Fanbook - Unisystem Star Frontiers

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Unisystem Design - C.J.


Additional Rules - Jody Denton and R.J. Hacker

Project Editing - Jody Denton

Proofing - Richard Harrison

Cover Art - Jeff Easley

Interior Art - All interior art from

Playtesting - Jenifer Denton, Destiny Hacker, R.J. Hacker, Richard Harrison, and Emmett Stephens.

The Star Frontiers Unisystem Conversion Project was something I have wanted to do for a while
now. My first roleplaying experience was with the original Star Frontiers game way back in 1987.
My friend Tim Darnell and I spent most of the summer playing this game, which eventually
expanded beyond the Star Frontiers universe and exposed me to an extensive range of colorful
characters and planet-hopping fun.

As a fan of the game, I later began collecting books and modules for Star Frontiers. To my
surprise, after a few years I had collected about all of what was available. In 1999, Tim Darnell,
the Game Master that introduced me to gaming, passed away. At that time, I knew that I wanted
to do something to pay tribute our friendship but my plan was unclear.

In 2001, I read a review for a game called All Flesh Must Be Eaten on the Guild Companion
Website. In the review, Randy Campbell talked about the scenario he ran for his players and after
I read it, I wanted to get the game. It reminded me of the enthusiasm I had in my Star Frontiers
game in the past. Once I purchased the game and began to appreciate the rules, I knew the
Unisystem would be ideal for a Star Frontiers game.

What you need

Those wanting to use these rules need to own Terra Primate EDN8100 or Witchcraft EDN4000 and
modify The Sight powers for Psions.

Character Types


20 points for Attributes

15 points for Qualities (and up to 10 points for Drawbacks)
35 points for Skills
Heroic characters may not purchase the Powered Quality.


20 points for Attributes

10 points for Qualities (and up to 10 points for Drawbacks)
25 points for Skills
15 points for Powers
Powered characters must buy the Powered Quality.
Dralasite (8 point Racial Quality)

Average Height - 4’2” Tall

Average Weight - 140 pounds
Average Lifespan - 250 years

The Dralasite Racial Quality grants the following abilities:

+1 to Strength (1)
+1 to Constitution (1)
-1 to Dexterity (-1)

Acute Senses (Smell) (2)
Contacts (Other Dralasites) (2)
Hard to Kill (2)

Clown (-1)
Impared Senses (Color Blind) (-1)

Questioning (Lie Detection) (1)

Elasticity (2)

New Skill

Questioning (Lie Detection) - All Dralasite characters receive one level of this modified version of
the questioning skill that allows them to realize when someone is lying to them. The Dralasite must
be communicating face to face with the character, and the Dralasite’s player must tell the referee
he is trying to detect a lie. A player may improve this modified skill by spending experience points.

New Power

Elasticity - A Dralasite’s skin is stretchable and supported by a complex muscle structure. This
allows them to change the shape of their bodies, within limits. They can “grow” arms and legs to
use for walking and handling tools and weapons, and reabsorb limbs when they are not needed.

A Dralasite can have a number of limbs equal to its Dexterity plus 2. The player must decide
whether a limb is an arm or a leg when it is grown. For example, a Dralasite with a Dexterity score
of 3 can control up to 5 limbs. It could have three legs and two arms, two legs and one arm, no
legs and five arms, or any other combination adding up to five or fewer.

Growing or absorbing a limb takes five minutes. During those five minutes, only one limb can be
grown. A limb can be up to 3 feet long and no less than 4 inches thick. “Fingers” for handling items
can be up to 4 inches long and no less than 3/8 inch thick.

Even though a Dralasite can have many arms, it cannot fire more than two weapons at once. When
a Dralasite player creates limbs, he must specify one as the dominant limb, the same way a Human
must choose to be either right or left handed. In addition, despite a Dralasite’s stretching and
shrinking, the pattern of veins and ridges on its skin does not change, so they have a permanent
“fingerprint” for identification.
Vrusk (8 point Racial Quality)

Average Height - 5’ Tall,

Average Weight - 185 pounds
Average Lifespan - 175 years

The Vrusk Racial Quality grants the following abilities:

+1 to Intelligence (1)
+1 to Perception (1)
-1 to Strength (-1)

Ambidexterity (3)
Physical Advantage (8 Legs) (2)

Covetous (Greedy) (-1)
Covetous (Ambitious) (-1)
Covetous (Conspicuous) (-1)

Notice (2)

Armor (Hard Carapace) (3)

New Power

Armor (Hard Carapace) - Vrusk have the appearance of sizeable insects with eight legs emerging
from their abdominal region. They possess a humanoid torso, positioned in front of their abdomen,
and two arms that append at their shoulders.

