Foundation of Special and Inclusive Education
Foundation of Special and Inclusive Education
Foundation of Special and Inclusive Education
Course Description This course shall deal with philosophies, theories and legal bases of special and inclusive education, typical and atypical
development of children, learning characteristics of students with special educational needs and practices in the continuum
of special inclusive education.
Contact Hours/Week 3 hours
Prerequisite none
1. Demonstrate basic knowledge of legislation and regulation pertinent to special education in the world and in the
Course Outcomes Philippines.
2. Demonstrate flexibility in the use of teaching strategies and approaches for learners with special needs given diverse concepts.
3. Possess interpersonal skills and collaborative attitude in dealing with parents of learners with special needs as well as with the
school personnel and people in the school community.
4. Competently plan to make learning meaningful and purposeful for learners with special needs.
5. Determine strategies on how to work efficiently with a multidisciplinary team in planning appropriate educational
programs involving parents, school and community resources.
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Desired Learning Course Contents / Textbooks / References Teaching and Learning Assessment of Resource Time
Outcomes (DLO) Subject Matter Activities (TLAs) Tasks (ATs) Materials Table
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Desired Learning Course Contents / Textbooks / References Teaching and Learning Assessment of Resource Time
Outcomes (DLO) Subject Matter Activities (TLAs) Tasks (ATs) Materials Table
7. Explain the figure on B. Special Education Capulong, Y.
the true prevalence of 1. Prevalence of Children (2007), Introduction to Socratic Questioning Reflection and Laptop 1 week
Filipino children and and Youth with Special Special Education. Application of
youth with special Needs REX Bookstore Research Discussion Learning Paper Power Point
needs 2. Range of Special Presentation
8. Describe the Education Programs and https://www.slideshar Wisdom of Another
different special Services Rubric for Video Clip
education programs 3. Inclusive Education for tions-of-special- grading the
and services offered Children with Special education reflection paper
by the Philippine Needs
public and private 4. Support Services for Farrell, M. (2009), Quiz (LMS)
schools or Children with Special Foundations of Special
institutions and cite Needs Education: An Individual
examples for each 5. SPED System Introduction. John Insights
9. Discuss the Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
definition of inclusive
education and its
salient features at-is-special-
10. Enumerate the education
support services
extended to children http://unesdoc.unesc
with special needs
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Outcomes (DLO) Subject Matter Activities (TLAs) of Tasks Materials Table
11. Explain how C.Meaning of Special
special education Education and Capulong, Y. (2007), Lecture Reflection Laptop
enables exceptional Categories of Introduction to Special Education. and 1 week
children to benefit from Children with Special REX Bookstore Lecture Reaction – the Application Power Point
the basic education Needs class will be divided into of Learning Presentation
program of the 1. Meaning of four groups after a Paper
Department of Special lecture: questioners (ask Video Clip
Education Education vitug/foundations-of-special- two questions related
12. Compare and 2. Children with education to the Rubric for
contrast the nine Special Needs material); example grading the
categories of CSN 3. Basic Terms in Farrell, M. (2009), Foundations of givers (provide reflection
13. Develop positive SPED Special Education: An applications), divergent paper
attitudes towards 4. Categories of Introduction. John Wiley & Sons, thinkers
exceptional children Exceptionalities Ltd. (disagree with some Quizzes
and youth Among Children points of the lecture), (LMS)
14. Explain the basic and Youth with and agreers (explain
concepts of human Special Needs which points they
reproduction agreed with or found
15. Enumerate and helpful) through break
discuss the basic out rooms in Google
principles of genetic Meet/Zoom.
