Tugas 1+jurnal Wantini
Tugas 1+jurnal Wantini
Tugas 1+jurnal Wantini
Judul Jurnal : Continuity of care by a primary midwife (caseload midwifery) increases women’s
satisfaction with antenatal, intrapartum and postpartum care
Penulis/peneliti : Della A. Forster , Helen L. McLachlan , Mary-Ann Davey ,Mary Anne Biro , Tanya
Farrell , Lisa Gold ,Maggie Flood , Touran Shafiei dan Ulla Waldenström
1. Judul
Judul sangat jelas dan menggambarkan apa yang diteliti dan hasil yang dharapkan. Hanya saja judul
tidak melampirkan tempat dan waktu penelitian/jurnal dilaksanakan.
2. Abstrak
Background: Continuity of care by a primary midwife during the antenatal, intrapartum and
postpartum periods has been recommended in Australia and many hospitals have introduced a
caseload midwifery model of care. The aim of this
paper is to evaluate the effect of caseload midwifery on women’s satisfaction with care across the
maternity continuum.
Methods: Pregnant women at low risk of complications, booking for care at a tertiary hospital in
Melbourne, Australia, were recruited to a randomised controlled trial between September 2007 and
June 2010. Women were randomised to caseload midwifery or standard care. The caseload model
included antenatal, intrapartum and postpartum care from a primary midwife with back-up provided
by another known midwife when necessary. Women allocated to standard care received midwife-led
care with varying levels of continuity, junior obstetric care, or community-based general practitioner
care. Data for this paper were collected by background questionnaire prior to randomisation and a
follow-up questionnaire sent at two months postpartum. The primary analysis was by intention to
treat. A secondary
analysis explored the effect of intrapartum continuity of carer on overall satisfaction rating.
Results: Two thousand, three hundred fourteen women were randomised: 1,156 to caseload care
and 1,158 to standard care. The response rate to the two month survey was 88 % in the caseload
group and 74 % in the standard care group.
Compared with standard care, caseload care was associated with higher overall ratings of satisfaction
with antenatal care (OR 3.35; 95 % CI 2.79, 4.03), intrapartum care (OR 2.14; 95 % CI 1.78, 2.57),
hospital postpartum care (OR 1.56, 95 % CI
1.32, 1.85) and home-based postpartum care (OR 3.19; 95 % CI 2.64, 3.85).
Conclusion: For women at low risk of medical complications, caseload midwifery increases women’s
satisfaction with antenatal, intrapartum and postpartum care.
Trial registration: Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry ACTRN012607000073404
(registration complete 23rd January 2007).
Keywords: Caseload midwifery, Continuity of care/r, Satisfaction, Experience, Randomised controlled
Latar Belakang : Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh beberapa RS di Australia drekomendasikan untuk
penerapan asuhan yang berkesinambungan oleh bidan primer selama periode antenatal, intrapartum
dan postpartum guna meningkatan kepuasan perempuan dalam perawatannya.
Tujuan Penelitian: untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh beban kasus kebidanan pada kepuasan wanita
dengan perawatan persalinan secara kontinu/berkesinambungan.
Metode : Wanita hamil dengan risiko komplikasi rendah, merencanakan perawatan di rumah sakit
tersier di Melbourne, Australia,direkrut untuk uji coba terkontrol secara acak antara bln September
2007 dan Juni 2010. Wanita diacak untuk beban kasus atau perawatan standar. Model beban kasus
termasuk perawatan antenatal, intrapartum dan postpartum dari bidan primer dengan cadangan
yang disediakan oleh bidan lain yang dikenal bila diperlukan. Wanita dialokasikan untuk perawatan
standar menerima perawatan yang dipimpin bidan dengan berbagai tingkat kontinuitas, perawatan
kebidanan junior, atau dokter umum berbasis masyarakat peduli. Data untuk makalah ini
dikumpulkan dengan kuesioner latar belakang sebelum pengacakan dan tindak lanjut kuesioner
dikirim pada dua bulan postpartum. Analisis utama adalah dengan niat untuk mengobati. Sekunder
Analisis mengeksplorasi pengaruh kontinuitas pengasuh intrapartum pada peringkat kepuasan secara
Hasil : Tingkat kepuasan keseluruhan yang lebih tinggi pada perawatan wanita dengan beban kasus
dengan perawatan antenatal, intranatal dan perawatan pascapersalinan di RS atau perawatan
pascapersalinan berbasis rumah yaitu 88% dibandingkan kelompok perawatan standar yaitu 74%
Review Abstrak :
Kelebihan: Abstrak mampu menggambarkan secara jelas mengenai latar belakang penelitian, tujuan
penelitian,metodologi dan hasil yang didapatkan.