The shoulders of a Vrusk are exceptionally flexible and allow them to rotate their arms in a full
revolution without muscle damage. This flexibility permits the Vrusk to reach any point on their
abdomen or on their backs with no difficulty. The hands of a Vrusk consist of circular pads with
five fingers regularly spaced around the edge.

Covering the body of a Vrusk is a hard carapace or shell. Joints are located at positions along the
carapace that require movement. The carapaces main function is to protect a Vrusk body from
abrasions, contusions and secondary damage.

The carapace does not hold up the body like in an insect, the Vrusk instead have an internal
skeleton. Coloration of the carapace alters as a Vrusk matures. Vrusk from birth to the age of
forty have a turquoise or indigo carapace with bright orange around the joints. Older Vrusk over
the age of forty, the carapace will slowly change to a muted green with yellow around the joints.

The carapace provides protection like armor with an Armor Value of d6+5(8). The carapace
provides this protection over most of its body, except at the joints.
Yazirians (8 point Racial Quality)

Average Height - 6’10” Tall

Average Weight - 110 pounds(male), 130 pounds(female)
Average Lifespan - 140 years

The Yazirian Racial Quality grants the following abilities:

-1 to Strength (-1)
+1 to Dexterity (1)
+1 to Intelligence (1)

Gliding (1)
Nightvision (2)
Iron Grip (1)
Hard To Kill (2)
Fast Reaction Time (2)

Obsession (Life Enemy) (-2)
Honorable (-2)
Light Sensitive (-1)

Hand Weapon (Zamra) 1

Rage (3)

New Quality

Gliding - Yazirians have the capacity to glide for short distances using wing Gravity Limit
membranes that are down their sides. A Yazirian can glide three feet for 1.0g 30 feet
every three feet they are above ground with a starting position of at least 0.9g 80 feet
thirty feet. The maximum distance of a glide is also conditional on the 0.8g 160 feet
gravity of the planet, as illustrated to the right. In gravity greater than or 0.7g 325 feet
equal to 1.1g or less than or equal to .5g a Yazirian cannot glide. 0.6g 500 feet

New Drawback

Obsession (Life Enemy) - All Yazirians choose a life enemy, which they dedicate their lives to
defeating, restraining, or exceeding that enemy. Prior to the frontier, a Yazirian would choose an
rival clan or clan member as his or her life enemy, now the options are much more diverse. A
Yazirian scientist could choose a terminal disease or a merchant could choose a hostile corporation
as his or her life enemy.

New Power

Rage - Yazirians have the ability to go into a focused rage, which adds +2 to Strength and +2 to
Dexterity for the duration of the rage. Once in a rage state, it costs the Yazirian 5 Endurance
points per turn to stay in the state and 10 Endurance points to end the state.

Dralasite Names

All Dralasite names describe the smell of the Dralasite to other Dralasites and have a tendency
towards genderless descriptions.

Akia, Alta, Aoko, Arya, Azra, Barr, Bern, Bron, Cais, Chao, Coye, Deka, Deon, Dior, Dumi, Dyre,
Flan, Hien, Iden, Ilar, Isra, Jace, Jess, Kiho, Kuma, Loba, Maro, Moke, Naal, Nuru, Orde, Qwin,
Rach, Remi, Romy, Shan, Tait, Teva, Toan, Tomi, Tyme, Ummi, Wafa, Xola, Xuan, Yank, Zaci,
Zayn, and Zoan.

Human Names

All Humans have names similar to those used today, but they spell them differently and on
occasion phonically.

Male Names - Charrlz, Danyell, Dayvid, Jaahn, Jaymzz, Jaysen, Jozef, Kristeafer, Mathyoou, Mikell,
Pol, Reechard, Robburt, Tomass, and Willyem.

