Metro Manual
Metro Manual
Metro Manual
December 2015
Table of Contents
As per Amendment to Metro Railway (Operation and Maintenance) Act 2009, Indian
Railways have been unambiguously given the responsibility of technical planning and
safety of Metro Systems being implemented in India. Since a number of Metros are
coming up in various cities of India, considering the fact that some technical and safety
related issues can best be dealt with at the planning stage itself, a comprehensive
document has been prepared giving the details of procedure for Safety Certification and
Technical clearance of Metro Systems by RDSO, Ministry of Railways.
This is a reference document defining the procedure and the various steps to be taken for
safety certification and technical clearance of Metro Systems being implemented in India.
This will provide guidance to the authorities who intend to plan, construct and operate a
Metro System in India. After deliberations in the Inter-Ministerial Committee on Metro
issues, it was decided with general consensus, that Ministry of Railways should confine its
role to according in principle approvals of broad technology as chosen and proposed by
the metro railway administrations in the following areas:
i. Schedule of Dimensions
ii. Design Basis Report
iii. Track structure
iv. Oscillation trials of rolling stock as required
v. Issue of Speed Certificate
vi. Technology for signalling
vii. Technology for traction
viii. Rules for opening of the metro railway and General Rules
3.1. The complete exercise of Safety Certification and Technical Clearance for
commissioning a Metro System for passenger service is broadly divided into the
following parts:
1. Submission and Scrutiny of Schedule of Dimensions (SOD)
2. Submission and Scrutiny of technical documents like specifications, design and
test certificates.
3. Tests of selected sub-systems.
4. Oscillation trials and issue of speed certificates.
3.2. However, before the actual start of process for Safety Certification and Technical
Clearance, it is advisable that Metro administration keeps RDSO generally informed
about the project developments and starts liaison well in advance. To make this a part
of the system, a copy of the Detailed Project Report (DPR) approved by Ministry of
Railways and Ministry of Urban Development may be sent to RDSO.
3.3. The Metro administration shall submit the required documents to Executive Director
Works (Planning) Railway Board, and also send a copy of the same to Executive
Director, Urban Transport and High Speed Directorate, RDSO, Manak Nagar, Lucknow.
UTHS directorate will co-ordinate within RDSO and with the Metros for scrutiny of
documents and certification of Metro. These steps have been explained in detail in the
following paragraphs:
[Expected Time for examination and clearance of SOD - Three months]
Initially Metro Administration is required to submit its SOD for approval. It should
comprise of general alignment and clearances, rolling stock dimensions, kinematic
envelope and structure gauge, clearances at stations and platforms, type of electric
traction and clearances from live parts. If a Metro is being extended, then fresh SOD will
not be required to be approved.
[Expected Time for scrutiny of documents –six weeks]
Metro Administration is required to submit documents, duly approved by Metro
Administration as per annexures mentioned below. Sub-system wise break up of these
documents is as follows:
5.1. Rolling Stock(Mechanical Part):as per Annexure A
5.2. Rolling Stock (Electrical Part): as per Annexure B
5.3. Track: The following documents are required
a) Compliance of Standards for Track Structure and salient feature of Track
Structure adopted by Metro Railways (Annexure C1)
b) Compliance to Performance criteria of Fastening System for ballastless track on
Metro Railways/MRTS and salient feature of Fastening System adopted by Metro
Railway (Annexure C2)
5.4. Traction Installation and Power Supply : as per Annexure D1 and D2
5.5. Bridges and Structures
a. A copy of Design Basis Report (DBR) for viaduct and other bridges duly approved
by the metro authorities is required to be submitted prior to taking up design
work by the Consultant. This shall require approval of Ministry of Railways before
start of physical work.
b. It should include load model, provisions of various Codes and Manuals to be
followed with preference (Justification should also be furnished if other than IRS
Code are proposed to be followed), type of construction material etc.
i. A Model DBR has been prepared by RDSO/ MoR and same has been uploaded
on RDSO website. Metros should refer it for preparing their DBR.
ii. RDSO has prepared guidelines for carrying out RSI studies and same has been
uploaded on RDSO website. This may be referred for doing RSI studies.
5.6. Signalling
a. Documents are required for various sub-systems duly approved by Metro
authorities as per Annexure E1.
b. A Broad description of the systems in line with already approved system of Metro
Signalling System and & telecommunications system is available at Annexure E2.
For Technical clearance, minimum provisions to be adopted for Signalling systems
& telecommunications systems are outlined in this annexure. Deviations, if any,
shall be pointed out clearly.
6.1 The following test certificates are required to be submitted to RDSO for record before
conducting oscillation trial:
6.1.1. Rolling Stock –Mechanical
i. Type test of coupler
ii. Type test of brake system
iii. Type test of wheels and axles
iv. Prototype test of Bogie frame
v. Endurance test of Bearing
vi. Compliance certificate for crashworthiness standard
[Expected Time in scrutiny and examination of these certificates – four weeks]
6.1.2. Rolling Stock– Electrical
Dynamometer car test certificate giving starting and rolling resistance of the
Prototype Rolling Stock and verifying the “tractive effort-speed” and “regenerative
braking effort/speed” characteristics; along with methodology of acquisition of
data and calculation method. If Dynamometer car test is not being conducted for
the rolling stock, then test results by manufacturer for similar test done earlier to
be provided.
[Expected Time in scrutiny and examination of these certificates – four weeks]
6.2 The following test certificates are required to be submitted to RDSO for record
before commissioning of the corridor.
6.2.1. Signal and Telecommunication: Completion report of Integrated Testing and
Commissioning Tests with their results for Signalling/Train Control Systems and Tele
Communication Systems.
