Bible Power Eng
Bible Power Eng
Bible Power Eng
K. Gunasekaran,
Retired Missionary, Blessing Youth Mission
A Building Engineer Evangeline Jones, Linetta Sampathkumar,
turned Bible Teacher Karoline Mariajoseph
C. Suthakar, S. Antony Arputham,
P. Ebenezer, A. Kanisten
to the memory of
(John 7:37-39)
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Contents 26. Less spectacular Gifts ... 214
27. Interdependence in the Operation of Gifts ... 218
(A) Articles 28. When is the Holy Spirit grieved? ... 223
1. Bible Power ... 8 29. How the Church hurts the Holy Spirit ... 225
2. God’s Parallel Gifts ... 13 30. Holy Spirit & Restoration ... 231
3. How to Receive the Holy Spirit ... 19 31. Missionary Evangelism & the Holy Spirit ... 239
4. Walking in the Spirit ... 30 32. How the Holy Spirit prepares the Bride ... 242
5. Energised by the Anointing! ... 37 33. Body: Temple of the Holy Spirit ... 249
6. Personal Pentecost ... 47
7. What the Spirit says ... ... 55 (C) Questions & Answers
8. Christmas & Pentecost ... 64 34. What is blasphemy against the Spirit? ... 254
9. Tongues Today? ... 74 35. Liturgical Worship or the Freestyle? ... 257
10. Signs & Wonders ... 91 36. Can we not Worship silently? ... 261
11. Understanding the Spiritual Gifts ... 102 37. Can we Dance in Worship? ... 263
12. Using the Spiritual Gifts ... 111 38. Can women lift hands in Worship? ... 266
13. The Purpose of Pentecost ... 121 39. What is the Baptism of Fire? ... 268
14. Holy Spirit & Missionary Work ... 129 40. Are Tongues the only Sign? ... 270
15. Anointed Writing ... 139 41. Has speaking in Tongues ceased? ... 272
16. How to Discern the Spirits ... 150 42. Nine gifts or nineteen? ... 274
17. Back to the Holy Spirit! ... 162 43. What about Laying on of Hands? ... 276
18. Holy Spirit & Second Coming ... 180 44. Can preachers blow on people? ... 278
(B) Study Notes 45. What about being “slain in the Spirit?” ... 280
46. What is holy laughter? ... 283
19. What shall I do with the Holy Spirit? ... 186
47. Can a believer be demon-possessed? ... 286
20. Holy Spirit & Holy Scriptures ... 190
48. What about Charismatic Catholics? ... 288
21. Helps of the Holy Spirit ... 192
22. Holy Spirit: The Fire of Sanctification ... 197 49. What is a Spiritual Church? ... 292
23. The Bible on Tongues ... 201 50. Is this the awaited Revival? ... 295
24. “Power” in the Acts of the Apostles ... 205 Quotes on the Holy Spirit ... 298
25. Gift of Prophecy ... 207 Scripture Index ... 303
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Bible Power
3. The Holy One (Lk 1:35; The Spirit of Holiness 16.Our bodies are healed by Our bodies are quickened
Acts 3:14) (Rom 1:4) His stripes (Isa 53:4,5) by Him (Rom 8:11)
13 14
17. Prayer in His Name Prayer in His Power 28. The Hope of Glory The Spirit of Glory
(Jn 16:23) (Eph 6:18; Jude 20) (Col 1:27) (1 Pet 4:14)
29. He predicted bad He predicts bad
18. He pleads with the Father He pleads with the endtimes (Mt 24:4-12) endtimes (2 Tim 3:1)
for us in Heaven Father for us from the
30. He was sent in the last He is outpoured in the
(Rom 8:34) Earth (Rom 8:26) days (Heb 2:1,2) last days (Acts 2:17)
19. He is the Prophet of He enables all believers This list can go on and on. On the face of this com-
prophets to prophesy parison, how can one who has believed on Christ ever
(Acts 3:22; Lk 24:19) (Acts 2:17; 1 Cor 14:31) underestimate the need of the work of the Holy Spirit in his
life? Jesus made God’s “nature” known, and the Holy Spirit
20. He gives men as gifts to He gives gifts to men in makes God’s “power” available. Between the physical
the Church (Eph 4:7-11) the Church (1 Cor 12:7-11) presence of Jesus with His disciples and the spiritual
presence of the Holy Spirit with us, one is not superior or
21. He demonstrated love He produces love inferior to the other. It’s deplorable to see several, even
(Jn 15:12) (Gal 5:22) sincere, Christians not open to the ministry of the Spirit.
22. He glorified the Father He glorifies Christ When the need to be anointed or filled or baptized with the
Holy Spirit is emphasized, they usually present three
(Jn 17:4) (Jn 16:14)
problems —
23. He was angry when He is angry when our 1. The Problem of Fear
the temple was abused body, His temple, is
“When I pray for the baptism with the Holy Spirit,
(Jn 2:13-17) defiled (1 Cor 3:16,17; suppose I get into flesh and receive something else?” This
6:19; Js 4:5) fear is groundless. Jesus predicted such a fear and He
24. He speaks to the Church He speaks to the Church presented an illustrious explanation: “If a son asks for bread
for Restoration for Restoration (Rev 2:7, from any father among you, will he give him a stone? Or if
he asks for a fish, will he give him a snake instead of a
(Rev 2:1,8,12,18; 3:1,7,14) 11,17,29; 3:6,13,22)
fish? Or if he asks for an egg, will he offer him a scorpion?
25. He sent missionaries He sends missionaries If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your
(Mt 10:1,5) (Acts 13:2-4) children, how much more will your heavenly Father give
the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him?” (Lk 11:11-13). Ask
26. He gives us authority He gives us power for bread and get bread! Ask for fish and get fish! Ask for
(Mt 28:18,19) (Acts 1:8) egg and get egg! Ask for the Holy Spirit and you don’t get
anything else! No doubt there are spurious and counterfeit
27. Our Example of suffering Our Companion in experiences. But because of this we should not commit a
(Lk 23:31) suffering (1 Pet 4:12-14) greater mistake of rejecting the true and the genuine.
15 16
Some are scared of any emotion in religion. It’s better to but both. The Biblical counsel is, “Pursue love, and desire
be emotional than “immotional!” We all have emotions. spiritual gifts” (1 Cor 14:1).
That’s how God has created us. Love is an emotion. Anger
is an emotion. Worry, kindness, these are all emotions. If 3. Experiences of Popular Personalities
folks can jump out of their seats and shout cheers when During question hours or counselling sessions on the
their cricket star on the TV screen takes a run, or, if the ministry of the Holy Spirit, this is usually the last question.
spectators of a running race can clap their hands and After listening to all the explanations, the candidate will
whistle when their candidate finishes first, why should not ask, referring to any one prominent preacher or leader, “Why
people rejoice and dance before their Lord and King when then is it that So-and-so doesn’t have this experience, but
they are filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit? If temporal is still mightily used by God?” I appreciate this question
things can so excite people and drive them crazy, I find no because it’s genuine.
reason why I should not have excitement and thrill in
religion. The Bible exhorts us, “Do not be drunk with wine No single preacher, leader, group or church has got the
in excess; but be filled with the Spirit” (Eph 5:18). Wine revelation and understanding of “all” truth. “Unity of the
kicks people to the guttermost but the Holy Spirit takes me Spirit” is present now, and we are to “maintain” it; but
to the uppermost and the uttermost! “unity of faith” is still in the future, and so we are to “attain”
it (Eph 4:3,13). Our growth or maturing to the full stature
2. Poor Testimonies
of Christ is the process in between. Presently the knowledge
It is an undeniable fact that the fruit of the Spirit is not and experience of all of us is imperfect (1 Cor 13:9). As
very evident in the lives of several people who claim to have such it is very unsafe to follow or imitate any one leader or
been anointed with the Spirit. This is a great stumbling preacher in everything. The teaching and the testimony of
block to the enquirers and seekers. But we cannot decry the Bible should be sufficient for us in such vital issues.
the gift because of the absence of fruit. For example, The Bible says it; I believe it; and that settles it! This should
salvation is a gift of God. We are not saved by works, but be our code.
for works (Eph 2:8-10). That means producing fruits
becomes man’s responsibility after receiving the gift from Evangelicals can be broadly classified as charismatic or
God. Just because man fails in his responsibilities, we Pentecostal evangelicals and non-charismatic or non-
cannot undermine the value or question the genuineness Pentecostal evangelicals. One group emphasizes power and
of God’s gift of salvation. Similarly, the gift of the Spirit is the other the Scriptures. We need both (Mt 22:29). One
what God gives; and the fruit of the Spirit is what we should learn from the other by mutual acceptance and
cultivate in our life through His power. This argument is appreciation. Martin Luther spoke about Justification, John
not to defend fruitlessness but to stress the validity of the Wesley about Sanctification, Charles Finney about Spirit
gift, in spite of poor testimonies. God will certainly judge Baptism, and so on. Restoration of Biblical truths from the
fruitlessness (Mt 3:10). Let’s take this up as a challenge Dark Ages has always been progressive. Openness and
and seek a life filled with fruit and gifts. It’s not either or, availability is necessary to enjoy all of God’s best.
17 18
3 Day of Pentecost. This was seven weeks after the
resurrection of Jesus. Pentecost is a Greek word meaning
the fiftieth day. This was an antitype of an Old Testament
How to Receive the Holy Spirit festival (Ex 34:22; Lev 23:15,16; 1 Cor 15:23).
The Bible gives various names and titles to the Holy
Spirit. They are functional.
“Receive the Holy Spirit!” (Jn 20:22)
He is called the Spirit of Holiness (Rom 1:4). His focus
A commandment as well as a promise of the Resurrected
on our lives is sanctification. His oft-repeated name is
Lord! This meant everything to the disciples, because, their
the “Holy” Spirit. He makes us holy. His “fire” burns out
entire future, both life and ministry, depended on this.
all that is ungodly in our life (Mt 3:11,12). John the
Without the Holy Spirit they would be orphans (Jn 14:16-
Baptist called this the baptism with fire. Let free He
18). Helpless!
deals with us thoroughly.
“Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?”
He is the Spirit of Truth (Jn 14:17). He is the Author as
(Acts 19:1,2). This was the very first question Apostle Paul
well as the Teacher of the Scriptures (2 Pet 1:20,21; Jn
asked a group of disciples. Not without reason. This is still
the most important question for every Christian. 14:26). He reveals to us the deep things of God. He makes
us understand our inheritance from God (1 Cor 2:9-14).
The Holy Spirit is not just a force or an influence. He is He is the Spirit of Wisdom, the Spirit of Understanding,
God. The Bible speaks of God the Father, God the Son and the Spirit of Counsel and the Spirit of Knowledge (Isa
God the Holy Spirit. Just because the Holy Spirit is 11:2). He imparts all these to us.
mentioned third among the Persons of Godhead, He doesn't
become “third” or the least important. Never! The Holy Spirit is also called the Spirit of Supplication
(Zech 12:10). Who is not weak in prayer ? We know not
The Father is in Heaven. The Son is seated there at His perfectly how and what to pray. He assists us in our
right hand. Only the Holy Spirit is here on earth today in prayers. Also He Himself makes intercession for us (Rom
His total personality. Our relationship with Him determines 8:26,27). Our faith is built up when we pray in the Spirit
the quality of our life. Ours is the dispensation of the Holy (Jude 20).
He is the Spirit of Power. The Lord Jesus Christ
Christians know about Christmas and Easter but sadly commanded His disciples to tarry until the power of the
not enough about Pentecost. The Holy Spirit came on the Spirit came on them (Lk 24:49). It was after the Spirit
19 20
came on them that they could go everywhere as bold Worshipping God is our highest calling and privilege.
witnesses (Acts 1:8; 4:31). Until then they were timid The Father God searches for true worshippers. God is a
and fearful. Before Pentecost, at the hour of trial, Peter Spirit. We must worship Him in spirit and in truth (Jn
denied Christ and all the disciples deserted Him. But 4:23,24). When Spirit-filled we break forth into singing and
after Pentecost they stood bold like lion before mocking making melody in our hearts to the Lord (Eph 5:18-20). A
and hostile crowds. They became martyr witnesses. The new release in our spirit is realized.
Lord Jesus Himself ministered in the power of the Holy The initial reception of the Holy Spirit in our life is
Spirit, thus giving us a pattern (Acts 10:38). Paul called in the New Testament by various names: The Baptism
reminded young Timothy, “God has not given us a spirit in the Holy Spirit (Mt 3:11; Acts 1:5), Enduement with power
of fear but of power” (2 Tim 1:7). from on High (Lk 24:49), Filling (Acts 2:4), Receiving (Acts
2:38; 8:15), Anointing (Acts 10:38). Yes when we receive
Jesus introduced the Holy Spirit as the Comforter or the “gift of the Holy Spirit,” we are anointed, filled, endued
Helper (Jn 14:16-18). Is there anyone without problems and baptized! Oh the glorious “Promise of the Father!” (Acts
and tears? Human comfort has serious limitations. Even 1:4). A rightful inheritance for every child of God!
when beaten and imprisoned the apostles could sing for
joy (Act 16:24,25). It was the joy of the Holy Spirit (Acts Preparation
13:50,52). No one can escape suffering. But the Holy Each of the Bible incidents where people received the
Spirit helps us handle suffering rightly for our profit Holy Spirit teaches valuable lessons —
and God’s praise.
There was an air of expectation and a spirit of
The Holy Spirit is called the Spirit of Christ (Rom 8:9). anticipation amidst the disciples who were waiting in
He builds in us a Christlike character (2 Cor 3:18). He the Upper Room. They united their hearts to one
produces in us godly virtues as His fruit. “The fruit of purpose—to receive the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:13,14; 2:1).
the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, Among those who gathered was Mary the mother of Jesus
goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control” (Gal (Acts 1:14). If there was one person who did not perhaps
5:22,23). It is only when the Spirit fills us with God’s need this experience, it was she. It was by the Holy Spirit
love we can love our enemies and others selflessly (Rom she conceived. The One in her womb was the Baptizer
5:5). with the Spirit. At her very greeting Elizabeth was filled
with the Spirit. Yet Mary humbly waited with others,
The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God. This is how He is thirsty to receive the Spirit baptism. She sang, “God has
first introduced in the Bible (Gen 1:2). Our most filled the hungry with good things, and the rich He has
important business on earth is to do God’s will (Mt 7:21). sent away empty” (Lk 1:53). God has promised to pour
But without the Holy Spirit we can neither know God's out His Spirit on the “thirsty” who accept their “dryness”
will nor do it (Rom 8:14). (Isa 44:3).
21 22
Persecution scattered the Jerusalem Christians. They The Holy Spirit bade Peter to go to Cornelius, an Italian
went everywhere preaching the gospel. Philip was just a military official, to preach to him. Because Cornelius
deacon but his evangelistic fervour drove him to a was a gentile, a non-Jew, Peter was hesitant. Finally he
Samaritan city. He preached there, healed the sick and went. There at home with all relatives Cornelius was
cast out demons. He baptized in water those who believed enthusiastically waiting to hear all that God had told
on Christ. The city experienced a great joy. The news Peter to preach. Even before Peter finished his sermon,
reached Jerusalem. Immediately Apostles Peter and John the Holy Spirit fell on the gathering. This caused no small
visited these new believers. They found they had not yet astonishment to Peter and his friends. Yes, “God shows
received the Holy Spirit. So they prayed for them and no partiality!” This man Cornelius was very devout. His
laid their hands on them. And they received the Spirit. entire family was God-fearing. He helped the poor
It was such a wonderful sight that Simon, a very popular generously. Prayer was his way of life. His social standing
magician, offered money to buy this gift of impartation was superb. None of these things stopped his longing
(Acts 8:1-19). Look at the openness of the believers in to go higher and deeper with God (Acts 10).
Samaria. They had seen and experienced enough The disciples at Ephesus honestly accepted their
miracles. But they were ready to receive more from God ignorance of the Holy Spirit. They had had the baptism
through other ministers. They didn’t get stuck to the of John. Now they obeyed in the believers’ baptism. After
one who led them to Christ and baptized them. They did this when Paul laid hands on them the Holy Spirit came
not become hero-worshippers of Philip but were ready on them. God bypasses those who assume to know
to receive a wider ministry from outside. everything. He is pleased with those who come to Him
like little children (Isa 28:9).
The experience of Paul is interesting. He met Christ on
the road to Damascus. Instantly he submitted himself Objections
to His lordship. He became blind to the material world
People raise several objections to the teaching
for three days. He spent those days in total fasting and
concerning the Baptism in the Spirit. I think of atleast
prayer. He was repenting of his past and seeking God
three —
for his future. Humorously the Lord chose not an apostle
from Jerusalem, but an ordinary disciple from It’s a denominational experience. Lutherans speak so
Damascus, to baptize this would-be great apostle and much about Justification. Is it then a denominational
lead him to be filled with the Holy Spirit (Acts 9:1-18). experience? Methodists preach again and again on
We are not to tell God how and through whom He must Sanctification. Does it then become a denominational
anoint us. We must submit, surrender and yield to experience? Far from it! Justification and Sanctification
His ways. are Biblical truths to be experienced by everyone,
23 24
irrespective of denominational affiliations. So also the the last day of the Feast, He cried out, saying, “If anyone
Baptism with the Spirit. Just because Pentecostals thirsts, let him come to Me and drink.” This He spoke
emphasize it, this does not become a denominational concerning the Holy Spirit. When the people heard this
experience. Each denomination holds on to a saying there was immediately a dispute and a division!
“portion” of the “whole” truth and we need to embrace (Jn 7:2,14,37-43). It was the traditional Jews who cruci-
all. fied Christ. It is generally the traditional and ritual
Christians who resist the Work of the Spirit. History repeats.
Others call the Spirit baptism a mere emotional or Problems
sensational experience. What’s wrong with emotions?
Folks encounter certain common problems while
Love, joy, anger and sorrow are all emotions. Who does
seeking the gift of the Holy Spirit —
not have them—except a dead man? When I am full of
love I embrace. When I am overjoyed I jump and laugh. First, the problem of fear. They are very apprehensive
When I am angry I shout. When I am grief-stricken I cry lest they would receive a counterfeit experience. This is
and weep. That’s how we are made. When we are full we absolutely unfounded. Christ predicted that people
express. There is an outward expression for every inward would have this fear while praying for the Holy Spirit.
experience (Acts 3:8). The sign of fullness is overflowing. So He said, “If a son asks for bread from any father
We of course don’t condone unseemly and disorderly among you, will he give him a stone? Or if he asks for a
behaviour under the claim that it is a manifestation of fish, will he give him a serpent instead of a fish? Or if he
asks for an egg, will he offer him a scorpion? If you then,
the Holy Spirit. At the same time, is the remedy for abuse
being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children,
disuse or proper use? Cricket and Tennis excite people
how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy
to the core. They forget themselves even while watching
Spirit to those who ask Him ?” (Lk 11:11-13). Any
someone else playing. Tell me if I should not sing and
comment needed for this passage? Some believers are
shout, clap and dance, when I get drunk with the New intimidated by a sense of unworthiness. You can never
Wine! It’s better to be emotional than motionless. become “holy” enough to receive the “Holy” Spirit. He
fills unholy people to make them holy (Rom 15:16).
Then the third objection: It is anti-traditional. The
teaching and experience of the Spirit baptism is divisive, Then the problem concerning faith. It is inconceivable
they say. I wonder what unity is there to destroy! No that people think they need a greater and extraordinary
doubt, truth divides. After all it’s a sword. Not all faith to receive the Holy Spirit than the one they exercised
divisions are bad. The Holy Spirit blows off the superficial on Jesus Christ to be saved. Jesus Christ and the Holy
unity and builds up a spiritual unity that’s real. Jesus Spirit are God’s parallel Gifts (See Chapter 2, pages 13-
joined the Jew’s Feast of Tabernacles. In the middle of 16). The disciples were not men of super-faith when they
the Feast He went up into the temple and taught. On were tarrying in the upper room (Mt 28:16,17; Mk 16:14;
25 26
Lk 24:41). Nothing more than a basic faith was necessary unknown to him. In the ordinary speaking the mind
(Jn 7:39). It is after that the Holy Spirit comes on us we supplies the words whereas while speaking in tongues our
grow strong in faith. He is called the Spirit of faith (2 spirit supplies words under the Holy Spirit’s prompting (1
Cor 4:13). Cor 14:14). God understands it but generally neither the
speaker nor the hearers understand the meaning (v2).
Then there is feeling. Each person is different in his Isaiah prophesied of this phenomenon (Isa 28:11,12). Jesus
emotional make-up. Accordingly the outward expressions
predicted it for the Gospel age (Mk 16:15-17). The early
will differ. Some people jump or shake or fall flat when
Christians practised it. The backslidden Church as it
the Holy Spirit comes on them in baptismal power. But
entered the dark ages lost it as several other truths,
it is wrong to expect everyone to do it. Several individuals
testify of an electrifying feeling under the Spirit’s experiences and gifts. God is now restoring it.
anointing. But for others it has been a cool and gentle There are several incidents of speaking in tongues
experience, definite though. Fact first, faith next and
associated with the Baptism in the Spirit. The 120 disciples
feelings last. This order is important.
spoke in tongues on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2:4). Paul
Some Christians have real difficulty in letting their spoke in tongues (Acts 9:17; 1 Cor 14:18). Cornelius and
faculties cooperate with the promptings of the Spirit. his family spoke in tongues (Acts l0:46). The disciples at
The Holy Spirit is perfectly gentle. He never forces any- Ephesus spoke in tongues (Acts 19:6). There must be
thing on anyone. As a Dove He came on the Lamb! The reasons why God chose this particular gift singularly as a
pastor tells the candidate to relax while the former is manifestation. (For a broader treatment of the subject of
about to dip the later in the baptismal waters. If the Tongues, read Chapter 9).
candidate doesn’t cooperate, how unseemly it looks ! So
also is the Spirit Baptism. On the Day of Pentecost, the Of the nine gifts of the Spirit listed in 1 Cor 12:7-10,
“Spirit” gave them the utterance but “they” began to tongues is the one meant mainly to be used in prayer to
speak (Acts 2:4). Jesus said that those who believed God (1 Cor 14:2.14). Other gifts are mostly directed to
would cast out demons. No demon will go if we sit where function towards men. Secondly, speaking in tongues is a
we are, simply believing! We need to act. In the same means of personal edification (1 Cor 14:4). We must be
strain Jesus said that those who believed would speak edified ourselves before edifying others (1 Cor 14:18,19).
in tongues. The Holy Spirit prompts us but we are to do Thirdly, the tongue is the most important member in our
the speaking (Mk 16:17,18). body for expression. Out of the abundance of heart, the
mouth speaks. Until the tongue is tamed, no perfection is
Tongues possible (Js 1:26; 3:2). Perhaps God in His wisdom wants
Speaking in Tongues is a supernatural gift of the Holy to captivate our tongue in the first place. Did not the fire
Spirit by which a believer speaks to God in a language from heaven come on Isaiah’s tongue? Instead of judging
27 28
whether or not one has received the Spirit on the basis of 4
whether or not he speaks in tongues, we encourage people
to seek this blessed devotional gift while praying for the
Holy Spirit. Tongues will not cease until we reach the perfect Walking in the Spirit
state (1 Cor 13:8-12).
Fulfilling the will of God is the most important business Next, look at 1 Thessalonians 5:18, “In everything
for everyone of us here on earth. Jesus emphatically said, give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus con-
“Not everyone who says to Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into cerning you.” God wants us to live a life filled with thanks
the Kingdom of Heaven; but he who does the will of My and praises. We are created for His praise (Isa 43:21). The
Father who is in Heaven” (Mt 7:21). Holy Spirit leads the believer to an overflowing life of
constant praise to God. While listing out the various benefits
The Bible reveals the will of God concerning us. For of speaking in unknown tongues, Paul says, “I will pray
our study, let’s take up two specific aspects — with the spirit... I will sing with the spirit” (1 Cor 14:15). In
verse 16, he speaks about blessing with the spirit and says
One is from 1 Thessalonians 4:3, “This is the will of
that when the Holy Spirit thus enables, “You verily give
God, even your sanctification.” The Holy Spirit is a “HOLY
thanks WELL” (v17). This spiritual exercise will greatly
Spirit,” and as such His primary ministry is to sanctify enhance the devotional life of a believer leading him into a
every believer according to God’s standard of holiness as powerful life of faith and fragrance. Worship in order to be
revealed in His Son the Lord Jesus Christ. We read in 1 acceptable to God must be “in spirit and truth” (Jn 4:24).
Corinthians 6:11 that we are sanctified by the Spirit of our
God. Holiness has got two sides — first is destruction and These are some of the examples of God’s will in general
then construction. This has been always the ministry of for every child of His. As we continually yield to the ministry
God’s prophets. For example, see Jeremiah 1:10: “I have of the Holy Spirit on our lives, He will also enable us to
this day set you over the nations and over the kingdoms, understand the “mind” or “will” of the Lord in specific for
(i) to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to our personal lives. Because, “the things of God knows no
throw down; (ii) to build, and to plant. Now the Holy Spirit man, but the Spirit of God” (1 Cor 2:11). And the Spirit
does this work by (i) convicting and reproving us of our “makes intercession for the saints according to the will of
sins, and (ii) producing His fruit in us to the glory of God God” (Rom 8:27). This way the children grow into sons.
31 32
“That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and (iii) A doubting life — Many Christians seem to look on
fro...” (Eph 4:14). “As many as are led by the Spirit of God, faith as a mysterious thing bestowed upon a few only. This
they are the sons of God” (Rom 8:14). concept is contrary to the teaching of the Scriptures. The
Bible explains how faith comes. “Faith comes by hearing,
2. Holy Spirit & Word of God and hearing by the Word of God” (Rom 10:17). The more
you meditate on the Word of God the more you will get
The Word of God plays the most important role in the
faith because the Word of God has faith-producing power.
life of a believer in the walk in the Spirit. Spirit-filled
Here again, our faith in an individual increases as we get
Christians should be Scripture-filled Christians also. If the
to know his trustworthiness more and more. Similarly as
one wing of a Christian is prayer, his other wing is Bible we read God’s Word more and more we begin to realise the
meditation. Those who neglect the systematic study and faithfulness and power and character of God in a greater
regular meditation of the Word of God will be doomed with way, and that automatically increases our faith. God’s Word
the following kinds of life— is called the “Word of faith” (Rom 10:8).
(i) A defeated life — When tempted by the devil, the (iv) A depressed life — The reason for the lack of joy in
Lord Jesus did not use His own arguments against Satan the lives of most of the Christians is the neglect of Bible.
but He repeatedly said, “It is written” (Lk 4:1-12). Also in No true joy is possible for the one who has not made the
the Book of Revelation we read that “they overcame him day-and-night meditation of the Word of God his delight
(Satan) by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their (Psa 1:2). The Psalmist confessed, “Your testimonies have
testimony” (12:11). It is the Word of God which enables a I taken as a heritage forever: for they are the rejoicing of
young man to cleanse his ways (Psa 119:9). The Word of my heart” (Psa 119:111). Even at times of trial and great
God is the Sword of the Spirit with which we can move on difficulties, it is the Word of God which strengthens our
hearts and keeps us off depression. This was the Psalmist’s
into the offense for God to win victories (Eph 6:17).
experience. He told God, “Unless Your law had been my
(ii) A dwarfed life — Apart from the Word of God, there delight, I should then have perished in my affliction” (Psa
is no growth possible for us. Peter in his first Epistle has 119:92). The Word of God is indispensable if we are to
have our taste for the grace of the Lord increased (1 Pet
clearly written, “Desire the sincere milk of the Word that
you may grow thereby” (2:2). During His temptations in
the wilderness, Jesus quoted, “Man shall not live by bread (v) A darkened life — Referring to the Scriptures, while
alone, but by every Word of God” (Lk 4:4). Here the word mentioning about its absolute divine authority, Apostle
“live” means much more than just being alive. Growing Peter wrote, “We have also a more sure Word of prophecy;
spiritually means growing in the knowledge of the Lord, whereunto you do well that you take heed, as unto a light
and we get to know the Lord through His Word only. that shines in a dark place, until the daydawn, and the
33 34
daystar arises in your hearts” (2 Pet 1:19). The Word of is the explosive named as “dynamite.” And this dynamic
God was the source of guidance for the Psalmist as he power is to make us Christ’s WITNESSES. It is challenging
wrote, “O Lord, Your Word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to note that the root word in Greek for “witnesses” as used
to my path” (Psa 119:105). He added, “The entrance of here is “martyrs.” Think of the tremendous potentiality of
Your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple” the Spiritfulness. How sad many of us sit lethargically doing
(v130). A child of God who slights the Word of God will find nothing for the advancement of the Kingdom of God! We
himself groping in darkness. are empowered to “witness to the world,” and not simply
“witness the world.”
It is the Spirit of God who will enable us to enjoy all the
benefits of the Holy Scriptures because He is its Author (2 It is only when we keep on witnessing for Jesus we will
Pet 1:20,21). Jesus said to His disciples, “The Comforter, realize more and more of the efficacy of Spiritfulness. Only
who is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in My a busy soulwinner can understand most of the New
Name, He shall teach you all things, and bring all things Testament passages because the New Testament was
to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said to you” (Jn written by soulwinners to soulwinners. When 83 people
14:26). The Holy Spirit always employs the Word of God to die every minute, it is unpardonable for a Spirit-filled
shape every believer “unto a perfect man unto the measure believer if he stays quiet. Has not “the love of God” which
of the stature of the fullness of Christ.” sent Jesus Christ into this sinful world to die for every
man and woman “shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy
3. Holy Spirit & Work of God Spirit?” (Rom 5:5).
Jesus said, “You shall receive power, after that the Holy
Spirit has come upon you: and you shall be witnesses to
Me ... to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8). These are the
LAST WORDS of Jesus on Earth before His Ascension. We Go, labour on, spend, and be spent,
read in the very next verse, “And when He had spoken Thy joy to do the Father’s will;
these things, while they beheld, He was taken up; and a It is the way the Master went,
cloud received Him out of their sight” (v9). Should not the servant tread it still?
The supreme purpose of the descent of the Holy Spirit Toil on, faint not, keep watch, and pray;
is to provide believers with the necessary power to witness Be wise the erring soul to win;
for Christ. A Spirit-filled believer who is not witnessing for Go forth into the world’s highway,
Christ has forgotten or not known the very purpose of God’s Compel the wanderer to come in.
Gift. The power of the Holy Ghost is not to be contained
within oneself for selfish reasons. The word “POWER” of — Horatius Bonar, 1808-1889
Acts 1:8 comes from the original word “dunamis” after which
35 36
We have to live with our sinful nature till we die but
5 we must live above it and not under! Decisions and
determinations not to yield to temptation and sin are good
Energised by the Anointing! but don’t guarantee victory. The Holy Spirit is the Answer.
He keeps us holy. That’s His primary ministry. Seek God
for a fresh filling of His Spirit each morning and stay full of
Him throughout the day. When we are full, there is no vacant
room for the devil to enter. It was when the evil spirit found
We cannot overemphasize our need of the Spirit’s power the house unoccupied, it brought seven other spirits more
today because so much is attempted by mere fleshly wicked than itself ! (Mt 12:44,45). Sin has abounded
enthusiasm and human strength. In today’s Church the everywhere and the very air we breathe is sin-toxic. Days
Holy Spirit is the most ignored person among the Godhead.
are becoming more and more difficult to live pure. “No-to-
Christians are afraid to make even a casual reference to
sin” is not popular. Friends, take a stand. Don’t join the
Him lest they would be labelled Pentecostals — as if that
devil’s majority but suffer with God’s minority. Your every
matters! God the Father is in Heaven, God the Son is seated
effort to resist temptations will be rewarded. God has made
at the Father’s right hand in Heaven, and it is God the Holy
Spirit who in all His personality is here on earth. This is full provision for a victorious life in giving us His Spirit.
the Dispensation of the Holy Spirit. Any Christian who is The Spirit loves the overcomers! (Rev 2:7,11,17, etc.)
not filled with the Holy Spirit is like an orphan (Jn 14:16-
2. To live a successful family life
18). Oh that our churches may not become orphanages!
And those who are filled with the Spirit must live in full “Be filled with the Spirit” (Eph 5:18). Following this
enjoyment of this great Promise and Gift of the Father. This commandment are the instructions to wives, husbands,
Divine Helper must be invited to energise, equip and enable children and parents (5:22 to 6:4). Yes, when hearts of the
us to accomplish God’s purposes in our life in the following family members are filled with the Holy Spirit, there is a
areas — happy home. It’s heaven on earth! There is submission,
love, obedience, respect and honour. John the Baptist came
1. To overcome sin
“in the spirit and power” of Elijah to “turn the hearts of the
“You are controlled not by the sinful nature but by the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to
Spirit, if the Spirit of God lives in you ... For if you live their fathers” (Mal 4:5,6; Lk 1:17). Yes, the Holy Spirit sets
according to the sinful nature, you will die; but if by the the house in order.
Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will
live” (Rom 8:9,13). “So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will Zechariah and Elizabeth were a beautiful couple, known
not gratify the desires of the sinful nature” (Gal 5:16). He for their devotion to the Lord, blameless behaviour before
acts as a Discomforter when we flirt with sin! men and an enviable oneness among themselves (Lk
37 38
1:5,6,60,62,63), though they were childless (v7). The secret man is fully accepted until he is totally rejected. Daniel
was they were filled with the Holy Spirit (vv41,67). What a dared to stand and stand alone, not fearing the human
consistent married life for so many years! (v18). king or the king of animals! Everytime he knelt down with
praise, alone or alongwith his friends, the Spirit of the Lord
The family of Philip was an attractive one. The missionary fell on him with fresh courage and firm conviction. So he
team of Paul could stay with them “many days!” The secret? prospered under two heathenic kings without compromise
The housefolk were filled with the Holy Spirit. Philip was a (6:28).
Spirit-filled deacon and evangelist and all his four daughters Bezaleel was filled with the Spirit of God and so he
were charismatic! (Acts 6:3,5; 21:8,9). It was a tabernacle became an extraordinarily skilled craftsman. He could
of the righteous resounding with “shouts of joy and victory” engage in all kinds of craftsmanship to make artistic designs
and not quarrels and jazz music! (Psa 118:15). in gold, silver and wood (Ex 31:2-5). A Spirit-filled doctor
will treat better; a Spirit-filled engineer will build better; a
The Holy Spirit can make the husband a lamb and the
Spirit-filled professor will teach better; a Spirit-filled artist
wife a dove. What a combination! Discussions but no
will draw better; a Spirit-filled student will study better! It
divisions, differences but no disunity! Home sweet home! was the Holy Spirit who gave the building plan to David for
The devil comes full steam against this basic unit called the Temple (1 Chr 28:11,12).
family. He began his attack with that first family in the
Edenic bliss and now he is accelerating his onslaught as Mental or physical exhaustion leads to tension in office,
we approach the end. The Holy Spirit is the insurance factory or school. Wait before God to renew your strength
against this demonic invasion. (Isa 40:30,31). Get a fresh filling of the Holy Spirit and
break forth into tongues! “This is the rest with which you
3. To be super at workspot may cause the weary to rest and this is the refreshing!” (Isa
The young man Joseph was in a strange land which was 28:11,12; 1 Cor 14:21). Both during my student days and
hostile to his holy convictions. The Egyptian culture was to while practising engineering, I would often resort to speaking
glance this way and that and sin if no one saw ! (Ex 2:11,12). in tongues, quietly of course, and invariably find a release.
They looked around but Joseph looked above! “How can I
4. To overcome relationship problems
sin against God?” (Gen 39:9). He was shot with arrows of
hatred and envy. But his bow remained steady! Because, Interpersonal relationship problems stem from a lack of
the Spirit of God was in him (Gen 49:23-25; 41:38). He love, pleasant temperament, peace, patience, kindness,
walked from prison to palace with state honours! goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. But the
Holy Spirit supplies all these abundantly because they are
Daniel was another young man with the excellent Spirit His “fruit” — His very nature and manifestation (Gal
of God upon him (Dan 5:11; 6:3). He was on the King’s 5:22,23). Submitting to one another is an immediate
service in Babylon. He also could not escape envy. Yes, no outcome of being filled with the Holy Spirit (Eph 5:18,21).
39 40
Paul wrote to the Ephesian believers, “Be completely humble and depth in prayer. The early disciples following Pentecost
and gentle, be patient, bearing with one another in love. received a renewed interest in prayer and never missed
Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the the hour of prayer (Acts 2:42; 3:1).
bond of peace” (Eph 4:2,3). The Holy Spirit produces unity
“Psalms, hymns and spiritual songs” burst forth from a
and we are to preserve and protect it!
Spirit-filled heart. The Holy Spirit excites us to sing and
The Pentecostal outpouring achieved this seemingly make music in our heart to the Lord, “always giving thanks
impossible thing — “All the believers were one in heart and to God the Father for everything, in the Name of our Lord
mind!” (Acts 4:32). Most of the problems in relationship Jesus Christ” (Eph 5:18-20). All Church leaders agree that
are due to the tongue which “no man” can tame (Js 3:8). one of the greatest contributions of the charismatic
But God can! Is this the reason why the Holy Spirit captured movement to the Church is the restoration of “worship”
the tongues of the hundred and twenty at the first instance? which A.W. Tozer calls “the missing jewel of evangelical
The tongues of holy fire from Above burnt and sanctified the Christianity!” Several Scripture passages are set to music
tongues of hell-fire of those Galileans (Acts 2:3,4; Js 3:6). and the traditional and conservative forms of worship give
way to spontaneous and joyful worship. Hallelujah is no
The Holy Spirit melts rocklike hearts and fills the eyes more a denominational slogan!
with tears of reconciliation and restitution. But for the
enablement of the Holy Spirit, Philemon could not have Speaking in tongues has a tremendous devotional value
accepted to take back Onesimus (Phile 15-20). He undercuts in praise and private prayer. It bypasses the mind and
the ropes of suspicion and misunderstanding. He convicts boosts our spirit (1 Cor 14:4, 14-17). I spend some time
and comforts. He liberates and lubricates. He is the precious daily in private prayer speaking in tongues since 1963 when
ointment and the refreshing dew to make “brothers live I was baptized with the Holy Spirit. It's refreshing! Of the
together in unity!” Oh how good and how pleasant! (Psa nine gifts of the Spirit listed in 1 Cor 12:8-10, the one
133:1,2). primarily directed to God is “speaking in tongues.” Hence
its value in communing with God.
5. To praise and pray rapturously
6. To understand the Bible
The Holy Spirit is called the “Paraclete,” in Greek,
meaning a Helper (Jn 14:.26). One of His primary helps is Jesus said, “The Holy Spirit will teach you all things”
in the area of prayer, because we are all “weak” in it. We (Jn 14:26). Paul wrote, “No eye has seen, no ear has heard,
know not what to pray and how. The Holy Spirit not only no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those
helps us in our prayer but also intercedes for us “with groans who love Him — but God has revealed it to us by His Spirit
that words cannot express” (Rom 8:26). One of the first ... This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human
signs of those baptized with the Holy Spirit is the desire wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, expressing
41 42
spiritual truths in spiritual words” (1 Cor 2:9-13). This is multitudes! A large number of priests! Many prominent
the function of the two gifts which top the list in 1 Cor Greek women and men! It was a church explosion! Because,
12:8-10, The “Word of Wisdom” and the “Word of Knowledge.” they had received the dynamic power of the Holy Spirit!