Female Names - Barrbraah, Bettea, Careall, Careolinee, Dieannaah, Doorathee, Jennafur,

Kimburrlee, Nansee, Phatrishaah, Reebeckaah, Suezzan, Shareronn, Sinnthea, and Tearreeseaah.

Last Names - Andeersun, Dayvess, Dayvidsun, Garseeaah, Hairees, Jaahnsun, Jacksun, Marrten,
Robbinsun, Smyyth, Tayylore, Tomass, Tomassun, Wheelyuums, and Willsun.

Vrusk Names

All Vrusk names begin with Z the first name having five letters, the second having four and their
last having three.

Male First Names - Z’cruz, Z’kazi, Z’ozan, Z’razi, Z’uzor, Z’zani, Z’zazu , Z’zeki, Z’ziff, and Z’zurl

Female First Names - Z’aliz, Z’diza, Z’gizi, Z’xyza, Z’zana, Z’zera, Z’zila, Z’zora, Z’zula, and Z’zuri.

Middle Names - Z’gur, Z’kaz, Z’ker, Z’lok, Z’luz, Z’mar, Z’mór, Z’nek, Z’paz, and Z’roz.

Last Names - Zak, Zek, Zik, Zok, and Zuk.

Yazirian Names

All Yazirians begin with their family names first where males use their fathers family name and
females use their mother’s family names, followed by their personal names.

Male Family Names - Bo'th, Co'x, Fo'n, Go'w, Ho'c, Lo'k, Mo'c, Mo'y, Qo'm, Qo'x, Ro'w, So'y, Vo'k,
and Vo'l.

Male Names - Bir, Daw, Gath, Gom, Gux, Har, Jath, Kez, Lud, Maf, Mup, Nid, Niz, Poc, Qid, Spal,
Spuk, Tasp, Thoc, Vom, Xaer, Xim, Yot, Yuf, Zal, Zasp, Zat, and Zul.

Female Family Names - A'nu, A'ti, A'xae, E'doe, E'jo, E'vi, I'nu, I'ti, O'moe, O'ri, O'so, U'nu, U'ri and

Female Name - Aeba, Aga, Aso, Ebu, Eda, Eju, Esi, Ewa, Ija, Ina, Iva, Izo, Ola, Ona, Ote, Ugi, Uji,
Uku, Uma, Unu, and Uti.
New Qualities and Drawbacks
New Skills

Beam Weapons (Type)

This skill allows the character to use any one type of beam weapon. The Types include Pistol, Rifle,
and Assault. If the skill is taken for one Type, the character can use other types of beam weapon,
but at a -2 penalty to all Tasks. Beam Weapons and Dexterity are used to fire the weapon. Aiming
rolls use Beam Weapons and Perception; each Success Level adds +1 to the effective Beam
Weapons Skill on the next shot fired at the aimed target.

This skill allows the character to negotiate treaties and accords. This skill provides the knowledge
of appropriate ways of conducting interstellar relations, negotiating alliances, devising treaties or
advantageous agreements. Use Intelligence and Diplomacy to conceive concessions that would
benefit (or hinder) your government; use Willpower and Diplomacy to “get your own way.”

Gyrojet (Type)
This skill allows the character to use any one type of gyrojet weapon. The Types include Pistol,
Rifle, and Mortar. If the skill is taken for one Type, the character can use other types of Gyrojet,
but at a -2 penalty to all Tasks. Gyrojet and Dexterity are used to fire the weapon. Aiming rolls
use Gyrojet and Perception; each Success Level adds +1 to the effective Gyrojet Skill on the next
shot fired at the aimed target.

Questioning (Lie Detection)

This modified skill is only available for Dralasite Characters. All Dralasite characters receive one
level of this skill that allows them to realize when someone is lying to them. The Dralasite must be
communicating face to face with the character, and the Dralasite’s player must tell the referee he is
trying to detect a lie. Spotting a lie uses Perception and Questioning (Lie Detection), also resisted
by a Simple Intelligence Test.

