Group 8 12RESPECT Final Proposal Paper Revised

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N. Bacalso Ave., Cebu City 6000

A Final Research Paper of STEM 12 - Respect

as a Final Requirement for Research 4: Capstone

A Comparative Study on AutoCAD and SketchUp Software as Tools in Drafting

Architectural Designs: Effectiveness of the Two Tools as Perceived by Selected
Cebuano Architects


Abadiano, Jan Edward V.

Alimurung, Ana Maire C.

Aquino, James Kenn E.

Bag-ao, Katrina Jean G.

Paquet, Vincent L.

May 2022

Approval Sheet
This research paper entitled, “A Comparative Study on AutoCAD and SketchUp
Software as Tools in Drafting Architectural Designs: Effectiveness of the Two Tools as
Perceived by Selected Cebuano Architects”, prepared and submitted by Jan Edward
Abadiano, James Kenn Aquino, Vincent Paquet, Ana Marie Alimurung, and Katrina
Jean Bag-ao in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the subject RESEARCH 2:
QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH is hereby recommended for approval.


Date: _____________

Member Member
Date: _____________ Date: _____________

This research paper is approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

subject Research 2: Quantitative Research.


Panelist Chairman of the Panel
Date: _____________ Date: _____________


Principal, Senior High School
Date: _____________


Foremost, the researchers would like to express their sincere gratitude to their
beloved research adviser, Miss Jicel Reve S. Gabriel, for the continuous support in this
study on 3D architectural program preferences among the Cebuano Architects, for your
patience, motivation, enthusiasm, and immense knowledge.

The researchers would also like to thank their parents for their unending love and
support, may it be moral, financial, and emotional, without them, none of this would
indeed be made possible.

Miss Ofelia Aljade Ramos, thank you for supporting them in this research, you
gave them the strength to continue and pursue this kind of study despite all the
problems encountered along the way.

To the eleven Cebuano Architect respondents, thank you for answering all the
questionnaires truthfully and wholeheartedly. Without all of you, this research study
would be nothing.

To all of their friends and classmates, thank you for the constant support and
motivations you gave. For listening to their sentiments and being with them all

And definitely, they would like to extend their gratitude to God for the everyday
blessings He gave them. For the knowledge, wisdom, and strength for making this



Contents page


Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................5

1.1 Rationale............................................................................................................................ 5
1.2 Statement of the Problem...................................................................................................7
1.3 Hypothesis......................................................................................................................... 8
1.4 Purpose of the Study.......................................................................................................... 9
1.5 Significance of the Study..................................................................................................10
1.6 Scope, Limitations, and Delimitations...............................................................................11
1.7 Definition of Terms........................................................................................................... 12
Chapter 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE....................................................................15

2.1 Review of Related Literature............................................................................................15

2.2 Review of Related Studies...............................................................................................15
2.3 Review of Related Articles...............................................................................................15
Chapter 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY................................................................................17

3.1 Research Design.............................................................................................................. 17

3.2 Research Subject............................................................................................................. 17
3.3 Research Procedure........................................................................................................ 18
3.5 Ethical Consideration.......................................................................................................19
Chapter 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS..............................................................................20

4.1 Results of the Preliminary Survey....................................................................................20

4.2 Tables of the Results........................................................................................................22
Chapter 5 THEORITICAL BACKGROUND..............................................................................39

Chapter 6 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS..........................................................43

5.1 Conclusions...................................................................................................................... 43
5.2 Recommendations........................................................................................................... 43
BIBLIOGRAPHY....................................................................................................................... 44

APPENDIX B – RESEARCH INSTRUMENT.............................................................................48

APPENDIX C – LIST OF TABLES............................................................................................53

APPENDIX D – CURRICULUM VITAE.....................................................................................55

APPENDIX E – TIMETABLE AND BUDGET............................................................................60

Chapter 1


1.1 Rationale

3D computer software are applications that use a three-dimensional

representation of geometric data that is kept in the computer for the purposes of
conducting calculations and producing 2D or 3D visuals (Ekaran, 2021). The first
computer software was developed in the 1960s, by computer scientist Ivan Sutherland
and named it “Sketchpad”. This led to the creation of newer programs in the late 1980s
and early 1990s that served the booming architecture sector (Cad Crowd, 2020).

