Gen. Ed. Reviewer
Gen. Ed. Reviewer
Gen. Ed. Reviewer
17. All of these choices are considered as 24.The following are effective exercises to achieve
nonverbal communication except for: effective enunciation EXCEPT:
A. Time and space A. Tongue twisters.
B. distance B. Eyebrow raising.
C. voiced C. Retracting the tongue.
D. touch D. Move the jaw from left to right
18. Why is it important to use simple and plain 25. Gio is an avid fan of Joshlia's love team.
words in writing an application letter? However, he was disappointed by the news that
A. easily get hired Julia is having an affair with her leading man in the
B. to avoid misinterpretation movie, “Between Maybes”. There are a lot of
C. ideas are straight to the point offensive comments and bashes that are popping
D. makes the reader easy to understand up in all of his social media accounts. So, he
defends team Joshlia by opposing negative issues
toward them. What type of informal debate does 32. Why do you need to create a different resume
Gio imply in the situation? for each job and incorporate only the information
A. Online Debate pertinent to the job description you are applying?
B. Academic Debate A. To lessen the number words you write, keeping
C. Business Meeting your resume short.
D. Debate by Yourself B. To have more chances of getting read by the
employers you would like to work with
26. Ellen is a well-known owner of Net Central C. To write more information your employer would
internet café. She used to call for a year-end like to read from you.
meeting every last week of December for proposals D. To alleviate the tendency to crowd your resume
of new projects for the café. However, one of the with non-related information
managers always disagrees with the owner's offers
for some personal reasons which sometimes lead 33. Why do you need to keep your resume as short
to misunderstanding. What type of informal debate as possible?
is being revealed in the situation? A. To encourage your employer to read more
A.Academic Debate irrelevant information
B.Educational Debate B. To get notice right away your top selling points.
C.Company Conflicts C. To show that you are a person of many
D. Business Meeting qualifications.
D. To discourage the employer from having a
27. Tony starts his resume with a one-sentence background check on you.
declaration of the type of job that he is seeking.
Hence it appears beneath the heading and he 34. How does self-promoting and writing your
makes sure that it is specific as possible. abilities in the resume work well?
A. Education A. Because job-hunting is a competition and you
B. Experience want to be popular.
C. Objective B. Because you want to show how good you are
D. Skills/highlights compared to other applicants.
C. Because employers want to see more from you
28. He stated his paid or unpaid jobs together with even those undescribed.
his previous job titles, his employer, the city he D. Because employers want to see proof that you
worked at, followed by the dates of his can do the job efficiently
A. Education 35. Why do you have to keep your resume clean
B. Experience and neat?
C. Objective A. Because a poorly typed resume looks
D. Skills/highlights unprofessional which speaks of you.
B. Because it shows camaraderie towards the new
29. Tony even provided the scholarships he had working place.
together with other related honors. He provided the C. Because it is required by the management to do
date he received these and gave necessary short so.
descriptions of its nature and purpose. D. Because it shows emphasis on how you really
A. Reference want to get the job.
B. Skills/highlights
C. Objective 36. Which of the following best describes the word
D. Awards communication?
A. Involves sender, receiver, message and
30. He listed his previous employer together with feedback.
his former professors and advisors in his resume to B. A method of transferring one information to
help his potential employer to speak to them about another.
how they know his qualification very well to the job C. A process of exchanging thoughts and
he is applying. information between the sender and the receiver.
A. Reference D. None the above mentioned.
B. Skills/highlights
C. Objective 37. What is the best description of the word
D. Awards meeting?
A. Discussion of different plans.
31.Jake provided a list of all the schools he has B. Assembly for the upcoming event.
graduated from, along with their addresses and the C. Gathering of people for specific purposes.
degree he has earned with the date he attained it. D. Conducting consultation for important matter.
A. Education
B. Experience 38. Who is responsible for the minutes of the
C. Objective meeting and assembles the list of attendees?
D. Skills/highlights A. Chairman
B. Treasurer
C. Secretary
D. Participants 47. This is the type of communication barrier which
happens to be environmental and in natural
39. Marie wasn't able to follow the discussion condition.
during the conference because of the morning A. noise
news about her niece who has stage 3 bone B. storm
cancer. Hence, she cannot focus and feels worried C. physical
all throughout the session. D. psychological
A. physical barrier
B. poor retention 48. This type of communication barrier that refers to
C. lack of attention the emotional state of a person or opinion that
D. closed mind or filtering hinders the person to effective communication.
A. lack of attention
40. Instead Nida disturbs everyone for her early exit B. poor retention
in a meeting, he just waves and smile to the forum C. physical
at the back and and slowly departs. What type of D. psychological
element of communication does this tell?
