Prayer of The Faithful
Prayer of The Faithful
Prayer of The Faithful
Priest’s Introduction:
1.a. For the Holy Church throughout the world, may Christ keep
watch over her always and strengthen her with the gifts of the
Holy Spirit to become messengers of love, peace and unity,
Let us pray to the Lord.
1.b. For Church leaders, Pope Francis, the bishops, priests, nuns and
all religious leaders, may Christ fill them with spiritual gifts and graces
to be faithful to their vocation,
Let us pray to the Lord.
2.a. For government leaders and all those in authority, may Christ
guide their minds to focus always on the best interests of the people,
lead with humility and love, lay aside selfish desire, and always work
for the good of the people they serve,
Let us pray to the Lord.
2.b. For COA Officials and Employees, may Christ guide them to
remain grounded in what is good and true and protect them from the
temptations and distractions of power and influence,
Let us pray to the Lord.
3.a. For the sick and those who are in need, may Christ banish their
disease, drive out hunger, ward off every affliction and give them
lasting health and deliverance,
Let us pray to the Lord.
3.b. For those suffering from persecution, may Christ look upon them
with compassion and grant them freedom from pain,
Let us pray to the Lord.
4.a. For all people throughout the world, may Christ grant them
understanding to truly know the ways of the Lord, give them courage
and strength to abide in His commands as they prepare for the
coming of Christ,
Let us pray to the Lord.
Priest’s Prayer
Response: Amen.
Today is Friday of the Third Week of Advent, a season to anticipate the coming
of Christ. This season offers us as Christians an opportunity to grow in our love
for Christ and in our witness of Him to the world. It is not simply a preparation
for Christmas, but a celebration of what He has done, an entry to what He is
doing, and a longing for His return and the setting right of all things.
As we gather here today to celebrate Christmas as COA family, let us offer this
afternoon’s celebration of the Holy Eucharist as thanksgiving for all the many
blessings God has given us especially good health, safety, protection and
guidance during this time of pandemic.
We also offer prayers for all souls in purgatory especially our dearly departed
loved ones and the forgotten souls that need our prayers at the moment. For
the souls of …………
Our mass presider is Rev. Fr. Romy Coronel from St. Mary’s Parish.
Closing before Final Blessing:
To all of us gathered here and shared their blessings, thank you very much and
may God continue to guide and protect us always.