With the tremendous expansion of modern use of 3D software, technology paves

its way to innovation in the field of architecture (Khodadad & Sanei, 2017). An
increasing number of architects are using it to enhance traditional ways of design
representation in their projects (Monsur & Islam, 2014). One of the technological
advancements in architecture is the use of 3D architecture programs to aid their
designing process.

As the architectural design services industry evolves, the increasing options for
3D modeling software become available (Bwail, 2017). According to James Ocean, the
Head of BIMspiration at Revizto, AutoCAD and SketchUp are becoming increasingly
ubiquitous 3D simulation programs by architects. This software allows projects to
comply by creating the model more accurately with construction rules and functional
requirements that are important to both building owners and users (Sebago Technics,
2020). Furthermore, these advances are significant as they are broadly used to develop
construction drawings with specifications and great architecture, as well as to assist
designers in enhancing their design level while working efficiently (Ma, Yun & Shan
2014). It has been shown that a three-dimensional model is expected to make
subjectively new canny frameworks, including design acknowledgment.

There are many options in choosing a specific 3D program to be used in the
study, but the researchers decided to use AutoCAD and SketchUp as the main
application software to be conducted in their comparative research study that will be
done through a descriptive survey method that aims to determine the effectivity of these
two application programs to the usage of its user. The researchers would use close-
ended probing questions to learn more about their thoughts on the two software.

The method of gathering the data would fulfill the purpose of this study, which is
to fill the gap of the existing research written by Chris Graham entitled,” SketchUp Vs
AutoCAD | In-depth, Unbiased Comparison (2021)”. The researchers aim to provide
further reliable results in order to improve the credibility of his study and the overall
comparison of the two 3D programs.

This study does not only show which is the best choice of either of the two
software applications, but also what benefits it could make to the users, such as the
architects, who are the subjects of our study. The study could also aid in understanding
the differences between the two programs, thus, aids the architects in their work and not
only to themselves but to the Philippines as well.

With all these in mind, it is clear that technology has come far in helping to create
more interactive and accurate building plans or architectural designs. 3D models and
stature are being developed to create a more flexible software that will work out a
genuine and interactive development with a high understanding to propose architectural
community plans.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

This study aims to compare the advantages and disadvantages of the two 3D
application programs (AutoCAD and SketchUp) in terms of their effectiveness as tools
in drafting architectural designs using the perception of the Cebuano architects. It also
addresses the following questions:

a.) What are the pros and cons of each program of its overall usage?

b.) What is the perception of the Cebuano architects on the effectiveness of each
program in drafting architectural designs?

c.) What are the factors that affect the perception of the Cebuano architects on
the usage of 3D programs (User-friendly, User Interface, Produces High-Quality Output,
and Price)?

d.) What are the effects of using 3D simulation programs (AutoCAD and
SketchUp) in the drafting process of Cebuano architects?

1.3 Hypothesis

This research will be required to learn about the Cebuano architects’ perceptions
of the two programs. The information obtained from this research will aid the architects
in their drafting process.

These are the hypotheses synthesized by the researchers:

1. SketchUp software is more commonly used when creating floor plans.

2. Cebuano architects benefit from the software.

3. There is a link between the user interface and high-quality output and the
software's effectiveness.

1.4 Purpose of the Study

The purpose of the study is to fill the gap of an existing study of Chris Graham
Entitled “SketchUp vs. AutoCAD | In Depth, Unbiased Comparison”. The researchers
found out that Chris Graham used his own perception to create a verdict in his study,
which makes the researchers question its credibility. In this study, the researchers aim
to fill the gap of credibility with the use of Cebuano architects as respondents.

1.5 Significance of the Study

This study will be undertaken to compare the advantages and disadvantages of

the two 3D simulation programs (AutoCAD and SketchUp) to find out the effectiveness
of the two programs in drafting building plans. The results of the study could benefit the

Architecture college students in Cebu

This study will present the distinctions between the two 3D programs, in which the
results will assist the architecture college students in drafting their plates and
architectural designs.