A. verbal 49. Lina does not care of the information presented
B. non-verbal in the forum because the presenter seems to be
C. paralinguistic technique her classmate during high school who happened to
D. haptics be the only reason she was not able to receive latin
honors. Therefore, Lina chooses only to absorb
41. This is an element of communication where one information that is significant or could give
has to take charge of the interpretation and advantage to her. This situation is an example of
understanding of the message. what TYPE of barrier under psychological?
A. encode *
B. decode A. mistrust
C. sender B. lack of attention
D. receiver C. lack of attention
D. closed mind or filtering
42. What is the mnemonics of the elements of 50. Below are the importance of conducting
communication? meetings except for:
A. RSCMF A. to collaborate better
B. SRMCF B. to boost creativity
C. FMRCS C. to educate others
D. RMFCS D. to defend a stand
43. Touch: haptics, distance:_____ 51. Which of the following statements concerning
A. oculesics "JARGON" is correct?
B. cronemics It is scientific terminology that is exact and should
C. proxemics be used with patients.
It is a commonplace terminology unique to people
D. paralinguistic within a specific type of work that should be
avoided when talking to clients or patients
44.Proposition: motion, audience judge: Jargon is indicative of highly qualified and
A. chair professional workers.
B. affirmative Health care workers are expected to learn Jargon
C. adjucators and use it daily.
D. adjudicators
52. The following are some of the advantages of
preparing a speech or an oral report.
45. This is the reply or response of the decoder to Which of the following is incorrect?
encoder. a.) Improve speaking skills
A. reply b.) Develops critical thinking
B. echo c.) Boosting confidence
C. feedback d.) Gain money and friends
D. channel
53. The following are a few tips for giving an
46. Communication comes from the latin word interesting speech. Which of these is not included
"communis" which means in the options?
A. commons a.) Be excited/be energetic
B. come together b.) Don’t make an eye contact with the audience
C. share in common c.) Avoid just reading from the screen
D. commune d.)be confident
62. This refers to the receptive communication
54. When may we claim that the speaker effectively channel provided by the sense of hearing.
delivered the speech? Gustatory
a.) The speaker is shaking Olfactory
b.) The speaker does not have a modulated voice Aural
c.) Having some vocal fillers Tactile
d.) The audience are attentive
63. This style of public speaking needs two
opposing parties to solve an issue via arguments
55. Speech that emphasizes on what has and reach a consensus.
happened, is happening, or will happen. Extemporaneous
a. Speeches about concept Debate
b. Speeches about processes Oration
c. Speeches about objects Impromptu speaking
d. Speeches about event
64. Pronunciation means
56. Except for one, a professional public speaker the manner in which a word is spoken
must possess the following characteristics: refers to how clearly and sharply the word is being
a.) Confidence uttered
b.) Procrastination
c.) Organize 65.enunciation means
d.) Productive the manner in which a word is spoken
refers to how clearly and sharply the word is being
57. Ronald wishes to ensure that the audience will uttered
listen to him and consider him as a qualified to talk
on the subject of his informative speech. Which of 66. This is the written/typed record of an official
the following actions should he take? proceeding, notes recounting the transactions
He should include valid arguments in his speech. occurring at a meeting or official proceeding.
He should make use of complex words and jargon. minutes
He should show to his audiences that he is a official record
credible speaker. secretary's record
He should be creative. proof document
58.Relates to how space is used to express a 67. Below are the advantages while taking notes
concept or picture. by hand during a meeting except
Chronemics You can pay attention to what's happening in the
Overly communication meeting rather than focusing on typing.
movement You can easily draw arrows, cross out words, and
Proxemics underline information without having to look for the
right key
59. Which speech attempts to persuade the It's quieter and less distracting to other people in
audience that the speaker's thoughts are superior the room.
for the reasons stated? Your writing hand can get tired if it's a long meeting
Description Speech
Persuasive Speech
Informative Speech 68. It does not require strict ruling and format in
Argumentative Speech delivering one’s point of view.
Informal Debate
60. Which speech delivery technique necessitates Formal Debate
speaking on the fly of the moment or without prior
preparation? 69. A style of writing application letter which allows
Memorized Speech readers to make them easy to read and quickly in
Impromptu Speech which all lines aligned at the left margin.