6.2.2. Rolling Stock– Electrical: EMC/EMI compatibility test report to be submitted before
commissioning of the corridor.
iii. Speed certificate for conducting COUPLER FORCE, CONTROLLABILITY or any other
special trial. Coupler force trials shall be necessary for sections having sustained
up gradient steeper than 1 in 100. Controllability trials shall be necessary for
sections having sustained gradient steeper than 1 in 100. (Test methodology for
coupler and controllability are enclosed as Annexure H and Annexure I
NOTE: These trials may be dispensed with by RDSO, if Metro Authorities submit
adequate details of design calculations and Type test reports of couplers
and brake system certifying their suitability for use in the worst operating
conditions, which shall also include failure of ATP/CBTC.
[Expected Time in issuing this certificate – two weeks]
iv. Provisional speed certificate for operation and regular use of new design of rolling
stock without conduct of detailed oscillation trials. The provisional maximum
permissible speed for new design of rolling stock will be determined on the basis
of design features and data, and where appropriate also on a comparison of the
performance of similar design of stock already in service, generally in line with
Policy Circular no. 6 issued by Railway Board.
v. Interim speed certificate for operation and regular use of rolling stock at the
maximum permissible speed as determined in oscillation trials and based on
norms set by Criteria Committee of RDSO (Annexure F2) and in EBD trials.
vi. Final speed certificate for operation and regular use of rolling stock at the
maximum permissible speed based on norms set by Criteria Committee of RDSO
(Annexure F2), after conduct of oscillation trials over rundown track with worn
wheel profile, as soon as available, and with instrumented measuring wheel
wherever required.
[Expected Time in issuing this certificate – two weeks]
7.2. Prior sanction of CRS for conducting trials
a) In cases where metro line is yet to be opened for public carriage of passengers, prior
sanction of CRS will not be needed for conducting Oscillation, EBD, coupler forces and
other such trials of coaches, mentioned in para 7.1 (I, ii and iii). After issue of speed
certificate by RDSO for such trial, the concerned Metro will submit the documents
already prescribed to RDSO.
b) However, prior sanction of CRS will continue to be mandatory for conducting all the
trials mentioned in para 7.1 (i,ii and iii), where the Metro line has already been
opened for public carriage of passengers and a new design of Rolling Stock is to be
tested or where speed of an existing rolling stock is to be increased. Requisite papers
and certificates will need to be submitted by concerned Metros to CRS for this
7.3. For oscillation trial and speed certificate of metro rolling stock as described above, the
concerned metro corporation shall apply to Executive Director (Urban Transport &
High Speed), Research Designs and Standards Organization, Manak Nagar, Lucknow-
7.4. Application for getting oscillation trial done shall be accompanied by the following
i. Performance report of the existing operation.
ii. Full details of the rake composition & section on which trial is proposed.
iii. Joint Safety certificate issued by concerned Metro
iv. Track certificate issued by concerned Metro
v. Bridge Certificate issued by concerned Metro
vi. After issue of Speed Certificate, CRS sanction for conducting the trial, if necessary
in terms of Para 7.2
vii. An Indemnity Bond by the concerned Metro administration indemnifying RDSO /
Indian Railways for damages if any, caused by any accidents/casualties during such
viii. Any other certificate required as per CRS sanction, if necessary in terms of Para 7.2
7.5. Application for getting special trials done shall be accompanied by:
a. Joint Safety certificate issued by concerned Metro
b. Track certificate issued by concerned Metro
c. Bridge Certificate issued by concerned Metro
d. After issue of Speed Certificate, CRS sanction for conducting the trial, if necessary
in terms of Para 7.2
e. An Indemnity Bond by the concerned Metro administration indemnifying RDSO /
Indian Railways for damages if any, caused by any accidents/casualties during such
f. Any other certificate required as per CRS sanction, if necessary in terms of Para
Apart from above, details indicated in annexures G1 and G2 for Emergency /Service
Braking Distance trials, in annexure H for Coupler Force trial and in annexure I for
Controllability trial, following documents will also be required:
7.6. In addition to the above mentioned documents, any other detail required by RDSO
after due examination of the case, shall be intimated to the concerned metro.
[Expected Time in conducting oscillation trial by RDSO – four weeks. Additional 2
weeks for EBD trial and 2 weeks for coupler force trial if needed.]
7.7. For issuing of Provisional / Interim Speed Certificate, following shall be required:
i. Approved Schedule of dimensions (SOD) and condonation letter from Railway
Board for infringements/deviations, if any, from approved Schedule of dimensions
ii. Approval of Track Structure and Fastening System as per Annexure C1 & C2 and
condonation letter from Railway Board for deviations, if any, from approved Track
Structure and Fastening System
iii. Approved Design Basis Report.
iv. In principal approval of Traction System as per Annexure –D1/D2
v. Complete design details pertaining to vehicle dynamics along with drawings of the
rolling stock – As per Annexure A & B
vi. Report of Vehicle dynamics simulation done including Vertical acceleration values,
Lateral acceleration values, Vertical Ride Quality, Lateral Ride Quality, Vertical
Documents required for issue of speed certificate of Rolling Stock - (Rolling Stock -
1. Brake System
i. System description of air supply and brake system, Standards followed.
ii. Train brake calculation and parking brake details.
iii. Emergency braking distance.
iv. Air consumption calculation.
v. Brake and piping diagram.
2. Bogie System
i. System description of bogie.
ii. Drawings and Design Data for Bogie
iii. Finite Element Analysis Report of Bogie Frame.
iv. Fatigue test data of bogie frame and endurance parameters calculations
v. Thermal calculation of wheel.
vi. Axle strength calculation-Powered axles.
vii. Axle strength calculation- Non - Powered axles.
viii. Life rating calculation of axle box bearing.
ix. Suspension drawing and design parameters.
