Gen. Ed. Reviewer

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SOCIAL SCIENCE (SAPPAYANI) 11. Who among the Presidents of the

1. Whose philosophy advocate the use of Philippines was known for his love for the "little
reason in understanding the existence of God? man" and opened Malacañang Palace to all? 
A. St. Benedict A. Ferdinand Marcos
B. St. Peter B. Carlos P. Garcia
C. St. John C. Ramon Magsaysay
D. St. Thomas Aquinas D. Elpidio Quirino
2. Which of the following were the greatest 11. Inhabitants or the population of the of the state
naval battles in history during Japanese that comprises its citizens.*
occupation of the Philippines? Sovereignty
A. Battle of Leyte gulf Government
B. Claveri Territory
C. Surigao Strait People
D. Dela Torre 12. How were the natives of the Philippines
3. Which department has the authority to make called during Spanish occupation?
laws and to alter them when needed? A. Principalia
A. Executive B. Indios
B. Legislative C. Insulares
C. Judicial D. Peninsulares
D. Administrative 13. It is considered the National Language in
4. In whose term was the celebration date of the Philippines.
Philippine Independence Day changed from A. Pilipino
July 4 to June 12? B. Filipino
A. Diosdado Macapagal C. Tagalog
B. Ferdinand Marcos D. English
C. Carlos P. Garcia 14. Which was the first labor union in the
D. Elpidio Quirino country founded by Isabelo de los Reyes on
5. Which of the following is not a main body of July 1901?
water in Southeastern Asia? A. Association of the Philippine Labor
A. Amazon River B. Union Obrera Democratica
B. Sulu Sea C. Union Trabajadores de Filipinos
C. Celebes Sea D. Association de Compania Tabacalera
D. Luzon Strait 15. During World War II, the Filipino- American
6. In Philippine history, who was known as “The forces last defense against the Japanese took
Great Dissenter”? place in?
A. Camilo Osias A. Bataan
B. Manuel Roxas B. Corregidor
C. Claro M. Recto C. Manila
D. Eulogio Rodriguez D. Tarlac
7. Governor General Narciso Claveria was 16. Which band played the Marcha Nacional
responsible for the ________________. Filipino of the national anthem on June 12,1898
A. Abolition of the Galleon Trade during the declaration of Philippine
B. Establishment of the Tobacco Monopoly Independence?
C. Use of Spanish surname by Filipinos A. Pangkat Kawayan ng Pateros
D. Establishment of the Galleon Trade B. Kawit Cavite Band
8. A foreigner once remarked: "I envy Filipinos. C. San Francisco de Malabon Band
They can sleep anywhere." What Filipino trait is D. DelMonte Band
being praised?  17. Which constitutional safeguard prevents
A. Faith in God one branch of government from becoming
B: Adaptability powerful or abusive?
C. Joy and humor A. Impeachment
D. Creativity B. Ombudsman
9. What was the first book published in the C. Check and Balance
Philippines? D. Laissez Faire
A. Del Superior Govierno 18. Who led the first European's who arrived in
B. Doctrina Christiana the Philippine history? 
C. Pasiong Mahal A. Miguel Lopez de Legazpi
D. Barlaame Josaphat B, Roy Villalobos
10. The Philippines is part of a western Pacific C. Marco Polo
arc system that is characterized by what? D. Ferdinand Magellan
A. tornados 19. What best describes the form of government
B. active volcanoes of England with its parliament, a prime minister,
C. heat waves and a queen or king?
D. dust storms A. Constitutional monarchy
B. Anarchism
C. Ethnocracy
D. Democracy 29. A role or status assigned according to
20. What law passed on August 1909 by the U.S. heredity traits without regard to individual
Congress established a partial free trade in the preference, ability or performance.
Philippines? A. Achieved
A. Bell Trace B. Altered
B. Payne-Aldrich Act C. Ascribed
C. Treaty on General Relations D. Applied
D. Underwood-Simmons Act 30. In which poem did Rizal inspire every
21. A cluster of behavior patterns related to the Filipino to offer one's life for one's-country? 
general culture of a society and yet A. Mi Retiro
distinguishable from it. B. A La Juventud Filipina
A. Sub-culture C. Las Flores del Heidelberg
B. Norm D. Mi Ultimo Adios
C. Culture shock 31. Which religious missionaries first arrived in
D. mores the Philippines?
22. Which is the ultimate aim of the A. Dominicans
Constitutional mandate on social justice? B. Franciscan
A. To reduce the gap between the rich and the C. Jesuits
poor. D. Augustinians
B. To eradicate poverty 32. Theorizes that the Philippines in the earlier
C. To attain social equality times there were land bridges that allow the
D. To conscientize the rich to share their wealth early inhabitants to move from one region to
with the poor another.
23. During the Spanish era, who was the A. Volcanic Origin
revolutionary leader who waged a long war B. Continental Drift Theory
against the government because it did not allow C. Land Bridge Theory
proper burial for his brother? D. Asiatic Theory
A. Macario Sakay 33. What is the longest river in the Philippines?
B. Andres Bonifacio A. Agno River
C. Diego Silang B. Cagayan River
D. Francisco Dagohoy C. Pasig River
24. The Japanese successful invasion was D. Marikina River
climaxed by the surrender of the joint Filipino 34. What is one of the man-made wonders of
American forces on May 6, 1942. Where did this the Philippines?
happen? A. Rice terraces
A. Bataan B. Mount Makiling
B. Corregidor C. Manila Bay
C. Tarlac D. Taal Volcano
D. Manila 35. Who created the designs for the Philippine
25. Tax imposed on all employed and practicing national flag?
professionals A. Andres Bonifacio
A. Income tax B. Apolinario Mabini
B. Real estate tax C. Emilio Aguinaldo
C. Community tax D. Antonio Luna
D. Inheritance tax 36. The incident that led to the outbreak of the
26. It is the date which marked the Philippine Filipino-American war was?
Independence Day when Emilio Aguinaldo A. Pres. McKinley’s proclamation of the
waved the Philippine Flag for the first time in “Benevolent Assimilation Policy”
Kawit, Cavite. B. The San Juan bridge incident where a
A. June 12, 1896 Filipino soldier was shot by an American sentry
B. June 12, 1898 C. The battle of Manila Bay
C. June 12, 1899 D. Aguinaldo’s declaration of independence
D. June 12, 1900 Option 5
27. Which of the following is not a human 37. Supreme power of the state to rule over its
activity that threats the incredible biological citizens within its territory and be free from
diversity of the Amazon Wildlife? control of foreign states.*
A. El Niño Phenomenon People
B. Massive deforestation Territory
C. Development of rural settlement Government
D. Increased in demand for lumber Sovereignty
28. The Philippines is located in what region in 38. For which are the Filipinos thankful for
Asia? Julian Felipe?
A. Southwest Asia A. the tune of the National Anthem
B. Southeastern Asia B. the making of the national flag
C. Northwestern Asia C. the lyrics of the National Anthem
D. None of these D. the draft of the Malolos Constitution
39. Where was the Death March ended? B. Diosdado Macapagal
A. Pampanga C. Ferdinand Marcos
B. La Union D. Rodrigo Duterte
C. Bulacan 46. In 1565, Legaspi concluded a blood compact
D. Tarlac with the chief of Bohol. Who is referred to?
40. Half the sphere that divides the earth into A. Raja Sulayman
two from north to south and from east to west B. Sikatuna
is the? C. Lakandula
A. Equator D. Rajah Tupas
B. Hemisphere 47. The province in the Philippines which was
C. Meridian called “MA- I “by the Chinese in the 14th
D. Tropic zone century is?
41. What happens to a good action when it is A. Ilocos
perform on account of an evil motive? B. Mindoro
A. It becomes good C. Cavite
B. It becomes evil D. Palawan
C. It becomes morally good 48. The right invoked in the “writ of habeas
D. It becomes an amoral act data” is ________________________.
41. When a supervisor is tasked to report A. The right to information privacy.
unsatisfactory performance of her co-workers B. Right to gather information data.
who are also her friends. She may experience C. The right to search for information.
A. Role set D. Right to transmit data.
B. Role strain 49. How many days are needed after which an
C. Role conflict enrolled bill becomes a law?
D. Role ambiguity A. 75 days
42. What economic policy in 16th century in B. 90 days
Europe influenced Spain’s expansionist policy C. 60 days
to discover new lands? D. 30 days
A. Spice-trading 50. Which policy of the state provides
B. Capitalism preferential attention to the welfare of the less
C. Mercantilism fortunate members of the Philippines society?
D. Colonialism A. Social justice
43. Of the seven continents comprising B. Criminal justice
continues land mass surrounded by big bodies C. Distributive justice
of water, the biggest is _________? D. Bill of rights
A. Asia 51. Which principle states that no man in this
B. Australia country is above the law and that law must be
C. Europe obeyed by all and applied to everyone -rich or
D. Northern America poor, lowly or powerful-without fear or favor?
44. Which is a check on the executive A. Rule of law
department by the judiciary in the principal B. Rule of the majority
check and balance among branches of the C. Separation of Church and state
government? D. Social justice
A. Impeachment of the Chief of Justice of the 52. Which is the largest country in Asia?
Supreme Court A. China
B. Determining the salary of the President and B. Philippines
Vice-President C. Japan
C. Declaring a legislative measure D. Thailand
unconstitutional 53. Does Congress have the sole power to
D. Declaring an act of the President declare the existence of war?
unconstitutional A. Yes.
44. Which of the following best described the B. Yes provided the President approves of it.
Katipunan? C. No, the House of Representatives has also
A. It was a movement that wanted reforms from the power provided, vote is unanimous
Spain D. No, the senate has also the power on
B. It was movement which aimed for the condition that no Senator objects.
Philippine separation from Spain through force 54. Gregoria de Jesus saw her husband
C. It was working to make the Philippines a ________ charge for treason by fellow Filipinos
province of Spain who have formed the Philippine Revolutionary
D. It was a movement meant to strengthen force to fight Spain.
colonial Government A. Marcelo H. Del Pilar
45. He was the first president of the Philippines B. Emilio Aguinaldo
to be from Mindanao, and is the oldest person C. Andres Bonifacio
to assume office. D. Jose Rizal
Option 1 55. "Trabaho lang, walang personalan" is a
A. Emilio Aguinaldo reminder for every Filipino to counteract his?
A. lack of discipline 66.  Who is known as the “Father of the Local
B. extreme personalism Government Code”?
C. tendency to be lazy A. Joey Lina
D. tendency to overwork B. Joseph Estrada
56. The fundamental right invoked by filling the C. Jovito Salonga
“writ of amparo” is ________________.  D. Aquilino Pimentel
A. The right to due process 67. What was the signal of the Philippine
B. The right to self-defense Rebellion against Spain?
C. The right to be defended by a public attorney A. Pact of Biak-na-Bato
D. The right to life, liberty and security B. Battle of San Juan del Monte
57. Where did the name of the Philippines come C. La Liga Filipina
from? D. Cry of Pugadlawin
A. King Philip II of Spain 68. In the early 1990s, this volcano exploded
B. Queen Ellizabeth II and it is one the most violent in the 20th
C. King Philip I of Spain century. What is the name of this volcano?
D. Queensland A. Mt. Mayon
58. Can you be arrested without a warrant of B. Mt. Hibok-hibok
arrest? C. Mt. Kanlaon
A. No, if you are a minor D. Mt. Pinatubo
B. No, if you are more than 60 years old 69. The Earth's zero of longitude , which by
C. Yes, if you were reported to have committed convention passes through Greenwich,
a crime England.*
D. Yes, if you are in the act of committing a Prime Meridians
crime Longitude
59. An achieved position in a society  Latitude
A. Heir to the throne Equator
B. Movie actor 70. The Americans acquired the Philippines as
C. Presidential son their colony because?
D. First lady A. They invade the Philippines
60. To which type of political system does B. They help the Filipinos fight the Spaniards
Philippines belong? C. Spain cede the Philippines by virtue of the
A. Oligarchy Treaty of Paris of 1898
B. Totalitarianism D. They defeated the Spaniards
C. Democracy 71. When an individual is imprisoned without
D. Anarchy proper investigation what right is violated?
61. Who has the power to declare the existence A. Right to due process of law
of a state of war? B. Right to secure persons
A. Chief Justice C. Right to process paper
B. President D. Right to protection
C. Senate President 72. Which is the fundamental law of the land?
D. Congress A. Bill of Rights
62., Through the Galleon Trade (1565-1815), the B. Constitution
Philippines had extended contacts with C. Civil Criminal Code
________. D. Ten Commandments
A. Spain 73. He is known as the “Brain of the
B. Spice Island Revolution”?
C. China A. Andres Bonifacio
D. Mexico B. Apolinario Mabini
63. Refers to the difficulty people have in C. Emilio Jacinto
meeting their role obligations D. Gregorio Del Pilar
A. Role conflict 74. In a matriarchal family which family member
B. Role strain plays the leading role?
C. Role set A. Grandmother
D. Role ambiguity B. Mother
64. Which is a visible Hispanic legacy?  C. Oldest sister
A. Love for fast food D. Aunt
B. Love for basketball 75. The Katipunan was the movement founded
C. Prevalence of noodles by Bonifacio. What was its major objective?
D. Prevalence of Spanish surnames among A. Seeks reform from Spain
Filipinos B. Demand for equal rights and privilege for
65. Promised to “make this country great Filipinos
again.” Ruled for about twenty years. C. Separation of the Philippines from Spain
A. Diosdado Macapagal D. Assimilation of Philippines by Spain
B. Ramon Magsaysay 76. What Philippine city is known as "Historic
C. Ferdinand Marcos City?
D. Carlos Garcia A. Makati
B. Pasay B. Noise
C. Marikina C. Context
D. Caloocan D. Message
77. Who is the President who is known for his
“Filipino First Policy”? 4. Which statement does NOT describe the
A. Diosdado Macapagal decoding process?
B. Carlos P. Garcia A. It is deciding on the medium to use in
C. Manuel Roxas transmitting a message.
D. Ramon Magsaysay B. It involves interpretation.
78. The tax required to be paid annually by all C. It is assigning meaning to the message.
adult citizens of the Philippines is the D. It is usually done by the receiver in a
______________. communication process
A. Community tax
B. Income tax 5. You deliver a speech about the importance of
C. real estate tax higher education to a group of Senior High school
D. Inheritance tax students. What is the message in the
79. Which city in the Philippines known as "The communication situation?
Sugar Bowl of the Philippines"? A. The Senior High school students
A. Cebu B. You
B. Manila C. Importance of higher education
C. Negros D. Your voice and language
D. Davao City
80. Participation in governance, including the 6. Which of the following should NOT feature in the
right to vote and seek public office is secured final paragraph of an application letter?
within the citizenry’s ________________. A. A statement thanking the reader for their
A. Political rights time/consideration.
B. Right of suffrage B. Your availability in attending an interview.
C. Socio-civic rights C. A statement saying you look forward to hearing
D. Right to due process from the reader.
81. Who was the last Spanish Governor-General D. Why you are applying for the position.
of the Philippines?
A. Ramon Blanco
B. Diego de los Rios 7. Which of the following should NOT be included in
C. Basilio Agustin an application letter?
D. Fermin Jaudenes A. Why you are applying for the position
82. Nile River: World: _______: Philippines B. Your interest in or knowledge of the organization
A. Amburayan River C. Details of problems you have had with
B. Rio Grande of Mindanao employers in the past
C. Cagayan River D. Your skills, qualifications and experience that
D. Agusan River are relevant to the position applied for
PURPOSIVE COMMUNICATION-ASSESSMENT 8. When asked to provide 2-4 professional
PART 1 -75 ITEMS (Ethel Derain) references, this means:
A. My family members, including siblings and
1.The method of human communication, either parents
spoken or written, consisting of the use of words in B. My relative Uncle George, who is the president
a structured and conventional way. Also used by a of BDO
particular country or community. C. My current/former manager, co-workers, or
a. Communication professors from college
b. Speech Community D. All of the above
c. Language
d. Language Acquisition
9.Since HR offices conduct background and
reference checks, it is always good to __ on a
2. The act of conveying meanings from one entity resume.
or group to another through the use of mutually A. Lie
understood signs, symbols, and semiotic rules B. Tell the truth
A. Communication C. Be very vague when sharing information
B. Language Learning D. None of the above
C. Speech Community
D. Language Acquisition
10. When listing previous work experience or skills,
which one should you put first?
3. A static over a phone line, misinterpreting a local A. The most important
custom, and language differences are a few B. The least important
examples of ____. C. The oldest
A. Feedback D. The most interesting but unrelated
19. What type of punctuation mark is appropriate to
11. Which of the following is the safest email use in the salutation?
address style to use on your resume (and even at A. colon (:)
work)? B. period (.)
A. C. comma (,)
B. D. semi-colon (;)
D. 20. Which of the following is to be avoided in writing
complimentary closing especially in making formal
12. Which among the statements is NOT TRUE letters?
about public speaking? A. Yours truly
A. Speakers must know the context of the B. Sincerely yours
audience. C. Lovingly yours
B. Speakers must vary his tone and volume. D. Respectfully yours
C. Speakers master nonverbal expressions and
use them appropriately. 21. What is the first part in writing an application
D. Speakers deliver monotone expressions to insist letter?
on an idea. A. body
B. letterhead
C. inside address
13. Which is NOT an advantage one utilizes a D. complimentary closing
A. It allows the speaker to be himself/herself. 22. Jenny is shooting for her visual speech to be
B. It lets the speaker refrain from memorizing or submitted on Friday. However, as she reviewed the
forgetting the words. video, she noticed that she looked very pale and
C. It works to repeat jumbled words and phrases haggard. What specific thing she was supposed to
over and again. do before shooting?
D. It makes you confident that you are guided with A. Blower the hair, put lipstick on, foundation and
your thoughts. blush on.
B. Go to the salon and have a pedicure, manicure
14. When you do public speaking, your hand and make up.
gestures and body language should _______. C. Eat green leafy vegetables and juicy fruits for
A. Match your words and be natural her not to look pale.
B. Confuse the audience D. Must have applied make up on and grooming to
C. Scare the audience look presentable and natural.
D. Scripted or planned movements
23. Alice is known to be one of the best video
15. During your speech, what should you do? editors in the classroom. However, as her instructor
A. Mumble in English suggested to do an audio-visual
B. Use a lot of “uhhms” and “aahhhs” presentation without any unnecessary video effects
C. Read off your slides because you are nervous for formality, it was noticed that her video size did
D. Avoid using filler words or touching your face or not occupy the entire screen. What technique did
clothes Alice fail to apply?
A. Flip horizontally the video to occupy the space.
16. Positive gestures are body signals that make B. Let the camera be in a portrait format for a wider
you look: viewing and showing.
A. Nervous C. Let the camera be in a landscape format to
B. Confident surely fit on the whole screen.
C. Fearful D. Zoom in the video to occupy the space and crop
D. Arrogant excessive backgrounds.

