerates the system action Not-gates to obtain their corresponding
based on the rate of sum of the voltage complementary pulses.Their output signal
error compensation by shifting the band- are shown Fig. 7
width of the signals whereas the action that
The Fig. 4 displayed the output waveform 100Hz has a ripple factor of 0.4843 [2].
of the rectified voltage emanating from the This implies that the DC components in
full bridge rectifier. The operating full bridge rectifier are greater than AC
frequency of the rectified wave signal of components.
The waveform pattern of the boosted observed that the transient voltage signals
voltage values of the boost DC/DC appeared at 0≤ t ≤ 1.20 seconds after
converter is displayed in Fig. 5 and it is which, it is stabilized at average voltage
value of 450VDC. This stabilized situation rise in voltage is restored back to the
continued within the time intervals of 1.20 average voltage with the aid of the PI
≤ t ≤ 4seconds .After t=4seconds, there controller at time interval of 4 ≤ t ≤
exists sudden voltage rise of 954VDC.This 5.85seconds or after 1.85seconds
Figure7: Triggering gate signals of the inverter and two reference sine waves.
Figure 8: The stabilization pattern of the filtered. Figure 9: The stabilization pattern of the
filtered voltage output of inverter/load. current output of inverter/load.
Figure 10: The output voltage frequency spectral characteristics of PS under resistive load
of 40 ohms.
Figure 13: The steady state of filtered voltage output of the proposed system.
Figure 13 illustrates the output voltage waveform of the stabilizer.
Figure14: The unstable state of filtered voltage output of stablizer due to power instability.
voltage fluctuation are solved and keep stabilized voltage after flactuation is
constant by operation of proportonal- shown in Figure 15 while the experimental
integral controller. The diagram of the power circuit is shown in Figure 16.
Figure 15: The stabilized state of filtered voltage Figure 16: The experimental prototype
output of in at rms of 220v by PI controller. of transformer-less voltage stabilizer.