16. Describe the course
of prenatal
development and the
stages of human
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Outcomes (DLO) Subject Matter Activities (TLAs) of Tasks Materials Table
17. Identify the D.Biological and
deviations from Environmental Causes Capulong, Y. (2007), Research Reflection Laptop
normal human of Introduction to Special Education. and 1 week
development that Developmental REX Bookstore Lecture Application Power Point
can lead to Disabilities of Learning Presentation
developmental 1. Basic Concepts Picture Prompt – ask Paper (LMS)
disabilities of Human students to write about Video Clip
18. Cite the significant Reproduction vitug/foundations-of-special- the image using terms
outcomes of the 2. Biological education from lecture, or to name Rubric for
Human Genome Sources of the processes and grading the
Project Developmental Farrell, M. (2009), Foundations of concepts shown (LMS) reflection
Disabilities Special Education: An paper
3. Course of Introduction. John Wiley & Sons, Group
Prenatal Ltd. Quizzes
Development Activity (asynchronous) (LMS)
4. Newborn
Screening Preliminary
5. Principles of Exam
Normal (LMS)
Development in
Infancy and
Early Childhood
6. Human
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Desired Learning Course Contents / Textbooks / References Teaching and Learning Assessment of Resource Time
Outcomes (DLO) Subject Matter Activities (TLAs) Tasks (ATs) Materials Table
19. Explain the II. Unlocking Learning
concepts on mental Disability: Ways to Garcia, C.M. (2009), Online observation of Narrative Laptop
ability and the Help Regular Managing Children with SPED classes report
measurement of Teachers Meet the Special Needs. REX Power point
intellectual Needs of the Bookstore, Inc. Discussion Reflection Presentation 5 weeks
functioning Learners with paper
20. Explain the Learning Problems Capulong, Y. (2007), Forum – pose question Video Clip
syndromes in the in the Classroom Introduction to Special on the topics discussed. Interview of
areas of inattention, Education. REX Bookstore Students will pose their parents, teachers Interview
hyperactivity, and A. Nature of Learning insights and learnings. and Sheet
impulsivity Disability De Vera, E. (2016), (LMS) pupils/students (Google
21. Explain the causes or B. Indicators of Special Education. Great (Google Forms)
etiology of learning Learning Disability Books Trading True or False – Meet/Zoom/
disabilities C. Information distribute index cards on Google Forms) Rubric for
22. Discuss the Processing which is written a grading
assessment D. Types of Learning statement. Students Quizzes (LMS)
procedures in Disabilities decide if theirs is one of
identifying students E. Special Education the true statements or E-Games and
with learning Procedures not, using whatever Worksheets for
disabilities F. Understanding the means they desire. Different
Learners with (Google Meet) Learning
ADHD Disabilities
G. How to Spot
Indicators of ADHD Midterm Exam
H. Loving the (LMS)
Learners with
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Outcomes (DLO) Subject Matter Activities (TLAs) of Tasks Materials Table
23. Enumerate and
describe the
special education
programs for
students with
learning disabilities
24. Manifest patience
and understanding in
teaching children
with learning
25. Discuss the nature
of human intellect as
expounded by III. Students Who Are Garcia, C.M. (2009), Online observation of Narrative Laptop
philosophers, Gifted and Talented Managing Children with Classes Report 2 weeks
psychologists and A. Great People of the Special Needs. REX Bookstore, Power point
educators through 20th Century: Gifted Inc. Research Reflection Presentation
the centuries and Talented All paper
26. Enumerate and B. Central Concepts of Capulong, Y. (2007), Lecture Group Video Clip
describe the Giftedness and Talent Introduction to Special
theories and C. Theories and Education. REX Bookstore Activity Write up on
definitions of Definitions of (asynchronous) the great Rubric for
intelligence Intelligence De Vera, E. (2016), people of the grading
27. Discuss the D. Multiple Special Education. Great 21st century
multiple Intelligences Books Trading (infographic)
intelligences of a E. Characteristics of
person Gifted and Talented Quizzes
Children and Youth (LMS)
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Desired Learning Course Contents / Textbooks / References Teaching and Learning Assessment Resource Time
Outcomes (DLO) Subject Matter Activities (TLAs) of Tasks Materials Table
28. Discuss the F. Creativity as the Lecture Reaction – the
concepts on brain Highest Expression of class will be divided into
development before Giftedness four groups after a
and after birth G. Differentiated lecture: questioners (ask
29. Enumerate the ways Curriculum and two questions related to
and means by which Instructional Systems the material); example
intellectual givers
development may (provide applications),
be enhanced divergent thinkers
30. Discuss the (disagree with some
characteristics of points of the lecture),
gifted and talented and agreers (explain
children which points they agreed
31. Describe the with or found helpful).
assessment After
procedures, discussion, brief the
curricular program whole class. (through
and instructional break out rooms in
systems for gifted Google Meet/Zoom).