Kekurangan : Dalam metodologi penelitian tidak dijelaskan jenis dan desain penelitian yang dgunakan
serta jurnal ini tidak menyebutkan rekomendasi apa yang diberikan kepada pihak-pihak yang terkait
atau berkepentingan dalam penelitian ini.
3. Pendahuluan (Latar Belakang)
Dalam latar belakang telah diuraikan secara jelas dan panjang lebar hal-hal yang melatar belakangi
dilakukanya penelitian. Di dukung dengan menyebutkan penelitian-penelitian yang telah dilakukan
sebelumnya dan secara jelas menyebutkan tujuan utama dari penelitian yang dilakukan yaitu untuk
menyelidiki pengaruh beban kasus kebidanan pada penilaian perempuan kepuasan mereka dengan
perawatan antenatal, intrapartum, dan post- partum di rumah sakit dan di rumah
Variabel dalam penelitian ini adalah Tingkat kepuasan wanita dengan beban kasus kebidanan dengan
perawatan berkesinambungan yang dipimpin oleh bidan terhadap Terhadap tingkat kepuasan wanita
dengan perawatan standar.
4. Metode Penelitian
− Populasi dan sampel djelaskan secara rinci cara pengambilan dan penentuan populasi dan
sampel yang dgunakan dalam penelitian.
“Women were recruited from the Royal Women’s Hospital (the Women’s), a public tertiary
women’s hospital in Melbourne, Australia, which has over 7,000 births per year. All eligible
women booking to have a baby at the Women’s between September 2007 and June 2010 were
approached to participate, except on occasions where no recruitment midwife was available”
− Dalam jurnal juga dipaparkan prosedur penelitian secara rinci karena penelitian dilakukan dalam
waktu panjang dan dilakukan pembagian beberapa kelompok responden yang diteliti.
− Analisis yang dgunakan dengan membandingan variabel dilakukan uji-t dan juga Uji Mann-
Whitney U.
5. Hasil
Hasil di uraikan secara rinci satu per satu dari beberapa kelompok responden yang diteliti :
− Respondents at two months postpartum
− Satisfaction with care
− Intrapartum care
− Postpartum care
− Care during pregnancy
Untuk hasil perbandingan tingkat kepuasan juga di urakan secara rinci beserta penghitungannya.
Untuk perincian hasil bagi pembaca jurnal sulit untuk memahami karena banyaknya kelompok
responden yang diteliti.
6. Kesimpulan
“ For women at low risk of medical complications, caseload midwifery increases women’s
satisfaction with antenatal, intrapartum and postpartum care. Further work could explore the
complex issue of the ‘dose’ of continuity of carer that is required to affect women’s satisfaction
with care, at the same time ensuring the sustainability of the model from the workforce
(midwife) perspective.”
Kesimpulan ditulis secara singkat padat dan jelas sehingga untuk pembaca jurnal dapat
memahami maksut dari penelitian yang dilakukan.
7. Referensi
Literatur yang digunakan yang berasal dari jurnal-jurnal yang telah dipublikasikan sebelumnya.
Background: Continuity of care by a primary midwife during the antenatal, intrapartum and postpartum periods has been
recommended in Australia and many hospitals have introduced a caseload midwifery model of care. The aim of this paper is to
evaluate the effect of caseload midwifery on women’s satisfaction with care across the maternity continuum.