12. Test Procedure of Brake System, Bogie, Coupler, Wheel & Axle to be given for
i. Brake System
a. Dynamometer test.
b. Brake calliper unit.
ii. Bogie System
a. Static and Fatigue tests of bogie frame
b. Bogie rotational resistance test
c. Oscillation trials
d. Wheel offloading test
iii. Coupler System
a. Test specification of coupler
iv. Wheel & Axle
a. Test procedure of Wheel.
b. Test procedure of Wheel set.
c. Test procedure of Solid Axle.
1. Technical specification on rolling stock covering its electrical sub systems for
2. Following Design Calculations to be furnished for records sake:-
(i) Adhesion calculation
(ii) Gear pinions, analysis of stresses, selection of bearing, gear case and
transmission assembly
(iii) Tractive and braking effort vs speed curves showing balancing speed.
(iv) Curves of efficiency, power factor, frequency, slip as a function of speed.
(v) Traction Motor performance curves.
(vi) Harmonic calculations.
Annexure- C1
Part-A: Technical Standards of Track Structure for Metro Railways/MRTS
(Compliance to be given)
1. Scope:
To stipulate the desirable technical standards /specifications for track structure for Metro
Railways/ MRTS Systems in the country.
2. Operating Environment:
Track Structure should fulfil generally the following conditions:
2.1 Gauge – Broad gauge- 1676/1673mm (nominal) and standard gauge – 1435mm.
2.2 Rail Seat inclination (slope): 1 in 20
2.3 Speed potential – 110 kmph (max.)
2.4 Static Axle load –20t (max.)
2.5 Design rail temperature range – (-)10 degree Celsius to (+) 70 degree Celsius
2.6 Maximum Curvature and ruling gradient - As specified in SOD
3. Track Structure:
3.1 General: The track structure should fulfil the following requirements:
3.1.1 The track structure should conform to/ satisfy Schedule of Dimension requirement
and other maintenance instructions of Metro systems.
3.1.2 Ride comfort and running safety of track vehicle dynamics should be satisfied.
3.1.3 The track structure should be designed with long welded / Continuously welded rail
on main line track in case of ballasted as well as ballastless track.
3.1.4 The horizontal alignment shall consist of a series of straights joined to circular curves
generally with transition curves. Curvature and cant shall be calculated based on the
train speed for each train type on the section. Compound and reverse curves are
acceptable, provided they are connected by an adequate transition curve.
3.1.5 The vertical alignment should be designed to achieve a smooth profile line with
gradual changes. Changes in the profile should be connected by vertical curves,
which shall be as generous in length as the location allows. Vertical curves including
its transition shall not be located at stations within the length of platform. A vertical
curve within the length of transition and Turnouts is also not desirable. Vertical curve
radius is constrained by the need to limit the vertical acceleration for passenger ride
3.2 The technical standards for Track structure deals with the following components-
(i) Rail and Welding
(ii) Sleeper and fastening for ballasted track
(iii) Track slab for ballastless track
(iv) Fastening system for ballastless track
(v) Insulated Glued joint
(vi) Turnout, scissors crossover
(vii) Switch Expansion Joints
(viii) Gradients
ix) Plinth beam or slab of ballastless track should be suitable for embankment or
viaduct or tunnel/Underground structure.
x) Proper design of expansion joints suitable for joints of viaduct structure.
xi) Design should be suitable for curves as per SOD of Metro system.
xii) Design of subgrade/embankment for slab should be furnished to ensure durability
and functional stability in service.
xiii) Design should be suitable and incorporate provision of utilities e.g. cable, wires,
ducts, water channels, etc.
The detailed design calculations of track slab along with detailed structural drawings as
approved by metro authorities shall be furnished for record.
8. Derailment Guards
8.1 The derailment guard should be provided inside/outside of running rail on viaduct as
well as in tunnel having multiple tracks and at grade section locations specified by the
Metro railway. For single track tunnel, location for providing derailment guard is given in
note. In tunnels, the derailment guard should preferably be provided inside the track, so
that it permits less sway of coach towards tunnel wall in case of derailment.
Location for providing Derailment Guard in single track tunnel
1. Entry of tunnel: 200 m from tunnel portal outside the tunnel to 50 m inside the
2. Exit of tunnel: 50 m from inside of tunnel portal to 200 m outside the tunnel.
3. In curved track having radius 500 m or less including transition portion but excluding
locations where check rail is provided.
4. Covering locations of all important installations e.g. Location of any sub-station or
hazardous structures inside the tunnel, etc damage to which in the assessment of
metro rail administration can result into serious loss of life or/and infrastructure as a
result of derailment in tunnel.
The above is subject to the condition that metro railway shall carry out the risk
assessment analysis for derailment in tunnels and ensure that the maintenance
practices in the maintenance manual are as per the risk assessment mitigation plan.
8.2 The lateral clearance between the running rail and the derailment guard shall be 210 ±30
mm. It shall not be lower than 25 mm below the top of the running rail and should be
clear of the rail fastenings to permit installation, replacement and maintenance.
10.1.3 If any Metro railway decides to use sharper angle layout, they should establish the
adequacy of the speed potential of the turnout for the purpose for which it is used
and the negotiability of the turn out by the rolling stock with a safety margin.
10.1.4 The requirement for turnouts as specified in the following clauses shall include
switch devices, crossings and associated check and lead rails as appropriate.
(a) Turnouts (switches, lead, crossings and associated closure & check rails) shall be
suitable for installation on PSC sleepers for ballasted track or concrete slab for
ballastless track.
(b) Turnouts shall be manufactured to allow for installation of continuously welded
(c) Turnout shall be compatible with proposed rolling stock and its operational
(d) The assembly must ensure continuous electrical contact with the train and all the
points shall be operated by electric motors.