This skill allows basic knowledge of the traditions and regulations of space. A character with this
skill knows how to behave in a given situation, knows the names and most of the faces of the more
notorious local members of the underworld, and can identify most illegal transactions and
operations. Use Intelligence and Spacewise to recognize a pirate ship, marauder group, and
Perception and Spacewise to spot trouble or detect criminal activities nearby.
Character Archetypes

An Assessor is an individual employed by a MegaCorp or Government to obtain secret information

concerning its potential or actual enemies.

Racial Limits - None

Core Skills (10 extra points for skills)

Beam Weapons (Type*) or Guns (Type*) 2

Computer Hacking or Computer Programming 2
Computers 2
Disguise 2
Driving (Type)1
Escapism 2
Notice 2
Pick Pocket 1
Questioning 2
Research/Investigation 2
Smooth Talking 2
Stealth 3
Surveillance 2

Gear Access - Military or Research and Development

* Pistol, Rifle, or Assault


An Explorer is a person employed by a MegaCorp or Government to be the first one down to a

planet or into a system to gather information.

Racial Limits - None

Core Skills (10 extra points for skills)

Brawling 1
Computers 1
Driving (Type)1
First Aid 2
Guns (Type) 2
Humanities (Type*) 3
Notice 3
Piloting 1
Research/Investigation 2
Science (Type**) 3
Stealth 2
Survival 2
Tracking 2

Gear Access - Military

* Anthropology, Archaeology, Linguistics, or Sociology

** Biology, Botany, Genetics or Zoology

A Frontiersman is one that is self-employed and is willing to investigate and research in potentially
hazardous regions of space.

Racial Limits - None

Core Skills (10 extra points for skills)

Acrobatics 1
Computers 1
Driving (Type) 2
Guns (Type*) 2
Humanities (Type**) 4
Humanities (Type**) 4
Notice 2
Piloting (Type) 2
Research/Investigation 2
Stealth 1
Survival (Type) 2
Survival (Type) 2

Gear Access - Common

* Pistol, Rifle, or Assault

** Anthropology, Archaeology, Linguistics, or Sociology


A Marauder is a self-employed person that will commandeer or confiscate goods by the use of force
or aggression.

Racial Limits - None

Core Skills (10 extra points for skills)

Acrobatics 2
Computer Hacking 2
Computers 2
Guns (Type*) 3
Hand Weapon (Type) 3
Intimidation 2
Martial Arts 3
Notice 3
Piloting (Type) 1
Spacewise 2
Stealth 2

Gear Access - Military

* Pistol, Rifle, or Assault


An officer is a individual employed by a Military or Government that possesses a rank of authority

or command.

Racial Limits - None

Core Skills (10 extra points for skills)

Beam Weapons (Type*) or Guns (Type*) 3

Brawling or Martial Arts 2
Computers 2
Diplomacy 3
Driving (Type) 2
First Aid 2
Hand Weapon (Type) 2
Intimidation 2
Notice 2
Piloting (Type) 3
Questioning 2

Gear Access - Military

* Pistol, Rifle, or Assault


A Psion is a person employed by a Government that possesses the aptitude to employ their minds
to perceive outside the five standard senses.

Racial Limits - Human Only

Core Skills (10 extra points for skills)

Beam Weapons (Type*) or Guns (Type*) 2

Computers 2
Diplomacy 3
Driving (Type) 1
First Aid 2
Notice 2
Questioning 3

Gear Access - Varies

* Pistol, Rifle, or Assault


A Scientist is a person working for a Government, MegaCorp, or Military that possesses expert
knowledge of one or more sciences.

Racial Limits - None

Core Skills (10 extra points for skills)

Beam Weapons (Type*) or Guns (Type*) 1

Computers 3
First Aid 3
Medicine 3
Notice 2
Research/Investigation 4
Science (Type**) 5
Science (Type**) 4

Gear Access - Varies

* Pistol, Rifle, or Assault

** Life Sciences - Biology, Botany, Genetics or Zoology
** Physical Sciences - Chemistry, Mathematics, or Physics
** Planetary Sciencse - Geology, Meteorology, or Oceanology
** Space Sciences - Astrogation, Astronomy, or Astrophysics


A soldier is an individual that enlisted in a Military that studies the principles of warfare by land,
air, sea, or space.