Methods: Pregnant women at low risk of complications, booking for care at a tertiary hospital in Melbourne, Australia, were recruited
to a randomised controlled trial between September 2007 and June 2010. Women were randomised to caseload midwifery or standard
care. The caseload model included antenatal, intrapartum and postpartum care from a primary midwife with back-up provided by
another known midwife when necessary. Women allocated to standard care received midwife-led care with varying levels of
continuity, junior obstetric care, or community-based general practitioner care. Data for this paper were collected by
background questionnaire prior to randomisation and a follow-up questionnaire sent at two months postpartum. The
primary analysis was by intention to treat. A secondary analysis explored the effect of intrapartum continuity of carer
on overall satisfaction rating.
Results: Two thousand, three hundred fourteen women were randomised: 1,156 to caseload care and 1,158 to standard care. The
response rate to the two month survey was 88 % in the caseload group and 74 % in the standard care group. Compared with standard
care, caseload care was associated with higher overall ratings of satisfaction with antenatal care (OR 3.35; 95 % CI 2.79, 4.03),
intrapartum care (OR 2.14; 95 % CI 1.78, 2.57), hospital postpartum care (OR 1.56, 95 % CI
1.32, 1.85) and home-based postpartum care (OR 3.19; 95 % CI 2.64, 3.85).
Conclusion: For women at low risk of medical complications, caseload midwifery increases women’s satisfaction with
antenatal, intrapartum and postpartum care.
Trial registration: Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry ACTRN012607000073404 (registration complete 23rd
January 2007).
Keywords: Caseload midwifery, Continuity of care/r, Satisfaction, Experience, Randomised controlled trial
* Correspondence: D.Forster@latrobe.edu.au
Judith Lumley Centre, La Trobe University, 215 Franklin St., Melbourne 3000,
The Royal Women’s Hospital, Locked Bag 300, Cnr Grattan St and
Flemington Rd, Parkville 3052, Australia
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
© 2016 Forster et al. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and
indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver
(http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.
Forster et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth (2016) Page 2 of
of this paper was to explore the association between con- interactive voice response system activated by telephone
tinuity of carer – being one of the key components of the (http://www.ctc.usyd.edu.au) using stratified permuted
caseload midwifery model – and satisfaction with care. blocks of varying size [17].
1.4) pregnancy visits with their primary midwife and 1.9 or back up midwife. Again, these data are similar to those
(SD 1.2) with a back-up midwife. During pregnancy, reported for the overall COSMOS sample [2].
99.7 % (977/980) saw their primary midwife at least once
and 86.0 % (843/980) had at least one visit with a back- Respondents at two months postpartum
up midwife. During labour and birth, the pri- mary Of those who responded at two months, background
midwife provided care for 58.4 % (573/981) of the characteristics were similar between the trial arms
respondents allocated to caseload care, and the back-up (Table 1). Compared with the characteristics of the over-
midwife for 49.0 % (481/981) of the women. Overall, all sample in the COSMOS trial, responders to the pos-
90.6 % of respondents allocated to caseload care were tal survey were slightly less likely to have a low family
cared for in labour by either their primary and/or back- income (caseload 8.3 % of women responding to the two-
up midwife. Reasons women did not re- ceive any care month to the survey vs 10.8 % of the sample overall;
from their primary or back-up midwife during labour standard care 7.6 % of women responding to the two-
and birth included the midwife not be- ing called or month to the survey vs 12.1 % of the sample overall);
not being called in time, or that neither the caseload and to be receiving government benefits as the main
midwife nor her back-up midwife were available (e.g. if family income (caseload 2.4 % vs 3.7 %; standard care
both had already worked the total hours permitted). A 3.0 % vs 5.9 %). Responders to the survey were also
small number of women transferred care away from the slightly more likely to be born in Australia (caseload
hospital. In the postnatal period, 94.4 % (926/981) of 60.4 % vs
respondents in the caseload group received some care 58.4 %; standard care 63.0 % vs 57.7 %) and to have Eng-
in hospital by their primary and/or back up midwife. lish as a first language (caseload 79.8 % vs 78.0; standard
This included one to two hours of postnatal care per day care 82.3 % vs 78.1 %) than those in the overall sample.
from the caseload midwife, with core staff providing
other care as required. Most (92.8 %; 910/981) received Satisfaction with care
postnatal domiciliary care by their primary and/ Caseload midwifery was associated with more favourable
ratings of satisfaction with care across all care episodes.