(e) The CMS crossing to be used on mainline shall be subjected to explosive
(f) All turnouts shall be laid with cant with a rail slope as that of main line towards
centre of track.
(g) All turnouts and their components shall be designed to minimize electrical leakage
from running rails to the ground.
(h) Scissor crossover should be designed for Track centres not infringing SOD.
(i) 1 in 12 turnout
The design shall be tangential with a switch entry angle not exceeding 00 20’00’’. The
radius of lead rail of turnout shall not be less than 410m. All clearances shall be in
accordance with relevant provisions of SOD.
(ii) 1 in 8.5 turnout
The design shall be tangential with a switch entry angle not exceeding 00 20’00’’. The
radius of lead rail of turnout shall not be less than 218m. All clearances shall be in
accordance with relevant provisions of SOD.
(iii) Scissors Crossover
The basic geometry of the turnouts of scissors crossover shall be same as that of
corresponding ordinary turnouts as mentioned in clause 10.2 (iv) & (v) above.
(b) The top surfaces of PSC sleeper/RCC slab supporting rail seat of turnouts and scissors
crossover shall be flat without any cant/slope.
(c) The track form of the turnout shall have uniform resilience as that of the adjoining
track form.
(d) The fixation of turnouts, scissor cross-over on track slab shall be through base
plates/bearing plates.
10.4.2 Rails
1. The rails used in turnouts shall be 1080 grade Head Hardened. However, rails used in
turnouts on depot and other non-running lines may be of 880 grade.
2. The rails used for manufacturing of turnouts shall satisfy the following conditions:
a. The rails shall be manufactured and tested in accordance with IRS/T-12-2009
with latest amendment.
b. The section of rails shall be 60E1 (UIC60) for stock, lead and 60E1A1 (ZU1-60)
/60E1A4 for switch rail.
c. The rails shall qualify as Class ‘A’ rails as per IRS/T-12-2009.
d. The rails shall be with ends un-drilled.
e. The rails shall be of grade 1080HH and be suitable for being welded by alumino-
thermic or flash butt welding technique.
10.4.3 Switches
1. Each switch device shall consist of two stock rails, one left hand and one right hand
and two switch rails, one left hand and one right hand.
2. The switch rail shall be one piece with no weld or joint within the switch rail length.
3. The end of the asymmetrical switch rail shall be forged to 60E1 (UIC60) rail profile
with minimum length of 500 mm. The forged switch rail end shall be suitable for
welding or installation of insulated rail joint.
4. Slide chairs in the switch portion shall be coated with an appropriate special
coating, so as to reduce the point operating force and to eliminate the requirement
of lubrication of sliding surfaces during service.
5. Switches shall provide suitable flange way clearance between the stock rail and the
switch rail with the switch rail in open position (minimum 60mm). The 1 in 12 and 1
in 9 ( with radius of 300 mts) and flatter turnouts shall be provided with second
drive or other suitable arrangement to ensure minimum gap of 60mm at JOH as
well as proper housing of switch rail with stock rail up to JoH. 1 in 8.5, 1 in 9 turnout
(with radius of 190m) and 1 in 7 and sharper turnouts may not be provided with
second drive arrangement, however minimum gap of 60mm at JOH as well as
proper housing of switch rail with stock rail up to JoH should be ensured. The
normal opening of switch at toe of switch shall be kept as 160mm.
6. The switch manufacturer shall include provision for all holes required to main drive
machines, stretcher bars and detection equipment to suit the requirements of the
signalling and switch operating system duly chamfered to avoid stress
concentration at the edge of the holes.
7. The switches shall be designed with an anti-creep device at the heel of switch to
withstand thermal forces of the CWR track.
8. The switches and all slide chairs shall be same for ballasted and ballastless turnouts.
10.4.4 Crossings
1. All crossings shall be cast manganese steel (CMS) crossings with weldable rails of
minimum 1.2m length undrilled for welding into the overall turnout.
2. The CMS crossings shall be manufactured from Austenitic Manganese steel as per
UIC 866.
3. All CMS crossings shall have welded leg extensions of 60E1 (UIC60) rails. This shall
be achieved by flash butt welding of buffer transition rail piece of suitable thickness
to CMS crossings and rail leg extension.
4. All CMS crossings on main line shall have a minimum initial hardness of 340 BHN.
5. All CMS crossings and their welded leg extensions for all scissor crossovers shall be
suitably dimensioned so as to eliminate the necessity of providing small cut rail
pieces for the purpose of inter-connection. However, the need for providing
insulated glued joints from signalling requirement point of view shall be taken care
of in the design, if required.
6. The provision of rail cant shall be taken care of on the top surface of the CMS
crossing and the bottom surface of all CMS crossing shall be flat.
10.4.5 Check Rails
1. The check rail section shall be 33C1 (UIC33) or similar without any direct connection
with running rails.
2. Check rails shall have the facility for the adjustment of check rail clearances up-to
10mm over and above the initial designed clearance.
3. Each check rail end shall be flared by machining to have minimum clearance of
62mm at end.
4. The check rail connections in turnouts shall be through specially designed bearing
plates / brackets.
5. All the check rails shall be higher by 25mm above running rails. The lengths and
positions of the check rail in diamond crossings shall provide safety and be
compatible with the overall track layout.
10.4.6 Sleeper for Turnouts, Scissor crossover (Ballasted Track) Sleeper shall be of pre-stressed concrete, mono-block, suitable for installation in
track both with and without signalling circuits and with and without
electrification. Sleepers shall be designed to provide a minimum service life of fifty years under
nominal axle load as that of main line for the Metro system. Rail seat pads and
rail clip etc shall be designed to provide a minimum service life of 15 years. The sleeper base surface shall be rough cast while the top and side surface shall
be smooth to prevent retention of moisture and foreign materials.