The Holy Spirit is the best Teacher of the Scriptures Let me quote one of my favorite authors, Dr. James
because He is its Author (2 Pet 1:21; 2 Tim 3:16). This does A. Stewart (1896-1975): “If there is one thing which has
not mean we need no human teacher or study aid. The broken my heart, one thing which has caused me to weep,
Holy Spirit turns all information to inspiration. He takes it it has been the shallowness of modern evangelism ...
from the head to the heart. Study the Bible under the Preachers and singers alike are so glamourised that Christ
umbrella of the Spirit. Constantly acknowledge His presence is not the centre of attraction ... The old-fashioned method
while studying or meditating. Everytime you open the Bible, of evangelism was to make people weep, but the modern
remember to pray, “Lord, open my eyes!” It is not Spirit- Hollywood way is to make people laugh. The Holy Spirit
taught or Scripture-taught but Spirit-taught-Scripture. cannot work in a frivolous atmosphere ... The solution to
our problem is to honour the Holy Spirit and to put away
A few years ago (1988) I met some ordained ministers of all the nonsense of modern evangelism!”
a mainline Church who asked me whether I still believed
in a literal Heaven and Hell. I answered yes and asked It is the Holy Spirit who burdens us to weep and pray for
them whether they believed that the Bible is the Word of the perishing souls (Rom 9:1,2; 10:1). It is the Holy Spirit
God. Several of them could not give a yes answer. Our who calls and sends forth missionaries to proclaim the
pulpits are occupied more and more by this kind of Evangel (Acts 13:2,4). It is the Holy Spirit who convicts
seminarians. Empty head knowledge with no life of the sinners and points them to the Cross (Jn 16:8-11). It is the
Spirit! (2 Cor 3:6). The very basic faith is lost because there Holy Spirit who baptizes the believer into the Body of Christ
is graduation and ordination but no unction! Beware! (1 Cor 12:13). And He joins the Church in calling sinners
to Christ! “The Spirit and the bride say, Come!” (Rev 22:17).
7. To evangelize the world Blessed work of the Spirit in evangelism and Church
The last recorded saying of Christ before Ascension was planting!
the promise of the Spirit’s power for worldwide evangeli-
8. To fight the enemy
sation (Acts 1:8). About the early Christians we read, “They
were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the Word of Of the sixfold armour of God five are meant for defense
God boldly” (Acts 4:31). Paul testified, “My message and and only one for offense and that is the “sword of the Spirit,”
my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, which is the Word of God (Eph 6:10-17). The Holy Spirit
but with the demonstration of the Spirit’s power” (1 Cor guides us to choose the right Scripture verse or passage to
2:4). Result? Three thousand! Five thousand! Great speak against the enemy. The reply of Christ to the
43 44
temptations of the devil was supplied by the Holy Spirit Then there is persecution which none of us can avoid or
from the Old Testament. The quotation was so sharp and escape. Here again the Holy Spirit is our Companion. “If
right that the devil could not gainsay! Jesus did it “in the you are reproached for the Name of Christ, blessed are you,
power of the Spirit” (Lk 4:1,14). After mentioning the sixfold for the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you. On their
armour, Paul immediately writes about “praying in the part He is blasphemed, but on your part He is glorified!” (1
Spirit” (Eph 6:18). Pet 4:14). The secret of the radiant face of Stephen under
the pelting of stones was “the fullness of the Spirit” (Acts
The devil primarily attacks our mind because true religion
7:54,55). The expelled missionaries were filled with the joy
resides in the mind alone. He causes doubts, disturbance,
of the Holy Spirit (13:49-52). “The church throughout Judea,
distraction, depression and so on to wean the soul from
Galilee and Samaria ... was strengthened and encouraged
God. “The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of
by the Holy Spirit; it grew in numbers” (Acts 9:31).
the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to
demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every Oh the blessedness of the Anointing!
pretention that sets itself up against the knowledge of God,
and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to
Christ” (2 Cor 10:4,5). Breathe on me, Breath of God,
Fill me with life anew,
When we are possessed and obsessed with the Holy Spirit That I may love what Thou dost love,
we are insured against demon possession or obsession. And do what Thou wouldst do.
“When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the
Lord will put him to flight!” (Isa 59:19). Breathe on me, Breath of God,
Until my heart is pure,
9. To bear suffering and persecution Until with Thee I will one will,
To do or to endure.
Our bodies are mortal but the Holy Spirit quickens and
gives life (Rom 8:11). There is healing in the wings of the Breathe on me, Breath of God,
Spirit. His wind revives. He is the Balm of Gilead. Christ Till I am wholly Thine,
healed people with the power of the Spirit (Acts 10:38; Isa Until this earthly part of me
61:1-3). Healing is one of the gifts of the Spirit (1 Cor 12:9). Glows with Thy fire divine.
Jesus said, “I drive out demons by the Spirit of God” (Mt
Breathe on me, Breath of God,
12:28). Anointing the sick with oil is symbolic of the Holy
So shall I never die,
Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the Comforter. How much we need
But live with Thee the perfect life
comfort in sickbed! In all our distresses, the Holy Spirit is
Of Thine eternity. Amen.
also distressed. He lifts us up and carries us like a mother
her sick child (Isa 63:9,10). — Edwin Hatch, 1835-1889
45 46
He condemned sin in the flesh, that the righteous
6 requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us who do not
walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit. For
Personal Pentecost those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the
things of the flesh, but those who live according to the
Spirit, the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded
is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.
Because the carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is
The 8th Chapter of Romans may be picked out of the not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be” (vv3-7).
whole Bible for its vivid explanation of the Holy Spirit’s
indwelling ministry in the life of a Christian believer. The Life in the flesh is the result of the downward pull of
‘spirit’ is mentioned 17 times here. Jesus called Him the sin; life in the Spirit is the result of the upward push of the
“Comforter.” (Gk. Parakletos, i.e. Helper). God the Father Spirit. A life not fulfilling the lust of the flesh is life in the
is in heaven, God the Son is seated at the right hand of the Spirit. Compare verses 5 and 6. In verse 5 we read about
Father, and God the Holy Spirit is on the earth today. That living according to the Spirit. In verses 6 and 7 a new word
is why we call the new era that began with the Day of “mind” pops up. Carnal mind versus spiritual. This explains
Pentecost as the Dispensation of the Holy Spirit. This to us what life in the Spirit means. A person who minds
chapter shows us how the Spirit makes any of the promises spiritual things enjoys life in the Spirit.
of the trinitarian Godhead applicable in our lives. Here we
experience a personal Pentecost. That is, we move from the That is what we read in Colossians 3:l-4, “If then you
riverbank to the midstream (cf. Ezek 47:1-5,12). were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above,
Seven important functional names of the Holy Spirit where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God.” What
twinkle in this chapter — does it mean? “Set your mind on things above, not on things
on the earth.” Why? “For you died, and your life is hidden
1. Spirit of Life — “to liberate” with Christ in God. When Christ who is our life appears,
v2, “The law of the Spirit of the life in Christ Jesus has then you also will appear with Him in glory.”
made me free from the law of sin and death.”
Beloved, our mind is the seat of religion. The one who
How does the Holy Spirit set a person free? Sin is a walks in the Spirit says NO to the mind that seeks the
pulldown force for a Christian. It is a bondage and death. things of the flesh but he aspires for heavenly things. When
But the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of life. If sin pulls us down, the Holy Spirit illuminates his mind, in a moment he
the Spirit pushes us up. “For what the law could not do in realises the rubbishness of the things of the world and the
that it was weak through the flesh, God did by sending His radiance of eternal things. This is the mysterious right-
own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, on account of sin: about-turn of salvation. When the prodigal son came to
47 48
himself his mind became clear and he said, “I will go to my Spirit of God and we are to know it. This is a privilege. The
father.” It is a decision of the mind. The Spirit of life has following verse drives home the responsibility that goes
now liberated him! with the privilege. “If anyone defiles the temple of God,
God will destroy him, for the temple of God is holy, which
2. Spirit of God — “to indwell” temple you are.” It is an awesome fact. That is why Jesus
v9, “But you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if Christ was so harsh with those who defiled the temple in
indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you.” Jerusalem. Read Mk 11:15-17.
The Spirit of God indwells us. The Bible can broadly be 3. Spirit of Christ — “to identify”
divided into three dispensations. The time before Jesus v9, “Now if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ,
Christ is the dispensation of the Father. The time of the he is not His.”
gospels is the dispensation of the Son. Since Pentecost it
The Spirit of Christ identifies us with Christ and
is the dispensation of the Spirit. During the dispensation
identifies Him with us. Let me explain it. “As many as
of the Father, God was among the people. During the
received Him, to them He gave the right to become children
dispensation of the Son, God was with the people, as
of God, even to those who believe in His name.” How can
Emmanuel — “God with us.” Since Pentecost God is in us. we receive Jesus Christ into our heart when He is up in
That is what Jesus said in John 14:17, “Even the Spirit of heaven? Col 1:27b, “Christ in you, the hope of glory.” When
truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither we say we have Christ in our hearts, it is the Holy Spirit
sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells who makes us realise the presence of Christ in our lives by
with you and will be in you.” A spiritual man is one who supplying us the Spirit of Christ. When we gather in the
has God. He is God-filled, God-possessed. Name of Christ, the Holy Spirit supplies the reality of
Christ’s presence (Mt 18:20). And when we go preaching
To indwell means to feel at home. 1 Tim 6:16, “Who
the Gospel, the ever-abiding presence of Christ with us is
alone has immortality, dwelling in unapproachable light, supplied by the Holy Spirit (Mt 28:18-20).
whom no man has seen or can see.” The word ‘indwelling’
here is exactly the same word as in Rom 8:9, holding the This is what Paul explains in 2 Cor 5:1,5-7, “We know
same meaning. It is a mystery, not a myth. The God who that if our earthly house, this tent is destroyed, we have a
dwells in unapproachable light, whom no one can see, now building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal
dwells in man through His Spirit! Know and understand this. in the heavens ... Now He who has prepared us for this
very thing is God, who also has given us the Spirit as a
1 Cor 3:16, “Do you not know that you are the temple guarantee ... Therefore we are always confident knowing
of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?” Do you that while we are at home in the body we are absent from
not “know?” Many times the fact is there but we do not the Lord.” But God guarantees the spiritual reality through
know it. We are the temple of God because of the indwelling the Holy Spirit. “For we walk by faith and not by sight.”
49 50
4. Spirit of Power/Might — “To give life or to quicken” about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of
the devil (Acts 10:38). Jesus rebuked the fever. He rebuked
v11, “If the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the
the evil powers causing sickness.
dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead
will also give life to your mortal bodies through the Spirit Refuse sin and rebuke sickness. That is made possible
who dwells in you.” by the quickening power of the Holy Spirit.
Elsewhere He is called the Spirit of power and 5. Spirit of Leading — “to guide”
resurrection, so I have chosen the word “power” here. He
is the Spirit of power to quicken our mortal or dying bodies. v14, “As many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are
From the day a man is born he walks towards death. But sons of God.” In John 1:12 it is “children” but here “sons.”
blessed be God who has given us a Spirit who keeps Between childhood and sonship is the process of maturing.
A child rejoices over his privileges. When he matures into
quickening or kicking up our body and thus delays death.
a son his rejoicing is clubbed with the realisation of his
That is the Spirit that raised up Jesus Christ. We thus
responsibility. When the Spirit of the Lord shapes our
experience the power of resurrection to some extent today.
mind and takes us into partnership to work out His plan,
There are two reasons why our bodies have become we are sons.
mortal. One is sin the cause, and the other is sickness the
The leading may refer to several things in life. It may
effect. Jesus told the paralytic, “Your sins are forgiven you;
be as in Jn 16:13, “When He the Spirit of truth has come,
arise and walk” (Mt 9:1-7). The Psalmist sang, “Forget not He will guide you into all truth.” So He leads us into the
all His benefits: who forgives all your iniquities, who heals knowledge of God. It may be as in 1 Cor 6:11 too. “You
all your diseases” (Psa 103:2,3). “The blood of Jesus Christ were washed, ... sanctified, ... justified in the name of the
cleanses us from all sin” (1 Jn 1:7). “By His stripes we are Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.” The Holy Spirit
healed” (Isa 53:5). We are constantly fighting against these leads us to holiness. It may be as in Acts 16:6,7. “Now
two forces. How are we to react to these forces? when they had gone through Phrygia and the region of
a) Refuse sin. vv12,13, “Therefore brothers, we are Galatia, they were forbidden by the Holy Spirit to preach
debtors not to the flesh, to live according the flesh. For if the word in Asia. After they had come to Mysia, they tried
you live according to the flesh you will die; but if by the to go into Bithynia, but the Spirit did not permit them.” So
Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will the Holy spirit not only leads us to the right direction, He
live.” A simple paraphrase — With the help of the Holy also stops us from making a wrong decision. Make it your
Spirit keep saying ‘no, no, no.’ daily prayer that the Holy Spirit should lead you in the
truth and stop you when you go out of His will. God keeps
b) Rebuke sickness. It is impossible to rebuke sickness watching our way. He knows our weaknesses. He knows
apart from the power of the Spirit. God anointed Jesus of our frame. So if we turn to the right or to the left we will
Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power and He went hear the Spirit’s voice of instruction from behind (Isa 30:21).
51 52
6. Spirit of Witnessing — “to cheer” what the mind of the Spirit is. He makes intercession for
v16, “The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit the saints (not with the saints) according to the will of God.
That is why, beloved, we have the 28th verse in this chapter.
that we are the children of God.” This witnessing is to cheer
“And we know that all things work together for good ...” If
us up. Often we are cast down in spirit. vv17-25 speak of
things happen according to our praying all will not work
a lot of suffering. Our spirits and minds become heavy.
for good! Our praying is insufficient and inefficient. Because
But the Spirit of the Lord bears witness with our spirit
the Holy Spirit intercedes for us, all things work together
that we are the children of God. i.e. He keeps telling us,
for good.
“You belong to God.” The entire creation groans in pain
because of man’s disobedience. But in the midst of all these Verses 29 and 30 are wonderful. He predestined us,
sufferings the Spirit of the Lord constantly reminds us of He called us, He justified us, He glorified us. It’s a beautiful
our ownership to God and cheers us up. When one sparrow and meaningful repetition of “He.” I didn’t go after Him
asked another why human beings were always sad inspite first; He predestined. I did not choose Him; He called me.
of possessing so much, the reply was, “May be they don’t I was not able to justify myself; He justified me. I have no
have a God like we do!” Let joy envelope us in sufferings glory in me; He glorified me. Shout Hallelujah!
because of the witness of the Spirit of God, the Comforter.
7. Spirit of Adoption — “to intercede”
Verses 31-39 make a lovely conclusion. “What then
v15, “For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be
to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we against us?” Now Paul becomes a giant. Just the previous
cry out: Abba, Father.” The Spirit of adoption is primarily chapter he cried, “O wretched man that I am. Who shall
to cry to Him: Abba, Father! ‘Abba’ denotes what He is to deliver me?” (Rom 7). But now he trumpets from the
us; ‘Father’ denotes what we are to Him. It is a personal summit, “Who can be against me? Who is he who
relationship. Verses 26,27 show how the Spirit helps in condemns? Who shall separate me from the love of Christ?”
our weaknesses. “I cannot manage alone. Daddy, come help Nobody! None can condemn us. None can separate us. None
me.” “Abba, Father!” It is an S.O.S. It’s a strong cry in can conquer us. “Yet in all these we are more than
moments of despair. That was Jesus’ cry in Gethsemane: conquerors through Him who loved us.” Emphasize "”We.”
“Abba, Father!” Our weakness is that we do not know what Paul and the poorest sinner who got converted a minute
we should pray as we ought. Every one is included in this ago can join hands and say together, “We are more than
weakness list. Since we do not know how we really have to conquerors.” Both are equal before God because it is “He”
pray, the Spirit Himself intercedes for us. It is not praying who predestined, it’s “He” who called, it’s “He” who justified
in the Spirit or with the Spirit, but the Spirit Himself and it’s “He” who glorified. Believe what the Lord says and
praying. Why? The situation demands groanings impossible worship Him. None can condemn us. None can separate us.
to human utterances. He who searches the hearts knows None can conquer us. This is what personal Pentecost means!
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The Heavenly Father is a worship-lover. Even though
7 angels have been worshipping Him non-stop from eternity
past, He is not satisfied. He longs for worship from men
What the Spirit says ... and women. He looks for worshippers everywhere (Jn 4:23).
Your worship actually does not add anything to His Being,
but He delights in it because that’s where intimate
fellowship begins (Acts 17:25).
My Predecessor, Jesus, introduced Me to His disciples God the Father through Moses had given to His people
as “Another Helper” (Jn 14:16). They were worrying what many laws on worship. It all became a mere ritual without
they would do when He would be taken away from them. spirit. But God is a Spirit, not a substance. Worship
He was not only their Master but also their Friend. For therefore must be spiritual (Jn 4:20-24; Acts 17:22-25). I
everything they approached Him, for help and consultation. am sent to enliven your worship. When you open up yourself
He told them not to be troubled in their hearts because He to Me, I will release your inner man so your soul will be
would send Me in His place. His last sermon was about raptured into joyful praise (Phil 3:3).
Me. I prompted His bosom disciple John to record it in his
To what extent you empty yourself and seek Me, to
Gospel (Jn 14 & 16). that extent I will fill you. I will make your heart rejoice
and tongue glad. I will cause psalms and hymns and
The very mention of My Name was allergic to people for
spiritual songs flow out of your heart. You will make
a long time. They thought I belonged to the Pentecostal
melodies and your spirit will soar high in exultation (Eph
Church because I came down from Heaven on the Day of
5:18-20). Not even David or Deborah had experienced this
Pentecost. But over the years they have found out from the
dimension. This was reserved for you who is drenched in
study of the Scriptures that I am a Gift from the Father to
My endtime showers!
any of His children who would want Me (Lk 11:13; Acts
2:39). Because language is the chief means of worship I
specifically touch your tongue. If you desire I will gift you
Even though many Christians have now received Me,
with the ability to speak in languages which you have
they stop with their initial encounter with Me. What John neither learnt nor can understand (Acts 2:4; 10:46).
the Baptist referred to as the “baptism with the Holy Spirit” Through this gift you can bypass your mind and bless God
is only an introduction to a life with Me. I want you to walk in your spirit. I will grant deep restfulness to your inner
with Me moment by moment (Gal 5:25). My Greek name is man and you will be thoroughly refreshed.
Parakletos, which means an ever-present Helper alongside.
Would you, My child, give me a patient ear as I want to tell My child, I also understand your difficulties in prayer.
you how I can help you? It’s all for your good, dear! Many times, especially when you go through difficult and
55 56
confusing situations, you do not know how and what to Don’t ever neglect to meditate the Bible. That is the
pray. You are unable to find God’s mind. Don’t worry, I am only guiding star in this world of darkness (2 Pet 1:19).
there for you. I will not only guide you in prayer but also Don’t be deceived by strange voices. I also will not speak
pray for you. I will groan for you when your language cannot on My own authority. I will only take from what the Father
adequately express your sorrow. Depend on Me. I will help and the Son have spoken (Jn 16:13; 15:26). Unless you
in your weakness (Rom 8:26,27). saturate your heart and mind with the written Word, what
can I remind you of at crucial situations? (Jn 14:26).
I know you love the Bible, but many passages you
find it difficult to understand. Don’t lose heart, my child, I am gentle as a dove. I won’t force Myself on anyone.
I’ve come to explain to you their meaning. Do you know it Unless you invite Me to help you, I will not assist you in
was I who authored the Scriptures? Moses wrote, David
your study of the Scriptures (Psa 119:18). If you give Me a
wrote, Isaiah wrote, Daniel wrote, Luke wrote, Paul wrote,
free hand, I will transform you stage by stage so you as a
and there were about 40 such writers. But I only inspired
child of God will become like the very Son of God whom
and instructed them. I also superintended them while they
were writing. Not a single word was penned without My you meet in the Holy Writ (2 Cor 3:18).
authorisation (2 Pet 1:20,21). As such who can explain the
Dear child, I would also like to help you in your battles
contents to you better than I? That’s why the Son of God
of life. Ever since We pushed Lucifer out of Heaven, he is
called Me the Spirit of Truth. I am committed to lead you
outrageously working against Us and the entire creation.
into all truth (Jn 16:13).
His main target is those who are redeemed by the blood of
Your natural mind cannot understand the deep things Jesus. His kingdom of darkness is in constant collision
of God. I will enlighten your mind so you will understand with Our Kingdom of Light. Ultimate victory is Ours, but
His mysteries. Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have the fight will be tough.
entered into the heart of man the things which God has
prepared for those who love Him. But He reveals them to You are engaged in a warfare that is both within you
you through Me. Just as your spirit alone knows what is and without. I assure you of My help whether it is inner
in you, I only know the things of God, because I am His conflict or external battle.
Spirit. I do not want you miss any of what God has promised
you in His Word. My true ministers will not attempt to The inner conflict is between your body and your mind.
explain to you those blessings through their brilliance. You are not able to do what you desire, but you keep doing
Rather, they will speak to you under My anointing (1 Cor what you hate. I hear your cry, “Who shall deliver me from
2:9-13). When you learn to recognize My voice and whisper, this wretched condition?” Fear not, I will take care of you.
no one can easily deceive you with false teaching (1 Jn I am the Spirit of Life. I will give you new strength. I will
2:26,27). I will grow you in the art of discernment (1 Cor empower you to overcome your sinful desires (Rom 7:22-
2:15; Heb 5:14). 24). Keep walking with Me. Obey My promptings whether
57 58
you like them or not. If you resist Me, who has actually I am grieved when I see My people walking around
come to help you, will I not be grieved? If you keep on with long faces. Your life on earth will not be without worries
grieving Me, I may become quiet (1 Thess 5:19). It’s not but you must learn to live above them (Jn 16:33b). I am
good for you, beloved (Gal 5:16). the River of Joy. I proceed from the Throne in Heaven and
flow through the Church on earth. Have a bath in My
I am a “holy” Spirit. I cannot tolerate anything unclean waters. Sit under the trees on the banks. You will be healed
in you. You are My temple. How can I see My temple being of your hurts (Psa 46:4,5; Ezek 47:12; Rev 22:1,2). I am
defiled? (1 Cor 6:19). I create in you a love for holiness the Wind of Heaven. Enjoy My breeze. Your heaviness will
and a hatred for sin. Keep your conscience sharp and clear. flee. I am the Oil of Gladness. Apply it on your head. You
Don’t close yourself when I turn My searchlight on you will be relieved of tensions. I will turn your mourning into
(Rev 2:23). If you run away from Me without hearing My dancing.
voice, you will become an easy prey to Satan who is roam- When problems mount up and pains increase,
ing about as a revenous wolf and a roaring lion. If you remember you are not alone. I am not just with you, but in
must chase the devil, you need My backing. I will stand you! (Jn 14:17b). I understand your pain more than you
with you only when you stay submitted to Me (Js 4:5,7). feel it, because as God resident in you nothing is hidden
from Me. I suffer with you (Isa 63:9). I am your Comforter
The enemy comes in like a flood, suddenly and over- for ever. I will strengthen your weak hands and feeble knees.
whelmingly. Don’t be scared. Hold your ground. I will lift Lean on Me, My child, lean on Me! I will heal your broken
up a battle flag against him (Isa 59:19b). I will also train heart. I will give you beauty for ashes and the garment of
your hands and fingers how to wield My sword against the praise for the spirit of heaviness (Isa 61:1-3).
spiritual powers of wickedness (Psa 144:1; Eph 6:12,17).
The devil has no argument against My Word and Christ’s Eating and drinking and such physical pleasures don’t
blood (Rev 12:11). But don’t expect instant victories. The last long. Revel in Me. That’s what life in God’s Kingdom
war may be long drawn. The devil will not easily give up. means (Rom 14:17). I make the joy and peace of Jesus
Keep drawing from My plentiful riches and drinking from real to you. It’s what the world cannot give or understand
or take away (Jn 14:26,27).
My perenniel rivers lest you get exhausted. It is neither by
might nor by power but by Me all battles are won (Zech 4:6). Sometimes you may feel lonely and orphaned. You
would wonder whether I had left you. Remember, dear child,
If you lose a battle don’t get discouraged. For My I don’t make shunting trips between Heaven and earth
people no failure is final. As long as I am here with you, according to My moods and your condition. No, I am always
and the Father and the Son are up there for you, don’t with you whether you feel so or not (Jn 14:16b). If I have to
quit. Come apart with Me and I will tell you why you failed. vacate your heart everytime you displease Me, I cannot be
You will become more than a conqueror. resident in any saint on earth (Psa 51:11).
59 60
I want to bring you out of your apprehensions to you. He will incite them to beat or burn you. I won’t promise
witness for Christ. You are afraid that people might mock that no stone pelted at you will hit you, but I will make
at you. Your throat chokes everytime you want to open your face angelic even if you will have to bleed to death. I
your mouth to share the gospel. The fear of ridicule silences will keep your spirit sweet and not turn bitter against the
you. Don’t feel bad about it, My child. This was the problem persecutors (Acts 6:15; 7:60). You will overflow with My
of the disciples of Jesus also even though they had walked joy (Acts 13:50-52). I will rest on you as the Spirit of Glory
with Him for over three years. Can you imagine how a key (1 Pet 4:14). Take heart!
figure like Peter could ever deny and disown Christ? Their
weakness overpowered their willingness. The problem was As much as I anoint your words I will also adorn your
solved by My coming. That’s why Jesus wouldn’t let them life with My fruit. I will radically change your temperament
go out until they got filled with My power (Acts 1:4). When if you let Me work deeply in you. I will make you a loving
I came upon them, the cowards became challengers! Christian, joyful friend, peaceful citizen, patient sufferer,
kind boss, good neighbour, faithful husband, meek wife
Be filled with Me. Don’t consider your timidity or boast and self-controlled minister (Gal 5:22,23). There will be no
of your oratory skill. Depend on Me. I will grant you argument against a life well lived.
boldness in all situations to speak forth the message of
the Cross (Acts 4:31). Your educational qualification is not My child, I want to help you in your earthly job also.
the criterion. You will see souls saved when you witness to It is my desire to make you efficient and effective in your
them for Christ in My power (Acts 1:8). career. When you depend on My power and seek My
wisdom, you will shine in whichever field I place you. If
I will equip you with My gifts (1 Cor 12:7-10). You can you are a doctor, with My help you can treat better; if an
discern spirits. You can drive out demons. You can deliver engineer, build better; if a professor, teach better; if an
people from sin and sickness. You can demonstrate My artist, paint better; if a farmer, cultivate better; if a
power through signs and wonders. You can denounce evil housewife, love better; and if a student, study better!
through prophetic words. You can declare words of faith
into hopeless situations. You can demoralise the enemy’s I filled Joseph with My wisdom and he saved Egypt in
agents. You can dethrone wicked powers from govern- famine. I filled Bezaleel with understanding and he excelled
mental seats. You can declutch youth from drugs and in artistic works for the Temple. I filled Daniel with
deception. All these and more in My power! knowledge and he interpreted My revelations for kings. I
am the Spirit of Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Might
Satan will fight against you tooth and nail when you go and Knowledge (Isa 11:2). There is no work or profession
proclaiming the Gospel. He will not easily loosen his grip where I cannot help you (Ex 31:1-5; 1 Chr 28:11,12). But
on souls. Just because you go in My power, don’t think he what I told you I am telling you again: You must ask for My
will stay silent. He will instigate people to work against help, accept it and acknowledge it.
61 62
I will fill you afresh each morning when you wait before
Me before starting off to work. My presence will be with
you in the workspot.
Christmas & Pentecost
Offices, workshops and business centres all over the
world are plagued with corruption. Say no to malpractices.
Dare to be different. Swim against the tide. I will strengthen
you. Through you I will burn the chaff. Your superiors and
colleagues will come to you for counsel because I have A.W. Tozer (1897-1963) once said, “If the Holy Spirit
filled you with My wisdom (Gen 41:37-40). If you are treated were withdrawn from the Church today, 95 percent of what
unjustly, turn to Me. I will fill you with the fruit of patience. we do would go on and nobody would know the difference!”
Promotion comes from Me.
The Church was born the day its first members were
I want you to enjoy good health. Your body is mortal baptized in the Holy Spirit. It is foolish to end in flesh what
but I am there to quicken it (Rom 8:11). Your body is My began in the Spirit (Gal 3:3). In spite of the unprecedented
temple. I desire to see it in good shape. I will cause My outpouring of the Holy Spirit all over the world, thousands
healing virtue flow into it. Appropriate the blessings of the and thousands of Christians are yet to comprehend the
Cross. I will apply them on you. gifts, ministries and the power of the Spirit in their personal,
family and church life. When the Father and the Son are in
I have endowed the Church with the gifts of healing. Heaven and only the Holy Spirit is here on earth in His
Pray for one another in faith. You will see the gifts operating. total Personality, it is an insult to the Godhead if we
I also want you to enjoy soundness in mind. disregard the Eternal Spirit who is resident here.
My dear child, you are engaged to be married to Jesus. A cursory look at the Christmas story reveals the vital
I will be with you until I reach you Home safe into His role the Holy Spirit played in the birth of Christ. There are
loving arms. Together as the Spirit and the Bride, let’s say, atleast seven manifestations mentioned in the narrative.
They are for us to expect and embrace in this Pentecostal
age. Jesus said, “When the Helper comes... He will testify
of Me ... He will glorify Me” (Jn 15:26; 16:14). Yes, Christmas
cannot be adequately appreciated apart from Pentecost!
63 64
are so many examples to this in the early Church (Acts public. When God gives us visions and dreams we should
10:3,9-11; 16:9; 18:9; 22:17,18; 23:11; 27:23,24). See their resist the temptation to boast (2 Cor 12:1,7).
abundance in the Christmas story—
2. Scriptures & Faith
God communicated His message to Mary through the
Any genuine outpouring of the Holy Spirit is characte-
angel Gabriel (Lk 1:26,27). When her betrothed husband
rised by a renewed commitment to the Scriptures, because
Joseph was contemplating to put her away secretly, an angel
the Holy Spirit is the Author of the Scriptures (2 Pet 1:20,21).
appeared to him in a dream and admonished him to take
The Scriptures and individuals’ faith on it reverberate
Mary as his wife (Mt 1:18-20). The wise men were “divinely throughout the Christmas narrative—
warned in a dream” not to return to Herod (Mt 2:12). For
the safety of Baby Jesus against the plotters, Joseph Mary surrendered to God the human impossibility,
received warning and guidance three times through dreams saying, “Let it be to me according to Your Word” (Lk 1:34,38).
(Mt 2:13,19,22). The virgin birth was the fulfilment of the Word of the Lord
through prophet Isaiah (Mt 1:22,23; Isa 7:14). Elizabeth
Dreams are images, thoughts and impressions which concluded her greeting of Mary with the words, “Blessed is
pass through one’s mind when asleep. Visions are received she who believed” (Lk 1:55). The Song of Mary ended with
while awake or in a dream-like state. God uses both dreams the phrase, “As He spoke to our fathers” (Lk 1:54,55). The
and visions to communicate His mind (Num 12:6). Though chief priests and scribes found out for Herod a passage
in this age, with the canon of the Scripture completed, God from the Book of Micah relating to Christ’s place of birth
does not reveal doctrines and give teaching through dreams (Mt 2:6; Mic 5:2). Joseph’s escape by night to Egypt with
and visions, He does employ these means to convey specific Mary and Jesus was the fulfilment of what prophet Hosea
guidance. We need not go seeking dreams and visions, but said (Mt 2:15; Hos 11:1). The slaughter of innocent male
we must keep ourselves open to this channel also. Visions children had been prophesied by Jeremiah (Mt 2:17,18;
and dreams can of course be counterfeited. Therefore they Jer 31:15). Mary and Joseph brought the Infant Jesus to
must be tested against written revelation (Dt 13:1-5). be circumcised “according to what is said in the law of the
Lord” (Lk 2:21-24).
Not all dreams should be taken seriously. Several
dreams result from much activity and many anxieties (Eccl The Spirit-filled early church regularly turned to the
5:3). But if a dream lingers on in the mind for long, we Scriptures to understand and explain the Lord’s thoughts
must consider it prayerfully. Too personal dreams should and doings. Here are a few examples—
not be disclosed to others. But if one feels that the Lord is
saying something specific to a group or an assembly through Peter explained the resurrection of Christ and the
a dream or a vision, the same must be discussed with the descent of the Spirit, from David and Joel (Acts 2:25-
elders, leaders and mature believers, before making it 28,34,35, 16-21). The threatened Church saturated its
65 66
prayer with challenges from Psalms (Acts 4:25,26). The first of the Spirit became less and less. Some theologians then
martyr quoted from Genesis, Exodus, Deuteronomy, Amos concluded that the days of miracles were past. Far from
and Isaiah in his defence speech (Acts 7:3,7,32- truth! God is a God of miracles and He has never changed.
34,37,42,43,48-50). Philip led the Ethiopian minister to His hand is not at all shortened. None of the gifts of the
Christ through a passage from Isaiah 53 (Acts 8:32-35). Spirit is withdrawn. The gifts of working of miracles and
The apostles moved to the gentile world when they healing are available today to be manifested through “those
understood Isaiah 49:6 (Acts 13:46,47). The dispute in who believe” (1 Cor 12:9,10; Mk 16:17,18).
Jerusalem Council was settled by the interpretation of Amos
9:11,12 (Acts 15:15-17). Even two thousand years before all the scientific and
technological advance, God performed unusual miracles
“Faith” is one of the gifts of the Spirit (1 Cor 12:9). This to prove the resurrection of His Son (Acts 3:15,16). How
faith is primarily on the power of God’s Word. In the chapter much more He would do today! He is ready to confirm
on faith, the very first reference is to the power of the Word our preaching “by signs, wonders and various miracles,
of God (Heb 11:3). We are admonished to take the shield of and gifts of the Holy Spirit” — provided we pray for them
faith “above all” the weaponry in the spiritual warfare (Eph and exercise our faith (Heb 2:4; Acts 4:30). Someone said,
6:16). In every temptation, the ultimate victory is “If you can explain it, then it is not a miracle.” We must
experienced when we boldly confess against the devil what therefore train ourselves to submit our natural reasoning
is “written” (Mt 4:4,7,10; Rev 12:11). Let’s soak ourselves to the supernatural working of God (Eccl 11:5; 1 Cor 2:9,14).
with the Scriptures. The Word in our mouth and mind keeps (For a broader treatment of this point, read Chapter 10).
us stout and sweet.
4. Prophecies & Revelations
3. Signs & Wonders Not only the Old Testament prophecies were abundantly
Christmas is the miracle of miracles. A virgin conceived referred to during Christmastime, but also there was a fresh
without the seed of a man. Unbelievable! God became man. outburst of the spirit of prophesying during the Season—
Unimaginable! A priest was made dumb for unbelief.
Unheard of! A star guided the wise men exactly to the spot When Mary greeted Elizabeth, the later was filled with
where the Child Jesus was. Inscrutable! Yes, nothing is the Holy Spirit and “spoke out with a loud voice” prophetic
impossible with God (Lk 1:34-37). word of blessing for Mary and Jesus (Lk 1:41-45). Following
this, Mary flowed into prophetic singing (Lk 1:46-55). What
The life and ministry of the church in the years following rich content! When his dumbness was healed, Zacharias
Pentecost were filled with miracles, signs and wonders. But was filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesied glorious words
when the next generations began to depend on physical about John’s ministry and that of the Messiah (Lk 1:64,
strength and material power the supernatural manifestation 67-79). It was a visionary poetry.
67 68
With the Baby Jesus in his arms, Simeon prophesied, Nazareth with the greeting, “Rejoice!” (Lk 1:26-28). She
“Behold, this Child is destined for the fall and rising of experienced a spirit-piercing joy. When she greeted
many!” He spoke about the Cross when the Child was still Elizabeth, the babe in the latter’s womb “leaped for joy.”
in the cradle! (Lk 2:28-35). Revelations and guidance of Elizabeth was boundlessly excited that “the mother of the
the Spirit! (Lk 2:25-27). And there was Anna, an 84-year Lord” came to her. She shouted aloud blessings on the Virgin
old widow, uttering prophetic words about the Redeemer (Lk 1:40-45). When the wise men saw the star, they rejoiced
(Lk 2:36-38). Truly the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of with “exceedingly great joy” (Mt 2:10). Who can explain the
prophecy! (Rev 19:10). enthusiasm and haste with which the shepherds rushed
The Greek word “prophetes” comes from pro, “forth” to the manger? (Lk 2:15,16).
and phemi, “to speak.” A prophet therefore is primarily a The Holy Spirit is the greatest Joy-producer. When He
forthteller, one who speaks forth a divine message that can excited the 120 in the upper room, the onlookers thought
at times include foretelling future events. Simply stated, they were drunk (Acts 2:13). The Spirit-generated gladness
prophecy means inspired utterance. The effect on the of believers wooed thousands into the church (Acts 2:46,47).
hearers is the proof.
Their converts brought into the silent temple Pentecostal
The infilling of the Holy Spirit gives potential ability to expressions of joy: “walking, leaping and praising!” (Acts
all believers to prophesy (Acts 2:17,18). On the Day of 3:8). The joy of the Holy Spirit made the apostles bubble
Pentecost, the 120 Spirit-baptized believers spoke forth and dance when they were beaten and driven away (Acts
the wonderful works of God (Acts 2:4,11). Years later when 5:40,41; 13:50-52).
the 12 disciples in Ephesus received the anointing through
the ministry of Paul, they spoke in tongues and prophesied When, where and why did Christendom lose this joy?
(Acts 19:1,2,6,7). Apostle Paul encouraged all believers to Thank God for the charismatic groups bringing back
prophesy (1 Cor 14:5). If prophesying is not elevated above shouting. “Blessed are the people who know the joyful
the Scriptures, and the Biblical regulations are followed, sound. In Your Name they rejoice all day long” (Psa
this gift will strongly build the Church through “edification, 89:15,16). Joyless churches are strengthless churches.
exhortation and comfort” (1 Cor 14:3,4). Because, the joy of the Lord is our strength (Neh 8:10).
When joy and gladness are cut off from a congregation, the
Though all believers can prophesy, the Ascended Lord ministers and members should cry out to God for a fresh
has given to His Church “some” prophets (Eph 4:11). These outpouring (Joel 1:13,16; 2:28,29; Psa 85:6).
men and women with the Prophetic office function at a
higher level to guide the flock. (See Chapter 25 also). The gathering of saints must be characterised by a
festival spirit (Psa 122:1). The Lord’s Day especially
5. Joy & Enthusiasm commemorates the victory of the Lord over death (Psa
Merry Christmas! Joy unspeakable because of God’s 118:24). How then do we explain the funeral atmosphere
unspeakable Gift! Gabriel entered Mary’s humble home in that prevails in many a congregation? If the Church does
69 70
not get back healthy excitement and enthusiasm to the This does not mean that we should throw away all the
pew and pulpit, our youth will sure go after feverish enjoy- old forms and embrace the new patterns. But there must
ments offered in streets. be “a balance of appeal to the mind, heart and spirit; a
balance of order and freedom, structure and flexibility; a
6. Worship & Offering balance of liturgy and spontaneity; a balance of the
The Song of Mary is magnificent in worship. She exalted traditional and contemporary; and a balance of solemnity
the Lord as the Saviour, Mighty, Holy, Merciful, Helper and and celebration” (Terry Wardle).
Covenant-keeper (Lk 1:46-55). After the angel announced Also, the Holy Spirit is the most powerful Motivator for
the good tidings to the shepherds, a multitude of the giving. Look at the voluntariness and spontaneity with which
heavenly host joined him in rapturous praise. Imagine the the Spirit-bathed believers pooled their wealth to share with
volume of their shout! (Lk 2:13,14). A spirit of praise the needy (Acts 2:44,45; 4:34,35). By giving us glimpses of
captured the shepherds when they saw the Baby (Lk 2:20). eternal glory, the Spirit loosens our grip on earthly gold.