17. All of these choices are considered as 24.The following are effective exercises to achieve
nonverbal communication except for: effective enunciation EXCEPT:
A. Time and space A. Tongue twisters.
B. distance B. Eyebrow raising.
C. voiced C. Retracting the tongue.
D. touch D. Move the jaw from left to right

18. Why is it important to use simple and plain 25. Gio is an avid fan of Joshlia's love team.
words in writing an application letter? However, he was disappointed by the news that
A. easily get hired Julia is having an affair with her leading man in the
B. to avoid misinterpretation movie, “Between Maybes”. There are a lot of
C. ideas are straight to the point offensive comments and bashes that are popping
D. makes the reader easy to understand up in all of his social media accounts. So, he
defends team Joshlia by opposing negative issues
toward them. What type of informal debate does 32. Why do you need to create a different resume
Gio imply in the situation? for each job and incorporate only the information
A. Online Debate pertinent to the job description you are applying?
B. Academic Debate A. To lessen the number words you write, keeping
C. Business Meeting your resume short.
D. Debate by Yourself B. To have more chances of getting read by the
employers you would like to work with
26. Ellen is a well-known owner of Net Central C. To write more information your employer would
internet café. She used to call for a year-end like to read from you.
meeting every last week of December for proposals D. To alleviate the tendency to crowd your resume
of new projects for the café. However, one of the with non-related information
managers always disagrees with the owner's offers
for some personal reasons which sometimes lead 33. Why do you need to keep your resume as short
to misunderstanding. What type of informal debate as possible?
is being revealed in the situation? A. To encourage your employer to read more
A.Academic Debate irrelevant information
B.Educational Debate B. To get notice right away your top selling points.
C.Company Conflicts C. To show that you are a person of many
D. Business Meeting qualifications.
D. To discourage the employer from having a
27. Tony starts his resume with a one-sentence background check on you.
declaration of the type of job that he is seeking.
Hence it appears beneath the heading and he 34. How does self-promoting and writing your
makes sure that it is specific as possible. abilities in the resume work well?
A. Education A. Because job-hunting is a competition and you
B. Experience want to be popular.
C. Objective B. Because you want to show how good you are
D. Skills/highlights compared to other applicants.
C. Because employers want to see more from you
28. He stated his paid or unpaid jobs together with even those undescribed.
his previous job titles, his employer, the city he D. Because employers want to see proof that you
worked at, followed by the dates of his can do the job efficiently
A. Education 35. Why do you have to keep your resume clean
B. Experience and neat?
C. Objective A. Because a poorly typed resume looks
D. Skills/highlights unprofessional which speaks of you.
B. Because it shows camaraderie towards the new
29. Tony even provided the scholarships he had working place.
together with other related honors. He provided the C. Because it is required by the management to do
date he received these and gave necessary short so.
descriptions of its nature and purpose. D. Because it shows emphasis on how you really
A. Reference want to get the job.
B. Skills/highlights
C. Objective 36. Which of the following best describes the word
D. Awards communication?
A. Involves sender, receiver, message and
30. He listed his previous employer together with feedback.
his former professors and advisors in his resume to B. A method of transferring one information to
help his potential employer to speak to them about another.
how they know his qualification very well to the job C. A process of exchanging thoughts and
he is applying. information between the sender and the receiver.
A. Reference D. None the above mentioned.
B. Skills/highlights
C. Objective 37. What is the best description of the word
D. Awards meeting?
A. Discussion of different plans.
31.Jake provided a list of all the schools he has B. Assembly for the upcoming event.
graduated from, along with their addresses and the C. Gathering of people for specific purposes.
degree he has earned with the date he attained it. D. Conducting consultation for important matter.
A. Education
B. Experience 38. Who is responsible for the minutes of the
C. Objective meeting and assembles the list of attendees?
D. Skills/highlights A. Chairman
B. Treasurer
C. Secretary
D. Participants 47. This is the type of communication barrier which
happens to be environmental and in natural
39. Marie wasn't able to follow the discussion condition.
during the conference because of the morning A. noise
news about her niece who has stage 3 bone B. storm
cancer. Hence, she cannot focus and feels worried C. physical
all throughout the session. D. psychological
A. physical barrier
B. poor retention 48. This type of communication barrier that refers to
C. lack of attention the emotional state of a person or opinion that
D. closed mind or filtering hinders the person to effective communication.
A. lack of attention
40. Instead Nida disturbs everyone for her early exit B. poor retention
in a meeting, he just waves and smile to the forum C. physical
at the back and and slowly departs. What type of D. psychological
element of communication does this tell?
A. verbal 49. Lina does not care of the information presented
B. non-verbal in the forum because the presenter seems to be
C. paralinguistic technique her classmate during high school who happened to
D. haptics be the only reason she was not able to receive latin
honors. Therefore, Lina chooses only to absorb
41. This is an element of communication where one information that is significant or could give
has to take charge of the interpretation and advantage to her. This situation is an example of
understanding of the message. what TYPE of barrier under psychological?
A. encode *
B. decode A. mistrust
C. sender B. lack of attention
D. receiver C. lack of attention
D. closed mind or filtering

42. What is the mnemonics of the elements of 50. Below are the importance of conducting
communication? meetings except for:
A. RSCMF A. to collaborate better
B. SRMCF B. to boost creativity
C. FMRCS C. to educate others
D. RMFCS D. to defend a stand