Racial Limits - None

Core Skills (10 extra points for skills)

Beam Weapons (Type*) 2

Brawling or Martial Arts 2
Climbing 2
Demolitions 1
Driving (Type) 3
Guns (Type*) 2
Gyrojet (Type**) 2
Intimidation 2
Notice 2
Stealth 2
Survival (Type) 2
Survival (Type) 2
Swimming 1

Gear Access - Military

* Pistol, Rifle, or Assault

** Pistol, Rifle, or Mortar

A Techie is a person employed by a Government, MegaCorp, or Military that uses scientific

knowledge to solve practical problems.

Racial Limits - None

Core Skills (10 extra points for skills)

Beam Weapons (Type*) or Guns (Type*) 2

Brawling 2
Computer Hacking or Computer Programming 3
Computers 2
Driving (Type) 1
Electronics 2
Engineer (Type**) 4
Notice 2
Piloting (Type) 1
Research/Investigation 3
Traps 2

Gear Access - Research and Development

* Pistol, Rifle, or Assault

** Architecture, Civil, Construction, Electrical, or Mechanical
New Gear

Range: These numbers are expressed in yards and reflect point-blank, short, medium, long and
extreme range.

Damage: The damage imposed by the most popular model for a given type of weapon are given.

Cap/SEU: Indicates the most common SEU unit used in that weapon. SEU units are stored in 20
SEU Clip, 50 SEU Belt pack, or 100 SEU Backpack.

EV: Encumbrance Value measures an item’s weight, plus an additional factor to represent bulk.
Both interfere with movement and cost Endurance. EV is expressed in two numbers separated by
a slash; the first number is for those using US measurements, the second is for those using the
metric system.

Encumbrance Carrying Capacity Penality Endurance Lost

None 50% or less -0 none
Light 51% to 125% -1 d4(2)/10 minutes
Medium 126% to 150% -2 d4(2)/5 minutes
Heavy 151% to 175% -3 d4(2)/2 minutes
Extra Heavy 176% or higher -5 d4(2)1 minute

Cost: Cost is expressed in Frontier Credits.

Aval: Availability represents the difficulty in locating the item. Common (C) items are available in
most places with relatively little effort. Military (M) items are only available from the UPF or Mega
Corp that supplies the armed forces. Research and Development (R&D) items are only available
from Research Facilities or Mega Corps.

Melee Weapon Descriptions

Shock Gloves: Layered with a highly conductive and flexible compound, shock gloves allow a user
to shock or stun their opponents with hand contact. Connected to a beltpack or powerpack for
power, the shock gloves use 2 SEU for each contact. Gauss screen or an anti-shock implant with
shield against shock glove attacks.

Sonic Knife & Sword: An alloy cylinder 6 inches in length and 1.5 inches in diameter, the sonic
knife and sonic sword look similar. When turning on either weapon, a focused invisible “blade” of
high-pitched sound discharges from the handle. The sonic knife generates a blade length of 8
inches while the sonic sword generates a blade length of 30 inches. Primarily powered by a 20 SEU
clip, the sonic knife and sonic sword can also operate on a beltpack or powerpack. After each
strike, the sonic knife consumes 1 SEU while the sonic sword consumes 2 SEU.

Stunstick: A stunstick is a copper-colored tube 30 cm long and 3 cm in diameter, with an

insulated grip. It has two settings: shock and stun. When set on shock, a successful hit causes
3d10 points of damage. When set on stun, a successful hit will stun the victim for d100 turns. A
character can resist the stun by making a successful check against his current Stamina. A
successful hit uses 2 SEU. A 20 SEU clip can be fitted into the handle, or the weapon can be
connected to a beltpack or powerpack. A character with an anti-shock implant is immune to the
stun setting.

Vibroknife: A vibroknife has a 20 cm saw-toothed blade. When it is turned on, the blade vibrates
at high speed. It uses 1 SEU with each successful hit. A 20 SEU clip can be plugged into the
handle, or the weapon can be connected to beltpack or powerpack. Inertia screens and skeinsuits
halve vibroknife damage.
Beam Gun Descriptions

Electrostunner: An electrostunner looks like a large pistol. It is a short-range weapon. It fires an

arc of electrons that looks like a lightning flash. It is commonly called a zapgun because of the
noise it makes when fired. A zapgun uses two SEU per shot. It holds a 20 SEU clip, but can also be
connected to a beltpack or powerpack with a 1.5 meter powercord. A gauss screen will block the
electrostunner's beam. An anti-shock implant will nullify a stun but not a blast.

