B12213210MPBRA4 SST Products and Services FSPAS
B12213210MPBRA4 SST Products and Services FSPAS
B12213210MPBRA4 SST Products and Services FSPAS
Seastar® products and services are designed specifically for Position Reference for Dynamic Positioning Systems
and provide the highest standards of reliability, availability and integrity.
Seastar® DP services provide a reliable source of Differen-
tial Global Navigation Satellite Systems (DGNSS) correc-
tions for Dynamic Positioning (DP) applications all around
the world. The corrections are broadcast over dual indepen-
dent delivery links in all Inmarsat ocean regions.
Onboard equipment
Reception is either via a small dedicated omni-directional
antenna or alternatively a connection is made to a compati- Offshore Support Vessels and Drilling Rig with Seastar® services onboard
ble existing Inmarsat system. This connection has no impact
on use for normal two-way communications, and does not Reception of DGNSS corrections is either via an L- Band
affect equipment approvals. receiver/decoder, for data transfer to a separate GNSS posi-
tioning system, or direct to an integrated DGNSS receiver
Seastar® DP is designed for Dynamic Positioning applica- with integral GNSS (GPS/GLONASS) sensor.
tions operating world-wide, users include:
A choice of services are provided, ranging from the Seastar®
▪ Offshore Support vessels Standard L1 sub metre level, GPS only, single frequency
▪ Drilling Ships and Rigs service to the Seastar® G2 decimetre level, integrated GPS/
▪ Floating Production Units GLONASS, dual frequency service.
▪ Shuttle Tankers
▪ Service Vessels System features
▪ Offshore Loading
▪ World-wide coverage, excluding polar regions, using a
Receivers: Services:
DPS 110/112: GPS and GLONASS L1/L2 sensor with built Seastar® G2: Integrated DGPS/DGLONASS, decime-
in DGNSS corrections receiver and user tre level phase based service, using orbit/
display. For use with Seastar® SGG service. clock data valid world wide, based on GPS
and GLONASS L1 and L2 frequencies.
DPS 116*/122: GPS L1 sensor, with display and extended
QC capabilities. Seastar® XP2: Decimetre level phase based service, using
orbit/clock data valid world wide, based on
DPS 132: GPS L1/ L2 sensor, with display and ex- GPS and GLONASS L1 and L2 frequencies.
tended QC capabilities. Both code and
phase based positioning. Seastar® XP: Decimeter level phase based service, using
orbit/clock data valid worldwide, based on
DPS 200: GPS and GLONASS L1 sensor, with display GPS L1 and L2 frequencies.
and extended QC capabilities.
Seastar® HP: Decimetre level phase based service, based
DPS 232: GPS and GLONASS L1/L2 sensor, with dis- on GPS L1 and L2 frequencies.
play and extended QC capabilities.
Seastar SGG: Integrated DGPS/DGLONASS, submetre
DPS 700: Combination of DPS 132/232. DPS 700 level, code based service using orbit/clock
also includes VHF and HF IALA Receivers. data based on GPS and GLONASS L1 and
L2 frequencies.
9205-GNSS: DGNSS receiver with built in GPS L1/L2
sensor. Both code and phase based posi- Seastar® Std. Sub metre level code based service based
tioning, incl. display. GLONASS L1/L2 op- L1: on GPS L1 frequency.
tion. Forward compatibility with Galileo.