The Human Body
The Human Body
The Human Body
The human body is an incredible machine that adapts to varying intensities and types of physical
activity with efficiency and effectiveness. It has specialized systems comprised of organs which are composed
of TISSUES, which themselves are made up of CELLS.
CELLS are the basic structure and functional unit of life in the human organism. There are some ONE
TRILLION CELLS in the human body and each cell type has specific function and purpose.
NERVE CELLS carry messages to muscle cells, causing movement
BLOOD CELLS carry nutrients to working muscles and remove wastes from tissues.
There are 206 bones in an adult human skeleton. They are grouped into 2 principles:
1. Axial Skeleton
Bones of the Head Bones of the Neck Bones of the Trunk
Bones of free appendages
Bones of upper & lower extremities
Girdles that connect the free appendages to axial skeleton
1. Provide support for the tissues of the body to keep the body in an erect posture.
2. Protects internal organs such as the brain, heart & lungs.
3. Provides surfaces for the attachment of the muscles and serves as levers for body movement
during muscular contraction.
4. Serves as houses for calcium and phosphorous.
5. Contains chemical laboratories in the red marrow of the bones where red blood cells are
Joint is the position where 2 or more bones articulate.
1. Synovial Cavity is the space between the articulating joints, which helps to lubricate the
action of the moving bones.
2. Articular Cartilage covers the end bones to keep them from rubbing directly with each other.
3. Ligaments are dense tough connective tissues which connect the bones to each other and
provide stability to the joint.
4. Tendons are white fibrous cords of dense connective tissues which attach bones to muscles.
1. Ball & Socket Joints
2. Hinge Joints
NOTE: The Skeletal and Muscular System work together to produce movement. More than 600 voluntary
muscles and 206 bones in the human body provide various kinds of movements.
MUSCLES – are attached to the bones to help steady or support the lever or neutralize the undesired action
of some muscles.
1. SMOOTH – muscle tissue which are non-striated and involuntary, line the blood vessels, the stomach and
nervous control.
2. CARDIAC – muscle tissue forms the wall of the heart. It is striated and involuntary.
3. SKELETAL – muscle tissue which is striated and voluntary, and is attached to the bone, it has been
estimated that there are 250 million muscle fibers in the human body. The BICEPS
muscles alone have some 600,000 fibers. Skeletal muscles constitute about 45% of the
body weight of males and about 36% in females.
Direction: Give two Physical Exercise. Locate the muscles moved. State its Bone Classification. Identity its
Muscular Contraction.
Soleus Synergist
Refers to the habitual or assumed alignment and balance of the body segments while standing,
walking, sitting or lying. This has proper relation with gracefulness, ease, poise and efficiency or carriage and
Values of Good Posture
a. Good appearance b. Movement efficiencyc. Improved fitness
In good posture, the body should show alignment, good balance, ease of stance, a feeling of
alertness, and a feeling of readiness for movement and/ or coordination throughout the body segments.
sideways curvature of
the spine that occurs is a drooping of visceral
most often during the organs from weakness of
growth spurt just the abdominal muscles. It
before puberty. While is a protruding belly and
scoliosis can be caused can be caused by weak
by conditions such as back and abdominal
cerebral palsy and muscles. It can also be
muscular dystrophy, caused by obesity.
the cause of most
scoliosis is unknown.
Body Mechanics is defined as the static and the functional relationship between the parts that make
up the body and the body as a whole. It implies the application of physical laws to the human body at rest or in
motion. It also refers to the study of human movements.
Life is movement. Lack of movement is death. Every individual needs to understand human
movement so that any task can be approached effectively. Hence, correct body mechanics are human
movements that produce the best results with the least effort, of the efficient use of the body in all body
Body mechanics is also Posture Education. Proper body mechanics and good posture help individuals keep
their bodies in proper balance with a small expenditure of energy as possible and with minimum amount of
Ectomorph You don’t put on Eating a lot of food Increase strength Aim for 5 to 6
any weight training and do smaller meals per
very small amount day instead of 3
of cardio large meals
Mesomorph Able to lose weight Eat light and More strength Aimi for 3 high-
quickly after going appear thin and training, minimal to protein, low carb
on a hiatus or eat healthy moderate meals per day
the wrong food ie. cardiovascular
holiday weight exercises
Endomorph If you’re struggling Consume average This body type Aim 5 to 6 small
to use those extra to few calories responds well to high-fiber meals
pounds and you’re high intensity per day fiber will
eating pretty clean, interval training, keep you full
your body doesn’t aim 4-5 times per longer, watch your
respond well to week of 20-30 carb intake as well
carbs, you carry a minutes of high as sugar and fat
lot of weight in your intensity
hips cardiovascular
Strength training is
still important, aim
for 3 times per
week at 30 minutes