The faculty in BS Architecture program in Cebu

The findings of this study will assist the teaching staff of the architecture program in
determining which software is most suited to their teaching abilities.

Aspiring architecture students

This study will serve as a guide for aspiring architecture students in determining
which software will make the drafting and designing process easier for them.

Licensed Cebuano architects

This study will allow them to understand the differences, mainly the benefits and
drawbacks, between the overall usage of the two programs.

1.6 Scope, Limitations, and Delimitations


The scope of this study entails the topic about the usage of 3D programs in
making an architectural draft. It also includes the perception of the Cebuano architects,
which is the driving component to get the survey’s results.


The study only limited to measure the effectiveness of AutoCAD and SketchUp
when it comes to drafting architectural design.

The researchers are limited only to use the perception of multi-awarded Cebuano
architects, which means they cannot use other professionals who also use the two
programs. These chosen Cebuano architects should also have experienced both
AutoCAD and SketchUp.

Because of the current situation, the sample space of the study is limited to only
eleven. Given that our research uses a selective sampling process which deals with
multiple elements for qualifying a respondent, it would be hard to establish a great
foundation when online platform is the only way for communication. The researcher
decided with the minimum sample that would still give conclusion to the study.


There are two delimitations imposed by the researchers in their study. First is the
decision to not use the architecture students as the respondents for their survey
research. Although the architecture students can give more responses, but for credibility
purposes, the researchers used professional and licensed Cebuano architects.

1.7 Definition of Terms

This section would present the definition of the terms used in the study.


A person who designs and, in many cases, supervises the construction of


Architectural design

The component or elements present in the model. This includes the interior and
exterior features of the building. It is a sketch that depicts the shape, size, and layout of
rooms in a building. It provides something tangible for the builder or designer to look at
and acts as the initial design for their intended project.


It is a computer-aided design program developed by Autodesk that allows the

engineering field to create 2D and 3D designs and models.

Application Software

A computer program that is designed to perform a specific task that is not related
to the operation of the computer itself. This is typically used by end-users.

Building plan

A floor plan that is a technical drawing to scale that depicts the relationships
between rooms, spaces, traffic patterns, and other physical features on one level of a
structure from above.

Computer-aided Design

The use of computers to aid in the creation, modification, analysis, or

optimization of a design.


It is a 3D or 2D representation of the proposed design. It has the possible scope
and design of a construction or interior design project.


It is the process of mentally interpreting something we see or hear and then

using that interpretation to judge and render a verdict on a situation, person, group,etc..


It is the amount of money to be given in a form of payment.


Degree of excellence of the softwares output


It is a computer-aided design software developed by @Last Software that allows

architects to create 3D designs and models SketchUp is a subscription-based product
suite that includes SketchUp Pro Desktop, a 3D modeling computer program that can
be used for a variety of drawing and design applications.

Three-Dimensional (3D)

A 3d representation that provides a real-world physical behavior by virtually

testing CAD models.

Three-Dimensional (3D) Program or Software

A type of computer graphics software that allows for the creation, design, and
development of 3D graphics and animations. These programs allow architects to create
3D designs and models.

Two-Dimensional (2D)

Output that is represented with length and width present. This type of
representation is used on 2d animations

User Friendly

It is the system of the machine or computer that's easy to use and understand.

User Interface (UI)

In a device, the user interface (UI) is the point of interaction and communication
between humans and computers. Display screens, keyboards, mouse, and the
appearance of a desktop are all examples of this. It can also refer to the way a user
interacts with a program or a website.

Chapter 2


2.1 Review of Related Literature

The researchers were not able to include existing local studies in this literature
review for there was none to be included.

2.2 Review of Related Studies

CAD was later adapted in the education system as part of the curriculum. After
the rise of the CAD programs in the 1980s, the design schools and the architectural
education began implementing CAD related courses into their curricula (Yashar, 2018).
The CAD course is widely used to hone the student’s knowledge through the
progressive way of globalization in the educational process. It provided opportunities to
enhance students’ creativity by generating a more significant number of suitable design
solutions in a short period of time and creating interactive media. The integration of
computer systems into design education has played an important role in improving
educational quality and creating interactive multimedia studios. Furthermore, CAD
enables architecture students to communicate their ideas with greater flexibility, in a
style that is easy to adapt and encouraging. It facilitates an interactive and
multidimensional design process by making it simple to convert 2D sketches into 3D
models (Yashar, 2022).