Simeon “blessed” God holding His only begotten Son in his
arms (Lk 2:28). Anna “thanked” the Lord for His visit (Lk 7. Evangelism & Missions
2:38). The wise men came all the way from the East just to
The angel told the shepherds that the News of
“worship” the Baby King. They “fell down” and worshipped
Bethlehem was good tidings to “all people.” And they spread
Him with lavish gifts (Mt 2:2,11).
it “widely” (Lk 2:10,17). Simeon testified that the Baby was
The message of Christmas is, “God sent His Son to the God’s salvation for “all peoples” and a light to the “Gentiles”
lowly Earth.” The message of Pentecost is, “God seated His (vv 30-32). And Anna began to gossip the gospel with
Son in the lofty Heaven.” If the former initiated so much everyone in Jerusalem (v38).
worship everywhere, how much more the latter should
The very purpose of Pentecost is to give us power and
inspire! The foremost ministry of the Holy Spirit is to glorify
boldness to proclaim the greatest story ever told (Acts 1:8;
Jesus as Lord (1 Cor 12:3b). What the Spirit enabled the
4:31). Stamp out all fear and shed down all shyness. Tell
disciples to speak out in new languages was “the wonderful
every non-Christian neighbour the message of Christmas.
works of God” (Acts 2:4,11). It was pure praise (Acts 10:46).
Go singing bhajans to non-Christian homes. Present the
Wherever they were, pathways or pulpits or prisons, the
residents with suitable literature. Stop the unhealthy
disciples overflowed with praise.
practice of begging in the name of carol rounds. Arrange
One of the significant contributions of the charismatic special get-togethers and parties for non-Christian friends.
movement is the restoration of Spirit-led worship and Spirit- Give brief talks and show films to explain why Christ came.
anointed singing to the Church. The fallen tabernacle of Indian Hindus shun Western practices in religion. Be
David is being rebuilt (Acts 15:16). Tozer’s “missing jewel sensitive to their feelings and behave wisely. Make best
of evangelical Christianity” is found. use of the Season.
71 72
When an 85-year old villager in India was asked whether 9
he had heard about Jesus, he politely requested our
missionaries to try in the next village! We are fighting over
the details of the Second Coming of Christ, whereas there Tongues Today?
are millions yet untold about His First Coming. There’s no
news better than the Good News. There’s no commission
greater than the Great Commission. Go and tell everyone
that Christ came and is coming again. You will cause
Questions concerning the gift of tongues abound not only
“exceedingly great joy!”
in the non-Pentecostal circles but also among those who
speak in tongues. Interestingly there are numerous
questions in the Biblical text itself concerning this gift.
Joy to the world! the Lord is come! Studying them will give us intense clarity on this much
Let earth receive her King; disputed subject. An unbiased mind with childlike simplicity
Let ev’ry heart prepare Him room, and learning attitude is a prerequisite to understand any
And heav’n and nature sing! Biblical doctrine.
Joy to the earth! the Saviour reigns! ?
Let men their songs employ, “Look, are not all these who speak Galileans?
While fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains And how is it that we hear,
Repeat the sounding joy! each in our own language in which we were born? ...
No more let sin and sorrow grow, Whatever could this mean?”
Nor thorns infest the ground; (Acts 2:7,8,12)
He comes to make His blessings flow Several spectacular and supernatural things happened
Far as the curse is found! on the Day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came on the
He rules the world with truth and grace, 120 disciples who at the command of Christ were tarrying in
And makes the nations prove praise and prayer. “A sound from heaven as of a rushing
The glories of His righteousness mighty wind!” “Divided tongues as of fire!” But what literally
And wonders of His love! arrested the outsiders was the gift of tongues (Acts 2:1-12).
Let’s not dare to despise or undermine the miracle God did not bestow the gift of tongues to evangelize
element in whatever manner or measure the gift of tongues people. Tongues at Pentecost simply attracted the people.
is manifested! It’s God the Holy Spirit enabling His people to But it was Peter’s clearcut and well-outlined sermon in his
speak out in tongues as an inspired utterance (Acts 2:4). own language which convicted them and brought them to
Gifts as they originate from God are perfect at the source. repentance and faith (Acts 2:40,41). Also in the Great
“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and Commission passage of Mark’s Gospel, Jesus did not
75 76
command His disciples to evangelize people through in His baptismal power. But we should not build a doctrine
tongues. Rather He predicted that the evangelised and from incidents alone. We cannot dogmatically insist that
believing people would speak in tongues (Mk 16:15-17). speaking in tongues is “the” evidence of being filled with the
Holy Spirit. The Scriptures point out so many other
? manifestations also, like praise (Acts 10:46), prophecy
(19:6), visions (7:55; 2:17), a spontaneous shout of “Jesus is
“Do all speak with tongues?
Lord!” (1 Cor 12:3), a crying out of “Abba, Father!” (Rom
Do all interpret?”
8:15), a powerful proclamation of the Word (Acts 4:31; 1:8),
(1 Cor 12:30)
and so on. And there’s no specific mention of tongues when
This is perhaps the most important question in this the believers in Samaria received the Holy Spirit. No doubt
series. If we can find a satisfactory answer to this question, there was a visible evidence because we read that Simon the
most of the issues shrouding the tongues controversy can sorcerer “saw” it. But it’s difficult to ascertain that it was an
be settled. audible sign (8:17,18).
The obvious answer to Paul’s question here is “No!” Then If a believer does not speak in tongues I do not rush to
why do conservative Pentecostals around the world insist judge that he is not filled with the Holy Spirit. Rather I would
that everyone should speak in tongues? It is because of the encourage him to seek the Lord for this wonderful
inference they have made from the four or five incidents of enablement for the following reasons. Tongues is the only
reception of the Holy Spirit by individuals or groups recorded gift among the nine listed in 1 Cor 12:7-10 which primarily
in the Book of Acts. From Acts 2:4 it is clear that all of the addresses God in its operation. The others are enablements
120 who were filled with the Spirit began to speak with other to minister to men. In one sense I consider speaking in
tongues. Paul who got filled with the Spirit through the tongues as a preparation or warming up before moving into
ministry of Ananias testified later, while writing to the the operation of the other gifts (Acts 19:6; 1 Cor 14:18,19).
Corinthians, that he had received this enablement to speak Edification of ourselves prepares us to minister for the
in tongues (1 Cor 14:18). The non-Jewish worshippers who edification of others (Lk 22:32). This has been the testimony
had gathered at the residence of Cornelius spoke in tongues of many. This may be why tongues are mentioned at the
when the Holy Spirit fell on them (Acts 10:44-46). The twelve bottom of the list of gifts as the bottom of a ladder, something
disciples of John the Baptist at Ephesus spoke with tongues like a starter. In the same way, self-control or self-denial, as
when Paul laid hands on them for receiving the Holy Spirit a basic to the other virtues, is mentioned as the last item in
(Acts 19:1-7). the fruit list (Gal 5:22,23). The mouth expression is an
usual outflow of a heart experience. “Out of the abundance
On the basis of these incidents, we can normally expect a of the heart the mouth speaks” (Mt 12:34b,35). Mouth
person to speak in tongues while he receives the Holy Spirit confession is demanded following heart faith for salvation
77 78
(Rom 10:9,10). Peter’s sermon of defence of the Pentecostal Continuing the strain of the above argument, the gift of
experience of the disciples included an interesting quotation tongues operates at two different levels — one, the private
from David, “My heart rejoiced, and my tongue was glad” devotional level, and the other, the public ministerial level.
(Acts 2:26; Psa 16:8-11). Whereas the first level can be desired by every believer, the
second one is distributed by God for the common good at His
The apostle’s question, “Do all speak with tongues?”, own sovereign will and choice. We will study this in detail
opens up another understanding if studied closely in its under the next question.
context. This is one of the seven questions he raises in this
passage (1 Cor 12:29,30) — ?
“Are all apostles?” No! But the word “apostle” means a “If I come to you speaking with tongues,
messenger who is sent forth. In a sense, all Christians are what shall I profit you unless I speak to you
supposed to be Gospel messengers! either by revelation, by knowledge, by prophesying,
or by teaching?”
“Are all prophets?” No! But “prophecy” in its broad (1 Cor 14:6)
sense is any Spirit-inspired utterance of a message from
God. All Christians have “the spirit of prophecy” to share While explaining the difference between the gift of tongues
“the testimony of Jesus” (Rev 19:10). Paul has indicated the and the gift of prophecy, Paul also spotted out the differences
possibility of all believers prophesying (1 Cor 14:5a,24a). between the private and the public use of tongues. He
testified, “I speak with tongues more than you all” (1 Cor
“Are all teachers?” No! But though not on a large scale, 14:18). This does not mean that he had known more
each Christian has a responsibility to teach others the languages than the Corinthian believers. We must bear in
basics of discipleship (Mt 28:20; Heb 5:12). mind that the apostle was discussing in these chapters
about gifts, ministries and activities functioning in the
“Are all workers of miracles?” No! But does God never supernatural power of the trinintarian God, and not about
perform miracles in answer to prayers of ordinary believers? natural talents and abilities (12:1,4-7).
“Do all have gifts of healings?” No! But does not God There was an utter confusion in the Corinthian Church
heal believers when they pray for one another? (Js 5:16). In over the “understanding” and the practice of spiritual gifts,
fact James encourages every believer to expect the prayer especially tongues and prophesying. The gift of tongues
power as Elijah experienced (v17)! became a toy in the hands of those believers and they were
playing with it like babies in the worship services. Paul
Next come the questions on tongues and inter- therefore admonished them, “Brothers, do not be children in
pretation! “Do all speak with tongues? Do all interpret?” understanding; however, in malice be babes, but in
79 80
understanding be mature” (14:20). He was introducing to services becoming more and more evangelistic these days,
them certain regulatory measures for the optimum good of we need to give serious attention to Paul’s concern voiced in
everyone in the assembly. At the same time he wanted to 1 Cor 14:23, “If the whole Church comes together in one
ensure that no one thought that Paul had not had the gift of place, and all speak with tongues, and there come in those
tongues and that was why he had been bringing restric- who are uninformed or unbelievers, will they not say that
tions. So he confessed that he spoke in tongues “more” than you are insane?” It is of course not easy to break a long-
all of them! cherished tradition overnight. But what the Bible teaches is
more important than what we think about any practice.
In no uncertain terms Paul has forbidden the use of
tongues in public without interpretation. “If there is no In any case we must totally avoid screaming in tongues by
interpreter, let him speak to himself and to God” (14:28). It is one or two from the congregation suppressing the voices of
possible to pray with lip movements but without sound, like others and disturbing their concentration, or shouting aloud
Hannah (1 Sam 1:13). We cannot quote the historical in uninterpreted tongues over microphones. We may think
narratives in Acts and justify our public use of tongues. In we are impressing others, but we don’t realize how indecent
Acts the Church was just being formed. It was a transition and unseemly such behaviour is in the church. Each
from Judaism to Christianity. The pastoral and doctrinal believer needs to undergo a course on how to conduct
Epistles had not yet been written. In the years that followed, himself in the house of God (1 Tim 3:15).
the Spirit of Truth guided the Church into all truth through
the foundational ministers of apostles and prophets (Jn ?
16:13; Eph 2:19,20). Paul concludes the three chapters on
“If I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays,
spiritual gifts (1 Cor 12,13,14) with this assertion: “If anyone
but my mind is unfruitful.
thinks himself to be a prophet or spiritual, let him So what shall I do?”
acknowledge that the things which I write to you are the (1 Cor 14:14,15a)
commandments of the Lord. But if anyone is ignorant, let
him be ignorant” (14:37,38). David Pytches in his book, Spiritual Gifts in the Local
Church, defines the gift of tongues as “spontaneous inspired
We may have no problem in accepting the restrictions for utterance by the Holy Spirit, where the normal voice organs
the use of tongues in public without interpretation in its are used, but the conscious mind plays no part. The
ministerial dimension (14:27,28). But how about a situation languages spoken or sung are entirely unlearned by the
in which all the believers desire and agree to raise their speaker.”
voices of praise together to God in tongues? Is this corporate
use of tongues in worship outrightly condemned in the Coming from a high Anglican background, I have been
Scriptures? No! (14:39). However, with the church worship speaking in tongues since 1963 when I was baptized with the
81 82
Holy Spirit in a non-Pentecostal student group. I join Paul to speaking mysteries in the Spirit (1 Cor 14:2b). That is,
thank God for this beautiful gift. The benefits I derive from mysterious things not understood by my mind. Not all of our
speaking in tongues are numerous— feelings and longings can be verbalised. After a time of
speaking in tongues I often feel that I have poured out my
First of all, speaking in tongues empowers my prayer
heart confidentially before someone who really cares and
life. Under normal prayer, my mind articulates my needs to
understands. What a relief and rest! Tongues are also a
God. But when I pray in tongues, my mind is bypassed and
vehicle of God’s Spirit speaking to my spirit (1 Cor 14:28; 2
my spirit is dominant (1 Cor 14:14). I experience a striking
release in prayer from my mind or intellect which is subject Sam 23:2).
to limitations. There are times when I don’t know what to Next, when I speak in tongues I edify myself (1 Cor
pray for in a given situation. And there are occasions when I
14:4a). I feel built up in my faith, deepened in my love, and
do not find enough and appropriate words to express my
strengthened in my hope, after a season of praying in
anguish. In such instances I find praying in tongues quite
uplifting. I believe that praying in tongues is one aspect of tongues (Jude 20,21). I shall continue to speak in tongues
the Holy Spirit’s help in our prayer life explained in Rom until I am made perfect or He who is perfect returns.
8:26, “The Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not Tongues and even the need for further knowledge will cease
know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit then! (1 Cor 13:8-10). Though the mind is bypassed by the
Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which spirit during the exercise of tongues, I find my mind quite
cannot be uttered.” refreshed after it. There were several occasions during my
student days when I resorted to speaking in tongues quietly
Speaking in tongues enhances my personal praise and and briefly when I got confused over a particular problem in
private worship. I am enabled to give thanks “well” (1 Cor the examination paper. I invariably came out afresh to answer
14:17a). God is Spirit and we are called to worship Him in the paper better. Today I find speaking in tongues helpful in
spirit and in truth (Jn 4:24). When I praise God in tongues I critical situations in my ministerial responsibilities.
realize that my soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices
in my Saviour (Lk 1:46,47). I also find myself often moving In the passage under study, Paul unequivocally says
into singing in tongues either in known tunes or new ones (1 that when he prays in tongues his spirit prays but his mind
Cor 14:15b). Singing and making melody in our hearts to the is unfruitful. Therefore after praying in his spirit he moves
Lord in the Spirit is an experience more exciting than the on to praying with his mind intelligently in languages known
kicks of liquor (Eph 5:18,19).
to him. “I will pray with my spirit, and I will also pray with my
Thirdly, speaking in tongues helps me express my mind. I will sing with my spirit, and I will also sing with my
innermost thoughts and feelings in a language which God mind” (14:15). Who would not desire this two-dimensional
hears and understands. This is what the Bible states as prayer and praise?
83 84
Speaking in tongues enables me maintain a spirit of speaking of earthly languages unknown to the speaker, or
prayer even while driving, travelling or jogging, because this the languages of angels, or the utterance of inexpressible
form of prayer doesn’t actively engage my mind. Some people mysteries and groanings, or melodies of thanksgiving, praise
testify that they find themselves whispering in tongues when and joy, and so on and so forth. Some say that the tongues
they awake at night hours (SS 5:2a) spoken in Acts are totally different from those referred to in
Corinthians. This is very unlikely because both Luke the
When the Holy Spirit is at work within a believer, there’s author of Acts and Paul that of the Corinthian Epistles had
no place for a counterfeit gift to curse Jesus or blaspheme
worked together closely in missionary travels. It cannot be
Him (1 Cor 12:3). Paul gives this assurance right at the
that the phenomenon, described by the two writers in
beginning of the gifts chapters! In the Corinthian church
identical terms, would be dissimilar. The manifestations
there were many who had come from pagan worship. So
may be different and so also the purpose, but the essence of
such a reassurance was in place! Compare this with a
the gift is the same.
similar assurance of Jesus concerning the gift of the Holy
Spirit with three illustrations (Lk 11:11-13). What Jesus promised as “baptism with the Holy Spirit”
(Acts 1:5) or “enduement with power from on High” (Lk
? 24:49) was reported by Luke as “being filled with Holy Spirit”
(2:4) or “receiving of the Holy Spirit” (8:15-17; 10:47;
“Unless you speak intelligible words with your tongue,
19:2). The Biblical authors under the superintendence of the
how will anyone know what you are saying?
Holy Spirit were free to choose words from their vocabulary
You will just be speaking into the air!”
and background to write the Scriptures. When various
(1 Cor 14:9)
names are given to an experience our understanding of it is
The apostle’s main concern in these chapters of the first broadened. In the same way, what Jesus promised as “new
Epistle was to make the Corinthian believers grasp the tongues” (Mk 16:17) is reported by Luke as “other tongues”
central purpose of the gifts of the Spirit, namely edification of (Acts 2:4) or simply as “tongues” (10:46; 19:6), and by Paul
the body of Christ. He stated it clearly as, “Since you are as “different kinds of tongues” (1 Cor 12:10) or simply as
zealous for spiritual gifts, let it be for the edification of the “tongues” (12:30; 13:8; 14:5,39) or “a tongue” (14:2,4,13,14).
church that you seek to excel” (14:12). Personal benefits of The variations are just meant to give us different perspec-
the gifts are secondary. Of all the gifts, the gift of tongues is tives of the same phenomenon. Pigeonholing them serves no
perhaps more vulnerable for abuse and misuse because of useful purpose.
its dual nature of benefiting the speaker as well as the
hearers. Next comes the question of interpretation. Interpretation
of tongues is as much a supramental operation of the Spirit
The gift of tongues may manifest in so many different as speaking in tongues. No human ability is required here.
ways. (“varieties of tongues” — 1 Cor 12:28). It may be the Both operate in a realm beyond human mind. When tongues
85 86
are addressed to God in private, they need not be tongues-speakers of being “insane” (14:23c). Tongues
interpreted. It is an intimate communication between God without interpretation could only be a sign of God’s
and the speaker in the Spirit (1 Cor 14:2,28). If tongues are displeasure with their unbelief whereas prophecy could
used in public as an utterance of prayer or praise or a disclose the secrets of their hearts and bring some of them to
revelation, they must be interpreted. The speaker may ask repentance. Isa 28:11 is used by Paul only as a parallel
God to enable himself to interpret or look for an interpreter between his day and that of ancient Israel and not as a
(14:13,27,28). If no interpretation comes through, he must prophecy.
not continue his tongues in that gathering, for the simple
One wonders why the apostle suddenly brings in here the
reason that the church is not edified and he is wasting
subject of women’s participation in the church gathering.
others’ time. Even if there’s interpretation, Paul does not
The NIV Study Bible gives a helpful explanation: “Paul was
allow for more than three short speeches in tongues in a
not against women praying and prophesying in public
single gathering. As exciting as it may be, overoccupation worship (1 Cor 11:5). In 1 Cor 14:34,35, he was discussing
with the exercise of this gift is discouraged. “If the whole primarily the disruption of worship by women who became
body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be?” (1 Cor involved in noisy discussions surrounding tongue-speaking
12:17b). No one should say that he is not able to control and prophecy. Instead of publicly clamouring for ex-
himself and throw the blame on the Holy Spirit. “The spirits planations, the wives were to discuss matters with their
of the prophets are subject to the prophets” (14:32). No gift husbands at home.”
operates without human cooperation. God is not the author
of any disorderliness in His church (vv33,40). Even on the
Day of Pentecost the disciples were able to stop speaking in
tongues so that Peter could give his sermon to the assembled “Did the Word of God come originally from you?
crowd. Or was it to you only that it reached?”
(1 Cor 14:36)
What about tongues serving as a sign to unbelievers? (1
This is the last question the apostle throws in his
Cor 14:21,22). The quotation from Isaiah concerning
discussion of spiritual gifts in 1 Corinthians 12,13 & 14.
“stammering lips and another tongue” confuses many
Christians. The people of Judah had refused to listen to It is on the issue of the gifts of the Spirit, especially the gift
God’s prophets when He had offered His “rest and of tongues, that the Church of Jesus Christ is divided as
refreshing,” so they were to be hardened in their unbelief by Non-pentecostals and Pentecostals. God is mightily at work
the tongues of the foreign invaders. God would speak to His in both the communities. Each has its strengths and
people through the alien tongue of the Assyrians as a divine weaknesses. In the absolute sense, no group is better than
judgment (Isa 28:11,12; Neh 9:30). The unsaved outsiders of the other. Both need to learn so much from each other. The
the Corinthian Church were in the habit of accusing the Non-pentecostals charge the Pentecostals as having no
87 88
proper theology. The Pentecostals criticize the Non- David Pawson, an outstanding British Bible Teacher of
pentecostals as being low in spirituality. Let the first group our times, in his book, The Fourth Wave, has made wise
repent of its intellectual pride and the other of its spiritual comments: “Tongues are not everything; tongues are not
arrogance. Otherwise Christ will still be wounded in the nothing... Charismatics are prone to make too much of
house of His friends (Zech 13:6). Neither the sterile tongues, and Evangelicals are inclined to make too little.
rationality of some modern churches nor the sheer emotio- One stream tends to use the gift too much in public, the
nalism of some churches in other traditions is Scriptural. other shrinks from even using it in private. Both need to
The Biblical view of worship engages the whole person. recover attitudes and action which reflect the Biblical
As a Charismatic, I would say that the responsibility of
Some of what I have written in this treatise may upset a
the Charismatics is greater than that of the Non-
certain section of the Pentecostal world. But why don’t we
charismatics in bringing about a practical and spiritual
allow for “the removal of those things that are being
unity, not an official and organisational union, between the
shaken...that the things which cannot be shaken may
two groups. I must lay aside all the objectionable and
remain?” (Heb 12:27). Let’s ask ourselves the same
questionable practices in the charismatic group out of
questions Paul asked the Charismatic Corinthians two
consideration for my non-charismatic brothers and sisters.
millennia ago. “Did the word of God come originally from us?
What is the use of tongues without love? (1 Cor 13:1). May
Or was it to us only that it reached?” (1 Cor 14:36). We are
the Lord grant me the spirit that prevailed behind the
greatly indebted to the Non-pentecostal theologians for their
solution of the circumcision problem discussed in the
monumental contribution in the field of Biblical research.
Jerusalem council. Let everyone who understands this
Show me one leading Pentecostal pastor or preacher who
language say, “Amen!”
does not use Non-pentecostal commentaries and notes!
Pentecostals and Non-pentecostals are like two hands in the
Body of Christ. “One hand alone does not clap,” says an Arab
proverb! God is here, and that to bless us
With the Spirit’s quick’ning power;
At Babel God shattered the people into various language See the cloud already bending
groups because they sought self-glory (Gen 11:4). At Waits to drop the grateful shower.
Pentecost He united the peoples of various languages in
order to show forth His glory (Acts 2:11b). The “restoration of Let it come, O Lord, we pray Thee,
all things” includes the final restoration of “a pure language” Let the showers of blessing fall;
that we may worship and serve the Lord “with one accord” We are waiting, we are waiting,
(Acts 3:21; Zeph 3:9; Rev 7:9,10). As coworkers with God it is O revive the hearts of all!
our awesome responsibility to desist from any activity or
attitude that may counteract His purposes. — James Milton Black, 1856-1938
89 90
The very name of Jesus is “Wonderful” (Isa 9:6). Miracles
10 were the order of His ministry. When John the Baptist
wanted to check whether Jesus was the Messiah or had
Signs & Wonders they to look for another, this was Jesus’ reply: “The blind
receive their sight and the lame walk; the lepers are
cleansed and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up...” (Mt
11:5). In his inaugural address on the Day of Pentecost,
Peter presented Jesus of Nazareth as “a Man attested by
“No one can do these signs that You do unless God is God by miracles, wonders and signs” (Acts 2:22).
with him” (Jn 3:2). These words of Nicodemus, a Jewish
teacher, to Jesus reflect the age-old Hebrew thinking. “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever!”
(Heb 13:8). The Church is His Body. We are the Church.
Yes, Jehovah is a God of miracles! The very constitution So we are His feet. We are His hands. What He did on
of the nation of Israel was in an atmosphere of signs and earth over 2000 years ago, He can and wills to do today
wonders. The people of God witnessed mighty miracles of through us. He promised, “Most assuredly, I say to you, he
His outstretched arm in Egypt, in the Red Sea and in the who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and
Wilderness. But when they went astray from God, miracles greater works than these he will do, because I go to My
became rare. Once Judge Gideon asked the Angel of the Father” (Jn 14:12). Faith is the key.
Lord who appeared to him, “If the Lord is with us, why
then has all this happened to us? And where are all His When the Church loses its dynamic faith, it becomes a
miracles which our fathers told us about?” (Judg 6:13). monument, no more a movement. It becomes joyless and
helpless. All its ceremonies, however beautiful, cannot help
As for God, He has never changed. His power is still a man lying paralysed at its gate (Acts 3:2). It was an awful
the same. But there are those who argue that the days of sight at the “Beautiful” Gate! But two men bathed afresh
miracles are past. Yes, for them! According to one’s faith it in Pentecostal power changed a sad history of 40 years!
shall be unto him! If we believe, we shall see the glory of
God (Jn 11:40). We often warn the Church of its Pharisaical attitude
— that better-than-thou spirit (Jn 9:34). The Church also
Miracles are a means of God to reveal His glory. has lots of Sadducees — those who deny all that’s
Commenting on the first miracle of Jesus, John writes, miraculous and supernatural (Acts 23:7,8). One of the
“This beginning of signs Jesus did in Cana of Galilee, and names in Acts for the saints is BELIEVERS (Acts 5:14).
manifested His glory” (Jn 2:11). As a result of the miracles That is, those who believe in the “Word of God” and the
through Paul in Asia, “the name of the Lord Jesus was “Power of God.” When we leave out one or the other we are
magnified” (Acts 19:17). only SEMI-BELIEVERS ! (Mt 22:23-29).
91 92
A fresh understanding of who our God is, is necessary. If we don’t have miracles, signs and wonders as in the
Because, only those “who know their God shall be strong days of the apostles, we are not to immediately conclude
and carry out great exploits” (Dan 11:32). “God does great that God has withdrawn them. On the other hand, we must
things past finding out, yes, wonders without number” (Job cry out, “We do not see our signs; there is no longer any
9:10). “Who is so great a God as our God? You are the God prophet; nor is there any among us who knows how long.
who does wonders; You have declared Your strength among O God, how long will the enemy reproach?” (Psa 74:9,10).
the peoples” (Psa 77:13,14). “He alone does great wonders”
We don’t have miracles because we have learnt to live
without them. The early Church did not have all the modern
William Carey (1761-1834) shouted, “Expect great equipments and facilities we use. They solely depended on
things from God; Attempt great things for God!” We expect the power of God. They had no magazine or media to
but don’t attempt! The disciples asked the Lord what they advertise. Miracles were their unpaid agents!
must do to work the works of God. Jesus answered,
The worry of the opposers of the Gospel was, “What
“Believe!” (Jn 6:28,29).
shall we do to these men ? Because, indeed, a notable
With God all things are possible (Lk 1:37). “Imp” means miracle has been done through them is evident... and we
devil. He is the one who implants the word “imp-ossible” cannot deny it” (Acts 4:16). When will our Churches earn
such a testimony?
in our minds. He is a liar. Ask not, “Can God ?” Affirm,
“God can !” Let’s repent of our unbelief. Let’s shed down our
unscriptural traditions. Let’s throw away our meaningless
“God has appointed these in the Church: first apostles,
ceremonies. Let’s return from our backsliding. Let’s rend
second prophets, third teachers, after that miracles, then
our hearts. Let’s reconcile with God. The promise is:
gifts of healings, helps, administrations, varieties of
“Sanctify yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders
tongues” (1 Cor 12:28). We freely talk about “teachers” and
among you” (Josh 3:5).
“administrations.” Why not about “miracles” and
“healings?” Why this partiality to the Scriptures ? Let’s pray like the early Church for our preachers and
missionaries: “Lord, grant to Your servants that with all
Again, from the list of the nine gifts of the Spirit in 1 boldness they may speak Your word, by stretching out Your
Corinthians 12:7-10 we pick up “Wisdom,” “Knowledge” hand to heal, and that signs and wonders may be done
and “Faith,” but conveniently put aside the gifts of “healing” through the Name of Your holy servant Jesus” (Acts
and working of “miracles.” This is how we miss the “whole 4:29,30). Then the Lord will work with them and confirm
counsel” of God. Scriptures are not to be interpreted the Word through the accompanying signs (Mk 16:20; Acts
according to our convenience and condition. 14:3).
93 94
We call ourselves apostolic. Well, where is the apostolic The Bible is filled with the stories of ordinary men
power? Where are the things that mark an apostle—signs, through whom God accomplished extraordinary things.
wonders and miracles? (2 Cor 12:12). It is not enough to Moses divided the Red Sea. Where is the God of Moses?
be apostolic in doctrine alone. We must be apostolic in Joshua stopped the Sun and the Moon. Where is the God
deeds also. Doctrine without deeds becomes a useless of Joshua? Elijah brought fire from Heaven. Where is the
dogma. It’s like a mouth full of sand. The first book of the God of Elijah? Daniel stopped the mouth of lions. Where is
Church is called ACTS. But we have only WORDS! —in the God of Daniel? And where is the God of Hebrews eleven?
plenty! As we approach the end of the endtime, we can expect
even greater miracles (Joel 2:28-30).
Very few chapters in Acts are without a miracle. Even
in a breadbreaking service there was a dead-raising sign! Since Pentecost, miracles were not done by the apostles
(Acts 20:7-12). Let our Church life and evangelism be only. Stephen and Philip were chosen just to distribute
characterized by miracles. There is no “Amen” in the Book food. But “Stephen, full of faith and power, did great wonders
of Acts (28:31). It’s not over. Acts are to continue! The 29th and signs among the people.” And “the multitudes with
Chapter must be about us. one accord listened to the things spoken by Philip, hearing
and seeing the miracles which he did” (Acts 6:8; 8:6).
Luke writes again and again that “MANY wonders and
signs were done through the apostles” (Acts 2:43; 5:12; Every believer can expect God to work miracles through
15:12). “Lord, give us atleast SOME of them!” But God has him. Sink into your heart this promise of Jesus: “He who
actually promised that the end would be MORE glorious believes and is baptized will be saved... And these signs
than the beginning. The glory of the latter temple shall be will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out
GREATER than that of the former (Hagg 2:9). demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take
up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by
The testimonies we hear these days are mostly of no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and
healing from head ache and hip ache. We must have they will recover” (Mk 16:15-18). The secret is going forth
miracles of born-blind seeing, stone-deaf hearing, dumb and acting on God’s Word!
speaking, lame walking, lepers being healed and so on.
But these won’t happen until we give ourselves to desperate The whole Church should be involved in the healing
praying with fasting (Mt 17:19-21). Also God should be ministry of Christ. Apostle James encouraged the
able to trust us. He must know for sure that we have learnt Christians, “Pray for one another, that you may be healed”
to give Him all the glory. An early saint prayed, “Lord, help (Js 5:16). God’s will in general is that His people should
me never touch Your glory!” enjoy both spiritual and physical health (3 Jn 2).
95 96
Pastors should take their congregations to rural Let’s not be discouraged over failures. Not everyone
situations and give them opportunity to pray for the sick who is preached to is saved. So also not everyone who is
and cast out demons. Then the dormant faith and the latent prayed for will be healed. Keep on preaching — to the
gifts in them will manifest. How will anyone know he has sinners! Keep on praying — for the sick!
the gift of healing unless he lays hands on the sick and
prays ? How will anyone know he has the gift of working of Not all those who get healed may turn to the Lord. There
miracles unless he prays over difficult cases and hard are people who continue in their ungodliness and idolatry
situations? The gifts of the Spirit are not trophies to be even after receiving a miracle from God (Jn 12:37). We need
preserved in the museum of the Church, but tools to be not consider this a failure. Our God is generous. “He makes
used in the market-place of the world. They are to be utilised. His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on
the just and on the unjust” (Mt 5:45). We must aim at
We are called to proclaim His salvation daily to the people’s conversion but our attitude should be one of
ends of the earth. It is “so great a salvation ... God also compassion.
bearing witness both with signs and wonders, with various
miracles, and gifts of the Holy Spirit” (Heb 2:3,4). Miracles are the best crowd-pullers. “A great multitude
followed Jesus, because they saw His signs” (Jn 6:2). This
There is no need to be worried about the miracles done is still true today. Science or technology cannot quench
through magic and demonic powers. They will always be the thirst in man to witness and experience the super-
there. But the rod of Aaron will devour the rods of the natural. Miracles in the Name of Jesus testify to His
magicians (Ex 7:10-12). Sorcerers like Simon and Elymas resurrection (Acts 3:14-16). They tell the world that He is
will be silenced (Acts 8:13; 13:8). Believer friend, take heart! alive. In one of the healing campaigns, a volunteer was
“He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world” wearing a T-shirt with the slogan, “If your God is dead,
(1 Jn 4:4). try mine !”
Our land of India is increasing in the practice of magic, Preaching the gospel with accompanying signs and
witchcraft and the like. Let’s pray for an unusual wonders is the norm of New Testament evangelism. As we
manifestation of God’s power as in Acts 19:19. Then the saw earlier, there are some who preach the Word but are
Word of the Lord shall grow mightily and prevail. Mere totally silent about signs and wonders. Others give all their
arguments against mystical cults won’t help. We do lot of attention to working of miracles and leave out sound and
discussions, but there must be a demonstration of the solid preaching. Both are extremes to be avoided. A happy
Spirit’s power (1 Cor 2:4,5). Money, methods and machinery marriage between the two will bless us with days of apostolic
are only secondary in spreading the Gospel. Miracles do evangelism. Jesus said, “Preach the gospel and heal the
the job fastest. sick !”
97 98
No doubt salvation of the soul is the greatest of all Malpractices in healing ministries and excessive
miracles. But Christ is the Lord and Saviour of the body emphasis on material prosperity have upset some fair-
too (1 Cor 6:13; Eph 5:23). He bore on the cross not only minded evangelical Christians. They have become totally
our sins but also our sicknesses (Isa 53:4,5; Mt 8:16,17). antagonized towards signs and wonders. However, the
remedy for misuse is not disuse but right use. Let’s not
Of course one may ask here, Why always talk about throw out the baby with the bath water!
physiological miracles? How about physical miracles? A
close look at the ministry of Jesus reveals that miracles It’s futile to fight against the miraculous. With all their
like turning water into wine or multiplying bread and fish hypocrisy, the doctrine of the Pharisees was, “Let us not
were not an everyday affair. On the other hand, miracles fight against God” (Acts 23:9). Gamaliel, a notable Pharisee,
of healing were plenty and regular. Same will be the case told the persecutors of the apostles, “If it is of God, you
today. Only when the situation demands it, God will grant cannot overthrow it — lest you even be found to fight against
miracles that will byepass natural laws. God” (Acts 5:34,39).
18. Exclusive preference of certain gifts unavoidably leads 24. The basic motive behind the operation of the spiritual
to divisions (12:25). gifts must be love, that is concern to serve others. This
is the “more excellent way” (12:31; 14:6,12).
19. Gifts develop when there is mutual care or
encouragement (12:25-27). For example, one who 25. It is possible to manifest the Gifts of the Spirit —
prophesies should encourage the one speaking in Tongues, Prophecy, Wisdom, Knowledge, Faith, etc. —
tongues, or the one who manifests wisdom should without a genuine concern to serve and edify others.
encourage the one who discerns, and so on. Self-gratification should be forsaken to enjoy the God-
intended full benefit of the gifts (13:1,2; 14:12).
20. When there is a defect or failure in the operation of
one gift by a member, the other members should meet 26. It is possible to perform acts of charity or sacrifice —
with him for concern and not condemnation. Also when Feeding the Poor, Voluntary Martyrdom, etc, — to earn
there is a remarkable success in the operation of one a name for self and not motivated to serve the people
particular gift by a member, the other members should or glorify God. God does not reward such. Thus not
only spiritual gifts but also social works can be wrongly
rejoice with him and never give place to envy (12:26).
motivated (13:3).
21. God has made provision in the church for Inter-Church
27. When we operate gifts with love — that is, a motive to
ministry, Outreach ministry and Local Church
serve others, we will be patient, kind, appreciative, soft
ministry. We have a triple responsibility: ministry to
and not rash, gentle, unselfish, not touchy, good-willed,
members of our own local Church, ministry to members
just and truth-loving (13:4-6).
of other churches, and ministry to people outside the
Church. The degree and nature of responsibility is not 28. The Gifts of the Spirit thrive in the soil of tolerance
the same for all (12:28-30). and trust (13:7).
22. All are not apostles but all should support the apostles; 29. Prophecies, Tongues and Knowledge are temporal in
all do not have the gifts of healing but all should scope — that is, we will not need them in Heaven. For
encourage such evangelistic ministers; all are not example, what is there to prophesy in Heaven? All would
administrators in the church but all should cooperate then have been fulfilled! But love is eternal. All believers
with such leaders (12:26-30). need that in Heaven too for coexistence! (13:8).
105 106
30. When the perfected stage comes, that is, New Heaven 37. Servants of God must minister to the congregation with
and New Earth, our present imperfect knowledge and definite words of Revelation, Knowledge, Prophesying
prophesying will be done away. Illustrations: (a) Child- or Doctrine, should they be a blessing to the members.
hood vs. Manhood, (b) Seeing through mirror vs. Face These are basic gifts respectively for the three ministers
to face (13:9-12) . presented in 1 Cor 12:28. Apostles are known for
wisdom and knowledge, Prophets prophesy and
31. When we remain immersed in the Holy Spirit, He builds Teachers expound doctrine. They are generally mobile
up in us Faith, Hope and Love. Faith for today, Hope ministers for inter-Church ministers. (Note Paul’s
for tomorrow and Love for ever! (13:13 cf Jude 19-21). words, “If I come unto you ...”) (14:6).
32. While desiring to manifest spiritual gifts in the Church, 38. Tongues without interpretation are like pipes, harps
if we are concerned about others we will prefer to or trumpets, which, if they give uncertain sound, can
prophesy rather than speak in tongues. Because, confuse people. They will not understand whether to
prophesying edifies the Church but tongues the speaker prepare for battle or banquet (14:7-11).
only, unless interpreted (14:1,4,5).
39. Tongues enhance private praying, thanksgiving, praise
33. Tongues are addressed to God and so form a part of and worship (14:14,16,18).
prayer and praise; whereas prophesying is addressed
to the church and hence may be combined with 40. Praying or singing in Tongues is permitted in the
preaching or exhortation (14:2,3). Church provided there is interpretation. The tongue-
speaker or one of the listeners may interpret. Inter-
34. Tongues contain spiritual mysteries no one can pretation must be prayed for (14:13,15,27,28).
understand; whereas prophesying brings forthright
messages to men to edify, exhort and comfort them 41. As predicted in the prophecy of Isaiah (28:7-14) and
witnessed on the Day of Pentecost, the Lord might
occasionally cause Tongues to serve as a warning sign
35. Tongues serve as a tremendous means of self- to the truth-rejecting unbelievers. But Prophesying
edification and so all need it; and Prophesying greatly mainly serves the believers. As the believers in an
edifies the Church and so all should desire it to serve assembly room are being edified by God’s manifest
one another (14:4,5,31). presence realised through Prophesying, if one ignorant
of salvation or spiritual gifts happens to enter the room,
36. Tongues with Interpretation come nearest to he gets caught in God’s electrifying presence and breaks
Prophesying in edifying the Church (14:5). down before Him in confession and worship (14:22-25).
