7 JPSC PT Only Economics
7 JPSC PT Only Economics
7 JPSC PT Only Economics
¼d½ Hkwfe dj
¼[k½ laifÙk dj
¼x½ vk; dj
¼?k½ iw¡th ykHk dj
2. What is true for Planning in India?
1. In August 1937, the Congress Working Committee at its meeting in Wardha adopted a resolution of
national reconstruction and social planning.
2. Subhash Chandra Bose, in his presidential speech at Haripura declared that the national state on the advice
of planning commission would adopt a comprehensive scheme.
3. Modi Government renamed 'Planning Commission' as 'Niti Aayog":
4. Subhash Chandra Bose announced the formation of a National Planning Committee with Jawaharlal Nehru
Chairman in 1938. as
(A) Only 3 is true.
(B) All are true.
(C) 1 and 3 are true.
(D) 3 and 2 are true.
1- jk"Vªh; iqufuZekZ.k ,oa lkekftd fu;kstu dk çLrko dkaxzsl ofdaZx desVh us vxLr 1937 esa o/kkZ cSBd esa
Loh—r fd;k A
2- gfjiqjk ds vius v/;{kh; Hkk"k.k esa lqHkk"kpUæ cksl us ^;kstuk vk;ksx^ ds ek/;e ls jk"Vª jkT; O;kid
uhfr;ksa dks Lohdkj djsxk dh ?kks"k.kk dhA
3- eksnh ljdkj us ;kstuk vk;ksx dk uke cnydj ^uhfr vk;ksx^ fd;kA
4- lqHkk"kpUæ cksl us 1938 esa tokgjyky usg: dh v/;{krk esa jk"Vªh; ;kstuk lfefr ds fuekZ.k dh ?kks"k.kk
dh FkhA
¼d½ dsoy 3 lr; gSaA
¼[k½ lHkh lR; gSA
¼x½ 1 vkSj 3 lR; gSA
¼?k½ 3 vkSj 2 lR; gSA
3. Under constitutional provision of tax assignment in India, which of the following is a tax exclusively
imposed and collected by the states?
(A) Land Revenue
(B) Corporation Tax
(D) Income Tax
¼d½ jkT; ds eq[;ea=h ¼[k½ fo/kku lHkk ds v/;{k
¼x½ Hkkjr ds jk"Vªifr ¼?k½ jkT; ds xouZj
5. In the Indian Fiscal federal system, resources are allocated from the centre to the states, which of the
following is not a means of resource allocation at present?
(A) Centrally sponsored schemes
(B) Transfer for plan implementation under Gadgil formula
(C) Tax sharing
(D) Grant-in-aid
¼d½ dsUnz iz;ksftr ;kstuk,¡ ¼[k½ xkMfxy lw= ds varxZr ;kstuk dk;ZUo;u ds fy, LFkkukarj.k
¼x½ dj&lgHkktu ¼?k½ lgk;d vuqnku
6. Which of the following is the correct order in which the mentioned measures of development were
(A) PQLI, HDI, Per-capita Income
(B) Per-capita Income, PQLI, HDI
(C) HDI (Human Development Index), Per-capita Income, PQLI (Physical Quantity of Life Index)
(D) Per-capita Income, HDI, PQLI
¼[k½ miHkksäk ewY; lwpdkad ¼xzkeh.k Jfed½ ¼CPI-RL½ ijA
¼x½ Fkksd ewY; lwpdkad ¼WPI½ ijA
¼?k½ miHkksDrk ewY; lwpdkad ¼la;qDr½ ¼CPI-C½ ijA
10. NITI Aayog has developed a composite index for each state / UT, which aggregates progress towards each
Sustainable Development Goal (SDG), and classifies states in achievers, front runners, performers and
aspirants. On the basis of this composite index which of the following state is not Front Runner?