2.3 Review of Related Articles

The first computer software ever invented for this purpose was “Sketchpad” by a
computer scientist named Ivan Sutherland in the 1960s. Later, this software became the
first architectural software that made an enormous impact and influence on the
architectural world. In the late 1980s to early 1990s, newer programs were invented and

expanded to accommodate the growing architecture industry (Kuska, 2020). The
programs were now made into a computer-aided design, allowing architects and other
designers to digitally create designs in two-dimensional or three-dimensional models of
physical components with precise measurements and dimensions (Ekaran, 2021).

In 1982, AutoCAD 3D was one of the first CAD systems made available to users
by Autodesk. The software was able to deliver features available for a fraction of cost
and accommodate two types of dimensional drawing, 2D and 3D, and mainly used in
the construction industry (Ekaran, 2021). Moreover, AutoCAD was also designed to
help significantly design, visualize, and simulate building designs more efficiently using
complex commands and tools. Furthermore, in 1999, SketchUp software was
developed by a startup company, @Last Software and was officially released in August
2000. In comparison to AutoCAD, SketchUp don’t have features that AutoCAD like
Command Line, Advanced Layers Menu, The Quick Select Function and more, this is
because SketchUp aimed to be a general 3D modeling tool that makes the designing
process look more manageable, intuitive, and fun (Bethany, 2018).

Chapter 3


3.1 Research Design

The research design used in this study is descriptive-comparative design, which

uses two variables that aren't manipulated. This design also uses a formal procedure in
gathering the data to conclude the comparison between the two variables. This
research design is relevant to our study as it focuses on two variables and implements a
precise procedure to compare and determine which is more appropriate. In our study, it
would focus on the two 3D programs, AutoCAD and SketchUp, as effective tools and
compare them based on the perception of the Cebuano architects. Using a descriptive-
comparative design would help the researchers gather reliable data and results from the
chosen research procedure

3.2 Research Subject

The subject of the research are multi-awarded licensed Cebuano architects that
have used both SketchUp and AutoCAD, in which there are only eleven architects to be

The perception of these multi-awarded Cebuano architects is the independent

variable of the study. The effectiveness of the two software tools (AutoCAD and
SketchUp) is the dependent variable. The constant variables are the two programs,
AutoCAD and SketchUp.

3.3 Research Procedure

The study process is how we got our data: we began by conducting a survey with
eleven Cebuano architects. The survey is composed of questions answering the
research questions of the study. With the use of Likert scale, we will be able to know the
attitudes of Cebuano architects towards each software. Once all eleven Cebuano
architects give their responses the researchers will then proceed to analyze the data.

3.4 Method of Data Analysis

After respondents answer the survey, the researchers would gather all the data
and score their attitudes based on the ratings presented in the table below:

Attitude score

Strongly agree 5

Agree 4

Neutral 3

Disagree 2

Strongly agree 1

Table 1

Knowing their perspective of the two programs could help the researchers refine
the research ideas. Obtaining detailed information that can be used to improve and
expand the programs.

3.5 Ethical Consideration

The researchers implemented a confidentiality letter in the form of a consent form

in the survey in order to assure the respondents that their responses and their
credentials entered in the survey are confidential.


Your identity in this study will be treated with utmost confidentiality under RA
10173 (Data Privacy Act of 2012). The results or any other data that may be published
for scientific purposes, but will not give your name or include identifiable references to
you. Confidentiality of the research data and the anonymity of the respondents will be
ensured throughout the study. The researcher will also secure that the participants will
not be subjected to harm in any way whatsoever. After providing a clear transcription of
the audio record, all evidence will be destroyed, including the ones containing their
identities. If you feel that your data has been misused, maliciously disclosed, or
improperly disposed of, or if any of the rights discussed here have been violated, the
data subject has a right to file a complaint with us.