107 108
42. In a New Testament Church gathering, each member same, there must be human control as per the
should actively participate and contribute to the life of Scriptural regulations (14:32-40).
the Church, say, by a Psalm, Doctrine, a Tongue, a
Revelation, or an Interpretation (14:26). 48. Though gifts operate in a supernatural realm, there
will be no confusion whatsoever when we let God have
43. The ministers of God must encourage with a positive His way and flow with Him (14:33).
spirit the every-member-participation. Negativism kills
the people (14:26,5,31,39). 49. The leaders in the Church have a great responsibility
to discipline the members after the divine order in the
44. In the Church gathering, there should be a balanced operation of gifts, by inspired guidance, and lead them
operation of the Gifts of the Spirit. For example, all the to maturity (14:37,20).
time should not be spent just in Tongues or
50. Some folk choose to be ignorant of teachings
Prophesying. Two or three may speak in tongues and
concerning spiritual gifts. We cannot help them, but
two or three prophesy. Tongues must be interpreted
they will cause great harm if they come to any level of
and prophesying judged (14:27-29) .
responsibility or leadership in the Church (12:1;
45. Team spirit is a must for realising the full benefit of 14:37,38).
the Gifts of the Spirit. For example, I should not press
to speak out and exhaust all that I want to say, if I
realise another believer also has something to say. The Father in Heaven, we wait before Thy face;
rule should be, Maximum participation in the available Grant us, we pray, Thy presence in this place;
time (14:29-31). Send down to longing hearts who seek Thee here,
The message of Thy love, which knows no fear.
46. The ultimate result of the operation of the Gifts in the
assembly is knowledge and comfort. Christ Jesus Grant us the tongues of fire that tell of old,
came as the Truth and God’s first Comforter, and the The vision clear that made Thy prophets bold;
Holy Spirit was sent as the Spirit of Truth and another The open mind, the high and pure intent,
or second Comforter (14:31; Jn 14:16). The strenuous will on noble service bent.
47. The manifestation of the Gifts of the Spirit is never — Frank Phalen
beyond human control. For the development of the
gifts there must be human cooperation, and likewise
for the discipline and decency in the operation of the
109 110
word of wisdom thro’ the Spirit, to another the word of
12 knowledge thro’ the same Spirit, to another faith thro’ the
same spirit, to another gifts of healing by the same Spirit,
Using the Spiritual Gifts to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy,
to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds
of tongues, and to another the interpretation of tongues.”
c) 1 Cor 12:7-10, “The manifestation of the Spirit is The Church is the Body of Christ. Each believer is a
given to each one for the profit of all: for to one is given the member of it (1 Cor 12:27). The Bible compares these
111 112
members to the organs of the human body (1 Cor 12:14- When we believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and receive
27). Each organ is capable of a specific function. The eyes the Holy Spirit, we are placed in the Body of Christ with
have the gift of seeing. The ears have the gift of hearing. specific functions and suitable gifts (1 Cor 12:18). Our
The tongue has the gift of tasting and talking. The nose responsibility is to “use” the gifts and fulfil the function
that of smelling. The skin that of feeling. Also each of the (Rom 12:6a). Sadly, in each of us lies so much dormant
hidden parts is gifted for a specific function. The heart is and unused. Let’s “stir up the gift” that’s in us (2 Tim 1:6,7).
for blood circulation. The lungs are for breathing. The liver Even a close disciple of Paul like Timothy needed this
for detoxication. The bowels for digestion. And so on. reminder!
In the parable of talents we find each of the servants The distribution of gifts is according to God’s will rather
given one or more talents (Mt 25:14,15). None with nothing! than our wish. “One and the same Spirit works all these
things, distributing to each one individually as HE wills.”
2. The measure of gifting is different.
“God has set the members, each one of them, in the body
The “measure of faith” varies from person to person just as HE pleased” (1 Cor 12:11,18). “Desiring” spiritual
(Rom 12:3). The gifts differ “according to the grace that is gifts is so as to manifest what we have rather than to receive
given to us” (Rom 12:6; 1 Pet 4:11). The Holy Spirit is what we have not (1 Cor 14:1). In the same verse Paul
“distributing to each one individually” (1 Cor 12:11). He wrote, “Pursue love.” He simply meant we must show or
does not dump all the gifts on one person. He distributes! manifest love.
Each one of us is given grace “according to the measure of
Christ’s gift” (Eph 4:7). When God appoints us in specific responsibilities, He
of His own accord grants us appropriate gifts. When Jesus
Look at the parable of talents again. One servant was called twelve of His disciples to go forth as apostles, He
given five talents, another two and the third just one. This
gave them the gifts of healing and miracles (Mt 10:1-5).
distribution was according to each one’s ability (Mt 25:15).
Similarly Timothy received a specific gift when he was
That is, according to what the master knew each one could
commissioned by the elders for a specific ministry (1 Tim
accomplish. Neither unemployment nor underemploy-
4:14). Which captain would send forth his soldiers to the
ment !
battle without equipping them?
3. Gifts are already given.
4. There are still other gifts.
“God has dealt ...” (Rom 12:3). “Having then gifts ...”
(Rom 12:6). “The manifestation of the Spirit is given ...” (1 As we compare these lists of gifts, one with another, it
Cor 12:7). “God has appointed ...” (1 Cor 12:28). “To each is apparent that no list is exhaustive but only suggestive.
one of us was given ...” (Eph 4:7). “As each one has received There are undoubtedly several other gifts not mentioned
a gift ...” (1 Pet 4:10). explicitly in these lists. Here are some examples —
113 114
God has gifted so many of His saints to compose songs Someone may argue that singing, painting, learning
of inspiration, sing so sweetly and play extolling music. languages, etc., are just “talents” and not gifts. But it is
King David was one such unusually gifted person. He was God who gives talents. Whatever God gives is a gift. 1 Cor
called the “anointed... sweet psalmist of Israel” (2 Sam 23:1). 4:7 explains this: “Who makes you differ from another?
And what do you have that you did not receive? Now if you
A severe fever made Fanny crosby (1823-1915) blind did indeed receive it, why do you glory as if you had not
when she was six weeks old. She died at 92. The Lord received it?” The so-called “natural” talents must be
unusually gifted her and she composed over 8000 hymns consecrated at God’s altar to be used for His supernatural
which never grew old. “Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine” purpose.
is one of them!
Having established that all believers are gifted, let’s
Both in the celebration and the proclamation of His now proceed to find out how to recognize or identify one’s
praise, God has used arts widely. He filled Bezaleel with gift and operate it. Consider these four questions —
His spirit “in wisdom, in understanding, in knowledge, and 1. Where is your interest?
in all manner of workmanship, to design artistic works”
for the House of Worship (Ex 31:1-5). Brother Navaneethar Find out which area of ministry or service appeals to
of Friends Missionary Prayer Band (FMPB) is a modern you most. It is God who works in you “both to desire and
to do” for His good pleasure (Phil 2:13).
example. His paintings and drawings have challenged so
many and catapulted them to the mission fields. To sort out the problems in food distribution in the
early Church, seven men were chosen and appointed
Mastering new languages, in short durations at that,
exclusively for this business. But Stephen and Philip, who
has been possible to pioneer missionaries and Bible were the first two of the seven member team, had their
translators because of God’s gifting. Otherwise how would hearts craving more and more for direct evangelism. The
it have been possible for William Carey (1761-1834), the former started his campaign right in Jerusalem and the
English missionary, to translate the Bible into so many latter went out to Samaria. The gifts associated with evange-
Indian vernaculars? God gifted him and he laboured lism, namely healing and working of miracles, began to
tirelessly. He expected great things from God and attempted gloriously operate through both of them (Acts 6:5,8; 8:5-7).
great things for Him!
Gifts of healings and working of miracles are sign gifts
God is sovereign. His resources are inexhaustible. Once mainly for evangelism and missionary work. Jesus gave
a little boy was trying to empty the ocean with a bucket. His disciples these gifts while sending them forth as
We are equally ignorant when we say there are only nine travelling missionaries (Mt 10:1,7,8). He mentioned these
gifts! (See pages 215-218 and 274-275.) gifts alongside the Great Commission (Mk 16:15,17,18).
115 116
Paul writes about how God worked “signs and wonders” serving the Lord” (Rom 12:11). You will notice the relevant
thro’ him in his missionary tours (Rom 15:18,19). God’s gifts operating automatically.
anointing on Jesus manifested itself through acts of healing
and deliverance when He went out to do good to the lost If you are called to preach or teach God’s Word, keep
(Acts 10:38). You too can expect the same in your ministry doing it faithfully. The gifts of Word of Wisdom, Word of
if your field of interest is reaching the lost. Knowledge, Prophesying, Teaching (Rom 12:7b), etc., will
operate either singly or in combination, while you are
2. Where do you excel? communicating the message.
If you don’t have specific interest in any particular type
of ministry, keep watching to locate where you fare better Suppose your work is to be a counsellor, you can expect
than in other areas. the gifts of Discernment of Spirits, Word of Wisdom, Word
of Knowledge, Prophecy, Exhortation (Rom 12:8a), Encour-
For example, you may find yourself doing well as a agement (Acts 4:36), etc., to operate thro’ you.
helper to others. There’s a gift called “helps” which is
mentioned immediately after the gifts of healings in the Gifts of Administrations (1 Cor 12:28), Faith (to venture
list of 1 Cor 12:28. It is one of the most important but least like George Muller), Diligence (Rom 12:8b), etc., are
coveted gifts today! No leader or preacher, however gifted, associated with the ministry of leadership.
can accomplish his task without sincere and faithful
helpers. These are those who don’t covet the limelight but Those who go as missionaries experience a variety of
stay in the background assisting those whom God uses in gifts bestowed on them. The gift of Faith propels them to
public. Someone named them as unsung heroes! Brother the fields, to go sacrificing comforts, risking life and never
A. Jeyaraj of Blessing Youth Mission is a classic example returning (Heb 11:8,17,15). The story of the Peace Child is
of this gift. a powerful example of the gift of the Word of Wisdom. When
peculiar problems arise in interpreting the gospel message
When you give yourself more and more to the area of in a complex cultural context, the gift of Word of Knowledge
ministry where you fare well, you will grow in it. Paul helps to find solutions. Apostle James manifested this gift
admonished Timothy, “Do not neglect the gift that is in in the Jerusalem council to solve a missionary problem
you ... Give yourself entirely to them, that your progress may among gentiles (Acts 15:13-22). Paul just like that shook
be evident to all” (1 Tim 4:14,15). The Lord will promote those off a viper which fastened on his hand (Acts 28:3-5). It was
who are faithful over a few things (Mt 25:21; 1 Tim 3:13). Mark 16:18a in fulfilment. Missionaries in jungles have
numerous testimonies of miraculous deliverance from
3. What is your responsibility?
poisonous insects. Drinking water facility is poor in remote
Give yourself entirely to whatever work God has mission fields. Missionaries have to drink all sorts of water.
assigned to you. “Not lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, They claim the signs of Mark 16:18b and are safe.
117 118
Some are called to the ministry of poor feeding, relief Nominal Christians already know that Christ came, died
works, helping the orphans, etc. “Showing mercy with and rose again. What they need is not evangelistic wonders
cheerfulness” is an indispensable gift for them (Rom 12:8). but prophetic warnings! (Mt 12:38,39). Christ is not
An unusual smile worn by these men and women even interested in repeating miracles for stiffnecked and
amidst trying situations is the proof of their gift! “Liberality unbelieving Christian communities. How He rebuked the
in giving” is another gift for this kind of ministry (Rom
people of Cana, Chorazin and Capernaum for their
12:8). Without the gift of “ministering” or serving, one
unrepentant attitude! (Jn 4:46-48; Mt 11:20-24).
cannot be successful in such assignments (Rom 12:7a).
A scientific analysis is not necessary to define which is Go to regions where Christ is not named. Visit villages
the exact gift that’s operating in a given situation. Also, no to meet downtrodden people. Rush to flood-affected and
announcement needs be made before any gift begins to famine-hit areas and such places where natural calamities
manifest! Just like the functioning of the organs of the have left the people shattered and miserable. Go to hills
human body, the gifts operate in harmony and with natural and jungles where tribals live under superstitious beliefs
supernaturalness. and fears for centuries. When you preach the gospel to
the “poor” — the underprivileged, the unreached and the
4. Where is the need?
uncared for — miraculous gifts will operate! (Lk 7:22;
Rush to the needy place and people. God manifests 4:18,19).
His gifts and power when He is moved by the needs of the
people. There’s no point in learning the game-rules if you Gifts and spirituality
never even visit the playground!
Though the distribution or manifestation of gifts is not
Physicians should be where the sick are. Concerning based on our merits, we have a tremendous spiritual
the gifts poured out by Christ thro’ His Spirit, David responsibility in exercising the gifts. Soldiers warm
prophesied, “You have received gifts among men, even themselves up each morning. Only then they stay fit. So
among the rebellious, THAT the Lord God might dwell there” also we should build ourselves up by praying in the Holy
(Psa 68:18,19). Spirit (Jude 20). A “perpetual” fire should burn on the altar
of our devotional life. It shall never go out (Lev 6:12,13).
Miracles are rare in programmes where the participants
Moses first went “in” to meet the Lord before he came “out”
are mostly Christians. On the other hand, healings and
miracles are commonplace in outreach programmes for to bless the people (Lev 9:23). Gifts are like tools. They
non-Christians. What is the secret? Isaiah has the answer: must be oiled or sharpened thro’ “prayer and fasting” (Mt
“I was found by those who did not ask for Me. But to Israel 17:19-21). Sufficient time must be given to regular
He says: All day long I have stretched out My hands to a meditation and systematic study of the Word of God. This
disobedient and contrary people” (Rom 10:20,21). will give us wisdom to use the gifts rightly and avoid misuse.
119 120
The Holy Spirit has come to “convict the world of
13 sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment” (Jn 16:8).
He desires sinners to eschew sin and embrace righteous-
The Purpose of Pentecost ness. He warns them of the impending judgment. The
Church is His mouthpiece. The believers are to articulate
His message of invitation to the living waters. “The Spirit
and the bride say, Come!... And let him who thirsts come”
(Rev 22:17).
Gone are the days when the Baptism with the
Holy Spirit was considered a denominational experience. The greatest miracle of Pentecost was not the sound
The number of opponents of the Pentecostal truth is on from heaven, the mighty wind, the fiery tongues or
the decline. Recent years have witnessed a number of speaking in tongues. These were only a prelude. The
renowned leaders and theologians of non-Charismatic climaxing event was the baptism of 3000 people!
persuasion changing their position as they tasted the Pentecost plunders hell to populate Heaven!
New Wine themselves. The fastest church growth in the
world is reported among the Pentecostals or Charis- When the 120 “Christians” received the Pentecostal
matics. This ought to be so because we are at the end of power, they reaped 3000 souls. In the city of Chennai
the last days of the Spirit’s outpouring! alone, there are more than 1200 “Churches” claiming
Pentecostal experience. Yet the city has not witnessed
However, there is a sad observation demanding
even 1000 people baptized on any single day. Where does
serious attention. We have failed to fully understand the
the problem lie? Have we substituted noise for voice?
“purpose” of Pentecost. The circumferential benefits of
And rattle for revival? Pentecostal power is for public
the Spirit Baptism are blown up. The central thrust is
proclamation of the evangel. “Peter, standing up with
sinfully neglected. The peripheral blessings have eclipsed
the primary. This is true atleast in India, among a vast the eleven, raised his voice and said...” (Acts 2:14).
majority of Pentecostals. Christians, Stand up! Speak up!
The supreme purpose of Pentecost was stated in no Tarrying is only “until” we are endued with power
uncertain terms by Christ in His last words before from on High. Then we should troop to all nations to
Ascension: “You shall receive POWER when the Holy preach repentance and remission of sins in Christ’s
Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be WITNESSES Name! (Lk 24:47-49). Why did Jesus blow the Holy Spirit
to Me... to the end of the earth” (Acts 1:8). Let’s get it on the disciples? To warm them and make them feel
right. To equip us with power to witness for Christ is the good? Never! But that they might go as His agents in the
supreme purpose of the Spirit’s infusion. Any other is ministry of forgiveness and reconciliation! (Jn 20:22,23;
secondary. 2 Cor 5:18-20).
121 122
Pentecost turns cowards into men of courage. Watch Witnessless worship is purposeless. Witnessing in fact
Peter before Pentecost and after. “The boldness of Peter is an act of worship. It is proclaiming God’s praises to
... uneducated and untrained!” (Acts 4:13). Let’s stir up those in darkness (1 Pet 2:9,10).
the gift of God in us. “For God has not given us a spirit
of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind” (2 Restoration movements are specialising in worship.
Tim 1:6-8). To witness with “power” against the domains Wonderful. Sermons on the rebuilding of David’s
tabernacle abound. Great. But what for is this restoration
of darkness! To witness with “love” to the hurting humans!
and rebuilding? “SO THAT the rest of the mankind may
To witness with a “sound mind” while succouring the
seek the Lord, even all the Gentiles...” (Acts 15:15-17).
Celebration of God’s praise should not be isolated from
Pentecost is anti-hoarding. It crusades against all confession of God’s grace (Rom 15:9-11). If any of these
selfishness. Its firstfruit is “love” (Gal 5:22). It opens two dimensions, vertical or horizontal, is missing, we
the purses to share with the have-nots. “Now all who must only say that our Pentecost has not yet “fully come!”
believed were together, and had all things in common, The semi-believers of the Bible argue that the days
and sold their possessions and goods, and divided them of miracles are past. But these men are ignored and God’s
among all, as anyone had need” (Acts 2:44,45; 4:34,35). remnant people are restudying the Scriptures on the gifts
T ha t’ s wh y even the b usin ess ma na gers of th e of the Spirit. God is restoring to the Church whatever
distribution programme were to be men “full of the Holy the locusts of liberals and the cankerworms of critics
Spirit!” (Acts 6:3). have eaten. Here again we should beware lest we miss
the purpose of these gifts. Oftentimes God’s primary
The slogan of the Pentecostal believer should be, “I
intent is sacrificed on the altar of man’s personal
care!” He must go to the poor with good tidings. He must interests.
visit the brokenhearted with healing balm. He must
proclaim liberty to the captives. He must comfort and Jesus gave a partial list of the gifts of the Spirit in
console all who mourn. He must give them beauty for Mark 16:15-18. The context is unmistakably evangelism.
ashes and oil of joy for mourning. He must clothe them “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every
with the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness creature... And these signs shall follow...” The first
(Isa 61:1-3). healing miracle after Pentecost multiplied the number
of disciples to 5000. Men alone so many! (Acts 4:4). The
Pentecost brings renewal in worship (Acts 2:11). And sign gifts are primarily for attesting the gospel preaching
worship must beget witnessing. The Spirit-baptized (Mk 16:20). “So great a salvation... God also bearing
disciples were “praising God AND having favour with all witness both with signs and wonders, with various
the people” (v47). Worshipless witness is passionless. miracles, and gifts of the Holy Spirit” (Heb 2:3,4).
123 124
Gifts of the Spirit seminars which do not propel the His breath to enter the dry bones. There was noise,
participants to the unreached frontiers, where millions rattling and all that. But the operation was not complete
are held under the devil’s spell, have completely defeated until they stood on their “feet” as an exceedingly great
the purpose. There are tribal areas where every other army! “Beautiful feet” to go shouting the Good Tidings!
person is demon-possessed. Rally there to cast out devils. (Isa 52:7; Nah 1:15; Rom 10:15).
Thousands of primitive villagers are dying of diseases
without any medical help. Run there to exercise the gifts Psalm 51 is an unparallelled prayer for personal
of healing. Mission fields present situations which baffle restoration. David cried, “O God... Do not cast me away
the best of minds. Rush there with your “word of wisdom” from Your presence, and do not take Your Holy Spirit
and “word of knowledge.” What’s the use of arms and from me. Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, and
ammunition unless we fight the enemy with them and uphold me with Your generous Spirit.” What for? “THEN
free the people? I will teach transgressors Your ways, and sinners shall
be converted to You” (vv11-13). We miss not a single
Dr. R. L. Brandt in his timely book, Gifts for the Revival meeting, Renewal seminar and Restoration camp.
Marketplace, writes, “The Gifts of the Spirit are not for What’s the result? How many are converted thro’ our
mere spiritual entertainment, nor for theological testimony? Let’s take stock.
speculation... The Pentecostal world has generally held
the view that the function of the Spirit’s gifts is to be Pentecostal outpouring is accompanied by prophesy-
essent ia lly fulfilled with in th e four w alls of t he ing, dreams and visions (Acts 2:17,18). What should be
sanctuary... Yet a careful examination of the gifts in the the end result of all these manifestations? “And it shall
Early Church reveals that they were more commonly used come to pass that whoever calls on the Name of the Lord
in the marketplace rather than in the meeting place.” shall be saved” (v21). That God is first and foremost
Raymond Carlson, the General Superintendent of interested in saving of souls is crystal clear. God’s
Assemblies of God in the US, in his foreword to this blessings should not stagnate in us. Rather they should
book, endorses the author’s viewpoint. flow to people through us (Jn 7:37,38). “I will bless you
... and you shall be a blessing” (Gen 12:2).
Note, even speaking in tongues and prophesying,
given for self-edification and church-edification, have Visions and dreams are increasingly popular today.
evangelistic value. Tongues are a sign to “unbelievers.” An analysis of the visions and dreams in the Book of
P roph esying con vict s th e “unb eliever” (1 Cor Acts shows that most of them were related to missionary
14:22,24,25). evangelism. Peter’s vision was a call to preach to the
Gentiles (Ch 10). One of Paul’s visions was to carry the
One of the superb pictures of Holy Spirit revival is in gospel to Macedonia (Ch 16). In another vision God
Ezekiel 37. As the prophet prophesied, the Lord caused encouraged him to witness boldly amidst hostility
125 126
(Ch 18). Folks testify of visions of white doves, white must first be preached to all the nations. But WHEN
angels, white light and so on ! Very good. But how about they arrest you and deliver you up, do not worry
“white” fields ready for harvest? Visionaries must become beforehand...” (vv10,11).
More and more anti-Christian forces are lifting up
When will the Pentecostal churches outdo others in their ugly heads in India. Pentecost means persecution,
missionary-going and missionary-giving? God cannot pain, prison, and that kind. Days will reveal who true
endlessly wait and watch millions perish. He so loved Pentecostals are! “If you are reproached for the Name of
the world that He gave away His only Son. But we so Christ, blessed are you, for the Spirit of glory and of
love our sons and daughters that we forget the world! God rests on you!” (1 Pet 4:14).
Most of the references to “joy” in the Book of Acts There are still others who are caught up in the web
are around evangelism. The disciples rejoiced when they of perfection theories. They keep on polishing their shoes,
were beaten for their testimony (5:40,41). Philip’s not to march on to the fields but to walk round and
evangelistic campaign caused great joy in Samaria (8:8). round on mosaic floors and carpets. They are afraid to
Barnabas rejoiced when he saw conversions in Antioch soil the shoes! What a master deceiver the devil is!
(11:22,23). The Gentiles were gladdened when the
apostles turned to them with the gospel (13:47,48). The True the fire of the Spirit is to burn all the chaff and
disciples were filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit purge us thoroughly. He cleans up the vessel inside and
following persecution and expulsion of Paul and out. But what for? Not to keep in the showcase! Rather
Barnabas (13:50-52). The conversion of Gentiles in to be “useful for the Master, prepared for every good
Phoenicia and Samaria caused great joy to the believers work” (2 Tim 2:21). We should not only walk like Jesus,
(15:3). The joy in the Holy Spirit is the joy of the Harvest. but also work like Him. One is not complete without the
Because, He is the Director of missions (13:4). other.
One of the grossly misapplied sayings of Jesus Following the first outpouring of the Spirit, the
concerning the Spirit is Mark 13:11. “Do not worry disciples spoke with gladness the works of God (Acts
beforehand, or premeditate what you will speak. But 2:11). After the second outpouring they spoke with
whatever is given you in that hour, speak that; for it is boldness the word of God (4:31). This then is the purpose
not you who speak, but the Holy Spirit.” Friends, this of Pentecost: TO SPEAK THE WORD OF GOD WITH
has no reference to preaching. Much less to preaching GLADNESS AND BOLDNESS!
without preparation! Observe the context: “The gospel
127 128
our life when one of the outreach teams of the Blessing
14 Youth Mission (BYM) in late 1970s spotted hundreds of
tribal men and women with negroid features in the jungles
Holy Spirit & Missionary Work of the State of Karnataka in India. They are said to have
escaped slave traders and been living as a “hidden” people
group. We have a growing Church in this community now.
The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of glory (1 Pet 4:14). When In our mission fields we have frequently witnessed
He possesses us He grants us glimpses of eternal glory. As outpourings of the Spirit on the hearers of the gospel even
a result, our grip on earthly gold and possessions is before they were formally initiated into Christian life by a
loosened. When Abraham was satisfied with the bread and mouth confession or water baptism. In such instances the
wine received from Melchizedek, King of Salem, he despised Church growth has been phenomenal. The case of Cornelius
the material wealth offered by the King of Sodom (Gen is illustrative of this sovereign act (Acts 10:44-48). After all
it is the Holy Spirit who baptizes (inducts) people of any
14:18-24). This dimension of the ministry of the Holy Spirit
culture and status — Jews or Greeks and slaves or free —
must be restored in our life and teaching. That alone would
into the one Body of Christ! (1 Cor 12:13).
usher in the long-awaited revival of giving.
At the same time we cannot conclude that the Holy
5. He helps us to REAP .
Spirit is not at work if the harvest is poor or delayed. Not
Reaping the harvest is the most exciting part of all soils are alike. We must be faithful in sowing and
missionary evangelism. The endtime ingathering of souls watering but leave fruitbearing into the hands of God. The
is accelerated by the last days outpouring of the Spirit. Bible emphatically states, “Neither he who plants is
Quoting Joel’s prophecy Peter in his Pentecostal sermon anything, not he who waters, but God who gives the
said, “It shall come to pass in the last days, says God, that increase” (1 Cor 3:7). Having done all, we must wait on the
I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh... And it shall come to Lord till He rains on our fields (Hos 10:12). He will not
pass that whoever calls on the Name of the Lord shall be disappoint us. He will cause the former rain and the latter
saved” (Acts 2:16,17,21). The Holy Spirit mobilizes the rain to come down for us (Joel 2:23). Stay positive and
entire Church—not just its fulltime ministers—“sons ... expectant (v 21). Our labour will not go in vain (1 Cor 15:58).
daughters ... young men ... old men ... menservants ... “In due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart” (Gal
maidservants” — for gathering the grains (vv17,18). 6:9b).
135 136
6. He causes congregations to GROW. Comforter.” As a Comforter, even before the missionaries
face persecution, He strengthens their hearts for what lies
Just like Abraham sent Eliezer to find a bride for his
ahead. Missionary Paul declared, “The Holy Spirit testifies
son Isaac, the Father God has sent the Holy Spirit to get
the bride ready for His Son. The Holy Spirit is now preparing in every city, saying that chains and tribulations await me”
the Church to be married to the Lamb of God. Until Christ (Acts 20:23).
returns, the Holy Spirit works zealously for the Church for In His commissioning address to the twelve disciples,
her health and growth. About the early Church Jesus encouraged them saying, “You will be brought before
congregations we read that they walked in the “comfort of governors and kings for My sake... But when they deliver
the Holy Spirit” and were multiplied (Acts 9:31). you up, do not worry about how or what you should speak...
It is the Holy Spirit who ordains overseers to shepherd for it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father
the Church of God (Acts 20:28). He equips them with His who speaks in you” (Mt 10:18-20). We see this mag-
gifts of wisdom, knowledge and discernment and nificently fulfilled in the case of Stephen. He was not
guides them in leadership. As the Spirit of Truth He leads primarily a preacher or a teacher of the Scriptures but
the Church into all truth (Jn 16:13). His fresh visitations only a deacon appointed to look after business matters in
feed God’s people with fresh bread (Ruth 1:6b). He reminds the Church (Acts 6:2-5). But his opposers “were not able
the Bride of the words of the Bridegroom so her walk may to resist the wisdom and the Spirit by which he spoke” (v
be pleasing to Him (Jn 14:26). When doctrinal disputes 10). He died a martyr’s death “being full of the Holy Spirit”
come up, the Holy Spirit sheds new light on the Scripture (Acts 7:55). It is frequently observed in pioneer mission
for better understanding. See how wonderfully He helped fields that the answers given by uneducated but Spirit-
the leaders in Jerusalem council to sort out the circum- filled workers in defence of the gospel would baffle the best
cision issue! Their conclusion was what “seemed good to of theological minds!
the Holy Spirit and to them” (Acts 15:28).
Suffering is suffering. Pain is pain. But the Holy Spirit
The Church grows healthily when “every organ” and fills the persecuted with inexplainable joy (Acts 13:50-52).
“every joint” function effectively (Eph 4:16). A Church with This is something which neither the persecuted not the
a silent majority is not a New Testament Church. When persecutors can understand. The stories of martyrs right
the Holy Spirit has His sway He energises and enthuses through the Church history attest this fact. Of the seven
every member to function to his fullest God-given potential. Churches of Revelation 2 & 3, the only two Churches which
There’s no “non-spiritual” work in the Church. Whether it were not rebuked were missionary minded. The Smyrna
is artwork or administration, the Holy Spirit is the Enabler Christians were promised “crown of life” and the
(Ex 31:1-5; Acts 6:3). Philadelphians the position of a “pillar in the temple.” What
7. He strengthens us to SUFFER. more do we need?
Missionary work without suffering is unheard of. The He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says
Lord Jesus introduced the Holy Spirit as “another to the Churches about the unchurched!
137 138
may lack literary excellence, but the interest it evokes in
15 readers and the impact it embeds on them are the proof of
the pudding. Peter and John were “uneducated and
Anointed Writing untrained” (Acts 4:13). But their seven books in the New
Testament are more than mere narrative. John’s insight
and Peter’s farsightedness are timeless in value for our
Christian thinking and living. Education for writers is only
With the renewed interest in the power and gifts of the a supplement to inspiration, and not a substitute.
Holy Spirit, the word “anointed” is very frequently used in
In order to teach us the characteristics of the Holy
Christian circles. In the handbills and reports of evangelistic
Spirit, the Scriptures present Him in various emblems. I
meetings we read about “anointed preaching” and “anointed
have picked up five of them which are relevant to the
singing.” What exactly people understand by these terms
is far from the Biblical meaning. For example, a preacher ministry of writing. We will analyse each of them briefly to
is said to be under mighty anointing if he shouts a lot, get a comprehensive understanding of what an anointed
speaks fast, shakes and swings all over the dais! But any writing is —
act can be qualified as “anointed” only if it reflects the
1. Water
characteristics of the Holy Spirit.
Water is one of the most used emblems of the Holy
The Bible is the product of anointed writing. “No Spirit in the Bible. Showers of Blessing, Latter Rain, Springs
prophecy of Scripture is of any private origin, because and Rivers of Living Water are frequent expressions to refer
prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of
to the Holy Spirit (Ezek 34:26; Zech 10:1; Jn 7:38,39).
God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit” (2 Pet
1:20,21). This authenticity is claimed by Biblical writers Water quenches thirst. An anointed writing must
again and again. The Psalmist testified, “Thus says David quench the spiritual thirst that is in every man and woman.
the Son of Jesse; thus says the man raised up on high, the Folks have tried so many things of the world to satisfy
anointed of the God of Jacob, and the sweet psalmist of
their deep and inner longings, but all in vain. God laments,
Israel: The Spirit of the Lord spoke by me, and His word
“My people have dug for themselves cracked cisterns that
was on my tongue” (2 Sam 23:1,2).
can hold no water at all” (Jer 2:13). He challenges them,
Though Christian writers of today cannot claim “Why do you spend money for what does not satisfy?...
infallibility for their writings as the Scriptures written by Come to the waters!” (Isa 55:1,2). If a writing leaves the
Biblical authors, the evidence of the nature of the Holy readers in the same state after they have read it, how can
Spirit in a writing is what deems it as “anointed.” The writing we say that the content is anointed?
139 140
Water refreshes. In Bible times it was customary that 1 Sam 16:13). This anointing was for bestowing authority
the hosts poured water for the feet of the guests, especially on them. An anointed writing will be known for its spiritual
if they had made a long travel in heat and dust (Lk 7:44). authority it carries with it whatever be the subject. Authority
There’s nothing like dipping our feet in a stream of cold should not be confused with arrogance. With all the
water as we walk through forests and deserts. An evening apostolic authority Paul had, he wrote to the Corinthian
shower after a hectic day makes us feel fresh to sit, read Christians, “We do not have dominion over your faith but
and relax. We are in a world of pressures and problems. are fellow workers for your joy” (2 Cor 1:24). People observed
Christian writing should minister personally to the readers that Paul’s letters were “weighty and powerful,” but he
so they may be relieved of tensions and become dependent affirmed that whatever he wrote was for their “edification
on the God of peace. and not destruction” (2 Cor 10:8-10).
Water cleanses. Christ sanctifies and cleanses the Oil is known for its smoothness. It flows gently
Church with the washing of water by the Word (Eph 5:26). through recesses and cavities. It lubricates moving parts
The demonic rule has contaminated and corrupted the and reduces friction. It keeps engines cool even in high
world. Self-help books cannot cleanse our hearts from sin speed. We can spiritually interpret it as the help of the
and free us from guilt. It is the living Word of God which Holy Spirit in interpersonal relationships. Our writings
makes us clean (Jn 15:3). It is through the power of God’s should foster unity among God’s people and further peace
Word that youths can resist sinful lusts (Psa 119:9). An in the society. We cannot bring glory to God in the highest
anointed writing has the right Word in it to cleanse the heaven by disrupting peace on earth and destroying good
readers, even while they are reading it. will among men (Lk 2:14). Letter without Spirit kills! (2
Cor 3:6).
2. Oil
There’s no direct reference in the Bible that oil Oil has soothing and curative effects. Oil was poured
symbolises the Holy Spirit. However, as the chief substance on the sheep’s head as a protection against dry heat (Psa
used for the purpose of anointing materials as well as men, 23:5). The good Samaritan poured oil on the wounds of the
oil is definitely a symbol of the Holy Spirit (Ex 30:22-33; 1 half-dead traveller (Lk 10:34). Oil was rubbed on the bodies
Sam 10:1). The properties and uses of oil as mentioned in of the sick which was followed by prayer (Js 5:14). All these
the Bible speak so much of the work of the Holy Spirit. speak of the comforting ministry of the Holy Spirit. Spirit-
Let’s look at some of them with reference to writing — guided writings will heal the brokenhearted, liberate the
captives, release the imprisoned, comfort and console those
Men were anointed with oil as an official inauguration who mourn (Isa 61:1-3). Bringing folks out of their fears
into high office. The three chief leaders of God’s people and complexes is characteristic of anointed writing. The
were prophets, priests and kings (1 Ki 19:16; Ex 28:41; Holy Spirit was introduced by the Lord Jesus primarily as
141 142
a Comforter and Helper. In calling Him as “another” Holy Spirit actually brings order where there’s chaos, and
Comforter, Jesus implied that the Holy Spirit would revelation where there’s conflict. Someone said, You can
continue the prophetic ministry of the former for speak whenever you want to, but not so with writing! Before
“edification, exhortation and comfort” (Jn 14:16; 1 Cor writing on a subject the writer must spend enough time
14:3). with an open Bible and an open heart under the Spirit’s
umbrella. Christian magazines sadly are filled with aborted
Perfumed oil was used in festivals and other happy or premature articles. Even while giving his personal
occasions. We read about the oil of gladness (Esth 2:12; opinion on certain issues, Apostle Paul claimed, “I think I
Isa 61:3; Heb 1:9). Paul’s letter to the Philippian Church also have the Spirit of God” (1 Cor 7:40). Only the Holy
was written from prison chambers, but it was all about joy Spirit knows the deep things of God (1 Cor 2:10,11).
from start to finish. The shackles and prison bars could However skilled and learned the writer may be, he must
not crush the spirit of Paul and turn him bitter. Christian solely depend on the Holy Spirit while writing. Christian
writing should not seek sympathy from readers, rather it writing is an eternal business. Let no one take it lightly!
should stir up in them enthusiasm and excitement.
Christian writers must uproot all bitterness from their 3. Wind
hearts before they sit to write. Otherwise thousands will In His discourse with Nicodemus, Jesus compared the
be poisoned (Heb 12:15). Here’s a guideline for writers, work of the Holy Spirit to the blowing of the wind. He said,
authors and editors: “Whatever things are true ... noble ... “Just as you can hear the wind but can’t tell where it comes
just ... pure ... lovely ... of good report, if there is any virtue from or where it is going, so you can’t explain how people
and if there is anything praiseworthy—write on these are born of the Spirit” (Jn 3:8). A sudden sound from heaven
things!” (Phil 4:8 adapted). Writings anointed by the Holy like the roaring of the mighty windstorm was a prelude to
Spirit will help diffuse the fragrance of the knowledge of the glorious descent of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:2). Let’s
Christ everywhere, and will not cause any foul odour (2 observe how the windy nature of the Holy Spirit can be felt
Cor 2:14,15). Negative journalism is not Christian. in anointed writing —
Oil also serves as a fuel for lamps. Moses commanded There’s nothing called static wind. It always moves.
the Israelites to “bring pure oil of pressed olives for the The writers of the Scriptures were said to be “moved” by
lampstand, so it can be kept burning continually” (Ex 27:20; the Holy Spirit (2 Pet 1:21). On the very first page of the
Lev 24:2). What a lovely picture of the ministry of the Holy Bible we meet the Spirit of God as one “hovering” over the
Spirit! The Holy Spirit enlightens our darkened minds. He waters as a bird hovering over its nest (Gen 1:2). If a writing
is the Spirit of Truth (Jn 14:17; 16:13). Anointed writings is anointed, the readers will experience a definite movement
will be known for their clarity. Sometimes we are more inside of them. This is similar to the experience of a
confused about a subject after reading than before. The pregnant woman when the baby moves inside her womb.
143 144
If a writing is inspired by the Holy Spirit, the same Holy bringing the best out of the readers—to make them holier
Spirit who is resident in us tickles us to respond to the in their walk and happier in their work. There’s an illus-
message positively (1 Jn 2:27). When Mary’s Spirit-anointed trative passage in the Song of Solomon: “Awake, O north
greeting fell on the ears of Elizabeth, the baby John in her wind! Come, south wind! Blow on my garden that its spices
womb leaped! (Lk 1:41). Anointed writing stirs up the may flow out. Let my beloved come into his garden and eat
readers to act! its choicest fruits” (SS 4:16). Challenges in writings must
not intimidate the readers, but inspire them to attempt
When there’s no fresh air, there will be suffocation.
great things for God and accomplish great things for men.