I/6198/2020 Sleepers must be suitable for installation by track laying machines and sleeper
insertion equipment of a type used for isolated sleeper laying. The sleeper must be able to transfer all the relevant track forces generated by
train operations and the forces of rail expansion and contraction to the ballast. Design Requirements for PSC Sleepers:
(A) The sleepers should satisfy the following design requirement:
Design Parameters
(i) Rail sleeper fastening – Elastic resilient type
(ii) Spacing of sleepers – 600mm (max) for main line and 650 mm (max) for Depots
and other non-running lines, except at few locations such as near point machine
locations where it may be varied to meet the design requirements.
(iii) Ballast cushion – 300 mm for mainline and 250mm for Depots and sidings
(iv) Ballast profile suitable for LWR/CWR.
6. The ballasted SEJ for BG shall be laid with PSC sleepers as per RDSO drawing T-4149.
For Standard Gauge, PSC sleeper shall be designed such that SEJ to RDSO drawing
along with its bearing plates/chairs may be accommodated for installation of SEJ.
7. Sleepers used for SEJs shall be flat and cant will be provided through CI chair.
8. The SEJ shall be suitable for two way directional traffic.
12. Fastening system for ballastless track:
Provisions contained separately in “PERFORMANCE CRITERIA OF FASTENING SYSTEM
referred to.
13. Noise and Vibration
Metro system shall be designed to ensure that noise emitted is well within the
prescribed limits for the particular area. Each Metro system shall specify the prescribed
limits of permissible Noise and vibration parameters as per legal and statutory
requirement of India.
14.1The maximum grade (compensated) shall be 4%.
(i) There will be no change of gradient in transition portion of curves.
(ii) The gradient will be compensated for curvature at the rate of 0.04% per degree of
14.2 Maximum permissible gradient on turnouts
(i) On Ballasted Track 0.25%
(ii) On Ballastless Track 2.5%
Note :
(i) There shall be no change of grade on and within 15m of any turnout on ballastless
track. Similarly, there shall be no change of grade on and within 30 meters of any
turnout on ballasted track.
(ii) In case of turnouts on gradient, there shall be no horizontal curve on and within
15 meters of any turnout on ballastless track and 30 meters of any turnout on
ballasted track.
iii) Crossing:
Components / Items Provisions / Reference
1. Crossing: Curved or Straight
2. Crossing: Canted or uncanted
3. Length of Weldable length extension
4. Check Rail section
5. Height of Check rail above the rail plane
6. Check Rail clearance at the middle
7. Check Rail clearance at the end
1 Compliance of Part-A
2 Design of subgrade/embankment for slab (Para 6.xii)
Design calculations of track slab /plinth beam along
3 with detailed structural drawings as approved by
metro authorities. (Para 6)
Design calculations/ studies with regard to clearance
of Check rails/ Restraining Rails. (Para 7.1)
Design calculations of derailment guards along with
5 detailed structural drawings shall be furnished for
record. (Para 8)
Part-A: Performance criteria of fastening system for ballastless track on
Metro Railways/MRTS system (Compliance to be given)
1.1 The performance criteria define the performance standard of fastening system for
ballastless track of Metro Railway System. Apart from other things, the fastening
system is required to moderate vibration and noise transmitted through the rail and to
reduce the track stiffness and the impact on the track structure, so as to obtain the
parameters as detailed in the ensuing paragraphs.
1.2 A new fastening system, which is fully compliant to performance criteria and not
approved by MoR can also be used by Metro Railways/MRTS system as they are free
to choose fastening systems for ballastless track complying with this performance
criterion. The detail of such fastening system used shall be submitted to MoR and the
same shall be kept in observation by MoR for a period of 2 years under service
conditions in association of Metro Railways/MRTS system. The Performa for the
monitoring performance shall be advised by MoR to concerned Metros Railways/MRTS
system. After successful performance for 2 years, Metro Railways/MRTS system shall
process for approval of MoR for further use of fastening system.
1.3 The fastening system already approved by MOR as per previous performance criteria
for ballastless track dated 21.5.2010 will not require fresh clearance as per this revised
criteria and any of these systems can be used by Metro/ MRTS systems.
1.4 In case Metros Railways/MRTS system opts for a new fastening system for ballastless
track which is not fully compliant to these performance criteria, they will approach
MoR for approval before finalizing the use of fastening system.
2. Operating Environment:
Fastening system is expected to perform generally in the following conditions:
2.1 Gauge –Broad Gauge, 1676/1673mm (nominal) and standard gauge – 1435mm
2.2 Speed potential – 110 kmph(max.)
2.3 Rail section - 60kg(UIC)/60E1, 90 UTS/110 UTS
2.4 Static axle load – BG & SG – 20t(Max)
2.5 Design rail temperature range – 10 degree Celsius to +70 degree Celsius
2.6 Curvature and gradient will be specified in SOD.
2.7 Rail seat inclination (slope) – 1 in 20
In addition, the client Railway may specify any other operating condition such as
support spacing etc.
track structure with derailment guards. The track slab dimensions and the clearance
between rail and derailment guard shall be sufficient to accommodate the base plates of
the fastening system and to facilitate easy and convenient replacement of the fastening
system. The clearance between rail and derailment guard shall be within the range
provided in Annexure-C-1.