Manuscript Speech full block
Extemporaneous Speech justified
61. Your mind is preoccupied with several issues 70. This is the standard paper size in writing
and are unable to communicate effectively with application letter.
your companions. A4
What kind of noise is being observed? 8.5 x 11
semantic 8.5 x 13
physical 8.5 x 14
physiological 71. This is a Latin word/phrase which means
“course of one’s life” which also defines as the
comprehensive list of accomplishments; b. Explore the topic
applications for jobs in industry. c. Chronicle activities
resume d. Draw up hypothesis
curriculum vitae
81. It is the highest level of communication
72. This is a French word/phrase which means “to Intrapersonal
summarize" which also defines brief list of Group level
accomplishments; experiences.
resume Public level
curriculum vitae Interpersonal
73. A gadget that known as an autocue allows a 82. With regard to the use of language, this advice
presenter to read a script while keeping direct eye is the most appropriate in a speech.
contact with the audience. Use a complex vocabulary to show your
script competence.
screen Use precise and simple words to convey thoughts.
teleprompter Use jargon to demonstrate your expertise,
cue cards especially to outsiders.
Try to choose words that are obscure.
74. In research, which variable do you manipulate?
Moderator 83. Speeches to inform are often classified
Independent according to purpose or....
Dependent description
Extraneous content
75. When data gathered from survey, interview or technique
other methods are interpreted, this is the research all of the abovementioned
stage for?
Sampling 84. Rules for visual aids include all of the following
Operationalization except
Data Processing simplify
Application appropriate aid for audience and topic
make aids small and portable
76. Communicating the findings of a completed make aids visually neat and attractive
research to school, institution or sponsor of the
study of the_______ stage of the research. 85. Speeches that explain "how to" do something
Analysis are called
Application instructions
Operationalization explanations
Publication descriptions
77. Which is referred to as the cause variable?
Dependent variable 86. This type of speech requires you to commit the
Moderator variable speech memory to avoid bringing notes during the
Independent variable delivery.
Extraneous manuscript
78. You will study within the population issue of impromptu
corruption of public officials under the different memorized
regimes. Which study will you engage in?
Cross-sectional study 87. To be effective, the topic of a speech should be
Trend study which of the following?
Cohort study Common in the mainstream media
Longitudinal study potentially sensitive to some listeners
interesting only to the speaker
79. The appropriate participant in a research on appealing to the audience
needed outreach activities which the school can
engage is the_________ 88. It is the most terrifying speech among all types
teacher memorized
students manuscript reading
community impromptu
parents extemporaneous
80. What should the researcher do if he or she is 89. Catherine joined a contest during the English
unsure yet is familiar with the subject? festival. She read fluently the story about the
a. Set assumptions
grasshopper and the ant in front of the judges. 97. This type of speech's goal is to influence,
What type of speech is this? motivate, or change the audience's mind.
memorized informative
manuscript reading persuasive
impromptu argumentative
extemporaneous special-occasion speech
90. You are thinking about a lot of problems and 98. How loud or soft your voice is during delivery.
you cannot even talk well to your friends. What type tone
of noise is observed? projection
semantic volume
psychological rate of delivery
physiological 99. If you want to show that 70% of campus
students own a car, 25% do not own a car, and 5%
91. Your head aches while listening to your rent a car, you should use what?
teacher. What type of noise is apparent? timeline
semantic a bar graph
psychological pie chart
physical photo illustration
100. What is the basic rule in communication
92. The real meaning of the message exists within whether in oral or written form.
the mind of the speaker. Only then the listener tries To impress and not to express
to get the message as accurately as possible. What to express and not to impress
principle of communication is this? both to impress and to express
Communication is powerful to be acknowledged to gain recognition
communication is irreversible
communication is an interpretative act 101. Conventional ways of disseminating
communication is contextual information have evolved into
93. The power of words once spoken or written can communication
never be taken back. What principle of digitization
communication is observed?
Communication is powerful 102. All are technology-based forms of
communication is an interpretative act communication, EXCEPT:
communication is irreversible Facebook post
communication is contextual blogs
handwritten letter
94. Feb easily responded to the message sent by videos
Rose on Facebook. the message in response to
Rose's message is called? 103. Why does communication is social in nature?
respond It is consist of people
tweet It involves emotions, feelings and thoughts within
hugback oneself.
feedback It involves the interpersonal exchange of thoughts
and ideas with common ends among people
95. What happens to communication when the It involves irresistible thoughts that enables
sender and the receiver apply different meanings to everyone to ignore.
the same message?
there will be no communication 104. What type of paragraph development is this?
the communication may succeed or fail
there will be misunderstanding that leads to break
the communication might not exist
10. Anong uri ng di-berbal ng komunikasyon ang 19. Anong uri ng di - berbal ang tumutukoy sa
tumutukoy sa pagpapadama gamit ang paghaplos distansiya?
sa taong kinakausap? Pictics
Haptics Proximics
Oculesis Vocalics
Kinesics Chronemics
Objectics 20. Sino ang nagpanukala sa S.P.E.A.K.I.N.G?