I have read and understood this consent form, and I volunteer to participate in
this data gathering. I understand that I will receive a copy of this form. I understand that
my consent does not take away any legal rights in the case of negligence or other legal
faults to anyone involved in this study. I further understand that nothing in this consent
form is intended to replace any applicable laws.

o Yes, I give my consent.

o No, I will not give my consent.

Chapter 4


4.1 Results of the Preliminary Survey

Question proportion

Q no. AutoCAD SketchUp

1 50% 50%

2 52% 48%

3 50% 50%

4 50% 50%

5 45% 55%

6 49.51% 50.49%

7 49% 51%

8 49% 51%

9 46% 54%

10 51% 49%

11 46% 54%

12 46% 54%

13 49% 51%

14 49% 51%

15 49% 51%

Table 2

Figure 1

Overall Finding

Based on the overall computation of scores SketchUp won with 51%. This survey
concludes that SketchUp is more effective than AutoCAD.

4.2 Tables of the Results

1. The application is compatible with my present device/s (laptop or PC set).

Figure 2


50% of the respondents chose SketchUp as the application that is compatible with their
present device (Laptop & PC Set) the other 50% of the respondents chose AutoCAD.
This only means that the two applications (SketchUp & AutoCAD) are equally matched
in terms of compatibility.

2. The application loads fast and would never/seldom crash.

Figure 3


52% of the respondents choose AutoCAD as the application that loads fast and would
never crash, on the other side 48% choose SketchUp. The data shows that SketchUp is
more prone to crash.

3. The application is well-formatted and has effective UI navigation.

Figure 4


50% of our respondents chose SketchUp The application is well-formatted and has
effective UI navigation the other 50% of the respondents chooses AutoCAD. This only
means that the two Applications are well-formatted and have an effective UI navigation.

4. Navigation around the UI and access to the different tools is easy and

Figure 5


50% of the respondents chose SketchUp as the application that is accessible to

different tools and is very easy and understandable. The other 50% of the respondents
chose AutoCAD. This only means that the respondents have an equal decision when it
comes to the accessibility of the two programs.

5. The software produces a photorealistic 3D architectural model.

Figure 6


55% of the respondents chose SketchUp as the software that produces a photorealistic
3D architectural model and the other 45% of the respondents chose AutoCAD. This only
shows that most of the Cebuano architects prefer to use SketchUp when they’re making
an architectural design.

6. Enables users for quick design modifications.

Figure 7


50.49% of the respondents chose SketchUp and the other 49.51% of the respondents
chose AutoCAD. This shows that SketchUp better offers quick design modifications.

7. The application offers updates and tool enhancements.

Figure 8


51% of the respondents chose SketchUp and the other 49% of the respondents chose
AutoCAD. This only shows that the respondents prefer SketchUp because it offers
updates and tool enhancements.

8. The software provides the fundamental tools (which translates into user-

Figure 9


51% of the respondents chose SketchUp and the other 49% chose AutoCAD. This only
means that most of the respondents chose SketchUp as a user-friendly application.

9. The software is flexible in terms of App Extensions.

Figure 10


54% of the respondents chose SketchUp and 41% of the respondents chose AutoCAD.
This means that SketchUp has better software flexibility in terms of App Extensions than

10. It enables users to export/import designs without errors and changes.

Figure 11


51% of the respondents chose AutoCAD and 49% chose SketchUp. This means that
AutoCAD enables the user to export/import designs without errors and changes better
than SketchUp.

11. It offers higher graphical resolution for 3D viewing.

Figure 12


54 % of our respondents chose SketchUp and 46% chose AutoCAD. Based on these
data, SketchUp does offer a higher graphical resolution for 3D.

12. It offers a more aesthetic look on the architectural Building design.

Figure 13


54% of our respondents chose SketchUp and 46% chose AutoCAD. Based on the data,
SketchUp offers a more aesthetic look when designing.

13. Is the application software worth the price?

Figure 14


51% of the respondents chose SketchUp and 49% of the respondents chose AutoCAD.
The data shows that SketchUp’s price is reasonable and worth it.

