Eutrophication and Restoration of Shallow Lakes
Eutrophication and Restoration of Shallow Lakes
Eutrophication and Restoration of Shallow Lakes
Key words: equilibrium, stable states, urban lake, management, phytoplankton, macrophytes
Shallow polymictic lakes are very abundant in many regions of the world, they are more numerous than deep lakes
and are of great importance especially in densely populated areas even when small. Their ecology differs from
stratified lakes in many ways. During the eutrophication process, lakes may change from a clear water, macrophyte
dominated state to an algal dominated state, a process known as the concept of ‘alternative stable equilibria’. The
usefulness of this concept as a descriptor for the eutrophication process and as the basis for rehabilitation of lakes is
tested on long-term data from two contrasting case study sites using a novel multivariate bubble-plot technique. In
one case the concept proved to be useful and successful while it could not be applied to a large shallow turbid lake.
The equilibrium concept is then generalised using further examples. Shallow lakes which are either macrophyte
dominated or light limited because of high inorganic background turbidity have ratios of total phosphorus (TP) to
algal Chlorophyll-a at or below 3:1. Deep oligotrophic or algal dominated lakes in contrast exhibit ratios between
3:1 and 1:1. Alternative stable equilibria of macrophyte or algal domination can occur within the same water-body
at various locations, at different times of the year or during trophic development.
Figure 2. Multivariate bubble-plot of total phosphorus (TP) versus phytoplankton chlorophyll-a (Chl-a). The size of the bubbles is equivalent
to the phytoplankton fresh-weight biomass (top right). Bubbles show the relative contribution of algal classes (bottom right). Grey bubbles
indicate years for which no biomass data and algal contributions are available. The 1:1 and the 3:1 TP:Chl-a lines are inserted. Trophic
delineation according to Forsberg & Ryding (1980). Data for 1987 from Löffler (1988), 1989–1990 unpublished data from MA 15, 1991 and
1992 according to BMLF (1994).
vanished under-water vegetation (Dokulil et al., 1995; the amount of chlorophyll is still high and macrophyte
Dokulil & Mayer, 1996). As an immediate short-term biomass has not yet fully recovered (Teubner et al.,
measure, half of the water volume of Alte Donau was 2003).
replaced in December 1993 by water of better quality
from the near-by impoundment New Danube (Dokulil
et al., 1995). The reduction in nutrient concentration Case study: Neusiedler See
brought about by this water exchange significantly im-
proved the water quality in the first five months of In contrast to Alte Donau, submerged macrophytes
1994. This improvement is reflected in a decreased never played a very important role in the open wa-
cyanobacterial contribution and an increased share ter of Neusiedler See because of the high turbidity
of diatoms (pie chart for 1994 in Fig. 2), although and the strong wind exposure. Stands of Potamogeton
the second half of the year again saw an abrupt cy- pectinatus and Myriophyllum spicatum had a distinct
anobacterial bloom outbreak. To improve the nutrient distribution restricted to sheltered bays and the north-
status of the lake and re-establish macrophyte stands western shore which is more protected from the wind
phosphates were flocculated and the sediment oxid- (Schiemer & Prosser, 1976). Macrophyte densities
ised in 1995 and 1996 using the RIPLOX-technique declined in the late 1970s primarily because of lake
(Ripl, 1976). For further details of the action plan level changes (Schiemer, 1979) and the introduction of
consult Donabaum et al. (1999) and Dokulil et al. grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idella (Herzig & Dok-
(2000). As a result, annual average TP concentra- ulil, 2001). Submerged plants recovered again in the
tions declined to about 30 µg l−1 , chlorophyll-a to 1990s. The wax and wane of under water vegetation
less than 15 µg l−1 , biomass dropped to below 3 mg is, however not reflected in the long-term develop-
l−1 , the nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterium Cylindrosper- ment of phytoplankton biomass and related parameters
mopsis raciborskii disappeared (Shafik et al., 2003; (Fig. 3). This is primarily because of the very high
Spröber et al., 2003), the phytoplankton composition inorganic turbidity due to sediment re-suspension. As
changed back to more mixed populations (Teubner et a result, the open water of the lake is continuously light
al., 1999 a, b) and under water vegetation re-appeared limited. Enhanced nutrient input due to eutrophication
(Figs. 1 and 2). Since then, TP and Chl-a further de- is therefore only moderately reflected by an increase in
clined somewhat and reached mesotrophic conditions algal biomass and chlorophyll-a (Fig. 3). All variables
and the critical 3:1 delineation in 2001 (Fig. 2). Al- remain well below the critical limit of 3 TP:1 Chl-a.
though TP concentrations are now lower than in 1987, Macrophytes could therefore occupy the entire lake
area but are prevented from doing so because of un- arate lakes with low chlorophyll levels relative to TP
stable sediment surface, high inorganic turbidity and from those with a more direct relationship. Mechan-
large wave action. Given the size, area and depth of the isms for a transition to low chlorophyll levels at high
lake (Table 1), moderate wind speeds of 1 m s−1 are TP include phosphorus partitioning between phyto-
sufficient to re-suspend sediment material (Scheffer, plankton and underwater vegetation, light-limitation
1998). by inorganic turbidity, shadowing by the vegetation,
increased grazing pressure or allelopathic substances
(Hupfer & Dollan, 2003) among others (e.g. Dokulil
Discussion & Janauer, 1993; Herzig & Dokulil, 2001).