Unfortunately many of our churches have only doors —
This the Holy Spirit always does because He is not a spirit
that too trap doors — but no windows and ventilators. No
of terror but of tender love. Encouraging letters from Paul
wonder the congregations are sick and dead though they
have a name that they are alive! I strongly believe that God played a vital role in developing a timid Timothy for Church
uses anointed writing to blow breeze on His people. That’s leadership (1 Cor 16:10,11; 1 Tim 4:13-15).
why Paul urged Churches to read his letters written to the
4. Fire
other Churches also. See Colossians 4:16 for example:
“When this Epistle is read among you, see that it is read Our God is a consuming fire (Heb 12:29). The Holy
also in the Church of the Laodiceans, and that you likewise Spirit as one in the Godhead is fire. This nature of the Holy
read the Epistle from Laodicea!” Veils from women’s faces Spirit was proclaimed first in the New Testament by John
are lifted off when they walk outside on a windy day. That’s the Baptist. He introduced Jesus Christ not only as the
what Spirit-anointed writing does to liberate readers and Bearer of sins but also the Baptizer with the Spirit and fire
bring them into the Promised Land (2 Cor 3:15-17). (Jn 1:29; Mt 3:11). The advent of the Holy Spirit on the
Day of Pentecost was marked by flames of fire settling on
The anointed writings of men of God like Martin
the disciples (Acts 2:3). It is interesting to see how the fiery
Luther (1483-1546) and John Wesley (1703-1791) blew the
nature of the Spirit can manifest in writings done with His
winds of reformation and revival all across Europe and the
enablement —
world. The dry bones of the dark ages came together and
stood up as a mighty army when the breath of God as four Fire destroys. Though this sounds negative, any good
winds breathed on them (Ezek 37:9,10). Is reformation work in spiritual life begins with this. Unlearning precedes
complete? No, no, no! Do we need revival? Yes, yes, yes!
learning. Prophet Jeremiah was called “to root out, pull
Oh for men who will write the meteoric message of God for
down, destroy and throw down” before he could “build and
a mighty move of God in our generation!
plant” (Jer 1:10). Everything that can be shaken must be
Anointed writing is least bothered about impressing shaken so that only that which cannot be shaken may
the readers with the author’s gifts and talents. It aims at remain (Heb 12:27). Christian writing is not meant to sing
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lullaby and put the readers to sleep. It must disturb their 5. Dove
false peace. It should shake them from their slumber. No scene is more beautiful in the history of the New
“Awake” and “arise” are God’s repeated calls! (Isa 60:1; Testament than the Spirit of God like a dove alighting on
Eph 5:14). the Son of God who is the Lamb of God, on the banks of
The fire of the Holy Spirit will burn the chaff in our
River Jordon. The Dove on the Lamb! (Mt 3:16; Jn 1:29).
lives (Mt 3:12). Even sincere Christians suffer from wrong The gentlest of birds descending on the gentlest of animals!
priorities. Majoring on minors they fail in majors. Christian Doves don’t settle on lions and tigers. Even though Jesus
writers must dwell on subjects which will help readers is the Lion of Judah, He became a Lamb of Sacrifice. Here’s
prioritise their lives. Anointed writers don’t write what the perfect picture of incarnational identification. Until
people want but what they need. Christian writing must Christian writers identify themselves with the struggles and
not be commercialised. One of the last day signs is that sufferings, puzzles and perplexities, desires and
“people will look for teachers who will tell them (or write disappointments, and weaknesses and worries of people,
for them) whatever they want to hear (or read)” (2 Tim 4:3b). the wavelength of their message cannot be caught by the
readers. Writers must come down from pedestals and
There are simply too many evangelistic magazines become brothers and sisters to mankind (Heb 2:11,12).
and too few for the edification of believers. Even such Writers must sympathize with the feelings of the readers.
evangelistic writings address only Christians. Believers are
still milk-suckers (Heb 5:12). The Sunday Service is nothing Dove is known for her guilelessness. While sending
more than a Sunday Class! Bible teachers forsake their forth the twelve disciples Jesus said, “Be as wary as snakes
calling and become evangelists to cater to popular demand. and harmless as doves” (Mt 10:16). I am afraid Christian
Let me encourage writers with a passage from Jeremiah: writers have an overdose of the snake character! Unless
“The prophet who has a dream, let him tell a dream; and our smartness is balanced by sincerity we cannot fulfil
he who has My Word, let him speak My Word faithfully. God’s calling in our life. When the dove-like Holy Spirit
What is chaff to the wheat? says the Lord. Is not My Word anoints a writer, he will “see clearly what’s good and stay
like a fire?” (Jer 23:28,29). Let the fire shut up in your innocent of any evil” (Rom 16:19b). It is necessary that
bones escape through your pen! (Jer 20:9). writers be wide readers. But because newspapers and
periodicals are saturated with news of dirty politics,
Anointed writing will bless the readers with the Christian writers must beware lest their minds become
experience of the disciples of Emmaus. They would exclaim, corrupt and they unconsciously bring in perverted ways
“Does not our heart burn within us while we are reading into Christendom. Dove is a symbol of peace and purity.
this stuff?” (See Lk 24:32). Fire cannot be ignored. Hearts
ignited by anointed writing will become aflame for God and Dove speaks of gentleness. Christ invited people to
set others ablaze! Fire begets fire! come to Him and learn from Him. Learn what? Meekness
147 148
and gentleness (Mt 11:28,29). Meekness is not weakness.
Gentleness is not the opposite of firmness. In our writings
we can oppose false teaching and unscriptural practices,
but we must not attack an individual or an institution. Be How to Discern the Spirits
objective, and resist the temptation to turn subjective. God
hates sin but not the sinner. Anointed writing must be
decorated with the fruit of the Spirit. What’s spoken may
be forgotten, but what’s written is written. Pen is the writer’s
The Church history has witnessed many “strange fires”
sword. The sword is not meant to cut off someone’s ear!
during periods of revival. The early apostles had wanted
We may be thinking we are defending truth and faith, but
the Church at every age to be forewarned against these
actually we would have become a tool in Satan’s hand.
fires. To be forewarned is to be forearmed. For this reason
Christian writers especially in India must be doubly
they warned the people of God against “another Jesus” and
cautious because of the overwhelming non-Christian
“a different gospel” and “a different spirit” (2 Cor 11:4).
presence here. Philippians 4:5 is my concluding advice to
all Christian writers: “Let your gentleness be known to all Apostle John mixed no words when he served such a
men. The Lord is at hand!” warning. He wrote to the Church, “Beloved, do not believe,
every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God;
(This article is a Talk delivered by the Author in the Writers because many false prophets have gone out into the world”
Workshop of the Blessing Youth Mission in Neyveli, South India, (1 Jn 4:1).
24-25 August 2002.)
It appears that false prophets and false teachers
outnumber the true ministers of God. “MANY false prophets
have gone out into the world” (1 Jn 4:1). “Beware of false
Come, Holy Ghost, our hearts inspire; prophets ... MANY will say to Me in that day, Lord, Lord...”
Let us Thine influence prove, (Mt 7:15,22). “MANY will come in My Name ... and will
Source of the old prophetic fire, deceive MANY” (Mt 24:5). “We are not, as so MANY, peddling
Fountain of light and love. the word of God” (2 Cor 2:17). “MANY walk, of whom I have
told you often, ... they are the enemies of the cross of Christ”
Come, Holy Ghost, for moved by Thee
(Phil 3:18). “It is the last hour; ... even now MANY antichrists
Thy prophets wrote and spoke;
have come” (1 Jn 2:18). Yes, the enemy usually comes in
Unlock the truth, Thyself the key,
“like a flood” (Isa 59:19). Jesus spoke about “rain,” “floods”
Unseal the sacred book.
and “winds” in the context of false ministries (Mt 7:15,25).
— Charles Wesley, 1707-1788 Paul spoke of “winds” of doctrine and tossing “waves” (Eph
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4:14). These figures indicate the sweeping nature of false All the apostles were vehemently against the ministers
doctrines. Of course the Holy Spirit is also compared to operating with different spirits. Note Paul’s language as he
rain, wind and water. But Satan counterfeits them to give referred to these ministers: “Deceitful workers” (2 Cor
an impression that it is the moving of the Holy Spirit. 11:13), “troublemakers” (Gal 1:7), “false brothers” (2:4),
“witches” (3:1), “dogs, evil workers” (Phil 3:2), “enemies of
We must be careful about what we mean when we use the cross” (3:18), “deceivers, cheats” (Col 2:4,8), “frauds”
the words “last days” and “endtime.” The last days or the (2:18), “liars” (1 Tim 4:2), “proud men” (6:4), “corrupt men”
endtime did not begin with 2001 or 2011. The last days (6:5), “vain babblers” (2 Tim 2:16), “cankers” (2:17), “captives
were inaugurated by the coming of Jesus and the descent of the devil” (2:26), “imposters and evil men” (3:13), “idle
of the Holy Spirit (Heb 1:1,2; Acts 2:16,17). In fact, apostle talkers” (Tit 1:10), “subverters (1:11), “divisive men, heretics”
John called even the first century as the “last hour!” (1 Jn (3:10). Paul’s very first instruction to his secondliner
2:18). Timothy was, “Charge them not to teach any other doctrine”
(1 Tim 1:3).
The different spirits can operate through any of the
ministers of the New Testament Church (Eph 4:11). We Many strange phenomena and experiences are reported
read about false apostles (2 Cor 11:13), false prophets (Mt these days all over the Church. There are preachers who
7:15), false evangelists (who preach another gospel / Gal say that this is “the” revival they had been praying for many
1:6-8), false shepherds (Jn 10:12) and false teachers (2 Pet years. People fall on the floor. They laugh uncontrollably.
2:1). As we come to the end of the endtime, the deceiving Some vomit. Some roar. Others crawl. These and many
spirits will be hyperactive. This was “explicitly” predicted other things happen in meetings where folks claim to
by the Holy Spirit (1 Tim 4:1). The effect on careless believers experience revival. Believers are terribly confused. Is it
will be a “departure from the faith.” The Greek word suggests possible to discern which is from God and which is not?
a slow and an unintentional going away from the faith. It
will not be a total and sudden rejection of the faith but a As an ardent believer in the gifts of the Spirit, I would
drifting away in stages. For the apostles the issue was so say that the most important gift needed for the Body of
serious that one of them named Jude suddenly changed Christ today is the “discernment of spirits.” In the classic
the very subject of his letter. He actually had wanted to list of charismatic gifts, “discernment of spirits” is
write a nice comforting letter on salvation. But realising interestingly mentioned immediately after the gift of
the dangers the people of God were facing from the false “prophesying” (1 Cor 12:10). Though, as with any other gift
ministers, he declared war (“contend”) on all that was of the Spirit, the gift of discernment as such is given only
strange and unknown to the original (“once for all”) to “some,” every believer must grow in the art of discernment
revelation made to the saints (Jude 3). Read his entire (Heb 5:14). God has given us atleast four means by which
Epistle. we can discern the true and the false—
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1. Discernment thro’ the Scriptures given Him the Spirit without measure! It is ridiculous for
The Day of Pentecost on which the Holy Spirit descended anyone to think today that he has an anointing of the Spirit
was an unusual happening in the Jewish history. The which can go beyond the writing of the Scriptures.
onlookers of the upper room event were quite confused. Referring to a false practice of consulting mediums, the
Concerning the strange things they witnessed, they started prophet declared, “To the Law and to the Testimony!” (Isa
asking questions like, “How is it? ... Whatever could this 8:19,20). This means that we must always turn to the
mean?” (Acts 2:8,12). Apostle Peter was able to instantly “teaching” and the corresponding “testimonies” in the
defend the new experience of the disciples with the words, Scriptures. If we do not speak “according to this word,” we
“This is what was spoken by the prophet Joel” (v16). The will have “no light” in us. Most of the happenings of the
written Scripture was the final authority that gave full current revival, so-called, cannot pass this test.
endorsement to what was “seen and heard” that day.
Beloved, beware of extra-Biblical revelations and
Not only in this incident, but throughout their life and experiences! Some preachers quote John 20:30 to justify
ministry the apostles referred to “WHAT IS WRITTEN” and their so-called power manifestations. They try to shelter
checked their preaching and practices against it. Here are under the words — “Jesus did many other signs which are
a few examples— not written in this book.” But these defenders of novelties
fail to look at what John says in the very next verse: “But
“According to what is WRITTEN ... we also believe and
these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the
therefore speak” (2 Cor 4:13).
Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have
“As it is WRITTEN, He who glories, let him glory in the life in His Name” (v 31). In other words, nothing more than
Lord” (1 Cor 1:31). what is written is necessary for our life in Christ. Whatever
is written is enough! One of the very important rules of
“Do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to Biblical interpretation is, Do not argue from silence! Stop
wrath; for it is WRITTEN, Vengeance is Mine, I will repay, where the Bible stops. “Do not remove the ancient
says the Lord” (Rom 12:19; 14:10,11; 15:2,3). landmark” (Prov 22:28).
See what the apostles desired of the believers to learn Many books known as “apocrypha” (meaning, hidden)
from them: “You may learn in us NOT to think BEYOND were produced between 200 B.C and A.D.100. These books
WHAT IS WRITTEN” (1 Cor 4:6). were not accepted as Scripture by anyone. But in reaction
to the Protestant Reformers, in order to support their
Where did the apostles learn this all important principle? practices of praying for the dead, receiving forgiveness by
Obviously from Christ their Lord who operated well within good deeds, etc., the Roman Catholics added the apocryphal
the limits of “IT IS WRITTEN” even though His Father had books to the Bible in 1546. So they have 46 books instead
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of 39 in the Old Testament. But the NT never quotes from The Holy Spirit indwells every believer and He infills
apocrypha which the R.C.Church later adopted! the thirsty. There will be an uncomfortable feeling within
when the teaching we hear or the manifestation we see is
I am a Protestant head to foot. I stand not only for the not from God. This was stated so clearly by apostle John:
supremacy of the Scriptures but also its sufficiency. I call “These things I have written to you concerning those who
upon Christians not to go after the so-called “new” thing. try to deceive you. But the anointing which you have received
The written blessings of the New Covenant are abundant. from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone
Be satisfied with them. The living water received from Jesus teach you; but as the same anointing teaches you
stays in us as “a fountain of water springing up into
concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just
everlasting life,” so we need not go after new attractions
as it has taught you, you will abide in Him” (1 Jn 2:26,27).
(Jn 4:14). This is where Eve failed. There was so much in
This passage does not refer to the teaching ministry God
the garden to satisfy her. But she crossed the boundary to
has placed in the Church for the growth of His children.
try the forbidden fruit because it was “good for food” —
Rather, this specifically refers to the false teachers “who
sensational experiences to satisfy the flesh with thrills;
“pleasant to eyes” — spectacular things to excite one’s try to deceive you.”
feelings; “make one wise” — newer revelations.
It is the Holy Spirit who has prophetically warned us
The carnal man is always interested in novelties (Acts against “deceiving spirits” and “doctrines of demons” (1 Tim
17:21). But Jesus is the same! “Jesus Christ is the same 4:1). When some sensible believer tries to discern a strange
yesterday, today, and forever. (Therefore) Do not be carried phenomenon or a manifestation observed in a Christian
about with various and strange doctrines” (Heb 13:8,9a). gathering, he is instantly accused that he is grieving the
Holy Spirit! He is threatened of the unpardonable sin! This
Beloved, check against the Scriptures, whatever you is what gives immeasurable advantage to Lucifer. It is not
read or hear or see, like the Bereans. They did not swallow the hesitation to accept spurious manifestations that grieves
immediately whatever Paul preached (Acts 17:11). In the Holy Spirit, rather the embracing of questionable things
matters of learning doctrine, a dose of doubt is always — because He is the Spirit of “truth.”
healthy! We are not obliged to accept any teaching or
revelation or experience which is not explicitly taught in Paul in 1 Thessalonians 5:19-22 points out three actions
the Scriptures with testimonies. which will quench the Spirit. (1) Outrightly condemning all
prophetic utterances; (2) Failure to verify (test, check) all
2. Discernment thro’ the Holy Spirit things whether they are good or false; (3) Embracing
The Lord Jesus introduced the Holy Spirit as our Helper questionable things. Paul had a fear that the Greek
and Guide. As the “Spirit of Truth,” He will guide us into all paganism had some infiltration in the church life of the
truth (Jn 16:13). Thessalonians (3:5). The promoters of the current revival
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movements usually point out the first action listed above Peter “reported” that he witnessed God pouring out His
to silence analytical thinkers. I believe that the actions Holy Spirit on the gentiles also without any distinction (vv
two and three are far more weighty in grieving the gentle 6-9). This phenomenon was then “interpreted” by apostle
Dove of God. Passive acceptance of spiritually sounding James on the basis of what was “written” (vv13-17). This
phenomena without a positive analysis prompted by the then brought about an agreement on the matter (vv22,28).
indwelling Spirit will ultimately “quench” Him. Once the The result was “joy,” “encouragement” and “strengthening”
Holy Spirit is quenched, all other spirits will be quickened for the believers (vv30-32).
to have a sway. How serious!
Consulting the elders and leaders also means studying
The Holy Spirit cannot silently be watching us flirting the Church history. A diligent study reveals that many of
with the other spirits. His jealousy will be stirred! Love is the so-called “new” things which sprang up in Church
blind. When we fall in love at the first sight with any of the history down through the ages have got finally crystallized
questionable experiences, it becomes almost impossible for as “cults.” To counteract God’s activities in times of revival,
us to receive corrective teaching. That’s why it’s important Satan and his spirits become overactive. This is the
to test “all” things and avoid even that which “appears” testimony borne by great revivalists of the past. Jonathan
unhealthy. Edwards, the Puritan preacher of the Great Awakening of
the 17th century, and Evan Roberts of the Welsh Revival of
3. Discernment with the help of saints and shepherds
1904 concluded that there was always a “mixture” of the
No Christian is complete in himself. No congregation is genuine and the counterfeits. So they wrote to warn people
complete in itself. We need one another. When we become about exceeding Scriptural boundaries and bringing in
sick, the entire body fights against the germs. In the same “strange fires.”
way we need the help of the local body of Christ and His
universal body in withstanding the “winds and waves” of Mixture is the most dangerous thing. Someone said, “A
the evil one. The various ministers are gifted to the Church half truth always does far more damage than a bald-faced
by the resurrected Lord for the edifying of the body of Christ lie!” Irenaeus the great 2nd century defender of faith
“that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro observed, “Error is packaged in outward adornment so
and carried about with every wind of doctrine” (Eph 4:11- appealing that it appears more true than truth itself!”
16). Leaders with the gifts of “wisdom, knowledge and
discernment” must be called for to assist us in discernment. There are others who defend the questionable
experiences of today saying, “See the fruits!” But “fruits”
We come across a classic example of this exercise in do not just mean lifestyle or life change. What do we say of
the Jerusalem Council which was convened to discuss the Mahatma Gandhi who, though a Hindu, had a lifestyle far
circumcision issue for the gentile believers (Acts 15). Apostle superior to many Christians and who blessed the masses?
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The Gospel is so powerful that even if you adulterate it, 4. Discernment through common sense
there will be some good results. Let this not misguide us. I More often than we think, common sense is a surer
am of the opinion that hardly ten percent of what is preached safeguard than many others. Someone wisely said, “When
these days is pure gospel. Then how do we explain the common sense makes sense, don’t look for any other sense!”
healings, the miracles and the blessings people receive?
The answer is simple. God loves the people so much that Sometimes we are told, “Don’t rationalize. Don’t try to
He uses our ministries not “because of” our wonderful understand these things through human intellect. These
performance but “in spite of” our blunders. Jesus bypassed are supernatural things,” and so on. But this argument is
the diplomacy of the disciples saying, “I have compassion absurd. Because, God has given us a spirit of “sound mind”
on the multitude” (Mt 14:15,16; 15:32). (2 Tim 1:7). In Christian dedication we are not called to
“remove” our mind but to “renew” it (Rom 12:1,2). Mature
So much can be said and done in the Name of Jesus believers are defined as those “who by reason of practice
with absolutely no relevance to His will. Though difficult to have their SENSES exercised to discern both good and evil”
imagine, on the day of judgment MANY prophets, miracle- (Heb 5:14).
workers and devil-drivers will be refused entry into Heaven
Paul rebuked the Galatian believers as “foolish”
by the Lord who would say, “I never knew you!” (Mt 7:22,23).
Galatians, because they embraced another gospel and were
How come? These men had been guilty of not doing the
“bewitched” (Gal 3:1a). They began in the Spirit but started
“will” of God though they claimed to have done the “work”
going after fleshly excitements (v3). The deceived are
of God (v 21). They might have been declaring that they supposed to “come to their SENSES and escape the snare
were building God’s Kingdom, but they didn’t realise that of the devil” (2 Tim 2:26). Peter’s description of the false
any work not done according to the “words of Jesus” was teachers in 2 Peter 2 is the strongest and lengthiest picture
on sinking sand (v26). of them in the entire New Testament. In the previous chapter
and the next he was “stirring up the MINDS” of the believers
Simple believers will be easily duped by “ravenous
(1:13; 3:1). Therefore letting the mind into a state of
wolves in sheep’s clothing” (Mt 7:15). Shepherds and
neutrality is not spirituality but stupidity!
teachers with experience, maturity and wisdom alone can
protect the sheep. They must be bold in exposing the false. I watched a video of an overseas Gospel meeting where
They should not be tightlipped by the fear of earning the the camera was focussing on people who started vomitting
fury of star preachers or losing a few affluent people when the preacher was praying for them. What an obnoxious
(Acts 20:17, 29-31). Oh, for more ministers of wisdom, scene in places of worship! (Isa 28:8). Is it right to compare
knowledge, discernment and courage who would unmask this “vomitting” to “foaming” by epileptics? (Mt 17:14-18;
“false apostles” who appear as “ministers of righteousness!” Mk 9:14-27). Are we without “understanding?” (Mt 15:
(2 Cor 11:13-15). 16,17). Does not “nature” itself teach us? (1 Cor 11:14).
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In some of the so-called revival meetings, people
reportedly are roaring. It is justified as the voice of the Lion
of Judah! The latest is barking. There are books which
expound these as the “Animal Sounds of the Holy Spirit!” Back to the Holy Spirit!
Christians, where are we heading? Now there is crawling
and hissing. What next?
Mere argument may convince people but not convict Messages on repentance are becoming rare these days.
them. Conviction is purely the work of the Holy Spirit. We do not expect the Holy Spirit to bring people under the
Apostle Paul was an intellectual giant. But look at his conviction of sin. No wonder we have too many shallow
testimony: 1 Cor 2:4,5, “My speech and my preaching were conversions. What we sow that we reap. Forthright
not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in repentance messages can be preached only by the power of
demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that your faith the Holy Spirit. Here’s prophet Micah’s testimony: Mic 3:8,
should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of “Truly I am full of power by the Spirit of the Lord, and of
God.” Merely a mental assent of the historical truths of the justice and might, to declare to Jacob his transgression
Gospel does not save man. He may become an admirer of and to Israel his sin.” Micah gives this testimony when the
christianity. The conviction of the Holy Spirit is what leads land, as today, was filled with false “prophets, seers and
to faith for rebirth. Beware of adopting techniques to lead diviners” (vv6,7). In order to please the masses and draw
folks into salvation! You don’t need to tell a person that he crowds they were chanting “Peace!” (v5). God’s servant,
is saved. He himself will know it. That’s the miracle. The
David Wilkerson (1931-2011), calls these men as pillow
Holy Spirit will witness with his spirit that he is a child of
God (Rom 8:16).
2. Holy Spirit & Ministry
Apostle Peter’s sermon was in the power of the Holy
Spirit. It convicted 3000 souls on the Day of Pentecost. He God’s work does not mean doing everything but doing
did not give the altar call, but people asked him, “What only what He wants us to do. Jesus did not come to India
must we do?” (Acts 2:37). The conviction of the Holy Spirit or go to Africa even though souls were dying without the
in them is described as, “they were cut to the heart.” This bread of life in these countries during His lifetime!
is why we are to first “pray” for the people to be saved before Nevertheless on the cross, He triumphantly declared, “It is
we “preach” to them (1 Tim 2:1,4). It’s not casually asking finished.” Even before going to the cross, He testified before
God to save people, but it must include “supplications, the Father, “I have finished the work You have given Me to
prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks.” Soulwinners do” (Jn 17:4b). We are God’s “servants.” A servant cannot
and preachers must totally depend on the Holy Spirit when do what all he desires. He has to simply obey orders and
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instructions. The Psalmist confessed before God, “Behold, Even when we make reference to the Holy Spirit, our
as the eyes of servants look to the hand of their masters, focus is more on His “power” than on His “guidance.” If we
as the eyes of a maid to the hand of her mistress, so our fail to obey His guidance, but simply seek His power,
eyes look to the Lord our God” (Psa 123:2). How can we relationship with Him is more utilitarian than submission
know what God wants us to do? He reveals it to us through to His “lordship.” This means that we try to use Him than
His Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the Chief Executive to lead us being used of Him. Read the Book of Acts again and again.
in God’s work (Rom 8:14). Our regular prayer should be, You will conclude that the more appropriate name for this
“O Lord, teach me to do Your will, for You are my God; book would be “Acts of the Holy Spirit.” The striking
Your Spirit is good. Lead me in the land of uprightness” observation was that the apostles and the disciples worked
(Psa 143:10). directly under the under the “governance” and the “guidance”
of the Holy Spirit. Here are some enlightening examples —
We talk about “partnership” in Missions. Our primary
partnership should be with God. We are “God’s fellow- Evangelist Philip was holding a big healing campaign
workers” (1 Cor 3:9a). Partnership with God is essentially in Samaria (Acts 8:5-8). Many were healed and demons
through the Holy Spirit. The early disciples had a clear cast out. There was a great joy in the city. Philip’s campaign
understanding of this. When they filled Jerusalem with the was the talk of the town. But suddenly the Holy Spirit told
doctrine of Christ, the high priest asked them, “Did we not Philip to go to the Gaza desert (v26). Going from India to
strictly command you not to teach in this Name?” (Acts America is easy, but coming to India from America for
5:27,28). Peter and the other apostles answered, “We ought missionary work is difficult. It’s easy to move from a small
to obey God rather than men” (v29). Then they added, “And congregation to pastor a mega Church, not vice versa. To
we are witnesses to these things, and so also the Holy leave a mass deliverance crusade in order to minister to a
Spirit whom God has given to those who obey Him” (v32). single person would not have been easy for Philip. But he
It’s the Holy Spirit who gave them such boldness on the instantly obeyed because it was “the Spirit” who told him
face of threat. Holy partnership! This is what exactly Jesus to go (v29). To run into a desert to overtake a fast chariot
had promised them before His death: John 15:26,27, “The was also a tough job! When Philip implicitly obeyed the
Spirit of Truth will testify of Me. And you also bear witness.” voice of the Holy Spirit, He honoured him with a return
Compared to the early Church we are so weak in evangelism. flight! (v39). Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be
The fundamental reason is our lack of dependence on the broken!
Holy Spirit. As mentioned earlier, the last evangelistic call
in the Bible highlights the partnership of the Holy Spirit Then there was Simon Peter. His very first evangelistic
and the Church: “The Spirit and the Bride say, Come!” message after Pentecost brought 3000 souls into the
(Rev 22:17). Church. What a harvest! He found it exciting to minister to
167 168
Jewish crowds because they had already known the Old not override the leading of the Holy Spirit. He not only
Testament Scriptures. The number of believers quickly sends forth missionaries; He also directs them (Acts 13:4).
swelled up to 5000. But suddenly the Holy Spirit gave Peter In agriculture there are various activities: ploughing,
a different direction. It was to go to a non-Jewish family. It sowing, watering, weeding and harvesting. Only the Holy
was quite difficult for Peter to take up this new assignment Spirit as the Lord of the Harvest knows when to do what
because of his ardent Jewishness. Even a triple vision with and where. Let’s stay sensitive to His voice.
a voice from Heaven could not convince him (Acts 10:9-
Mere enthusiasm is no guarantee for a fruitful ministry.
16). But when the Holy Spirit bid him to go with the three
We must work with a “burden.” This burden is implanted
men who were knocking at his door, he obeyed (vv19,20).
in our hearts by the Holy Spirit. See with what reverence
The Holy Spirit told him to go “doubting nothing.” When
Apostle Paul testifies to this: Rom 9:1-3, “I tell the truth in
Peter obeyed the voice of the Spirit, God honoured him
Christ, I am not lying, my conscience also bearing me
with a mighty downpour of the Spirit on the audience even
witness in the Holy Spirit, that I have great sorrow and
before he finished his sermon (v44). The Holy Spirit attests
continual grief in my heart. For I could wish that I myself
the sermons of a preacher who responds positively to His were accursed from Christ for my brothers, my kinsmen
whisper. according to the flesh.” Enthusiasm without burden is “zeal
without knowledge” (10:1,2). A missionary becomes a
The third example from the Book of Acts is that of
machinery when he loses the burden of the Holy Spirit.
Apostle Paul and his team. This was during his second
missionary journey. After they visited Derbe, Lystra and a So much of artificiality has invaded our ministries
few other cities, they were “forbidden by the Holy Spirit” instead of the supernaturalness through the Holy Spirit.
to preach the Word in Asia (Acts 16:6). Then they tried to Just like there are spurious “conversions,” we have
go into Bithynia, “but the Spirit did not permit them” (v7). spurious “anointings” also. The suddenness and
The Holy Spirit closed the doors in Asia and Bithynia, and supernaturalness are missing in our Outpouring Meetings.
opened the doors in Macedonia. It was there they got their There’s so much of coaching and imitating. There’s so much
first European convert, Lydia (v14). This raises some of working up in our meetings leading to frenzy. The
questions. Is not the Great Commission to reach every outpourings recorded in the Book of Acts were known for
country and continent with the Gospel? Is not the Holy their miracle element in them. They were not programmed!
Spirit the Chief Executive of missionary evangelism? Why On the Day of Pentecost, there came a sound from heaven
then should He block certain moves of that zealous team? “suddenly,” and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit
The answer is, We must keep moving as per the general and spoke in tongues (Acts 2:1-4). In the house of Cornelius,
teaching of the Bible; and at the same time we must obey while Peter was “still speaking,” the Holy Spirit fell on all
the specific guidance of the Spirit. Our enthusiasm must those who heard the Word (10:44). When Peter later
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reported the matter in Jerusalem, he said that the Holy we are singing a “new song!” When the Bible calls us to
Spirit fell on them as he “began” to speak (11:15). sing a “new song,” does it mean new compositions? Cannot
be! The new songs of 2000 will become old in 2010 and
Let’s consider two instances in the Old Testament where still older in 2020. The “new song” does not refer to time,
there were unusual manifestations of God’s power and but to lifestyle. Take for example, Psalm 40:1-3. The “new
presence. One was during the dedication of the Temple song” of verse three is to contrast from the old life of
by King Solomon. The reading of the passage, 2 Chronicles “horrible pit and miry clay” of verse two. We are called to
5:13,14, is thrilling: “When the trumpeters and singers were be filled with the Spirit and express it through “psalms,
as one praising and thanking the Lord ... the house of Lord hymns and spiritual songs” (Eph 5:18-20). All these have
was filled with a cloud, so that the priests could not
a place in praise and worship. Don’t discord any of them.
continue ministering because of the cloud; for the glory of
These are various forms of praise set to musical
the Lord filled the house.” This is following organized
accompaniment. The songs and hymns of the olden days
singing. The next example is following Solomon’s prayer
were known for their rich devotional and doctrinal content.
(7:1-3). Fire! Glory! “The people bowed their faces to the
Unfortunately most of the modern songs are anaemic. In
ground on the pavement, and worshipped and praised the
the form also these are prosaic than poetical.
Lord!” Do you see the spontaneity here? Nothing was
rehearsed. What a shame that we simply cook up or concoct Another tragedy in Churches and ministries is the lack
things! What’s born of the flesh is flesh; what’s born of the of Spirit-anointed and Spirit-appointed leadership. Both
Spirit alone is spirit! (Jn 3:6). Let’s return to these old paths
in the Old Testament and the New Testament anointing of
of the Spirit!
the Holy Spirit is stressed as the primary requirement for
We have also invented some novel and questionable leaders. When God instructed Moses to select seventy elders
alternatives to the genuine work of the Holy Spirit. The for nextline leadership, this is what He promised: “I will
Bible admonishes us to “worship God in the Spirit” (Jn take of the Spirit that is upon you and will put the same
4:24); “live in the Spirit” (Rom 8:5); “walk in the Spirit” upon them” (Num 11:16,17). When Moses did according to
(Gal 5:25); “be led by the Spirit” (Rom 8:14); “pray in the the Word of the Lord, “The Lord took of the Spirit that was
Spirit” (Jude 20); and “sing in the Spirit” (1 Cor 14:15). upon Moses, and placed the same upon the seventy elders;
But the Bible never speaks about “falling” in the Spirit or and it happened, when the Spirit rested upon them, that
“laughing” in the Spirit! I won’t be surprised if there comes they prophesied” (vv25,29).
“eating” in the Spirit! We are deceived into being excited
about cheap substitutes. There arose a problem in the early Church in the
distribution of food to the widows. The twelve apostles told
Even in the name of “singing in the Spirit,” we have the believers, “It is not desirable that we should leave the
forsaken the classic hymns and songs of the past. We say Word of God and serve tables” (Acts 6:1,2). They instructed
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the disciples to form a team to take care of this business. delightsome promise we often quote and sing is, “There
This is what they said, “Brothers, seek out from among shall be showers of blessing!” (Ezek 34:26). Do we know
you seven men of good reputation, full of the Holy Spirit that this promise in the first instance was given in the
and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business” backdrop of carnal leadership? In verse two, God came
(vv2,3). Of the three qualifications the apostles prescribed, heavily on the shepherds who were feeding themselves.
namely social standing, fullness of the Spirit, and practical Instead of feeding the sheep they were feeding on the sheep.
wisdom, we leave out the central one, or we don’t emphasize It’s at that time God promised, “I, the Lord, will be their
it. Here lies the root problem in Christian leadership. God, and my servant David a prince among them; I, the
Lord, have spoken” (v24). Immediately after this comes the
There are too many self-appointed leaders today, or
promise, “There shall be showers of blessing!” (v26). His
they come to leadership positions through lobbying or
promise is not only that He would bless the flock but also
dynasty. God does not approve of such leadership. He says,
make the entire flock a blessing. Oh for such a leadership
“They set up kings, but not by Me; they made princes, and
that would make the entire flock of God’s people a blessing
I did not acknowledge it” (Hos 8:4a). These leaders may be
to all those “around!” Sad to say that many Pastors are
sitting on executive chairs but the mantle will not be on
mere performers while the congregational members are kept
them. Leaders must not go by human logic but depend on
as spectators. Only when we have the outpouring of God’s
divine guidance through the Holy Spirit. A missionary call
Spirit “as at the beginning,” things would change.
came to the Church leaders in Antioch. Paul and Barnabas
were like two eyes to them. If the leaders had operated 3. Holy Spirit & Work
purely on logic, they would have released any two other
than Paul and Barnabas! But “the Holy Spirit said, Now We are not to confine the work of the Holy Spirit to
separate to Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I spiritual matters alone. We must not compartmentalise
have called them” (Acts 13:1,2). They obeyed the voice of our life as sacred and secular. Whatever we do, even eating
the Spirit and sent forth these two men. Luke records that and drinking, must be for the glory of God (1 Cor 10:31).
they were “sent forth by the Holy Spirit” (vv3,4). What Glorifying God in what all we do is not possible without
blessed partnership! the enablement of the Holy Spirit. We cannot even call
Jesus as Lord without the help of the Spirit (1 Cor 12:3b).
Instead of finding fault with defective leadership, God’s A few examples from the Bible will encourage us to seek
people must pray that God would raise godly and anointed the help of the Holy Spirit for all our activities —
leaders. God has given us a cheerful promise in Isaiah
1:26, “I will restore your judges as at the first, and your Exodus 31:1-5, “The Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
counsellors as at the beginning. Afterward you shall be See, I have called by name Bezaleel ... and I have filled him
called the City of Righteousness, the faithful city!” The most with the Spirit of God in wisdom, in understanding, in
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knowledge and in all manner of workmanship, to design but also to “teach” others (35:34). In fact God anointed a
artistic works, to work in gold, in silver, in bronze, in cutting team to teach others. The need of the hour is not only for
jewels for setting, in carving wood, and to work in all manner skilled teachers but also anointed teachers. Informations
of workmanship.” Enablement of the Holy Spirit for will fill the head, but inspiration will fire the hearts! Of the
professional workmanship. Whether you are in the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit listed in 1 Corinthians 12:8-
Engineering field, Medical field, IT field, teaching profession, 10, the first two are “Word of Wisdom” and “Word of
or whatever, the Holy Spirit can help you to do things better Knowledge.” Are they not directly related to teaching? The
(1 Chr 28:11,12). early apostles claimed this in their teaching ministry of
God’s Word: 1 Cor 2:13, “These things we also speak, not
Genesis 41:38-40, “Pharaoh said to his servants, in words which man’s wisdom teaches but which the Holy
Can we find such a one as Joseph, a man in whom is the Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual.”
Spirit of God? Then Pharaoh said to Joseph, In as much When there’s teaching under the anointing of the Spirit,
as God has shown you all this, there is no one as discerning the hearers will receive both enlightenment and edification.
and wise as you. You shall be in charge of my home, and As the “Spirit of Truth” the Holy Spirit is a Teacher (Jn
all my people shall be ruled according to your word.” It’s 14:17,26).
unfortunate that what a pagan ruler like Pharaoh was able
to recognize we are not able to. It’s like searching for ghee Thank God for our theological seminaries, but they will
when we have butter on hand! Here is a challenge to all be only academic deserts if the Professors are not anointed
Christian administrators in companies, business firms, with the Holy Spirit. Without the Upper Room experience
industrial organisations and so on. Be filled with the Holy you are not worth a dime, degrees or no degrees. Without
Spirit. Ask Him to manifest His wisdom and knowledge in the fire of the Spirit on your tongue, your lectures will be
all your jobs and responsibilities. “The Holy Spirit is the icily cold and your students will be frozen to spiritual death
Spirit of wisdom, understanding, counsel and knowledge” (2 Cor 3:6).
(Isa 11:2). Regrettably not many Christian youngsters make
it to Indian Administrative Services (IAS). They may be 2 Samuel 23:1,2, “Now these are the last words of
intelligent but are not industrious enough. Unless we have David: Thus says David the son of Jesse; Thus says the
Josephs, Daniels and Nehemiahs in high positions, how man raised up on high, the anointed of the God of Jacob,
can we impact the Nation? and the sweet Psalmist of Israel: The Spirit of the Lord
spoke by me, and His Word was on my tongue.” Anointed
Exodus 35:34, “And God has put in Bezaleel’s heart music and singing is a gift from God. “Psalms and hymns
the ability to teach, in him and Aholiab the son of and spiritual songs” will burst forth from a heart filled with
Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan.” God filled Bezaleel with the Holy Spirit (Eph 5:18,19). Praise God for the Christian
His Spirit not only for skilled workmanship (Ex 31:1,2), composers and musicians of the past and the present. Their
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contributions enrich our worship of God Almighty. Most of Though we have seen through various examples quoted
the songs of the yesteryears were born from prayer closets above how the Holy Spirit can help us in various fields,
following seasons of fasting and prayer, especially during God will appoint and equip us only for what He has
times of revival. No wonder they are rich in doctrinal and specifically called us to do. Today’s youth choose what’s
devotional content. Worship leaders,, musicians and more remunerative than what’s rewarding from eternity
singers must learn to depend more and more on the Holy viewpoint. Moses is a challenging example here. Read
Spirit so they may really minister to the Lord and His people. Hebrews 11:24-27, “By faith Moses, when he became of
age, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter,
There are numerous references to the Spirit of God in
choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God
the Book of Psalms which was used as the book of praise
than to enjoy the temporary pleasures of sin, esteeming
and prayer by the Jews (Psa 51:10-12; 104:30; 106:33;
the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in
139:7; 143:10). In the olden days, prophesying was
Egypt; for he looked for a reward.”
accompanied by musical instruments (1 Sam 10:5). When
David played the harp, the distressing spirit left Saul (1 Our youth are not properly counselled in this area.
Sam 16:23). When a musician played his instrument, the Parents push children into careers which are attractive
hand of the Lord came upon Prophet Elisha with a fresh rather than finding out together with them what God’s will
prophetic word (2 Ki 3:15-19). Prophesying and music were
for them is. Unless we learn to find God’s will at the
often associated (1 Chr 25:1,3). These passages teach us
beginning of our life, when we are young, we will be missing
that Christian music must be known for its reverence and
it all through our life. Anything other than God’s perfect
it cannot degrade to the level of entertainment.
will is only the second best. In the 1960s there were only
Daniel 1:17, “As for these four young men, God gave three branches in Engineering Colleges: Civil, Mechanical
them knowledge and skill in all literature and wisdom; and and Electrical. For the 5-year course you are to choose the
Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams.” See branch in the third year. Preferentially Mechanical
how King Nebuchadnezzar recognised this when he desired Engineering was the first, Electrical the second, and Civil
the interpretation of his dream: 4:18, “All the wise men of the third. Class-toppers will get the Mechanical Engineering
my kingdom are not able to make known to me the branch. Though I was a class-topper, when I waited before
interpretation; but you are able because the Spirit of the God, He guided me to choose Civil Engineering. This was
Holy God is in you.” Not all are given equal intelligence, against my dad’s desire. But I stuck to God’s direction.
but the Spirit-filled Christians must work hard for academic Whatever I learnt in building engineering has helped me
excellence and professional efficiency through the wisdom all through my ministerial life, especially in mission fields,
of the Holy Spirit. This brings glory to God before others. including the construction of my sermons!
