1.9 Giving Constructive Feedback
1.9 Giving Constructive Feedback
1.9 Giving Constructive Feedback
• It is normally not difficult to give positive feedback to
people doing well or in general, to give information that
Giving people want to hear.
Feedback • Giving negative or critical feedback, or information that
people do not want to hear, can be much more
Why are people, so reluctant to provide feedback?
The reasons are many but the two most important reasons are
1. Fear of the other person's reaction. People can become defensive and
Constructive emotional when confronted with critical feedback.
2. Fear of causing tension in the other person.
• Feedback is reinforcing. If given properly, feedback is
almost always appreciated and motivates people to
Feedback Giving
• Honest feedback can also strengthen the credibility of the
Skill feedback provider.
• It is important that feedback is given in a supportive and
encouraging way, so that the receiver does not feel
constantly criticized, afraid and tense.
There are a number of guidelines toward giving feedback effectively, i.e. so that it can
be used constructively rather than incurring overly defensive reactions.Your feedback
• Feedback should be helpful to the receiver and
Be helpful directed toward behavior which the receiver
can do something about.
Feedback Giving is useful
• Depending, of course, on the person's
readiness to hear it, support available from
Skill others, and so forth feedback should be given
when well immediately after the action.