Zr160kce TFD

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Model: ZR160KCE-TFD


Type: Hermetic scroll compressors

Producer: Copeland
Series: ZR

Model: ZR160KCE-TFD

Technical data
Displacement [m³/h]: 36,4
Sound power [dBA]: 79
Sound pressure level [dB]: 68
Net Weight [kg]: 64,9
Gross Weight [kg]: 75
Oil charge [dm³]: 3,3
Maximum high pressure [bar]: 32
Maximum standstill pressure [bar]: 20
Minimal lowside temperature [°C]: -35
Maximum lowside temperature [°C]: 52
PED category: 2

Electrical data
Power supply [V/~/Hz]: 380-420/3/50Hz
Locked rotor current [A]: 140
Max. operating current [A]: 28,0
Winding resistance [Ω]: 1,1


Suction connection with supplied sleeve: 1 3/8"

Discharge connection with supplied sleeve: 7/8"

Model: ZR160KCE-TFD


Cooling capacity [kW]

tc \ te -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15
25 13.91 17.00 20.48 24.46 29.00 34.22 -
30 13.11 16.21 19.65 23.51 27.89 32.86 38.53
35 12.14 15.30 18.72 22.51 26.74 31.51 36.90
40 10.98 14.23 17.67 21.41 25.53 30.13 35.28
45 9.60 12.95 16.45 20.18 24.22 28.68 33.62
50 - 11.45 15.03 18.78 22.78 27.12 31.89
55 - 9.66 13.36 17.16 21.15 25.42 30.05
60 - - 11.42 15.30 19.31 23.53 28.05
65 - - 9.16 13.16 17.22 21.43 25.88
70 - - - 10.69 14.84 19.07 23.47
75 - - - 7.87 12.13 16.41 20.80

Power input [kW]

tc \ te -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15
25 3.95 4.02 4.05 4.00 3.85 3.57 -
30 4.35 4.45 4.52 4.56 4.51 4.35 4.06
35 4.81 4.89 4.99 5.07 5.10 5.04 4.88
40 5.35 5.40 5.49 5.59 5.67 5.68 5.61
45 6.03 6.02 6.07 6.16 6.25 6.31 6.31
50 - 6.78 6.77 6.82 6.90 6.97 7.02
55 - 7.74 7.64 7.62 7.66 7.72 7.77
60 - - 8.71 8.60 8.56 8.58 8.62
65 - - 10.04 9.80 9.67 9.61 9.60
70 - - - 11.27 11.01 10.85 10.77
75 - - - 13.05 12.63 12.35 12.16

Model: ZR160KCE-TFD

Current [A]
tc \ te -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15
25 9.90 10.00 10.15 10.41 10.81 11.42 -
30 10.51 10.58 10.68 10.86 11.16 11.64 12.33
35 11.25 11.30 11.36 11.48 11.70 12.07 12.63
40 12.13 12.17 12.21 12.28 12.43 12.71 13.15
45 13.15 13.21 13.23 13.27 13.37 13.56 13.90
50 - 14.40 14.43 14.45 14.50 14.63 14.88
55 - 15.77 15.82 15.83 15.85 15.93 16.10
60 - - 17.39 17.41 17.42 17.46 17.57
65 - - 19.16 19.20 19.21 19.22 19.29
70 - - - 21.21 21.23 21.23 21.27
75 - - - 23.43 23.48 23.49 23.51

Mass flow [kg/h]

tc \ te -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15
25 307.52 368.16 434.57 509.03 593.81 691.17 -
30 304.29 368.35 436.53 511.11 594.37 688.56 795.97
35 296.27 365.33 436.86 513.16 596.47 689.08 793.25
40 281.68 357.32 433.80 513.38 598.33 690.94 793.45
45 258.75 342.56 425.55 510.00 598.18 692.36 794.81
50 - 319.25 410.34 501.24 594.23 691.57 795.53
55 - 285.62 386.39 485.33 584.71 686.78 793.84
60 - - 351.93 460.49 567.83 676.23 787.96
65 - - 305.18 424.93 541.83 658.13 776.11
70 - - - 376.89 504.91 630.70 756.52
75 - - - 314.57 455.31 592.17 727.41

Model: ZR160KCE-TFD

C.O.P. [W/W]
tc \ te -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15
25 3.53 4.23 5.06 6.11 7.53 9.60 -
30 3.01 3.65 4.34 5.16 6.18 7.55 9.50
35 2.53 3.13 3.75 4.44 5.24 6.25 7.57
40 2.05 2.63 3.22 3.83 4.51 5.30 6.29
45 1.59 2.15 2.71 3.28 3.88 4.54 5.33
50 - 1.69 2.22 2.75 3.30 3.89 4.55
55 - 1.25 1.75 2.25 2.76 3.29 3.87
60 - - 1.31 1.78 2.26 2.74 3.26
65 - - 0.91 1.34 1.78 2.23 2.69
70 - - - 0.95 1.35 1.76 2.18
75 - - - 0.60 0.96 1.33 1.71

Application range

Maximum evaporating temperature

25ºC suction gas temperature
10K gas overheat

Operating conditions: 10K suction superheat, 0K subcooling

tc - Condensing temperature [ºC]
te - Evaporating temperature [ºC]