and talented
32. Derive inspiration
from the
achievements of the
great people of the
20th century
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Outcomes (DLO) Subject Matter Activities (TLAs) Tasks (ATs) Materials Table
33. Discuss the
concepts on brain
development before
and after birth
34. Enumerate the ways
and means by which
development may
be enhanced
35. Discuss the
characteristics of
gifted and talented
36. Describe the
curricular program
and instructional
systems for gifted
and talented
37. Derive inspiration
from the
achievements of the
great people of the
20th century
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Desired Learning Course Contents / Textbooks / References Teaching and Learning Assessment of Resource Time
Outcomes (DLO) Subject Matter Activities (TLAs) Tasks (ATs) Materials Table
IV. Students with
38. Explain the Emotional and
concepts on Behavioral Laptop
personality Disorders Garcia, C.M. (2009), Discussion Narrative Report 1 week
development, A. Effective Steps to Managing Children with Power point
adaptive and Beat the Bullies Special Needs. REX Make It a Story – Reflection paper Presentation
maladaptive B. Definition of Bookstore, Inc. students will make a
behavior Emotional and story on their Banig Interview of Video Clip
39. Define the terms Behavioral Capulong, Y. (2007), ng Buhay in a form of Pupils/Students
emotional and Disorders Introduction to Special vlog. (Google Forms) Interview
behavioral disorders C. Classification of Education. REX Bookstore Sheet
and delinquency Emotional and Think Pair Share (Google
40. Enumerate and Behavioral De Vera, E. (2016), Quizzes Forms)
discuss the Disorders Special Education. Great Movie Application –
characteristics of D. Etiological Factors Books Trading in groups, students Rubric for
children with and Causes of discuss examples of grading
emotional and Emotional and movies that made use
behavioral disorders Behavioral of a concept or event
41. Enumerate and Disorders discussed in class,
discuss the E. Characteristics of trying to identify at
etiological factors Children and least one way the
and causes of Youth with movie- makers got it
emotional and Emotional and right, and one way they
behavioral disorders Behavioral got it wrong
Disorders (asynchronous)
F. Best Practices at
G. Behavior
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Outcomes (DLO) Subject Matter Activities (TLAs) Tasks (ATs) Materials Table
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Desired Learning Course Contents / Textbooks / References Teaching and Learning Assessment of Resource Time
Outcomes (DLO) Subject Matter Activities (TLAs) Tasks (ATs) Materials Table
47. Describe the
educational C. Definition of Garcia, C.M. (2009), 1 week
provisions for Hearing Impairment Managing Children with Discussion Narrative Laptop
students with or Special Needs. REX Report
visual disabilities Disability, Deaf and Bookstore, Inc. Triad (Break-out Power point
48. Gain inspiration Hard of Hearing Rooms) Reflection Presentation
from the abilities of D. Anatomy and Capulong, Y. (2007), paper
persons who are Physiology of the Introduction to Special Make It Personal – At Video Clip
blind or have low Human Ear Education. REX Bookstore home, students will Quizzes
vision E. Classification of cover their eyes so that Rubric for
49. Describe the Hearing Impairment De Vera, E. (2016), they cannot see Semi-final grading
normal process of F. Identification and Special Education. Great anything then they will Exam