14. Does the price affect your preference in choosing which application software is
the most effective?

Figure 15


51% of the respondent chooses SketchUp if the application software is worth the price,
the other 49%of the respondent chooses AutoCAD. This shows that SketchUp is more
worth it.

15. The results of the architectural designs are non-pixelated.

Figure 16


51% of the respondents chose SketchUp and 49% chose AutoCAD. This only shows
that the SketchUp output of the architectural design is non-pixelated.

Table 3

Produces High-Quality output SketchUp AutoCAD

The software produces a photorealistic 3D architectural
model. 55% 45%
It offers higher graphical resolution for 3D viewing. 54% 46%
It offers more aesthetic look on the architectural Building
design. 54% 46%
The results of the architectural designs are non-pixelated 51% 49%
TOTAL 54% 47%
therefore, in terms of production of high-quality output,
SketchUp wins.

Table 4

SketchUp AutoCAD
Do you agree that the application software is worth the
price? 51% 49%
Does the price affect your preference in choosing which
application software is the most effective? 50% 50%
50.5% 49.5%
Based on the data, SketchUp won with 50.5% in the price

Table 5

User friendly
p AutoCAD
The software is flexible in terms of App Extensions. 54% 46%
The application is compatible with my present device/s (laptop or PC
50% 50%
The application loads fast and would never/seldom crash. 48% 52%
Enables users for quick design modifications. 50.49% 49.51%
The application offers updates and tool enhancements. 51% 49%
The software provides the fundamental tools (which translates into
51% 49%

It enables user to export/import designs without errors and changes. 49% 51%
50.5% 49.5%
Based on the data, SketchUp won with 50.5% in the User-Friendly

Table 6

SketchU AutoCA
User interface
p D
The application is well-formatted and has an effective UI navigation. 50% 50%
Navigation around the UI and access to the different tools is easy
50% 50%
and understandable.
50.0% 50.0%
Based on the answers of Cebuano architects, AutoCAD and
SketchUp are both equal in terms of their user interface

Chapter 5



Systems Theory describes how AutoCAD and SketchUp evolved. The concept of

progress covers how the two programs were developed, how it depicts drafting, and

how it appeals to the architects' perception in the usage of the two programs. According

to Thomas O. Hughes and Luhman, it considers the historical development of

technology and media on how it affects not only the architect's perception, but also the

factors that are interconnected with it. It is the foundation upon which architects'

historical background is built, as well as how it progresses and develops entirely until

the present day. Thus, comparing which software benefits the community rather than

just oneself.

Architecture and Design

Architectural design theory entails the mode of design that utilizes the

architectural designs and theories to construct the proposed reality of the building

design (Dietrich, 2022). This was first implied by Leon Battista Alberti in his first

published treatise on the Theory of Architecture, stating that architecture is the art of

building. Architectural design theory is the idea of merging art and science in a way that

the results in structure are still valued for their functionality, practicality, and aesthetics.

In relation to the study, the 3D architecture programs were developed to help in

designing practical and functional building plans. Design theory also helps in the

designing process by using the designing principles in making the 3D building models.

According to Herbert A. Simon, a computer scientist, in his book “Sciences

of the Artificial (1969)”, design thinking theory talked about the rapid prototyping and

testing through observation as the concepts that formed the core of designing

processes (Dam & Siang, 2020). It also describes the designers putting themselves in

the shoes of their clients for them to create a model on the building design. This is

applicable to the usage of the 3D simulation programs by the architects, as they would

always make prototypes via 3D modeling. This notion is to try to meet their client’s

desired building design.

Thematic theory of Architecture by Marcus Vitruvius Pollio aims to fulfill one

principal goal, usually at the cost of other customary goals of building. It discussed not

only the theme but also several practical goals of the structure. It presents a clarification

of requirements set for buildings such as the durability, practicality, and pleasantness.

This illustrates that the theory and the buildings designed on its basis are convenient in

the design process of the architects. It does not only entail on analyzing the structure

but also in the logical solutions for the architects. The pertinence of this theory to the

study is that the principles of design from early architecture influences the design

process of modern architecture with the use of 3D simulation programs such as

AutoCAD and SketchUp.