Model: ZR160KCE-TFD


Cooling capacity [kW]

tc \ te -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20
25 11.24 14.85 19.18 24.31 30.37 37.46 45.70 55.19 - -
30 10.06 13.60 17.81 22.79 28.67 35.54 43.52 52.72 63.24 -
35 8.85 12.29 16.37 21.19 26.86 33.49 41.20 50.08 60.27 71.85
40 - 10.93 14.86 19.49 24.94 31.32 38.74 47.30 57.12 68.30
45 - - 13.30 17.73 22.94 29.05 36.15 44.37 53.81 64.58
50 - - - 15.90 20.86 26.67 33.45 41.30 50.34 60.68
55 - - - - 18.70 24.21 30.64 38.12 46.74 56.63
60 - - - - - 21.66 27.74 34.81 43.00 52.42
65 - - - - - - 24.74 31.40 39.14 48.07

Power input [kW]

tc \ te -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20
25 5.54 5.61 5.68 5.76 5.84 5.94 6.07 6.23 - -
30 6.22 6.30 6.37 6.45 6.53 6.62 6.73 6.87 7.04 -
35 6.98 7.07 7.15 7.22 7.29 7.37 7.46 7.58 7.72 7.91
40 - 7.95 8.03 8.09 8.15 8.21 8.29 8.38 8.49 8.64
45 - - 9.04 9.09 9.14 9.18 9.23 9.29 9.38 9.48
50 - - - 10.25 10.28 10.30 10.32 10.35 10.40 10.47
55 - - - - 11.59 11.59 11.59 11.58 11.59 11.61
60 - - - - - 13.08 13.04 13.00 12.97 12.94
65 - - - - - - 14.72 14.64 14.56 14.49

Model: ZR160KCE-TFD

Current [A]
tc \ te -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20
25 13.56 13.58 13.61 13.66 13.74 13.86 14.04 14.28 - -
30 14.29 14.35 14.40 14.46 14.53 14.62 14.74 14.92 15.15 -
35 15.06 15.17 15.26 15.33 15.40 15.47 15.55 15.66 15.81 16.02
40 - 16.09 16.22 16.32 16.39 16.45 16.50 16.57 16.65 16.77
45 - - 17.33 17.46 17.55 17.61 17.65 17.67 17.70 17.74
50 - - - 18.81 18.93 18.99 19.02 19.02 19.00 18.97
55 - - - - 20.56 20.64 20.67 20.65 20.59 20.51
60 - - - - - 22.60 22.63 22.61 22.52 22.39
65 - - - - - - 24.96 24.93 24.83 24.67

Mass flow [kg/h]

tc \ te -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20
25 25 224 25 224 25 225 25 225 25 225 25 225 25 225 25 225 - -
891.19 962.20 044.26 139.15 248.64 374.52 518.54 682.50
30 43 588 43 588 43 588 43 588 43 588 43 588 43 589 43 589 43 589 -
434.44 506.00 588.73 684.41 794.81 921.70 066.86 232.06 419.07
35 69 216 69 216 69 216 69 216 69 217 69 217 69 217 69 217 69 217 69 217
678.10 750.28 833.75 930.28 041.64 169.61 315.96 482.47 670.90 883.04
40 - 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103
320 320 320 320 320 321 321 321 321
478.74 563.01 660.45 772.84 901.95 049.55 217.43 407.35 621.08
45 - - 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147
110 110 110 110 111 111 111 111
560.19 658.60 772.08 902.40 051.32 220.63 412.09 627.48
50 - - - 201 201 201 201 201 201 201
797 797 797 798 798 798 798
708.44 823.07 954.65 104.95 275.75 468.83 685.94
55 - - - - 268 268 268 268 268 268
592 592 592 593 593 593
709.49 842.40 994.15 166.50 361.25 580.15
60 - - - - - 348 348 348 348 348
706 706 706 706 707
349.34 502.59 676.57 873.05 093.79
65 - - - - - - 443 443 443 443
349 349 349 350
413.99 589.64 787.91 010.57

Model: ZR160KCE-TFD

C.O.P. [W/W]
tc \ te -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20
25 2.03 2.65 3.37 4.22 5.20 6.31 7.53 8.86 - -
30 1.62 2.16 2.79 3.54 4.39 5.37 6.47 7.67 8.98 -
35 1.27 1.74 2.29 2.94 3.69 4.55 5.52 6.61 7.80 9.09
40 - 1.38 1.85 2.41 3.06 3.81 4.67 5.65 6.73 7.91
45 - - 1.47 1.95 2.51 3.16 3.92 4.77 5.74 6.81
50 - - - 1.55 2.03 2.59 3.24 3.99 4.84 5.80
55 - - - - 1.61 2.09 2.64 3.29 4.03 4.88
60 - - - - - 1.66 2.13 2.68 3.32 4.05
65 - - - - - - 1.68 2.15 2.69 3.32

Application range

Maximum evaporating temperature

25ºC suction gas temperature
10K gas overheat

Operating conditions: 10K suction superheat, 0K subcooling

tc - Condensing temperature [ºC]
te - Evaporating temperature [ºC]

Model: ZR160KCE-TFD

Model: ZR160KCE-TFD


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