11. Anong uri ng di-berbal ang tumutukoy sa galaw Dell Hymes
ng katawan? Badayos
Objectics Henry Gleason
Haptics M.A.K Halliday
Oculesis 21. Anong sangkap ng komunikasyon angn
Kinesics nagsisilbing daanan ng mensahe patungo sa
12. Anong uri ng di-berbal ang gumagamit ng tagatanggap nito?
bagay tungo sa mabisang paglalahad ng Mensahe
mensahe? Hadlang
Objectics Feedback
Haptics Tsanel
Kinesics 22. Anong uri ng komunikasyon ang nagaganap sa
Oculesis pagitan ng dalawang tao o maliliit na grupo na
13. Anong uri ng di-berbal ang naglalahad ng nagkakaroon ng palitan ng mensahe?
mensahe sa pamamagitan ng pang-amoy? Interpersonal
Pictics Intrapersonal
Iconics Pampubliko
Olfactorics Machine-Assisted
Colorics 23. Mabaho - may tae
14. Anong uri ng di-berbal ang naglalahad ng Oculetics
mensahe sa pamamagitan ng pagtataglay ng kulay Olfactorics
ng simbolo sa anyo ng pagpapakahulugan? Kinesics
Colorics Objectics
Iconics 24. Pagyakap – nangangamusta
Pictics Haptics
Pragmatics 36. X - means wrong or delete
Iconics Iconics
Objectics Pictics
25. Nagmamadaling maglakad - late na siya Objectics
Objectics 37. Interpretatibong pagsayaw - pagpapakita ng
Chronemics menshe ng kanta
Vocalics Haptics
26. 7:00AM na - gising na Pragmatics
Iconics Proxemics
Chronemics 38. Exclamation point - bilang babala o paalala
Acrynomics Objectics
27. emoji – expresyon Olphatorics
Pictics Iconics
Syntactics 39. Dilaw na ang mangga - hinog na
Iconics Iconics
28. Singsing – proposal Objectics
Iconics Colorics
Chronemics 40. Kinalabit - nais tawagin ang atensyon
Tactics Iconics
29. Pag-irap - galit sa iyo Haptics
Pictics Auditics
Chronemics 41. Isinigaw ng nanay mo ang iyong pangalan -
Haptics galit na siya sa iyo
30. Pagkuyom ng mga kamay - nagpipigil ng Vocalics
emosyon Iconics
Iconics Haptics
Haptics 42. Pagtili - nakita si crush
Kinesics Optimics
31. Harapang pag-usap - interview Anorensics
Kinesics Vocalics
Hypolitics 43. 12:00 na ng gabi - tulugan na
Proxemics Colorics
32. Pagngiti – masaya Pictics
Pictics Iconics
Iconics 44. Silence means yes
Proxemics Vocalics
33. Malayo siya sa iyo - galit sa iyo Proxemics
Haptics Pragmatics
Olfactories 45. Street signs or symbols
Proxemics Objectics
34. Medalya at tropeyo - nanalo sa patimpalak Iconics
Oculesics Chronemics
Objectics 46. Nanlaki ang mata – nagulat
Pictics Olfactories
35. Haplos - pagbibigay comfort Kinesics
Haptics Pragmatics
Pictics 47. Kulay brown na ang dahon - bulok na ito
Proxemics Chronemics
Iconics Sosyolek
Kinesics Idyolek
Colorics Pidgin
48. Magkatabi sa upuan - close sila sa isa't isa
Objectics 57. Gumawa ng paraan para magkaintindihan ang
Prolictics Hapones na si Fumya at Tsinong si Chua. Kaya
Iconics bumuo sila ng mga bagong salita.
Proxemics Pidgin
49. Green means go Idyolek
Pictics Sosyolek
Reflecsonics 58. Anong barayti ng wika ang iniaangkop ng
Iconics tagapagsalita ang kanyang wikang gagamitin sa
kausap at sitwasyon.