hearing or audition Assessment of Books Trading do the usual activities
50. Explain the effects Children with they are engage in.
of hearing Hearing Impairment Students will write a
impairment on G. Educational report on their
intellectual, social, Placement experience as a person
and emotional without sight. They will
development post their report on the
51. Enumerate and forum in the LMS.
describe the
procedures in
determining the
cognitive ability,
skills and socio-
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Outcomes (DLO) Subject Matter Activities (TLAs) Tasks (ATs) Materials Table
behavioral traits
of students with
hearing impairment
52. Enumerate and
describe the types
of educational
approaches and
strategies for
students with
hearing impairment
53. Cite the
importance of
support services in
the education of
students with
hearing loss
54. Appreciate the
abilities of persons
who are deaf and
hard of hearing
55. Enumerate and
define types of
language disorders
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Desired Learning Course Contents / Textbooks / References Teaching and Learning Assessment of Resource Time
Outcomes (DLO) Subject Matter Activities (TLAs) Tasks (ATs) Materials Table
56. Describe the VI. Students with
assessment Speech and Garcia, C.M. (2009), Laptop 1 week
procedures in Language Disorders Managing Children with Discussion Reflection
determining the A. Basic Concepts on Special Needs. REX paper Power point
presence of Communication, Bookstore, Inc. Group Activity (Break- Presentation
speech and Speech and out Rooms) Quizzes
language disorders Language Capulong, Y. (2007), Video Clip
57. describe the B. Milestones in Introduction to Special Provocative Picture
special education Language Education. REX Bookstore (Socratic Method)
programs for Development Rubric for
students with C. Speech and De Vera, E. (2016), grading
speech and Language Disorders Special Education. Great
language disorders D. Best Practices at Books Trading
58. Describe the School
techniques to
maximize learning
of children with
speech and
language disorders
in regular
59. Develop positive
attitudes towards
people who are deaf
and hard of hearing
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Outcomes (DLO) Subject Matter Activities (TLAs) Tasks (ATs) Materials Table
60. Enumerate and VII. Students with
describe the types Physical Disabilities, Garcia, C.M. (2009), 1 week
and classification of Health Impairments Managing Children with Profiles of Admirable Narrative Laptop
physical disabilities and Severe Special Needs. REX Individuals – students Report
61. Identify and Disabilities Bookstore, Inc. write a brief profile of Power point
discuss the chronic A. Types of Physical an individual with Reflection Presentation
illnesses and health Disabilities Capulong, Y. (2007), physical disabilities. paper
related conditions B. Health Introduction to Special Students assess their Video Clip
62. Enumerate and Impairments Education. REX Bookstore own values and learn
describe the C. Educational best practices from Quizzes Rubric for
severe and Programs De Vera, E. (2016), them (Video grading
multiple disabilities D. Educational Special Education. Great presentation) Webinar
63. Enumerate and Support Services Books Trading
describe the Lecture
programs and
support services
for students with
physical disabilities,
health impairments
and severe
64. Define mental
retardation and
explain the four
factors and five
assumptions in the
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Outcomes (DLO) Subject Matter Activities (TLAs) Tasks (ATs) Materials Table
65. Enumerate and VIII. Students with Mental
discuss the Retardation Garcia, C.M. (2009), Lecture Group Reflection Laptop 1 week
classification of A. Definition of Mental Managing Children with paper
mental retardation Retardation Special Needs. REX Activity Power point
66. Identify and B. Classification of Bookstore, Inc. Presentation
explain the causes of Mental Retardation Case Study (Socratic Quizzes
mental C. Causes of Mental Capulong, Y. (2007), Method) Video Clip
retardation during Retardation Introduction to Special Final
the phases of D. Learning and Education. REX Bookstore Examination
prenatal Behavior Rubric for
development, the Characteristics De Vera, E. (2016), Infomercial grading
birth process, E. Assessment Special Education. Great
infancy and early Procedures Books Trading
childhood F. Models of Early
67. Name and Intervention
describe the G. Educational
assessment Approaches
procedures to
screen and assess
children with
mental retardation
68. Enumerate and
describe the
approaches in
teaching children
and youth with
mental retardation
Prepared by: