16b The Meaning of Life
16b The Meaning of Life
16b The Meaning of Life
The Meaning of Life Lee Bladon 2007 secondary factors that facilitate life on Earth. None of these factors directly contribute to our primary goal the development of consciousness. The average person believes their persona is their self. They therefore live to satisfy the personas desires and consequently make little progress with the evolution of their soul. They say you only live once and feel they must accomplish and acquire all they can before they die to them there is no meaning of life. That kind of thinking dominates the vast majority of our human incarnations, which is why our progress is so slow. But eventually we grow tired of life on the merry-go-round and start looking for something more. That is the time when we need to know the meaning of life, because without knowing what we have to achieve; how can we achieve it? Once we focus on our goal we can begin to make some real progress. Every individual is a unique character with a unique set of life experiences, and most peoples mission in life is simply to gain more experience gaining experience to take back to the soul so that it can be used to create a better persona next time around. Life is just a sequence of scenarios and situations which our consciousness can use for its development: Qualitative development the refining of consciousness towards emotional, intellectual, moral and spiritual perfection. Quantitative development increasing the quantity and power of refined conscious energy. It is essential to increase the quality before increasing the quantity or else the power is likely to corrupt the persona. To give our lives meaning we need to make the most of the opportunities that confront us. We need to remember that everything in life is an opportunity for our consciousness to develop. We must not squander those opportunities or waste our lives on meaningless activities or get overly caught up in emotionality of life. Life is a long series of present moments that can only be experienced in the now. So dont waste your present moments agonising over past moments or worrying over what you might experience in future moments. Life is cyclic in nature and involves a lot of repetition, but human beings are generally slow learners. We may incarnate into human form a hundred thousand times yet no two lives will be the same, each will (hopefully) be a slight improvement on the last, drawing on the lessons previously learned. The same applies to all existence; each manifestation is slightly more ordered and less chaotic than the one that preceded it. The ultimate goal of existence is the omniscience, omnipotence and liberation of all monads (beings). As always, there are those who surge ahead, those who go with the flow and those who lag behind. None of these paths is any better or worse than the others, because all paths lead to the same goal and all will eventually achieve that goal.
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