43. Touch: haptics, distance:_____ 51. Which of the following statements concerning
A. oculesics "JARGON" is correct?
B. cronemics It is scientific terminology that is exact and should
C. proxemics be used with patients.
It is a commonplace terminology unique to people
D. paralinguistic within a specific type of work that should be
avoided when talking to clients or patients
44.Proposition: motion, audience judge: Jargon is indicative of highly qualified and
A. chair professional workers.
B. affirmative Health care workers are expected to learn Jargon
C. adjucators and use it daily.
D. adjudicators
52. The following are some of the advantages of
preparing a speech or an oral report.
45. This is the reply or response of the decoder to Which of the following is incorrect?
encoder. a.) Improve speaking skills
A. reply b.) Develops critical thinking
B. echo c.) Boosting confidence
C. feedback d.) Gain money and friends
D. channel
53. The following are a few tips for giving an
46. Communication comes from the latin word interesting speech. Which of these is not included
"communis" which means in the options?
A. commons a.) Be excited/be energetic
B. come together b.) Don’t make an eye contact with the audience
C. share in common c.) Avoid just reading from the screen
D. commune d.)be confident
62. This refers to the receptive communication
54. When may we claim that the speaker effectively channel provided by the sense of hearing.
delivered the speech? Gustatory
a.) The speaker is shaking Olfactory
b.) The speaker does not have a modulated voice Aural
c.) Having some vocal fillers Tactile
d.) The audience are attentive
63. This style of public speaking needs two
opposing parties to solve an issue via arguments
55. Speech that emphasizes on what has and reach a consensus.
happened, is happening, or will happen. Extemporaneous
a. Speeches about concept Debate
b. Speeches about processes Oration
c. Speeches about objects Impromptu speaking
d. Speeches about event
64. Pronunciation means
56. Except for one, a professional public speaker the manner in which a word is spoken
must possess the following characteristics: refers to how clearly and sharply the word is being
a.) Confidence uttered
b.) Procrastination
c.) Organize 65.enunciation means
d.) Productive the manner in which a word is spoken
refers to how clearly and sharply the word is being
57. Ronald wishes to ensure that the audience will uttered
listen to him and consider him as a qualified to talk
on the subject of his informative speech. Which of 66. This is the written/typed record of an official
the following actions should he take? proceeding, notes recounting the transactions
He should include valid arguments in his speech. occurring at a meeting or official proceeding.
He should make use of complex words and jargon. minutes
He should show to his audiences that he is a official record
credible speaker. secretary's record
He should be creative. proof document

58.Relates to how space is used to express a 67. Below are the advantages while taking notes
concept or picture. by hand during a meeting except
Chronemics You can pay attention to what's happening in the
Overly communication meeting rather than focusing on typing.
movement You can easily draw arrows, cross out words, and
Proxemics underline information without having to look for the
right key
59. Which speech attempts to persuade the It's quieter and less distracting to other people in
audience that the speaker's thoughts are superior the room.
for the reasons stated? Your writing hand can get tired if it's a long meeting
Description Speech
Persuasive Speech
Informative Speech 68. It does not require strict ruling and format in
Argumentative Speech delivering one’s point of view.
Informal Debate
60. Which speech delivery technique necessitates Formal Debate
speaking on the fly of the moment or without prior
preparation? 69. A style of writing application letter which allows
Memorized Speech readers to make them easy to read and quickly in
Impromptu Speech which all lines aligned at the left margin.
Manuscript Speech full block
Extemporaneous Speech justified

61. Your mind is preoccupied with several issues 70. This is the standard paper size in writing
and are unable to communicate effectively with application letter.
your companions. A4
What kind of noise is being observed? 8.5 x 11
semantic 8.5 x 13
physical 8.5 x 14
physiological 71. This is a Latin word/phrase which means
“course of one’s life” which also defines as the
comprehensive list of accomplishments; b. Explore the topic
applications for jobs in industry. c. Chronicle activities
resume d. Draw up hypothesis
curriculum vitae
81. It is the highest level of communication
72. This is a French word/phrase which means “to Intrapersonal
summarize" which also defines brief list of Group level
accomplishments; experiences.
resume Public level
curriculum vitae Interpersonal

73. A gadget that known as an autocue allows a 82. With regard to the use of language, this advice
presenter to read a script while keeping direct eye is the most appropriate in a speech.
contact with the audience. Use a complex vocabulary to show your
script competence.
screen Use precise and simple words to convey thoughts.
teleprompter Use jargon to demonstrate your expertise,
cue cards especially to outsiders.
Try to choose words that are obscure.
74. In research, which variable do you manipulate?
Moderator 83. Speeches to inform are often classified
Independent according to purpose or....
Dependent description
Extraneous content
75. When data gathered from survey, interview or technique
other methods are interpreted, this is the research all of the abovementioned
stage for?
Sampling 84. Rules for visual aids include all of the following
Operationalization except
Data Processing simplify
Application appropriate aid for audience and topic
make aids small and portable
76. Communicating the findings of a completed make aids visually neat and attractive
research to school, institution or sponsor of the
study of the_______ stage of the research. 85. Speeches that explain "how to" do something
Analysis are called
Application instructions
Operationalization explanations
Publication descriptions
77. Which is referred to as the cause variable?
Dependent variable 86. This type of speech requires you to commit the
Moderator variable speech memory to avoid bringing notes during the
Independent variable delivery.
Extraneous manuscript
78. You will study within the population issue of impromptu
corruption of public officials under the different memorized
regimes. Which study will you engage in?
Cross-sectional study 87. To be effective, the topic of a speech should be
Trend study which of the following?
Cohort study Common in the mainstream media
Longitudinal study potentially sensitive to some listeners
interesting only to the speaker
79. The appropriate participant in a research on appealing to the audience
needed outreach activities which the school can
engage is the_________ 88. It is the most terrifying speech among all types
teacher memorized
students manuscript reading
community impromptu
parents extemporaneous

80. What should the researcher do if he or she is 89. Catherine joined a contest during the English
unsure yet is familiar with the subject? festival. She read fluently the story about the
a. Set assumptions
grasshopper and the ant in front of the judges. 97. This type of speech's goal is to influence,
What type of speech is this? motivate, or change the audience's mind.
memorized informative
manuscript reading persuasive
impromptu argumentative
extemporaneous special-occasion speech

90. You are thinking about a lot of problems and 98. How loud or soft your voice is during delivery.
you cannot even talk well to your friends. What type tone
of noise is observed? projection
semantic volume
psychological rate of delivery
physiological 99. If you want to show that 70% of campus
students own a car, 25% do not own a car, and 5%
91. Your head aches while listening to your rent a car, you should use what?
teacher. What type of noise is apparent? timeline
semantic a bar graph
psychological pie chart
physical photo illustration
100. What is the basic rule in communication
92. The real meaning of the message exists within whether in oral or written form.
the mind of the speaker. Only then the listener tries To impress and not to express
to get the message as accurately as possible. What to express and not to impress
principle of communication is this? both to impress and to express
Communication is powerful to be acknowledged to gain recognition
communication is irreversible
communication is an interpretative act 101. Conventional ways of disseminating
communication is contextual information have evolved into
93. The power of words once spoken or written can communication
never be taken back. What principle of digitization
communication is observed?
Communication is powerful 102. All are technology-based forms of
communication is an interpretative act communication, EXCEPT:
communication is irreversible Facebook post
communication is contextual blogs
handwritten letter
94. Feb easily responded to the message sent by videos
Rose on Facebook. the message in response to
Rose's message is called? 103. Why does communication is social in nature?
respond It is consist of people
tweet It involves emotions, feelings and thoughts within
hugback oneself.
feedback It involves the interpersonal exchange of thoughts
and ideas with common ends among people
95. What happens to communication when the It involves irresistible thoughts that enables
sender and the receiver apply different meanings to everyone to ignore.
the same message?
there will be no communication 104. What type of paragraph development is this?
the communication may succeed or fail
there will be misunderstanding that leads to break
the communication might not exist

