Carpet Weaving. Leather Processing Craft
Carpet Weaving. Leather Processing Craft
Carpet Weaving. Leather Processing Craft
Leather processing craft - «Kunchilik» existed almost everywhere where cattle breeding have been
advanced. This kind of craft was represented by masters - tanners «kunchi» and small handicraft workshops
where family - labor mode existed. In Khorezm large centers of tanning business at the end of XIX and
beginning of XX centuries were such cities as Khiva, Khazarasp, Khanka and Urgench. In Khiva in 1930
1940 years there were some tens of them Among them such masters as M.Zhumanijazov, J.Tangrikuliev,
D.Iskandarov, I.Nijazmeto and others differed with their work.
Production of handicraftsmen found constant wide demand. From processed leather all kinds of foot-
wear, caps, fur costs, horse harness, bags for water and koumiss. different bags, cases, suitcases, coffers and
other household goods, bindings of books (mukova) and folder for papers (zhuzdan), trimmed with a thin
paten stamping were produced and sewed
Fur coats - pustyn produced of sheepskins with fur inside Scabbard for sabers, heels for a boot,
ornaments for saddles were also produced from leather.
For the Khorezm oasis if is lypical chugurma a big round flat cap made of lambskin with long wavy
In I he collection of «Leather products» of «Ichan-Kala». reserve-museum in Khiva till present day
there are collected more than 160 subjects, created by masters – «curriers». Among them a worthy place is
taken by horse ornaments under number KP № 350 (sinoband). KP № 352 (kuyushkin) KP № 1294 (Yuna),
bedding for saddle Such subjects, as kubda – leather case chest under № KP 5322/6, leather chest under №
KP 843 are especially stand out. Besides these, such subjects, as female leather shoes, different lashes and
others arc exhibited in the museum.
Mentioned subjects reached up to nowadays can be used for research of material culture of the area.
During several centuries master of Khorezm created outstanding products which till now surprise everyone
will their high art skill, talent and wisdom they do not leave us, indifferent and enrich our private world.