Forster et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth (2016) Page 6 of
Table 1 Participant characteristics of women responding to provided by midwives, but were less satisfied with care
questionnaire two months postpartum provided by doctors than women in standard care.
Caseload Standard care
n = 984 n = 828 Intrapartum care
n % n % Women in the caseload arm reported having fewer mid-
Age at booking visit, mean (sd) 31.5 4.4 32.0 4.6 wives on average caring for them during labour and birth
Gestation at booking, mean (sd) 16.2 2.7 16.2 2.9
(mean 2.4 midwives, SD 1.3) than those in standard care
(mean 3.3 midwives, SD 2.1) (p < 0.001) (Table 2). They
Expecting first baby 696 70.6 572 69.1
also reported having met the ‘best known’ midwife
Married/living with partner (972/812) a
929 95.6 774 95.3 provid- ing labour and birth care more often during the
Highest education level (971/808)a antenatal period than those women allocated to standard
Completed degree/diploma 769 79.2 627 77.6 care (median 3 and 0 respectively, p < 0.001). A total of 88.3
Completed secondary school 151 15.6 134 16.6 % (853/966) of women in caseload care reported having
Did not complete secondary school 51 5.3 47 5.8 previously met at least one of the midwives caring for
them in labour and birth at least once, compared
Total family income/year (AUD)
with 9.0 % (74/820) of women in standard care.
< $33,800 per year 82 8.3 63 7.6 Women randomised to caseload midwifery were more
$33,801 to 51,999 per year 164 16.7 107 12.9 satisfied with all midwife-related measures of intrapar-
$52,000 to 72,799 per year 194 19.7 169 20.4 tum care than women in standard care (Table 4). They
$72.800-103,999 per year 274 27.9 234 28.3 more often felt they had an active say in decisions about
$104,000 or more per year 263 26.7 241 29.1 care during labour and birth; that their privacy needs
were met; that midwives were encouraging, reassuring
Pension/benefit main family income 24 2.4 25 3.0
and emotionally supportive and that care was provided
Smoked prior to pregnancy 164 16.7 143 17.5 safely and competently. Overall, women in caseload care
Born in Australia (956/797) a
577 60.4 502 63.0 were twice as satisfied with care during labour and birth
English first language 892 79.8 681 82.3 compared with women in standard care (OR 2.13, 95 %
Numbers in parentheses indicate number for whom this information was available CI 1.78, 2.56; p < 0.001).
(Caseload/Standard care)
Postpartum care
The strongest effects were in pregnancy care and post- Although the caseload model was not tied to length of
partum care at home. stay, women allocated to the caseload care arm in the
original sample stayed less time in hospital postpartum
Care during pregnancy that those allocated to standard care on average (55.4 h
There was no difference in the total number of antenatal [SD 0.97] vs
visits reported by women in the caseload (mean 9.0 60.5 h [SD 0.78]; p < 0.001) [2]. Those who responded
visits, SD 3.4) or standard care (mean 9.0 visits, SD 8.5) to the survey were similar; more women allocated to
groups (p = 0.10), however women in caseload care saw caseload care compared with those in standard care left
fewer different midwives (mean 2.8 midwives, SD 1.2) hospital within 24 h of the birth (7.5 vs 3.5 %; p < 0.001);
than those in standard care (mean 4.6 midwives, SD 2.6) and within 48 h of the birth (39.7 vs 26.9; p = <0.001).
(p < 0.001) (Table 2). Compared to women in standard care, women in the
When asked an overall global question about their caseload group reported higher satisfaction with postnatal
care during pregnancy, women in the caseload group care overall (OR 1.56, 95 % CI 1.32, 1.85; p < 0.001) and
were over three times more satisfied than women in were more likely to report feeling informed by midwives;
standard care (OR 3.35, 95 % CI 2.79, 4.03; p < 0.001) having had an active say in decisions about care of them-
(Table 3). Compared with women in standard care, selves and their baby; that midwives were sensitive, en-
women in the caseload group were more likely to report couraging and emotionally supportive; that midwives
that they were asked if they had any questions; that mid- were not rushed; and that care was provided safely and
wives kept them informed; that they were given an active compe- tently (Table 5). They were also more likely to
say about decisions; that their worries, anxieties or con- report that they were given the advice they needed with
cerns were taken seriously; that reassurance was given breastfeeding, handling, settling and caring for the baby
by midwives when needed; that midwives were less often and about their own health and recovery after the birth.