96. The communication on which the communicator Narration

wants his/her receivers to pay attention and
Cause and effect
understand, but not to change their behavior. definition
comparison and contrast
105. What type of paragraph development is this?
narration two-way communication
cause and effect both A and B
definition neither A nor B
comparison and contrast
115. In the______________, each takes turns to
106. One of the reasons why opinion essay is send or receive messages.
written. linear communication model
to offer new knowledge to the readers transactional communication model
to convince others that one's stand on an issue is interactive communication model
reasonable all of these
to inform others in their way of thinking
to impress other people about how amazing things 116. If our voice has no tone, our speech becomes
are done exciting
107. Communication is divided into elements which emotional
help us better understand its_______________ boring
process 117. It is an act of staging or presenting a play
both A and B observance
neither A nor B direction
108. Which of these terms refers to the study of the convention
speech process?
phonology 118. The word locate is accented on the
phonetic substance first syllable
phonetics second syllable
semantics both A and B
neither A nor B
109. In speech, another term for stress is
emphasis 119. Which word contains G pronounced as /g/ the
accent hard sound?
intonation nation
rhythm rescue
110.Adults acquire new words and experience giant
primarily through
casual explanations from peers 120. Which is the appropriate way to read
formal instructions in school REFRAIN in a poem?
use of thesaurus Put force on the refrain
exposure to their use use normal tone
sing the refrain portion
111. Which among the following statements about read in a softer voice than the verse
language is not true?
Language is a means of communication 121. If someone SHRUGS his/her shoulders, which
Language is symbolic of the following does he/she manifest?
language is structural Despair
language is the only means of communication puzzlement
112. In the transactional model of communication, impatience
the exchange of information is
continuous 122. Which of the following words does not rhyme
not continuous with the rest? CENT, RANG, TEMPS, LENTE
both A and B Lente
neither A nor B Temps
113. This communication model involves the use of Cent
a machine or a gadget
linear communication model 123. What kind of word is AWOL?
interactive communication model Borrowed
transactional communication model clipped
none of these acronym
114. The linear communication model explains the
process of_________
one-way communication
124. If a student thinks in words and uses language
and words in many different forms to express 132. Which description is vague?
complex meanings, surely he likes to I like her deep-sunken eyes.
ask questions My teacher is a nice person.
use body language Her aquiline nose reminds me of Dracula.
dance, act or mine The man's receding hairline shows his age.
tell jokes or riddles
133. Language is used to express one's emotions,
125. If something is plausible, it is needs, thoughts, desires, or attitudes. This refers to
attractive which function of language?
cheap personal function
likely to be true interpersonal function
not common directive function
referential function
126. Another term for denotative meaning
hidden meaning
literal meaning 1.)  What type of a sequence does 0,1,1,2,3,5,8
literary meaning shows?*
figurative meaning Arithmetic Sequence
Fibonacci Sequence
127. It is the use of words that evoke mental Harmonic Sequence
pictures that appeal to the senses. Geometric Sequence
metaphor 2.)  It is the difference between the terms.*
imagery Difference
personification Ratio
Common Difference
128. A syllable that stressed is given Interval
a louder sound  
a softer sound 3.) It holds no true value of 0.*
both A and B Interval
neither A nor B Ratio
129. Anyone who is part of the academic Ordinal
community must apply all of the following strategies  
effectively, except one. Which is it? 4.) It is an equation that has highest degree of 1.
note-taking Quadratic Equation
annotating Linear Inequality
parapharsing Linear Equation
copy-pasting Function
130. Which of these best shows the main function 5.) It is obtained by multiplying the common ratio to
and purpose of reading assessment in class? its preceding term.*
Evaluate the success of reading education program Geometric Sequence
by comparing the reading achievement of specific Fibonacci Sequence
class of learners. Arithmetic Sequence
Prepare the learners for standardized reading tests Harmonic Sequence
by giving them different test-taking strategies.  
Check students' reading achievement by knowing 6.) It is the interest paid on the original principal is
their mastery as far as reading standards are called.*
concerned. Interest rate
Guide reading lesson planning by identifying the Interest
ongoing reading needs of individual students. Simple Interest
Compound Interest
131. You commit plagiarism if  
you___________________ 7.) It is the present used to determine the amount
use the work of someone and misrepresent it as of interest.*
your own work Compound Interest
make use of the works of others to gather Simple Interest
information Interest Rate
Check the ideas of others to help you come up with Interest
your own thoughts on a given issue  
make use of the works of others to give basis to 8.) What is the 10th term of the sequence: 4, 6, 8,
your own claims 10, ....*
20 Add and divide by three
18 18.) Find the 6th term of the sequence: 3, 6, 12....*
24 48
9.) What is the 12th term of the sequence: 6, 9, 12, 46
15,. . .* 96
39 19.) Find the 10th term of the sequence: 8, 24, 72,
45 216...*
10.) What is the 9th term of the sequence: 0, 1, 1, 157,644
2, 3, 5 . . .* 157,674
1/1 157, 657
21 20.) Find the 7th term of the sequence: 6, 24, 96, . .
24 .*
13 6144
11.) It refers to the characteristics that is used for 24,576
naming, labeling and categorizing.* 49,152
Ratio 21.) Find the median in the given set of values: 25,
Nominal 6, 13, 38, 25, 45*
Ordinal 25
12.) It holds true to the value of zero.* 24
Nominal 22
Ratio 22.) What is the mean in the given set of values:
Ordinal 18, 23, 24, 17, 30, 32*
13. It uses other relation symbols except the equal 24
sign.* 25
Linear Equation 26
Linear Inequality  
Linear Programming 23.) Sarah's grades are 93, 92, 91, 91 and 90.
Linear Regression What is the mode?*
14.) It is the average of the given data set.* 90
Mode 91
Median 92
Mean 24.) Based on number 23 question, what is the
15.) It refers to the frequent number in a given data 91.5
set.* 91.3
Mean 91.6
Median 25.)  Robert deposits Php5000 in a bank in Makati 
Bimodal which earn him an interest of 8% annually. What is
  the amount he gets after 2 years?*
16.) It refers when the given set has two modes.* Php800
Median Php5000
Mean Php5800
Mode Php5810
Bimodal Correct answer
17.) When you have two median, what you are 26.) Rica deposits Php 6400 and got back an
going to do with them?* amount of Php 7000 after a year. Find the simple
Multiply and add by two interest he got.
Divide and add Php 500
Add and divide by two Php 700
Php 600 35.) What is the simple interest when Karen
Php 800 deposit 
  P25, 000 with an interest rate of 3% for 4 years?
27.)  Rex invested a certain amount of money and Php 5000
got back an amount of Php 980. If the bank paid an Php 6000
interest of Php 350, find the amount Sam invested. Php 4000
Php 650 Php 3000
Php 630  
Php 640  
Php 620 36.) What is the simple interest after 6 years when
  Louie deposited P8,500 with an interest rate rate of
29.) Find the 13th term of the sequence: 5, 9, 13, 4%?
17 . . . *
56 Php 2030
53 Php 2040
55 Php 3500
57 Php 2300
30.) Find the 5th term of the sequence: 18, 36, 72, . 37.) Your saving deposit of Php 12,000 earns a
. .* simple interest of 6.5%. How is the interest for 8
144 months?
288 Php 600
368 Php 520
188 Php 700
  Php 750
31.)  Jonaica  deposits Php 15,000.  Find the value  
of the investment after five years if the investment 38.) At a restaurant five people order tempura and
earns a return of 15 % compounded monthly. four people order a
(round to 4 decimal places) tequila sunrise, with a total bill of Php 1,940. If only
Php 30 505 three people had ordered the
Php 32 786 tempura and two people ordered the tequila sunrise
Php 31 605 , the bill would have been
Php 31 564 Php 1,064. How much is each order of tempura and
Correct answer each tequila sunrise? 
Php 31 605 Each order of tempura is Php 188 and each order
  of tequila sunrise is Php 250.
32.) Rexter  makes an initial investment of   Php Each order of tequila sunrise is Php 188 and each
10,000.  Find the value of the investment after three order of tempura is Php 250.
years if the investment earns a return of 10% Each order of tempura is Php 199 and each order
compounded semi annually. * of tequila sunrise is Php 249.
Php 13, 400 Each order of tempura is Php 200 and each order
Php 13, 200 of tequila sunrise id Php 230.
Php 13, 300  
Php 13, 450 39.) Translate this mathematical expression to
Correct answer mathematical symbols: Seven is added to eight.*
Php 13, 400 8+7
33.) How much interest is earned in 2 years on Php 7+8
15,000 deposited in an account paying 6% 8-7
compounded quarterly?  
Php 16, 890 40.)  Translate this mathematical expression to
Php 16, 900 mathematical symbols: Fifteen is subtracted from
Php 1, 890 ninety.*
Php 1,900 15-90
34.)  Nic buys two candies and four pieces of 90-15
biscuit for Php 24. He then buys another candy and 90-15=85
three more pieces of biscuit for Php 15. Find the  
cost of each candy  and each piece of biscuit.* 41.) How much interest is earned in 6 years on Php
Php 3 each of candy and P 6 each piece of biscuit 12,000 deposited in an account paying 2%
Php 6 each of candy and Php 3 each piece of compounded semi-annually?*
biscuit Php 13 524
Php 5 each of candy and P 6 each piece of biscuit Php 1500
Php 7 each of candy and P 3 each piece of biscuit Php 1 524
  Php 1624
Correct answer
Php 1 524 Interval
42.) 5x+ 4y < 1940 is an example of?* Ordinal
Linear Programming  
Linear Inequality 51.) It consists of bars either vertically or
Linear Equation horizontally and usually constructed for
Linear Regression comparative purposes.*
  Line Graph
43.) It is composed of x coordinate and y Pie Graph
coordinate.* Bar Graph
Solution Seismograph
Ordered Pair  
Rectangular Coordinate System 52.) It is a mathematical language  has no complete
Abscissa thought.*
  Mathematical Phrase
44.) It refers to the value that make an equation Mathematical Sentence
true.* Mathematics Expression
Ordered Pair Mathematical Clause
Rectangular Coordinate System  
Abscissa 53.) It is a mathematical language that  has a
Solution complete thought.
  Mathematical Sentence
  Mathematical Expression
45.) Who started the  Fibonacci Sequence? Mathematical Clause
Fibonacci Mathematics Phrase
Leonardo Bigallo  
Leonardo Pisano Bigollo 54.) Translate 5x-3y=15  in mathematical
Leonardo Pisana Bigollo language.*
  Thrice of y is subtracted from five multiplied to x
46.) Find the 8th term of the sequence: 7, 9, 11, . . . equals fifteen.
22 Thrice of y is subtracted from five multiplied to x is
21 equals fifteen.
23 Thrice of y is diminished by five multiplied to x
20 equals fifteen.
  Thrice of y is diminished by five multiplied to x is
47.) It is a portion of a population. equals fifteen.
Mean Correct answer
Sample Thrice of y is subtracted from five multiplied to x
  equals fifteen.
Descriptive Statistics 55.)  Translate 2x+3=15  in mathematical
48.) It is a characteristic of interest about an object Twice of x is more than three is equal to fifteen.
under investigation that can take on different Twice of x is added to three is equal to fifteen.
possible outcomes, such as age, gender, height, Twice of x is more than three is equals to fifteen.
weight, hair color, or religious preference. Twice of x is added to three is equals to fifteen.
Ordinal Correct answer
Variable Twice of x is added to three is equal to fifteen.
  56.) Find the solution of 2x+3y<24.*
49.) Using data gathered on a group to describe or (0,8) (12,0)
reach conclusion about that some group, the (0,12) (8,0)
statistics are called. (0,0) (0, 8)
0/1 (8, 0) (0,0)
Descriptive Statistics Correct answer
Inferential Statistics (0,8) (12,0)
Analytical Statistics  
Harmonic Statistics 57.)  Convert 12 subtracted from a number is equal
Correct answer to 24 to mathematical sentence. *
Descriptive Statistics 36-12=24
  n-12= 24
50.) Height and Weight don't represent 0. Which  12-n=24
fundamental level of measurement scale does it 24-12=n
58.) Convert 10 times a number decreased by 2 is b. Mi Ultimo Adios
4 to an equation. * c. Noli Me Tangere
2-10n=4 d. Sa Aking mga Kababata
2-4n=10 3. Which of the following was not a reform sought
10n-2=4 by the Propagandists from Spain?
2-9n=4 a. Change of government from absolute to limited
59.)  In a class of 48 students, the number of boys b. Restoration of Filipino representation in Cortes
is 3/5 of the girls. Find the number of boys and girls c. Basic human rights of Filipinos
in the class.* d. None of these
There are 19 boys and 29 girls 4. Which work of Rizal was said to be an angry
There are 30 boys and 18 girls man’s personal debate on whether or not a violent
There are 29 boys and 19 girls revolution would solve the Philippine crisis during
There are 31 boys and 17 girls the Spanish times?
Correct answer a. Junto al Pasig
There are 29 boys and 19 girls b. Noli Me Tangere
  c. A la Juventud Filipina
60.) Among the two supplementary angles, the d. El Filibusterismo
measure of the larger angle is 40° more than the 5.   Where did Rizal and Bonifacio not agree?
measure of smaller. Find their measures. a. in the inclusion of women in the Katipunan
The angles are 140° and 40°. b. in how to win independence from Spain 
The angles are 120° and 60°. c. in the manner of organizing the Katipunan
The angles are 110° and 70°. d. in their religious convictions
The angles are 100° and 80°. 6. What was the goal of the Propaganda      
Correct answer Movements for the Philippine colony as a      
The angles are 110° and 70°. province of Spain?
  a. Reformation
61.)  The cost of a pencil is 30 cents more than the b. Autonomy
cost of a eraser. If the cost of 8 pencils and 10 c. Assimilation
erasers is Php 34.90, find the cost of each. d. independence 
The cost of a pencil is Php 1.11 while the cost of an 7.  Rizal focused the “La Liga Filipina” to:  
erase is Php 1.81.    I. Unite the whole country.  
The cost of a pencil is Php 2.11 while the cost of an    II. Revolt against the Spaniards.
erase is Php 1.91.    III. Fight violence and injustices.
The cost of a pencil is Php 1.10 while the cost of an a. II only
erase is Php 1.81. b. I and II only
The cost of a pencil is Php 2.11 while the cost of an c. II and III Only
erase is Php 1.81. d. I and III Only