In general, track slab on which the fastening and rails are to be fitted shall:
i) Resist the track forces.
ii) Have adequate edge distance of concrete beyond the anchor bolts to provide
resistance against edge failure.
iii) Provide a level base for uniform transmission of rail forces.
iv) Have geometrical accuracy and enable installation of track to the tolerances laid
v) Ensure adequate drainage
vi) Resist weathering
vii) Be construction friendly, maintainable and quickly repairable in the event of a
derailment. The ‘Repair and Maintenance methods’ shall be detailed in the ‘Track
Maintenance Manual’ to be prepared and made available before the line or a portion
of a line is opened for traffic .
viii) Ensure provision for electrical continuity between consecutive plinths/slabs by an
appropriate design.
iii) The fastening shall provide insulation to take care of return current of traction
iv) Fastening should satisfy the required performance norms as stated in para 4.2, 4.3,
4.4, 4.5, & 4.6.
Installation Maintenance
Sl Parameter
(mm) (mm)
1 Gauge +2,-1 +4,-2
2 XL on straight track ±1.5 ±5
3 SE on curved track ±1.5 ±3
4 Vertical alignment over 20m chord ±3 ±6
5 Lateral alignment over 20m chord on ±2 ±6
straight track
6 On curves-variation over the ±2 ±5
theoretical versine on 20m chord
4.3 Anchor bolts/studs used for fixing the bearing plate in concrete shall have splayed
ends. Detailed calculations for the number of anchor bolts required on tangent and
curved tracks shall be furnished by the supplier and approved by the Metro system
4.4 For all the fastening components as per approved assembly, the supplier shall furnish
detail drawings, specifications and inspection& test plan to the Metros. Metros to
ensure that components are supplied as per drawings & specifications.
4.5 The supplier should furnish the ‘Installation and Maintenance Manual’ which shall be
approved by the Metro system.
4.6 Any change in component subsequent to the approval of the fastening system by MoR
shall be permitted only for specific requirement of the metro. MoR approval of such
changes shall be processed by metro with specific recommendations enclosing test
report of the component / whole assembly with detailed justification.
4.7 The rail fastening system shall be tested to the following specifications (Table 1) for
different technical parameters and should meet the acceptance criteria as mentioned
in the following table. Test report of the reputed independent institute / laboratory
will have to be submitted. The testing is to be done for Cat B as specified in EN-13481-
Part-I 2012 & EN-13481-5 :2012 with rail section to be used in proposed system if
other design particulars are meeting the requirement of Cat –B.
Test Plan for Fastening system (bonded & non bonded) for Ballastless Track
(As per provisions of latest EN 13481-1:2012 & EN 13481-5:2012)
Technical Test Acceptance
S.N. Remarks
Parameters Method criteria
1 Longitudinal EN-13146-1-2012 7kN (min) This has to be tested
rail restraint before repeated load
2 Vertical static EN-13146-4-2012 35 kN/mm (max) No sliding, yield or
stiffness of cracking is allowed for
complete the fastener parts.
3 Dynamic/static EN 13481-5-2012 1.4 (max) Ratio is calculated by
stiffness ratio dividing the dynamic
stiffness to static
vertical stiffness.
4 Clamping force EN-13146-7-2012 18kN (min) This has to be tested
Perrail seat before repeated load
5 Electrical EN-13146-5-2012 5kΩ (min) Higher value may be
resistance specified if required by
Metros for track circuit
6 Effect of severe EN-13146-6-2012 The fastening assembly -
environmental shall be capable of being
conditions dismantled, without
failure of any component
& reassembled using
manual tools provided
for this purpose after
exposure to the salt
spray test.
7 Effect of EN-13146-4- 2012 No wear or deformation -
repeated loading
7A On Vertical static EN-13146-4- 2012 Variation ≤ 25% of No sign of bond failure/
stiffness the initial value fracture/slippage
7B On Longitudinal EN-13146-1- 2012 Variation ≤ 20% of the Except the rail and
rail restraint initial value fastener, no sliding,
yield or cracking is
allowed for fastener
Documents required for record for traction (OHE) and Power Supply System at appropriate
1. Details of General Arrangement of OHE duly approved by Metro Authorities.
a) Catenary Wire, Contact Wire, Aerial Earth Wire, Buried Conductor, Buried Rail,
Booster Transformer, Return Conductor.
b) Cantilever Assemblies, Droppers, Schedule, Jumpers.
c) Insulated Overlaps, Un-insulated Overlaps.
d) Turnouts & Crossover arrangements.
e) Anti-Creep Arrangement. Termination, Anchoring Arrangement (along with Auto
Tensioning Device).
f) Feeding and Sectioning Arrangement including Traction Feeding Diagram.
g) Position and details of Neutral Section.
5. EIG Report.
Documents required for record for third rail traction system and Power Supply System at
appropriate stage.
1. Details of General Arrangement of Third Rail Traction System duly approved by Metro
Authorities. General arrangement drawing pertaining to the following:
a) Third Rail,
b) Bridgeable & Non-Bridgeable Gaps,
c) Third Rail Ramps at Turnouts,
d) Mid Point Anchor,
e) Expansion Joints,
f) Insulated Joints (IJ),
g) Third Rail Brackets,
h) Power Feed Assemblies,
i) Splice Assemblies,
j) Vertical & horizontal clearances of Third Rail,
k) Feeding and Sectioning Arrangement including Traction Feeding Diagram.
3. Design Details for Third Rail System approved by Metro authorities should also be given for
records as under:
a) Design calculations of Third Rail, Bracket, Insulated Joints, Expansion Joints,
Ramps, Third Rail current carrying capacity & Temperature Rise
b) Thermal Expansion,
c) Conductor Rail Deflection,
d) Bracket Loading Calculations,
e) Bracket mechanical Validation,
f) Bracket Welding Validation,
g) Design Calculations for traction Return Current,
h) Design Calculations for Earthing and Bonding for Receiving Substation, Traction
Substation and Auxiliary Substation Calculations of Electromagnetic Interference /
Electro Magnetic Compatibility,
i) Bridgeable & Non-Bridgeable Gaps,
j) Extension of power in case of emergency.