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Let’s sing this song of prayer based on Isaiah 51:9 —
Awake, O Lord, as in the time of old!
Come down, O Spirit, in Thy power and might! Holy Spirit & Second Coming
For lack of Thee our hearts are strangely cold, (Second Comforter & Second Coming)
Our minds but blindly grope toward the light.
Turn us, good Lord, and so shall we be turned: The Holy Spirit will not condemn God’s children but He
Let every passion grieving Thee be stilled;
will convict the “world” because its majority does not
believe in Jesus. This is the “sin” of sins (Jn 16:8-11).
Then shall our race be won, our guerdon earned,
And He will convict the “world” of “judgment” because
Our Master looked on, and our joy fulfilled.
the ruler of this world will be judged forever following
the Return of Christ.
— Henry Twells, 1823-1900
On the Day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit was outpoured
on the thirsty disciples of Jesus. This was in accordance
(This Chapter is one of the six Talks by the author with the prophecy of Prophet Joel (Acts 2:16-18). But it
was only a partial fulfilment. They didn’t witness
in the Old Paths Retreat he led in Karaikudi,
“wonders ... signs ... blood ... dark sun ... blood-red moon”
1-3 October 2010.)
and so on (vv19,20). We can therefore expect a greater
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outpouring of the Spirit “before the coming of the great The pathway to the Kingdom of God is paved with
and notable Day of the Lord” (v20). This would result in tribulations (Acts 14:22). This includes bodily sufferings
an unprecedented harvest of souls for the Kingdom of also. We literally “groan” and are “burdened” in this body
God (v21). Greatest outpouring resulting in greatest ever which is our temporary tent awaiting to be clothed with
ingathering! The “latter rain” will fill the threshing floors our dwelling which is from heaven. The Holy Spirit is
with wheat (Joel 2:23,24; Zech 10:1). given as a “guarantee” for this (2 Cor 5:1-5). Now we
It is the Holy Spirit who has explicitly said that in “latter have received only the “firstfruits” of the Spirit. How
times” folks would depart from the genuine faith and go glorious would the final redemption of our body be! (Rom
after the doctrines of demons, being drawn by deceiving 8:23). As for the reproaches for Christ’s sake, it is the
spirits (1 Tim 4:1). The only offensive weapon to wield Holy Spirit as the “Spirit of glory” who fills us with
against the powers of darkness on the “evil day” is the “exceeding joy” over God’s glory that would be revealed
Sword of the “Spirit” which is the Word of God (Eph in us at Christ’s Return (1 Pet 4:13,14).
6:13,17). The “last days” culminate on the “evil day!”
Understanding the Holy Scriptures thro’ the Holy Spirit Our sanctification which begins at our justification is
is the only way to escape the floods of false doctrine as perfected as our glorification at the Return of Christ (Rom
we come to the end of endtime. 8:30). We shall be conformed to the “image of God’s Son”
(v29). This sanctification is thro’ the Holy Spirit (1 Cor
Jesus told His disciples that He was going to prepare a 6:11; 1 Pet 1:2). This transformation into the very image
place for them in the heavenly mansions (Jn 14:2). “But of the Son of God is a journey the Holy Spirit takes us
as it is written, Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor through, as from glory to glory (2 Cor 3:18).
have entered into the heart of man the things which
God has prepared for those who love Him” (1 Cor 2:9). If we backslide in our Christian life and sin willfully, we
Jesus is about to return from Heaven to take us into are “insulting” the Holy Spirit who helps us enjoy God’s
that glory land (Jn 14:3). It’s the Holy Spirit who reveals grace so abundantly (Heb 10:26,29). The Holy Spirit
to us, at least partially, the glories of Heaven (1 Cor 2:10). cannot tolerate us flirting with the world (Js 4:4,5). He
He builds in us a blissful expectation and bright like Eliezar will not rest until He takes the Bride, the
anticipation about our future abode! Church, safe to Isaac the type of Christ (Gen 24:56,66).
One of the basic disciplines of Christian life is prayer. It This is similar to the “godly jealously” of Apostle Paul
is when we pray with the enablement of the Holy Spirit who had dedicated himself to present the believers “as a
we can build ourselves up on faith and keep ourselves chaste virgin to Christ” (2 Cor 11:2). The marriage of the
in love, “looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ Lamb of God is fast approaching!
unto eternal life” (Jude 20,21). It is the Holy Spirit who
strengthens our hope to wait for the Blessed Return of It is the Holy Spirit who carries the last message of Christ
Christ (Gal 5:5). to the Churches. Even though the seven letters were
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dictated by Christ, at the end of each letter we read, “He ready to die as martyrs (witnesses) if need be (Acts 1:8).
who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the It is the fullness of the Holy Spirit which granted Stephen
Churches” (Rev 2:7,11,17, etc.). These letters were meant at martyrdom the heavenly vision of Jesus standing at
to prepare the Church for the Return of Christ: “I will God’s right hand (7:55). The Holy Spirit joins the Church,
come to you quickly ... I will come to you quickly ... I will the Bride of Christ, in the last evangelistic call: “The
come upon you as a thief ... Behold, I come quickly” Spirit and the Bride say, Come!” (Rev 22:17).
(2:5,16; 3:3,11). The rewards promised are all eternal:
The role of the Holy Spirit in the final restoration of Israel
“Tree of Life ... No second death ... Hidden manna ...
before Christ’s Return will be vital. The Holy Spirit will
White stone with a new name ... Power over nations ...
be poured out on them as the “Spirit of grace and
Morning star ... White garments ... Pillar in the temple
supplication” so they would look on Christ whom they
... Christ’s throne” (2:7,11,17,26,28; 3:5,12,21).
pierced (Zech 12:10). The Holy Spirit will function as the
Christ foretold, “Lawlessness will abound” towards the “Spirit of judgment and burning” to wash away the filth
end (Mt 24:12). Apostle Paul predicted, “Evil men and of the daughters of Zion (Isa 4:3,4). God would encourage
imposters will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being them saying, “According to the word that I covenanted
deceived” (2 Tim 3:13). The “cup of iniquity” is about to with you when you came out of Egypt, so My Spirit
overflow. The Antichrist, the lawless one, is already at remains among you; do not fear” (Hagg 2:5). It is God
work. He will soon be fully revealed. It is the Holy Spirit who sent them into captivity and it is He who would
who is “restraining” this to happen so the Church will bring them back. He promises, “I will not hide My face
have more time to prepare herself and the world to repent. from them anymore; for I shall have poured out My Spirit
Ultimately the Antichrist will be consumed and destroyed on the house of Israel” (Ezek 39:28,29).
with the breath of Christ and brightness of His coming
The Holy Spirit is now indwelling our physical body as
(2 Thess 2:7,8). Praise God for the gracious work of the
His temple (1 Cor 3:16; 6:19). He will give life to our
Holy Spirit!
dead bodies on the Day of Resurrection. He is the same
When the disciples asked Jesus about the signs of the Spirit who raised Christ from the dead (Rom 8:11; 1:4).
endtime and His coming, one of the signs He gave was John in a vision heard a voice from heaven, saying,
severe persecution by the opposers of the Gospel. Here’s “Write: ‘Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from
what Jesus said: “When they arrest you ... do not now on.’ ‘Yes,’ says the Spirit” (Rev 14:13). The Holy
premeditate what you will speak. But whatever is given Spirit’s work in us is not over at our death; it continues
to you in that hour, speak that; for it is not you who “forever” (Jn 14:16). Hallelujah!
speak but the Holy Spirit” (Mk 13:11). It is the power
(dunamis) of the Holy Spirit that emboldens us to be
183 184
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Being a “Holy” Spirit, He creates in us a hatred for sin! 5. He EMPOWERS us to be WITNESSES for Christ.
He searches our hearts & sanctifies us of all filth — Being a witness for Christ has two aspects —
“Sanctification of the Spirit” (1 Pet 1:2) — Acts 1:8 ... “Be My witnesses”
(b) External Battle: (a) Thro’ life (b) Thro’ lip
The evil powers of the world — a) Thro’ life
Jn 14:17,30 ... the ruler of this world This is thro’ the FRUIT of the Spirit ...
Eph 6:12 ... armies of wickedness Gal 5:22,23
:17b ... Sword ... the only offensive weapon — Softness, Sweetness, Smoothness in relationships
— Loving, Joyful, Peaceful, Good, Faithful, Patient,
To fight oppressions.
Meek, Kind and Self-controlled
When the enemy comes in like a flood — b) Thro’ lip
Isa 59:19b ... the Spirit will raise a banner ... This is thro’ the GIFTS of the Spirit (1 Cor 12:7-10)
4. He ENABLES us to overcome WORRIES. i.e. Power of the Spirit (Acts 1:8)
Lk 24:47-49 ... To all nations ...
His very Name is “Comforter.” endued with power
The Holy Spirit is a River of Joy — Bold proclamation — Acts 4:31
Psa 46:4a Deliverance ministry — Acts 10:38
The Kingdom life — Isa 61:1 drug addiction/...)
Rom 14:17 ... peace ... joy in the Holy Spirit
Unmoved by threats & persecutions... Acts 20:22-24
(as against the joy of eating and drinking)
Peace not as the world gives ... 6. He ENERGISES us to WORK efficiently.
but thro’ the Holy Spirit — Not only for spiritual activities
Jn 14:26,27 ... My peace ... but also for technical and skilled works.
The persecuted disciples filled with the joy of the Spirit Bezaleel — Ex 31:1-5
Acts 13:50-52 A Spirit-filled doctor will treat better.
A Spirit-filled engineer will build better.
Jesus: The Spirit has anointed Me to console A Spirit-filled professor will teach better.
and encourage the mourners — A Spirit-filled artist will draw better.
Isa 61:1-3 ... praise ... heaviness ... A Spirit-filled student will study better.
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Daniel & Co
Dan 1:17/4:18b... knowledge ... skill ... understanding
What is the Holy Spirit?—
He’s the Spirit of Wisdom, Understanding,
Holy Spirit:
Knowledge, Might ... (Isa 11:2) The Fire of Sanctification
Have a fresh infilling before going to work.
“Life ... life more abundant!” (Jn 10:10)
“Our God is a consuming fire!”
Health in (a) body OT — Dt 4:24 ... Told by Moses
(b) mind NT — Heb 12:29 ... Written by the author of Hebrews
a) Body — Rom 8:11 ... Quickening of our mortal bodies
The Holy Spirit applies the benefits of Calvary on us. Of the three Persons of the Godhead,
mostly the Holy Spirit is compared to fire —
— “Gifts of healing” thro’ the Holy Spirit
Lk 12:49,50 —Fire on Earth (already kindled =
(1 Cor 12:9,10)
initial blessings of the Spirit
— The Body is the Temple of the Spirit (1 Cor 6:19,20)
before Calvary and Pentecost)
His healing virtue flows into us.
Isa 4:4 — Spirit of burning
b) Mind — 2 Tim 1:7 Dan 7:9,10a — Fiery stream from the Throne
Spirit of “sound mind”
Acts 2:3,4 — Tongues of Fire
No more the Spirit of heaviness, but happiness. Rom 12:11 — Fervent in Spirit
The Holy Spirit is the “wind” of God (Jn 3:8) (= on fire with the Spirit)
1 Thess 5:19— Quench not the Spirit
He blows on us to refresh us.
No more suffocation. As His Name goes, (Holy Spirit),
Conclusion He is essentially the Fire of Sanctification—
Jesus: “It is to your advantage Mt 3:11,12 ... burn the chaff
that I go ... so the Spirit may come” Isa 4:4 ... washed ... purged
(Jn 16:7) He sanctifies us by burning up the chaff —
How true! Isa 5:24 ... stubble ... chaff
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This chapter of Isaiah 5 mentions “SIX WOES,” Boasting of riches
thus condemning SIX DEFINITE SINS— Job 31:24-28 ... gold my hope ...
Counsel — Col 3:5-7 ... covetousness ... wrath of God
1. Selfishness (Isa 5:8)
3. Wilful & Fearless Sinning (Isa 5:18,19)
Hos 10:1 — Fruit to himself, so Israel fruitless.
cf. Joseph, Gen 49:22 Heb 10:26-31 ... Fearful thing... hands of the living God
Prov 29:1 ... Often reproved ... hardening ... destroyed
Lk 3:9 — Fruitless tree into fire!
What to do then? 2 Cor 7:10,11 ... godly sorrow + thorough repentance
Answer: vv10,11 — Share shirts & supper! (Seven ingredients of godly sorrow)
2 Tim 3:1,2a — The first sign of the last days 4. Truthlessness (Isa 5:20)
Selfishness in family life — Rev 21:8b ... all liars ... fire
Eph 5:25-29,1,2 ... Bless the spouse ... Prov 12:22 ... lying lips ... abomination to God
Jn 8:44 ... Devil is the father of lies.
Selfishness in Church life —
Gifts ... 1 Cor 14:12,13 ... Edify others Mt 5:33-37 ... Jesus condemns it.
Prayer ... Mt 6:9-13 ... Not “I” and “my” Js 5:12 ... Apostles condemn it.
but “our” and “us” Gen 18:12-15 ... Importance of thought, unspoken
Selfishness in Social life — (Sarah)
Job 31:16-23 ... poor ... fatherless ... Acts 5:4c...Lying to man is lying to God the Holy Spirit.
2. Worldly Pleasures (Isa 5:11-14) Lying leads to hypocrisy.
Hypocrites terrorised by fire (Isa 33:14,15a)
Rather than the Joy of the Lord
= “Substitutes for His Joy” 5. Pride & Arrogance (Isa 5:21)
Sensationalism & Ceremonialism rather than a quiet Isa 10:12-17 ... God becomes a fire to burn the
and expectant walk of faith pride of Assyria.
Ex 32:1,6,7,11 — Golden calf The very instrument used by God,
Hos 8:14 — Maker forgotten, temples built now burnt down because of pride.
Sinful pleasures leading to disregard for holy things Rom 11:17-22
Dan 5:23-28 — King Belshazzar God sets aside some and blesses us in life or work.
1 Sam 2:12-14,17,22,25b — Sons of Priest Eli Be not haughty.
199 200
Isa 47:8,10,14 ... pleasures ... no one besides me ...
Fatted heart because no immediate punishment
(Eccl 8:11)
Shall be burnt with fire. The Bible on Tongues
6. Injustice (Isa 5:22,23)
Job 15:34b
Fire consumes the house of bribery.
1. It was prophesied in the Old Testament.
2 Pet 3:7,13
Present world of injustice kept for fire. Isaiah 28:11, “With stammering lips and another
tongue He will speak to this people.” In the chapter on
Partiality is a sin.
Tongues and Prophecy, Apostle Paul quotes this
Js 2:1-4 ... golden ring ... rags ...
prophecy (1 Cor 14:21).
Isa 33:14-16
Fortress, bread, waters, etc. given to the just. 2. It was foretold by Jesus Christ.
No destruction by fire. Mark 16:17, “These signs will follow those who believe;
Ob 17,18 In My Name ... they will speak with new tongues.”
Injustice to Jacob by Laban
Injustice to Joseph by brothers 3. It was a normal experience of Christians in the
early Church.
(a) Peter, James, John, Andrew, Philip, Thomas,
Isa 4 — Promise of cleansing Fire (vv3,4) Bartholomew, Matthew, James, Alphaeus, Simon the
5 — Punishment by consuming Fire (v24) Zealot, Judas the brother of James, Mary the mother of
6 — Purification by cleansing Fire (vv5-7) Jesus, the brothers of Jesus, and others spoke in
tongues when they were filled with the Holy Spirit. They
Repent — Be blessed by cleansing fire!
were about 120 disciples (Acts 1:13,14; 2:4).
Rebel — Be burnt by consuming fire!
(b) Apostle Paul spoke in tongues in the power of the
Holy Spirit (Acts 9:17; 1 Cor 14:18).
(This Outline is one of the three Talks by the author
in Blesso ’83, the 13th 3-day Annual Revival Camp (c) Cornelius, an official of the Italian Army, his relatives
of the Blessing Youth Mission in 1983, in Thanjavur, and close friends spoke in tongues when the Holy Spirit
in which the theme was, “Our God is a Consuming Fire!”) fell on them in a Gospel meeting (Acts 10:1,24,44-46).
201 202
(d) The 12 Ephesian disciples spoke in tongues when (e) It has a wonderful ministerial value.
the Holy Spirit came on them (Acts 19:1,6,7). i) As a sign to the unbelievers who might be listening to
4. It is a blessed experience for us today.
“Tongues are for a sign to unbelievers” (1 Cor 14:22).
(a) It enriches praise and worship. ii) As a means of edification to the believers if it can be
The 120 disciples in the Upper Room were speaking in interpreted.
tongues “the wonderful works of God” (Acts 2:11). “I will “Let him who speaks in an unknown tongue pray that
sing with the spirit ... when you bless with the spirit.. he may interpret... that the Church may receive
you indeed give thanks well” (1 Cor 14:15-17). edification” (1 Cor 14:13,5).
Tongues and Interpretation are in the ninefold
(b) It enhances prayer. “manifestation of the Spirit given to each one for the
“He who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but profit of all” (1 Cor 12:7-10).
to God” (1 Cor 14:2).
5. It must be regulated against misuse.
“If I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays... I will pray with (a) Tongues and Interpretation
the spirit” (1 Cor 14:14-15). “If anyone speaks in tongues, let there be two or at the
most three, each in turn, and let one interpret. But if
When we pray in tongues we bypass the intellect. there is no interpreter, let him keep silent in the church,
and let him speak to himself and to God” (1 Cor
(c) It is a great boon for self-edification. 14:27,28).
“He who speaks in a tongue edifies himself ... I thank
(b) Tongues and Orderliness
my God, I speak with tongues more than you all” (in
private, of course/implied) (1 Cor 14:4,18). “Brothers, desire earnestly to prophecy, and do not forbid
to speak with tongues. Let all things be done decently
(d) It keeps us fresh. and in order ... For God is not the author of confusion
but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints” (1 Cor
Referring to tongues, it is said in Isaiah 28:11,12, “This 14:39,40,33).
is the rest with which you may cause the weary to rest;
and this is the refreshing.” (c) Tongues and Love
“Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels,
See also the foreshadowing experience of David in Acts but have not love, I have become as sounding brass or a
2:25,26. clanging cymbal” (1 Cor 13:1).
203 204
6. It is meant to function till Christ comes back.
“Whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether
there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is
knowledge, it will vanish away. For we know in part and
we prophecy in part. But when that which is perfect has in the Acts of the Apostles
come, then that which is in part will be done away” (1
Cor 13:8-10).
1:8 ... Power Promised
We are perfected only at Christ’s Return —
“When He is revealed, we shall be like Him” (1 Jn 3:2). 2:8 ... Power for Utterance
3:8 ... Power for Praise
(See pages 74-90 for a detailed study 4:8 ... Power for Defence
of this phenomenon.)
5:8 ... Power for Knowledge
6:8 ... Power for Miracles
7:8 ... Power for Preaching
Fill Thou my life, O Lord my God,
In every part with praise, 8:8 ... Power for Rejoicing
That my whole being may proclaim 9:8 ... Power against Opposition
Thy being and Thy ways. 10 : 8 ... Power for Obedience
Fill every part of me with praise; 11 : 8 ... Power for Vision
Let my whole being speak 12 : 8 ... Power for Deliverance
Of Thee and of Thy love, O Lord, 13 : 8 ... Power against Sorcery
Poor though I be and weak.
14 : 8 ... Power for Impossibilities
So shall Thou, Lord receive from me 15 : 8 ... Power for Faith
The praise and glory due;
16 : 8 ... Power for Progress
And so shall I begin on earth
The song for ever new. 17 : 8 ... Power for Stirring
18 : 8 ... Power for Conversion
— Horatius Bonar, 1808-1889
19 : 8 ... Power for Persuasion
20 : 8 ... Power for Fellowship
205 206
21 :8 ... Power for Evangelism 25
22 :8 ... Power for Testifying
23 :8 ... Power for Resurrection Gift of Prophecy
24 :8 ... Power against Accusation
25 :8 ... Power for Faultlessness
26 :8 ... Power for Hope
27 :8 ... Power for Protection Introduction
28 :8 ... Power for Healing
One of the most important manifestations (or gifts) of the
Acts 29 will be about us Holy Spirit is prophesying —
if we depend on the power of the Holy Spirit. 1 Cor 14:1 ... especially that you may prophesy
Freely received ... freely give ... (Mt 10:7,8) Acts 13:4 ... First batch of missionaries
(Selection of candidates)
Beware of any prophet or preacher for whom 16:6,7 ... Forbidden in Asia & Bithynia
“fundraising” is the top most in his agenda! Gal 2:2 ... To Jerusalem by revelation
Personal Prophecy Acts 15:28... Sorting out a missionary problem
People are always curious about the future! 21:11 ...Confirmation of what the Holy
The first page many turn to in Newspapers is Spirit had already told him (20:22,23)
horoscope and astrology!
11:28,29 ... Famine & Relief
There’s a great following for astrologers, diviners
and fortunetellers! (The contents of this Chapter are extracted from the book,
Christians are not immune from this curiosity! “Prophecy Past & Present,” by Clifford Hill.)
213 214
26 eg) William Carey’s sister was a paralytic for over 50 years:
She could not even speak;
but she wrote lengthy letters of encouragement
Less spectacular Gifts to Carey and prayed for him!
If we don’t have missionaries like Carey today, it may be
because we don’t have “helpers” like Carey’s sister!
Of the 5 lists of the Gifts in the NT, the longest Oh, how much we need the gift of encouragement!
and the famous and the most frequently referred to is Rom 12:8a (exhortation = encouragement)
1 Cor 12:8-10
An outstanding example: Barnabas
This 9-gift list begins with non-spectacular gifts: Acts 4:36 ... “Son of Encouragement”
“Word of Wisdom + Word of Knowledge”
An Encourager
The next longest list is in Rom 12:6-8
— It was he who cultivated Paul including introducing
(Gifts of grace = charismatic gifts)
him to the Apostles
7 out of 8 in this list are non-spectacular — Acts 9:26,27 (Jerusalem)
“prophesying” — the only spectacular gift
11:23-26 (Antioch)
The Corinthian Christians were not interested — It was he who salvaged Mark!
in less dramatic gifts—
(Acts 15:39/ 2 Tim 4:11b)
That’s why a set of questions by Paul: Paul wrote 13 Epistles
1 Cor 12:28 ... helps ... administration ... Mark wrote 1 Gospel
He leaves out “helps & administration” in his —Totally 14 Books in the NT,
7 questions! (vv29,30).
though Barnabas never wrote a book!
He does not ask,
Do all do helpful deeds? !!! Another least spectacular but most necessary gift:
Meaning: All are supposed to help one another;
Rom 12:8c “Gifts of Grace” (v6) — Charismatic gifts
and this is to be “desired” (v31) above the rest.
“Showing mercy with cheerfulness”
eg) Stephenas (1 Cor 16:15-18) — 4 verses
An unusual smile worn by those working among the
eg) Rom 16 ..... 26 helpers!
“unloved” and “unlovables” is the proof of their gift!
Beginning with “Phoebe” (vv1,2)
10 women in this list! eg) Mother Teresa and the Missionaries of Charity
215 216
These gifts may not be “spectacular;” George Muller (1805-1898)
but these are definitely “supernatural!” — he had faith to feed 1000s of orphans
They appear “feeble,” but they must be considered Hudson Taylor (1832-1905)
more “honourable” than the rest — 1 Cor 12:22-24a — he had faith to move into the inland of China
Even the“head” (at the topmost) cannot despise the Adoniram Judson (1788-1850)
“feet” (at the bottommost) — no convert in Burma for 6 years.
When asked about the work, he said,
Examples of a few other less glamorous gifts —
“The prospects are as bright as the Promises of God!”
Celibacy (1 Cor 7:7)
So many missionaries have this gift of faith —
Hospitality (1 Pet 4:9,10)
That’s why they venture into interior places
Intercession: Not everyone can lament
and hostile situations!
day and night like Jeremiah (Jer 9:1),
or like Paul (Rom 9:2; 10:1). Another less glamorous gift is —
Similarly, Rees Howells (1879-1950) “administration” (1 Cor 12:28) = leadership
and Praying Hyde (1865-1912) Even though we recognise this gift,
we think of high level leadership only —
Writing — Otherwise how could uneducated men like
Peter and John write so much? (Acts 4:13) eg) Jethro — Moses (Ex 18:21,25)
Appointing rulers over 1000s, 100s, 50s, 10s —
Most of the Prophets, especially those who wrote the What about the leaders over the 10s?
Bible, performed no miracles —
eg) Isaiah, Jeremiah, Joel, Amos ... Conclusion
Only when we respect all gifts equally,
According to Jesus, John the Baptist was
we can see the functioning of “every”
the greatest among the prophets (Mt 11:11a)
member of the Church —
— He even came in the “spirit and power” of Elijah,
a miracle-worker (Lk 1:16,17) Otherwise most of the Church members will be
either “unemployed” or “underemployed!”
— But he performed no miracles (Jn 10:41)
Interdependence Even if one person has more gifts than the other
there’s no ground for boasting —
in the Operation of Gifts
Gifts given purely on “GRACE” —
Rom 12:6 ... Grace
Eph 4:7 ... Grace
“Not independence but interdependence” 1 Pet 4:10 ... Grace
— This is the law of the Kingdom of God.
Gifts are the best argument for team ministry —
No one has “all” the gifts — Let’s look at some examples:
Otherwise the “body” analogy won’t fit. Moses & Aaron
Immediately after listing the 9 gifts, Ex 4:14-16 ... mouthpiece for Moses
Paul straightaway explains the functioning of the “body”— The rod of Moses: Ex 4:1-4,17 (Before God)
1 Cor 12:11 ... gifts distributed to “individuals” The rod of Aaron: Ex 7:8-12 (Before Pharaoh)
:12 ... functioning to be “corporate” What magnanimity on the part of Moses!
See the long treatment: vv12-27 — “body” An example from Church history:
17 times in 16 verses! William Booth: When he could not attend an
important gathering to preach,
No one is gifted enough, he sent a telegram: “Others!”
wise enough,
It is usually difficult for “gifted” leaders at the top level
or strong enough
to equip and involve the nextliners —
to live apart from others!
“head” to “feet” (1 Cor 12:21)
“another ... another ... another” (1 Cor 12:7-10) ... 8 times i.e. Pastors & leaders must do all that’s possible to equip
See the challenging questions and statements— and encourage the entire congregation/group to involve
in the ministry—
“In fact the body is not one member but many”
(1 Cor 12:14) To individuals ... stir up the gift (2 Tim 1:6)
To congregations ... impart some gift (Rom 1:11)
“If they were all one member,
where would the body be?” (v19) Otherwise — 1 Sam 13:22 — Swordless saints/soldiers!
219 220
This is the condition today over which we must 1 Cor 14:26b, 40 ... Do ALL ... but for edification
lament with Deborah — Judg 5:8b :31 ... ALL may learn and be encouraged
:39 ... Do not forbid tongues
Another classic example: (Neither overuse nor underuse!)
Peter & John: “Look at US!” (Acts 3:4)
“Peter and John” (vv1,3,11; 4:13) (I consciously keep this in mind
The secret of the “notable” miracle! (4:16) in all my corrective teaching.)
This mutual dependence should not only be within
The “unexpected” happens only in a TEAM ministry:
our own group — We must assoicate with groups
— Power to exorcise when sending the 12 (Mt 10:1)
which operate gifts different from ours —
— Only to heal while sending 70 (Lk 10:1,9).
That’s why the excitement: “even demons!” (v17) eg) Churches need Missions and vice versa.
Officially the power was given later (v19). Missions: Essentially quarrying
— Satan “fell” (v18) ... The power of a TEAM ministry Churches: Essentially sculpturing or chiseling
Team “spirit” — 70 returned with joy! (v17)
Jesus spoke about,
Another example — one sowing and another reaping and gathering;
Paul & Barnabas in Lystra (Acts 14) one is outreach, the other is inreach!
A cripple healed! What a stir! Both rejoicing “together” (Jn 4:36)
(v12) — Barnabas: Zeus (Jupiter) — a leader god in Greek Rejoicing over one another’s labours!
The organizer! The principle of “unity in diversity!”
Paul: Hermes (Mercury) — a messenger god in Greek
The speaker! The complementary nature of gifts is another argument
for interdependence 1 Cor 12:7-10,28; Rom 12:8
No competition but complementation!
Operation in cooperation! Wisdom & Knowledge
Healing & Miracles
A word to the leaders:
Tongues & Interpretation
In the name of correction, don’t give place to Apostles & Prophets
negativism. Negativism kills people. Pastors & Teachers
eg) Paul’s corrections were coupled with Administrations & Helps
encouragement— Leadership & Mercy
221 222
Because we fail to do these things —
equipping the believers ...
learning from others ...
functioning as teams ...
When is the
Holy Spirit grieved?
it takes 1000 Christians plus 6 Pastors over a
period of one full year to win a single convert to Christ!
(Statistics by Campus Crusade for Christ) 1. When we indulge our body in sin —
How pathetic! because He is the Spirit of HOLINESS!
Great Commission: (1 Cor 3:16,17; 6:19,20; Psa 51:11; Rom 1:4)
Psa 133:1,2 ... brothers ... unity ... good ... pleasant If we fail in these things, the glow of the Spirit will be lost,
resulting in spiritual insensitivity.
A beautiful picture of the Spirit flowing over the Body
from the Head of Christ! Have you let the fire on your altar die? (Lev 6:12,13)
Do you endeavour to make the Holy Spirit happy? Turn to God who can trim your smoking flax!
6. Insulting the Spirit
Have you missed the very purpose
of the Spirit’s fellowship? Heb 10:26-29
Phil 2:1-3 ... fellowship of the Spirit ... one mind Outright backsliding — Wilful sinning —
Main reason: Discouragement and depression
5. Quenching the Spirit
due to pressures and problems.
1 Thess 5:16-22 (See vv32,33,35,36)
229 230
Problems are no excuse for backsliding,
because God gives sufficient grace for every occasion—
“Spirit of grace” (v29)
And His Spirit within us is “The Comforter.” Holy Spirit & Restoration
Are you angry with God? (v31 — Fearful thing!)
Repent, punishment will be worse than the problems!
Conclusion Lessons from Ezekiel 37
Rev 2:7,11,17,29 “He who has an ear ... what The greatest purpose of Revival is RESTORATION!
3:6,13,22 the Spirit says to the Churches”
37:12 ... Back to the Land
Psa 139:7 “Where can I go from Your Spirit?”
36:38 ... Ruined cities getting festive look
:23,24 “Search me, O God!”
:35 ... Desolate land becoming like Eden!
Heb 3:7,8 — “The Holy Spirit says ...
Harden not your hearts!” REVIVAL RESTORATION — Otherwise incomplete!
Ezek 37:23,24 ... No more idols but God ... King ... Examples —
1 Cor 12:2,3 ... Turning from “idols” to the “Lord” a) King Hezekiah was a Reformer —
Lordship = a new management! The first thing he did was the restoration of worship
No more “other lords!” (Isa 26:13) 2 Chr 29:3,25,29,30
233 234
b) King Jehoshaphat set singers before soldiers — The Holy Spirit is the greatest unifier!
2 Chr 20:21 eg) Jews & Gentiles ... 1 Cor 12:13
All Believers ... Acts 4:31,32
c) Pentecost and after —
(Multitudes together ... Today not even
Acts 2:11 ... “Wonderful works of God”
200 people together!)
:47 ... “Praising God and ...”
Division instead of multiplication.
3:8 ... “walking ... leaping ... praising”
Peter and John ... Acts 3:1
4:24 ... “Lord, You are God who made
Heavens, Earth, Sea and all” The fruit of the Spirit — Gal 5:22,23
10:46 ... “They heard them speak in tongues (Almost each one relates to relationship.)
and magnify God!”
We need each other—
16:25 ... “Paul & Silas ... midnight ...
We cannot be loners —
singing hymns ...”
“I” and “my” God!
Worship is an immediate outcome
eg) The Lord’s Prayer — “Our ... us ... our ... us”
of the Spirit’s fullness —
Eph 5:18,19 Two areas where we can easily unite —
“Singing and making melody ... heart to the Lord” a) Worship — One Father
Speaking in tongues — The one gift among the One Lord
nine meant to praise God (1 Cor 14:15-17) Modes may be different but that does not matter.
God is a Spirit and He must be worshipped eg) One child calling daddy aloud & the other softly.
in “Spirit” and in “Truth” So what?
b) Witness —One Body (addition to the Church)
Pentecostals & Brethren & They must learn
One Enemy (Common to all Christians)
similar groups. vs. similar groups. from each other.
Practical suggestions —
Most of Charles Wesley’s hymns were written
during Revival. Local leaders meeting once a month
Common prayer gatherings on public holidays
3. He restores FELLOWSHIP among believers.
Ezek 37:15-22 4. He restores SCHOLARSHIP in the Scriptures.
The outcome of the Spirit’s fullness — The supreme and ultimate purpose of Revival:
“one another” ... Eph 5:18-21 “Knowledge of God”
235 236
See the last verses of Ezek 36, 37 & 38 — The Army is to win new territories —
i.e. 36:38; 37:28; 38:23 38:23 ... many nations
“Then they shall KNOW that I am the Lord.” Missions are born in Revival —
This the Spirit does thro’ the Scriptures eg) John Wesley’s Revival affected William Carey &
36:27 ... My statutes ... My judgments ... William Wilberforce — Both were 30 yrs old when
Wesley died in 1791 — They worked for another 40 yrs!
A new love for the Bible is born
and Biblical illiteracy leaves the Church. Hardship & Evangelism are inseparable —
During times of Revival 2 Tim 4:5 ... Endure hardship ... Work of an Evangelist
there is always a demand for Bibles. Martyrdom of early Apostles and Evangelists —
Neh 8:2,3,5,6 ... A renewed reverence Stephen stoned to death
The Holy Spirit is both the Author & the Teacher Matthew slain in Ethiopia
of the Bible — 2 Pet 1:20,21; Jn 16:13 Mark dragged thro’ streets until dead
Luke hanged
eg) from Acts —
Peter & Simeon crucified
2:42 ... Receiving teaching — steadfastly Andrew tied to a cross
17:11 ... Personal study — daily James beheaded
Many Christians stop with what they hear in the Church. Philip crucified and stoned
They do not do any homework! So they fail! Bartholomew flayed alive
Thomas pierced with lances (in India)
Spirit-fullness & Scripture-fullness James the less thrown from Temple & beaten to death
Eph 5:18,19 Col 3:16 Jude shot with arrows
During seasons of revival, people are not bound Matthias stoned to death
by their wristwatches! Paul beheaded
eg) Acts 20:7-11 ... midnight ... early morning They had to simply say, “Caesar is Lord!” and escape.
The attention span theory fails in Bible study! Their families, standing afar,
5. He restores zeal to withstand were only encouraging them not to deny their faith.
HARDSHIP for the Gospel. They thundered the Gospel and plundered Hell!
Ezek 37:10 ... “feet ... army” Every Christian must be a missionary;
(Dry bones Dynamic battalion) because every non-Christian is a mission field.
237 238
Revival is not to make us just feel good but to restore!
“Can these bones live?” Yes, as an ARMY! —
Missionary Evangelism
LORDSHIP — The Captain
& the Holy Spirit
WORSHIP — Salute, Guard of Honour
FELLOWSHIP — Team spirit
SCHOLARSHIP — Weapon Training Introduction
& Map Reading
HARDSHIP — New Territories A text from the last page of the Bible —
Rev 22:16,17
Sing: “Send us the Rain, Lord!” The Spirit — Manager
& the Bride say, — Messenger/Minister
Praise God for the Revivals of Bible History
“Come!” — Message
and Church History!
We have the Promise: The greatest failure in Missions is the lack of emphasis
“You will see greater things than these!” in the Executive Leadership of the Holy Spirit.
But the early Church was different —
Acts 5:32 ... “We and the Spirit are witnesses”
O Spirit of the Living God,
In all Thy plentitude of grace, Examples in the OT —
Where’er the foot of man has trod, David: Psa 51:11-13 ... Free Spirit ... sinners
Descend on our apostate race. Zerubbabel: Zech 4:6,7 ... Huge task ... by Spirit
Baptize the nations; far and nigh, Examples in the NT —
The triumphs of the cross record,
a) Jesus Christ — Gospels
The name of Jesus glorify,
b) Early Church — Acts & Epistles
Till every kindred call Him Lord. Amen.
a) Jesus Christ —
— James Montgomery, 1771-1854
Acts 10:38 ... God anointed Jesus ... went ... healed
The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me ...
He has anointed Me ... to preach
239 240
(Lk 4:16-20) to heal Spirit’s Guidance in the work (Crosscultural)
to comfort Philip ... 8:29,39 (Ethiopian)
to turn ... Peter ... 10:19,20 (Caesarean/Italian)
b) Early Church — Paul ... 16:6-9 (Macedonian)
The Mission Strategy — Persecution
Acts 1:8 ... “BUT” — 4 concentric circles Acts 4:31 — Place shaken ... filled ... boldness
20:22,23 — Holy Spirit ... chains ...
How can we draw a circle without a centre?
The centre is the power of the Holy Spirit. Doctrinal problem
15:28 ... Circumcision ... Holy Spirit and us
“Unless” born of the Spirit — Cannot enter the Kingdom.
“Until” baptized with Him — Cannot enroll others in it. Church Leadership
Elders: 20:28 ... Holy Spirit ... overseers
The candidates in prayer for the Holy Spirit — Deacons: 6:3 ... Holy Spirit ... business
Acts 1:13,14 Church Growth
Mary ... Peter ... James ... John ... 9:31 ... Churches ... edified ... Spirit ... multiplied
The secret of their evangelism — Global Church growth maximum in charismatic ministries.
Spontaneity — Everyone Let’s discern the times!
— Everywhere
Historical events must reflect in our personal
— Everyone
Th e outreach was the result of the outpouring. Crucifixion ... Crucified with Christ (Gal 2:20)
“I will pour ... Everyone who calls” (Acts 2:17,21) Resurrection ... New life (Rom 6:4)
Ascension ... Seated above (Eph 2:6)
Examples in Acts — Acts of the “Holy Spirit” Similarly Pentecost ... Personal infilling (Eph 5:18)
Personal influence thro’ the Spirit’s fullness
The Church has stopped somewhere between
Barnabas ... Acts 11:24
Calvary and Pentecost!
The magnetism of a Spirit-filled man.
Satisfaction Stagnation
“The Spirit draws men to Christ.”
First batch of missionaries (This is the Outline of the Talk by the author
Acts 13:2-4 ... The Spirit said ... sent by the Spirit in the Methodist Church, Ahmedabad, August 1992.)
241 242
(Contrast Rebecca’s veil — Gen 24:65)
When one turns to the Lord, THE SPIRIT,
How the Holy Spirit the veil is taken away.
In other words —
prepares the Bridal Church
Zech 4:6 — Neither by might, nor by power,
but by My Spirit (Not by self-efforts)
Introduction Rom 8:2,3 — Spirit of Christ made me free!
John the Baptist came before Therefore, Beware of legalism!
Christ’s First coming to prepare a people for the Lord.
Paul laments —
The Holy Spirit has come before
2 Cor 11:2-4 — Simplicity in Christ, one Husband.
Christ’s Second coming to prepare a Bride for Him.
:13-15 Deception,
The last sermon of Christ was on the Holy Spirit (Jn 16). angel of light
God the Father is longing for eternal union with man. and false ministers of righteousness
Christ the Bridegroom is preparing a place for the union.
Col 2:16-23 — False humility,
The Holy Spirit is preparing the Bride for the union.
Intrusion into the unseen,
How the Spirit helps the Bride to prepare — Self-imposed religion,
Neglect of body, etc.
1. Liberty
Rom 7:1-6 Gal 3:3 — Begun in Spirit, ending in flesh.
