4as Test Administration Guidelines 2022 2023 FINAL
4as Test Administration Guidelines 2022 2023 FINAL
4as Test Administration Guidelines 2022 2023 FINAL
I: Introduction
This Examiner's Guidelines is intended for those involved in the administration of Argao
ACCESS Academic Assessment (4As) for Grades I - 10. It outlines the activities to be undertaken at
various stages in the activity. To ensure proper test administration, this Handbook must be
followed strictly.
II: General Guidelines
1. The Test Materials will be delivered by the LGU Counterpart to the Guidance Office of Argao I and Argao II.
2. The Test materials will be released by the District Guidance Coordinator starting at 6:00 AM on testing day.
3. School Heads as Chief Examiners will fill-up and sign distribution forms and the retrieval forms after the test.
4. There will be an exchange of teachers within the school. ( Grades 1-3; Grades 4-6 and Secondary teachers
Grs 7-10, but not on same teaching load)
5. The School Heads will act as Chief Examiners and will transfer to another school.
6. Grades 1-3 will answer on the Test papers while Grades 4-10 will provide their own Answer Sheet.
7. Grades 1-3 will use pencil (lead # 2) while Grades 4-10 will use ballpen.
8. The pupils/students in every class will be alphabetically arranged. All males first then females.
9. The subjects to be tested are Mathematics, English and Science and it will last for a half-day only.
10. The Chief Examiner who will be assigned to two (2) schools (satellite school) will conduct the test in the afternoon in
the other school.
* Administers the test using the Test Examiner's Handbook 4. Examiner's Handbook (to
be kept in the District
Guidance Office
The activities pertaining to the test have to do with: Pre-test, Test Proper and Post Test.
2.1.1 Test Materials
A. Test Questionnaires
B. Answer Sheets
2.1.2 Boardwork
Write the parts of the Test on the Board or on the Manila Paper including the time the test has started
and the time it will be finished, as shown below:
Time to
Parts of the Test Item Nos. Time Limit Time Started
For Grade I
General Directions 5 minutes
Test Proper
Mathematics 1 to 24 60 minutes 8:30 9:30
Recess 15 minutes 9:30 9:45
English (SSC) 1 to 24 60 minutes 9:45 10:45
Lunch Break
For Grade 2
General Directions 5 minutes
Test Proper
Mathematics 1 to 24 60 minutes 8:30 9:30
Recess 15 minutes 9:30 9:45
English 1 to 24 60 minutes 9:45 10:45
Science (SSC) 1 to 24 60 minutes 10:45 11:45
Lunch Break
For Grades 3
General Directions 5 minutes ______________________
Test Proper
Mathematics 1 to 32 60 minutes 8:30 9:30
Recess 15 minutes 9:30 9:45
English 1 to 32 60 minutes 9:45 10:45
Science 1 to 32 60 minutes 10:45 11:45
Lunch Break
4. Check again the seating arrangement by calling out the names of the examinees from the List in
Form 1 prepared by the Teacher-Adviser
2.1.4. Orientation of the Examinees
( After the examinees are seated and all chairs are cleared, say:)
Good morning everyone! I am (State your Name). Here are some points to follow while taking
the test. I shall read each one while you listen well.
(Read the following slowly and clearly.)
1. All of you will answer the 3 core subjects (Mathemticss, English and Science)
with 40 items per subject for Grade IV to Grade 10; 32 items per subject for Grade 3 and 24
items for Grades 1 and 2.
2. Do not leave the room while the test is going on however you can use the comfort room whenever necessary.
3. Do not start answering until you are told to do so.
4. If you have any problem such as missing pages or words that are not printed clearly, raise your hand
so I can help you.
5.( For Grades 4 to 10) You do not write anything on the Test Paper. You will write your answers on your own
Answer Sheet. For Grades 1 to 3, write your answers on the Testpaper.