rushed; and that care was provided safely and compe-
tently. Women in caseload care also reported that they Postpartum care at home
were happier with the physical and emotional support Women in caseload care reported more postnatal mid-
wife visits at home than women in standard care (mean
Forster et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth (2016) Page 7 of
2.5 visits, SD 0.04, compared with 1.8 visits, SD 0.03; care/physical care, and have included the overall satisfac-
p < 0.001; n = 948/760), and were more likely to have tion OR for each component of care. The figure shows
previously met one of the midwives who visited them that the difference between the women’s assessments in
(96.3 % vs. 15.8 %, p < 0.001) (Table 2). In response the caseload and standard care groups was most pro-
to an overall question about care provision for nounced regarding emotional support, and this was most
mother and baby at home after the birth, women ran- obvious in the assessment of pregnancy care (OR 5.02;
domised to caseload were three times more satisfied 95 % CI 4.13, 6.19). The odds of being kept informed by
than women in standard care (OR 3.19, 95 % CI 2.64, the midwives about what was happening during each of
3.85; p < 0.001) (Table 5). This may be explained in the respective episodes of care was also increased in
part by the higher number of home-based postnatal women in the caseload group, again, most during preg-
visits. nancy (OR 4.29; 95 % CI 3.54, 5.19). Similarly, women in
caseload were more likely to consider their care was pro-
Further exploration of the findings
vided in a competent manner (pregnancy OR 3.09; 95 %
Figure 2 provides a visual presentation of the ORs for
CI 2.54, 3.70) and to rate their overall satisfaction higher
selected items from Tables 3, 4 and 5 where satisfaction
(pregnancy OR 3.35; 95 % CI 2.79, 4.03).
was much higher in the caseload group than in the
standard care group (p < 0.001), and where the items Known care provider in labour and overall satisfaction
illustrate different aspects of care. We selected one item with intrapartum care
from each of the following aspects: emotional aspects of
Table 2 shows the comparative amounts of continuity of
care, information and decision making, and competent
carer in the two trial arms. To look further at any
Forster et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth (2016) Page 8 of
association between having a known care provider in Due to the small numbers of women in the standard
labour and the effect on satisfaction with labour care, care group who had previously met a midwife before
the trial arms are looked at separately. In these analyses labour, the comparison in this group was restricted to
the ORs refer to the comparison of women scoring ‘0’ to having met at least one of the midwives compared with
‘5’ versus ‘6’ or ‘7’ on the scale for overall satisfaction not. No difference in the rating of overall labour and
with labour and birth care, where ‘7’ indicates the high- birth satisfaction was found between women in the
est satisfaction. standard care group who had previously met a midwife
Forster et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth (2016) Page 9 of
who cared for them in labour compared with those who would have liked to know the midwife at the birth better. In
had not (OR 1.07, 95 % CI 0.60, 1.91; p = 0.82). both groups women who said they ‘definitely’ would like to
In the caseload group, if women had previously met at know the midwife attending the birth better were less likely
least one of midwives providing care in labour at least once to be satisfied with labour and birth care overall than those
before, they were more likely to be satisfied with their who did report this (caseload care OR 0.49, 95 % CI 0.32,
labour care overall (OR 1.83, 95 % CI 1.07, 3.12; p = 0.03). 0.74; standard care OR 0.34, 95 % CI 0.24, 0.49).
Table 6 shows that satisfaction with intrapartum care in the
caseload group increased by the number of times the
woman had met the midwife before, up to four times.
