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International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science Volume 3, Issue 4, July-August, 2015

ISSN 2091-2730


Nikhil Mohanan, Sija Gopinathan, Bos Mathew Jos
P G Student,, +91 9447037436

Abstract— A single input, multi-output AC-DC boost converters with power factor correction is proposed. Conventional
transformer-based multi-output DC-DC converters have the drawbacks of high cost and large volume. Therefore, the single-input
multi-output configuration with power factor correction is developed in order to reduce the component count and cost for multi-output
DC-DC converters. Mathematical model of the proposed converter with PFC is developed and dynamic simulation model is developed
in MATLAB/Simulink platform. Simulation study is carried out and results show that this topology promises improved performance
compared to earlier systems.
Keywords— Multiple output DC-DC converter, Boost Converters, AC-DC converters, DC link, H bridge converter, Input power
factor, Passive power factor correction.

This work mainly focuses on single input multiple output DC-DC boost converters used in low voltage applications. Its application
comes in the area of portable and hand held consumer devices MP3 players, digital camera etc. Nowadays there are lots of portable
devices that work with DC input which is taken from AC sources, so there is a concern of input power factor. Conventionally, the
transformer-based multi-output DC-DC converters are widely employed to provide multiple output voltages. However, the drawbacks
of these transformer-type converters include the amount and cost of electronic components and circuit volume. The single-input multi-
output AC-DC converters were developed to effectively reduce the amount of electronic components for providing multiple output
voltages. Number of switches is minimum in this circuit. The boost-type single-inductor multi-output DC-DC converter is the main
part of the circuit, which needs only a single inductor for any number of outputs. The problems faced due to transformer usage in DC-
DC converters is explained in [1] and also why Power MOSFET is superior over Power transistor. Basic idea of single input multiple
output converters [3] and also the idea of coupled inductor in DC-DC converters are derived from [2]. The proposed converter
employs transformer less operation [5]. In this proposed system single boosting inductor [4] is enough for any number of outputs. The
single inductor multiple output DC-DC boost converter derived from [1]-[5]. Input power factor correction with H bridge converter
[7] and inductor [6] is adopted here. Various types of input power factor correction methods [8]-[9] are analyzed and passive power
factor correction method is the one used here.


Figure 1: Circuit diagram of Single-Input Multiple-Output Boost Converter

The circuit can be divided into two sections, first is an AC-DC converter which focuses on the Power Factor Correction and the
second is a single inductor DC-DC boost converter which provides multiple outputs. A DC link connects both the sections. First
section contains an H bridge converter with two switches and two diodes and an inductor in the input side for power factor correction.
The two diodes are placed in the upper leg and two switches placed in lower leg of H bridge converter. Input inductor L1 works as a
low pass filter and filtered out harmonics, which improves power factor. Here AC is converted to DC and stored in the DC link which
acts as the input of second section. Second section consists of one inductor for boosting purpose, two switches, two diodes, two
outputs. One output is with resistor R01 and filter capacitor C01 and second one is auxiliary output with resistor R02 wand filter
capacitor C02. This topology uses the least number of switches among multiple output converters. Number of switches should be one
less than number of outputs. Switch S1 controls the amount of boosting along with value of inductor L2. Working of first section
consists of 4 stages and that of second stage consists of 3 stages.
International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science Volume 3, Issue 4, July-August, 2015
ISSN 2091-2730

A. AC-DC Converter

1) Stage 1: In stage 1, during the positive half cycle with switch S1 turned ON, input inductor L1 charges through S1 and body
diode of S2. L1 works as a low pass filter and filters out harmonics, which improves power factor. Fig 2(a) shows positions of
switches and diodes and corresponding current directions.
2) Stage 2: In stage 2, during the positive half cycle with switch S1 turned OFF, input inductor L1 discharges through Diode D1
and body diode of S2. Fig 2(b) shows positions of switches and diodes and corresponding current directions.
3) Stage 3: In stage 3, during the negative half cycle, with switch S2 turned ON, input inductor L1 charges through S2 and body
diode of S1. Fig 2(c) shows positions of switches and diodes and corresponding current directions.
4) Stage 4: In stage 4, input voltage belongs to negative half cycle and switch S1 is in OFF position. Input inductor L1
discharges through Diode D2 and body diode of S1. Fig 2(d) shows positions of switches and diodes and corresponding
current directions.