50. Pagsimagot – naiinis Idyolek
Opsyon 1 Sosyolek
Anoresics Pidgin
Haptics Register
59. "Grabe na 'to, to the highest level." Kilalang-
51. Kumulubot ang noo - nagtataka kilala ng mga tao ay boses ni Ruffa Mae Quinto
Pragmatics Idyolek
Pictics Sosyolek
Iconics Pidgin
Acronatics Etnolek
52. Ito ay umiiral sa mga sitwasyong 60. "Why always so tagal? I'm so inip na here. I'm
kinasasangkutan ng dalawa o iilang tao. galit-galit to you na."Pag-iinarte ni Carylle sa
kontekstong panggrupo Kaibigan si Marriane
kontekstong pangmasa Sosyolek
kontekstong pang-organisasyon Idyolek
kontekstong interpersonal Etnolek
BONUS. Bugtong-bugtong. Hindi pari, hindi hari. Dayalek
Nagdadamit ng sari-sari. 61. Tulang liriko na para sa pagsamba, pagpuri o
Pusa pananalangin sa mga santo, sa Diyos, at kay
Tipaklong Birheng Maria.
Paruparo Soneto
Aso Elehiya
53. Natutuhan ni Julius sa kanyang kaibigang Dalit
Ivatan na ang katawagan ng full moon ay Bulanon. Pasyon
Idyolek 62. Mga salaysay hinggil sa mga likhang isip na
Etnolek mga tauhan na kumakatawanbsa mga uri ng
Sosyolek kultura, paniniwala o pamumuhay ng mamamayan
Creole sa isang lugar.
54. "Hoy pre pautang naman, gipit na ako eh." Pabula
Saad ni Joseph sa kaibigan. Ngunit nagbago ito sa Kuwentong Bayan
kanyan Ate "te pwede mo po ba akong pahiramin Parabula
ng pera." Sanaysay
Pidgin 63. "Eooowzz pohzz qmuztha na phowzz kauuu?
Creole Text ni Gina sa kanyang mga kaibigan
Sosyolek Idyolek
Register Dayalek
55. Iba ang pananalita ng Tagalog ng mga taga- Sosyolek
Maynila kumpara sa Tagalog ng mga taga- Etnolek
Batangas. 64. "Sinecth itey na kalorking baklalush ang
Idyolek everyday hagardo bersosa?" Wika ni Alfred sa
Dayalek kaibigan si May
Pigdin Pidgin
Register Creole
56. Mabilis makilala ng mga tao ang bibong boses Sosyolek
ni Marc Logan at kadalsan kingigilwan ito ng mga Dayalek
65. Kuwento tungkol sa kabayanihan ng tauhan na Pabula
may kakaibang kakayahan o kapangyarihan. Kuwentong Bayan
Anekdota Parabula
Epiko Sanaysay
Alamat 75. Tula hinggil sa guni-guni sa mga yumaong
mahal sa buhay.
66. Mga kuwentong hango sa biblya na ginamit ng Soneto
Hesus sa kanyang Pangangaral. Elehiya
Pabula Dalit
Kuwentong Bayan Pasyon
Sanaysay 76. Kuwentong ang mga tauhang gumaganap ay
mga hayop at mga bagay na walang buhay na
67. Anong barayti ng wika ang ginagamit ng mga kapupulutan ng gintong aral.
pangkat etniko. Pabula
Pidgin Kuwentong Bayan
Creole Parabula
Sosyolek Sanaysay
77. Tumatalakay sa kakaiba o kakatwang
68. "Ay Pedro ako'y lagi mo na laang niloloko tayo'y pangyayari sa buhay ng isang KILALANG TAO.
maghiwalay na". May punto ng nga taga-Quezon Anekdota
ang paraan ng pananalita. Epiko
Idyolek Talambuhay
Dayalek Alamat
Creole 78. Ang El Filibusterismo ay binubuo ng ilang
69. Tulang liriko tungkol sa pagpapakasakit at 36
pagkamatay ni Kristo. 39
Soneto 34
Dalit 79. Ang Mahabharata ang pinakamahabang epiko
Pasyon sa buong mundo na nagmula sa bansang…
70. Tumatalakay pinagmulan ng mga bagay-bagay. Italya
Epiko 80. Ang Iliad at Odessey ay isinulat ni….
Talambuhay Chaucer
Alamat Confucious
71. Ito ay barayti ng wikang hindi pagmamay-ari
ninuman. Ito ang pinagmulan ng barayting Creole. 81. Tumatalakay sa mitolohiya at teolohiya ng mga
Pidgin mamamayan ng Ehipto.
Idyolek Aklat ng mga Patay
Dayalek Awit ni Rolando
Register Aklat ng mga Araw
72. Nabigo sa pag-ibig si Jen. Nagpunta siya ng 82. Naging batayan ng pananampalataya at
Abra upang makalimot. Sa pagtigil niya roon ay kalinangang Intsik.
marami siyang natutuhang mga katutubong salita. Awit ni Rolando
Etnolek Aklat ng mga Araw ni Confucius
Register Divina Comedia
Pidgin 83. Banal na aklat ng mga Muslim.
73. Ito ay barayti ng wikang natatangi lamang sa Bibliya
isang tao. Ito ay sarili niyang paraan ng Iliad at Odessey
Sosyolek 84. Mababatid ng isang manunuri sa pananaw na
Creole ito kung taglay ba ng akda ang pagpapahalaga sa
Dayalek disiplina at kaayusang nararapat o inaasahan ng
Idyolek madla.
74. Isang akdang panitikan na naglalahad ng Formalismo
opinyon o ideya ng isang tao hinggil sa Klasismo
napapanahong isyu. Romantisismo
85. Karaniwang ginagamit sa pananaw na ito ang 93. Pinalulutang sa pananaw o dulog na ito ang
pagbibigay-halaga sa tunggalian sa pagitan ng damdamin kaysa kaisipan.
dalawang malalakas at magkasalungat na puwersa Realismo
o kapangyarihan. Eksistensiyalismo
Moralistiko Romantisismo
Marxismo Moralistiko
Humanismo 94. Uri ng panitikan na likas at angkin na ng mga
katutubong pilipino noon.
86. Karamihan sa mga akdang sinusuri gamit ang PANULAAN
pananaw na ito ay dumadalumat sa kalagayan ng DULAAN
lipunan at sa uri ng mga taong namayagpag sa ALAMAT
panahong ito. DAGLI
Moralistiko 95. Ito ang naging tahanan ng mga babasahing
Humanismo propaganda ng mga Pilipinong Makabayan. Alin
Romantisismo ang HINDI kabilang.
Diyaryong Tagalog
87. Ipinakikita sa pananaw na ito na ang tao ay Kalayaan
malayang magpasya para sa kanyang sarili upang La Solidaridad
mapalutang ang pagiging indibidwal nito at nang sa Liwayway
gayon ay hindi maikahon ng lipunan.
Klasismo 96. Sa panahon na ito ginamit ang panulat upang
Eksistensiyalismo gisingin ang natutulog na kamalayan ng mga
Realismo Pilipino upang waksihan ang pamapangabusong
Humanismo kapangyarihan ng mga nandayuhan.
Panahon ng Himagsikan
88. Pinahahalagahan ng teoryang ito ang katwiran Pulitikal na paghihimagsik
at pagsusuri, may layunin ding ilahad ang Panahon ng Hapon
katotohanan, kabutihan at kagandahan. Panahon ng Kastila
Realismo 97. Ito ang panahon ng Dulaang Pilipino.
Klasismo Panahon ng Kastila
Romantisismo Panahon ng Hapones
Panahon ng Himagsikan
89. Ipinalalasap ng pananaw na ito ang Panahon ng Amerikano
katotohanan ng buhay maging ito man ay hindi
maganda. Layunin nitong ilahad ang mga 98. Sa panahon na ito hindi lang wikang Kastila
pangyayari sa tunay na buhay. ang ginamit sa pagsulat kundi ang pagbuhay sa
Sikolohikal sariling wika, ang Tagalog.
Moralistiko Panahon ng Kastila
Sosyolohikal Panahon ng Propaganda
Realismo Panahon ng Amerikano
Panahon ng Hapon
90. Ang pananaw na ito ay nagpapahalaga higit sa 99. Ang dulang pantulaan hinggil sa sakripisyo at
tao kaysa sa anomang bagay. pagpapako kay Kristo.
Arketipo Duplo
Moralistiko Senakulo
Humanismo Tibag
Eksistensiyalismo Pasyon
91. Sa pananaw na ito makikita ang takbo o galaw 100. Panahon o taon ng dumating ang mga kastila?
ng isipan ng manunulat. 1521
Sosyolohikal 1987
Sikolohikal 1565
Humanismo 1972
92. Sa pamamagitan ng pananaw na ito, nasusuri
ang kalagayan ng kababaihan at ang
pagkakapantay-pantay ng kalagayan ng
kababaihan at kalalakihan sa lipunan at maging sa