Human beings are the most intelligent animals, which they can choose based on

their perception. According to Bottom-up theory by Eleanor J. Gibson, she suggests that

processing can be understood solely in terms of environmental stimuli, it is something

referred to as the ecological theory of perception. The size, shape, and other

information that humans receive are sufficiently detailed for them to engage directly with

the world (2012). This theory will assist the researchers in assessing the factors that

can be used as a basis or stimuli that would affect and manifest the Cebuano architects’

personal preference towards their chosen 3D program.

Moreover, Rational choice theory by Adam Smith stated that an individual will

perform analysis to determine what’s right or wrong for them, considering the costs and

benefits of each possible way (Lockert, 2021). Therefore, information regarding the

benefit can be used as a basis in determining which software between AutoCAD and

SketchUp is more advantageous to the users that would provide certainty on the

effectiveness of both programs in drafting their architectural building plans.

A theory authored by Bonnie Nardi, “Activity Theory”, whose goal is to elucidate

the relationship between awareness and activity. In the construction of consciousness,

activity theory involves strong conceptions of intentionality, history, mediation,

collaboration, and development. Awareness, according to activity theorists, is not a

collection of separate disembodied cognitive activities (decision making, classification,

and remembering), and it is certainly not the brain; rather, consciousness is found in

everyday practice: you are what you do. The challenge that the activity theory has set

for itself is to understand the interpenetration of the individual, other people, and

artifacts in everyday activity (Bedny et al., 2010). In relation to the topic at hand, it

bridges the gap between architects' understanding and the software they use. This

establishes a more compatible link to the technology of how architects use the two

software. It is to comprehend the architects' capabilities as they use a certain software

program in their chosen floor plan or projects.

It is apparent that theories have been used to organize and explain empirical

means that will bridge one theory to another, which is useful to support the relevance of

understanding the study. Adaptive structuration theory, systems theory, and activity

theory and human-technology interaction aimed to understand the behavior of the users

to their usage of the technology and how software programs develop overtime creating

a designing platform where they can improve and make their architectural building plans

using 3D programs. Architecture design theory, design thinking theory, and thematic

theory, on the other hand, aimed to comprehend concepts and background of designing

and why architects would choose a better program in applying these concepts to their

own designing process. Furthermore, the theory of perception, rational, and experiential

helps the researcher to understand how human-technology interactions, affects the

perception of the Cebuano architects in perceiving which application software is more

effective in their usage and into their architectural building plans based on their personal

experience of the software.

Chapter 6


5.1 Conclusions
The findings of this study shows that SketchUp is more effective based on the

perception of the Cebuano architect. The result shows that SketchUp is easier to use

and to be learned which would suit beginners and also produces a much better quality

of architectural design output compared to AutoCAD.

This study concludes that SketchUp is more effective in the drafting process of

Cebuano architects’ architectural design.

5.2 Recommendations

The researchers recommend the use of SketchUp when drafting architectural

design. SketchUp is easy to understand and offers better quality of output. However, the

result of the study cannot represent the entire population of architects of the Philippines

because of number of respondents. The researchers suggest increasing the sample

space, not just eleven but more, to provide a better foundation to support the claims.


Bwail, K. (2017, December 8). How 3D Software Has Changed Architectural Design.; LinkedIn. Retrieved on March 25, 2022 from

Khodadad, M., & Sanei, M. (2017). Necessity of Collaboration between Technology

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Ekaran, S. (2021, May 31). When Did 3D Modeling Start? A Brief History. SelfCAD.
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Lockert, Melanie. (2021, December). Rational Choice Theory: Definition, Example,

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May 4, 2022


Dean, College of Engineering and Architecture

Cebu Institute of Technology – University

N. Bacalso Avenue, Cebu City

Dear Dr. Evangelista:

Greetings of peace!

In line with the course requirements in Research 4 (Capstone Project), my group

and I would like to ask for your permission to conduct a non-experimental study entitled
“A Comparative Study on AutoCAD and SketchUp Software as Tools in Drafting
Architectural Designs: Effectiveness of the Two Tools as Perceived by Cebuano

The study follows a descriptive-comparative research design that aims to identify

which of the two programs is more effective in terms of drafting architectural design. To
achieve these goals, our group needs to gather data from 11 Cebuano architects with
the use of Google form.