Figure 2: Current directions of the ac-dc converter during (a) Stage 1, (b) Stage 2, (c) Stage 3, (d)Stage 4.

B. DC-DC Boost Converter

1. Stage 1: In stage 1, both switches, S3 and S4 are turned ON at t0. The inductor L2 stores energy and inductor current I L2
increases in this stage. Current directions and voltage polarities are shown in Figure 3(a).
2. Stage 2: In stage 2, at t = t1 switch S3 is turned OFF and S4 remains in ON position. The inductor L2 discharges energy to
auxiliary output and inductor current I L2 decreases. Current directions and voltage polarities are also shown in Figure
3. : In stage 3, at t=t2, switch S4 is turned OFF and both switches are in OFF position. The inductor L discharges energy to
main output R01 and inductor current I L2 decreases. Current directions and voltage polarities are also shown in Figure

International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science Volume 3, Issue 4, July-August, 2015
ISSN 2091-2730

Figure 3: Current directions of the dc-dc converter during (a) Stage 1, (b) Stage 2, (c) Stage 3


A. AC-DC Converter

Input Inductor, L1 = 33 µH
DC link capacitor, CDC =1F
Duty Ratio,
For S1, D1 = 40%
For S2, D2 = 40%

B. Boost Converter

= change in inductor Current

= Input Voltage
, = Duty Ratios of S3 and S4

Figure 4: Waveform of Inductor Current and Voltage

Main output, = 12 V
Auxiliary output, =5V
Duty ratio for S3, D3 = 50 %
International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science Volume 3, Issue 4, July-August, 2015
ISSN 2091-2730

Duty ratio for S4, D4 = 80 %

Switching Frequency, F = 100 kHz
Switching period, T =1 sec
Output resistances, R01 = 82 Ω
R02 = 22 Ω

By using volt-second balance

Stage 1,

Stage 2,
Stage 3,
= 0.29 A (3)

Increase in in stage1 is equal to the sum of decrease in in stage 2 and stage 3

So, voltage ratio relationship in between , and is


By substituting values of D1 and D2 in Equation (4) we get DC link voltage as

VDC = 3.9 V for output voltages 12 V and 5 V.

Based on principle of energy conservation and minimum value of inductor current,

Minimum value of inductance,

[ ( )] [ ]
[ ]

C1 and C2 can be found using amp-sec balance principle





International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science Volume 3, Issue 4, July-August, 2015
ISSN 2091-2730

Fig 5: Simulink diagram of the proposed Single-Input Multiple-Output Boost Converter with PFC

The steady state analysis of Single-Input Multi-Output Boost Converter with Power Factor Correction was done using
MATLAB 2010a. Simulation results of open loop system are obtained. From those results it is understood that this topology provides
improvement in the performance of Multiple Output Boost Converters with AC Source. Power Factor also improved when compared
with existing systems

The parameter values used in simulation are

L1 = 33 µH
L2 = 56 µH
D1 = D2 = 40%
D3 = 50%
D4 = 80%
CDC = 1 F.
R01 = 82 Ω
C01 = 10 µF
R02 = 22 Ω
C02 = 33 µF


Simulated waveforms obtained are shown below:

1) Switching pulses

Figure 6 and 7 show the switching pulses of switches S1, S2, S3 and S4. The duty ratio of S1 and S2 is 40% and that of S3
and S4 is 50% and 80% respectively.

Figure 6: Switching pulses for S1 and S2

Figure 7: Switching pulses for S3 and S4

International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science Volume 3, Issue 4, July-August, 2015
ISSN 2091-2730

2) DC Link Voltage

A capacitor acts as a link between AC-DC converter and Boost converter. Figure (8) shows the voltage across the
DC link capacitor.

Figure 8: DC link voltage, VDC

3) Inductor Voltage and Current (V L2 and IL2)

Figure 9 shows the inductor current. In stage 1 IL2 increases and L2 stores energy. In stage 2 inductor L2
discharges energy to auxiliary output and inductor current decreases gradually. In stage 3 inductor L2 discharges
to main output and inductor current decreases rapidly. Figure 9 shows the current through inductor L and voltage
across it. In stage 1 both switches are ON, VL = Vg. At the end of stage 1, S1 turns OFF. In stage 2, S2 continues in
ON position, inductor discharges energy to auxiliary output and VL = V02 – Vg. At the end of stage 2 S2 also goes
to OFF position, inductor discharges energy to main output and VL = V01 - Vg in stage 3.