4. Details of Power Supply Arrangement duly approved by Metro Authorities for the following:
5. EIG Report.
7. Declaration of Safety Policy, Procedures for grant and cancellation of permit to work.
Following Documents are required for various sub-systems of signalling, duly approved by
Metro authorities at appropriate stage.
Following Documents are required for various sub-systems of signalling, duly approved by
Metro authorities at appropriate stage.
1. Independent Safety Assessor's **assessment of vital signalling equipment like CBI, ATP,
track detection system etc. (all the items being used for vital functions shall be covered).
Regarding ATO & ATS if provided ISA** certification shall be done to required safety level
as decided by metro.
2. Submission of the following:
(a) Relevant system details as may be necessary to give full particulars of principle of
Operations and safety features incorporated for CBI, ATP, Track Vehicle Detection etc.
Including ATO/ ATS, if provided.
(b) Report of EMI/EMC interface with rolling stock/traction, as applicable for track
Detection, on-board and other related equipments.
(c) Typical schematic of earthing/ bonding of signalling equipment.
Final comments of RDSO regarding technical planning and safety shall be forwarded to
Metro within 28 days, after the receipt of final sets of documents.
3. Verification and validation and certification by the ISA** of adherence to SIL-4 process from
design to testing and commissioning stages of signalling system, including application data
of vital equipment for the Signalling system. This shall include hazard analysis, its
mitigation and acceptance of the same by competent authority for the concerned Metro
i. Documents listed in Sr. No. (1) & (2) shall not be required in case there is an
extension to an existing fine incorporating no new type of signalling equipment.
ii. Also documents listed in Sr. No. (1) & (2) shall not be required-if an equipment
having same hardware and software version and approved earlier by Railway board is
already in use on any Metro in India, however, safety and operational performance
shall be submitted by Metro authorities for the equipment from user of
metro/railways who are using the same equipment.
iii. ** “Independent Safety Assessors (ISAs):
a) After RDSO notifies a panel of approved ISAs, Metro Rail authorities shall select
an ISA from the approved panel for their Metro systems.
b) Till such time RDSO forms the panel of approved ISAs, Metro Railways shall
submit the credentials of ISAs identified /appointed by them to RDSO for
It may be noted that the given criteria is based upon systems already adopted by the existing
Indian Metros. However, in case Metro Authorities are adopting a new technology, then the same
shall be advised and in principle concurrence of RDSO should be obtained in principle.
Signalling systems
6. Point machine
i) For Main Line i) Non-Trailable high thrust, high performance point machine
ii)For Depot ii) Trailable high thrust, high performance point machine
Telecommunication systems
SN Description Minimum requirement
1. Tele Integrated system with OFC, Train Radio, CCTV, Centralized clocks, PA
communication system, with the additional provision that Train Display Boards at
stations should also be integrated in the system. Regarding Train Radio
system, it should be fully digital and duplex system, the standards
may be chosen based on techno-economic considerations.
2. Positive Train Provided with interface between ATS and Train Radio
Annexure – F1
Oscillation trial is conducted on a new or modified design of rolling stock, which is proposed
to be cleared for running on Metro track. The purpose of oscillation trial is, thus, acceptance
of a railway vehicle by conducting dynamic behavior tests in connection with safety, stability
and quality of ride.
The conduct of Oscillation trials is, generally, guided by ‘Policy Circular No.6’ issued by Railway
Board and Standing Criteria committee‘s report as applicable at the time of trial, along with
the trial scheme given by the Design Directorate.
The trial is conducted in empty and different loading conditions. Additionally, in case of
Rolling stock with air springs, the trials are also conducted for air springs in inflated and
deflated conditions.
2. Instrumentation:
Unless otherwise required by the design directorate, the free end bogie of the vehicle
will be instrumented. The prototype will thus be the last vehicle, of each type, in the
formation. The Test Vehicle will be instrumented by testing directorate as per the test
scheme, if required by welding suitable plates at the required locations. The following
Transducers may be used for the trial:
(1) Accelerometers
(2) Optical displacement Sensors/String Pot displacement Sensors/LVDT
(3) Pressure Sensors.
(4) Optical Speed Sensors/ Wheel pick up device.
(5) GPS.
(6) Inclinometers/Gyroscopes
(7) Any other transducers required for the trial.
3. Data Acquisition/ Analysis:
Data is acquired by using a Digital data acquisition system, connected to the transducers
provided on the prototype vehicle as given in para 2. Band pass filter of 0.4-10 Hz of
fourth order is used. RI is calculated for 200m blocks. Speed being constant, time taken
for 200m for each speed is calculated and according samples are taken for RI evaluation.
Sampling rate used is 200 samples /sec.
Band pass filter of 0.4-10 Hz is used. RI is calculated for 200m blocks. Speed being
constant, time taken for 200m for each speed is calculated and according samples are
taken for RI evaluation. Sampling rate used is 200 samples /sec.
Annexure – F2
Annexure – G1
Emergency Braking trial is conducted on a new or modified design of rolling stock, which is
proposed to be cleared for running on Metro track. The purpose of Emergency Braking trial is,
to determine braking characteristics of test train, under load conditions with different modes
of operations.