6. For Grades I to III, you will use lead pencil in answering the test while Grades 4-10, you will use your ballpen.
7. Remember to keep your Answer Sheet clean and free from unnecesary marks.
8. If you want to change your answer , erase it neatly.
9. Work quietly and mind your own work only.
10. Work fast enough so you will finish the test with the given time. If you finish the test ahead of time ,
review your answers.
11. I will announce when it's time for you to stop answering.
(After you have read the guidelines , allow examinees to go out, if necessary,
before distributing the test materials.)
( After each Examinee has received a Test Paper and prepared his/her own Answer Sheet, say:)
Everybody , put the Answer Sheet on your chair/desk. ( Wait until Everybody has done this.) Look at your
Test Paper. Check the pages one by one. Do you notice any misprint or a missing page ? Raise your hand if
there is so, I can help you.
( Look for raised hands. In case a Test Paper is defective , the whole set must be
changed. Get this from the regular pack, if there are extras; if none, request the School Testing Coordinator
or Room Supervisor to give you the exact number of copies needed from the buffer which is in the custody
of the Chief Examiner. This should be noted in the Examiner's Report. When all Test Papers have been
checked, keep the unused TP in your custody. These will be packed with the others upon submission of
reports to the Chief Examiner during the test.)
For Grades 1 and 2, the Room Examiner will read the directions, test questions and the options. For Grade 3,
read the directions only.
2.2.2 Administering the Subject Area Test in Mathematics, English and Science
Record on the board the time started and the time to end for snacks and say:
Place your TP and AS under your seats while you take your snacks.
2.2.3 Continuing the Test After Snacks/Break
We are about to continue the test. The test will end at (point to the written time to end on the board).
Go around and see to it that the examinees are recording their answers properly. Record on the board
the time to end. The recorded time to end is from the time it started, excluding the 15-min. break.
3. After the checking, the Chief Examiner will collect the Form XIV and Form XV with his/her signature.
Pre - Test
1. Distribution of test Materials
2. The Chief Examiner will get the respective test materials from the Municipal Office at 6:00 on the day of examination.
the distribution of sealed test materials will be done at the Principal's Office not later than 7:30 AM
make Test materials Accounting Form
Things to prepare:
Form 1 - List of Examinees Form 4 - Chief Examiners report Form Form 5 -Answer Sheet
Form 2 - Seat Plan Form 6 - Score Sheet Bond Papers per District
Form 3 - Test Materials Accounting Form
1. Receives the Test materials from the Chief examiner.
2. Ensure that the test materials are complete.
3. Sign the form 3.
4. Proceed to the testing room.
5. Post the Test Coverage.
6. Arrange the Examinees in alphabetical order from left to right of the Examiner by row.
7. Gives General direction properly.
8. Distribute AS and TQ.
9. Administer the test using the guidelines.
10. Examinees should be instructed to bring their snacks inside the classroom.
Test Proper
1. Post the Test Coverage.
e day of examination.
Brown Envelope
I: Introduction
This Examiner's Handbook is intended for those involved in the administration of Argao
Annual Academic Assessment for Grades One to Ten. It outlines the activities to be undertaken at
various stages in the activity. To ensure a standardized test administration, this Handbook must be
followed strictly.
Distribution Room
Distribution Room Examination Room
(Retrieval Phase)
* Receieve* Post the test coverage * Submits the
Test Papers* Read the General Instruction Examiner's
Answer Sh* Distribute the AS and then the Test QuestHandbook and
* Facilitates the Form 2 (Seat Plan) by exa
* Counts t * Administers the test using the TesExami
the sealed * Keep custody of the excess Test papers ino
envelopes while the test is in progress.