Figure 9: Current through and voltage across inductor L1

4) Output Currents (I01 and I02)

Figure 10 shows the main output current. It is obtained when both switches are OFF and diode corresponding to
main output is in forward based condition.

Figure 10: Main output current, I01 and Auxiliary output current, I02

5) Output Voltages. (V01 and V02)

Figure 11 shows the main output voltage. When switches S3 and S4 are OFF ,main output voltage increases and
rest of the switching cycle it decreases. Figure 12 shows the Auxiliary output voltage. When S1 is OFF and S2 is

International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science Volume 3, Issue 4, July-August, 2015
ISSN 2091-2730

in ON position, Auxiliary output voltage increases (30 % of switching cycle) and rest of the switching cycle it

Figure 11: Main output voltage, V01

Figure 12: Auxiliary output voltage, V02

It is a great pleasure to acknowledge all those who have assisted and supported me for successfully completing my work. First of all, I
thank God Almighty for his blessings as it is only through his grace that I was able to complete my work successfully. I am deeply
indebted to Prof. Geetha B, Principal, Mar Athanasius College of Engineering. Her encouragement and patience will be a guiding
spirit in all endeavors of my future. I express my deep sense of gratitude to Prof. Salice Peter, Head of Electrical & Electronics
Engineering Department for the valuable guidance as well as timely advice which helped me a lot in doing my work successfully. I
also extend my deep sense of gratitude to PG Coordinator, Sri. George John P, Professor, EEE Dept. and our Faculty Advisor Smt.
Beena M Varghese, Associate Professor, EEE Dept. for their creative suggestions during the preparation of the mini project. I take this
opportunity to extend my sincere thanks to my project guide Smt. Sija Gopinathan, Assistant Professor, EEE Dept. and all the faculty
members of the Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering for sharing their valuable critical comments during the
preparation of the paper. I whole - heartedly thank all my classmates, for their valuable suggestions and for the spirit of healthy
competition that existed between us.


Single-Input Multi-Output Boost Converter with Power Factor Correction provides multiple outputs with improved input
power factor correction. Input Power factor is improved up to 0.9115 and THD up to 0.22. This was accomplished by a H bridge
inverter with input inductor. In DC-DC section only one inductor is needed to attain any number of DC outputs. It works with least
number of switches among different topologies in multiple output DC systems.


[1] F. Kurokawa, and H. Matsuo, ―A new Multiple-Output Hybrid Power Supply,‖ IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,
vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 412-419, Oct. 1988.
[2] Rong-Jong Wai, Senior Member, IEEE, and Kun-Huai Jheng, ‖High-Efficiency Single-Input Multiple-Output DC–DC
Converter” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 28, No. 2, February 2013.
[3] Olive ray. Anil Prasad Joysula and Santanu Misra, ― Integrated Dual- Output Converter,‖ Ieee Transactions on Industrial
[4] Dongsheng Ma, Wing-Hung Ki, Chi-Ying Tsui, and Philip K. T. Mok ―Single-Inductor Multiple-Output Switching
Converters With Time-Multiplexing Controlling Discontinuous Conduction Mode‖ IEEE Journal Of Solid-State Circuits, Vol.
38, No. 1, January 2003.
International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science Volume 3, Issue 4, July-August, 2015
ISSN 2091-2730

[5] Hussain Athab, Amirnaser Yazdani, Bin Wu, “A Transformer less DC-DC Converter with Large Voltage ratio for MV DC
Grids“ IEEE Transactions On Power Electronics, Vol. 28, No. 2, February 2013.
[6] Seong-hye Kim, Feel-soon Kang ―Bidirectional converter unifying ac-to-dc power factor corrected converter and buck-boost
dc-to-dc converter for a V2H application” , PEDS 2013
[7] Karteek Gummi ―Derivation of New Double input DC-DC Converters using the Building Block Technology ‖ Thesis work,
Missouri University of Science and technology.
[8] Sam Abdel-Rahman ,Franz Stückler ,Ken Siu “PFC Boost Converter Design Guide, 1200 W Design Example”.
[9] Jagannath Prasad Mishra, Rutwik Rath ―Input Power Factor Correction Using Buck Converter In Single Phase AC-DC
Circuit‖ Thesis work, National Institute Of Technology ,Rourkela


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