In this large randomised controlled trial with high
Only the difference at four times was statistically significant
response rates at two months postpartum, women
(OR 3.38, 95 % CI 1.36, 8.34). As shown in Table 2,
allocated to case- load midwifery care had higher
women in caseload care were less likely than those in
satisfaction ratings for all aspects of care. These findings
standard care to express a desire to know their midwife
are in keeping with many of the RCTs [4–6, 14], other
better, although even for women in caseload who had met
studies [4, 6, 8–14], and the Cochrane review of midwife-
one of the midwives who cared for them in labour four
led care [7]. The ratings of care reported by women
times or more, 34.6 % (145/419) still ‘definitely’
allocated to caseload midwifery
Forster et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth (2016) Page 10 of
Table 5 Satisfaction with postpartum care in hospital (bottom row – rating of care at home)
Satisfaction scores (%) Caseload care Standard careb ORa 95 % CI P
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Disagree Agree
strongly strongly
The midwives always kept me informed about what was 0.7 2.6 5.4 8.3 13.8 27.7 41.6 1.95 1.65, 2.31 < 0.001
happening (969/820)
3.1 4.2 10.0 9.8 20.0 26.0 27.1
The doctors always kept me informed about what was 6.7 6.2 9.2 19.2 15.8 19.4 23.6 1.01 0.85, 1.19 0.06
happening (856/755)
7.3 7.8 9.7 13.1 18.5 20.8 22.8
I was always given an active say in decisions about care 1.4 1.7 3.7 8.8 14.3 26.2 43.9 1.62 1.37, 1.92 < 0.001
of my baby and myself (970/815)
2.5 4.5 5.9 10.6 17.3 26.1 33.1
I was given the advice I needed with breast feeding (967/812) 2.0 3.1 4.7 7.9 13.2 24.9 44.3 1.60 1.35, 1.89 < 0.001
5.5 5.4 7.3 8.6 15.3 22.7 35.2
I was given the advice I needed about how to handle, 3.9 5.6 7.8 15.4 18.6 19.3 29.4 1.50 1.27, 1.77 < 0.001
settle or look after my baby (962/808)
6.9 8.4 9.4 14.5 22.4 17.0 21.4
I was given the advice I needed about any problems with 1.2 1.7 4.7 11.1 15.6 27.4 38.4 1.75 1.48, 2.08 < 0.001
the baby’s health and progress (947/806)
4.3 4.7 5.7 13.3 19.5 25.4 27.1
I was given the advice I needed about my own health 2.1 1.3 3.7 8.6 13.8 28.7 41.8 1.80 1.52, 2.13 < 0.001
and recovery after the birth (972/820)
3.7 4.5 6.3 11.3 18.4 25.6 30.1
The midwives were sensitive (962/816) 1.7 2.0 2.4 9.8 13.7 24.5 46.0 2.09 1.76, 2.48 < 0.001
2.8 3.7 5.6 11.2 21.6 29.0 26.1
The doctors were sensitive (865/760) 4.7 4.2 7.3 22.9 18.2 19.5 23.2 1.08 0.91, 1.29 0.36
5.0 4.3 6.8 21.3 21.8 22.9 17.8
The midwives were encouraging (971/817) 0.4 1.3 2.7 5.7 13.9 25.8 50.3 2.04 1.71, 2.42 < 0.001
1.5 2.7 4.2 10.7 18.6 30.0 32.4
The doctors were encouraging (859/756) 4.3 4.8 6.8 20.8 18.5 20.7 24.1 1.06 0.89, 1.26 0.52
4.1 5.2 5.4 21.4 20.2 23.8 19.8
The midwives often seemed rushed (968/820) 25.6 18.4 14.1 10.7 11.3 12.2 7.8 0.32 0.27, 0.37 < 0.001
9.5 11.5 8.2 13.2 15.1 18.5 24.0
The doctors often seemed rushed (873/759) 13.3 10.3 11.0 21.0 15.1 16.4 12.9 0.69 0.58, 0.82 < 0.001
7.5 8.6 9.9 21.0 19.0 15.6 18.6
Care in hospital after the birth was provided in a 1.7 1.5 3.8 8.8 17.0 27.1 40.2 1.36 1.15, 1.61 < 0.001
competent way (967/815)
2.7 3.3 4.1 10.6 17.1 30.1 32.3
I was happy with the emotional aspects of care by 1.6 2.1 2.9 9.6 13.4 23.7 46.7 2.05 1.73, 2.43 < 0.001
midwives (967/811)
3.6 4.4 5.8 11.5 19.0 27.5 28.2
I was happy with the emotional aspects of care by 4.8 6.0 8.5 25.3 19.5 15.8 20.2 0.95 0.80, 1.13 0.53
doctors (857/747)
5.8 5.6 7.4 22.1 21.3 19.3 18.6
Overall, how would you describe the care you received in 1.7 2.3 4.4 8.3 16.3 30.7 36.4 1.56 1.32, 1.85 < 0.001
hospital after the birth? (1 = very poor; 7 = very good) (970/813)
3.4 3.4 7.5 10.6 19.1 27.7 28.3
Overall, how would you describe the care your baby received 1.0 1.1 2.4 6.3 14.0 28.9 46.2 1.30 1.10–1.55 0.002