Released from one husband (Law) and (Gal 5:1)
married to another (Christ)
2. Guarantee
“Bound” — “Released”
“Fruit to Death” — “Fruit to God” Several references —
“Oldness of Letter” — “Newness of Spirit” 2 Cor 1:21,22 ... the Spirit ... the Deposit ...
2 Cor 3:3,14-17 5:5 ... the Spirit ... a Guarantee ...
“Tablets of stone” — “Tablets of flesh” Eph 1:13,14 ... the Spirit ... the Guarantee ...
“Veil on heart” — “Veil removed” 4:30 ... the Spirit ... the Seal ...
243 244
What does this mean? 1 Cor 2:9-12 — He will reveal to us the “glory” of the things
— Assurance of being God’s children the Bridegroom “prepares” for us,
Rom 8:15,16/Mt 3:16,17 the “lovers” (Compare Jn 14:2,3)
— Assurance of inheriting the riches of His glory Compare with what Abraham’s servant told Laban about
Abraham and Isaac and how he wooed Rebecca —
Eph 1:13,14,15,18
Revealing the contents of the Will Gen 24:22,23 All these gold and gifts were given
:28-32 even before seeing the Bridegroom!
and granting ever-fresh assurance
:35,36 Imagine how much the Bride
— Assurance of clothing immortality :50,51,53 would receive when
and enjoying the very presence of Christ :55-58 she reaches Home!
2 Cor 5:1-7 4. Communication
Christ is not like a modern young man who courts a girl The first expression of love (heart) is prayer
with rosy promises but deserts her just like that ! and praise (mouth).
The Holy Spirit supplies patience and assurance a) Prayer
in the period between Engagement and Marriage! Rom 8:26,27— i) The Spirit helps!
— Prayer WITH the Spirit
3. Love
ii) The Spirit Himself prays!
Rom 5:5 — The love of God literally “poured” out. — Prayer BY the Spirit
Eph 3:16-19 — Rooted in love, comprehending the love... This is possible by yielding ourselves more and more to
thro’ the Spirit! the control of the Spirit and relaxing into His will and desire.
This the Spirit does by supplying us the reality of the Do not lose this blessing in mere excitement!
Presence of Christ in our hearts!
Eph 6:18 — iii) Prayer IN the Spirit
(Otherwise literally Christ is in Heaven.)
Jude 20
Eph 3:17 One of the God-given means is speaking in tongues —
The Holy Spirit keeps revealing to us the great things (1 Cor 14:2,14)
about the Bridegroom and that makes us fall in love SS 7:9 — Best wine making the sleepers speak!
with Him deeper and deeper — Love language between the Bride & Groom (1 Cor 14:2)
Jn 16:14,15 — He will say how “rich” Jesus is! The Holy Spirit increases the desire and the intensity
1 Cor 12:3 — He will say how “great” Jesus is! of prayer.
245 246
b) Praise c) The Ministry
Eph 5:18-20 — Singing, melody-making, thanksgiving, ... Acts 13:2,3 — Beginning of a work
(Brahmin Brides are required to sing & dance!) 8:29 — Directing in the work
Acts 2:4,11 — Tongues, praising for wonderful works. 16:6,7 — Turning in a work
The Holy Spirit improves the quality of 11:12,15,16 — Confirmation in a work by
guidance and reminder
praise and worship.
5. Guidance This the Holy Spirit does thro’ His gifts —
In three areas — Word of Wisdom eg) Peter quoting the Word
a) Day-to-day affairs (Rom 8:14) Word of Knowledge from Joel (Acts 2:16,17)
The pillar of fire and the pillar of cloud are the types James quoting Peter
of the Holy Spirit who leads. and Amos (Acts 15:13-17)
How does He lead us today? Discerning of spirits, etc.
i) The inner voice/impression when we are fully yielded—
Prov 3:5,6 ... not own understanding... trust the Lord 6. Comfort
Psa 37:5,23,24... commit...steps ordered by the Lord The earthly life of the Bride is not without pains and
ii) As we keep walking in faith, if we err,
That’s why Jesus promised the Divine “Comforter” —
He will correct us from behind — Jn 14:16,18; Acts 9:17
Isa 30:21 ... right ... left ... voice
Isa 59:19 — The Spirit resists the enemy’s flood.
b) The Study of the Scriptures 1 Pet 4:14 — The Spirit of glory as against reproach.
Jn 14:26 — understanding and applying Acts 20:22,23 — The Spirit even prepares us
16:13 the Scriptures ahead of the tribulations.
Isa 63:9,10a,14 — The Holy Spirit identifies with the Bride
Acts 15:28 — Interpretation of the Word according
in afflictions.
to the situation
Rom 8:18,23,26a — The Holy Spirit helps
“Holy Spirit and us”
in our sufferings & weaknesses.
(The Spirit and the Bride)
The Holy Spirit will remind the dejected Bride of the
1 Jn 2:26,27 — Detection of deception everlasting kindness of the Groom (Isa 54:5-8)
247 248
7. Transformation
2 Cor 3:18 — Being transformed by the Spirit
4:4 — The Groom is in the Father’s image.
3:18 — The Bride grows into the Groom’s image. Body: Temple of the Holy Spirit
How is it performed by the Spirit? (A Self-examination Questionnaire)
a) Victory in Temptations (Lk 4:1,2,13,14)
b) Building up of character (Eph 5:8,9)
c) Edification thro’ gifts (1 Cor 12:7)
Your Heart
d) Growth thro’ ministries (Acts 20:28/Eph 4:11-13)
Have you opened your heart to Jesus? (Rev 3:20)
All towards —
Rom 8:28-30 ... all things for good ...
Is there any unconfessed hidden sin in your heart?
(Prov 28:13)
— This is the ultimate purpose of “all” things
Is your heart cleansed from the sin listed in Mark 7:21,22?
God allows in our life!
Do you love God with all your heart? (Mt 22:37)
i.e. “The Bride must become like the Bridegroom.”
Have you forgiven everyone from your heart? (Mt 6:15)
Are you proud? (Prov 16:5)
Church of God, beloved and chosen,
Church of Christ, for whom He died, Is there jealousy? (Prov 14:30)
Claim thy gifts and praise thy Giver Have you humbled yourself and reconciled with everyone
You are washed and sanctified. you have wronged? (Mt 5:23,24)
Sanctified by God the Father, Your Body
And by Jesus Christ His Son,
Have you presented your body unto God as a living
And by God the Holy Spirit,
Holy, Holy, Three in One sacrifice? (Rom 12:1)
Are you defiling your body, which is the temple of the Holy
He will sanctify thee wholly; Spirit, with unclean habits? (1 Cor 6:18,19)
Body, spirit, soul shall be
Blameless till thy Saviour’s Coming Are you an over-eater? Lazy? (Prov 21:25)
In His glorious majesty! Is your manner of dress pleasing to God and an example to
He hath perfected forever others? (Rom 12:2)
Those whom He hath sanctified;
Spotless, glorious and holy Your Eyes
Is the Church, His chosen bride. Have you kept the covenant with your eyes before God?
— Frances R. Havergal, 1836-1879 (Job 31:1)
249 250
Are your eyes free from lustful look? (Mt 5:28; 6:22,23) Are you piercing yourself with the love of money?
Do your eyes look straight? (Prov 4:25) (1 Tim 6:10)
Do you give your money liberally to God for the extension
Are your eyes compassionate towards the needy and the
of His Kingdom? (2 Cor 9:7)
suffering? (Mt 25:35-40)
Are your hands the extension of the hands of Jesus to
Your Mouth bless even those who curse you? (Mt 5:44)
Have you surrendered your unruly tongue to God?
Your Knees
(Js 1:26; 3:8)
Are the words of your mouth acceptable in God’s sight? Are you regular in your prayer life? (Dan 6:10)
(Psa 19:14) Morning Quiet Time? (Prov 8:17)
Do you lie or exaggerate? (Mt 5:37) How much time do you spend daily on your knees with the
Do you condemn and judge? (Lk 6:37) open Bible? (Mt 26:40; Psa 119:97)
Self-boasting? (Prov 27:2) Do you pray with tears for souls and revival? (Lam 2:11,19)
Vain chat? (Mt 12:36) Do you pray for those who abuse and persecute you?
Backbiting? (Psa 15:3) (Mt 5:44)
Do you confess Christ publicly? (Mt 10:32) Do you neglect fellowshipping with God’s children?
Are your words seasoned with love and grace? (Col 4:6) (Heb 10:24,25)
Your Feet
Your Ears Do you neglect the will of God but walk in counsel of the
Do you keep your ears open to the evil report about others? ungodly? (Psa 1:1)
(Psa 15:3) Do you go to places not conducive to your spiritual health?
Do you listen to filthy songs and suggestive stories? (Psa 1:1; Prov 7:25-27)
(1 Thess 5:22)
Do you obey the Great Commission of Jesus? (Mk 16:15)
Do you turn a deaf ear to the cry of the destitute? (Js 1:27)
Do you go to the cast-outs on the highways and byways?
Your Hands (Lk 14:23)
Are your hands pure and free from corruption? (Psa 24:4) Unevangelised villages? Unreached tribes? (Isa 52:7)
Do you take or give bribe? (Psa 15:5) Are your feet always shod with the preparation of the Gospel
Have you stolen others’ ? (Ezek 33:15) of Peace to go out-where-sinners-are? (Eph 6:15)
251 252
What is blasphemy
against the Holy Spirit?
259 260
a loud voice, some of the Pharisees urged Jesus to rebuke
36 His disciples. What an answer Jesus gave! “I tell you that
if these should keep silent, the stones would immediately
Can we not Worship silently? cry out!” (Lk 19:37,40). Note the word “immediately!”
Had He not come from Heaven where silence was rare?
(Rev 8:1).
Dancing is a celebration of victory. Led by Miriam, the The Salvation Army used to go on gospel processions
Israelite women danced celebrating the victory of God’s in the streets with their highly organized musical band. All
people over the armies of Pharaoh (Ex 15:19-21). Jephthah’s the Christian groups can organize such open-air
daughter welcomed him with dance when he returned after processions with music, singing and dance to celebrate
victory over the people of Ammon (Judg 11:34). The women the victory of the Lord and show forth His praise (Psa
joyfully danced with singing when David was returning from 68:24,25). The Palm Sunday procession is a classic example
the slaughter of the Philistines (1 Sam 18:6,7). (Mt 21:8-11). Such expressions of praise will be common-
place in Heaven. Better practise them now! (Rev 7:9,10).
Dancing is an expression of joy and jubilance. But when
the people of God backslided and went into apostasy, joy The Preacher wrote, “To everything there is a season...
was cut off from the house of God. Jeremiah and Joel A time to mourn and a time to dance” (Eccl 3:1,4). Times of
lamented, “Our dance has turned into mourning” (Lam
self-examination and repentance with tears usually result
5:15,16; Joel 1:16). David cried, “Will You not revive us
in joyful praise. Another prescription for spontaneous
again that Your people may rejoice in You?” (Psa 85:6).
exuberance is soulwinning. The only place where the word
He longed for the days when mourning would be turned
to dancing (Psa 30:11). “dance” is mentioned in a good sense in the New Testament
is the story of the prodigal son (Lk 15:22-25). The angels
David danced before God when the ark of God was in heaven also join this dance! (v10). Harvest dances are
being brought back to Jerusalem (2 Sam 6:12-15). It was a popular in rural India.
263 264
However, no congregation should be pressurised
directly or indirectly into any particular form of worship.
Each believer is free to choose whatever mode of
expression he thinks is best to offer his praise and worship. Can women lift hands
The psychological make-up of each individual is different. in Worship?
God delights in variety. Unity is not uniformity. Women
are generally more emotional than men. This may be one
reason why most of the dances mentioned in the Old
Apostle Paul, while writing to Timothy instructions on
Testament were by women!
how men and women should conduct themselves in the
In a New Testament congregation where men and Church, said, “I desire that the men pray everywhere, lifting
women worship together, any culturally unacceptable up holy hands, without wrath and doubting” (1 Tim 2:8).
In the very next verse he exhorted women to dress modestly
expression must be avoided and everything should be done
and concentrate on inner virtues rather than on outward
“decently and in order!” (1 Cor 14:33,40).
appearance (v 9). This has given rise to the question whether
women can lift hands like men in worship.
The passage does not suggest that Paul would not allow
Psalm 30:11,12 is set to music as a popular chorus —
women folks lift hands in worship. In fact the 9th verse
Thou hast turned my mourning begins with the phrase, “in like manner also!” He did not
Into dancing for me; begin his exhortation to women with the conjunction, “but!”
Thou hast put off my sackcloth; Paul’s intention here was not to say that lifting up of hands
Thou hast turned my mourning was allowed for men only.
Into dancing for me,
Lifting up of hands for praise and prayer was normal
Girded me with gladness;
in Hebrew practice. Moses told Pharaoh, “I will spread out
To the end that my glory my hands to the Lord” (Ex 9:29). David prayed, “Let my
May sing praise to Thee, prayer be set before you as incense; the lifting up of my
And not be silent. hands as the evening sacr ifice” (Psa 141:2). Solomon
O Lord my God, “spread out his hands toward Heaven” while offering the
I will give thanks unto Thee for ever! prayer of dedication of the Temple (1 Ki 8:22). The grief-
stricken Ezra fell on his knees with fasting and spread out
his hands to the Lord God (Ezr 9:5). God in His anger over
the wickedness of Judah said, “When you spread out your
hands, I will hide My eyes from you” (Isa 1:15).
265 266
Obviously the practice of lifting up of hands as a normal
posture in prayer was not limited to the male members. 39
“Miriam took the timbrel in her hand; and all the women
went out after her with timbrels and with dances” (Ex What is the Baptism of Fire?
15:20). How is dancing with timbrel possible without lifting
up hands ever? Similarly the women who came to greet
King Saul in appreciation of the new champion David were
“singing and dancing ... with tambourines, with joy, and
with musical instruments” (1 Sam 18:6). Imagine such a
Matthew and Luke mention fire alongwith the Holy
hilarious expression with hands hanging down or folded!
Were there not women folks in the great crowd which came Spirit but not Mark and John (Mt 3:11; Lk 3:16; Mk 1:8;
out with palm branches in their hands to meet Jesus and Jn 1:33). When Jesus quoted John the Baptist to His disciples,
sing hosanna? (Jn 12:12,13). Not only sons but also He did not mention fire (Acts 1:5). Because, the Baptism
daughters, not only menservants but also maidservants, with the Holy Spirit is a blessing for the believers whereas
will enjoy the endtime showers (Acts 2:16-18; Joel 2:16). the burning with fire is a judgment for unbelievers. In none
In tribal culture, men play the instruments and women of the four instances of the Holy Spirit after Pentecost in
dance. It’s an accepted fact that women in general are more Acts, Luke mentions fire (8:16,17; 9:17; 10:44; 19:6).
graceful in dancing than their male counterparts especially
in fine movements. In mission fields we encourage tribal Concerning the ministry of Christ through the Holy
dance in worship. It’s beautiful! Spirit, John the Baptist foretold, “His winnowing fan is in
His hand, and He will thoroughly purge His threshing floor,
Those who oppose women worshipping with uplifted and gather His wheat into the barn” — work of the blowing
hands belong mostly to the section in which women wear
fan! “He will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire” —
sarees, and have to use one end of the saree to cover their
heads. Those who wear salwar kameez or frocks or similar work of the burning fire! (Mt 3:12). Both these symbols of
dresses have no problem. In any case, during worship men wind and fire were present on the Day of Pentecost (Acts
are supposed to keep their eyes closed in such conservative 2:2,3). But they were not witnessed in the subsequent
culture! instances.
Some women are less expressive in physical postures The Holy Spirit is God. He is a “consuming fire” (Heb
of worship. They must not be pressurised directly or 12:29). He consumes with “jealousy” all idols in our lives
indirectly to lift up their hands or dance. Those women (Dt 4:23,24; Ex 20:4,5). He commands them all to be burnt
who find lifting up of hands in worship very natural and
up (Dt 7:5). He cannot tolerate anyone or anything take
relaxing should not be criticized or discouraged. This is
not a doctrinal issue at all. “Let all things be done decently His place in our hearts. In all things He must have the
and in order” (1 Cor 14:40). preeminence! (Col 1:18). His anger is aroused when we
267 268
flirt with the world (Js 4:4,5). God uses the house of Jacob
as “fire” and the house of Joseph as “flame” to consume
the ungodly house of Esau (Ob 17,18).
Are Tongues the only Sign?
God is like a “refiner’s fire” (Mal 3:2,3). He refines our
silver to make us a useful vessel for honour (2 Tim 2:21).
The process of refining will be painful. It’s a baptism of
suffering! (Lk 12:49,50). But as we go through the furnace,
our faith which is more precious than gold will be purified There is no direct teaching in the Scriptures that
even more (1 Pet 1:6,7). speaking in tongues is the only sign or evidence of the
Baptism with the Holy Spirit. On the other hand there are
When we are overwhelmed with God’s Word as fresh ample examples of people speaking in tongues when they
message from Him, we will testify with Prophet Jeremiah: were baptized or filled with the Spirit.
“God’s Word was in my heart like a burning fire shut up in
my bones” (Jer 20:9). God Himself has challenged, “Is not All the 120 disciples who received the Holy Spirit on
My Word like a fire?” (23:29). When the resurrected Lord the Day of Pentecost “began to speak with other tongues”
expounded the Word to the disciples on the road to (Acts 2:4). When the Holy Spirit fell on Cornelius and his
family members the Jewish believers who had come with
Emmaus, they testified, “Did not our heart burn within us
Peter “heard them speak with tongues and magnify God”
while He talked with us on the road, and while He opened
(Acts 10:46). When Paul laid hands on the disciples in
the Scriptures to us?” (Lk 24:32).
Ephesus, “the Holy Spirit came upon them, and they spoke
When we walk daily in the “fellowship of the Holy Spirit,” in tongues and prophesied” (Acts 19:6). In the case of
His fire will keep on purifying us until we become like Jesus Apostle Paul, though nothing is mentioned about speaking
(2 Cor 3:17,18). There’s nothing as a separate experience in tongues when he was filled with the Holy Spirit, in his
called baptism of fire. letter to the Corinthians he wrote, “I thank my God I speak
with tongues more than you all” (1 Cor 14:18; Acts 9:17,18).
Some people testify about feelings of warmth in their When the Samaritan believers received the Spirit there was
bodies when they pray or praise. While we don’t say something that a sorcerer like Simon could “see” as a
anything against such ecstatic experiences, there is supernatural manifestation (Acts 8:17,18).
certainly no Biblical basis to call this as the baptism of
fire. On the basis of these examples, we can normally expect
a person to speak in tongues while he receives the Holy
Spirit in His baptismal power. But in the absence of a direct
269 270
“teaching” as such we cannot say that a person is not
baptized with the Spirit until and unless he speaks in
Has speaking in Tongues ceased?
However, every believer must be encouraged to seek
God to enable him speak in tongues through the Holy Spirit
because of its tremendous devotional value. Of all the nine
gifts of the Spirit listed in 1 Cor 12, tongues are primarily
addressed to God in prayer and praise (1 Cor 12:7-10; “Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies,
14:13-17). Also the speaker is greatly edified (1 Cor 14:4). they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease;
I speak in tongues daily in my private prayer since the whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away” (1 Cor
time I was anointed with the Holy Spirit in 1963, and it 13:8). Quoting this Bible text, many Christians believe that
the gift of speaking in unknown tongues is withdrawn from
helps me build up myself and be refreshed (Jude 20; Isa
the Church or has vanished. Let’s examine this issue here.
The first instance of speaking in tongues was on the
It is of course possible to speak in tongues without Day of Pentecost, on the occasion of the inauguration of
love and other virtues (1 Cor 13:1-3). Tongues are not the the Church. Historian Luke reports that the disciples
thermometer to measure one’s spirituality. Every tree shall “began” to speak with other tongues (Acts 2:4). He points
be known by its “fruit” (Mt 12:33). There must be a out the continuance of this phenomenon, especially when
balancing of gifts and fruits. new believers received the Holy Spirit (Acts 10:44-46; 19:1-
6). There was never a period in Church history all these
Those who emphasize speaking in tongues as the only twenty centuries when speaking in tongues was totally
evidence of the Baptism with the Holy Spirit generally resort absent. As we have come to the last hours of the last days,
to coaching the candidates in the outpouring meetings. we observe that more and more Christians of every
Let us remember, what’s born of the Spirit alone is spirit, imaginable denomination are exercising this gift. Jesus
and what’s born of the flesh is only flesh (Jn 3:6). incorporated the promise of the gift of tongues while
Spontaneity is one of the marks of the Spirit’s outpouring. speaking of worldwide evangelism (Mk 16:15-17). Therefore,
history is not in favour of the cessationist view of tongues.
Secondly, the teaching in the New Testament does
(For a broader treatment of this subject, not suggest that tongues have ceased. Paul’s First Epistle
read Chapter 9, pages 74-90.) to the Corinthian Church was written about 25 years after
Pentecost. Why should he discuss at such length a gift if it
had already been withdrawn? According to him, tongues
271 272
will cease “when that which is perfect has come” (1 Cor
13:8-10). Both individually and corporately we are still
growing. We have not yet attained the perfection or the full
stature of Christ (Eph 4:13). When Christ shall appear, we Nine gifts or nineteen?
shall be like Him (1 Jn 3:2). From then on we will be seeing
Him and speaking to Him face to face. At that time our
knowledge will be perfect and no faith or gift will be
necessary. Only love will continue and culminate between
The phrase “Nine Gifts of the Spirit” is so frequently
the Heavenly Bridegroom and His Bride. That’s why love is
used in current teaching and writings that an average
greater than even faith and hope! (1 Cor 13:9-13).
believer tends to think that there are only nine gifts of the
Thirdly, the benefits of speaking in tongues are Holy Spirit, and he is not gifted if he doesn’t have one of
becoming more and more necessary today. A spiritual them! But a diligent study of the gift lists in Romans 12, 1
discipline in which we need to be stronger than ever in Corinthians 12, Ephesians 4 and 1 Peter 4 shows that the
these evil days is prayer (Eph 6:13,18). Speaking in tongues lists are only samples and the gifts mentioned are just
enhances prayer and praise (1 Cor 14:2,14,15). We are examples. No list is exhaustive. They are all suggestive.
called to edify one another. Speaking in tongues is a means There’s overlapping but they all blend beautifully as the
of self-edification. (1 Cor 14:4). When I am edified I am colours of a rainbow.
better equipped to minister to others. It is generally
observed that speaking in tongues gives us the inner release If we leave out the repetitions, the passages in the 4
that is necessary to operate the other gifts of the Spirit chapters mentioned above give us nineteen gifts. They are
(Acts 19:6). Isaiah called this enablement as “rest and Prophecy, Teaching, Counselling, Charity, Leadership,
refreshing” (Isa 28:11,12). Kindness, Wisdom, Knowledge, Faith, Healing, Miracles,
Discernment, Tongues, Interpretation, Helps, Adminis-
We must not interpret the Scriptures according to our tration, Apostleship, Evangelism and Pastorship. Again if
experience or lack of it. Accepting the plain teaching of the this is all what the Holy Spirit can bestow as His gifts, He
Bible as a little child, we should earnestly ask the Heavenly is too poor! Perish the thought! “He is able to do exceedingly
Father for whatever “good things” He has for us (Mt 7:7- abundantly above all that we ask or think!” (Eph 3:20).
11; Lk 11:13).
There are several other gifts mentioned all over the
Scriptures but we fail to recognize them so. Celibacy is an
(For a broader treatment of this subject, example. Paul calls it a “gift from God” (1 Cor 7:7).
read Chapter 9, pages 74-90.) Hospitality is another gift (1 Pet 4:9,10). Though all believers
273 274
are supposed to be hospitable, we know for sure there are
some who are hospitable beyond our understanding! That’s
a special gift, much needed today. Hospitality literally
means the love of strangers. Not easy, eh! Then there’s What about
intercession. All must pray but not everybody can lament Laying on of Hands?
like Jeremiah or sorrow like Paul (Lam 3:48-50; Rom 9:1-
3; 10:1). Men like Rees Howells (1879-1950) and Praying
Hyde (1865-1912) had this gift. Composing of songs and
The first Biblical reference to laying on of hands is when
music is an ancient gift the Holy Spirit is gloriously restoring
Jacob blessed the two sons of Joseph (Gen 48:14). Laying
these days (Eph 5:18-20). This was David’s gift and is that
on of hands obviously had been an age-old practice. It
of Fr. Berchmann of Tamilnadu! (2 Sam 23:1,2). Artistic
workmanship is another covetable gift (Ex 31:1-5; 35:30- gained religious significance when God commanded that
35). Can unlearned herdsmen and fishermen wr ite the the Priests would lay hands on animals before killing them
Scriptures without the operation of the gift of writing? (2 for sin offering, burnt offering or consecration (Lev
Pet 1:20,21). The list is thus endless. Let’s not be like the 8:14,18,22; 16:21). This ritual continued throughout the
young boy who tried to empty the ocean by drawing water dispensation of the Law (Num 8:12).
with a bucket!
Hands were laid also for installing leaders. Moses laid
Our so-called scientific diagrams and definitions of the hands on Joshua while commissioning him to lead God’s
gifts of the Spirit have actually limited the Holy One of people into the Promised Land (Num 27:22,23). The apostles
Israel. The result is a “giftless” majority watching a “gifted” followed this procedure when they appointed the first
minority in awe and wonder. The gifts of the Spirit are team of deacons for the business affairs of the Church
neither nine nor nineteen nor ninety but numberless. Let’s (Acts 6:6).
revise the syllabuses of our Power Seminars, recognize the
In the Gospel narrative we often read of Jesus laying
hidden gifts in each person and rally the silent majority of
hands on the sick to heal them (Mk 6:5; Lk 4:40). While
the Church to action. Only then can the Church fulfil her
giving the Great Commission He said, “These signs will
mission on earth.
follow those who believe... They will lay hands on the sick,
and they will recover” (Mk 16:17,18). The apostles did so
in their ministries (Acts 28:8). They also laid hands on
(Study also Notes of Chapter 26, pages 215-218.) people for receiving the Holy Spirit (Acts 8:17; 19:6). Parents
in Jesus’ day desired that He would lay hands on their
children and bless them. He complied with it (Mt 19:13-15).
275 276
This Jewish practice of laying on of hands ultimately
became one of the foundational doctrines of Christ for the
Church (Heb 6:2). Apostle Paul warned Timothy “not to be
hasty in the laying on of hands” (1 Tim 5:22). This Can preachers blow
apparently means that hands must not be laid on people on people?
indiscriminately. Its use must be restricted to absolutely
necessary situations. Healing can be ministered to folks
just by speaking forth “the Word only” (Mt 8:8; Psa 107:20).
The Holy Spirit fell on the family of Cornelius without any I am appalled by the extra-Biblical inventions in
laying on of hands (Acts 10:45). God through His Spirit spiritual circles. Things virtually unknown in Bible times
distributes gifts and enablements to each of His children to apostolic leaders are practised without the slightest
according to His will (1 Cor 12:4-11). This is the blessed hesitation. My heart aches for those in the Church who
privilege of every believer because of the ascension of Christ are ignorant of the dangers of the trend of the day.
(Eph 4:7,8). Gifts are resident in the Spirit who is resident
“What does the Scripture say?” This was the typical
in us. The “manifestation of the Spirit” through any gift is
response of Christ and the apostles when they were asked
according to the need of the situation (1 Cor 12:7a). No
apparently difficult questions (Lk 10:25,26; Rom 4:1-3; Gal
laying on of hands is necessary for the release of this
4:30). The Bible is our final authority and we dare not go
potential power. Individuals must prayerfully exercise their
beyond it.
faith to operate these gifts. However, for special ministerial
positions elders can lay hands on the candidates for the There are only two Bible references to anyone blowing
impartation of specific gifts (1 Tim 4:14; 2 Tim 1:6; Dt 34:9). on man, and in both the instances it was “God” who did it.
Paul warned a preacher not to lay hands suddenly on Genesis 2:7, “The Lord God formed man out of the dust of
any man (1 Tim 5:22). I warn people not to give their heads the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of
to every preacher. Beware of getting pushed down by the life, and man became a living being.” John 20:22, “Jesus
forehead ! breathed on them, and said to them, Receive the Holy
Spirit.” God is the Author of Life and so He breathed into
Here’s an old hymn sung when Pastors are ordained — man (Jn 1:4). After death the spirit of man goes back to
Pour out Thy Spirit from on high; God (Eccl 12:7). Jesus is the Baptizer with the Holy Spirit
Lord, Thine ordained servants bless; and so He breathed on the disciples— typically (Jn 1:33;
Graces and gifts to each supply, Acts 2:33). This act of blowing on people is therefore the
And clothe them with Thy righteousness. prerogative of the “Godhead.” There is no direct or indirect
teaching anywhere in the Bible to prompt any mortal being
— James Montgomery, 1771-1854 to do this.
277 278
In Ezekiel 37, we read about the breath of life coming
from the four winds to resurrect the dry bones into a
dynamic battalion. Even here the prophet was not
instructed to blow or breathe on the bones. Rather he was What about
commanded to just “speak” to the bones and the wind (vv
7,9,10). Yes, all we are to do is to preach to the people and being “slain in the Spirit?”
pray to the Lord to fill them with the Holy Spirit. The
apostles did just the same (Acts 8:14-17; 9:17,18; 10:44;
19:1-6). If the apostles had but once blown on people, Luke I witnessed this phenomenon first as a teenager (1965)
who repeatedly mentions laying on of hands would have in a healing crusade where the preacher was a lady. People
certainly recorded that the apostles blew on the people! lined up on knees for her touch and almost everyone fell
The origin for such presumptuous practices today is though most of them were not healed. I was a volunteer in
obviously the modern Faith Movement. One of the popular that crusade and I somehow did not feel comfortable to
teachers of this Movement had made the statement, “You associate myself in this part of the service.
don’t have a God in you; you are one!” He bases his theory
on Psalm 82:6 and Christ’s quotation of it in John 10:34- This phenomenon has now become widespread and is
36. This Psalmodic passage simply refers to the kings and becoming increasingly popular. People’s reaction and
judges of the earth viewed as God’s divine council. It finally response vary widely. Some embrace it as a “new thing”
says that they would die like men! (v 6). (See also Rom from God, while others eschew it as deceptive and demonic.
13:1-6). Jesus employed the passage from Psalms just for Which is right?
an argument. (Read Chapter 9 of Christianity in Crisis by
Hank Hanegraaff.) We must guard ourselves against any Surprisingly the Word God records no instance of
of the characteristics of anti-Christ (2 Thess 2:3-12). anyone “slain in the Spirit.” The references usually quoted
to support this phenomenon do not offer any plain or direct
People ask, “How do you then explain the supernatural teaching on this. Let’s look at the most common proof-
happenings on people when preachers blow on them?” To texts quoted—
this I answer, “The end does not justify the means.” In
Christian life and ministry, “how” is more important than Prophet Ezekiel fell on his face when he saw the vision
“what” (1 Cor 3:9-14; 2 Tim 2:5). of God’s glory and heard His voice. But when the “Spirit
I am not a great Bible teacher but only a humble student entered him,” he was actually set on his feet (Ezek 1:28;
of the Bible for over 50 years (1962-2018). To me this 2:2). Similarly when Daniel saw a great vision and heard
practice of blowing on people or into the microphone is the heavenly voice, he fell prostrate before God. When a
just not acceptable. Even for mike-testing, blowing into it hand touched him, he was asked to “stand upright” (Dan
is not technically correct! 10:8-11). When John saw the glorious vision of Jesus he
279 280
fell at His feet as dead. But He laid His right hand on him, the Spirit, we have seen a few falling down here and there.
saying, “Don’t be afraid” (Rev 1:17). These visionary But in the absence of any direct Scriptural reference, this
experiences of the prophets were unique and they don’t experience cannot be taught as normative in Christian life
teach about the so-called “slaying” phenomenon. The or made a focus. The devil is a master counterfeit. We must
Temple experience of the 120 priests is typical of the upper beware of the “possession trance” so common in paganism.
room experience of the 120 disciples. In neither instance
was anyone “slain” (2 Chr 5:12-14; Acts 2:1-4). The source of this experience can be purely human
response to autosuggestion, group “peer pressure,” or
The disciples fell down at the Mount of Transfiguration simply a desire to experience the phenomenon. Lining up
(Mt 17:1-6). The security guards fell down as dead when people, keeping supporters behind to hold the “slain” to
the earth quaked and the sepulchre opened (Mt 28:2-4). avoid head injury, the preacher going from one person to
Both refer to instances of “fear.” Mark 3:11 and 9:26,27 the other for the performance, etc, etc, can easily create
speak of violent manifestations of the demon-possessed. an atmosphere where everyone would expect to “have” it.
Saul fell down as an arrogant persecutor of the Church Psychology and crowd dynamics will play a role. Why folks
(Acts 9:4; 26:14). There’s no mention or reference to the fall backwards whereas in the Bible it was mostly falling
Holy Spirit where the officers who came to seize Jesus fell on their faces, is another question!
down (Jn 18:1-6). The case in 1 Corinthians 14:23-25 is
The laying on of hands is primarily for ministering
the voluntary prostration of an unbeliever. Falling prostrate
healing, filling of the Holy Spirit, and commissioning for
before God “voluntarily” like kneeling or bowing is of course
service. It should not be misused for beating people on
mentioned all over the Bible (Job 1:20; Psa 72:11; Mt 2:11; their heads or pushing at their forehead. When the apostles
Jn 11:32; Rev 4:10; 19:4). laid hands on people, they were either healed, filled or
Thus the Biblical evidence for the phenomenon claimed equipped, not slain. This is what we read from Acts and
the Epistles. It’s safe to stay within Biblical boundaries —
as being “slain in the Spirit” is inconclusive. We cannot
even though you may think that you miss some “special
however rule out the possibility of men and women falling
blessing,” so called.
down, losing their physical strength when the power of the
Holy Spirit descends on them in an unusual manner and The Bible commands us to live in the Spirit, walk in
measure. Great revivals of the past have had this the Spirit, pray in the Spirit, and worship in the Spirit (Gal
accompaniment. The ministries of John Wesley (1703- 5:25,26; Eph 6:18; Phil 3:3). Let’s be concentrating on these
1791), George Whitefield (1714-1770) and Charles Finney essential and spiritual exercises, rather than coveting the
(1792-1875) are examples. Of course in their meetings, it merely emotional and sensational experiences. I am not
was mostly the striking down of scoffers and mockers. In for using the Scriptural phrase of “in the Spirit” to baptize
our own Revival Camps, during seasons of outpouring of personal experiences and generalise them.
281 282
said, “God will yet fill your mouth with laughing, and your
46 lips with rejoicing” (Job 8:21). But neither in the Old
Testament nor in the New, laughter was encouraged
What is holy laughter? alongside worship, like clapping and lifting of hands,
playing music, shouting or dancing. There is no mention
of laughing in any of the instances of outpouring of the
Holy Spirit in the Book of Acts. Also the Ephesian passage
on Spirit-fullness (Eph 5:18-21) and the Corinthian passage
Holy laughing is a phenomenon reported in some on a charismatic gathering (1 Cor 14:26) do not give the
Charismatic and Pentecostal groups where people break slightest hint on laughing.
forth into an uncontrollable laughter and continue in it
even for hours. This is claimed to be a manifestation of the The true joy of the Lord is the outcome of abandonment
joy of the Lord when the Holy Spirit anoints a person with to His will and ways. It is actually a “state” of contentment
the “oil of gladness.” Those who are not thrown into laughter and confidence in our normal life which the world around
in such meetings are often considered by the “laughers” as us cannot ignore to notice. This joy is seen even amidst
having not fully experienced the joy! The craze for novelty suffering and pain (Acts 13:50-52; 16:22-25; Lk 6:22,23).
is drawing several believers into this excitement.
Laughter is not necessarily an expression of joy. “Even
From Church history we learn that the Church of Christ in laughter the heart may sorrow, and the end of mirth
is influenced by one wave or the other at any point of time. may be grief” (Prov 14:13). The devil is clever enough to
But it is the responsibility of the Church leaders and mature offer cheap substitutes for the genuine and lasting thing
believers to check these waves against the Word for their from God. There are laughing clubs in several cities across
India. This is a periodic inter-religious gathering of men
validity and desirability. “We should no longer be children,
and women for hours of laughing. This is not the “joy of
tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of
the Holy Spirit” (Rom 14:17).
doctrine” (Eph 4:11-16).
An entire congregation or a large section of it thrown
Laughter is a good medicine! The Scripture endorses
into ecstatic and sustained laughter is quite abnormal as
this view when it says, “A merry heart does good like far as the worship in a New Testament assembly is
medicine” (Prov 17:22). Who does not like the company of concerned. We cannot imagine Paul or Peter leading
a jovial person? Harmless fun and humour are not out of congregations into laughter wherever they went!
place in Christian fellowship. In the Old Testament history
of God’s people, laughter was there in their celebrations of In this age of heavy rock music and revival of pagan
victory (Psa 126:1-3). Foretelling Job’s restoration, Bildad religions, we will do well if our Church gatherings are
283 284
marked by serenity, and our worship filled with awe.
Worship leaders must avoid psychological manipulations
of any sort but lead God’s people to depths to understanding
His greatness and their nothingness. The joy expressed in Can a believer
this process perhaps through tears will be even deeper (Lk be demon-possessed?
6:21b; Js 4:9,10).
In conclusion, here are my exhortations to Catholic New believers are usually told in follow-up talks to
Charismatics: (1) Read the Bible regularly and diligently. attend a “spiritual” Church. What the preacher means and
Begin with the New Testament. (2) Be baptized in water as what the people understand may be quite different from
Christ has commanded. (3) Stop praying to or through Mary each other. If the evangelistic programme is an united effort
or any saint. Pray directly to the Father God in the Name of of various Churches, the preachers would be apprehensive
Jesus His Son. (4) Don’t worship statues. No more idolatry of of clearly explaining how to identify a “spiritual” Church.
any sort. (5) Attend worship services in Churches where This delicate issue should however be addressed.
the Bible is faithfully preached. (6) Join teams of Christians Churches can be broadly divided as Pentecostal and
who go out for evangelism. (7) Support missionary activities non-Pentecostal. The main difference is on how one
and social work among the needy and unreached peoples. understands the experience of the Baptism with the Holy
“He who has begun a good work in you will complete it Spirit. It is wrong to say that the Pentecostal Churches are
until the day of Jesus Christ” (Phil 1:6). all “spiritual” and others are not. In the Biblical sense, the
word “spiritual” is the opposite of “carnal” or “natural.” It
is not the style of worship, the form of government, the
mode of baptism or the method of breadbreaking that
1. All over the world, God’s Spirit is moving; decides whether or not a Church is “spiritual.” The deciding
All over the world, as the prophets said it would be; factor is its character as a group and the lifestyle of its
All over the world there’s a mighty revelation, members. The Corinthian Church was Pentecostal in every
Of the glory of the Lord sense. It had all the gifts of the Holy Spir it in operation
As the waters cover the sea! (1 Cor 1:7; 14:12a). But according to Apostle Paul it was
not a “spiritual” Church but “carnal” (1 Cor 3:1-3).
2. All over the Church, God’s Spirit is moving;
If we honestly analyse today’s situation, an unbiased
assessment would be that no Church is 100% spiritual or
100% carnal. There is always a mixture of spirituality and
carnality. The percentage of course varies. Some Pentecostal
291 292
Churches are more carnal than non-Pentecostal Churches; stronger in this horizontal dimension than the larger
and some non-Pentecostal Churches are more spiritual congregations. Sharing material blessings with the needy
than Pentecostal Churches. I might upset some of my was the most attractive feature of the early church (Acts
Pentecostal friends here, but truth must be faced (Gal 4:16). 4:32,33). Christianity is charity! (Js 1:27).