Laser Pistol: A laser pistol is a large handgun. It fires a pulse of bright light. Laser pistols are
commonly called blasters. A laser pistol has a dial that can be set from 1 to 10 to control how
many SEU are fired by each shot. Each SEU fired causes D6 x 2(6) points of damage. For example,
when the dial is set at 3, the shot uses 3 SEU and causes [D6 x 2] x 3(18) points of damage.
Players must tell the referee what setting they are using before rolling the dice to see if the shot
hits. Laser pistols use 20 SEU clips but can be attached to beltpacks or powerpacks. An albedo suit
or screen halves the damage from lasers.

Laser Rifle: A laser rifle is a rifle-sized version of a laser pistol. It has a longer range and the SEU
dial can be set from 1 to 20 instead of 1 to 10.

Sonic Disruptor: A sonic disruptor is a type of rifle. It is commonly called a disruptor. A sonic
disruptor generates a focused sound beam. The damage it causes depends on the range. At closer
ranges, it causes more damage. It causes D6 x 5(15) at point blank range, D6 x 4(12) at short
range, D6 x 3(9) at medium range, and D6 x 2(6) at long range. It has no extreme range. It uses
a 20 SEU clip but can also be attached to a beltpack or powerpack. A disruptor uses 4 SEU per
shot. Only a sonic screen can stop its deadly beam.

Sonic Stunner: A sonic stunner is a type of pistol. It is commonly called a stunner. One shot uses
two SEU. It uses a 20 SEU clip, but can be attached to a beltpack or a powerpack. A target with an
anti-shock implant can not be stunned. Otherwise, only a sonic screen can stop the stunner's
sound beam.

Heavy Laser: A heavy laser is about the size of a machine gun. It must be mounted on a tripod or
a swival mount to be fired. It has longer range than a laser rifle, and a minimum SEU setting of 5.
Otherwise it operates the same as the laser rifle.

Sonic Devastator: A sonic devastator is a heavy weapon that must be mounted on a tripod or a
swival mount to be fired. Except for its greater range and damage, the sonic devastor operates just
like the sonic disruptor.

Projectile Gun Descriptions

Automatic Pistol: An automatic pistol is a refined version of the submachine gun. It looks like a
heavy pistol, with a folding metal wire stock. The gun can be fired like a pistol when the stock is
folded, or fired from the shoulder when the stock is extended. An automatic pistol can be set to fire
single shots or bursts. The damage from a burst is divided as evenly as possible between all the
targets. Skeinsuits and inertia screens reduce bullet damage by half. If a skeinsuit and an inertia
screen are used together, damage is reduced to one-fourth the amount rolled.

Automatic Rifle. An automatic rifle is similar to the automatic rifles being used today. It is
basically a heavier, longer version of the automatic pistol. It can fire up to three single shots or one

Needler Pistol: A needler pistol is a handgun that uses an upright disc c!ip. It makes only a very
soft, coughing noise when it is fired. Needler pistols magnetically propel a cluster of needles at high
speed. Needles will not penetrate skeinsuits or inertia screens.
Needler Rifle: A needler rifle is a rifle-sized version of a needler pistol. It has a longer range than
a needler pistol and the longer barrel gives the needles more velocity.

Machine Gun: A machine gun is a fully automatic heavyweapon that must be mounted on a tripod
or a swival mount to fire. A burst fires 20 bullets. Except for its greater damage and range, it
operates just like an automatic pistol.

Recoilless Rifle: A recoilless rifle is a heavy weapon that must be mounted on a tripod or a swival
mount to fire. It fires an exploding shell that causes D10 x 6(30) points of damage if it hits. Only
one shell can be fired per turn, and loading another shell takes one turn. Inertia screens and
skeinsuits halve the damage.