* Signs Fo * Accomplishes Form 1 and form 7
* Retrieives the Test Papers
* Seal the envelope while in the Testing ro
Time to
Parts of the Test
Item Nos. Time LimitTime Started
For Grades 1 & 2
General Directions 5 minutes ______________________
Test Proper
English 1 to 24 60 minutes______________________
Math 1 to 24 60 minutes______________________
Mother To 1 to 24 60 minutes______________________
Filipino 1 to 24 60 minutes______________________
Araling Pa 1 to 24 60 minutes______________________
For Grade Three
General Directions 5 minutes ______________________
Test Proper
English 1 to 32 60 minutes______________________
Math 1 to 32 60 minutes______________________
Science 1 to 32 60 minutes______________________
Filipino 1 to 32 60 minutes______________________
Araling Pa 1 to 32 60 minutes______________________
For Grades Four to Ten
General Directions 5 minutes ______________________
Test Proper
English 1 to 32 60 minutes______________________
Math 1 to 32 60 minutes______________________
Science 1 to 32 60 minutes______________________
Filipino 1 to 32 60 minutes______________________
Araling Pa 1 to 32 60 minutes______________________
Check again the seating arrangement by calling out the names of the examinees from the List in Form 1
prepared by theSchool Principal/ Testing Coordinat
Check the identities of the examinees inside each examination room by all means (e. g. ID, Notebooks,
bearing the examinee's name; etc.) using the following procedure:
a. Countercheck the identity through the ID
b. If ID is not available, ask the examinee to present a notebook or any belonging bearing his/ her
c. In the absence of requirements for a & b identification materials, ask, his/her respective
classmates inside the examination room to attest the identity.
After you have read the guidelines , allow examinees to go out, if necessary,
before distributing the test materials.
After each Examinee has received a Test Paper and an Answer Sheet, say:
Everybody , put the Answer Sheet on your chair/desk. ( Wait until Everybody has done this.) Look at your
Test Paper. Check the pages one by one. Do you notice any misprint or a missing page ? Raise your hand if there is
so I can replace it.
Everybody , look at your Answer Sheet. Find out if there are defects. In case there are , raise your hand
and i will change it.
Pause . Look for raised hands. In case a Test Paper or an Answer Sheet is defective , the whole set must
be changed. Get this from the regular pack, if there are extras; if none, request the School Testing Coordinator or
Room Supervisor to give you the exact number of copies needed from the buffer which is in the custody of the Chief
Examiner. This should be noted in the Exaaminer's Report. When all Test Booklets have been checked, keep the
unused TP in your custody. These will be packed with the others upon submission of reports to the Chief Examiner
during the post test.
Let us begin this examination with a prayer printed on page 1 of your Test Booklet. All together, read it
silently. Begin.
Questionaire (EDQ) circles numbered 1 to 10. The back contains circles numbered 1 to 12 for the Listening test in
English , 13 to 45 for Multiple Choice in English , 1 to 12 for the Listening Test in Filipino, 13 to 45 for Multiple Choice
in Filipino, 1 to 12 for Listening Test in Mother Tongue and 13 to 45 for multiple choice in mother tongue. In marking
the circle, see to it the the whole space within the circle is fully shaded.
It is imperative that you check and double check that all Examinees have shaded the correct circles
pertaining to the NAME GRID and all the necessary information about the Examinee. To do this, go around and
inspect each Examinee's Answer Sheet. (THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT).
2.2.4 Administering the Subject Area Test in Filipino, Mathematics, English, Science, and HeKaSi (3hrs and 50 mins)
After five minutes, say:
Are you now ready to start answering the test? The test proper for this morning will last for four hours.
Record on the board the time started and the time to end for lunch break. After the third subject, say:
Place yor TB and AS under your seats while you take your snacks.
Note: The unused Scannable Answer Sheets shall be collected by the Room Supervisor/ Cief Examiner at the time
when the Examinees are answering the last subtest. Likewise, the filing out of the remaining data in Form 3
should be done at this time.
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Municipality of Argao
4 As Program
Score Sheet
Name of School Adviser:
Grade and Section Date of Examination:
Name MT English Math Science Filipino AP Total