(A) Tamil Nadu
(B) Gujarat
(C) Himachal Pradesh
(D) Kerala
uhfr vk;ksx us çR;sd jkT;@la?k jkT; {ks= ds fy, lesfdr lwpdkad dk fodkl fd;k gS tks izR;sd la/kkj.kh;
fodkl ds y{; dh vksj gksus okyh izxfr dks ladfyr djrk gS vkSj jkT;ksa dks izkfIrdrkZ] vxz.kh] fu"iknd vkSj
vkdak{kh dks oxhZ—r djrk gSA bl lesfdr lwpdkad ds vk/kkj ij fuEu esa ls dkSu lk ,d vkxz.kh jkT; ugha gS \
¼d½ rfeyukMq ¼[k½ xqtjkr
¼x½ fgekpy izn's k ¼?k½ dsjy
11. Which one of the following body is not associated institutions? to Bretton Woods
(A) United Nations
(B) World (WTO) Trade Organisation
(C) International Monetary Fund (IMF)
(D) World Bank
6th JPSC PT GS-1
1. Match the following :
List -1 List -2
(Year) (Committee)
(A) 1949-51 (A) Local Finance Enquiry Committee
(B) 1953-54 (B) Taxation Enquiry commission
(C) 1963-66 (C) Rural-Urban Relationship Committee
(D) 1885-88 (D) National Commission on Urbanisation
Codes :
1 2 3 4
(A) a b c d
(B) b c d a
(C) c d a b
(D) d c b a
(A) a b c d
(B) b c d a
(C) c d a d
(D) d c b a
2. The recommendation of the 14th Finance Commission for increase the share of net proceeds of union taxes between
centre to states has been fixed at.
(A) 32 Percent
(B) 37 Percent
(C) 42 percent
(D) 41 Percent
pkSngosa foÙk vk;ksx flQkfj'kksa ds vk/kkj ij la?kh; djksa ds dqy vk; dk fgLlk] dsUnz ls jkT; ds e/; o`f) ds fy, fuf'pr~
fd;k x;k gSA
(A) 32 izfr'kr
(B) 37 izfr'kr
(C) 42 izfr'kr
(D) 41 izfr'kr
3. National Green Tribunal (NGT) was established by the Government of India in.
(A) 2008
(B) 2009
(C) 2010
(D) 2011
Uks'kuy xzhu fVª;wuy ¼,u-th-Vh-½ Hkkjr ljdkj }kjk LFkkfir fd;k x;k FkkA
(A) 2008
(B) 2009
(C) 2010
(D) 2011
4. Which of the following is not true for India to combat the adverse impact of Climate Change?
(A) Establishment of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)
(B) Investment of RS. 100 Crores as an intial corpus under National Adaptation Fund
(C) Not attended the 19th Meeting of BASIC at Sun City, South Africa held recently
(D) All the above are true
Hkkjr ds ifjisz{; esa fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu lk dFku tyok;q ifjorZu ds nq'k izHkko ds lanHkZ esa lR; ugh gS \
(A) Dyhu MsoyiesUV es dWfuT; (CDM) dh LFkkiuk
(B) Uks'kuy ,MkiVs'ku QaM ds varxZr 100 djksM+ :- dk izkajfHkd dks’k ds :Ik esa fuos’k
(C) gky gh esa nf{k.k vÝhdk ds lu flVh esa vk;ksftr BASIC dh 19 oh cSBd esa 'kkfey u gksuk
(D) mijksDr lHkh dFku lR; gSA
5. Match List-1 with List -11 and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:
List -1 List-2
(A) Inequality Re-examined (A) Joseph E. Stiglitz
(B) The Price of inequality (B)Thomas Piketty
(C) Inequality : what can be done (C)Amartya Sen
(D) The Economics of Inequality (D)Anthony B. Atkinson
Codes :
A b c d
(A) iv iii ii i
(B) iii iv i ii
(C) ii iii i iv
(D) iii i iv ii
lwph & 1 dks lwph&11 ls lqesfyr djsa vkSj uhps fn, gq, dwVksa esa ls lgh mÙkj dk p;u djsa A
lwph & 1 lwph & 2 ¼lwph½ ¼lfefr½
(E) bfuDokWfyVh jh&,DtkfeUM (A) tkslQ s b- fLVfZXyV`l
(F) n izkbl vkWQ bfuDokWfyVh (B) FkkWel fidsdVh
(G) n fuDokWfyVh % okVdSu ch MUk (C) veR;Z lSu
(H) n bdksukWfeDl vkWQ bfuDokWfyVh (D) ,UFkuhch- ,VfdUlu
(A) iv iii ii i
(B) iii iv i ii
(C) ii iii i iv
(D) iii i iv ii
6. Match List-1 and List-11 and select the correct answer :
List -1 List-2
(E) Chakravarty Committee (A) Tax Reforms
(F) Narasimham Committee (B)Pverty Estimation
(G) Tendulkar Committee (C)Banking Sector Reforms Chelliah Committee (D)Financial Sector Reforms
Codes :