2. Instrumentation:
Unless otherwise required by the design directorate, the free end bogie of the vehicle
will be instrumented. The prototype will thus be the last vehicle, of each type, in the
formation. The Test Vehicle will be instrumented by testing directorate as per the test
scheme, if required by welding suitable plates at the required locations. The following
Transducers may be used for the trial:
During stationary test, Continuous pressure records of the following air spaces are made
on time basis during stationary tests-
The pressure recordings are made with different positions of Driving Cab brake handle
order to evaluate various brake characteristics detailed in the test scheme. Before
commencement of the stationary test, the following checks / settings are made on the
train –
Before start of the initial charging of main reservoir, the engine is shut down and the air
reservoirs are completely drained out by opening the drain cocks. Time taken to charge
the MR from zero to maximum pressure is noted with engine running at idle notch.
After the pressure in MR and BP is stabilized at the maximum value, the lead /trial switch
is turned to lead ‘cut-out’ position, for putting the pressure maintaining feature of
automatic brake out of action to check the leakage in train line brake pipe. Continuous
record of MR, BP and FP is taken for 5 minutes to get the leakage rate.
The brake pipe is charged to stabilize for 2 minutes. Using the Master controller handle in
the driving Cab, brake is applied and continuous record of various parameters is done.
Brake application time for 95% of BC pressure build-up, from the instant of brake
application, is worked out to get the brake application time.
Release time is defined as the time interval between the driver puts his brake/Master
controller handle in release position to the instant the brake cylinder pressure reduces to
0.4 kg/cm².
The test train is charged for brake pipe pressure of up to designed value and allowed to
stabilize for 2 minutes. Brake application is made from the Last Vehicle.. The train parting
simulation is done by opening the angle cock from first, middle and rear Vehicle of the
train and various parameters are recorded to get an idea of the extent of indication to the
Emergency brakes (controlled by the Master Controller and the push Button)
Parking Brake (Controlled by parking brake toggle switch)
Pneumatic auto Train Brakes (Controlled by a switch)
Regenerative/Rheostatic Brake and EP Brakes (Controlled by master controller
through Electronic control.
Emergency Brake:
The speedometer fitted in the cab is used for guidance in regulating the train speed. The
actual speed at the instant of brake application is, however, determined from that
recorded by DAQ.
Suitable locations on level track, free from gradient and curve, are pre-selected.
Emergency /full service brake application is made, from driver’s automatic brake handle
from the driving cab, followed by emergency brake application.
Before commencement of running test, the test train is examined and the following is
ensured -
The pressure setting of the brake pipe of the Driving cab is at design value.
All audible leaks are arrested
Any other facility as required by the officer in-charge of the trial for the conduct of the trial.
NOTE: This test procedure is only for general guidance. Nomenclature of various sub-
assemblies may be different from those used in this document. Also there may be minor
differences in brake systems on different Metros.
Parameters required for calculation of Emergency Braking Distance (EBD), Service Braking
Distance (SBD) & controllability of Metro’s
Annexure - H
Coupler Force trial is conducted on a new or modified design of rolling stock, which is
proposed to be cleared for running on Metro track for sections having sustained up gradient
steeper than 1 in 100. The purpose of Coupler Force to measure the coupler forces under
different operating conditions of a train of newly designed coaches. This test is done to
ensure that the coupler forces do not exceed the design limits under actual operating
The conduct of Coupler Force trial is, generally, guided by the trial scheme given by the Design
2. Instrumentation:
Unless otherwise required by the design directorate, the coupler between the 1st and
the 2nd vehicle will be instrumented. The prototype will thus be the last vehicle, of each
type, in the formation. The following Transducers may be used for the trial:
A pre-calibrated strain gauged coupler is fitted on the test vehicle between first and
second coach and coupler forces and the speeds are recorded under the following
operating conditions -
Starting of fully released train using maximum tractive effort followed by the alarm
chain pulling from last coach after 15 seconds of start
Starting of fully released train using maximum tractive effort followed by guard’s
van valve application after 15 seconds of start
Alarm chain pulling from last coach when the train is running at the maximum
permissible speed
NOTE: This test procedure is only for general guidance. Nomenclature of various sub-
assemblies may be different from those used in this document. Also, there may be minor
differences in brake systems and other features related with coupler force trials on
different Metros.
Annexure -I
Controllability Trial is conducted on a new or modified design of rolling stock, which is
proposed to be cleared for running on Metro track sections having sustained up gradient
steeper than 1 in 100.
The purpose of Controllability Trial is, to determine the controllability of the train on gradient
section and temperature increase of the wheel/brake block, under load conditions with
different operating conditions.
The conduct of Controllability Trial is, generally, guided by the Test scheme given by the
Design Directorate.
1. Test Train formation and Runs :
The test train shall consist of full train length which is proposed to be run. The trial runs
shall be conducted starting from the minimum speed up to the maximum speed
proposed for operation and on the maximum gradient sections. The trial is conducted in
maximum loading conditions with dry and wet condition of the rail.
2. Instrumentation:
The Test Vehicle will be instrumented by Testing Directorate as per the test scheme. The
following Transducers may be used for the trial:
(1) Pressure Sensors.
(2) Temperature Sensors
(3) Optical Speed Sensors/ Wheel pick up device.
(4) GPS.
(5) Any other transducers required for the trial.
3. Data Acquisition/ Analysis:
Data is acquired by using a Digital data acquisition system, connected to the
transducers provided on the prototype vehicle as given in para 2. Sampling rate used is
20 samples. The following parameters are recorded/calculated for evaluation:
The Metro shall make the following facility available for conducting of trial:
NOTE: This test procedure is only for general guidance. Nomenclature of various sub-
assemblies may be different from those used in this document. Also there may be
minor differences in brake systems on different Metros.
Submission of clarifications
and/or revised DPR
If OK Otherwise
MoR sends comments on
Submission of documents to RDSO/MoR as per annexures
Submission of clarifications or
revised docs. to RDSO
Scrutiny and examination of test certificates as the manual
RDSO issues interim speed certificate for regular use of rolling stock