  8. The Filipino students are taught to emulate the
  young Jose Rizal, who was everything listed below,
62.)  The sum of two consecutive even numbers is except _______.
45. Find the numbers.* a. Motivated
The numbers are 21 and 22. b. Loner
The numbers are 22 and 23. c. Very observant
The numbers are 20 and 25. d. Reflective
The numbers are 21 and 24. 9. The La Liga Filipina was founded to carry
  out         among which of the following aims?
63.) What is the 6th term of the sequence: 2, 4, a. to discourage the revolutionary ideas and spread
6, ...* of Masonry
14 b. to work for the separation of the archipelagos
12 from Spain
13 c. to assassinate abusive and tyrannical governors
11 and friars
d. to unite the whole archipelago into one compact,
RIZAL LIFE’S WORK AND WRITINGS vigorous and homogenous body
(GADGUDE) 10. To whom did Rizal dedicate his first novel, Noli
1. One of Dr. Jose Rizal’s objective as Me Tangere?
a Propagandist is the assimilation of the Philippines a. To his mother
to Spain. b. To the Spaniards
a. True c. To the Fatherland
b. False d. To the GOMBURZA
c. Misleading 11. The following documents were gathered by       
d. Fake News Spaniards during Rizal’s preliminary investigation,
2. Dr. Jose Rizal wrote this poem before he was except _______.
executed. a. Speeches of Emilio Jacinto
a. La Solidaridad b. Letters of Marcelo H. del Pilar
c. copy of Kundiman and Hymn to Talisay 23. Who was the Austrian and the best friend of Dr.
d. Letters to Galicano Apacible Jose Rizal?
12. Where was Jose Rizal buried after his a. Dr. Reinhold Host
execution at Bagumbayan on December 30, 1896? b. Dr. Bech
a. Libingan ng mga Bayani c. Dr. Jagor
b. Calamba, Laguna d. Blumentritt
c. Fort Santiago 24. Governor General Terrero assigned a
d. Sementeryo ng Paco bodyguard to Rizal. And between them, a
13. What does the title "Noli Me Tangere" mean? wonderful    friendship blossomed. Who was this
a. Do not detain me bodyguard?
b. Touch Me Not a. Lt. Jose Taviel de Andrade
c. Subversive b. Lt. Luis Manuel De la Paz
d. Rebel c. Lt. Pedro Guerrero
14. The title "El Filibusterismo" means d. Lt. Jose Paterno De Gonzalez
a. Do not detain me 25. What is the real name of O-Sei-San?
b. Touch Me Not a. Seiko Usui 
c. Subversive b. Sai-San Han
d. Rebel c. Sei-San
15. The main character of Noli Me Tangere is d. Michiko San
a. Elias 26. Rizal was accused of this crime
b. Simoun a. Rebellion
c. Crisostomo Ibarra b. Sedition
d. Isagani c. Illegal association
16. The main character of El Felibusterismo is d. None of these
a. Elias 27. The exact time Rizal died when he was shot in
b. Simoun Bagumbayan field by firing squad.
c. Crisostomo Ibarra a. 6:15 AM
d. Isagani b. 6:30 AM
17. The novel, Noli Me Tangere is about____. c. 7:00 A.M
a. Religion d. 7:03 AM
b. Love 28. One of the priests who visited Rizal before the
c. Society latter was executed whom Rizal made an image of
d. All of the above the Sacred Heart of Jesus during Rizal's Ateneo
18. The novel, El Filibusterismo is about days.
a. Politics and Revolution a. Fr. Antonio Rossel
b. Love and emotion b. Fr. Luis Visa
c. Humor and Liberty c. Fr. Federico Faura
d. All of the above d. Fr. Jose Villaclara
19. What is Jose Rizal's most significant legacy 29. The lieutenant who defended Rizal in the court
to the Filipinos at present time? whom the latter chose because the former's name
a. His literary works was familiar to him, for the former was the brother
b. His idea of non-violent revolution of Rizal's bodyguard in 1887.
c. His achievements a. Juan Salcedo
d. His ideas on patriotism and nationalism b. Blanco
20.  Why is Rizal dubbed as the "ambivalent" hero? c. Pio Valenzuela
a. He was venerated as Philippine national hero yet d. Luis Taviel de Andrade
there is no legal basis for it. 30. Rizal lived in Berlin not just a mere student or a
b. He was a mason and an anti-Catholic Church curious tourist, but for the following
c. He allegedly retracted his words and ideas. reasons EXCEPT:                                                 
d. He never made a clear stand in the Revolution.  i) to gain further  knowledge of opthalmology and
21. What could be inferred from the letter of Jose language and sciences                                 
Rizal to Ferdinand Blumentritt on January 26, 1887
which states "A peaceful struggle shall always be a    ii) to observe the German nation and associate
dream, for Spain will never learn the lesson of her with German scientists and scholars
South American colonies."
a. Jose Rizal's ideas about the reforms needed in    iii) to finish his novel El Felibusterismo
the Philippines a. i only
b. Jose Rizal’s anti- revolutionary stance b. ii only
c. Jose Rizal's ideas that revolution against Spain c. iii only
is inevitable  d. I and ii
d. Jose Rizal's ambivalence towards the revolution 31. At 16, Rizal experienced his first romance. He
 22.  What was the date of birth of Dr. Jose Rizal? fell in love with which girl?
a. June 18, 1961 a. Leonor Rivera
b. July 19, 1871 b. Segunda Katigbak
c. June 19, 1861 c. Gertrude Beckett
d. May 19, 1761 
d. Leonor Gonzalez c. Spain outlawed the teaching and learning of
32.  Which writing of Rizal stipulated the exemplary Spanish by Filipinos.
fighting spirit of women, such that whatever a d. The Spaniards did not propagate the Spanish
mother shows to her children is what the children language
will become also? 41. During much of the Spanish occupation, how
The Story of the Moth were the natives of the Philippines called?
b. To the Young Women of Malolos a. principalia
c. Canto de Maria Clara b. indios
d. El Canto del Viajero c. insulares
33. This was a prize winning-poem of Rizal when d. peninsulares
he was a student in UST. This poem proved that an 42. Rizal focused the “La Liga Filipina” to:
indio was not only equal but also more superior
than the Spaniards in poetry writing.     I. Unite the whole country.
a. To the Filipino Youth
b. They Ask Me for Verses     II. Revolt against the Spaniards.
c. Hymn to Talisay
d. Kundiman      III. Fight violence and injustices.
34. "The Triumph of Science Over Death" is Rizal's a. II only
famous: b. I and II only
a. Poem  
b. Novel c. II and III only
c. Essay d. I and III only
d. Sculpture 43. What was Rizal’s greatest resentment during
35. Rizal was known to be the following EXCEPT his student days that motivated him to work harder?
one: a. unequal treatment of students by the Jesuits
a. Sculptor b. use of Spanish as a medium of instruction
b. Painter c. passivity of Filipino students
c. Essayist d. prevailing discrimination
d. Architect 44.  In whose painting/s was slavery in the
36. On this year, Rizal was exiled in Dapitan, and Philippines during the Spanish period clearly
ignited the fight of many Filipinos against the depicted?
Spaniards: a. Antonio Luna
a. 1892 b. Felix Hidalgo
b. 1894 c. Juan Luna
c. 1896 d. Jose Rizal
d. 1898  45.  What was the goal of the Propaganda
37. In this university, Rizal obtained his Licentiate in Movements for the Philippine colony as a province
Medicine: of Spain?
a. University of Sto. Tomas a. reformation
b. Ateneo de Manila University b. autonomy
c. Universidad Central de Madrid c. assimilation
d. University of Heidelberg d. independence
38. It is an Act to include in the curricula of all 46. What message was taken from Rizal’s La
public and private schools, colleges, and Indolencia del Filipino?
universities courses on the Life, Works, and a. Rise in arms against Spain; don’t be lazy.
Writings of Jose Rizal. b. The rich natural resources and favorable climate
a. RA 8545 encourage the Filipino get-by mentality.
b. RA 6655 c. The Filipino lack of unity will penalize them.
c. RA 1425 d. Study well. This is the only way to go up!
d. RA 7836 47. Who was the Spanish governor-general who
39. Which work of Rizal was said to be angry man’s ordered the deportation of Dr. Jose Rizal to
personal debate on whether or not a violent Dapitan?
revolution would solve the Philippine crisis during a. Rafael Izquierdo
the Spanish times? b. Emilio Terrero
a. El Filibusterismo  c. Eulogio Despujol
b. Noli Me Tangere d. Primo de Rivera 
c. Junto Al Pasig 48. What was a college song for Rizal’s young
d. A La Juventud Filipina pupils in Dapitan?
40.  During a classroom lesson, the Social Studies a. Hymn to Talisay
teacher asked why, despite more than 300 years of b. My Retreat
Spanish rule, majority of Filipinos could not speak c. a la Nacion
Spanish. What could be a possible reason for this? d. Sa Mga Kababayan
a. Spanish, as an official language, was opposed 49. The following documents were gathered by
by Filipinos. Spaniards during Rizal’s preliminary investigation,
b. The Filipinos in general were not interested to except _______.
learn Spanish.
a. Speeches of Emilio Jacinto 58. Which book inspired Rizal to write the "Noli Me
b. Letters of Marcelo H. del Pilar Tangere?":
c. copy of Kundiman and Hymn to Talisay a. William Tell
  b. The Wandering Jew
d. Letters to Galicano Apacible c. Uncle Tom's Cabin
50. What was a book written by Kemphis, which d. History of the French Revolution
was Rizal’s last gift to Josephine Bracken? 59. In 1865, the young Rizal experienced his first
a. Mi Ultimo Adios sorrow when one of his sister died. His sister was:
b. Imitation of Christ a. Lucia
c. Faith in God b. Saturnina
d. Retraction c. Soledad
51. Who was the governor-general who approved d. Concepcion
Rizal’s application as volunteer physician to Cuba? 60. Andres Bonifacio is to the Katipunan as
a. Polavieja ____________________ is to La Solidaridad.
b. Blanco a. Marcelo H. del Pilar
c. Carnicero b. Jose Rizal
d. Ochande c. Galicano Apacible
52. In June 1869, Rizal was enrolled in a school in d. Graciano Lopez Jaena
Binan, Laguna. Who was his first teacher in 61. The pen-name which Rizal used in 1882 when
school? he wrote the nationalistic essay, "Amor Patrio,"
a. Maestro Lucas Padua was:
b. Maestro Justiniano Aquino-Cruz a. Dimas Alang
c. Maestro Jose Bech b. Pingkian
d. Maestro Leon Monroy  c. Tenluz
53. Immediately below are 4 statements about the d. Laong Laan
Philippines during Rizal's time. Which statement is 62. For Rizal, the ideal mother is one who teaches
false? her children the following except:
a. The system of government was called a. how to live an honorable life
frailocracy. b. how to love God and country
b. The Philippines was represented in the Spanish c. how to recite long prayers
Cortes. d. how to act honestly
c. The big plantations were owned by religious  
organizations. 63. In which historical work did Rizal predict the
d. The justice system served the interests of the inevitable collapse of Spanish colonial rule in Asia
Spanish colonial government. and the liberation of the Philippines?:
54. The character "Crisostomo Ibarra" is to Noli Me a. The Philippines a Century Hence
Tangere as the character b. The People of the Indian Archipelago
"____________________" is to El Filibusterismo. c. The Indolence of the Filipinos
a. Elias d. none of the choices
b. Maria Clara 64. The characters in "Noli Me Tangere" were not
c. Isagani fictional characters; they represented people who
d. Simoun lived during Rizal's time. Paciano, the brother of
55. A year after Rizal's execution, a friend of Rizal Rizal, was represented by this character named:
declared: "Not only is Rizal the most prominent a. Basilio
man of his own people but the greatest man the b. Pilosopong Tasio
Malayan race has produced." Who was this friend c. Padre Florentino
of Rizal? d. Elias
a. Ferdinand Blumentritt 65. The execution of these native and Spanish
b. Adolf Meyer priests --- who advocated racial equality within the
c. Antonio Ma. Regidor Catholic church --- by the Spaniards in 1872
d. Fernando Ma. Guerero awakened Rizal's nationalistic sentiment early in
  life. They were the following except:
56. In 1884, Rizal delivered a speech in honor of a. Fr. Jacinto Zamora
two Filipinos who won the first and second prizes in b. Fr. Rufino Collantes
the National Exposition of Fine Arts in Madrid, c. Fr. Jose Burgos
Spain. These artists were: d. Fr. Mariano Gomez
a. Juan Luna and Manuel Hidalgo 66. To whom did Rizal got married unofficially and
b. Juan Luna and Felix Hidalgo without the ceremonial rites of the Catholic church?
c. Antonio Luna and Manuel Hidalgo a. Leonor Rivera
d. Antonio Luna and Felix Hidalgo  b. Nelly Boustead
57. Who was the governor-general who sent Rizal c. Segunda Katigbak
into exile in Dapitan? d. Josephine Bracken
a. Ramon Blanco 67. Which statement on the novel, "El
b. Valeriano Weyler Filibusterismo," is false?:
c. Eulogio Despujol a. It was dedicated to "My Fatherland," the
d. Camilio de Polavieja Philippines.
b. It was a sequel to the "Noli Me Tangere." b. Naples
c. It espoused ideas of freedom and independence c. Yokohama
from Spain. d. Tokyo
d. It was a political novel. 77. While in Tokyo, Rizal was visited in Tokyo Hotel
68. All of the events listed below happened while by the secretary of the Spanish Legation, who
Rizal was in exile in Dapitan except: invited him to live in that legation. What was that
a. Rizal won in a Manila lottery. secretary of Spanish Legation?
b. Rizal undertook remarkable community projects. a. Jose Maria Basa
c. Rizal collected rare specimens of animals and b. Juan Salcedo
sent them to the Dresden Museum. c. Terrero
d. Rizal wrote articles for a nationalistic newspaper. d. Juan Perez Caballero
69. Who provided the funds which Rizal needed to 78. Having realized that Spanish diplomatic
get the "Noli Me Tangere" published? authorities were instructed from Manila to watch out
a. Valentin Ventura his movements in Japan, Rizal accepted the
b. Antonio Luna invitation of the Spanish Legation for the following
c. Maximo Viola reasons:
d. Jose Ma. Basa
70. "To the Flowers of Hiedelberg" is to Hiedelberg,           i)   He could economize his living expenses
Germany as "____________________" is to by staying at Spanish Legation
Madrid, Spain.
a. They Asked Me for Verses           ii)  He could further his medical studies
b. To My Muse
c. The Song of the Traveler           iii) He had nothing to hide the prying eyes of
d. La Vision del Fray Rodriguez the Spanish authorities
71. In his letter --- dated March 11, 1886 --- to his a. i only
sister, Trinidad, Rizal described the German b. ii only
women as: c. i and ii only
a. hospitable and deeply religious d. i and iii 
b. gossipy and quarrelsome 79. Taking abundant notes of the life, customs, and
c. beautifully dressed and polite culture of Japan and Japanese people, Rizal was
d. serious and educated favorably impressed of:
72. In 1888, while he was traveling in this country,
Rizal wrote these lines in his diary: "Colorado has          i)   The picturesque dress and simple charm
more trees.... We reached Omaha, a big city ----- of the Japanese women as well as the cleanliness,
the biggest since we left San Francisco. The politeness, and industry of the Japanese people
Missouri River is twice as wide as the Pasig
River...." This country was:
         ii)  The beauties of the country; and there
a. England
were very few thieves and beggars
b. United States
c. Italy
d. Japan          iii) Their discipline, courage, and generosity
73. Although the "El Filibusterismo" was published a. i only
in Ghent, Belgium, Rizal began writing the novel in: b. ii only
a. Biarritz, France c. iii only
b. Calamba, Laguna d. i and iii
c. Barcelona, Spain 80. There is one thing that Rizal did not like in
d. Berlin, Germany Japan. It was___
74. During his high school days, Rizal wrote a a. Hara kiri - a voluntary suicide of oneself by
poem which he dedicated to his mother on her stabbing in the left belly
birthday. This poem was: b. Ricksaw - mode of transportation
a. My First Inspiration  c. Prostitution
b. My Retreat d. Yakuza
c. In Memory of My Town 81. A Japanese newspaperman who had been
d. To the Virgin Mary  jailed twice for writing an article against the
75. While in Madrid, this man was the lawyer of government did not know any foreign languages
Rizal when he secures justice for the oppressed that he was not able to talk with any other
Calamba tenants, including his family passengers in that steamer bound for the United
a. Marcelo del Pilar States. So Rizal, who could fairly talk, helped the
b. Valeriano Weyler latter, and they became friends. Both were valiant
c. Mateo Elejorde patriots inflexible enemies of injustice and tyranny,
d. None of the above and both exiles traveled across the Pacific, through
76. What PLACE did Rizal refer to when he said, the United States, and parted at London. Who was
"__________ is more extensive than that Japanese newspaperman?
Paris. The walls are built in a cyclopean a. Seiko Usui
manner.  The streets are large and wide."  b. Takayama
a. Sayonara c. Usui-San
d. Tetcho Suehiro burning of fossil fuel
82. What does “filibustero” mean? Decomposing plants
a. a traitor Volcanic eruption
b. one who is against the government Pollution from wildfires
c. a supporter of rebellion  
d. none of these 3.  The process of making changes in the DNA
83. Jose Rizal died at the age of ___ code of living organisms is called  
a. 33 selective breeding
b. 34 genetic engineering
c. 35 inbreeding.
d. 36 hybridization
84. Place where Dr. Rizal conceived the idea of  
establishing Liga Filipina, a civic association  
composed of Filipinos. 4. The term technology comes from the Greek
a. Hongkong words tekhne, which means___________. 
b. Madrid art
c. Ghent interest
d. Japan explore
85. The Rizal law was signed on wonder
a. June 12, 1956  
b. June 19, 1951 5. Who is the Filipino Scientist that have great
c. June 24, 1952 contribution in the field of science for his
d. June 30, 1969 outstanding research on tissue culture in
86. Before it became the Rizal law it was called Philippines mangoes?
a. House Bill 5561 and Senate Bill 438 Lilian Paterna
b. House Bill 6155 and Senate Bill 348 Ramon Barba
c. Senate Bill 364 and House Bill 6551 Fe Del Mundo
d. Senate Bill 384 and House Bill 5165 Roberto Del Rosario
87.The Rizal law was authored by  
a. Claro M. Recto 6. A DNA molecule produced by combining DNA
b. Jose P. Laurel from different sources is known as  
c. Fr. Horacio Dela Costa S. J. *
d. Isagani Arcilla mutant
88. All are intentions of Rizal in making his novels change
EXCEPT for recombinant DNA
a. To rebel against the Spaniards strange DNA
b. To let the Filipino see the reality they are in  
c. It is not solely the Spaniards fault 7. UNESCO`s Declaration on Science and the
d. To let the Filipinos see their flaws and faults Use of Scientific Knowledge (1999)does not
89. Falsely charged with treason and sedition, Rizal recognize indigenous science as a historical
was tried by the Military Court in December 1986, and valuable contribution to science and
who acted as Rizal’s defense counsel during his technology.
trial? True
a. Nicolas Peñas Tales False
b. Rafael Dominguez  
c. Luis Taviel de Andrade  
d. Jose Taviel de Andrade 8. Which among the roles of GMOs in Agricultural
90.Who among the people close to Rizal was his industries does the statement below is referring
last visitor before his execution at Bagumbayan on to ,  an example is AquAdvantage salmon. A
December 30, 1896? gene from an ocean pout, an eel-like fish was
a. Doña Teodora introduced to Pacific Chinook salmon, making
b. Josephine Bracken the salmon grow faster than its normal rate
c. Trinidad increase growth rate
d. Paciano Rizal fortification
herbicide tolerance
1. He believes that happiness is a final end or goal 9. According to Aristotle, happiness is
that encompasses the totality of one's life. * a state of mind.
Plato a feeling or sensation.
Aristotle a craft.
Socrates activity of the soul in accordance with virtue.
  10. The following statements are true about killing
2. Which of the following is the biggest cause of of specific cells technique in gene therapy
global warming?
EXCEPT 18. The following are the concerns of the
* application of nanotechnology in the
Suitable for diseases such as cancer that can be environment except ______.*
treated by destroying certain groups of cells. high reactivity and toxicity
The basis of this therapy is to eliminate the activity pervasive distribution in the environment
of a gene that encourages the growth of disease- no nano-specific regulation
related cells. development of benign industrial processes and
The aim is to insert DNA into a diseased cell that materials
causes that cell to die.  
It is essential with this method that the inserted 19. In what year does the term "nanotechnology"
DNA is targeted appropriately to avoid the death of used for the first time?
cells that are functioning normally. *
11. During this period, free primary education with 1874
English as the medium of instruction was 1947
established. 1847
Colonial Period  
American Period 20. The word science originated the from Latin term
Spanish period "scientia" which means to ___________.*
Japanese Period to know
  to analyze
12. It is the process of heating dairy products to kill to evaluate
harmful bacteria that allow them to spoil faster. to learn
Distillation 21. According to Freud, what is the function of the
Filtration "ego"?
Evaporation To boost a person's self -confidence.
  To push for the fulfilment of one's self-interests.
13. Silk: China; Kohl: ___________ To mediate between impulsive drives and the moral
Greece conscience.
Egypt All of the above.
Sumeria 22. Which one of the following cause global
14. It is defined by WHO as an organism, either Carbon dioxide
plant, animal, or microorganisms, in which the Oxygen
genetic material (DNA) has been altered in a Nitrogen
way that does not occur naturally by mating or Hydrogen
natural recombination. *
Genetically Modified Organisms Feedback
Genetically Modified Crops About 75% of the solar energy reaching the earth is
Genetically Modified animals absorbed by the earth’s surface the rest of the heat
Genetically altered organisms radiate back to the atmosphere. Some of the heat
  is trapped by greenhouse gases as carbon dioxide
15. All the following are effects of the climate which is released by various human activities.
change except for one:  
Rising sea levels 23. According to Sigmund Freud, the main
Higher temperatures proponent of Psychoanalytic Theory, the
Increased food security superego is mainly concerned with
Increased droughts The resolution of conflict within the self
  The finding of greater satisfaction
16. The following are examples of indigenous The idea of right and wrong
knowledge EXCEPT ______ The development of healthy psyche
preserving and selecting good seeds for planting  
producing wines and juices from tropical fruits 24. Nature has a way of causing organisms that
predicting weather by listening to weather forecast inherit advantageous traits to survive and
preserving foods reproduce more successfully than the ones that
  don't. This process is known as
17. Egytptian: hieroglyphics; ____________:
cuneiform Natural selection
Sumerian Adaptation
Babylonians Genetic variation
Roman Overproduction
25. Science during this period inclined towards Agapito Flores
agriculture, food processing, medicine and Edgardo Varquez
pharmacy. They also established public Enrique Ostrea Jr.
educational system.* Ramon Cabanos Barba
American Period  
Japanese Period 33. This school of thought believes that physical
Spanish Period well-being and worldly possession constitute the
pre-colonial Period greatest good and highest value in life.*
26. In what order do the following areas of the Materialism
psyche develope Stoicism
Ego, Super Ego, Id Theism
Super Ego, Ego, Id  
Id, Ego, Super Ego 34.This project aims to develop Filipino children
None of the above equipped with scientific and technological
  knowledge, skills, and values.
27. Charles Darwin concluded that the 13 species Manila Science High School
of finches on the Galápagos Islands: Central Visayan Institute Foundation
a) were identical to 13 finch species in Quezon City Regional Science High School
northwestern South America 600 miles to the east Special Science Elementary Schools (SSES)
b) probably evolved from one ancestral South Project
American species  
c) had all adapted to the same food sources  
d) B and C 35. It is a system of thought that rejects religious
  beliefs and centers on humans and their values,
  capacities, and worth.
28.In order to integrate their needs-for better Humanism
transportation, establishment of structures for Theism
protection from human attacks and natural Hedonism
disasters, and construction of bigger and stronger Materialism
infrastructures-people ventured into what is now  
known as the field of __________________. 36.In this type of gene therapy, its effects will not
architecture be passed onto the patient’s children.
engineering germ-line gene therapy
carpentry somatic gene therapy
29.This civilization is located in North Africa and genetic engineering
many stories feats of this civilization especially  
regarding  the infrastructure of pharaohs 37. This school of thought believed that pleasure is
the most important thing in life.
Egyptian civilization Hedonism
Greek civilization Stoicism
Babylonian civilization Materialism
Sumerian Civilization Humanism
30. This way of looking at the world refers to 38. Which among of Aristotle's four causes refers to
human's desire  put an order to nature to better “the end, that for the sake of which a thing is done”,
understand and control it.* e.g., health is the end of the following things:
Calculative Thinking walking, losing weight, purging, drugs, and surgical
Meditative Thinking tools.
Critical Thinking Causa material is or the material cause
Positive Thinking Causa Efficient or the Efficient Cause
Option 2 Causa Finalis or the final cause
  Causa Formalis or the formal cause
31. Sumeria is located on the southernmost tip of Feedback
ancient Mesopotamia and in modern day also 1. Causa Materialis – the matter/material used to
known as __________. produce the object (the silver as a raw material).
Northern Iran 2. Causa Formalis – the logos/form/shape the
Southern Iraq object assumes upon creation (the shape of the
Southern Israel chalice).
Northern Italy 3. Causa Efficiens – the person, process, or idea
  that brought upon the change (the silversmith).
32. Who is the Filipino scientist that invented the  
fluorescent lamp? 39. Which of the following is not a greenhouse gas?
Carbon dioxide rainfall and causes various problems. These
Water Vapor fluctuations in rainfall cause various problems and
Methane leading to either floods or droughts.
40. In Aristotle's view, the virtues are 48. Aristotle conceives of a virtue as
acquired through habit. a capacity.
acquired through philosophical reflection. an ability.
a gift from the gods. an activity.
innate. a state of character.
41. During the ancient times , people were
concerned about this and considered important as 49. Which of the following statements is/are true
well in the discovery of the new places or the about the theory of natural selection by Charles
establishment of new alliances with other tribes. Darwin ?
conservation of life Darwin emphasizes the struggle for existence
weapons and armors He proposed that useful variations are transferred
transportation to the succeeding generation
communication He believes that the development or disappearance
  of an organ happens due to continuous variations
42. This school of thought believes that  the most All of the above
important thing in life and the only thing with real  
value is ‘virtue’ or ‘excellence of character’. * 50. During this period, early Filipino settlers were
Stoicism already using certain plants and herbs as
Hedonism medicines. *
Theism pre-colonial period
Materialism colonial period
post colonial period
43. It a medical approach that treats or prevents  
disease by correcting the underlying genetic 51 This defense mechanism involves satisfying an
problem.* impulse by acting on a substitute but in a socially
gene therapy acceptable way. 
organ transplant Denial
nanotechnology Displacement
genetic engineering Regression
44. What does GMO stand for?   
Genetically modified organism 52. The leading of biodiversity loss is?
Genes mutated organism Pollution
Genetically mutated organism Invasive species
Genetically modified organ Poaching and Overharvesting
  Habitat change and Loss
45. It is defined as a period starting in the last   
quarter of the 20th century when information 53. The ego attempts to solve discomfort by
became effortlessly accessible through publications attributing the individual’s unacceptable thoughts,
and through the management of information by feelings, and motives to another person. Which
computers and computer networks. * defense mechanism it is referring to?
Information Age Projection
Golden Age Sublimation
Silver Age Regression
Bronze Age Denial
46. The abbreviation "www"means ________.* 54. Who is the Filipino president who signed the
wide world wed Innovation Act?*
web world wide Joseph Ejercito Estrada
world wide web Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
world web wide Benigno Aquino III
  Rodrigo R. Duterte
47.Which one of the following result takes place  
due to global warming? Feedback
Maintaining steady temperature Republic Act (RA) No. 11293 otherwise known as
Changes in the rainfall the “Philippine Innovation Act” was signed by
Pleasant environment President Rodrigo R. Duterte on April 17, 2019 in
Causing less pollution order to foster innovation in the country as a vital
Feedback component of national development and
Explanation: Global warming leads to changes in sustainable economic growth.
temperature and also changes the amount of  
55. Scientific inquiry begins with... 62. What is the main reason for melting of ice
a. A problem to solve or a question to answer sheets?
b. Observation Increase in the oxygen content
c. Laboratory tests Global warming
d. A checklist of procedures Decrease in carbon dioxide content
  Noise pollution
56. When Martin Heidegger defines technology as  Feedback
a human activity. He is referring to what kind of Global warming is affecting various places around
definition of technology? the world. It is a accelerated the melting of ice
instrumental sheets, permafrost and glaciers which there by
anthropological causing rise in the average sea levels to greater
personal extent continuously.
  63. Aristotle divides the virtues into
  natural virtues and artificial virtues.
57. The law mandates the creation of the National moral virtues and intellectual virtues.
Innovation Council (NIC) that will steer the whole-  
of-government coordination and collaboration and positive virtues and negative virtues.
to remove the fragmentation in the country’s human virtues and divine virtues.
innovation governance.  
RA 7722 64. According to Heliocentric Model what is the
RA 7610 center of the universe?
RA 11293 Sun
RA 9210 earth
58. According to the simple framework of Pawilen asteroid
(2006) which of the following factors to be  
considered in understanding indigenous science? 65.The following are direct environmental risks of
ancient belief, science process skills, science GMO except _______.
understanding may cause harmful effects to ecosystem processes
science practices, community tradition, Civilization if GMOs interfere with the natural biochemical
Science experiments, community folklores, science cycles
knowledge may have impacts to biodiversity caused by the
science process skills, community culture and alteration in agricultural practices
values, traditional knowledge the persistence of GMO genes after its harvest
  which may cause negative impacts to the consumer
  of GMO products
59. Which among the statements below are the possibility of unexpected behavior of the GMOs
examples of indigenous knowledge? in the environment if it escapes its intended use
Classifying plants and animals into families and and may post threats or become pest
groups based on cultural properties  
Keeping the custom of growing plants and 66. _________: China; Newspaper: Roman
vegetanles in the yard. Civilization
Predicting weather conditions and seasons using Tea production
knowledge in observing animal`s behaviour and The Great Ziggurat
celestial bodies Telescope
Preserving an selecting good seeds for planting ejeepney
All of the above  
  67. In what year does the term "genetic
 60. He institutionalized the Balik Scientist Program engineering" was coined ?
with RA `11035 "Balik Scientist Act".* 1915
President Rodrigo Duterte 1951
President Benigno Aquino 1519
President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo 1551
President Fidel V. Ramos  
  68. Which of the following is not true about science
61. It was also important during the ancient times and technology?
because they needed to remember the places they Science taught man the relationship of living things
had been to and document the trades they made with their environment
with each other. Technology can provide all the solutions to the
record-keeping problems of the society 
mass production Science is an organized knowledge about the
transportation environment
navigation Technology helps improve man's life
69. Which among of Aristotle's four causes refers to Chinese Civilization
“the form”, “the account of what-it-is-to-be”, e.g., the Roman Civilization
shape of a statue.  
Causa Efficient or the Efficient Cause 76. It refers to the endless cycle of
Causa Finalis or the final cause codependence,co-influence,co-production of
Causa material is or the material cause technology and society upon the other.
Causa Formalis or the formal cause Science
  Science, Technology and Society
70. The first Asian to have entered the prestigious Science and Technology
Harvard University's School of Medicine, is also  
credited for her studies that led to the invention of 77. The following are some potential of human
incubator and jaundice relieving device. health risks caused by GMOs except ___________
Fe Del Mundo consumption of GMOs may have adverse effects
Mari-Jo P. Ruiz since it is not naturally or organically produced
Lilian F. Patena consumption of GMOS may alter the balance of
Lourdes J. Cruz existing microorganisms in the human digestive
71. It is a practical application of knowledge in a  
particular area and a capability given by the control in fertility controls the purity of the hybrid
practical application of knowledge. seeds (GMO seeds) ensures higher yields
Science production of toxins may be detrimental to human
Technology health
STS 78. If the greenhouse effect is natural, why is
  today’s climate change a bad thing?
72. The following are examples of indigenous A small increase in greenhouse gas concentration
knowledge EXCEPT ______. can have a large effect of increased warming.
preserving food Abrupt changes to the climate system may have
using antibiotics unintended outcomes that may pose challenges for
predicting weather conditions using knowledge in societies.
observing animals Once released into the atmosphere, greenhouse
using indigenous technology gases remain potent for many years making it
  difficult to reverse the process.
73.The following are contributions of the ancient All of the choices
Filipinos to the economy during the Spanish  
Colonial Period, EXCEPT: 79. It was the period of enlightenment when the
Development of Public Education System developments in fields of mathematics, physics,
Development of Hospitals astronomy, biology, and chemistry transformed the
Development of Schools views of society about the nature. *
Development of Research and Industry Scientific evolution
  Scientific revolution
Feedback Science Enlightenment
There were three levels of education during the Science revolution
American period. The "elementary" level consisted
of four primary years and 3 intermediate years. The 80. This philosophy believed that God created
"secondary" or high school level consisted of four all. 
years; and the third was the "college" or tertiary Theism
level. Religion was not part of the curriculum of the Stoicism
schools. Hedonism
74. The following inventions are the  contributions  
of the Philippines to the global advancement of 81. What is the focus of science education in the
science and technology EXCEPT: Philippines?
Mosquito ovicidal teaching, learning science, and exploring the
ejeepney physical world
salamander amphibious tricycle teachings science and understanding the natural
petroleum refinery world
  teaching and understanding science
  teaching, learning, and understanding science
75. Due to massive industrialization, this period  
faced more complicated problems such as food  
processing and medicine since health was of great 82. He is one of the Philippine who ushered in
concern. advancements in science and technology. *
Modern times Ferdinand Marcos Sr
Middle Ages Fidl Ramos
Corazon Aquino
Manuel Roxas 86. Through careful observation, Charles
  Darwin came to understand that:
83. This commission serves as an advisory and the populations of plants and animals in nature most
policy making body that aims to strengthen  the often consist of individuals that are clones of each
linkage with all sectors related to science and other
technology in pursuit of its objectives. those individuals whose variation gives them an
DOST advantage in staying alive long enough to
COMSTE reproduce are more likely to pass their traits on to
CHED the next generation
NEDA populations of a species that become isolated from
Feedback others by adapting to different environmental
NEDA- The National Economic and Development niches quickly become extinct
Authority is a government agency responsible to all of the above
formulate development plans and ensure that the  
plan implementation achieves the goals of national  
development. It is regarded as the country’s 87. Which among the following statements about
premier socioeconomic planning body, an authority indigenous science is correct?
in macroeconomic forecasting and policy analysis A. Indigenous science is composed of traditional
and research. It provides high-level advice to knowledge practiced and valued by people and
policymakers in Congress and the Executive communities such as ethno-biology, ethno-
Branch. medicine, indigenous farming methods, and folk
DOST - The Department of Science and B. Indigenous science is guided by culture and
Technology (DOST) is the primary science and community values
technology body in the country responsible for A only
providing central direction, leadership and All of the above
coordination of all scientific and technological  
activities, and of formulating policies, programs and  
projects to support national development. 88. The following are the potential risks of human
consumption of GMOs except_________. *
CHED - This agency is responsible for the More allergic reactions
formulation of policies, plans, and programs for the gene mutation
development of higher education system in the antibiotic resistance
country. It has been mandated to promote quality fortification
education and ensures the implementation of  
educational policies relevant to continuous 89.It is the study of manipulating matter on an
advancement of learning atomic scale.
84.The first scientists were called __________. biotechnology
philosophers of nature genetic engineering
guide of nature technology
genius of science  
brilliant in science 90. The following are examples of cultural beliefs
  that will serve as good foundation for developing
85. "A robot may not injure a human being, or, positive values toward learning and doing science
through inaction, allow a human being to come to EXCEPT ______.
harm", this statement refers to what laws of Issac motivating attitudes
Asimov's laws of robotics?* cooperating attitudes
First Law practical attitudes
Second Law hasty attitude
Third Law  
Feedback 91. The following are considered to be advantages
First Law: A robot may not injure a human being, of GMO except ________.
or, through inaction, allow a human being to come Emergence of new forms of resistance and
to harm. secondary pests and weed problems
Second Law: A robot must obey orders given it by Higher efficiency in farming
human beings, except where such orders would Improvement of desirable characteristics
conflict with the First Law. Nutritional and pharmaceutical enhancement
Third Law: A robot must protect its own existence  
as long as such protection does not conflict with 92. He is well-known for his theory that pertains to
the First or Second Law. the stages of Psychosexual Development.
  Charles Darwin
Claudius Ptolemy
Nicolaus Copernicus
Sigmund Freud
  Biological Diverse
  Biological Diversified
93. It is the basic physical unit of inheritance None of these
chromosome 102. It is the first science high school in the
DNA Philippines. The organization and curriculum of the
nucleus school puts more emphasis on science and
94. Lunar Rover or more popularly known as the Philippine Science High School System
Moon Buggy is a battery-powered four-             Special Science Elementary Schools (SSES)
wheeled rover used on the Moon in the last three Project
missions of the American Apollo.              Who is Manila Science High School
the Filipino Scientist that is considered as the Central Visayan Institute Foundation
inventor of the Lunar Rover?  
Eduardo San Juan 103. A well-known German philosopher, examined
Edgardo Varquez the two usual definitions of technology; means to
Lilian Paterna an end and a human activity, because he believed
Roberto Del Rosario that this kind of confusing and there are question to
  it that we easily overlook.
95. In this type of gene therapy, process involves Martin Bronfrenbenner
the transfer of a section of DNA to cells that Albert Einstein
produce eggs or sperm. Martin Heidegger
germ-line gene therapy Albert Watson
somatic gene therapy
genetic engineering GEN ED – FILIPINO, Sir Van Morillo
  1. Anong uri ng di - berbal ang tumutukoy naman
96. The hydroelectric plant set upon the Rhine ito sa tunog na nalilikha ng tao?
River which unlocked the electricity concealed in it. Proximics
This example pertains to _________. Chronemics
Unlock and expose Vocalics
Stock piles for future. Pictics
Enframing 2. Anong uri ng komunikasyon ang tumutukoy sa
Unconcealment pansariling komunikasyon?
Feedback Interpersonal
Unlock and expose. It carries the idea that nature Intrapersonal
will not reveal itself unless challenge is set upon it. Pampubliko
This is true with the hydroelectric plant set upon Machine – Assisted
the Rhine River which unlocked the electricity
concealed in it. 3. Anong uri ng di-berbal ng komunikasyon ang
  gumagamit ng mata sa pagpapahiwatig ng
97. At the end of research process, * mensahe o damdamin?
the hypothesis will always be approved Haptics
the hypothesis may be rejected Objectics
the hypothesis may be approved or rejected Oculesics
all of these Kinesics
4. Anong uri ng komunikasyon ang tumutukoy sa
98. This person perceived technology as a way of
mas malaking bilang ng mga tao na
revealing and continues to demand for something
nagbabahaginan ng mga ideya o nagpapalitan ng
to be bought out into the open.
kuro tungo sa pagkamit ng isang layunin?
Charles Darwin
Machine - Assisted
  5. Ayon kay Badayos (2007), ito ay isang proseso
100. It refers to the rise in global temperatures due ng patuluyang paglikha, paglalahad gayundin
mainly to the increasing concentrations of naman ang paghahatid ng mensahe; makabuluhan
greenhouse gases in the atmosphere man o hindi; gamit ang nakagawiang simbikong
Global Warming aksyon ng tao.
Climate Change Wika
Greenhouse effect Komunikasyon
Greenhouse gases Kultura
101. Biodiversity is a short-term for?
Biological Diversity
6. Anong sangkap ng komunikasyon ang Olfactorics
tumutukoy o sa impormasyong nais ipahatid ng
pinanggagalingan ng mensahe? 15. Anong uri ng di - berbal ang gumagamit ng
Mensahe representasyon ng nararamdaman ng tao gamit
Tagahatid ng Mensahe ang mga simbolong kilala natin bilang icons?
Tagatanggap ng Mensahe Iconics
Tsanel Olfactorics
7. Anong sangkap ng komunikasyon ang Colorics
pinagmulan o tagagawa ng mensahe?
Tsanel 16. Anong uri ng di - berbal ang gumagamit ng
Tagatanggap ng Mensahe “facial expression.”?
Tagahatid ng Mensahe Pictics
Hadlang Olfactorics
8. Anong sangkap ng komunikasyon ang Colorics
tumutukoy sa tugon ng tagatanggap mula sa
mensaheng hatid ng tagahatid ng mensahe? 17. Anong uri ng di - berbal ang idinidikta ng oras
Feedback na kung saan ang bawat tao sa lipunan ay may
Hadlang oryentasyon sa oras o panahon na mayroon sila?
Mensahe Chronemics
Tsanel Vocalics
9. Anong sangkap ng komunikasyon ang Pictics
tumutukoy sa anumang bagay o pangyayari na
maaaring makapagpabago ng kahulugan ng isang 18. Anong uri ng di - berbal ang tumutukoy naman
usapan? ito sa tunog na nalilikha ng tao?
Tsanel Proximics
Hadlang Chronemics
Mensahe Vocalics
Feedback Pictics

10. Anong uri ng di-berbal ng komunikasyon ang 19. Anong uri ng di - berbal ang tumutukoy sa
tumutukoy sa pagpapadama gamit ang paghaplos distansiya?
sa taong kinakausap? Pictics
Haptics Proximics
Oculesis Vocalics
Kinesics Chronemics
Objectics 20. Sino ang nagpanukala sa S.P.E.A.K.I.N.G?
11. Anong uri ng di-berbal ang tumutukoy sa galaw Dell Hymes
ng katawan? Badayos
Objectics Henry Gleason
Haptics M.A.K Halliday
Oculesis 21. Anong sangkap ng komunikasyon angn
Kinesics nagsisilbing daanan ng mensahe patungo sa
12. Anong uri ng di-berbal ang gumagamit ng tagatanggap nito?
bagay tungo sa mabisang paglalahad ng Mensahe
mensahe? Hadlang
Objectics Feedback
Haptics Tsanel
Kinesics 22. Anong uri ng komunikasyon ang nagaganap sa
Oculesis pagitan ng dalawang tao o maliliit na grupo na
13. Anong uri ng di-berbal ang naglalahad ng nagkakaroon ng palitan ng mensahe?
mensahe sa pamamagitan ng pang-amoy? Interpersonal
Pictics Intrapersonal
Iconics Pampubliko
Olfactorics Machine-Assisted
Colorics 23. Mabaho - may tae
14. Anong uri ng di-berbal ang naglalahad ng Oculetics
mensahe sa pamamagitan ng pagtataglay ng kulay Olfactorics
ng simbolo sa anyo ng pagpapakahulugan? Kinesics
Colorics Objectics
Iconics 24. Pagyakap – nangangamusta
Pictics Haptics
Pragmatics 36. X - means wrong or delete
Iconics Iconics
Objectics Pictics
25. Nagmamadaling maglakad - late na siya Objectics
Objectics 37. Interpretatibong pagsayaw - pagpapakita ng
Chronemics menshe ng kanta
Vocalics Haptics
26. 7:00AM na - gising na Pragmatics
Iconics Proxemics
Chronemics 38. Exclamation point - bilang babala o paalala
Acrynomics Objectics
27. emoji – expresyon Olphatorics
Pictics Iconics
Syntactics 39. Dilaw na ang mangga - hinog na
Iconics Iconics
28. Singsing – proposal Objectics
Iconics Colorics
Chronemics 40. Kinalabit - nais tawagin ang atensyon
Tactics Iconics
29. Pag-irap - galit sa iyo Haptics
Pictics Auditics
Chronemics 41. Isinigaw ng nanay mo ang iyong pangalan -
Haptics galit na siya sa iyo
30. Pagkuyom ng mga kamay - nagpipigil ng Vocalics
emosyon Iconics
Iconics Haptics
Haptics 42. Pagtili - nakita si crush
Kinesics Optimics
31. Harapang pag-usap - interview Anorensics
Kinesics Vocalics
Hypolitics 43. 12:00 na ng gabi - tulugan na
Proxemics Colorics
32. Pagngiti – masaya Pictics
Pictics Iconics
Iconics 44. Silence means yes
Proxemics Vocalics
33. Malayo siya sa iyo - galit sa iyo Proxemics
Haptics Pragmatics
Olfactories 45. Street signs or symbols
Proxemics Objectics
34. Medalya at tropeyo - nanalo sa patimpalak Iconics
Oculesics Chronemics
Objectics 46. Nanlaki ang mata – nagulat
Pictics Olfactories
35. Haplos - pagbibigay comfort Kinesics
Haptics Pragmatics
Pictics 47. Kulay brown na ang dahon - bulok na ito
Proxemics Chronemics
Iconics Sosyolek
Kinesics Idyolek
Colorics Pidgin
48. Magkatabi sa upuan - close sila sa isa't isa
Objectics 57. Gumawa ng paraan para magkaintindihan ang
Prolictics Hapones na si Fumya at Tsinong si Chua. Kaya
Iconics bumuo sila ng mga bagong salita.
Proxemics Pidgin
49. Green means go Idyolek
Pictics Sosyolek
Reflecsonics 58. Anong barayti ng wika ang iniaangkop ng
Iconics tagapagsalita ang kanyang wikang gagamitin sa
kausap at sitwasyon.
50. Pagsimagot – naiinis Idyolek
Opsyon 1 Sosyolek
Anoresics Pidgin
Haptics Register
59. "Grabe na 'to, to the highest level." Kilalang-
51. Kumulubot ang noo - nagtataka kilala ng mga tao ay boses ni Ruffa Mae Quinto
Pragmatics Idyolek
Pictics Sosyolek
Iconics Pidgin
Acronatics Etnolek
52. Ito ay umiiral sa mga sitwasyong 60. "Why always so tagal? I'm so inip na here. I'm
kinasasangkutan ng dalawa o iilang tao. galit-galit to you na."Pag-iinarte ni Carylle sa
kontekstong panggrupo Kaibigan si Marriane
kontekstong pangmasa Sosyolek
kontekstong pang-organisasyon Idyolek
kontekstong interpersonal Etnolek
BONUS. Bugtong-bugtong. Hindi pari, hindi hari. Dayalek
Nagdadamit ng sari-sari. 61. Tulang liriko na para sa pagsamba, pagpuri o
Pusa pananalangin sa mga santo, sa Diyos, at kay
Tipaklong Birheng Maria.
Paruparo Soneto
Aso Elehiya
53. Natutuhan ni Julius sa kanyang kaibigang Dalit
Ivatan na ang katawagan ng full moon ay Bulanon. Pasyon
Idyolek 62. Mga salaysay hinggil sa mga likhang isip na
Etnolek mga tauhan na kumakatawanbsa mga uri ng
Sosyolek kultura, paniniwala o pamumuhay ng mamamayan
Creole sa isang lugar.
54. "Hoy pre pautang naman, gipit na ako eh." Pabula
Saad ni Joseph sa kaibigan. Ngunit nagbago ito sa Kuwentong Bayan
kanyan Ate "te pwede mo po ba akong pahiramin Parabula
ng pera." Sanaysay
Pidgin 63. "Eooowzz pohzz qmuztha na phowzz kauuu?
Creole Text ni Gina sa kanyang mga kaibigan
Sosyolek Idyolek
Register Dayalek
55. Iba ang pananalita ng Tagalog ng mga taga- Sosyolek
Maynila kumpara sa Tagalog ng mga taga- Etnolek
Batangas. 64. "Sinecth itey na kalorking baklalush ang
Idyolek everyday hagardo bersosa?" Wika ni Alfred sa
Dayalek kaibigan si May
Pigdin Pidgin
Register Creole
56. Mabilis makilala ng mga tao ang bibong boses Sosyolek
ni Marc Logan at kadalsan kingigilwan ito ng mga Dayalek
65. Kuwento tungkol sa kabayanihan ng tauhan na Pabula
may kakaibang kakayahan o kapangyarihan. Kuwentong Bayan
Anekdota Parabula
Epiko Sanaysay
Alamat 75. Tula hinggil sa guni-guni sa mga yumaong
mahal sa buhay.
66. Mga kuwentong hango sa biblya na ginamit ng Soneto
Hesus sa kanyang Pangangaral. Elehiya
Pabula Dalit
Kuwentong Bayan Pasyon
Sanaysay 76. Kuwentong ang mga tauhang gumaganap ay
mga hayop at mga bagay na walang buhay na
67. Anong barayti ng wika ang ginagamit ng mga kapupulutan ng gintong aral.
pangkat etniko. Pabula
Pidgin Kuwentong Bayan
Creole Parabula
Sosyolek Sanaysay
77. Tumatalakay sa kakaiba o kakatwang
68. "Ay Pedro ako'y lagi mo na laang niloloko tayo'y pangyayari sa buhay ng isang KILALANG TAO.
maghiwalay na". May punto ng nga taga-Quezon Anekdota
ang paraan ng pananalita. Epiko
Idyolek Talambuhay
Dayalek Alamat
Creole 78. Ang El Filibusterismo ay binubuo ng ilang
69. Tulang liriko tungkol sa pagpapakasakit at 36
pagkamatay ni Kristo. 39
Soneto 34
Dalit 79. Ang Mahabharata ang pinakamahabang epiko
Pasyon sa buong mundo na nagmula sa bansang…
70. Tumatalakay pinagmulan ng mga bagay-bagay. Italya
Epiko 80. Ang Iliad at Odessey ay isinulat ni….
Talambuhay Chaucer
Alamat Confucious
71. Ito ay barayti ng wikang hindi pagmamay-ari
ninuman. Ito ang pinagmulan ng barayting Creole. 81. Tumatalakay sa mitolohiya at teolohiya ng mga
Pidgin mamamayan ng Ehipto.
Idyolek Aklat ng mga Patay
Dayalek Awit ni Rolando
Register Aklat ng mga Araw
72. Nabigo sa pag-ibig si Jen. Nagpunta siya ng 82. Naging batayan ng pananampalataya at
Abra upang makalimot. Sa pagtigil niya roon ay kalinangang Intsik.
marami siyang natutuhang mga katutubong salita. Awit ni Rolando
Etnolek Aklat ng mga Araw ni Confucius
Register Divina Comedia
Pidgin 83. Banal na aklat ng mga Muslim.
73. Ito ay barayti ng wikang natatangi lamang sa Bibliya
isang tao. Ito ay sarili niyang paraan ng Iliad at Odessey
Sosyolek 84. Mababatid ng isang manunuri sa pananaw na
Creole ito kung taglay ba ng akda ang pagpapahalaga sa
Dayalek disiplina at kaayusang nararapat o inaasahan ng
Idyolek madla.
74. Isang akdang panitikan na naglalahad ng Formalismo
opinyon o ideya ng isang tao hinggil sa Klasismo
napapanahong isyu. Romantisismo
85. Karaniwang ginagamit sa pananaw na ito ang 93. Pinalulutang sa pananaw o dulog na ito ang
pagbibigay-halaga sa tunggalian sa pagitan ng damdamin kaysa kaisipan.
dalawang malalakas at magkasalungat na puwersa Realismo
o kapangyarihan. Eksistensiyalismo
Moralistiko Romantisismo
Marxismo Moralistiko
Humanismo 94. Uri ng panitikan na likas at angkin na ng mga
katutubong pilipino noon.
86. Karamihan sa mga akdang sinusuri gamit ang PANULAAN
pananaw na ito ay dumadalumat sa kalagayan ng DULAAN
lipunan at sa uri ng mga taong namayagpag sa ALAMAT
panahong ito. DAGLI
Moralistiko 95. Ito ang naging tahanan ng mga babasahing
Humanismo propaganda ng mga Pilipinong Makabayan. Alin
Romantisismo ang HINDI kabilang.
Diyaryong Tagalog
87. Ipinakikita sa pananaw na ito na ang tao ay Kalayaan
malayang magpasya para sa kanyang sarili upang La Solidaridad
mapalutang ang pagiging indibidwal nito at nang sa Liwayway
gayon ay hindi maikahon ng lipunan.
Klasismo 96. Sa panahon na ito ginamit ang panulat upang
Eksistensiyalismo gisingin ang natutulog na kamalayan ng mga
Realismo Pilipino upang waksihan ang pamapangabusong
Humanismo kapangyarihan ng mga nandayuhan.
Panahon ng Himagsikan
88. Pinahahalagahan ng teoryang ito ang katwiran Pulitikal na paghihimagsik
at pagsusuri, may layunin ding ilahad ang Panahon ng Hapon
katotohanan, kabutihan at kagandahan. Panahon ng Kastila
Realismo 97. Ito ang panahon ng Dulaang Pilipino.
Klasismo Panahon ng Kastila
Romantisismo Panahon ng Hapones
Panahon ng Himagsikan
89. Ipinalalasap ng pananaw na ito ang Panahon ng Amerikano
katotohanan ng buhay maging ito man ay hindi
maganda. Layunin nitong ilahad ang mga 98. Sa panahon na ito hindi lang wikang Kastila
pangyayari sa tunay na buhay. ang ginamit sa pagsulat kundi ang pagbuhay sa
Sikolohikal sariling wika, ang Tagalog.
Moralistiko Panahon ng Kastila
Sosyolohikal Panahon ng Propaganda
Realismo Panahon ng Amerikano
Panahon ng Hapon
90. Ang pananaw na ito ay nagpapahalaga higit sa 99. Ang dulang pantulaan hinggil sa sakripisyo at
tao kaysa sa anomang bagay. pagpapako kay Kristo.
Arketipo Duplo
Moralistiko Senakulo
Humanismo Tibag
Eksistensiyalismo Pasyon
91. Sa pananaw na ito makikita ang takbo o galaw 100. Panahon o taon ng dumating ang mga kastila?
ng isipan ng manunulat. 1521
Sosyolohikal 1987
Sikolohikal 1565
Humanismo 1972
92. Sa pamamagitan ng pananaw na ito, nasusuri
ang kalagayan ng kababaihan at ang
pagkakapantay-pantay ng kalagayan ng
kababaihan at kalalakihan sa lipunan at maging sa

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