Gyrojet Gun Descriptions

Gyrojet Pistol: A gyrojet pistol is a large handgun. It shoots miniature, self-propelled rockets that
cause D4 x 4(8) points of damage when they explode. A gyrojet pistol is not effective at very short
range, because the rocket is still accelerating. Thus the short range modifier is used even at point
blank range. Skeinsuits and inertia screens absorb half the damage from a gyrojet rocket.

Gyrojet Rifle: A gyrojet rifle is a rifle-sized version of a gyrojet pistol. It has a longer range and
causes D6 x 4(12) points of damage per shot.

Grenade Rifle: A grenade rifle resembles a shotgun. It fires hand grenades that are fitted into
special grenade bullets. Any type of grenade can be used. It can fire one shot per turn, and then
must be reloaded, which also takes one turn. If a shot misses, the grenade does not scatter.

Grenade Mortar: A grenade mortar is a hollow tube that is attached at an angle to a large base can fire any type of grenade, usinga special shell called a grenade shell. It operates like a
grenade rifle, except for the greater range. Because it lobs grenades in a high arc, it has a
minimum range of 10 meters.

Rocket Launcher: A rocket launcher is a long, hollow tube that is fired while resting across the
firer's shoulder. It fires a large, long-range rocket. It must be reloaded after every shot, and
reloading takes one turn.
Weapon Tables

Melee Weapons Range Damage Cap/SEU EV Cost Aval

Shock Gloves N/A D8 x 3(12)~ Varies/2 n/a 50 R&D
Sonic Knife N/A D6(3) x Str** 20/1 2/1 50 M
Sonic Sword N/A D12(6) x Str** 20/2 2/1 300 M
Stunstick N/A D6 x 3(9)~ 20/2 2/1 75 M
Vibroknife N/A D8(4) x Str 20/1 2/1 25 M
** Indicates a stabbing/slashing weapon. After penetrating armor, damage is doubled.
~ Delivers only Endurance Point Damage.

Beam Guns Range Damage Cap/SEU EV Cost Aval

Electrostunner 5/15/-/-/- D6 x 4(12)~ 20/2 2/1 500 C
Laser Pistol 5/20/50/100/200 D6 x 2(6)/SEU 20/1-10 2/1 600 C
Laser Rifle 10/40/100/200/400 D6 x 2(6)/SEU 20/1-20 6/3 800 M
Sonic Disruptor 2/10/20/40/- - - 9/4 700 M
PB D6 x 5(15) 20/4 - - -
Short D6 x 4(12) 20/4 - - -
Medium D6 x 3(9) 20/4 - - -
Long D6 x 2(6) 20/4 - - -
Sonic Stunner 3/10/20/30/50 D4 x 4(8)~ 20/2 2/1 500 M
Heavy Laser 10/100/500/1000/2000 D6 x 2(6)/SEU 100/5-20 44/20 6000 R&D
Sonic Devastator 5/25/50/100/- - - 33/15 5000 R&D
PB D10 x 8(40) 100/10 - - -
Short D10 x 6(30) 100/10 - - -
Medium D10 x 4(20) 100/10 - - -
Long D10 x 2(10) 100/10 - - -
~ Delivers only Endurance Point Damage.

Projectile Guns Range Damage Cap EV Cost Aval

Automatic Pistol 5/15/30/60/150 D6 x 4(12) 20 3/2 200 C
Automatic Rifle 10/40/100/150/300 D6 x 4(12) 20 8/4 300 C
Needler Pistol 5/10/20/40/100 D4 x 4(8) 10 2/1 200 C
Needler Rifle 10/20/40/75/150 D4 x 5(10) 10 6/3 400 C
Machine Gun 10/70/200/500/1000 D8 x 6(24) 100 33/15 2000 M
Recoilless Rifle 10/150/1000/2000/3000 D10 x 6(30) 1 44/20 4000 M

Gyrojet Guns Range Damage Cap EV Cost Aval

Gyrojet Pistol -/5/50/100/150 D4 x 4(8) 10 2/1 200 C
Gyrojet Rifle -/5/75/150/300 D6 x 4(12) 10 8/4 300 C
Grenade Rifle -/25/50/100/200 as grenade 1 8/4 700 M
Grenade Mortar -/200/500/1000/2000 as grenade 1 33/15 2000 M
Rocket Launcher -/70/200/500/100 D8 x 8(32) 1 33/15 5000 M

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