Results from a number of lakes are summarised
The theory of alternative stable equilibria explains as TP versus Chl-a in Figure 4. Deep stratifying oli-
shifts between ecological states in ecosystems. These gotrophic to hypertrophic polymictic lakes (shaded
changes usually occur inter-annually as part of a long- sigmoid in Fig. 4) follow the typical pattern expec-
term development. Triggering mechanisms include ted for this relationship. Annual average long-term
increased nutrient loading, changes in water level data from a variety of turbid or macrophyte dominated
and human interference among others (Blindow et al., lakes, marked individually by elliptical envelopes in
1998; Scheffer, 1998). In the case of Alte Donau, Figure 4, somewhat deviate from these expectations
alterations in hydrology and water level have mainly and can be delineated by a line of 3 TP to 1 Chl-a
caused the shift to algal domination (Donabaum, (Fig. 4). The macrophyte periods in both Old Danube
1999) similar to observations elsewhere (Mitchell, (AD) and New Danube (ND), the vegetated and the in-
1989; Blindow et al., 1993). The rehabilitation meas- organic turbid lakes in the Danube Delta (DD) as well
ures applied effectively reduced algal biomass, in- as both the wind exposed turbid lakes Tai Hu (TH) and
creased light penetration and enhanced the grazing Neusiedler See (NS) serve here as examples. Overlap
pressure by zooplankton inducing a back-shift to the to the ‘regular’ pattern or transition to another stable
original macrophyte dominated state (Dokulil et al., state is possible, as seen for instance in Old Danube,
1998, 2000; Teubner et al., 2003). Although po- New Danube, and some of the Danube Delta lakes.
tentially macrophyte inhabited, large shallow wind All these lakes and situations are characterised by low
exposed lakes remain in the algal state mainly because Chl-a:TP ratios as a result of one or the other reason
of frequent sediment re-suspension preventing mac- mentioned above.
rophytes from colonising the lake bottom. Examples Different types of equilibria can occur simultan-
include Neusiedler See in Austria, Tai Hu in China and eously in the same lake. Sheltered bays may be mac-
some of the Danube Delta lakes in Romania (Schiemer rophyte dominated while main parts of the lake are
& Prosser, 1976; Schiemer, 1979; Vadineanu et al., dominated by algal blooms. Examples are, Neusiedler
1992; Oosterberg et al., 2000). See, Tai Hu and some of the Danube Delta lakes.
Lakes which are either turbid or macrophyte Stable equilibria of macrophyte dominance and
dominated are characterised by lower phytoplankton algal pre-dominance may seasonally follow each other
chlorophyll-a relative to total P. Results from Norwe- within a year in some of the Danube Delta lakes. The
gian Lakes, earlier work from New Danube, as well shift is triggered by a multitude of coinciding factors.
as data from reservoirs and shallow lakes in China Filamentous algae over-grow the submerged vegeta-
suggest delineation at around 3 TP:1 Chl-a (Mjelde tion in early summer due to elevated temperatures and
& Faafeng, 1997; Faafeng & Mjelde, 1998; Doku- high nutrient levels. High wind speed then elimin-
lil & Janauer, 2000; Dokulil et al., 2000). A similar ates the macrophytes almost completely from these
relationship can be deduced from a number of invest- lakes giving rise to algal blooms (Vadineanu et al.,
igations in England, the Netherlands and Denmark 1992). Rooted and free-floating plants re-establish in
(e.g. Perrow et al., 1994; Breukers et al., 1997; Schef- the following year because of the prevailing hydro-
fer, 1998, Fig. 5.13; Jeppesen et al., 2002) and can logy bringing clear water in from the River Danube
even be seen in models (e.g. Janse, 1997). The ratio which allows macrophytes to grow and absorb P early
suggested indicates a transition zone between mac- in the year preventing development of algal blooms
rophyte and algal domination (see Fig. 2) within a (Oosterberg et al., 2000).
continuum and shall not be seen as a strict threshold. In some cases two or three levels of stability oc-
It may, however be used as a predictive tool to sep- cur in the same lake at the same time (Van den Berg,
Figure 3. Multivariate bubble-plot to for Neusiedler See. Data for 1990 to 2000 from the Biological Station Illmitz. Legends as in Figure 2.
continuous data support. Special thanks are extended Donabaum, K., M. Schagerl, K. Teubner & M. T. Dokulil, 1999.
to the technical offices ‘Donabaum & Wolfram’ and Sanierung und Restaurierung der Alten Donau in Wien, Öster-
reich. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnologie (DGL) – Tagungs-
‘Systema’ providing data and to the many individu- berichte 1998 (Klagenfurt): 264–268, Tutzing 1999.
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various projects over the years. Norwegian lakes related to submerged vegetation. In Jeppesen
E., Ma. Søndergaard, Mo. Søndergaard & K. Christoffersen
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