A b c d
(E) iii ii i iv
(F) iv i iii ii
(G) ii iii iv i
(H) iii iv ii i
(A) iii ii i iv
(B) iv i iii ii
(C) ii iii iv i
(D) iii iv ii i
7. The methodology followed for poverty estimation by using 61st NSSO data in 2004-05 is .
(A) Uniform Recall Method (URM) only
(B) Mixed Recall Method (MRM) only
(C) Both URM and MRM
(D) None of the above
2004&05 ds 61 osa ,u-,l-,l-vks- MVk esa fu/kZjrk vkdyu djus ds fy, fof/k viuk;h x;h gSA
(A) ;wuhQkWeZ fjdkWy eSFkM ¼;w-vkj-,e-½
(B) feDLM fjdkWy eSFkM ¼,e-vkj-,e-½
(C) ;w-vkj-,e- vkSj,e-vkj-,e-nksuks
(D) buesa ls dksbZ ugha
8. Which of the following is not true for National Food Security Act?
(A) It provides legal entitlement to 67 percent of population at subsidised food
(B) It covers 75 percent of rural population and 50 percent of urban population
(C) It has only two schedules which prescribes for issue of price and nutritional standards of food
(D) All of the above.
(A) 67 izfr'kr turk dks dkuwuh :Ik ls lfClMh okys [kk| iznku djrh gSA
(B) ;g 75 izfr'kr xzzkeh.k tula[;k vkSj 50 izfr'kr 'kgjh tula[;k dks vkPNkfnr djrh gSA
(C) blds dsoy nks vuqPNsn gSa tks dher dh leL;k vkSj Hkkstu dh ikSf"Vdrk ds Lrj dks fu/kkZfjr djrk gSA
(D) mijksDr lHkh
9. National Manufacturing Policy was introduced by the Government of India In.
(A) 2010
(B) 2011
(C) 2012
(D) 2013
jk"Vªh; fofuekZ.k uhfr Hkkjr ljdkj }kjk vkjEHk dh x;h FkhA
(A) 2010
(B) 2011
(C) 2012
(D) 2013
10. The Policy for Special Economic Zone (SEZS) Was introduced in the country for the first time in
(A) 1991
(B) 2000
(C) 2005
(D) None of the above
Lis'ky bdksukWfed tksu ¼,l-b-tsM+½ dh uhfr ns'k es igyh ckj vkjaHk dh Fkh A
(A) 1991
(B) 2000
(C) 2005
(D) blesa ls dksbZ ugha
11. When did the Prime Minister Narender Modi launch National Disaster Management Plan (NDMP)
(A) 1st June
(B) 2nd June
(C) 3rd June
(D) 1st May
ç/kkuea=h ujsna z eksnh us ^jk"Vªh;&vkink&izca/ksd&;kstuk* ¼NDMP½ dc tkjh dh \
(A) 1 twu
(B) 2 twu
(C) 3 twu
(D) 1 ebZ
12. There cyclic poor are those.
(A) Who always remain poor
(B) Who continuously chuffle between being poor and non-poor
(C) Who mostly remain non poor but sometimes they become poor
(D) All of the above
pØh; fu/kZu jgrs gS \
(A) Tkks lnSo fu/kZu jgrs gSaA
(B) Tkks fujarj fu/kZu vkSj xSj fu/kZu gksrs jgrs gSA
(C) Tkks vf/kdka'k le; /kuh jgrs gS ij ;nk&dnk fu/kZu jgrs gSA
(D) mi;qZDr lHkh
13. Disguised unemployment means.
(A) Unemployment resulting form change in technology
(B) Fall in productivity of labour
(C) Marginal productivity of labour is zero
(D) People in large numbers remaining unemployed
çPNUu csjkstkxkjh dk vFkZ gS
(A) Rkduhdh ds ifjroZru ls mRiUUk csjkstxkjh
(B) Je dh mRikndrk dk de gksuk
(C) Je dh lhekar mRikndrk “kwU; gS
(D) cM+h rknkn esa yksxksa dk csjkstxkj jguk