We hope that your good office will allow us to gather the needed data to complete the
study. If permission is granted, we assure you that the data gathering will be guided by
ethical principles like maintaining the confidentiality of information, asking for informed
consent and/or assent, and the like.

Your approval to conduct this academic undertaking will be highly appreciated.

Thank you. Respectfully yours,


Group Leader Research Teacher & Consultant

Noted by:

Recommending approval:


Assistant to the Principal

Chair, Civil Engineering



Approved by:


Jan Edward V. Abadiano

Dean, College of Engineering and

Katrina Jean G. Bag-ao
James Kenn E. Aquino

Vincent L. Paquet


Survey Questionnaire

1. The application is compatible with my present device/s (laptop or PC set)

Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree
AutoCA o o o o o
Sketch o o o o o

2. The application loads fast and would never/seldom crash.

Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree
AutoCA o o o o o
Sketch o o o o o

3. The application is well-formatted and has an effective UI navigation.

Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree
AutoCA o o o o o
Sketch o o o o o

4. Navigation around the UI and access to the different tools is easy and
Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree
AutoCA o o o o o
Sketch o o o o o
Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree
AutoCA o o o o o
Sketch o o o o o
Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree
AutoCA o o o o o
Sketch o o o o o

7. The application offers updates and tool enhancements.
Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree
AutoCA o o o o o
Sketch o o o o o

8. The software provides the fundamental tools (which translates into user-
Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree
AutoCA o o o o o
Sketch o o o o o

9. The software is flexible in terms of App Extensions.

Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree
AutoCA o o o o o
Sketch o o o o o

10. It enables users to export/import designs without errors and changes.

Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree

AutoCA o o o o o
Sketch o o o o o

11. It offers higher graphical resolution for 3D viewing.

Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree
AutoCA o o o o o
Sketch o o o o o

12. It offers a more aesthetic look on the architectural Building design.

Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree
AutoCA o o o o o
Sketch o o o o o

13. Do you agree that the application software is worth the price?
Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree
AutoCA o o o o o
Sketch o o o o o

14. Does the price affect your preference in choosing which application software is
the most effective?

Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree
AutoCA o o o o o
Sketch o o o o o

15. The results of the architectural designs are non-pixelated.

Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree
AutoCA o o o o o
Sketch o o o o o


List of Tables

Table 1 18

Table 2 19 - 20

Table 3 37

Table 4 37

Table 5 37 – 38

Table 6 38

List of Figures

Figure 1 20

Figure 2 22

Figure 3 23

Figure 4 24

Figure 5 25

Figure 6 26

Figure 7 27

Figure 8 28

Figure 9 29

Figure 10 30

Figure 11 31

Figure 12 32

Figure 13 33

Figure 14 34

Figure 15 35

Figure 16 36



Date EVENTS Expenses

1st-9th 11/18/2021- Title

Research Problem
300 worth of
Research Questions


10th- 12/07/2021- Polishing for Title 200 worth of

13rd 12/14/2021 Defense load

14th 12/15/2021 Title Defense 100 worth of


15th 02/17/2022 Planning

500 worth of
16th 02/24/2022 Planning

17th-20th 03/02/2022- RRL & Rationale


21st-27th 03/14/2022- Theoretical Background

03/26/2022 discussion




28th 03/28/2022 Hypotheses

30th-31st 03/29/2022- RRL

03/30/2022 100 worth of
Rationale revision

32nd 03/31/2022 Methodology planning

33rd 04/01/2022 Definition of terms

34th 04/28/2022 Capstone planning

36th-38th 04/29/2022- Mock OD practices


30th 05/04/2022 Mock OD 100 worth of


40th 05/07/2022 Infomercial

41st-45th 05/10/2022- Infomercial making


46th-49th 05/16/2022-
05/20/2022 Research paper revising

50th – 05/24/2022 –
Final 0D practices
52nd 05/26/2022

53rd 05/28/2022 Final Oral Defense


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