in hospital after the birth? (1 = very poor; 7 = very good) (969/814)
1.6 1.8 3.9 6.4 15.0 32.1 39.2
Care at home 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Very poor Very good
Overall, how would you describe the care you and your baby 0.5 0.4 1.2 2.3 8.6 18.9 68.1 3.19 2.64, 3.85 < 0.001
received from hospital staff at home after the birth? (957/768)
1.3 2.7 3.8 10.8 13.7 26.7 41.0
OR is proportional odds ratio derived from ordinal logistic regression
Italicised figures on second rows are Standard Care results
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Fig. 2 Comparison of women’s assessment of different aspects of antenatal, intrapartum and postpartum care, and overall assessment of these episodes of care and do
were generally higher than those we have reported in aspects of care contributed to women’s increased satis-
RCTs of team midwifery care in similar populations [4, faction outcomes, given there were a number of aspects
6]. of care likely to have been different, including known
Many of the studies included in the Cochrane review care provider, shorter clinic waiting times, continuous
did not identify what aspects of care increased women’s support in labour, and more postnatal home visits. We
satisfaction [7]. In this trial, we evaluated a ‘package’ of did not seek to identify any one measure associated
care, and cannot draw conclusions about which specific with satisfaction, but have presented comprehensive
data on a range of aspects of care that together have
Table 6 Association between knowing a midwife providing labour contributed to women’s increased overall satisfaction,
and birth care and overall satisfaction with labour and birth care as well as data on individual factors associated with
(caseload group only). ORs based on comparison of women scoring ‘0’
increased satisfaction.
to ‘5’ versus ‘6’ or ‘7’ where ‘7’ indicates the highest satisfaction
In terms of exploring if continuity of carer increases
Number % OR 95 % CI p-value women’s satisfaction, it may be that it is individual pro-
viders’ approaches to care rather than a known care pro-
‘6’ or ‘7’
vider that lead to increased satisfaction, as suggested by
Had met at least one
of the midwives Green et al [15]. In this study, as in all trials in the
providing care in Cochrane review of midwife-led care, midwives self-
labour at least once before selected to caseload and may have differed in some ways
No 89/109 81.7 1 (ref) to standard care midwives; the caseload midwives might
Yes 756/849 89.1 1.83 1.07, 3.12 0.03 have had different personal attributes or philosophies of
Number of times had care. The secondary analyses we presented here on con-
previously met at
least one of the
tinuity of carer contribute to the debate, however these
midwives providing analyses were not conducted by intention to treat, so the
care in labour (n = 958) results should be interpreted with caution. In the stand-
Never 89/109 81.7 1 (ref)
ard care group there was no association between know-
ing the intrapartum care provider and satisfaction with
Once 169/197 85.8 1.36 0.72, 2.54 0.34
care, however this may be due to small numbers; only
Twice 89/99 89.9 2.00 0.89, 4.51 0.10 9.0 % of women in standard care reported having previ-
Three times 82/91 90.1 2.05 0.89, 4.75 0.10 ously met a midwife who provided labour care. We also
Four times 105/112 93.8 3.38 1.36, 8.34 0.009 explored the ‘dose response’ to continuity of carer dur-
Five times 92/105 87.6 1.59 0.74, 3.39 0.23 ing labour and birth in the caseload care group. The
Six times 88/97 90.7 2.12 0.94, 5.10 0.07
sample size in each category was inadequate to provide
sufficient statistical power for comparisons, however
Seven times or more 131/148 88.5 1.73 0.86, 3.49 0.12
there was a suggestion that the more times a woman has
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