I have also observed that some of the so-called “spiritual”
4. Do its leaders equip the believers for ministry?
Churches have more unscriptural traditions than some of One cannot expect to grow in a Church where the pastor is
the so-called “traditional” Churches. the main actor and the members are simply an audience.
After rebirth one should choose a local Church where Feeling of insecurity cripples many pastors and they would
he can really “grow” into maturity. That’s God’s desire not trust others with responsibilities. The fivefold ministry
concerning each of His children. Ask the following questions in the Church is chiefly to “equip the saints for the work of
before choosing a Church— the ministry” (Eph 4:11,12). In other words, the ministry
of every minister is to make every believer a minister.
1. Does it believe the Bible as the Word of God? Though ideal conditions may not exist, look for a Church
Our growth depends on the intake of the “milk” of God’s where all the members function as “kings and priests” unto
Word (1 Pet 2:2). Members of Churches where there’s solid God (1 Pet 2:5,9). Also it is safe to be part of an assembly
Bible teaching grow fast and strong. Though minor doctrinal where there’s shared leadership.
differences may be tolerated, there can be no compromise 5. Does it reach out to the lost? Dr. Oswald J. Smith
on major issues (Eph 4:4-6). Go to a Church where the (1890-1986), the founder pastor of the People’s Church,
pastor makes you fall in love with the Bible and does not Canada, used to say, “The Church that does not evangelize
misuse the pulpit. shall fossilize!” Make sure that the Church you choose
keeps missions and evangelism its top priority. You will
2. Is true worship encouraged there? According to
suffocate if you are in a Church which does not send out
Jesus, “true” worship is what’s offered in “spirit and truth”
and support missionaries or if the pastor speaks against
(Jn 4:23,24). Some Churches are rich in the “truth” content
parachurch missionary organisations (Acts 13:1-3).
of their worship, whereas others are jubilant and Members should have the freedom to associate themselves
enthusiastic in “spirit” while worshipping. There must be with evangelistic agencies of their choice. The Church must
a balance (1 Cor 14:15). not become a clutch.
3. Is there real fellowship? There’s no “fellowship” There are several other characteristics one should look
in many of our fellowships. People come to the services for in a spiritual church, but these five are the basic. Aim
simply to be ministered unto and not to minister to one for the ideal but accept and work with the actual and
another. Singing “to the Lord” is there; but speaking “to optimize your expectations. Because no single local Church
one another” in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs is has it all, do visit other Churches for enlarging your vision
absent (Eph 5:19). There’s nothing more than a formal and expanding your knowledge. One’s strength will help
greeting or a handshake. Smaller Churches seem to be the other in his weakness.
293 294
rain (Zech 10:1). I believe that the present awakening is an
50 answer to that prayer. But it has not fully met our needs
yet. As the famous hymn goes,
Is this the awaited Revival? Mercy drops round us are falling;
But for the showers we plead!
Revival is not normative for the Church. Only a sick or We need a revival that will lead us to reprioritize our
backslidden Church needs revival. It was when the joy of lives. The time we spend in prayer should become more
the Lord among His people was absent, the Psalmist prayed, delightsome than what we spend in talking to men (Psa
“O God, will You not revive us again, that Your people may 84:10). Bible meditation should be desired more than food
rejoice in You?” (Psa 85:6). The call to repentance and (Job 23:12). The extension of the Kingdom of God should
promises of revival blessing were given in the Old Testament occupy our thoughts more than the earthly concerns (Mt
times when the people of God went astray. But God does 6:33). Giving to God must excite us more than receiving
not desire the New Testament Church to follow the ups-
blessings from Him (Acts 20:35b). Selfishness should give
and-downs pattern. We are admonished to be always
place to sacrificial service for the good of others (Phil 2:4,5).
rejoicing in the Lord, always abounding in His work, and
always expecting the return of His Son (Phil 4:4; 1 Cor There are traces of such benefits in the modern day
15:58; Mk 13:35-37). However, because the Church as it
revival, but the questionable things seem to outnumber
is today is not what it should be, she needs a revival for
the desired blessings. The focus seems to be more on
physical manifestations like falling, crawling, shaking and
Saints of God over the years have been interceding laughing than on the spiritual aspects mentioned in the
before the Throne for a mighty visitation of God’s Spirit last two paragraphs. When God visits His people in a new
among His people. They have been crying to God for a latter and powerful way, the devil also becomes hyperactive. He
rain with the understanding that Pentecost was the former is a master counterfeit. He sows tares and it becomes
295 296
difficult to differentiate them from genuine grains (Mt 13:24- Quotes on the Holy Spirit
30). Because there’s mixture in any revival, discernment
becomes difficult. We are not able to say it is 100% false.
If the Holy Spirit is withdrawn from the Church today,
The safest way is to keep emphasizing growth in inner
95 percent of what we do would go on and no one would
graces and not crossing Biblical boundaries. We can be
know the difference. If the Holy Spirit had been
analytical without becoming negative. We must not throw
withdrawn from the New Testament church, 95 percent
away the baby with the bath water. of what they did would stop, and everybody would know
the difference. — A.W. Tozer
The men and women whom God uses in revivals have
an awesome responsibility in building up God’s people and To harmonize the thoughts and imaginations of men the
br inging them to maturity. Merely keeping the people presence of the stimulating breath of the Holy Spirit is
excited and entertained may help the ministers stay necessary. When that is present there will be produced
popular, but the fires of testing will reveal that such heavenly airs and joyous harmonies in men's hearts,
activities are nothing but “wood, hay and straw” (1 Cor both in this life and in heaven. — Sadhu Sundar Singh
3:12,13). It is the Holy Spirit that sheds the love of God abroad in
our hearts, and the love of all mankind; thereby purifying
When we talk about revival, we must not think that our hearts from the love of the world, from the lust of
everything is going to become glorious. In fact, as per the the flesh, the lust of the eye, and the pride of life. It is by
predictions of the apostles and the Lord Himself, as we Him we are delivered from anger and pride, from all vile
approach the end of the age, there will be more lawlessness, and inordinate affections. — John Wesley
more lovelessness, more deception, and more apostasy (Mt
Expand Thy wings, celestial Dove, brood o’er our nature’s
24:12; 1 Tim 4:1-3). There is already a widespread revival
night; on our disordered spirits move, and let there now
in Hinduism, Islam and tribal religions. The long-awaited
be light. — Charles Wesley
Return of Christ will be the ultimate revival for us (Acts
3:19-21). Until then let the prayer of Prophet Habakkuk There is no use in running before you are sent; there is
be ours — no use in attempting to do God’s work without God’s
power. A man working without this unction, a man
“O Lord, revive Your work
working without this anointing, a man working without
in the midst of the years!”
the Holy Ghost upon him, is losing time after all.
(Hab 3:2) — D.L. Moody
The Holy Spirit is not a blessing from God. He is God.
— Colin Urquhart
297 298
What the Church needs today is not more machinery or that Paul speaks about was burned into his very flesh,
better, not new organizations or more and novel methods, was branded into his being, and only the Holy Spirit can
but men whom the Holy Ghost can use, men of prayer, burn the true cross into our innermost life.
men mighty in prayer. The Holy Ghost does not flow — A.B. Simpson
through methods, but through men. He does not come Since the days of Pentecost, has the whole church ever
on machinery, but on men. He does not anoint plans, put aside every other work and waited upon Him for ten
but men, men of prayer. — E.M. Bounds days, that the Spirit's power might be manifested? We
How little chance the Holy Ghost has nowadays. The give too much attention to method and machinery and
churches and missionary societies have so bound Him resources, and too little to the source of power.
in red tape that they practically ask Him to sit in a corner —Hudson Taylor
while they do the work themselves. — C.T. Studd I seek the will of the Spirit of God through or in connection
The Holy Ghost has called me by the gospel and with the Word of God. The Spirit and the Word must be
illuminated me with His gifts and sanctified and combined. If I look to the Spirit alone without the Word,
I lay myself open to great delusions also.
preserved me in the true faith. — Martin Luther
— George Mueller
I had an overwhelming experience of the Lord’s presence.
The Spirit is the first power we practically experience,
I felt so powerfully overcome by the nearness of the Holy
but the last power we come to understand.
Spirit that I had to ask the Lord to draw back lest He kill
— Oswald Chambers
me. It was so glorious that I couldn’t stand more than a
small portion of it. — Mordecai Ham in whose meeting A Church in the land without the Spirit is rather a curse
Billy Graham committed his life to Christ in 1934 than a blessing. If you have not the Spirit of God,
Christian worker, remember that you stand in somebody
The Holy Spirit is the greatest promoter who ever lived, else’s way; you are a fruitless tree standing where a
and he promotes just one person: Jesus Christ. fruitful tree might grow. — Charles Spurgeon
— Kathryn Kuhlman
The Church that is man-managed instead of God-
Prayer is a sincere, sensible, affectionate pouring out of governed is doomed to failure. A ministry that is college-
the soul to God, through Christ, in the strength and trained but not Spirit-filled works no miracles.
assistance of the Spirit, for such things as God has — Samuel Chadwick
promised. — John Bunyan
The purpose of a Spirit-filled life is to demonstrate the
We may not preach a crucified Saviour without being supernatural power of our living God so that the unsaved
also crucified men and women. It is not enough to wear multitudes will abandon their dead gods to call upon
an ornamental cross as a pretty decoration. The cross the name of the Lord and be delivered. — T.L. Osborn
299 300
The Kingdom of God is not going to be advanced by our
churches becoming filled with men, but by men in our
A Prayer
churches becoming filled with God. — Duncan Campbell
Spirit of the living God, pray Thy mind through me;
The unconverted do not like to hear much about the
Nothing less than Spirit-power do I ask of Thee.
Holy Spirit. — Robert Murray M’Cheyne
Purge me, urge me, guide me, hide me —
I used to tell young preachers, In order to preach you've Spirit of the living God, pray Thy mind through me.
got to have the power of God on your life. Now I tell
them, In order to tie your shoes you've got to have the Power of the eternal God, flow Thy power through me;
power of God on your life. — Paul David Washer Holy, Pentecostal power do I ask of Thee.
The indwelling Spirit shall teach us what is of God and Lowly, holy, for Thy glory —
what is not. This is why sometimes we can conjure up Power of the eternal God, flow Thy power through me.
no logical reason for opposing a certain teaching, yet in
the very depth of our being arises a resistance. Mercy of the living God, channel love through me;
— Watchman Nee Nothing less than Calvary love meets the need for me.
Love that’s burning, love that’s yearning —
Millions go to hell-fire because the Church has lost the
Mercy of the living God, channel love through me.
Holy Ghost fire! — Leonard Ravenhill
Trying to do the Lord’s work in your own strength is the Grace of God, eternal grace, reach the lost through me;
most confusing, exhausting, and tedious of all work. But Tenderness for every race do I ask of Thee.
when you are filled with the Holy Spirit, then the ministry Love them, lift them, reach them, teach them —
of Jesus just flows out of you. — Corrie Ten Boom Grace of God, eternal grace, reach the lost through me.
Those in whom the Spirit comes to live are God’s new
Temple. They are, individually and corporately, places Life of God, eternal life, pour Thyself through me;
where heaven and earth meet. — N.T. Wright Nothing less than Thine own life do I ask of Thee.
Life compelling, life that’s telling —
In an evening session of an international conference
Life of God, eternal life, pour Thyself through me.
in Holland for 5000 Evangelists in 1983, Billy Graham
said, “Friends, fall on your knees when you get back to
— Leonard Ravenhill, 1907-1994
your rooms asking God for a fresh anointing. Don’t get
up until you know you have got it!” — Billy Graham
301 302
Scripture Index 13:1-3—211 1 Kings 23:12—296
13:1-5—65 1:39,40—262 26:13—8
This book prsents a study of the Holy Spirit with references 16:10—75 8:22—266 31:1—250
from Genesis to Revelation. There are 50 Chapters written 18:19,20—210 19:11-13—261 31:16-23—199
from various angles emphasizing various aspects. When this 18:22—211 19:16—141 31:24-28—200
Index was compiled, we were thrilled to find that there are Ch.32—260 2 Kings 33:4—226
totally 2250 Scripture references in this book! Not any one of 34:9—277 3:15-19—177 38:1—261
the 66 Books of the Bible is left out! The end of this study is 5:16—213 42:10,12,13—233
the worship of God the Father, in the Name of Jesus His Son, 20:5—212 Psalms
through the enablement of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit, 1 Chronicles 1:1—228,252
the much negelcted third Person of the Trinitarian Godhead, Judges 1:2—34
is given His due place in this book. May it become so in the 5:8b—221 28:11,12—40,62,175 5:8—12
life of each reader! 6:13—91 15:3,5—251
11:34—263 2 Chronicles 16:8-11—79
Genesis 4:14-17—220 Leviticus 4:13,14—171 19:14—251
1:2—8,21,144,226 7:1,2—208 6:12,13—120,230 5:12-14—281
2:7—226,278 7:8-12—220 8:14,18,22—267 Ruth 7:1-3—171
6:3—227 7:10-12—97 9:23—120 1:6b—137 7:14—296
8:12-15—200 9:29—266 16:21—276 20:21—235
1 Samuel 37:5,23,24—247
11:4—89 15:19-21—263 23:15,16—20,75 29:3,25,29,30—234
12:2—126 1:13—81 40:1-3—172
15:20—267 24:2—143
14:18-24—135 2:12-14,17,22,25b—199 Ezra 45:10-12—228
18:21—213 24:10-16—254
18:12-15—200 4:21—264 9:5—266 46:4a—195
18:21,25—218 Numbers 46:4,5—60
24:22,23,28-32,35, 36,50, 10:1—141 Nehemiah
20:4,5—268 8:12—276 46:10—259,261
51,53,55-58 — 246 10:5—177 8:2,3,5,6—237
24:56,66—182 23:14-17—75 11:16,17—172 47:1—258,259,261
13:22—220 8:10—70
24:65—244 27:20—143 11:17,25,29—210 Ch. 51—126
16:23—177 9:20—8
39:9—39 28:41—141 11:24-30—100 51:10-12—177
18:6—267 9:30—87
41:37-40—63 30:22-33—141 11:25,29—172 51:11—60,224,228,287
18:6,7—263 Esther
41:38—39 31:1,2—175 12:6—65 51:11-13—126,240
23:23—286 30:19—233 2:12—143
41:38-40—175 31:1-5—62,115,137,174,195, 66:1—262
48:14—276 31:2-5—40 [275 24:2-4—209 2 Samuel Job 68:18,19—119
49:22—199 32:1,6,7,11—199 27:22,23—276 2:14-16—256 1:2,3—233 68:24,25—264
49:23-25—39 34:18-23—75 Deuteronomy 6:12-15—263 1:20—281 72:11—281
Exodus 34:22—20 4:23,24—268 23:1—115 8:21—284 74:9,10—94
2:11,12—39 35:30-35—275 4:24—198 23:1,2—139,176,275 9:10—93 77:13,14—93
4:1-4—220 35:34—175,176 7:5—268 23:2—84,190,209 15:34b—201 81:1—262
303 304
82:2—279 6:27-29—230 5:24—198,201 63:8-10—45,60,187,225 37:7—232 Joel
84:10—296 7:25,27—252 6:5-7—201 63:9,10a,14—248 37:7,9,10—145,232,237, 1:13,16—70,263
85:6—70,263,295 8:17—252 7:14—66 37:12—232 [279 2:16—267
89:15—262 12:22—200 8:19,20—154,216 37:14—233 2:21,23—136
89:15,16—70 14:3—284 9:6—92 37:15-22—237 2:23-25—181,231
95:10—225 14:30—250 10:12-17—200 37:23,24—233 2:23-29—111
103:2,3—51 16:5—250 11:2—20,62,134,175,197, 37:26,27—234 2:21,27—99
104:30—8,177 17:22—283 2:13—140
26:13—233 [224,225 37:28—237
3:20—228 2:28-32—64,70,96,209
106:33—177 21:25—250 28:7-14—108 38:23—237,238
107:20—277 22:28—154 6:16—161 Amos
28:8—160 39:28,29—184
118:15—39 27:2—25 28:9—24 9:1—217 1:1—208
15:16,17—209 47:1-5,12—30,47,60
118:24—70 28:13—250 28:11—88,201 5:15,24—208
119:9—33,141 29:1—200 28:11,12—28,40,87,202,271, 20:9—147,269 Daniel 6:12—208
119:18—58 29:13—260 [273 23:28,29—147 1:17—177,197
Ecclesiastes 9:11,12—67
119:92—34 30:21—52,247 23:29—269 4:18—177,197
3:1,4—264 Obadiah
119:97—252 33:14,15a—200,201 31:11-13—264 5:11—39
3:7b—261 vv17,18—201,269
119:105—35 34:16—192 31:15—66 5:17—213
119:111—34 37:5,6—212 31:31-33—210 5:23-28—199 Jonah
119:130—35 40:3—12 32:17,27—101 6:3—39 2:9—164
122:1—70 40:6-8—192 6:10—252
11:5—68,164 Lamentations Micah
123:2—167 40:30,31—40 6:26,27—99
12:7—278 2:11,19—252
126:1-3—283 43:21—32 6:28—40 3:5-8—166
Song of Solomon 3:48-50—275
133:1,2—41,229 44:3—22 7:9,10a—198 3:11—212
4:16—146 5:15,16—263
134:2—258 45:19b,24—209 10:8-11—280 5:2—66
136:4—93 5:2a—85 47:8,10,14—201 Ezekiel 7:14—227
139:7—8,177,231 Isaiah 48:16—9 1:1—209
Hosea Nahum
139:23,24—231 1:1—208 52:7—126,251 1:28—280
1:1—209 1:15—126
141:2—266 1:15—260,266 53:4,5—14,99 2:2—280
143:10—167,177 1:26—173 53:5—51 33:15—251 2:19,20,23—209 Habakkuk
144:1—59 2:11,17—233 54:5-8—248 34:24,26—174 6:3,6—260 3:2—297
148:12—259 4:3,4—184,200 55:1,2—140 34:26—136,140,174 8:4a—173
149:3—258,263 Zephaniah
4:4—198 59:19—45,150,248,287 36:27—192,237 8:14—199
150:4—258,263 3:9—89
Ch. 5—199 59:19b—59,99,195 36:35—232 10:1—199
Proverbs 5:8—199 59:21—190 36:38—232,237 10:12—136,296 Haggai
1:23—190 5:11-14—199 60:1—147 Ch. 37—125,232,279 11:1—66 2:3—231
3:5,6—247 5:18-21—200 61:1-3—45,60,123,131,142, 37:1—233 11:8—209 2:5—184,190
4:25—250 5:22,23—201 61:11—209 [143,195,196 37:5,9—233 14:3,8a—234 2:6-9—95,231
305 306
Zechariah 6:22,23—251 17:19-21—95,120 16:14—26 5:39—258 1:11—14
2:10,13—259 6:33—296 18:20—50 16:18—2 6:17—33 1:12—14,52
4:6-9—59,129,162,224,239, 7:7-11—132,273 19:13-15—276 16:15-18—27,28,68,77,86, 6:21-23—284,285 1:17—14
7:12—192 7:15,22—150,151,159,208 21:8-11—264 96,99,111,116,124,132,202, 6:37—251 1:29—13,146,148
[243 7:15-23—213 21:12,13—287 223,252,272,276 6:44—32 1:33—14,268,278
10:1—140,181,296 7:15,25—150 22:15-22—103 16:18,20—94,118,124,223 7:22—120 2:10—232
12:10—20,129,184 7:21-23—21,31,99,150,159 22:23-29—11,18,92,191 7:44—141 2:11—91
13:6—89 7:26—159 22:37-39—250,259 8:16,17—268 2:13-17—15
Malachi 8:8—277 23:34—210 9:17—268 3:2—14,91
2:11—226 8:16,17—99,191 24:4-12—16 10:1,9—221 3:6—271
3:2,3—269 9:1-7—51 24:5—150 10:17,21—9,100,221 3:6-8—164,171
4:5,6—38 10:1-5—15,114,221 24:12—183,297 10:18,19—221,286 3:8—133,144,197
10:1,7,8—116,213 24:24—286 10:25,26—278 3:34—191
Matthew 1:34-38—8,13,66,67,93,188,
10:16—148 24:35—31 10:34—142 3:37,38—126
1:18-20—9,65,188 227
10:18-20—138 25:14,15—113 10:44—268 4:14—14,155
1:22,23—66 1:40-45—66,68,70,145,189
10:32—251 25:21—117 11:11-13—16,26,55,85,186, 4:20-24—22,56,192,293
2:2,11—71 1:46,47—68,71,83
10:41—211 25:35-40—251 12:10—254 [273 4:24—32,83,171,187, 258
2:6—66 1:53—22
11:5—92 26:34—131 12:11—33 4:36—222
2:10—70 1:54,55—66
11:11a—217 26:40—252 12:49,50—198,269 4:37,38—132
2:11—281 1:64,67-79—68
11:20-24—120 28:2-4—281 14:23—252 4:46-48—120
2:12—65 2:10,17—72
11:28,29—149 28:16,17—26 15:10—264 6:2—98
2:13,19,22—65 2:13,14—71,142
12:18-21—9 28:18-20—8,15,50,79,186 15:22-25—264 6:28,29—93
2:15,17,18—66 2:15,16—70
3:10—17 12:28—9,45,191 Mark 2:20—71 16:13—234 6:63—191
3:11,12—20,22,146,147,186, 12:31,32—188,254 1:18—268 2:21-24—66 19:6—268 7:2,14,37-43—26
198,227,268 12:33-35—78,255,271 3:11—281 2:25-27—69,187 19:37,40—262 7:37-39—14,27,126,140,
3:16—9,13,29,147,226,245 12:36—251 3:21,22—255 2:28—71 22:32—78 8:44—200 [191
3:17—245 12:38,39—120,255 3:28-30—254,255 2:28-35—69 23:31—15 9:34—92
4:1—9 12:44,45—38 6:5—276 2:30-32,38—72 24:19—15 10:10—197
4:4,7,10—67 13:24-30—296 7:21,22—250 2:36-38—69,71 24:27,44—14 10:12—151
5:23,24—250 14:15,16,—159 9:14-27—160,281 3:9-11—199 24:32—147,269 10:27-29—286
5:28—251 15:16,17—160 9:38-40—100 3:16—268 24:41—27 10:34-36—279
5:33-37—200,251 15:32—159 11:15-17—50 4:1,14—9,45 24:47-49—20,22,86,122, 10:41—217
5:44—252 16:19-19—133 13:10,11—127,128,183,188 4:1-12—33 130,196,225 11:32—281
5:45—98 16:23—286 13:22—208 4:1,2,13,14—9,249 John 11:40—91
6:9-13—199 17:1-6—281 13:35-37—295 4:16-20—9,120,166,191,241 1:4—278 11:47,48—99
6:15—250 17:14-18—160 14:31—131 4:40—276 1:7—51 12:12,13—267
307 308
12:37—98 Acts 2:19,20—180 4:29,30—94 8:1-19—23 10:19,20—9,133,169,241
13:13—14 1:2—9 2:20,21—126,181 4:30—68,104 8:5-7—116,132 10:34,35—290
Ch. 14—55,192 1:4—22,60 2:22—92 4:31—9,21,43,61,72,78, 8:5-8—168 10:34,44-46—289
14:2,3—181,246 1:5—22,86,268 2:25,26—203 128,131,188,191,196,241,261 8:6—96 10:38—9,21,22,45,52,117,
14:12—92 1:7—186 2:25-28,34,35—66 4:31,32—236 8:8—205 131,166,188,196,240
14:16—13,55,60,143,184, 1:8—9,15,21,35,36,43,60, 2:26—79 4:32—41 8:8,16,17,26,29—133 10:44—169,170,192,268,
192,225 72,78,121,130,184,186,188, 2:29,30—209 4:32,33—294 8:13—97 279
14:16-18—14,19,20,21,37, 1:9—35 [196,206,241 2:33—278 4:34,35—72,123,134 8:14-17—276,279 10:44-48—77,136,272
49,60,75,143,248 1:13,14—22,202,241 2:37—165 4:36—118,216 8:15—22,189 10:45—277
14:17,26—176 1:15—9 2:38—22,289 5:2—234 8:15-17—86 10:45,46—14
14:17,30—195 1:16—191 2:38,39—29 5:3,4—14,187,255 8:16,17—268 10:46—28,56,71,78,86,187,
14:26—14,35,41,58,60,137, Ch. 2—212 2:38,41—9 5:3,9—286 8:17,18—78,270 10:47—186 [193,235,270
188,195,247 2:1—22 2:39—55 5:4c—200 8:20—213 11:8—205
2:2—144 2:40,41—76,233 5:8—206 8:23—132 11:12a—133
2:1-6—262 2:42—42,76,237 5:12—95 8:26—168 11:12,15,16—192,248
2:1-12—74,170,281 2:43—95 5:14—92 8:29—9,168,248 11:15—171
2:2,3—146,261,268 2:44—135 5:27,28—167 8:29,39—241 11:15,17—191
2:3,4—9,14,22,27,28,41,56, 2:44,45—72,123,134 5:29,32—131,167 8:32-35—67 11:17—289
75,77,86,135,202,270,272 2:46,47—70 5:32—9,187,230,240 8:39—168 11:22,23—127
Ch. 16—55,192,243
2:4,11—69,71,187,247 2:47—123,235 5:34,39—100 9:1-18—23 11:23-26—216
2:7-10—75 3:1—42,236 5:40,41—70,127 9:4—281 11:24—136,241
2:7,8,12—74,153 3:1,3,11—221 6:1-3—172,173 9:8—206 11:26—133
2:8—206 3:2—92 6:2-5—39,138 9:11—12 11:28—211
16:8-11—44,180 2:11—89,123,128,203,235 3:4—221 6:3—123,137,188,242 9:17—28,202,248,268 11:28,29—214
16:13—29,52,57,58,81,138, 2:12—188 3:8—25,70,206,235 6:5,8—116 9:17,18—270,279 11:47,48—289
143,155,194,222,224,237, 2:13—70 3:14—13 6:6—276 9:26,27—216 12:8—206
16:13,14—189 [247,291 2:14—122 3:14-16—68,98 6:8—96,206 9:31—9,46,137,242 13:1,2—133,188,211
16:14,15—15,64,245 2:14-36—212 3:19-21—297 6:10—138 9:33-35—132 13:1-3—173,248,294
16:17—109 2:16—153 3:21—89 6:15—62 9:43—133 13:2-4—9,15,44,241
16:23—15 2:16,17—64,135,151,248 3:22—15 7:3,7,32-34,37,42,43,48-50 Ch. 10—24,126 13:3,4—134,173
16:33b—60 2:16-18—180,267 4:4—124 7:8—206 [—67 10:1,24,44-46—202 13:4—127,169,214
17:4—15,166 2:17—15,16,78,288 4:8—188,206 7:51—187,225 10:2—288 13:6-10—131
18:1-6—281 2:17,18—69,126,135 4:13—75,123,139,217,221 7:51,53—230 10:3,9-11—65 13:8—8,97,206
20:22—14,19,122,186,278 2:17,21—135,241 4:16—94,221 7:54,55—46,188 10:5,6,9—133 13:46,47—67
20:23—122 2:18—210 4:24—235 7:55—10,78,138,184 10:8—206 13:47,48—127
20:30,31—154 2:16-21—66 4:25,26—67 7:60—62 10:9-16—169 13:49-52—46
309 310
13:50,52—21 16:25—235 26:8—207 8:26,27—20,32,53,57,129, 15:2,3—153 6:19,20—197,224
13:50-52—10,62,70,127, 17:8—206 26:14—289 189,194,224,246 15:9-11—124,257 7:7—216,274
138,188,194,284 17:11—155,237 26:22—212 8:28—54 15:13—187,224,284 7:40—144
Ch. 14—221 17:21—155 27:8—207 8:28-30—249 15:16—26 9:20-22—134
14:1,2—14 17:22-25—55,56,192 27:23,24—65 8:29,30—54,182 15:18,19—117 10:31—174,234
14:3—94,132 17:25—55 28:3-6—118,132 8:31-39—54 15:30—224 11:5—88
14:8—206 17:30—290 28:8—207,276 8:34—15 Ch. 16—215 11:14—160
14:12—221 Ch. 18—127 28:31—95 9:1—187 16:1,2—215 Ch. 12—81,88,102,271,274
14:22—182 18:8—206 9:1,2—44 16:19b—148 12:1—102,110,188
Ch. 15—157 18:9—65 9:1-3—130,170,217,275 12:1,4-7—80
1:4—13,20,184,224 1 Corinthians
15:3—127 19:1,2—19,69 10:1—44,217,275 12:1,19—104
1:11—220 1:7—292
15:5—212 19:1,6,7—69,203 10:1,2—130,170 12:2,3—103,233
4:1-3—278 1:31—153
15:6-9—14,158,206 5:5—14,21,36,224,245 10:8—34 2:3,4—225 12:3—71,78,85,174,187,245,
15:12—95 5:5,6—130 10:8,9—14 2:4—43,131 12:4-6—103 [254
15:13-17—158,248 6:3,4—29 10:9,10—79 2:4,5—97,165 12:4-11—277
19:8—207 [276
15:13-21—132 6:4—242 10:14—257 2:9—181 12:7—103,113,249,277
15:13-22—118 Ch. 7—54 10:15—126 2:9-14—43,57,194,246 12:7,8—134,192
15:15—212 7:1-6—243 10:17—34 2:9,14—68 12:7,10—219
15:15-17—67,124 7:22-24—58,194 10:20,21—119 2:10—181 12:7-10—28,61,75,78,93,
15:16—71 8:2—47 11:17-22—200 2:10,11—8,144 103,111,132,196,204,219,
15:22,28—158 20:17,29-31—159 8:2,3—244 Ch. 12—274 2:10-14—32,176,188,192, 222,271
15:25-28—103 20:22,23—241,248 8:3-7—48 12:1,2—250 2:15—57 [224 12:7-11—15,103,208
15:28—9,137,188,214,242, 20:22-24—196 8:5,6—48,171 12:1,2—160 3:1-3—292 12:8—224
15:30-32—158,213 [247 20:23—10,138 8:6,7—48 12:3—113 3:5-7—132 12:8-10—42,43,103,176,215
15:32—211 20:28—9,137,188,242,249 8:9—21,49,50 12:6—113,114,211,220 3:7—136 12:8-11—104
15:39—216 20:35b—296 8:9,13—37 12:6-8—111,208,215 3:9—167,279 12:9—45,67
Ch. 16—126 21:8,9—39,206 8:11—9,14,45,51,63,184, 12:7—118,119 3:12,13—297 12:9,10—68,86,152,197,211
16:6—169,188 21:11—211,214 8:12,13—51 [197 12:8—118,119,215,216,222 3:14—31 12:11—104,113,220
16:6,7—9,52,169,214,248 22:8—207 8:13—187 12:10—213 3:16,17—15,49,184,224,227 12:11,12—219
16:6-9—134,241 22:17,18—65 8:14—21,33,167,171,187, 12:11—118,198 4:6—153,212 12:11,18—114
16:8—206 23:7,8—92 225,247 12:12—250 4:7—116 12:12-27—219
16:9—65 23:8—207 8:15-17—53,78,165,189,245 12:19—153 4:11—213 12:12,15-21—104
16:14—169 23:9—100 8:17-25—53 13:1-6—279 6:11—31,52,182 12:13—14,44,104,136,236
16:16-18—132 23:11—65 8:18,23,26a—248 14:1,2—14 6:13—99 12:14—219
16:22-25—284 24:8—207 8:23—182 14:10,11—153 6:17-20—187,227,250 12:14-27—113
16:24,25—21 25:8—207 8:26—15,41,83 14:17—60,187,195 6:19—15,59,184 12:17,19—87,104
311 312
12:18—114 14:4,14-17—42 14:26—40,108,109,222,284 3:17,18—269 4:30—278 4:16—137
12:19—219 14:4—28,84,271,273 14:26,31,39—109 4:4—249 5:1—244 4:25—229
12:21—220 14:4,18—203 14:27,28—81,104,204 4:13—27,153,224 5:5—181 4:25-32—229
12:21-24—105 14:4,5—31,69,106,107 14:27-31—109 5:1,5-7—50 5:16—37,59,193 4:29-31—187
12:22-24a—217 14:5,24a—79,86,109,204 14:28—81,84 5:1-5—182 5:17—193 4:30—14,180,244,287
12:25—105,118 14:5—86,204 14:31—15,109,222 5:1-7—245 5:17,19-21—227 5:1,2—199
12:25-27—100 14:6—80,108 14:32—87 5:5—244 5:22—15,123,224 5:8,9—249
12:26-30—105 14:6,12—106 14:32-40—110 5:12-14—181 5:22,23—21,32,40,62,78,187, 5:14—147
12:27—112 14:7-11—108 14:33,40—87,204,265 5:18-20—122 5:23—99 [196,227,236 5:18—17,38,187,229,242
12:28—85,93,108,112,113, 14:9—85 14:34,35—88 6:10—213 5:29—55,171 5:18,19—83,176,235,237,
117,215,218,222 14:12—85,106 14:36—88,89 6:15,16—286 5:25,26—282 260
12:28-30—105 14:12a—292 14:37—212 5:18-20—21,42,56,172,191,
7:10,11—200 6:9b—136
12:29,30—79,215 14:12,13—199 14:37,38—81,110 192,247,275
9:7—251 6:17—234
12:30—77,86 14:12,37—104 14:37,20—110 5:18,21—40
12:31—106,215 14:13—204 14:39—81,86,204,222 Ephesians 5:18-21—235,284
Ch. 13—81,88,102,213 14:13-17—272 14:39,40—204 1:13-15,18—180,191,244, 5:22-6:4—38
13:1—90,204 14:13,17,28—87 14:40—259,267 2:8-10—17,81 [245 5:23—99
13:1,2—106 14:13,15,27,28—108 15:23—20 2:18—152 5:25-29—199
13:1-3—106,271 14:14—28,83,108 15:58—136,295 2:19—81 5:26—141
13:4-7—106 14:14,15—82,203 16:10,11—146 3:16-19—245 6:10-13—44
16:15-18—215 11:13-15—159,244
13:8—86,106,272 14:15—32,83,84,171,189, 3:20—274 6:10-18—287
16:18—108 12:1,7—66
13:8-10—84,205,273 258,293 Ch. 4—274 6:12—195
16:22—229 12:12—95 6:12,17—59
13:8-12—29 14:15-17—203,235 4:2,3—41,
13:14—8 6:13,17—181
13:9—18,76 14:16—32 2 Corinthians 4:2,3,26-32—224
13:9-12—107 14:17—32,42,83 Galatians 4:3,13—18 6:13,18—273
13:9-13—273 14:18—28,79,80,202,270 1:22—180 1:6-8—151 4:4-6—293 6:15—252
13:13—107 14:18,19—28,78 1:7—152 4:7—113,220 6:16—67
Ch. 14—82,88,102 14:19,26—104 1:8—121 4:7,8—277 6:17—33,189,192,195
14:1—18,114,132,188,208 14:20—8 2:14,15—143 2:2—214 4:7-11—15,112 6:18—15,44,246,282
14:1-5—107 14:21—40,202 2:4—152 4:11—69,151,208,211 6:18-20—130
14:2—28,84,203,246 14:21,22—87 3:1-18—225 2:7,8—133 4:11,12—294 Philippians
14:2,4,13,14—86 14:22—204 3:3,14-17—243 2:20—242 4:11-13—249 1:6—291
14:2,14—28,246 14:22,24,25—125 3:6—43,142,176 3:1—152 4:11-16—157,283 2:1-3—229
14:2,14,15—273 14:22-25—108 3:14-16—259 3:3—64,160,162,244 4:13—273 2:4,5—296
14:2,28—87 14:23—20,82,88 3:15-17—145 3:10—160 4:14—33,150 2:6,7—8
14:3—143,212 14:23-25—281 3:17—259 4:16—293 4:15—11 2:13—116
14:3,4—69 14:24,25,29,30—104 3:18—21,58,182,248 4:29—164 4:15,32—213 3:2—152
313 314
3:3—56,192,282 2:1,4—165 Titus 12:28,29—259 4:12-14—15,256 v19-21—107
3:18—150,152 2:8—258,266 1:10,11—152 12:29—146,198,268 4:12-16—225 v20—15,20,120,171,189,271
4:4—295 2:9—266 2:13,14—14 13:8—92 4:13,14—182 v20,21—84,181
4:5—149 3:13—117 3:10—152 13:8,9a—155 4:14—16,46,62,128,135,248
4:8—143 3:15—82 5:8,9—286
Philemon James 1:9,10—225
Colossians 3:16—9 vv 15-20—41 1:17—76 2 Peter 1:17—281
1:18—269 4:1—151,156,181 1:26—28,251 1:13—160
Hebrews Ch. 2—138
1:27—16,50 4:1-3—297 1:27—251,294 1:19—35,58
1:1—209 2:1,8,12,18—15
2:4,8—152 4:2—152 2:1-4—201 1:19-21—224
1:1,2—151 2:4,7a—229
2:16-23—244 4:13-15—146 3:2—28 1:20,21—14,20,35,57,66,139,
4:14—114,277 1:9—143 2:5,16—183
3:1-4—48 3:6—41 191,194,237,275
4:14,15—117 2:1,2—16 2:7,11,17,26,28—10,38,183
3:5-7—200 3:8—41,251 1:21—43,144
5:22—277 2:3,4—97,124 2:7,11,17,29—15,231,233
3:16—191,237,260 4:4,5—182,224,228,269 2:1—151,208
6:4,5—152 2:4—68 2:21—228
4:6—251 4:5—15 2:1,3,15—213
6:10—213,251 2:11,12—148 2:23—59
4:16—145 4:5,7—59 2:1-3—34
6:16—49 3:7—192 2:29—225
4:9,10—285 2:17—161
1 Thessalonians 3:7,8—187,231 Ch. 3—138
5:12—199 3:1—160
3:5—156 2 Timothy 5:12—79,147 3:1,7,14—15
5:14—142 3:7,13—201
4:1-8—227 1:6—220,277 5:14—57,152,160
5:16—79,96 3:3,5,11,12,21—183
4:3-6—228 1:6,7—114,131 6:1,2—289 1 John
5:17—79 3:6,13,22—15,231
4:7,8—187 1:6-8—123 6:2—277 2:17—31
5:16—230 1:7—21,160,197 6:4-6—255 1 Peter 2:18—150,151
5:16-22—229 1:13,14—192,211 6:10—290 1:2—182,195,227 2:18-21—212
5:17,18—32,230 1:14—188 9:14—9 1:6,7—269 2:26,27—57,156,211,214,247
5:17-21—214 2:4—234 10:24,25—252 1:9—35 2:27—145
3:2—205,273 7:9,10—89,264
5:19—59,188,198,225 2:5—279 10:26,29—182 1:10-12—131,225
4:1—150,208,210 8:1—259,262
5:19-22—156,225 2:16,17—152 10:26-29—230,255 1:18,19—287
2:21—128,269 4:4—97,286 12:11—33,59,67
5:20,21—225,230 10:26-31—199 2:1-3—34
2:26—152,160 14:13—184
5:21,22—161 10:29—14,231 2:2—33,293 2 John
3:1—16 10:31—231 2:5,9—294 15:3,4—260
5:22—230,251 vv10,11—212
3:1,2a—199 10:32,33,35,36—230 2:9,10—124,210 19:4—281
2 Thessalonians 3 John 19:10—69,79,214
3:5—8 10:29a—231 3:18—9
2:3-12—279 v2—96 21:8b—199
3:13—152,183 11:3—67 Ch. 4—274
2:7,8—183 vv9-11—256 22:1,2—60
3:16—43,192 11:8,15,17—118 4:9,10—217,274
1 Timothy 4:3b—147 11:24-27—178 4:10—113,220 Jude 22:16,17—240
1:3—152 4:5—238 12:15—143 4:10,11—112 v3—151 22: 17—44,122,166,167,
1:13—256 4:11b—216 12:27—89,146 4:11—113 v19—8 184,189
315 316
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